A Part of Genealogy Express




History of Allen County, Ohio
And Representative Citizens
Edited and Compiled by
Charles C. Miller, Ph. D.
Assisted by
Dr. Samuel A. Baxter
Lima, Ohio
Published by Richmond & Arnold
George Richmond; G. R. Arnold
Chicago, Ill

  JAMES M. COCHRAN, one of the well-known residents of Marion township and a veterinarian of great skill, belongs to one of the very old families of Tennessee, which is also numbered among the old and honored pioneer families of Allen County.  His male ancestors were distinguished both in the War of the Revolution and in the War of 1812.
     James M. Cochran, the great-grandfather of the present James M., was born in Scotland and came to America prior to the Revolutionary War.  He settled among the mountains of Tennessee, took an active part in the affairs of his section, participated in the border wars and, as far as known, protected his property and family in those pioneer days, as became a man of sturdy courage.  His three sons were named, William. Benjamin and Isaac.
     William Cochran, the eldest, was our subject’s paternal grandfather. He was born in Tennessee and served seven years in the Indian wars of his native State. In the War of 1812 he also served as a soldier and for this service received a land grant of 200 acres located in Paulding County, Ohio.  He had settled, prior to this, among the pioneers of Ross County, Ohio, where he married Betsey Mannery, a lady of Irish extraction and of Revolutionary ancestry.  To this marriage were born 10 children, of whom the following reached mature years: John M., Jane, James, Catherine, Nancy and William.  Of these, John M. was treasurer. of Putnam County.  When he went to the county seat to make settlement, he carried the funds in his wallet on horseback, the amount at that time not exceeding $60.  William, his brother, was one of the early sheriffs of Putnam County, a representative man of his day, prominent in political and business life.
     William Cochran the elder was an able man and left the impress of his sterling character on every locality in which he lived.  From Ross County he moved in 1821 to what is now Allen County.  He “squatted" on a small farm on the Auglaize River and during his short period of residence cleared up one field.  This farm, located in section 4, Marion township, is now owned by the King family and is occupied by a Mr. Wagner.  After the land came into the market Benjamin Cochran bought it and William then removed to the farm now occupied by Mr. Long, located two miles north of Dr. Cochran’s home in section 22, with the Auglaize River bordering it on the west.  Later he bought 103 acres at Middlepoint, Van Wert County, and this, together with his land in Paulding County, made him the owner of 310 acres.  He died on his farm at Middlepoint, at the age of 88 years, one of the few survivors of the pioneers who had come to Allen County before the Shawnee Indians had departed. He served officially in Putnam (Allen) County, and was a circuit court judge, being appointed at Kalida, Ohio.
     James Cochran, the third son of William Cochran and the father of Dr. Cochran, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1804.  Born among pioneer surroundings, his education was limited.  School terms were of short duration in those days and accommodations necessarily poor in the small, hastily constructed log school-houses; but he possessed the native ability of his family and was reckoned among the well-informed men of his day.  The large amount of active, outdoor exercise involved in clearing and cultivating the pioneer farm, gave him a stalwart frame and the robust health which prolonged his years for beyond those of his contemporaries.  He died in Marion township, Allen County, June 12, 1893.  His son, our subject, can recall many of the conditions of pioneer, life from his own experience and many others from hearsay, and they are very interesting as presenting a picture so different from what may be seen here at the present day.
     The family home was built first of round logs, right in the forest, but a more secure one was later constructed of hewed logs.  The clearing of the 100 acres, on which Dr. Cochran now resides, was done with ox teams, the great strength of the oxen performing the tasks which now would be done by machinery.  Mr. Cochran used the old wooden mold-board plow and threshed his grain with a flail.  The Shawnee Indians were yet a powerful tribe in this section, in fact, when Mr. Cochran came to the county he had but three families of white neighbors.  Treating the Indians with justice, Mr. Cochran made friends with the braves and they traded together to their mutual benefit, and no Indians ever endangered the peace of his family.  With the assistance of his white neighbors, Mr. Cochran blazed paths through the forests.  Wild animals still roamed all through this section, the wolves and deer coming to the very door.  A number of the latter were shot from the doorstep, for food.  The larder was also easily supplied with fish from the clear Auglaize River.
