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Welcome to
Clark County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


A Standard History of Springfield and Clark County, Ohio

An Authentic Narrative of the Past, with Particular Attention
to the Modern Era in the Commercial, Industrial,
Educational, Civic and Social Development
Prepared Under the Editorial Supervision of
Dr. Benjamin F. Prince
President Clark County Historical Society
Assisted by a Board of Advisory Editors

Volume 2 of 2
Published by
The American Historical Society
Chicago and New York

NOTE: If there are biographies that you want transcribed, please EMAIL ME



Adams, Charles Forest 127
Adams, George William 313
Agle, George C. * 175
Alexander, Warren Dell  44
Alsheimer, Charles John 97
Altick, Arthur Riggs 22
Anderson, Harry R. 379
Anderson, J. Fred 400
Arnett, Harry 155
Bacon, Charles Henry 35
Baker, Benson A. 80
Baker, Harvey A. 94
Baker, Scipio Eugene 249
Baldwin, John W. 339
Ballard, Charles Elihu 408
Ballinger, Homer W. 295
Bancroft, Phaortes E. 236
Bancroft, Robert C. 237
Bartholomew, Oscar N. * 402
Bateman, Henry E. 369
Bauer, Charles * 237
Bauer, Walter Benjamin 343
Baumgardner, Clifford H. 374
Baxter Edward Wilber 230
Bayley, William 103
Baylor, Alvin Luther 258
Bell, Read Letts 196
Bell, Virgil Austin 375
Bining, Fred W. 89
Bird, Wallace G. 161
Bishop, Spalding Wesley 406
Bitner, William Henry 410
Boehme, Raymond G. 357
Bookwalter, Frances M. 140
Bradley, Horatio Strong 172
Braun, Frank John 234
Bretney, Harry V. 270
Bretney, Henry 269
Brosey, Harry Mouk 148
Buchwalter, Edward Lyon 9
Buchwalter, Luther L. 10
Buckeye Indubator Co. 302
Buffenbarger, Warren K. 74
Burk, John W. 194
Burleigh, Brown 283
Burnett, William Riley 94
Burnham, Martin Thomas 231
Busbey, T. Addison 18
Bushnell, Asa Smith 12
Bushnell, John L. 14
Calvert, Thomas L. 16
Campbell, David H. 218
Carmony, Elmuis John 319
Carr, John L. 333
Cartmell, Joseph B. 316
Chase, Clarence Andrew 404
Cheney, Milton 69
Clarke, Oliver C. 119
Clarke, Oliver T. 399
Clarke, Willis B. 102
Clary, Osman C. 229
Cogswell, George Owen 49
Cole, Arthur Elmer 349
Cole, John M. 191
Cole, Milton 190
Corry, Homer C. 398
Corry, Lee B. 241
Courlas, Jerome P. 296
Crabill, John 160
Cradelbaugh, Henry S. 382
Cromwell, John C. 81
Crossland, Albert K. * 146
Davis, Cary S. 324
Davis, Emory F. 397
Davis, Golden Cllyde 44
Davis, John  H. 87
Davy, Jesse Otis 78
Deam, John William 61
Deaton, Edwin Pearl 219
Deaton, Nathan E. * 387
Deitrick, Joseph E. 72
Dial, George Sabin 185
Dickey, John Lincoln 384
Diehl, Warren W. 38
Dillahunt, Peter A. 251
Domer, A. J. 257
Doom, Lemuel N. 221
Dorst, John Louis 309
Doyle, John A. 143
Drake, Theodore Thomas 390
Drake, William Miller 144
Dyer, Albert W. 168
Eglinger, Albert 244
Eichelberger, James T. 211
Elder, Robert 334
Elliott, John Sudler 392
Elwell, Wilbur E. 154
Ervin, L. M. 222
Evans, Charles Wesley 375
Fidler, Harry B. 209
Finfrock, Arthur W. 288
Foster, Clarence J. 301
Foster, Fred 350
Francis, William * 205
Fraser, George W. 383
Frey, George H. (Photo only) 32a
