Pg. 27
The first settlement
made in Rutland township was by Brewster Higley.
Judge Higley was a native of Simsbury,
Connecticut, but came from Castleton, Rutland county, Vermont,
to Bellville, West Virginia, where he remained 18 months,
preparatory to his removal to Ohio. He bought a share in
the Ohio Company's purchase for one thousand dollars. He
then, in company with John Case, who had been one of a
party of surveyors, and was of some service to Mr. Higley
in making his selection of land, as he was to have a part of the
land, made a visit to the place of his future home. He
returned to Bellville, purchased a family boat and floated down
the Ohio River to the mouth of Leading creek, which being high
with back water, he poled his boat up the stream as far as the
Pg. 28 -
known as Jacobs' upper salt works. Here he
tore his boat to pieces and built a shanty for his family to
live in until he could build a house on his land. The
first shanty made for his boys and John Case to live in
while clearing the land was made of bark and sticks and stood
near the ground afterwards used as a family graveyard.
Brewster Higley was a Revolutionary soldier and
had served as justice of the peace in the state of Vermont.
General Arthur St. Clair, Governor of the Northwest
Territory, appointed Brewster Higley as one of the
justices of the peace for the county of Washington, the
commission bearing date Dec. 28th, 1801, done at Chillicothe.
This commission and one to Fuller Elliot, of Letart, are
probably the only ones for justices appointed under the
territorial government for the people living in what is now
Meigs county. Mr. Higley was one of the first
associate judges of Gallia county and served for a number of
years. He was elected justice of the peace in Rutland
township, and in 1815 was made the second postmaster of Rutland
and held the office for several years. He died June 20th,
1847, at the ripe old age of 88 years 3 months, and 6 days.
His wife, Naomi Higley died Feb. 4th, 1850, aged 89
years, one month and 3 days.
The children of Brewster Higley and his wife,
Naomi Higley, were four sons and three daughters.
The sons were: Brewster Higley, Jr., who married
Acksah Evarts.
Cyrus Higley married Electa Bingham daughter
of Judge Alvin Bingham, of Athens. One son,
Julius Bicknell Higley.
Lucius Higley married Nancy Shepherd.
Lucius Milton Higley married Miss Morton.
Milo Higley married Miss Pankey.
Joseph L. Higley married Emily Reed.
Harriet Higley was married to Alvin Bingham,
Jr., son of Judge Bingham of Athens.
Pg. 29 -
Theresa Higley was married to Josiah Simpson.
Susan Higley, the eldest child, never married, but
lived with her parents until her decease.
In 1800 Samuel Denny came from Massachusetts and
bought a tract of land, and built a cabin on it. This was
near the Livingston Smith farm. He also helped to
erect the first school house, and taught the first school in the
winter 1801, also in 1802. The school consisted of nine
scholars, four of whom came from near the mouth of Leading
creek. The roll recorded the names of James Smith, John
Smith, Sarah Kerr, Christina Niswonger, and five scholars
from Judge Higley's family. In 1803 Samuel Denny
built the first grist mill on Leading creek, which stood close
to the residence of Jabez Hubbell. Mr. Denny
delivered the first oration ever delivered here, at a Fourth of
July celebration in 1806. The speaker stood on the top of
an ancient mound not far fro the Case house. Mr. Denny
left Ohio in 1810, returned to Massachusetts, and married, and
died there.
In 1803 Joel Higley
and his wife, Eunice Higley (nee Haskins) came from
Granby, Connecticut (Lieutenant Higley he was called),
and settled on the south tier of sections, in what was afterward
included in Rutland township. There were twenty-eight
persons in this company with Joel Higley.
Joel Higley, 1st, had a numerous and prolific
family. The daughter, Rachel, married Williams,
and remained in Connecticut. She was born in 1800.
Joel Higley, Jr., (called Major Higley)
settled in the same neighborhood with his father. He was
born July 31st, 1764. and married Cynthia Phelps, May
25th, 1785. She was a sister of James E. Phelps.