     For household supplies it was necessary to go to Defiance by boat, and to Pickaway with grain for the mill, the latter trip being one of importance and requiring a week’s absence from home.  With his neighbors Mr. Cochran assisted in the building of the canal, worked in the timber getting out material for the building of the locks on the same, and also worked on flatboats which were built at Wapakoneta for use on the river.
     James Cochran was twice married; first on Sept. 10, 1826, to Julia Ann Russell, who was a daughter of one of the first settlers in Amanda township, where he located in 1817, lived at Fort Amanda and was a large Indian trader.  The children of this marriage were:  William R., who was born in 1829, and two daughters, both of whom died.  The mother of these children died in 1834.  Two years later Mr. Cochran married Isabella Sunderland, and 12 children were born to this union, the survivors being: Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Stemen, of Huntington, Indiana; Julia Ann, wife of Henry Temple, of Convoy, Ohio; Mary, wife of Robert Martin, of Nebraska; James, the subject of this sketch; Ellen, wife of William Daniels, of Missouri; Nancy, wife of Clarence Hurlbutt, of German township; and Orlando, a resident of Boston, Massachusetts. Hattie, deceased, was the wife of Frank Elder.  George served in the Civil War as a member of McLaughlin’s Squad, Ohio Cavalry, and was taken prisoner in Stoneman’s raid.  He was incarcerated in Andersonville Prison and died in Mellon Prison in October, 1848.  James Cochran was a magistrate in Marion township and served in a number of the township offices.  He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church.
     James M. Cochran, the immediate subject of this sketch, was educated in the schools of Marion township, in which township he has always had his residence.  When not more than seven years of age, he assisted in filling in the embankment of the P., Ft. W. & C. Railway near his home, hauling the dirt in his little cart.  He well remembers the old days of harvesting, when he used the old-fashioned cradle almost from sunrise to sunset, for 75 cents a day.  His present fine farm is operated by a tenant along modern lines.  His beautiful residence and substantial farm buildings are very noticeable from the Lima turnpike road, the highway which passes his gate.
     Dr. Cochran has always taken more than the usual interest that an agriculturist and stockman takes in the health and development of animals, appreciating their many admirable qualities and understanding their structure and ailments.  During the Civil War, as a member of Company B, McLaughlin’s Squad, Ohio Cavalry, he put many of his theories into practice which resulted in the saving of many horses to the service.  Since 1880 he has given almost constant attention to a veterinary practice which extends all over the county.  He has attended no college; but he has gained a wonderful amount of useful knowledge in his profession through practical experience and real interest in his work.
     Dr. Cochran has been twice married; first to Ellen Roush, who was a daughter of Jacob Roush of Amanda township.  The death of his first wife and two sons, William S. and Edward, left him not only with his domestic peace disturbed, but just at that time overcome with financial difficulties, in fact without a dollar.  He was living on his father-in-law’s farm and Mr. Roush insisted upon his remaining there.  Through great industry and perseverance he managed to regain his financial standing, and now is one of the substantial men of the township.  In 1878 he married, second, Catherine Baxter, who is a daughter of Samuel Baxter.  He has one daughter by his first marriage, Almerta, who is the wife of Charles Ford, of Marion township.  The three children of his second union are: Dora, wife of Jesse S. Myers, who resides in Marion township, south of the homestead; Orlando Bertrue. living at home; and Viola, wife of Ernest East. of Cleveland, Ohio.
     Dr. Cochran remained for a time on Mr. Roush’s farm in Amanda township, then rented the homestead farm and finally purchased it.  It is a fine property and possesses more than the usual amount of interest for the Doctor, as he assisted very materially in the clearing of the greater part of it from the primitive forest.