Frey, I. Ward 32
Funderburg, Frank E. 150
Furry, John Eddy * 226
Gallagher, Michael 368
Garver, John M. 120
Gaylor, Thomas L. 326
Gerhardt, Paul Tiffany 123
German, John 176
Gilbert, Charles F. 223
Good Family 178
Good, John M. 418
Goodfellow, Roy A. 242
Gordon, William 224
Gotwald, Luther Alexander 358
Gowdy, John H. 65
Gram, Ed 346
Grant, George D. 364
Greenawalt, Samuel Elmer 25
Groeber, John 131
Grube, Adam 186
Grube, George P. 187
Grube, Perry Andrew 201
Hagan, Francis Marion 431
Hamma, Charles Butler 248
Harford, Edward 280
Harris, James Howard 52
Harrison, Charles Foster 197
Hartley, Frank A. 402
Hatfield, Charles S. 209
Hawkins, Emin Witherspoon 34
Hays, Charles O. 227
Hayward, James Alexander * 60
Heaume, John Salladay 46
Heindel, Albert D. 86
Henry - Arbogast Families 179
Henthorn, Ellis 101
Herbrank, Harry Edily 317
Hinkle, John R. 156
Hinkle, Michael Way 225
Hiser, Daniel B. 24
Hodge, Asa W. * 193
Hodge, Thomas Daniel 370
Holman, Edward P. 79
Hoppes, John J. 136
Horr, Calvin A. 263
Houck, Edwin S. 286
Humberger, Gaylord Ridgeway 310
Hunter, Charles Newell 381
Hunter, Samuel Franklin 125
Hutchings, Stanley Richard 40
Igou, Peter F. 203
Ireland, George Ernest 262
Jackson, Charles Franklin 294
Johnson, Frank C. 139
Johnson, Robert 138
Johnston, Floyd A. 27
Jones, Clement L. 422
Kauffman, Benjamin F. 264
Kay, Charles S. 414
Kay, Clarence H. 117
Kay, Isaac 413
Keifer, Benjamin W. 409
Keifer, J. Warren 3
Keller, Charles Martin F. 200
Kelly - Springfield Motor Truck Co. 307
Kelly Family 5
Kelly, Edwin S. 8
Kelly, Oliver S. * 6
Kelly, Oliver Warren * 7
Kent, A. Richard 314
King, David 300
King, Robert Leffler 314
King, Robert Quigley 192
Kirkpatrick, Donald 305
Kissell, Harry S. 31
Kitchen, Stephen 361
Knott, Peter 51
Kobelanz, John Henry 88
Kohl, Jacob L. * 131
Kunkle, Albert Henry 16
Lambert, LeRoy 377
Laybourn, Lewis J. 378
Laybourne, Clarence E. 218
Learn, Herbert A. 164
LeBolt, Gus 347
Leffel, George M. 129
Link, Joseph 308
Littleton, J. Howard 259
Littleton, John C. 55
Long, Edgar H. 214
Lowry, J. Edwin 144
Lucas, Richard Stanley 417
Lucas, William Edward 246
Lupfer, Edgar Newton * 72
Martin, John H. 54
Mattinson, Thomas 336
Mattinson, Thomas E. 379
McConnell, John B. * 96
McCord, George Edward 318
McCulloch, William * 354
McCullough, E. J. 159
McDonald, Frank L. 268
McGilvray, Charles F. 415
McGregor, Thomas Ross 98
McGrew, Samuel Finley 340
McIntire, Benjamin Butler 198
McIntire, William D. 293
McKee, Elza F. 401
Meenach, Joseph J. 386
Mellinger, Harry 207
Merritt, Alice, Mrs. 228
Miller, Earl Newton 115
Miller, John 287
Miller, John E. 114
Miller, Joseph 329
Miller, Orion Palmer 132
Milligan, Melvin L. 135
Mills, William 29
Mitch, Lemuel 208
Montanus, Philip Edward 106
Moores Lime Company 147
Morean, Gilman John 240
Morgan, Ion A. P. 348
Moses, Marion C. 152
Moyer, Aaron Joseph 122
Munchel, John 253
Myers, Harvey E. 71
Myers, James Asbury * 20
Myers, John Ezra 389
Myers, Wilbur J. 21
Myers, William 396
Nagley, Vernie 75
Nave, J. T. 91
Nave, Jacob P. 50
Nave, John G., Mrs. 91
Neer, Luther 67
Newlove, Henry O. 366