Mr. Higley died April 26th, 1823, and his wife died
January 5th, 1832.
Of this union there were three sons and five daughters.
Polly Higley married Philip Jonesin May, 1806.
They lived
Pg. 30 -
on a farm where Middleport is now situated.
Philip Jones died May 30th, 1866, aged 80 years.
Elihu Higley was born November 26th, 1788.
He served in the Army of the Northwest in the War of 1812.
He married Nancy Cook in December, 1815, moved to his
farm in Rutland in December, 1816. They had one child,
Clarissa Fidelia - married Martin Fox. Mr.
Higley died April 23d, 1877, aged 89 years.
Laura Higley, born August 20th, 1795. She
was married to Daniel C. Rathburn in 1812, in Rutland,
O., moved to Indiana, died there in August, 1884, aged 91 years.
Sally Higley, born March 8th, 1795, was married
to Daniel McNaughton, December, 1816, and died September
29th, 1845, aged 50 years. Harlow McNaughton a son,
was captain of the Seventh Ohio Battery in the Civil war for the
Cynthia Higley, born February 7th, 1797, and
never married. She died August, 26th, 1819, aged 22 years.
Maria Higley, was born July 30th, 1799, and
married Willis Knight, and died February 28th, 1834, aged
35 years.
Joel Phelps Higley was born June 9th, 1802,
married Catherine Wise, and died Oct. 23d, 1836, aged 34.
A son, Captain Joel P. Higley, fell in fighting for the
Union in 1863.
Laurinda Higley was married to Earl P. Archer
and died September, 1855, aged 90 years. She was the
mother of a large family. Marinda Archer, Henry,
Sophia, Benjamin, Elam, and Abiah Archer, who married
Benjamin Whitlock, their children were Hiram, Electa,
Levi, Harriet, Eunice.
Eunice Higley married Silas Knight, known as
"Deacon Knight," in 1812 and came to Rutland in 1812.
They were highly respected. They had a numerous family -
two sons and six daughters. Mr. Knight and his
wife, Eunice, both died the same day and were buried in
the same grave, July 31st, 1839, aged 67 years and 63
years respectively.
Electa Higley was born in 1778, and came to
Rutland with her parents, and afterwards married Benjamin
Williams. She
Pg. 31 -
was a remarkable woman, intelligent,
energetic, with resourceful disposition to be adapted to pioneer
conditions. She taught school in her own house, cut and
made men's best clothes, and cared for a flower garden that was
the pride of Rutland for many years. She had two children,
a daughter, born Feb. 21st, 1811, married Rev. James Mitchell,
went to Illinois in 1855, and died Feb. 3d, 1881. Mrs.
Electa Williams died at her daughter's in Illinois, in 1865,
aged 87 years. Her husband died July 26th, 1873. The
son, Benjamin Selah Williams, was born November 18th,
1808, and married Elizabeth L. Brown, of Athens county,
and lived on the homestead farm where he was born until his
death, Feb. 17th, 1891, aged 82 years, 3 months. Mr.
Williams was born July 2d, 1811, and died Feb. 14th, 1897,
aged 85 years, 7 months, 12 days. They had a numerous
family of sons and daughters, but they, except two children,
James and Mary, left Ohio for the West.
Sophia Higley was married to Asa Stearns,
a Free Will Baptist preacher, finally settled in Mercer county,
Ohio, where they both died. They had four children,
Rufus, Amos, Louise, and Joel.
Elam Higley was a soldier in the War of 1812 and
served under General Harrison in the Army of the
Northwest. He married Sally Clarke, and settled on
a farm in the northeast corner of Rutland township. They
had one child, Austin Higley, who went to Iowa about
1876, and died there.
An incident in the life of Elam Higley is worth
relating. After his enlistment, when about to leave home,
his mother gave him a Bible with directions to put it in the
side pocket of his coat, already made for its reception.