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 720
  JAMES COCHRUN.  Among the old families of this county which possesses a most interesting history - both on account of the prominence of its living representatives and its connection with the public affairs and personages of this section for almost a century - is that of Cochrun, the earliest record of which relates to the birth of Rev. Simon Cochrun, the great grandfather of our subject, James Cochrun.
     Rev. Simon Cochrun
was a notable man in his day, having been a Revolutionary soldier and subsequently, for 47 years, an active minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  He was born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, about 1756, and died in this county Jan. 9, 1845, aged 89 years, 11 months and 6 days.  In all probability he came to Allen County very early in the ’30’s, being then a minister; as, in the old records, may be found the statement that he performed the marriage service for Elias Wright and Sarah Bowman early in 1835.  Rev. Simon Cochrun had three sons: Thomas, born in Kentucky in 1800, who located on a farm in German township, in 1800; and Wesley and John, both of whom served in the War of 1812.  In 1833 the first school house in the township was built on the Cochrun farm, with either Asa Wright or John Summerset as teacher. Church services were held in the home of John Cochrun by Rev. Krellum, the pioneer members being John Cochrun and wife Hester, James Hayes and wife, a Mr. Ryan, a Mr. Jackson and Nancy Lippincott.  Later Rev. Sullivan ministered in a church that was destroyed by fire, another being erected in the northeast corner of the township.
     In 1832 Wesley Cochrun, the grandfather of James Cochrun, of Spencerville, located four miles north of Lima, where he entered land and improved a farm on which he lived until the close of his life, dying at the age of 85 years.  He was an enthusiastic member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  His wife survived him some years, dying at the age of 88.  Of their children, seven reached maturity, viz: John, Simon, William, Rebecca, Susan, Jane and SarahJohn located in Franklin County, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits; Simon, named for his grandfather, became the father of the Spencerville Cochruns; Rebecca is deceased; Susan, widow of A. G. Pague, lived and died on the old homestead; Jane married a Mr. West and they removed to Texas; and Sarah married a Mr. McGuire and resided at Ada, Ohio.
      Simon Cochrun was born in Ohio in 1822, and died at his home in Amanda township, Feb. 11, 1895.  He was 10 years old when the family came to this county.  He settled in Amanda township in 1855.  While he engaged in various kinds of employment working for a time on the canal, then in course of construction, and following agriculture as suited his convenience— he was more fitted for a professional life, being a man of natural mental superiority.  In the early days he taught a subscription school in the old log schoolhouse, being thus irregularly employed throughout the township until after his marriage.
     When he reached mature years, Simon Cochrun married Lucinda Miller, a daughter of William Miller, who, with his wife Nancy, resided some two miles west of Cairo, where they reared a family well known throughout the county.  Mrs. Cochrun survived her husband and later moved to Spencerville, where she died.  The five children of this union were James; Lambert Y.; William and Elizabeth, both deceased; and Jasper L.
     James Cochrun, the eldest son of Simon and Lucinda Cochrun, was born in Amanda township in 1847.  He was reared on the home farm, completed his education in the local schools, and, like his father, for some years combined farming and teaching.  In the winter of 1865, after his return from military service in the previous August, he began his career as a teacher and continued thus employed through the four succeeding winters.  He conducted a farm in section 10, Amanda township, in partnership with his younger brother, Jasper L. Cochrun, the firm making a specialty of stock-raising.  After moving to Spencerville, in 1888, he continued to be interested in stock and still handles a large amount, being probably one of the best judges in that line in the county.  From his dealings in live-stock was developed his butchering business, and for a number of years he conducted a fine meat-market at Spencerville, to which he later added an ice business.  The latter increased to such proportions that he disposed of his meat business and devoted his attention to ice, coal, lime, sand and cement.  He now controls the largest coal business in the place and is one of the town’s representative business men as well as a leading citizen in other ways.
