Caldwell's 1898 Atlas of Monroe Co., Ohio
Page 16
NOTE: These records are hard to read so there may be a few errors
~ SW
The following are lists of the persons who have held offices in Monroe
county since its organization.
Thomas Smith
James Carrothers
Amos B. Jones
Henry H. Mott
Robert F. Naylor
William Okey
Jedediah G. Flemming |
S. Y. Mason
James Mitchell
Daniel Walton
Jeremiah Williams
David Okey
Joel T. Judkims
Asher Okey
Elisha L. Lynch
E. D. Thompson |

Arthur Okey
William D. Henthorn
Noble Rayle
William Dement
William Mason
Elliott Holland
Joel F. Randolph
Cornelius Okey
Japheth Smith
Thomas Mitchell
William D. Patton
Marshall Morrow |
William Read
Cortland M. Morrow
George W. Carrothers
Joseph Myers
George Caldwell
Thomas O. Little
William Read
Christian Lude
Louis Sulsberger
Allen H. Pierson
Jesse A. Keyser
R. L. Wright |
Cornelius Okey
Theophilas Miner
Joseph Gadd
Jeremiah Hollister
Elijah Andrews
Jacob Headlee
William Craig
Jacob Headlee
John M. Kirkbride
Thomas West
Joseph Moose
Miles Okey |
John B. Noll
John S. Holliday
Martin L. Bowser
Michael Hoeffler
Samuel Grimshaw
Michael Hoeffler,
William Weddle,
Michael Hoeffler,
Stephen A. Atkinson,
Henry R. Muhleman
William T. Wood |
Arthur Okey
William Mason
Elisha Enochs
William Mason
Joseph Morris
James R. Morris
John Kerr
Edward Salisbury
Frederick Kochler
William Myers |
John B. Noll
William Read
Daniel Neubert
William Read
William T. Morris
John Gatchell
John Rueg_egger
Cyrus E. Miller
William S. Way,
J. Wiser Oakey |
John Linn
Elijah Stephen
Cornelius Okey
William Atkinson
William Dement
Peter Witten
John Bryan
John Linn
William Smith
Joshua Richardson
John Henthorn
William Crawford
Elisha Enoch
Peter Witten
John Gray
William Johnston |
Jacob Tschappar
William Myers
John W. Wheeler
Joseph Moose
Frederick Muhleman
Thomas Mitchell, Jr.
Barnett Mann
George S. Algeo
William F. Booth
Thomas Murphy
F. A. Lamping
William Workman
Isaac Bernhard
Christian Cehrs
James Armstrong |
Cornelius Okey
Robert F. Naylor
William Cochran
James Cunningham
Lewis Shipley
Daniel O'Connor |
John Hamilton
Archibald Hoskinson
James Myers
Edward J. Graham
Frank Mason
J. M. Boughner |
We are indebted to Mr.
Louis Hoeffler the accommodating clerk to the
infirmary directors, for the following list of persons
who have held that office. There is no official
record from which the names could be taken, but Mr.
Hoeffler spent. |
Seneca S. Salisbury
Samuel H. Guthrie
Daniel Ray
Franklin Gale
Edward Archibald
Thomas West
Daniel H. Wire
Wm. P. Richardson |
James G. Amos
John P. Spriggs
Albert J. Pearson
John P. Spriggs
John B. Driggs
Hunter S. Armstrong
George G. Jennings
Thurman Spriggs |

William Vernon Walton,
was born in Adams Township, Monroe County, Ohio, on the
7th day of August, 1860; is a son of Judge Richard K.
Walton and Julia A. Walton. Mr.