Nicklin, John S. 82
Nolte, Augustus B. 278
O'Brien, John 299
O'Brien, Richard Edward 345
O'Harra, Stanford L. 351
Olinger, Jasper W. 213
Ort, Granville L. 90
Otstot, Sarah, Mrs. 157
Packham, Frank R. 265
Parker, Adam Burroughs 363
Patton, Richard D. 195
Perrott, Stanford J. 276
Peters, Nathaniel F. 421
Petticrew, Charles Edgar 232
Pettticrew, Charles L. 42
Pfeifer, John 412
Pierce, Charles Henry 305
Plummer, John L. 30
Poss, Joseph Anthony 342
Price, Evan C. 166
Prince, Benjamin F. 433
Prout, George R. 292
Quinn, William Babbitt 362
Raup, George Stanley 256
Raup, Gustavus, Rev. * 327
Raup, Mitchell Wagner 267
Rawlins, Herman Jacob 48
Rawlins, Joseph Mathias * 47
Ray, Edgar A. 281
Ray, W. C. 214
Rayner, William Henry 429
Reichard, George W. 380
Richison, Rush Rodgers 234
Rinehart, Joseph Hill 423
Robbins Family 117
Roberts, Charles A. 57
Roberts, J. William 77
Roberts, James W. 69
Rodgesr, Robert S. 104
Root, Harley G. 282
Ross, Elmore Willard 298
Runyan, William McKay 407
Russell, Glenn 276
Sanderson, Edwin Joel 360
Saunders, Frank D. 63
Saylor, H. M. 343
Schaeffer, Leonard 393
Sellers, Maurice M. 196
Shaw, Cyrus 56
Sheaff, James Monroe 391
Sheridan, George Van Ness 356
Sherlo, Garrett 165
Shouvlin, Patrick J. 139
Shuey, Edwin L., Jr. 174
Shuirr, Walter Andrew 255
Shumaker, John T. 59
Shurr, Warren R. 93
Sieverling, William Henry 260
Simpson, Edward W. 110
Slough, William Harmon 288
Smith, Edward H. 229
Smith, James G. 256
Smith, Riley 36
Sowers, John W. 322
Spencer, Malcolm Earl 403
Spining, Arthur M. 376
Spinning, Pierson T. 21
Springfield Planing Mill & Lumber Co. 253
Stackhouse W. H. 173
Staley, Paul A. 419
Stallsmith, Isaac 364
Starrett, Henry H. 320
Stewart, David W. 53
Stewart, E. W. 188
Stewart, Fred G. 189
Stewart, Perry M. 416
Stiles, Solomon Bowers * 365
Stoll, Omar W. 226
Stoner, Adam 82
Stuart, William James * 428
Sullivan, Dennis 204
Summers, Augustus N. 270
Summers, John Wilbert 323
Tehan, Edward Allen 39
Tehan, George W. 372
Thomas, John H. 352
Thomas, William S. 353
Thorne, Isaac H. 338
Thorpe, William R. 215
Tiffany, Earl Wilbur 58
Tindall, Robert A. 76
Tittle, Harvey M. 24
Titus, Morton S. 158
Todd Family 133
Tressler, Victor G. A. 312
Trimmer, David W. 66
Trostel, George W. 153
Trout, John 336
Troxell, Paul E. 369
Troxell, William 362
Trumbo, William C. 112
Trust, Harry, Rev. 177
Tulloss, Rees Edgar, Rev. 11
Tuttle, Albert 255
Urquhart, Hector 252
Ustler, Clarence Albert 330
Waddle, William T. 212
Walker, Arthur H. 215
Walker, James C. 274
Wallace, W. C. 149
Watts, Elmer A. * 315
Weaver, Chauncey Iles 128
Webb, James S. 28
Webb, Joseph 424
Welsh, James L. 113
West, Eli 355
Westcott, Burton J. 15
Wetherbee, Ralph Houghton 247
Whiting, Junius F. 331
Wiggins, Robert 99
Wildman, Alvin E. 332
Willialms, Edward W. 345
Williss, Fred Wertzel 64
Wilson, Lavinia, Mrs. 426
Wilson, Timothy 217
Winger, George W. 290
Wise, Charles F. 92
Witmeyer, Webb W. 337
Wright, Leonard S. 75
Yake, Milton 405
Zimmerman, Isaac 284
Zimmerman, John L. 424
Zimmerman, Samuel 372


This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights
