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Source:  Democratic Northwest - Napoleon, OH - Vol:  Page: 9
Dated: Mar. 25, 1897
   T. E. Hill of Defiance was in the city Tuesday
   E. E. Gardner of Hamler was in the city Tuesday
   Mayor Sweet, of Prairie Depot, visited his parents here during the past week
   Dr. S. B. Hiner, of Lima, has been appointed surgeon-in-chief of the Lima Northern.
   Geo. Fogle and daughter, of Marceline, Mo., are guests at the home of L. H. McComb.
   Dr. and Mrs. Chapman of Defiance were guests at the home of Dr. Barhill and wife Friday last.
   Louis Diehl is now located in the room opposite the postoffice.  See his new advertisement in this issue.
   Miss Olyve Bales, one of the Defiance county school teachers, attended the Round Table held here last week.
   Lucian Davis, a well known farmer of Defiance county, has made an assignment.  To much gold standard and lack of "confidence."
   Mrs. Kittner and daughter of Defiance and Mrs. Fisher and daughter of Homer, Ill., were guests at the home of R. B. Heller on Saturday.
   Mesdames S. P. Shelly and Fred. Travis, of Defiance, and G. U. Foncanon and Miss S. Sloan of Liberty Center, attended the Sidlinger party last Thursday.
   Prof. C. C. Miller, Superintendent of the Lima schools, and at one time State Commissioner of Common Schools, paid our office a friendly visit on Saturday last.
   John G. Martin and Mrs. Augusta Sheridan of Defiance were guests at the home of S. M. Honeck last Sunday.  Martin returned home Monday while Mrs. Sheridan will remain for a few days.  
Baum & Hartman
, two former Napoleon boys, will commence the publication at Chicago about April 15th of the "Farmer's World," a new paper entirely devoted to the interests of the farmer.  May success crown their enterprise.
   Mrs. Gates of Toledo spent several days of last week with her parents in Napoleon.
   M. J. Shoemaker returned Sunday from Chicago where he had been for a week buying goods.
   Miss Della Davidson spent a few days of last week in this city, leaving for Cleveland Monday.
   Miss Minnie Tinpes returned to her home near Sherwood last week after a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Worth near Holgate.
   Mrs. Freasehas returned form wholesale millinery houses in Cleveland.
   Miss Mayme Haller of Defiance spent Friday and Saturday with the Misses Shoner.
   Brown & Pohlman paid out on Saturday last near $4,000 for cattle and hogs for shipment.
   W. P. Rowan has opened a shoe repairing shop next door to the Signal office.  He invites his friends to call and see him.
   Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Weisenburger of Defiance, aunt and uncle of Mrs. Shoner, spent last Thursday with the family of F. F. Shoner.
   August and William Rhoda two Henry county boys, who for the past three years have been making their home at St. Croix Falls, Wis., returned last week to spend the summer in this county.
   Thos. Gilson, of St. Johns, Mich., has been in the county visiting friends during the past two weeks.  HE leaves for home to-morrow.  Daniel Withrow accompanied him here, where he will make his home this summer.  Mr. Withrow has been a resident of Michigan for sox or seven years.
   Quite a number of our customers with accounts on our books, must think we are only jesting when we ask for a settlement.  This is not the case, and we hereby give formal notice that our firm has lately dissolved partnership and that all the open accounts made prior to Mch. 1st, must be settled at once, by cash or note, the former preferable.
Swell Millinery.
     Miss Minnie McEnerny and Mrs. D. Hartnett
will exibit a fine stock of spring and summer millinery in their rooms over Vandenbroek's store.  Miss McEnerny in company with an experienced trimmer arrived from Chicago this morning.  Their opening will occur on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April.  They solicit the patronage of the ladies of Napoleon and surrounding country.
   Julian Tyler and wife and Henry Vortriede of Toledo, spent last Sabbath in this city.
Source:  Philadelphia Inquirer - Pennsylvania
Dated: Jan. 13, 1921
Foster Parents Beaten by Kidnappers in Ohio Village
DEFIANCE, Ohio, Jan. 12 -
Police of Northwestern Ohio and Southern Michigan today were searching for four men and two women who last night forcibly kidnapped the four year old adopted son of Henry Peck, whose home is at Brunersburg, a small village one mile northwest of Defiance.
     Returning home from a party at neighbors late last night, Mr. and Mrs. Peck were confronted by the four men and two women who demanded the child.  The demand was refused and the kidnappers beat the Pecks until they were forced to release the boy.
     The kidnappers then made their escape in an automobile, stolen from Clarence Helfrick, a neighbor of the Pecks.  The last seen of them, they were heading for the Michigan State line.


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