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NOTE:  If there are any biographies in particular that you want transcribed, please contact me and I will put it on here asap. - Sharon Wick

History of Shelby County, Ohio -
Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So.


Abbott Family 388
Ackerly, George 376
Ailes, Hezekiah S. 372
Amann, Ferdinand 390
Amos, James L., Gen. 372
Anderson, George Crawford 379
Bearnes, J. N. 374
Benjamin, Charles R. 387
Birch, Pem Brook 390
Blake, Thomas 384
Blake, Thomas 384
Blue, John M. 375
Buirley, Daniel K. 387
Buirley, William 386
Bulle, David 374
Bunnelle, George H. 376
Burch, Hiram 379
Bush, D. L. 371
Bush, George L. 376
Carroll, Chas. W. 374
Clauson, Abraham 377
Conklin, H. S. 374
Conklin, Jacob S. 372
Conner, John 386
Conover, Benjamin D. 389
Crozier, James S. 389
Davies, William D. 379
Dickas, Christopher H. 377
Dingman Family 384
Dingman, Daniel V. 384
Dingman, Daniel V., Jr. 384
Doering, William 389
Edgar, David 378
Edgar, John B. 377
English, Thomas Edwin 384
Estabrook, John T. 385
Fielding, William 371
Foster, John 386
Fry, William B. 386
Gamble, Samuel 384
Gamble, Samuel, Jr. 385
Gartley, Hudson 390
Geyer, James D. 388
Goffena, Peter 377
Goode, Patrick Gains, Hon. 369
Goode, W. H. C. 390
Graham, Thomas B. 387
Guthrie, Harvey 376
Hall, W. M. 378
Heiser, John 380
Hemm, George 379
Henson, M. T. 376
Hitchcock, Almon 390
Honnell, Morris 385
Huddle, Louis 374
Hume, Hubbard 387
Jackson, Edward 387
Johnston, C. E. 376
Johnston, James 377
Johnston, William 385
Joslin, Clay R. 389
Joslin, Robinson 378
Kelsey, Curtis (third) 388
Kelsey, Guy C. 388
King, Michael H. 389
Kline, Charles M. 388
Lamb, James A. 376
Laughlin, Joseph S. 388
Le Fevre, Benjamin 369
Leckley, S. Alex 390
Lehman, Henry M. 385
Lovette, Isaac P. 209
Marshall, George A. 379
Maxwell, Benj. W. 378
Maxwell, Samuel S. 390
McCune, Samuel 387
Mentges, Jacob 380
Metcalf, William P. 380
Monroe, W. H. 390
Montanus, Philip 377
Moore, Nathan 379
Mumford, John A. 389
Nutt Family 380
Orbison, Charles B. 375
Piper, Jacob 377
Piper, William 380
Reddish, George 378
Robbins Family 386
Robertson, A. J. 370
Robinson, John S. 389
Robinson, Susan, Mrs. 378
Schenck, Edgar A. 386
Schenck, Schuyler 386
Sharp, B. M. 374
Sheltzer, Adam 384
Silver, D. R. 374
Silver, Samuel 378
Slusser,l Benjamin 375
Stephenson, Thomas 376
Stewart, Preston 387
Stockstill, E. D. 379
Taylor, O. J. 377
Throckmorton, John Allen 375
Timeus, Charles 375
Toy, W. M. 378
Van De Grivt, Cyrus W. 390
Van Fossen, William M. 390
Wagner, John 385
Wagner, M. 379
Wells Family ****** 383
Whitmer, Daniel 386
Wicoff, Samuel L. 390
Wiengartner, Ignatius 377
Wiengartner, Joseph 379
Wikoff, B. D. 375
Wilkinson, Joseph E. 373
Wilson, Albert 385
Wilson, Harrison 373
Wolf, Charles 389
Wyman, William C. 370
Yager, Clark 386
Yenney, G. F. 375
Yohe, Daniel 378
Zinn, Elijah 389

Blanchard, Eliphalet 273
Brandon, Levi P. 275
Chrisman, William H. 275
Cromer, Harrison 273
Cyphers, George 274
Dunlap, David 274
Emert, Jonathan F. 275
Fulkerson G. W. Dr. 275
Galley James 275
Hollinger, Jacob 275
Hughs, Joseph 273
Killian, Daniel 276
Marshall, Joseph 276
Mills, Dennis C. 275
Mills, Marcus 275
Mills, William 275
Penrod, Samuel Rev. 274
Pequignot, Andrew 274
Pilliod Family 274
Schwartz, Samuel 276
Short Family 276
Swob, J. C. 275
Taylor, William 276
Taylor, William, Jr. 276
Turner, Francis, Esq. 274
Wiley, Hugh 274

