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History of Adams County, Ohio
from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers
West Union, Ohio
Published by E. B. Stivers

PLEASE NOTE:  The names in Bold Blue are for people that are researching those particular names to conveniently find them quickly.



NOTE:  I will pick things out of this chapter for now and detail it later.  ~ SW

p. 114
The First Public Highway - The Kyte Fork Road - The Roads to Ellis' Ferry - The Whiskey road -
Zane's Trace from Treber's Tavern to Tod's Crossing.


Kyte Fork Road


The Roads to Ellis' Ferry.


Whiskey Road.

     In the early day as the very necessary commodity, whiskey, was scarce, and to secure plenty of it, in about 1807, a party from New Market started out to cut a road through the woods to near Winchester, where a German named *Hemphill had a still-house, the fame of which had spread to the early settlers.
     It was on New Year's day,1807, that a party started from the tavern of George W. Barrere,  in New Market, headed by that gentleman with his compass and Jacob-staff to locate the route for the new road.  He was followed by thirty men with axes, and a barrel of Jacob Medsker's best whiskey on a pole sled drawn by a horse.  Several tin cups were hung on one side of the sled and a side of bacon on the other.  A boy rode the horse and for a saddle sat on a bag, the ends of which were filled with corn dodgers.  A few of the force carried rifles, with which to procure any game which they should be fortunate enough to meet.  Mike Moore had charge of the barrel and provisions, and carried with him his fiddle with which he made the camp lively during the evening.  The whiskey barrel was nearly empty in the morning, which proved an incentive to the force to be expeditious with their work and reach a new base of supplies, where a fresh drink could be taken.  On the return a greater, the larger portion of it returned to New Market.  Thereafter the New Marketers had a sure road for the transportation of their favorite beverage.
     At the June session, 1800, William Sprigg, for whom Sprigg Township was named, and who afterwards became a Supreme Judge of Ohio, as attorney for Israel Donalson and others, presented to the Court a petition for a road from the crossing of Elk Run to intersect the Limestone road at or near the residence of George or Isaac Edgington (near Union Church, south of Bentonville).  This petition is subscribed by George Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers, John Austin, Wm. L. Kenner, I. Donaldson, William Morrison, John Morrison, Joseph Morrison, John Goodin and Daniel Henderson.
     The following petition for a road from Shoemaker's Crossing of Brush Creek to Zane's road discloses the fact that Zane's road was as has heretofore been suggested, so "straightened and amended" as to lose its identity within a few years after the trace was blazed through Adams County.  This accounts for the many conflicting claims as to its original location, by the descendants of those who lived in the county about the time of the opening of the trace, and who rely upon tradition as the foundation of their knowledge  "Your petitioners pray that a road may be established from Shoemaker's Crossing of Brush Creek (near Sproull's) on the nearest and best course passing Mr. Chapman's, till it intersects Zane's road and thence with the said road straightening it in many places and making such amendments thereon as may be thought necessary, to the county line.  Your Petitioners further pray that a road may be established from the termination of a road established by the county of Ross, leading from the Pee Pee town on the line of this county to intersect the first road asked for at the most convenient place.  James Boyd, Jesse Weatherington, Abram Boyd, Joseph Van Meter, Absalom Van Meter, Seth Van Meter, Peter Shoemaker, Simon Shoemaker, John Sample, Jonathan Boyd, Samuel McDermitt, John Shirley, David McDermitt, Daniel Collier, William Ogle, Enoch Ogle, Thomas Ogle, Henry Moore, Jesse Eastburn, Joseph Collier, C. Williamson, Hosea Moore, Thos. Kirker, William Peterson, Abraham Neff, John Chapman, Adam Hatfield, Robert Ellison, James Ellison, Job Denning.
     Joseph Eyler, Daniel Collier
and Peter Shoemaker, viewers.
     This latter road, nine miles in length, was ordered opened two rods wide at the March session, 1801, and the former, Shoemaker's ford road fifteen miles in length and four poles wide.
     At the September session, 1800, the road from the twenty-mile tree to the Sinking Spring, was surveyed.  The road leading from the court house in Washington to intersect the Manchester and Chillicothe road was surveyed by Hosea Moore and return thereof to court made and same read a second time.  Whole distance sixteen miles, and road established four poles wide.
     At the December session, 1800, the following petition was presented to the Court praying for a road from crossing of Eagle Creek at Logan's Gap to the Red Oak settlement:
     "The Court of General Quarter Session of the Peace, at Washington, in and for the county of Adams, Territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio , before John Beasley, Moses Baird, Noble Grimes, Joseph Kerr, Thomas Kirker, and John Russell, Esquires, justices assigned to keep the peace and to grant orders for highways, etc., in the county aforesaid, we, the undernamed subscribers considering the disadvantages attending those who travel through Massie Township, and the utility resulting from a good road through said county and township, unanimously solicit your approbation and commands in appointing William Stephenson, James Espey, and Mills Stephenson, Esquires, to view and make out from the crossing of Eagle Creek at Logan's Gap, the ground that shall be thought best and highest to pass over Red Oak as nigh the river as high water will permit.  Pass over our informality unnoticed.  Our country is young, therefore our petitions cannot be polished by the hand of formality.  Dec. 5, 1800.  Ignatius Mitchell, William Gregory, Thos. Espey, Wm. Stephenson, Gabriel Cox, Mills Stephenson, James Cresswell, John Thomas, Robert McBride, George McKiney, Samuel Creswell, John Redmond, Richard Roylston, Newell Redmond, Daniel Redmond, James Stephenson, Elza Redmond.  Survey granted.  At the June session, 1801, said survey was returned by John Smith, Surveyor, and road ordered established from Eagle Creek at Logan's Gap to crossing of Red Oak; distance two and one-tenth miles.
     At this session was read the first time, survey of the road from Holmes' Mill on the east fork of Eagle Creek to the eight tree on the highway from Thomas' Run to Edwards' Ferry.
     There was also granted at this term of the court a road from George Edwards' mill on Fishing Gut Creek, passing Col. Gutridge's settlement, and intersecting Zane's road at a white ash marked three and one-fourth miles to Ellis' Ferry.  James Edwards, Willim Rains, John West, Francis Jacobs, John Gutridge, Sr., John Gutridge, Jr., Robert Miller, William Hamilton, John Dillon, George Swisher, William Petterson, Thomas Roberts, Asahel Brookover, George West, Thomas Justice, Simon Reeder, John Simpson, William Cornell, William Gollshar, Nathan Ellis.
A petition for a road to be laid out form Washington to intersect the road from Manchester to Chillicothe, at or near Killinstown, was filed at this term subscribed by the following Petitioners: 
John Brown, John Brown, Jr., Simon Shoemaker, Peter Shoemaker, Thomas Grimes, Laz'l Swim, James Collins, Jesse Witherington, Stephen Bayless, Patrick Killin, Joseph Eyler, William Boldridge (Baldridge), Samuel Boldridge, Ben Piatt, John Boldridge, James Allison, Davison C. Clary, Thomas Mason, Job Denning, John Killin, Henry Smith, James Miller, Alex. Barber, Thomas Brown, Laid Ferguson.
At the March session, 1801, a petition was filed for alteration of road from John Treber's to the twenty-seven mile tree on Zanes' road.
     December session, 1801.  Road from Washington to William Dunbar's landing opposite Sycamore Creek.  James Barritt, Surveyor; James Nailor, David Lovejoy, and Hector Murphy, viewers; John Barritt, surveyor; David Bradford, John Ellison and David Leitch, security for costs.
     At same session the road from Robert Ellison's trace to John Treber's granted.  "Beginning in the road already laid from Manchester to Adamsville where Robert Ellison's trace leaves the said road at the forks of Island Creek, thence through the western part of James Collins' plantation to intersect the Limestone road (Zane's) three miles and fifty poles from Treber's, the whole distance being five miles and two hundred and thirty-nine poles."  John Beasley, surveyor.