     In political sentiment Mr. Cochrun has always been a Republican.  He has twice been honored by the citizens of Spencerville by election to the mayorality, and has served two terms as justice of the peace.  His enlistment in February, 1865, for service in the Civil War, was for one year, but the close of hostilities brought about his honorable discharge in August of the same year.  He was a member of the 191st Ohio Reg. Vol. Inf., under General Brooks and was mustered out of Company H., at Winchester, Virginia.  His service had been in the Shenandoah Valley.
     Mr. Cochrun was married (first) to Jennie Martin, who died in 1881, and they had two children, both of whom died in infancy.  She was a daughter of Archelaus and Catherine (Russell) Martin, the latter of whom was a sister to Susanna Russell, who was the first white child born in Allen County, her birth occurring July 13, 1817, at Fort Amanda.   Archelaus Martin was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, July 30, 1805, and removed in youth to Champaign County, Ohio, settling four miles east of Urbana.  Subsequently he removed to Amanda township in what is now Allen County, and was the second teacher here, having 15 pupils in 1829.  He later returned to Champaign County, but permanently located in Allen County, in 1833 marrying Catherine Russell, daughter of Andrew Russell, and settling in section 10, Amanda town ship.  He was a justice of the peace for three terms.
     In 1840, after Mr. Martin’s death, his widow married Hon. Charles C. Marshall.  She died at Delphos, in 1871.  Mr. Marshall was born in Shelby County, Ohio, in 1814, was elected to the Ohio Legislature, in 1857, and to the State Senate in 1861.  In 1865 he removed to Delphos, where he served as justice of the peace, and later as mayor, being in official life for a period of 10 years.
     Andrew Russell was one of the founders of Fort Amanda.  With his family he occupied the block-house in the southeast corner of the fort and here his daughter Susanna was born.  He died in 1822, and was buried near the fort.
     In 1887 Mr. Cochrun was married (second), in Amanda township, to Minnie Hover, who is a daughter of Cyrus and Martha (Post) Hover— the former of whom is deceased, while the latter resides in Lima, with her daughter, Mrs. Hitchcock.  The Hover family is very numerous in Allen County and holds yearly reunions. the last one being held at old Fort Amanda.  Cyrus Hover, father of Mrs. Cochrun, was an early settler of this county, locating at Lima, with his parents, in 1833.  In 1846 he engaged in a foundry business, removing it to Delphos in 1850.  In 1863 he purchased a farm of wild land in Amanda township, which he improved, but later removed to Spencerville and retired from active labors.  On Aug. 4, 1847, he married Martha Post, a daughter of C. C. and Elizabeth (Bryant) Post.  She was born in Knox County, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1827.  Of their 11 children, Mrs. Cochran is the eighth.  Mr. and Mrs. Cochrun have no family.  They reside in the old Cyrus Hover home, on the Lima turnpike, where they enjoy the comforts of a beautiful modern residence.  They are members of the Baptist Church.  Mr. Cochrun is identified with the Knights of Pythias.

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 735
  JASPER L. COCHRUN, one of Amanda township's leading citizens and substantial farmers, resides on his home farm of 101 acres in section 10, his place being known as the "old Archelaus Martin farm;" he also owns 179 acres in Auglaize County.  Mr. Cochrun was born in Amanda township, Feb. 1, 1859, and is a son of Simon and Lucinda (Miller) Cochrun, a grandson of Wesley Cochrun and a great-grandson of Rev. Simon Cochrun.
     Rev. Simon Cochrun
was a Revolutionary soldier, and for almost half a century was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church.  His birth occurred about 1756, in Kentucky, and he died in this county in 1845, aged 89 years, 11 months and 6 days.  He had three sons, one of these, Wesley, becoming the grandfather of Jasper L. Cochrun.
     In 1832 Wesley Cochrun settled on a farm some four miles from Lima, on which he resided until the close of his life, at the age of 88 years.  Of his large family, seven reached maturity; John, Simon, William, Rebecca, Susan, Jane and Sarah Simon Cochrun, father of our subject, was born in Ohio in 1822 and died Feb. 11, 1895, at his home in Amanda township, where he had settled in 1855, when our subject was four years old.  For many years he was a teacher in the local schools and was a man much honored by the entire community.  He married Lucinda Miller, a daughter of William and Nancy Miller, and five children were born to them. namely: James, Lambert Y., William, Elizabeth, and Jasper L.
     Jasper L. Cochrun was reared on the home farm, attended the common schools of Amanda township, and preparatory to teaching enjoyed two terms at the Ohio Normal University at Ada in 1877 and 1878.  He was 19 years old when he commenced teaching and continued in the profession for five consecutive years.  He then entered into partnership with his oldest brother, James Cochrun, under the firm name of Cochrun Brothers, engaging in the buying and selling of stock and the raising of cattle and hogs.  His brother later removed to Spencerville and engaged in business there, but our subject has remained on the farm and has carried on extensive farming and stock-dealing operations for a number of years.  He buys and ships from two to four car-loads of stock a week, and keeps from 20 to 50 head of cattle, being one of the leading stockmen of his part of the county.  In June, 1881, Mr. Cochrun was married to Catherine Belle Cameron, who is a daughter of James and Sarah (Borsock) Cameron, both of whom are deceased.  Mrs. Cochrun is one of a large family and was born at Spencerville, Feb. 28, 1859.  Of the four children born to our subject and wife, three survive: Paul Wesley, James Lee and Helen Ruth.  They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Cochrun is a trustee.  Both he and his wife take an active part in church work and he has served as Sunday school superintendent and class leader.  He was only 17 years old when he united with this church, and but two survive who then were members.  He has seen many changes in his section of the county and has done his full share in bringing about its development and improvement.  For many years he has been a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 710
  LAMBERT Y. COCHRUN, the leading dry goods merchant and notion dealer, at Spencerville, belongs to one of the old-established families of the county.  Mr. Cochrun was born in Allen County, Ohio, and is a son of Simon and Lucinda (Miller) Cochrun, a grandson of Wesley Cochrun and a great-grandson of Rev. Simon Cochrun.
     Rev. Simon Cochrun
was a very early settler of the county, one of the pioneer ministers of the Methoidst Episcopal Church, and had fought in the patriot army during the Revolutionary War.  He was born about 1756 in Montgomery County, Kentucky, and very early in the'30's migrated to Ohio and settled in Allen County.  Of his three sons, Wesley, the grandfather of our subject, entered land four miles north of the city of Lima, in 1832.  He was born in Kentucky, in 1800, had served in the War of 1812, and at the age of 32 years was already a family man.  He developed a fine farm from the wilderness, was a promoter of religion and educaiton in his locality, and concluded a life of 85 years in useful service to his family and community.  Their humble home of logs was one of good cheer and hospitality, as it was also the gathering place for the founders of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the locality, the whole family having been closely identified with its establishment.  Seven of his children reached maturity, namely:  John, Simon, William, Rebecca, Susan, Jane and Sarah.  John Cochrun became a farmer in Franklin County, Ohio; Rebecca is deceased; Susan, widow of A. G. Pague, lived and died on the old Cochrun homestead; Jane became Mrs. West and removed to Texas, and Sarah became Mrs. McGuire and lived at Ada, Ohio.
     Simon Cochrun, father of Lambert Y., was a man of native ability and acquired education.  He was born in this county in 1822, and died at his home in Amanda township Feb. 11, 1895.  He became one of the leading educators of the county, teaching a number of years and training three of his sons to the profession.  In 1855 he settled in Amanda township, where the remainder of his life was passed.  He married Lucinda Miller, a daughter of William and Nancy Miller, who resided some two miles west of Cairo.  Mrs. Cochrun survived her husband, and at the time of her death was a resident of Spencerville.  The five children of this marriage were: James, a prominent business man and well-known citizen of Spencerville; Lambert Y.; William, who died at the age of 17 years; Elizabeth, who died when 22 years of age; and Jasper L., a farmer of Amanda township.