Walton remained with his parents, receiving an
education such as was afforded in Clarington, Ohio
public schools under the instructions of his father, who
was for many years principal of Clarington public
schools, until he arrived at the age of about eighteen
eyars, at which time he commenced teaching in the common
schools of the county, which calling he pursued until
his father appointed him Deputy Clerk of the Probate
Court of Monroe County, Ohio, which position of trust
Mr. Walton filled during his father's continuance in
the office of Probate Judge. W. V. Walton
also conducted a successful fire insurance agency in
Woodsfield, during which time he also read law under the
instruction of the law firm of Hunter & Mallory,
and in the fall of 1885, he entered the senior law class
of The Cincinnati Law School and graduated in May, 1886,
receiving a diploma and was also at same time admitted
to the bar in Ohio. Mr. Walton commenced
the practice of law at Woodsfield, Ohio on the first day
of June, 1886, where he has continued in the practice
ever since with the exception of one year, which time,
from 1891 to 1892, he practiced his profession in
Bellaire and Toronto, Ohio, and for six years he was in
partnership with his father, Judge R. K. Walton,
under the firm name of Walton & Walton, after
which this partnership was dissolved by mutual consent
and at this time W. V. Walton has resided in
Monroe County since his birth except as above stated and
on the 12 day of June, 1889, he was married to Lura
B. Thornberry, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Thornberry of Woodsfield, and since that time two
children have been born of said marriage, viz.: Ione,
borne May 11th, 1890, and Leland Vernon, born
April 30th, 1893, both of whom are now living.
Among other positions of trust. Mr. Walton
has successfully filled the office of Mayor of
Woodsfield for about ten years since the year 1887,
having been appointed twice and elected four times to
this office.
Mr. Walton now resides at No. 116 North Paul
Street, Woodsfield, and his law office is located over
R. W. Pope's Drug Store. |
L. E. Matz, the subject of
this sketch, was born in Summit township, Monroe County, Ohio on
the 14th day of February, 1866. He is of German parentage,
his parents being natives of Germany. Mr. Matz was
educated in the common schools and at Lebanon Normal School,
Warren County, Ohio. He taught school for some six |
years, during which time he began the study of
law under Judge Wire Hamilton and was admitted to the bar
in 1893 and immediately secured a lucrative practice. In
1897 he formed a partnership with Wire Hamilton - the
firm being now Hamilton and Matz and is one of the
leading firms in the county |
Isaac A. Brock
Ambrose Rucker
Thomas Mitchell, Sr.
Randolph Lang
Edward Salisbury
William Cochran
Joseph Caldwell
Joel Yost
Thomas Orr
John Cline,
Thomas Griffith
Henry Ford |
Edwad Okey
David Lentz
Jacob Affolter, Sr.
Jonathan Lieuellen
Nicholas D. Garden
John Ruby
Alexander Harman
James W. Warner
John Pfalzgraf
B. A. Yunkes
Martin V. Cline
George Winland
John Brister |
Daniel Gray
Mitchell Atkinson
John B. Noll
Hiram O'Connor
Amos B. Jones
John Adams |
John B. Noll
Oliver S. Sloan
John C. Miracle
Arthur Okey
Wilson S. Jones
John Okey |
Elihu Morris
John W. Okey
William Steel
John S. Way
Western T. Sinclair
R. P. Yoho |
T. O. Castle
James R. Morris
Richard K. Walton
Albert J. Pearson
Wire Hamilton |
several hours in a careful research, and, it is
believed, has made a complete list:
John Kerr
Benjamin Hughes
Benjamin R. Driggs
John T. Williamson
Richard Clegg
Arthur Smyth
Edward Yost
Joseph Moose
Elijah McMahon
Martin Baker
William Read
Jesse Jackson
Stephen Dougherty
Philip Schumacher |
Jacob C.
Jacob Drum
John Pfaltzgraf
Henry Smith
Robert McCammon
Jacob Drum,
F. J. Wigel,
George Gillespie,
Fred. Stoehr
Jacob Wohnhas
Isaac Ward
Andrew Reich
I. M. Conley |
M. W. Cline,
John Brister, Commissioner
B. A. Yunkes, Commissioner
Geo. Winland, Commissioner
John Okey, Surveyor
E. D. Thompson, Clerk
Robert L. Wright, Sheriff
Thurman Spriggs, Pros. Attorney
J. W. Okey, Treasurer
W. T. Wood, Auditor
James Boughner, Recorder
R. P. Yoho, Probate Judge |