When in the Maumee country they had a skirmish with the enemy,
and a bullet fired by an Indian, aimed at Elam's hart, struck
that Bible but did not pass through, thus his life was
preserved. His comrades said, "Elam thought himself
badly wounded, but the ball was found in the Bible, and he was
not hurt."
Pg. 32 -
HAMILTON KERR was born in
Philadelphia in 1764. He was a noted Indian scout of great
dariang, courage and strength. He married Susannah
Niswonger, a highly educated young woman, and daughter of
Colonel John Niswonger. Mr. Kerr came to his land
below the mouth of Leading creek, on the Ohio river, in 1797,
and was an active, useful citizen, as seen in reports of all
civil proceedings of Salisbury township. Of their
children, William Kerr married Jane Murray and
settled on a farm on the west side of Thomas fork, just above
the mouth, where he died March 27th, 1883, aged 86 years.
Sarah Kerr was married to Samuel Everett,
and lived near the mouth of Story's run; later moved to
the northern part of the Ohio.
Margaret Kerr was married to Hamilton Kerr,
a distant relative.
After the death of Hamilton Kerr in 1821 the
estate was settled by Colonel Everett, the administrator,
and Mrs. Kerr, the widow, and her daughter, Sophia,
moved to the north part of the state, probably Wyandot
JOHN NISWONGER was of German extraction and early in
life was from near Winchester, Virginia. He enlisted Dec.
29th, 1776, to serve during the war; served as a sergeant in
Captain John Leman's company, Thirteenth Virginia regiment,
commanded successively by Colonel John Gibson,
Revolutionary war, and appears on the muster roll, October,
November, and December, 1779, at Fort Pitt, and February 13th,
1780, on which he is reported as being at Fort Henry.
Colonel John Niswonger was one of the heroes of the battle
of Point Pleasant. He settled on land near the mouth of
Leading creek, with his son-in-law, Hamilton Kerr, in
1798, and was an important factor in the civil arrangements for
the government of Salisbury township, afterwards included in
Rutland township, Meigs county. His tombstone was found in
the tearing down of an old building, where
Pg. 33 -
it has been used as a
hearthstone. It had this plain inscription: "Sacred to the
memory of Colonel John Niswonger, who departed this life
July 13th, 1821, aged 78 years and 4 months." No person
now living can find the place of his grave.
was a comrade of George Warth in the hunting trips of the
yeas 1811 to 1814, when Mr. Niswonger had a still-house
for making whisky and peach brandy, built by a spring of
excellent water, on Lot 182, Ohio Company's purchase, afterward
owned by Nehemiah Bicknell. The spring was always
called the "still-house spring." His name, in connection
with that of Elias Nesselrode, is used in an account of
an elk discovered crossing the Ohio river below Sandy creek, by
Andrew Anderson who, being on the Ohio side of the river,
saw Niswonger and Nesselrode pushing a canoe laden
with salt upstream to whom he called "to head off the elk,"
which had reached their side so near that they threw a log chain
at his horns, which so enraged him that he capsized their canoe
with the men and the salt and escaped to the woods of Virginia.
"During the
Indian war there came to the stockade in Marietta a family named
George Warth, his wife and two daughters and five sons,
namely: John, George, Robert, Martin and Alexander.
They came from Virginia, brought up in the woods and were all
fine hunters. John and George were employed as
rangers, or spies for Fort Harmar. The family lived in a
log house on the first bottom between the river and the garrison
built by the United States troops for the United States troops
for the artificers to work in. George Warth married
Ruth Fleehart, and John Warth married Sally
Fleehart, sisters to Joshua Fleehart, and Robert
Warth married a daughter of a French widow
Pg. 33 -
named Lallance,
who came from France with two children, a son and his daughter,
and who were in the stockade at the time when Robert Warth
was killed by the Indians. He left a young widow and one
child, Robert Warth afterwards a noted merchant of
Gallipolis. The family were illiterate, abut possessed
keen, clear intellectual faculties, which were improved in later
years by whatever opportunities were afforded for learning.