     Lambert Y. Cochrun was carefully reared and well trained in agriculture on the home farm, where he lived until his 16th year.  He passed creditably through the public schools; in 1869 completed a course at the National Normal School, at Lebanon, Ohio, and began teaching when 17 years of age.  He thus continued for five years and then decided to enter into business.  In the spring of 1875 he formed a partnership with Joseph August in the hardware and grocery business, which the firm continued for 18 months, when Mr. Cochrun withdrew and resumed teaching.  In the spring of 1878 he reentered business, purchasing a stock of groceries and opening up in a small frame building, which has since been replaced by a business block of fine proportions.  Having made a success of his grocery, he enlarged the scope of his enterprise by adding a line of boots and shoes, and was preparing to still further expand the establishment when the disastrous fire of 1884 destroyed both property and stock.  In a very short time, however, he had completed the erection of his present two-story brick building, the second to be constructed of that material in Spencerville.  He now has a commodious store, 26 by 90 feet in dimensions, and equipped in modern style, as befits the leading dry goods emporium of the place.  His well-selected stock would do credit to a city of much larger population than Spencerville, and Mr. Cochrun takes pride in the fact that he satisfies a very discriminating public.  An excellent business man, his patrons find him also a courteous gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to deal.
     On Mar. 31, 1872, Mr. Cochrun was married to Margaret E. Berryman, who was born in Auglaize County, Ohio, July 9. 1852, and is a daughter of Russell and Elizabeth (Whetstone) Berryman.  These children were born to this union, viz: Bert C., Carrie M., Jannette, Raymond F. and Frank W.  All survive with the exception of Raymond F., who died aged six years.  The family home, one of the most comfortable and attractive in the place, is also one of the most hospitable.  The young people are all bright, intellectual, cultivated young Americans, who enjoy social pleasures with zest, and many literary programs have been carried out in their pleasant parlors.  Mr. Cochrun and family are connected with the Baptist Church.
     Mrs. Cochrun represents one of the old Ohio families. Tradition, well established, tells of the beginning of the Berryman family on American soil.  Seven brothers of the name came from England, the names of the five preserved being John, James, George, William and Thomas.  Prior to the Revolutionary War they emigrated to New Jersey, and from William Berryman have descended the Berrymans of Ohio.  He had left England on account of religious persecution, afterward joining the patriot army and fighting under Washington.  His death is not recorded, but as his family resided in New Jersey it is probable that he died in that State.  One of his sons —his namesake—emigrated to Virginia, after the Revolutionary War, settling in the vicinity of Wheeling, whence he removed to Montgomery County, Ohio.  He then settled on a farm near Dayton, and subsequently removed to what afterward became Auglaize County, entering 200 acres of land in Logan township and residing upon it until his death in 1830.  Hejoined a Virginia regiment in the ar of 1812, and was buried in Amanda township.
     William Berryman (2) married, in Virginia, Rachel Clauson, who was born in New Jersey.  When she was a child her parents had emigrated to Virginia.  These grandparents of Mrs. Cochrun reared five sons and four daughters— the third son, Russell, becoming the father of Mrs. Cochrun.  He was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, in 1815, and died Jan. 9, 1878.  When he came to Allen County with his parents he was seven years old.  During his boyhood he spent much of his time with the Indians, so mastering the Shawnee tongue that he was able to talk fluently in it.  His life was mainly passed on the home stead.  Although a strong Democrat, he was not anxious for political preferment, the only office he ever accepted being that of director of the County Infirmary.  He was married (first) to Margaret Slain, of West Virginia who died in 1846, leaving three sons and two daughters.  His second wife was Elizabeth Whetstone, and Mrs. Cochrun is the fourth member of a family of five daughters and three sons.
     Mr. Cochrun has always been an active and useful citizen.  For two terms he served as corporation clerk; two terms as treasurer of Spencer township; 14 years as a member of the Board of Education, and its treasurer for eight years; one term as township clerk, and six years as a member of the Town Council.

