History of Preble County, Ohio
H. Z.
Williams & Bro., Publishers

REYNOLDS was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 14, 1831.
His parents were Sacket and Mary Ann Reynolds. he
graduated at Woodward college, Cincinnati, in 1851, and at the
Theological seminary of Princeton, New Jersey, in 1855. He
was ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian church in 1856,
was at Pleasant Run, Ohio, from 1856 to 1861; at Lithopolis,
Ohio, from 1870 to 1873; at Eaton, Ohio, from 1875 to the
He married Miss Charity P. Hunter, December 16,
1857, at Pleasant Run, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds
have six children, of whom four survive - Clarence G., Mary
E., Walter H., and Grace A., born respectively in
1859, 1861, 1864 and 1868. Clarence G. is a member
of the senior class at the University of Wooster, Ohio.
Mr. Reynolds' ancestors, on his maternal
grandmother's side, whose maiden name was Dumont, were
French Huguenots, who were persecuted by the State church for
their religious opinions, and some of whom fled to America.
Mr. Reynolds still possesses two French Bibles, which
belonged to their ancestors, and which are not only treasures to
the antiquarian, but are mute witnesses to the nobility of soul
which will not sin against conscience at the command of tyrants.
Mr. Reynolds' maternal grandfather was Captain Moses
Guest, who served in the Revolutionary war, and was a man of
great purity of character, and some poetic talent. He
formerly lived in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and came to Ohio
with his family in 1817. He died universally lamented in
Cincinnati, in 1828, aged seventy-two.
Mr. Reynolds' father, Sacket Reynolds,
was one of the earliest printers in Cincinnati, coming to that
city in 1806. He was long connected with the newspaper
press in Cincinnati, respectively in the Liberty Hall and
Cincinnati Gazette, the National Republican, the
Cincinnati Commercial, and the Cincinnati Press.
He died in Cincinnati, aged seventy-one, in 1867.
Source: History of Preble County, Ohio - H. Z. Williams &
Bro., Publishers - 1881 ~Page 156 |

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