Mr. Paul Fearing taught John Warth the
rudiments of his education, which he cultivated so that at the
close of Indian hostilities, having settled on lands in West
Virginia, Jackson county, long known as Warth's bottom,
he filled several offices for the government and was a
magistrate for a number of years. He was also the owner of
slaves. George Warth owned a piece of land in Meigs
county, on the Ohio river, opposite the present town of
Ravenswood, West Virginia. He, with his brother, John,
carried the first mails from Marietta to Gallipolis, in canoes.
They went armed with rifles, carried provisions for their
journey, traveling chiefly at night to avoid Indian encounters.
George Warth was a hunter of wild animals, his greatest
success during life. He had a family of sons and daughters
- Robert Warth and Alexander Warth, Clara, Sally,
Hannah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Drusilla. He lived
and died in his cabin on the banks of the Ohio, a poor man in
what the world calls wealth, yet all of the hero is due to his
name, for brave and fearless protection of the helpless in times
of peril.
The son, Robert Warth, married Mary Johnson,
and lived as a farmer in Jackson county, West Virginia, and died
in Ravenswood.
Alexander Warth was a boatman, married in
Louisville, Kentucky, and after the death of his parents, within
two weeks of each other, his sisters, Sally, Rachel, and
Drusilla, moved to Louisville.
Rebecca Warth was married to Daniel Lovett,
a river man, and they moved to Kentucky.
Pg. 35 -
Hannah Warth was married to Bartholomew
Fleming and lived and died in Ravenswood. M.
Flemming bought the placed owned by Mr. George Warth,
valued chiefly for the landing and ferrying opportunities.
Clara Warth, was unmarried -
died and is buried by the side of her mother in the Pioneer
graveyard in Great Bend, Meigs county, Ohio."
He was the son
of Elisha Benedict, and his wife, Jerusha Starr
Benedict, and was born May 13th, 1767. He, with
his father, Elisha Benedict, were living at Cooperstown,
New York, when in October, 1780, they were taken prisoners by
the British and Indians, then taken to Canada where they were
kept prisoners for two and a half years. He married
Clarissa Hubbell, daughter of Jabez and Sarah Hubbell
of Otsego county, New York, and coming to Ohio, settled on a
farm near where the village of Rutland is now. He was an
active and influential citizen, prominent in every interest for
the promotion of civil, educational or religious
advancement for the moral good of the neighborhood in which he
spent his long life. He died Oct. 29th, 1828.
Mrs. Benedict died July 9th, 1849. Their
Sarah, born Oct. 25th, 1788, married John
Dixon, died Sept. 29th, 1835.
Polly, died young.
Euretta, born Mar. 18th, 1793. She was
married in 1821 to Cornelius Merrill. She died Dec.
12th, 1880. They had six children, Mary, Robert,
Luther, Harriet, Clarissa and Augustus.
Pg. 36 -
Elisha Hubbell Benedict, born Sept. 15th, 1795.
He married Maria Simpson, and they live in Rutland
township several years, but removed to Kansas in 1856, where
Mrs. Benedict died. They had six children - Lydia
Ann, Claretta, Sarah A., Elisha C., Walter. Elisha C.
enlisted in Company D, Ninth Regiment, Kansas Volunteer Cavalry,
and died at Fort Scott, Kansas, September 13th, 1862.
Walter F., born Dec. 15th, 1797, and married
Nov. 8th, 1829, to Benjamin Savage, and died Nov. 9th,
Felix Starr, born May 3d, 1806, and died Aug.
13th, 1824.
William Spencer, born Nov. 28th, 1808, and died
June 16th, 1833.
He was a son of
Felix Benefit and wife, Clarissa, and was born Oct. 13,
1802, and removed with his parents to Leading Creek, Ohio, Oct.