Abbott, Eli 244
Abbott, William H. 244
Allen, Philemon B. 243
Allen, Silas D. 243
Blakeley, John 241
Blakeley, Samuel 241
Botkin, Richard 242
Boyer, George W. 244
Boyer, Samuel F. 244
Brackney, Samuel 248
Brideweeser, Philip 245
Bridewesser, Philip 242
Carson, J. M. 241
Clinehens, George 243
Clinehens, P. R. 246
Davis, F. M. 241
Davis, William P. 247
Dill, Espy C. 242
Dill Franklin 242
Dill, James N. 242
Dill, Richard C. 241
Elliott, Alexander 243
Elliott, Samuel 243
Ellis, William H. 247
Faler, John 245
Fey, Ewalt 246
Flesher, Samuel 245
Flesher, William B. 246
Fogt, Christian 245
Fogt, John B. 245
Fridley, John M. 244
Fridley, John W. 245
Gallimore, Mark 248
Gallimore, Samuel 248
Gerber, Peter 245
Gibson, Elias 248
Good, Benjamin 246
Gutmann, Andrew 241
Hagelberger, Balser 246
Hagelberger, Peter 246
Hasting, Robert 248
Hunt, Phaunel 241
Kah, Lewis 248
Kraft, John J. 247
Kraft, William R. 247
LeFevre, L. D. 241
Lemon, Hector 243
Linton, John C. 246
Mede, Eber F. 244
Metz, Philip 246
Miller, J. H. 241
Park, John H. 242
Park, William R. 242
Ragan, Philip Y. 243
Ragan, Thomas 242
Reynolds, George 245
Schmitt, Simon 248
Sheets, Philip, Jr. 247
Sheets, Philip, Sr. 247
Taylor, John 243
Toland, Erasmus B. 244
Turner, George 243
Weller, W. H. 241
Wenger, George 247
Wical, John 247
Wiford, George E. 246
Young, Adam 244
Zaenglein, Jacob W. 242
Zimpfer, John 245
Zimpfer, John Jacob 245

Applegate, Lewis 328
Baker, David 325
Bennett, Charles 325
Bennett, Nehemiah 323
Bulle, David T. 325
Clancey, James W. 323
Clancey, William 323
Cole, Wesley 328
Coleman, James H. 324
Critton, Dennis 324
Curtner, Daniel 331
Dill, Russel B. 328
Elliott, Joseph D. 328
Fey, John C. 325
Fogt, George 328
Fogt, John 328
Foot, Jacob 327
Forrar, Jacob 325
Forrar, John S. 325
Fridley, George 324
Hagelberger, John 327
Hagelberger, Philip 327
Hume, James 326
Hume, James A. 326
Hutchinson, George 324
Hutchinson, Harvey 324
Johnston, John 323
Kelsey, John T. 326
Knasel, Frederick 327
Leapley, Jacob 323
Leapley, Thomas C. 328
Ludlum, Eliakim 323
McClure, Andrew H. 327
McClure, John F. 327
McVay, Thomas 325
Mede, Richard D. 328
Minniear, Amos G. 326
Moothart, Andrew 327
Moothart, Peter 327
Murphy, William 322
Russell, William 324
Schilling, John J. 327
Shaw, Thomas 325
Shiff, Christian 326
Shiff, John Michael 326
Shiff, Michael 326
Shiff, Philip J. 327
Small, John L. 325
Staley, Daniel 331
Swander, James 323
Swnader, David 325
Wooddell, James H. 328
Young, Adam 323
Young, Philip 324
Young, Philip W. 328
Young, Silas D. 327
Young, William 324
Zedeker, John W. 324

