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Darke County, Ohio
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Source: Norwich Courier (Norwich, CT) Vol. XI Issue: 49 Page: 3
Dated: Oct. 21, 1807
     From a gentlemen just from Ohio, intelligence of considerable importance has been received:  That the Potawattomie, Winnapow, and other Indians, to the number of nine hundred, have assembled at Greenville, on Mad river, Ohio.  The Colonel of the militia of that part went to them for the purpose of ascertaining their object and numbers.  The Indians refused to give him any satisfaction on the subject.  He then went to the prophet, and told him if he did not, he should inform the government of his country.  He replied, "I care not a d___n for you or the government of your country; I can blow you off the earth, like sand from my hand."  Six hundred of the Kentucky militia had crossed the Ohio at Limestone commanded by General Scott; and fifteen hundred Ohio militia were required to march for the purpose of dispersing them.
     It was reported at Chillicothe, that seven thousand Indians had crossed the Lakes & that a number of British agents were among them, and it was inpposed the former were waiting until joined by these others, when it was expected they would attack the whites.  - Lexington Telegraphe

Source: North American and United States Gazette
Dated: July 27, 1864.

Simpson Albright, of Arcanum, Ohio, has seven sons in the army.  Some, having served three years, have re-enlisted
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)
Source: St. Albans Daily Messenger (St. Albans, Vt.) Page 2
Dated: Monday, June 19, 1871
There is to be a grand pioneer celebration at Greenville, Ohio, on the 4th of July.  The sensational feature of the celebration will comprise the interesting ceremony of the reinterment of the remains of two little girls who were tomahawked and scalped by the Indians in the vicinity of the stockade at Greenville in the year 1812.  The remains have just been exhumed, and are in a remarkable state of preservation, the skulls and larger bones being entire and comparatively solid.  For this remarkable reinterment a dozen little misses have been selected as pallbearers, and other arrangements are being perfected to make this feature of the occasion notable and memorable.

Source: North American and United States Gazette
Dated: July 27, 1864.

Simpson Albright, of Arcanum, Ohio, has seven sons in the army.  Some, having served three years, have re-enlisted.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Milwaukee Sentinel
Dated: January 16, 1873

An extensive fire is now raging at Greenville.  It commenced in the St. Charles Hotel, located in the middle of the village.  Several large buildings and mills were destroyed at midnight.  General alarm is given.  Meadville sends her fire companies by special train.  The fire is increasing.  The loss cannot be estimated yet.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Globe
Dated: August 26, 1880

The most impudent murderer who has recently gone to heaven by way of the gallows was Monroe Robertson, who was hanged at Greenville, Ohio, last Friday, for the murder of his father-in-law.  He killed a man in Maryland, and another in Kansas.  During the war he was connected with a band of guerrillas, and frequently boasted that he had killed seven colored men in one day.  Before going to execution he accused his 12-year-old child of having sworn his life away.  He cursed his neighbors on the scaffold, and made a rambling speech, in which he told his auditors that he expected to meet them in heaven.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati, OH) Page 1
Dated: Thursday, Sept. 2, 1880
Reunion of the 94th Ohio Volunteers at Greenville - A Large Attendance.
Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette
GREENVILLE, O., Sept. 1 - The ninth reunion of the 94th O. V. I., which participated in the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, the Atlantic campaign, the march to the sea, and the battle of Bentonville, N. C., was held here to-day, with the largest attendance the regiment has ever had a reunion.
     Upon arrival of the train from the East they formed in procession and marched to Music Hall, where they were welcomed in a well timed speech by C. M. Anderson, which was replied to by Capt. G. W. Wilson, of London, O.  After several short speeches and a general hand shaking, the line was formed and marched to City Hall, where an elegant and substantial dinner had been prepared for the ex-soldiers.  After doing full justice to the v___d_, and upon returning to Music Hall, the organization was called to order by Maj. W. H. Snider, of Logansport, Ind., President, who stated the first business was to fix the time and place of next reunion, whereupon Cincinnati was made the place, and time to be the same time that the State reunion should be held.  Capt. Kyle, of Company H, now of Cincinnati, was elected President; Capt. Stewart, of Clark County, J. G. McPherson, of Greene County, H. N. Arnold, of Darke, and Alex Haywood, of Miami, were elected Vice Presidents; J. E. Shellenberger, Corresponding Secretary; G. W. Perry, Recording Secretary, and J. A. Hivling, Treasurer.  Upon motion of Capt. Wilson, C. H. and R. S. Frizell, sons of the late J. W. Frizell, first Colonel of the regiment, were made honorary members of the society.  The young gentlemen, in a few remarks, returned their thanks for the honor.  After adjournment a procession was formed  and marched to the cemetery, where the graves of their comrades of the 94th were decorated.  The vets were well pleased with the reception Greenville gave them, and gave a vote of thanks for their kind treatment.

Source: Bangor Daily Whig & Courier
Dated: September 10, 1881

Dr. George W. Bookwalter, of Ansonia, Ohio, was arrested yesterday, with about $550 in counterfeit $2.50 and #500. gold pieces in his possession.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: Critic-Record (Washington, (DC), (DC)  Issue: 4316 Page 1
Dated: Dec. 23, 1882
    In Greenville, Ohio, to Testify Against Prichard That Worthy Ships the Town, Forfeiting His Bail - The Colonel Goes on to Kentucky.
Special Dispatch to The Evening Critic.
     GREENVILLE, OHIO - Dec. 23 - Arrived here this morning in answer to a summons to attend the trial of the State of Ohio vs. Benjamin F. Pritchard, for forgery and obtaining money on false pretenses.  Pritchard was here yesterday, saying he would be on hand, trying to raise some of the funds he had put up as bail.  Last night he jumped the town and has escaped, Yesterday
     His Bail Was Forfeited in Court, where several indictments await him.  Officers are in hot pursuit, and a reward is offered for his capture.  More than a dozen of the victims of his forgeries are here from this county to testify against him.
     I leave here this afternoon for Kentucky to confront that misguided victim of one of Pritchard's forgeries, when he (Pritchard) caused to make the affidavit against me.  Pritchard did it to.
     Prevent My Being Here to Testify, and when he learned last night that I was expected, he skipped, and officers are in hot pursuit.
                            N. W. FITZGERALD.