13, 1803. He married Apr. 4th, 1833, Miriam Chase,
daughter of John and Miriam chase, of Athens County,
Ohio. Their children were four - Clarissa, born May
7th 1835; William S., died young; John Merrill
Benedict, born Sept. 17th, 1839. He enlisted in the
Eighteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a private and was promoted
to lieutenant colonel, served four years in the Civil war was
wounded twice at Nashville, but recovered and was brevetted
colonel at the close of the war. He married Oct. 18th,
1882, to Miss Bettie Rife, of Morgantown, West Virginia.
George W. Benedict, son of Jabez Benedict
and wife was born July 21st, 1843. He served three years
in the Eighteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was married Mar. 4th,
1878, to Florence Grimes, a daughter of James Grimes,
of Rutland, Ohio.
Pg. 37 -
Jabez Benedict died Jan. 28th, 1886. He
was noted for his fondness for reading, and with a retentive
memory he was familiar with the best authors of his time, and of
the Holy Scriptures.
Thomas Everton came from Canada in 1800, and
settled on a farm near the mouth of Leading creek. He was
a member of the Regular Baptist Church and was called,
familiarly, "Deacon Everton," and died on his farm in
Rutland township. Their were eight children: Betsy,
Mrs. Benjamin Richardson; Ebenezer Everton;
Relief, Mrs. Edwards; Thomas Everton, Jr.; Polly, Mrs.
Stone; Nancy, Mrs. Jesse W. Stevens; Benjamin Everton; Sally,
Mrs. Charles Richardson.
He came to what is now
called Pagetown, in 1800, and married Miss Rachel Keller.
They had a large family: William James, Frank, Jeremiah, Jr.,
George, Elias, Jackson Perry, and three daughters,
Rebecca, Nancy and Polly. There is no date of
the death of Jeremiah Riggs or his wife. Several of
the sons moved to some western states; the daughter, Nancy,
never married. Rebecca was married twice, and
lived and died in the Hocking Valley. Polly was
married to Martin Dye, of Pagetown, for his second wife;
left a widow she died at the home of her niece, Mrs. John
Crary in Lebanon township, October 13th, 1895. She was
the last one of Jeremiah Riggs family.
John Miles came
from Rutland, Worcester county, Massachusetts, to Cooperstown,
N. Y., where he married Chloe Jervis. They came to
Belpre, Washington county, Ohio, in 1798, where they remained
three years. In 1801 they came to Leading Creek, being the
second family in what was
Pg. 38 -
afterwards Rutland township. He
bought a share in the Ohio Company's Purchase for ninety-six
pounds, sterling, and settled on the farm where he died on Nov.
10th, 1847, aged eighty years. Chloe Jarvis Miles
died Sept. 21st, 1844. They had seven children.
Benjamin Lanson Miles went to Arkansas, had a cotton
plantation, some slaves; lived and died there in 1839. He
was twice married, but left one son, James B. Miles.
Mary Miles was never married. She died in
Rutland, Apr. 9th, 1857, aged sixty-four years.
Barzillai Hosmer Miles
was a preacher of the Christian denomination. He married
Amy Guthrie, who died leaving two daughters. As a
preacher he was successful, traveled some and died of cholera in
1832, while on his way home form Louisiana.
John B. Miles married Mary
Johnson and owned a farm in Rutland township, where they
lived many years. They had a family of sons and daughter.
He died in Racine in 1864, aged sixty-eight years. Mrs.
Mary Miles died in Racine, Ohio.
Columbus Miles, son of John and Mary Miles
married Elizabeth Hopkins; was in the marble business at
Gallipolis and died there.
Benjamin Harrison Miles a
preacher, and a soldier in the Civil war, but died later.
John Wesley Miles a marble dealer in Gallipolis.
Adaline Miles was married to Waid Cross, a merchant
in Racine, Ohio. They had a family of sons and daughters.
Mrs. Cross died in 1905.
Sally C. Miles was born Nov.