Anderson, William B. 208
Arbogast, Allen 209
Arbogast, Cornelius 209
Beezley, John 202
Bird, Samuel 204
Bird, Samuel 204
Botkin, John 204
Bowersock, David 208
Branson, Wellington 203
Brelsford, David 207
Chrisman, David 206
Conroy, Edward 206
Cory, Albert J. 209
Covault, Madison 206
Crouse, Joseph H. 206
Cunningham, Robert C. 208
Denman, Moses 203
Develis, Joshua 208
Dickensheets, John 203
Dormire, Christian 209
Dormire, Jacob 209
Dormire, Nicholas 209
Dorsey, Charles M. 207
Dorsey, Isaac C. 208
Dorsey, John 207
Dorsey, Snowden T. 208
Duer, John 203
Frazier, Perry L. 205
Gray, Matthias 207
Hageman, Jonathan P. 203
Hageman, William 205
Haney, Joseph 204
Heath, Austin 210
Hunt, Heman R. 205
Johnson, Henry H. 206
Johnston, Joseph 202
Laughlin, John C. C. 208
Leedom, John C. 207
Lovett, Isaac P. 209
Maloney, William 203
Martin, Samuel M. 203
Middleton, John H. 206
Minniear, Thomas 202
Niswanger, Jonathan 207
Niswanger, William 207
Pardington, Joseph 208
Platt, John 205
Platt, Thomas L. 206
Prince, David N. 205
Princehouse, Peter 208
Randolph, Samuel 205
Randolph, William 204
Redenbo, Samuel 203
Robinson, Henry 203
Robinson, Samuel 202
Rolfe, James 208
Sanders, Cephas T. 204
Sargeant, John 207
Shank, Henry 206
Shaw, William 205
Sherwood, Peter V. 205
Simes, Lanty G. 205
Sleeter, Frederick H. 203
Sturm, John 204
Suber, John C. 206
Thomas T. Platt 206
Tuttle, Thaddeus 206
Ulrick, Edward 207
Verdier, Paul F. 206
Wiles, David 205
Williams, William B. 204
Williams, William H. 204
Woodmancy, John 202
Woodward, Samuel 204
Woolley, George H. 206

Ailes, Alfred 233
Akers, Brooks 231
Babcock, Simeon 230
Baker, Jefferson 233
Baker, William C. 233
Bonnorront, Jacob 232
Brandenburg, Lewis W. 231
Brandenburg, Samuel 230
Cargill O. 230
Carter, J. M. 229
Claton, Henry N. 232
 Davis, Luther L. 230
Davis, Luther S. 230
Elliott, C. 230
Elliott, John C. 230
Foster, William S. 230
Foster, William S. 233
Fry, John 232
Glick, Darius 231
Glick, Joab 233
Glick, Lewis B. 233
Gross, Nicholas 234
Hawver ,Christian 231
Hawver, George 237
Hawver, Peter 234
Heintz, George 234
Heintz, Jacob C. 234
Hogan, William 231
Howell, Jonathan 232
Hughes, James A. 234
Iseman, John 230
Iseman, John 233
Kauffield, Henry 234
King, Michael A. 234
Linker, John 231
Littlejohn, George W. 232
McCord, Benjamin 231
McCormick, ,Thomas B. 232
McVay, Daniel 234
Meranda, John S. 230
Metz, Jacob 232
Metz, Jacob 232
Moodie, John 233
Sayrs, Solomon 231
Staley, George W. 233
Trandree, Solomon 230

Adam, Hubert 316
Akin, James W. 314
Akin, Samuel 314
Apple, Jacob S. 315
Ashton, Napoleon B. 314
Baumgarden, Edward C. 317
Clark, David 313
Clark, David, a farmer 313
Clark, James * 313
Colby, Joseph 315
Cox, Isaac S. 318
Crone, Henry 321
Delaet, Celestin 318
Dickerson, James D. 321
Didier, Nicholas 316
Echman, Frank 317
Edwards, Bryant 316
Edwards, William C. 316
Emert, Benjamin 315
Emert, George M. 315
Eshaman, Albert F. 317
Fessler, John G. 317
Flinn, William 315
Gartley, John 315
Ginn, Andrew H. 314
Ginn, James 314
Ginn, William W. 314
Harmony, Christian 316
Harper, James 316
Harper, James, Jr. 316
Hergenrather, Kilian 318
Holbert, Luther C. 318
Hollopeter, Isaac 318
Johnston, John 314
Johnston, Thomas 314
Johnston, William 314
Miller, Jeremiah 318
Monnin, Ignace 317
Monnin, John George 317
Morrow, Thomas 312
Moyer, George W. 315
Patterson, Alexander 313
Patterson, James 313
Patterson, John 313
Pell, John 316
Peters, Samuel A. 316
Prichard, Burl 317
Rhoades, George 315
Rhoades, John S. 316
Ross, Charles P. 318
Skillen, Thomas 313
Skillen, William 312
Stephen, Benjamin 317
Thompson, Robert P. 315
Whitmer, Abraham 318
Wyatt, Joseph M. 314
Zemer, George 313
Zemer, Noah 313