Zane's Trace from Treber's Tavern to Tod's Crossing.

     Zane's road from John Treber's to top of Brush Creek hill was changed as follows:  from Treber's on the highlands to the old Indian ford of Brush Creek, and thence on nearest and best grounds to intersect main road at the twenty-seven mile tree.
     The survey of this road was granted upon the petition of Peter Wickerham, John Treber, Joseph Horn, Nathan Ellis, Abraham Shepherd, Samuel Swan, William Murfin, James Boyd, Abraham Boyd, Jonathan Boyd, William Boyd, Peter Platter, David Honsell, John Milligan, David Bunnell, James Bunnell, at September session, 1801.
     The return of the survey was made on the eighth day of December, 1801, by John Beasley, surveyor; Jacob Treber and John Sample, chainmen.  The road began at the twenty-one-mile tree near Treber's and thence as follows:  North 60 east 60 poles; north 120 poles; north 20 east 734 poles; north 47 east 66 poles; north 82 east 60 poles; north 42 east 106 poles; north 54 west 34 poles at Tod's old crossing of Brush Creek; north 34 east 194 poles; north 69 east 46 poles; north 33 east 510 poles; to the said road again at or near the twenty-seven-mile tree.  The whole length of the above mentioned road is six miles; width established, thirty feet.
     The Court order and appoint David Edie, John Mehaffey and Benjamin Grace, viewers, and Nathaniel Beasley, surveyor, of a road from Limestone to county (Clermont) line.  James Edwards, John West and Seth Foster, for costs.
     James Naylor, Zed Markland and Zephaniah Wade, reviewers, and John Barrett, surveyor, of road from Donalson's Creek to Washburn's Mill.  Adam Pennywait, David Lovejoy, and Zeph Wade, for costs.
   Charles Osler, Joseph Stewart and William Middleton, viewers:  James Stephenson, surveyor, of road from opposite Sutton's Ferry at Limestone to the Buffalo crossings.  James Edwards, John West and George Edwards, for costs.
     David Edie, Joseph Washburn, and Parmenus Washburn, viewers, and Israel Donalson, surveyor, of a road from Manchester to New Market.  Joseph Darlinton, Nathaniel Beasley, and Needham Perry, security for costs.

* The Hemphill farm was near the present village of Newport, on George's Creek, near its junction with west fork of Ohio Brush Creek.
     The above is taken from William History of Highland County, and the George W. Barrere mentioned was the father of the late Nelson Barrere, a notice of whom appears in this volume under the chapter devoted to the Judiciary and Bar of Adams County.
     James W. Finley, afterwards a noted divine and missionary to the Wyandotte Indians, was an associate of Barrere and a frequenter of the bar room in his tavern about the period mentioned, and was known throughout the settlement, as the "New Market Devil."





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