5th, 1803, being the first female born in the township,
afterwards Rutland. She was married to Russel Cook,
lived on a farm in Rutland. They had a large family of
sons and daughters. She died in 1857, aged fifty-four
Joseph Jarvis Miles was born Oct. 19th, 1807.
He married Sarah Cutler Larkin in 1841. They had
children but all died in infancy. He was a tanner by
trade, carried to the
Pg. 39 -
business in Gallipolis for a number of
years, and later in the same business in Pomeroy. He died
July 27th, 1855.
Electa Miles, the youngest child
of John and Chloe Miles McQuigg, and lived many years on
the "Miles Homestead." They had two children -
George McQuigg and Frances. She died Jan. 10th,
1906, aged ninety-four years, loved and esteemed by all.
GEORGE McQUIGG was born Nov.
25th, 1830. He was married twice, first to Miss
Caroline Smith, who was the mother of two children, Lucy
M., who died young, and John McQuigg, connected with
the Pomeroy National Bank. Miss Kate Edwards was
the second wife of Mr. McQuigg. They had three
children - Charles, in the salt business as a successor
to his father; Anna, married to Mr. Follett,
of Kansas, and Emma McQuigg. George McQuigg was a man of affairs, a fine business man, clean
in his political actions, genial, affable, always winning the
favor of the best citizens. He was general agent of the
Ohio Salt Company from 1868 to the time of his death, Oct. 29th,
1892; aged sixty-one years, ten months and twenty-eight days.
was a sea-faring man and commanded vessel in the
East India trade for Mr. Dexter, a wealthy shipowner and
merchant prince. After years of service in Mr. Dexter's
employ he quitted the sea and same to Ohio in 1801, settling on
a farm in Salem township given to him by Mr. Dexter,
but removed to a farm in Rutland township in later years.
Capt. Merrill built the first frame house in what is now
Meigs county. The weather-boards were of wild
cherry, sawed with a whipsaw. He had conducted to the
ocean one of the first ships built at Marietta. He was a
religious man, highly respected. He died in Rutland, Oct.
29th, 1826.
Pg. 40 -
William Parker, Sr.,
was born in Malden, Massachusetts, June 5th, 1745, and was
married to Mary Warner, Jan. 28th, 1772. She was
the daughter of Philemon Warner, of Gloucester,
Massachusetts, and was born in 1753. He was a cabinet
maker and exported furniture to the West Indies. He bought
a share of land in the Ohio Company's Purchase, and left the
East in 1789, traveling as far as the forks of the Youghiogheny,
where he remained until about 1800; he removed his family to his
farm in Salem township, where they lived and reared a large
family. Their children were:
Elizabeth Warner, born Sept. 21st, 1773, and
died Jan. 19th, 1850, aged seventy-seven years. She was
never married and died in Salem.
William, Jr., was born July 4th, 1775, and
married Betsy Wyatt, May 13th, 1802. She was a
daughter of Deacon Joshua Wyatt.
Sally, born June 6th, 1777, and was married to
Judge Ephriam Cutler April 13th, 1808. She died June
30th, 1846.
John, born June 20th, 1779, and married Lucy
Cotton. HE was a Halcyon preacher and died in 1849.
Daniel was born Aug. 7th, 1781, and married
Priscilla Melloy Ring, Oct. 24th, 1816. He was a
preacher of Universal Restoration. He died Mar. 22d, 1861.
His wife died Sept. 4th, 1874.
Polly, born May 27th, 1783, and was married to
Judge Cushing Shaw. They both lived and died in
Salem, leaving a numerous and worthy family of children.
Nancy, born Mar. 13th, 1785, was married to
Stephen Strong, Esq. Mr. Strong was an early advocate
of temperance. He was elected to the legislature for one
term, was a surveyor and held many county offices. They
had no children; lived and died in Salem.
Pg. 41 -
Susanna, born Mar. 10th, 1787, was married to
Dr. Sylvanus Evarts, and died July 5th, 1815, aged
twenty-eight years.