Antony, Philip 269
Arkenburgh, Ferdinand 263
Arling, Henry 263
Beancer, Benjamin 263
Beaver, John W. 263
Berning, Henry 263
Berning, John G. 263
Borchers, John B. 263
Borhorst, Joseph 263
Bovendick, Bernard 263
Bramiga, John H. 263
Brand, Frederick 263
Brons, Frederick 263
Broring, Herman F. 263
Circher, Jarvis 264
Clowson, Andrew 263
Doncing, Williaml 263
Drees, Bernard 263
Dressman, Henry J. 264
Farley, Patrick 264
Farley, Philip 265
Fisher, John 265
Fortman, Henry 265
Friemerring, Bernard 263
Gaier, Ferdinand 265
Gaier, Jacob 265
Gausepohl, John B. 265
Gudenkauf, Henry C. 265
Gudorf, Henry 265
Henka, Henry 264
Hickey, Thomas 265
Hilgeford, John Clemans 265
Hinners, Richard 265
Holscher, John Bernard 265
Horstmann, Ferdinand 265
Hoying, Clemance 265
Inman, Benjamin Gregory 265
Kenner, Stephen 266
Klocker, Herman 266
Knuver, John F. 265
Leisner, Bernard 266
Lowman, John H. 266
Menke, Henry 263
Meyer, Henry 266
Meyer, Joseph 266
Otteng, Frank 266
Otteng, Frank 266
Pelster, John H. 266
Piening, Bernard 266
Popperman, John B. 266
Powell, Isaac 266
Prenger, Bernard 266
Quartman, J. H. 266
Quartman, Joseph 266
Raterman, Joseph 269
Rieger, Joseph 263
Roop, Henry 266
Rottinghaus, J. H. 269
Rottinghaus, John B. 269
Schilmiller, John G. 269
Schlater, Frederick 266
Schlater, Henry 266
Schulze, John H. 269
Sherman, Henry 266
Sherman, Henry B. 269
Sherman John 269
Sherman, Joseph 269
Short, William J. 269
Smith, Jacob 266
Smithmyer, Everett Henry 266
Sommers, Henry 269
Sommers, John 269
Sommers, Samuel 269
Strickler, Henry 269
Strickler, Henry 269
Toller, John 269
Ullerman, Jacob 269
Vocke, Herman H. 269
Vondrell, Joseph B. 269
Wachsmuth, Frederick 269
Walkup, John 269
Watterkutter, Henry 269

Barkalow, James D. 192
Barkalow, John 192
Barkalow, Joseph T. 192
Barkalow, Wm. P. 191
Brown, John 196
Bull Family 189
Bull, Francis M. 189
Bull, Hiram 189
Bull, John M. 189
Bush, John E. 191
Carey Family 188
Carey, William A. 189
Carey, William F. 189
Caven, James 194
Cecil, William 188
Cofield, Levi, Esq. 196
Cornell, Harvey M. 194
DeNise, James S. 192
Duncan, Thomas 192
Fergus, Joseph 195
Fergus, Thomas H. 188
Foster, Christian 189
Francis, John B. 191
Francis, Jonathan 191
Fulton, Isaac 192
Gillespie, David K. 190
Gillespie, David Kirkwood 190
Gillespie, William 190
Green, William 195
Hart, John 189
Hetzler, Jacob 195
Holmes, Thomas (Sen) 193
Huddle, Benjamin 194
Jackson, Edward 196
Johnston, Henry P. 192
Kiggens, John F. 194
Layman, Jeremiah 190
Layman, John M. 195
Lefferson, William B. 195
Lilienkamp, Frederick 196
McCracken, James 193
McKee, John L. 193
Millhouse, Jacob J., Dr. 193
Morrow, James 196
Mott, John 194
Patterson, James K. 194
Proctor, William 193
Redenbaugh, Jeremiah 194
Rhinehart, Noah 194
Sarver, Hiram 192
Shaw, Samuel M. 195
Simes, John C. 193
Snodgrass, Alexander 195
Valentine Family 187
Valentine John H. 188
Valentine, Milton 188
Valentine, William C. 188
Voorhees, Charles F. 190
Voorhees, Joseph V. 190
Voorhees, Reuben 190
Voress, John F. 190
Voress, Oakey 190
Wead, Joseph 194
Wirt, Benjamin 193
Young, Thomas  191