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 713

Cyrus D. Crites
CYRUS D. CRITES, cashier of The First National Bank of Lima and a leading citizen of Lima and Allen County, is a member of one of the best known and most highly respected families of the county.  He was born in German township, Allen County, Ohio, May 11, 1855, and is a son of Jacob and Mary J. (Cremean) Crites.  He remained on his father's farm working in summer and attending the district school in winter until 20 years of age, except that the last three winters he taught school in Amanda township.
     He then left the farm to accept the principalship of the schools at Cridersville, Auglaize County, in which position he served four consecutive years, during which time he served as secretary and president of the Auglaize County Teachers' Institute.  His last year in educational work was as principal of the schools at Beaver Dam, Allen County.  In 1881 he entered the office of the county auditor of Allen County as chief deputy.  He served for a period as deputy United States marshal for the Northern District of Ohio under the first Cleveland administration, relinquishing this position to assume the duties of county auditor of Allen County to which office he was elected in 1887.  He was re-elected in 1890, receiving a majority of 2,200 votes over Jacob Moser, the Republican candidate, this being the largest majority ever received by a county candidate in Allen County.  Having accepted the appointment of national bank examiner for Northern Ohio under the second Cleveland administration, he resigned the county auditorship Sept. 1, 1894, six weeks before the expiration of his second term.  On Apr. 1, 1895, he resigned the bank examinership to assume the management of The First National Bank of Lima as its cashier, which position he still holds.
     Mr. Crites has always been active in Democratic politics of the State, district and county.  He served as a member of the Democratic State Central Committee from 1889 to 1904 and as its chairman from 1892 to 1894.  He directed as chairman the Ohio campaign of 1892, which resulted in a division of the electoral vote.  He was a member of the Ohio Democratic Executive Committee of 1901, when Col. James Kilbourn was the candidate for Governor.
     On June 17, 1891, Mr. Crites was married to Grace A. Cass, daughter of Dr. D. W. Cass, of Findlay, Ohio.  He has two bright sons: Clarence Daniel, born Jan. 23, 1893; and Virgil Cass, born Jan. 15, 1895, both now enrolled at the Cloyne School, Newport, Rhode Island.  Mr. and Mrs. Crites are prominent in the social life of Lima.
     Mr. Crites is a truly representative citizen of Lima and Allen County, active in all things looking to the good of the city and community.  He was one of a committee of three to plan the successful reception for the State commission and the presentation before this body of the - claims of Lima for the proposed new State Hospital for the Insane.  He is regarded as one of the best financiers in Ohio and has made The First National Bank what it is to-day - one of the soundest institutions in Ohio.  A portrait of Mr. Crites accompanies this sketch.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 835

Hon. S. D. Crites
HON. S. D. CRITES, whose portrait appears on the opposite page, ably represents the 32d Senatorial District in the Ohio State Senate.  He was born in German township, Allen County, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1847, and is a son of Jacob and Mary J. (Cremean) Crites.
Jacob Crites, father of Senator Crites, was born Oct. 19, 1822, in Pickaway County, Ohio, came to Allen County as an early pioneer and died in German township, in March, 1904.  During a long and useful life he was identified with a large number of the important interests of the county and was a highly respected man and valued citizen.
     S. D. Crites was reared on his father’s farm and was instructed in all the practical work incident to the development of a large property.  When 18 years of age he began to teach school. earning enough in this way to enable him to attend the National Normal University, at Lebanon Ohio, under the superintendence of that noted educator, President Alfred Holbrook.  In 1870 Mr. Crites was appointed superintendent of the Elida public schools, a position he filled with efficiency for 12 successive years, resigning at the close of this long period on account of failing health.  From 1876 until 1888 he was a member of the Allen County Board of School Examiners and for nine years he served as a justice of the peace in German township.
     In 1883 Mr. Crites decided to try the effects of the out-door life necessary in the successful carrying on of large agricultural operations, and devoted himself to extensive farming and to the raising, buying and shipping of stock.  A few years of country life restored his normal health.  He now has his farms under rental to J. L. Edmiston and Alva Benedum, owning two adjoining farms, consisting of 300 acres.