Source: Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC
Dated: July 18, 1895

The forgeries of Banker Z. T. Lewis, of Ansonia, Ohio, will amount to at least $200,000.  The commissioners of every county in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, are busy examining bonds, on which they loaned money to Lewis, and in the majority of cases the paper has been found to be worthless.  Lewis played no favorites.  A year ago he forged his brother’s name to a mortgage for $3,000 and made a pauper of him.  He drained his mother’s purse and made victims of all his relatives who had ready money or property.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Daily Inter Ocean
Dated: Dec. 7, 1888

The most sensational developments are made at Greenville in connection with the trial of the Darke County Treasury.  Testimony today is that Ex-Treasurer Simon, who is now serving a term in the penitentiary, at one time previous to the last robbery of the vaults had gone to Toronto, taking $107,000, all the funds there were, but that he weakened within four days, and returned with all the money, and that his friends, or pals, prevented an exposure.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Evening Post
Dated: June 17, 1895

Fire broke out at 10:30 last night in the rear of Mozart’s store.  The flames quickly spread to adjoining buildings and soon the heart of the business center was ablaze.  The fire was the work of incendiaries and in the excitement thieves looted the town.  Two persons were injured they are:
Charles Dalrymple, of the Mozart store, and Dell Daugherty, a member of the city fire department.  The latter’s injuries are on the head.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Daily Inter Ocean
Dated: June 23, 1896

A man giving the name of William Willard was arrested Sunday night by Officer Hiott of the East Chicago avenue police station.  He was found sleeping in a car at the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul yards, near Chicago avenue.  Yesterday morning Justice Kersten imported a fine of $10 upon the man for disorderly conduct, and as he had no money he was sent to the Bridewell.  During the afternoon he said he was from Greenville, Ohio, where he was wanted on the charge of assault with intent to kill.
     About a month ago, he said, while attempting to board a train at Greenville, he became involved in a quarrel with the conductor, during which he stabbed him with a large pocketknife.  He was arrested, given a hearing before the justice of the peace, and held to the Criminal Court.  Two weeks ago last Friday, he says, he and another prisoner broke jail by filing the iron bars which were across a window and escaped.  He did not divulge the name of the other man, but said he left him in St. Louis.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: The Indiana State Journal,
Dated: Wednesday, September 28, 1898.

Sept. 24.  E. C. Murphy, of Sidney, was lodged in jail today in default of $1,000. bonds for forging a note for $171 on Eli Heeler of near Ansonia, Ohio.  The forger was detected by spelling the name Ely.
(Graciously contributed by Nancy Hannah)

Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 1
Dated: July 22, 1902
Body of a Greenville Nurse Idenfied After More than a Year.
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., July 21. - On June 23, 1901, the body of a young woman was found in a room at the Parkside inn on the Canadian side of the river.  A bottle which had contained morphine was found on the bureau.  The remains, which were carefully embalmed, remained unidentified until today, when they were recognized by relatives is those of Lucille Charter, a nurse of Greenville, O.  The body was buried at Drummondville today.
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue: 214  Page: 1
Dated: Aug. 1, 1904
Greenville Resident Gets a Cecil Rhodes Scholarship
     RICHMOND, Ind., July 31. - George E. Hamilton of Earlham college, this city, and a resident of Greenville, O., has been chosen by the committee of Indiana college presidents as the Indiana man to whom is to be awarded.  Hamilton will be allowed to go to Oxford for three years, beginning September next.  The scholarship is worth $1,500 annually.
     Hamilton is a junior in Earlham and is working his way through school.  He made his showing on good scholaristic knowledge combined with training in athletics and love for outdoor live.
Source: Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) Page 2
Dated: Mar. 29, 1920
     Dayton, O., March 28 - Several persons were reported killed and a dozen or more badly injured in a storm which struck near Greenville, O., shortly after 8 o'clock tonight.  The storm centered about four miles west of Greenville.  Wires are down and traction service has been cut off.
Source:  Lima News
Dated: Oct. 16, 1968

Arsonia . . . . A multiple fire early today destroyed a plastics plant, bank, flower shop and Junior Chamber of Commerce Hall in this Darke County community of 1000.  The fire raged through a three story building and a two story annex, that housed the C. and M. Molding Co., Citizens Bank Co., the flower shop and the J. C. Offices causing damages estimated at $800,000. The records and money in the bank were protected by a steel vault.  The fire was believed to have started in a storage room of the plastics plant , although the cause was not immediately determined. Fire departments from Ansonia, Greenville, Versailles ,Union City, Rossburg and Arcanum fought the blaze. There were no injuries. " Its a real bad fire and you can spell that with capitol letters. ", said W. O. Burns, a dispatcher at the Ansonia Fire Dept "There's an army of men out there fighting the fire'" " The only thing left is the four walls of the building " Burns said " It was one of those built a hundred years or so ago. Smoke was
a big problem and also not knowing where the fire would creep to." The fire temporarily interrupted telephone service to the community

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