Baker, William 222
Barringer, Jacob L. 219
Barringer, O. J. 219
Cannon, Henry S. 224
Crumbaugh, John 222
DeWeese, Leonidas 221
DeWeese, William 221
Dillon, John 223
Doren, Charlotte T., Mrs. 223
Elliott, John H. 219
Elliott, Leonard T. 219
Ethrington, Thomas 222
Ferree, Jeremiah D. 217
Forsyth, Allen S. 218
Gearhart, Anthony 223
Gearhart, Lewis M. 223
Gearheart, James F. 223
Griep, Adam 223
Harbour, Henry 218
Henry, David 218
Henry, E. F. 217
Jackson, Joshua B. 217
Jackson, Wm. R. 217
Johnston, James 220
Johnston, James F. 221
Johnston, Thomas J. 220
Kemp, Joseph L. 216
Kerns, Jacob 227
Key, John 222
Key, John H. 222
Key, Norman 222
Kiser, Benjamin 216
Kiser, Elisha 217
Line Family 224
Line, Abraham 224
Line, David M. 224
Line, Easton H. 224
Line, John 220
Line, Solomon 224
Lippincott, G. W. 219
Lippincott, G. W. 221
Magie, Oliver 220
Manning, Benjamin 221
Marrs, Emery F. 219
Marrs. William 216
Maulick, John C. 223
Maxwell, Abraham 227
Medaris, Washington 223
Miller, Henry R. 224
Miller, Newton 218
Peckham, Philip 223
Pence, Abraham I. 217
Poling, Oliver 227
Redinbaugh, David 222
Ried, William R., Esq. 222
Slagel, Charles 223
Smith, Andrew H. 224
Smoot, John H. 222
Staley, Armstrong 217
Staley, David 217
Staley, Isaiah W. 219
Staley, Nicholas 221
Stephenson, Charles 217
Stephenson, John 218
Stiles, Uri M. 219
Thompson, Smallwood 224
Thompson, Thomas M. 217
Valentine, John 224
Vandemark, Daniel, Jr. 220
Wilkinson, Isaac N. 216
Wilkinson, Jacob P. 216
Wilkinson, Joseph  216
Wilson, Jacob V. 218

Allinger, Gottlieb E. 339
Baker, George C. 335
Baker, John 335
Baker, John Conrad 334
Billing, Frederick 341
Bruner, John M. 341
Burton, Shadrach C. 341
Cargill, Andrew 340
Cargill, Elbert 340
Cargill, John 340
Conklin, Robert B., Esq. 342
Counts, J. C. 339
Covill, William H. 342
Crumbaugh, Samuel S., Dr. 336
Dodds, Josephus 341
Duvall, Elias L. 336
Duvall, Jacob B. 336
Duvall, Nimrod 336
Earl, Ransom D. 340
Epler Family 336
Estey, William 342
Gilfillen, James 336
Haney, Robeson 336
Harshbarger, Isaac 339
Hilliard, James 336
Hobby, David A. 341
Honnell, Eli B. 342
Horner, John 340
Hussey, Allen, Dr. 340
Kemp, Henry 339
Kirtland, Elisha 335
Kirtland, Wm. 335
Kraft, Ernst L. 339
Le Fevre, Elias, Esq. 335
Le Fevre, Henry J. 335
Le Fevre, Henry J., Jr. 336
Le Fevre, Jacob M. 336
Le Fevre, Morgan A. 336
Line, William 341
Louthain, Parker 339
Lytle, Edmund 341
Manning, Samuel L. 334
McCashen, Jacob L. 335
McCormick, Valentine 339
Miller, J. F., Dr. 336
Mitchell, George J., Esq. 340
Pegg, James 342
Putt, Levi F. 339
Rike, Dayton 339
Rike, Enoch 340
Rike, Wm. E. 339
Roberts, Andrew, Jr. 334
Roberts, Henry C. 334
Roberts, William, Jr. 334
Roberts, Winfield S. 334
Robinson, Benjamin R. 340
Shinn, William, Esq. 342
Staley, Jacob 336
Staley, William
     and Oliver C.
Stewart, Luther 336
Stockstill, Henry I. 339
Stout, Jonathan 341
Trapp, Peter 341
Watkins, Joseph 340
Winget, Milton J. 339