     In 1895 he purchased the grain elevator at Elida, which he renovated; at present he is operating it in partnership with his brother, D. H. Crites, who is the active manager.  In September, 1903, Senator Crites organized one of the leading financial establishments of this part of the State, the Farmers’ Bank of Elida.  Aside from his public duties, Senator Crites devotes all his time to the interests of this bank and is ably assisted by his very capable daughter, Zoe Crites, who is cashier.
     Senator Crites has not only been a prominent figure in the educational and business circles of Allen County, but for years he has been a dominating factor in its political life.  His sympathies have always been in accord with the Democratic party.  In 1901 he was nominated by acclamation, an unusual testimonial of party esteem, at the Democratic District Convention, for the position of State Senator, to represent the 32d Senatorial District, which is composed of the rich and populous counties of Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Mercer, Pauling, Van Wert and Williams.  He was elected to this high position by a majority of 2,300 votes, and was re-elected at the expiration of his first term, practically without opposition.  His work has been especially given, as committeeman, to finance, agriculture, benevolent institutions, common schools and school lands, fees and salaries, public works and public lands, penitentiaries, universities, colleges and banks, and building and loan associations.  Upon his retirement from public life, Senator Crites proposes to devote himself exclusively to his banking interests.
     In 1872 the subject of this sketch was married to Sarah Jane Reichelderfer, of Pickaway County, Ohio, who died in the same year.  In 1876 he was married to Emma M. Ditto, and they have four accomplished daughters, viz: Mrs. S. O. Morris, of Lima; and Mabel, Zoe and Grace.
     Fraternally Senator Crites is a Mason and has taken all the degrees up to and including the 32d.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Elida.

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 461
  DAVID CULP, a retired farmer of Allen County, supervisor of German township, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1838.  His parents were Christian and Elizabeth (Goode) Culp, the former a native of Augusta County, Virginia.  When he was about 15 years of age, the parents of Christian Culp moved to Logan County, Ohio, and he later went to Fairfield County, where he married Elizabeth Goode, daughter of Joseph Goode, of that county.  Nine children were born to them, viz.:  David, Noah, Christian, Magdalena, wife of John Hawthorn, of Osborn, Ohio; Fannie, wife of Anthony Miller; Nancy, wife of John Shank; Annie, wife of Ephraim Howard; Sophia. wife of Jacob Amstutz, of Allen County, Indiana: and Elizabeth, wife of Henry Goode, of Virginia.  All reside in Allen County except Magdalena and Sophia.  When the parents moved to this county in 1851, they made the trip in covered wagons, five wagons being required to convey them and their goods here.  Our subject passed his 13th birthday while they were en route to Sugar Creek township, where they lived several years.  David Culp has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits and has been uniformly successful in his work retiring a few years ago after years of industry to enjoy the fruits of his labors.  He was married on June 20, 1861, to Nancy Brenneman, daughter of John Brenneman, of Fairfield County, Ohio, formerly from Virginia.  They had the following children: John B., who married Annie Steman and has six children; Elizabeth, who died Oct. 10, 1880 in her 15th year, just as she was budding into womanhood; Emma J., wife of Samuel G. Moore, of Virginia; Nancy, who married Moses D. Evers, formerly of Virginia, now of Oregon— they have five children; Malinda, who married C. H. Steinbuck, a native of Virginia, and resides in Allen County—they have three children; Martha, wife of Thomas H. Steinbuck; Ellen Merilla, who died in 1884 at the age of eight years; Sarah, wife of Burdette LaRue. of Allen County and the mother of one child; Lena, who lives at home; and Christian, who married Laura Showalter, of Virginia, and has one child.  The subject of this sketch has always supported the Democratic ticket.  He is is a member of the Mennonite Church and was trustee for many years.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 766

Jonathan &
Mrs. Sarah T. Custard

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 449




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