Fanny, born Mar. 26th, 1789, and was married to
John Fordyce and had several children. They were
farmers and lived and died in Salem.
Ebenezer was born Dec. 22d, 1792, and married
Mary Swett, daughter of Benjamin Swett, of
Newburyport, Mass.
Ebenezer Parker lived in the old homestead for
many years, but sold out and finally removed to Cincinnatito
live with his sons, where he died.
Clarissa, born May, 1795, and was married to
Peter Shaw. She died May 24th, 1817, aged twenty-two
Mr. William Parker, Sr. died Nov. 26th, 1825,
and his wife, Mrs. Parker died Feb. 25th, 1811.
They were both members of the Presbyterian Church, lived useful
and honorable lives, leaving an exemplary record to their
and Peter, came as emigrants from the Shenendoah Valley,
Virginia, to Ohio in 1802, and settled first near the mouth of
Kiger creek, until 1805, when Michael came to Leading
creek and bought a farm, but afterwards moved to Salem, where he
died in 1845. Conrad Aleshire came to Leading
creek, settled on a farm; had a son in 1784, and who had two
children, Anna and Preston Aleshire.
Conrad Aleshire died in 1842, aged eighty-nine years.
Abram Aleshire died in 1865. Peter Aleshire
was a regular Baptist preacher and lived in Salem Township.
Landing creek in 1802 and settled on Fraction No. 19, or the
Denny lot. He was from Maryland, but married Polly
McFarland in Kentucky. She
Pg. 42 -
was the daughter of Mr.
McFarland, and who was in the Block House in Marietta at the
time of the massacre by the Indians of the settlement twelve
miles up the Muskingum. In the alarm occasioned by that
event the defense of the Block House was left very weak, and
Polly McFarland, a girl of sixteen, was gien a gun and
stationed at a porthole. Mr. McFarland moved to
Kentucky, where Polly was married to Thomas Shepherd.
Interesting stores are related of her courage in meeting
emergencies. One night when Mr. Shepherd had gone
to Gallipolis for ammunition, a large bear entered a calf pen
not far from the house, and in trying to carry it off the calf
bawled, which wakened Mrs. Shepherd, who sent out, drove
the bear off and up a tree, under which she built a fire and
kept it there until morning. It is said of her that
another time she was going after the cows in the woods when the
dogs treed a raccoon. She sent a boy after an ax, cut down
the tree, caught the raccoon, tanned the hide and made herself a
pair of shoes.
They had three sons and several daughters. The
sons were Charles, Daniel and Thomas The daughters
were, Polly, married to Andrew Long; Nancy,
married to Lucius Higley (see Higley family);
Sally, married to Mr. Shaw; Jane, Mrs. John Savage;
Betsy, Mrs. James Caldwell; Annie; Peggie, Clarissa, Mrs. BAckus;
Almira, Mrs. Aaron Smith.
came from the State
of New York and settled in Rutland in 1803. He was a man
of good business abilities, and served the township in various
official capacities, with credit to himself and satisfaction to
the public. He died Nov. 23d, 1823, aged fifty-nine years.
Pg. 43 -
was a son of
Caleb Gardner, and was born Jan. 5th, 1793, in Connecticut,
and came to Ohio with his father. He also served as
constable and other civil offices. He was one of a company
who went overland to California in 1849. Returning to
Rutland after two years he closed his life in Mar., 1862, aged
seventy-six years and two months.
JAMES E. PHELPS came from
Connecitucut in 1803, and settled in the lower part of Rutland
township. He married Phylenda Rice, a sister of
Mrs. Daniel Rathburn. Mr. Phelps was an
enterprising farmer, filled several township offices, and went
to Columbus as a lobby member to get the county of Meigs set
off. He was one of the first associate judges of Meigs
county. He died in June, 1822. His children:
James, who studied medicine, went South and died there;
NAncy Phelps was married to William Bing, of Gallia
county; Harlow Phelps married Amelia Watkins, and
lived in the old homestead; Abel Phelps was a physician,
practiced his profession in the lower part of Pomeroy, and died
there. He was married twice. His first wife was
Ruth Simpson. After her death he married Amy Smith.