Baker, Amos 302
Baker, Martin 303
Baldwin, John 302
Bell, Edwin E. 303
Bell, William 303
Bell, William M. 303
Blake, Oliver B. 306
Burrous, William A. 303
Bushman, David H. 300
Campbell, John F. 302
Campbell, Joseph 299
Cannon, Richard M. 297
Cannon, Richard M. 297
Cecil, William W. 305
Cole, Broad 299
Cole, Joshua 299
Coon, David 298
Coon, John W. 298
Cowan, Charles S., Dr. 303
Cowan, Wilson V., Dr. 302
Creegan, John H. 303
Davis, William 298
Ewing, John 306
Ewing, Robert 299
Graham, John W. 298
Griffis, Stephen 302
Hall, James 300
Hall, Thomas M. 300
Harshbarger, Samuel 306
Herbert, William 300
Heston, John E. 302
Hunter, William 300
Jelly, Thomas 305
Leapley, Otho H. 300
Lenox, John M. 306
Lenox, Richard 304
Markley, Jacob 302
Markley, John 302
McClure, Andrew S. 299
McClure, William A. 299
McCullough, Robert 301
Moore, Charles H., Dr. 304
Moore, William G. 301
Morris, John 304
Patten, Hugh T. 306
Patten, Joseph 305
Rauch, Noah 303
Rinehart, Abraham 304
Rinehart, David, Rev. 305
Ritter, John C. 300
Russell, Moses 301
Russell, Moses 301
Russell, William A. 301
Savage, George P. 304
Savage, Washington 304
Schmidt, Wilhelm 300
Sharp, James W. 301
Shaw, Thomas 301
Slaybaugh, John N. 302
Steele, John A. 300
Thomas, Bennett 305
Thomas, William 303
Wilson, Henry V. 306
Wilson, Mark 301
Wilson, Robert 305
Young, Stephen M. 303



Alexander Family 283
Althoff John C. 286
Bailey, John T. 282
Bailey, Thomas 281
Bailey, William 282
Bailey, William and Francis 281
Betts, Isaac, Esq. 285
Booher, George B. 286
Booher, Samuel 286
Botkins, The 285
Bowlsby, David 288
Boyle, Michael 288
Burt, James 288
Buxton, Jasper S. 285
Cain Jacob 288
Caldwell, Thomas 289
Campbell & Monroe Families 289
Davenport, Anthony S. Sr. 289
Dinsmoore Family 284
Dinsmoore, Robert 284
Dunsmoore, Matthew 284
Etherington, John 289
Ewing, Samuel 284
Fergus, Francis 288
Gillespie, Hamilton S. 289
Graham, Thomas 288
Hardesty, Joseph 288
Hardesty, Samuel 288
Johnston ,John Esq. 286
Johnston, Robert G. 286
Johnston, Stephen 286
Johnston, Stephen A. 286
Lawrence, John 286
Lenox, James 282
Link, Elijah 285
Marshall, William 284
Marshalls, The 284
McKee,, John 286
Mellinger Family 283
Monroe & Campbell Families 289
Patterson, Robert 285
Peck, John J. 288
Pickering, Jacob H. 286
Polhamus, Stephen L. 286
Rasor, Daniel 285
Rasor, Daniel, Jr. 286
Rasor, Jacob 286
Schenk, George W. 289
Scott, John 290
Stewart, Joseph 285
Tabler, Samuel H. 286
Thompson Davis J. 286
Thompson, Freeborn 285
Thompson, James 286
Valentine, Samuel 288
Vandemark Henry B. 283
Wagner, Henry 290
Walters, Reuben W. 288
Weymer, Michael G. 284
Wilson Henry C. 283
Wilson, Jesse H. 282
Wilson, John 282
Wright ,Samuel H. 285

Chambers, Jeremiah

Source3:  Portrait and Biographical Record of Auglaize, Logan and Shelby Counties, Ohio - Publ. Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1892.

 John Cartley




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