John Orlando Phelps was also a doctor and practiced
medicine in Piketon, Ohio; afterwards went South and died there.
Amelia Phelps was married to Dr. Eli Sigler, who
had a considerable practice. They lived near her old home.
Dr. Sigler was one of the associate judges at one time of
Meigs county. He died May 1st, 1848, aged fifty-three
years, ten months and twenty-seven days. He was married
twice; his second wife was Barbara Rothgeb, who died Apr.
2d, 1891, aged eighty-two years, two months and four days.
Amanda Phelps died in early womanhood.
was born in 1767 in Granby, Connecticut and married Desire
Rice, was born in 1764, in Connecticut. They came with
their family to Leading creek in 1803, and established
Pg. 44 -
home, where itinerant Methodist preachers had regular
appointments. The names of Jacob Young, David Young,
William Young, James Quinn, James Gilruth, and John P.
Kent and others who found a cordial welcome. Mr.
and Mrs. Rathburn were the leading and influential citizens
in those early times. They had a family of sons - no
daughters. Mr. Daniel Rathburn, Sr. died in 1852,
aged eighty-five years, six months. Mrs. Rathburn
died in 1868, aged ninety-eight years, ten months, three days.
The children were Daniel C. Rathburn, who
married Laura Higley, had a farm in Rutland, was justice
of the peace, and taught school. They had a numerous
family of sons and daughters. He died Sept. 25th, 1855,
aged fifty-nine years.
Elisha Rathburn was married to Polly Giles
Sept. 23d, 1819. He came with his father to Ohio and
settled on a farm near the village of Rutland. He was
highly respected by the community and favorably known as a
preacher in the Baptist or Christian denomination. His
gifts and graces, zeal and charity were shown in a remarkable
degree through a long and useful live.
Elisha Rathburn was born June 30th, 1789, and
died Aug. 8th, 1869. Mrs. Rathburn was born Apr.
13th, 1799, and died Feb. 7th, 1896, aged ninety-one years.
They had a family of one son, Joseph Newton, and five
daughters, Clarissa, Elizabeth, and Roana (Mrs.
Seth Paine), and two daughters who died in early womanhood.
Two sons of J. Newton Rathburn, Milton
Rathburn and Charles, are successful merchants, and
prominent citizens of Meigs county, Milton Rathburn being
elected Senator fro this district, for state legislature, 1906.
They were born and brought up in Rutland township.
Timothy Rathburn, a son of Daniel Rathburn
and his wife, Desire Rathburn, married a Miss Daniel
of Gallia county, and lived on a part of the old homestead.
They had several children.
Alvin Rathburn was a physician and practiced
medicine in Rutland. He was married and had three sons.
William P. Rathburn, a banker, removed to Chattanooga,
Tennessee, where he was successful in accumulating a large
property by investments in iron and coal. He died in
Joseph Rathburn, son of Alvin, was a
physician, as was his brother, James Rathburn who removed
to Gallia county, where he died.
John Rathburn, a son of Daniel Rathburn, Sr.,
was a doctor, but died young.
Francis Asbury Rathburn was the sixth son of
Daniel Rathburn, Sr., and his wife. He was born Mar.
9th, 1800. He was never married but lived with his
parents, caring for them with filial devotion in their old age.
After the death of his father in 1852 he moved into the village
with his mother, where she died in 1863. He continued to
live in Rutland until his death, an exemplary man, respected by
all who knew him.
Samuel Rathburn was the youngest son of
Daniel Rathburn, Sr., and his wife, Desire
Rathburn and was born in 1802. He married a Miss
Vanden, of Gallipolis, engaging in the mercantile business
in that city. He held several offices of public trust, was
probate judge of Gallia county, and maintained an honorable
character, a highly respected citizen, until his death.
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