A Part of Genealogy Express



List of
Pensioners on the Roll
January 1, 1883
giving The name of each Pensioner, The cause for which Pensioned,
The Post-Office Address,  The Rate of Pension Per Month,
and the Date of Original Allowance,
as called for by Senate Resolution of Dec. 8, 1882.
Vol. III.
Publ:  Washington:
Government Printing Office


PLEASE NOTE:  Some of the copies of pages for these records are cut off.  I apologize for that and will try to find the originals to correct the problem.  Thank you,   Sharon Wick.

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No. of certificate Name of Pensioner Post-office
Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of Original
  ___len, Wm. A. Lima w. l. shr. & lung $24.00  
  ___den, Geo. W. do dis. lungs 4.00 July, 1879
  ___wn, Richard J. do dis. heart & lungs 6.00 Oct. 1880
  ___man, Christian do w. r. shr 2.00 Jan., 1882
  ___erly, Alex do mumps, injury to abdomen 2.00 June, 1881
  ___inger, Thos. R. do w. l. shr. 2.00 Jan., 1882
  ___, Wm. do inj. l. knee 10.00  
  ___enour, Mathias do w. r. thigh & sunstroke 8.00  
  _arrow, Henry H. do w. l. breast 6.00  
  ___dall, Edwin D. do inj. 4. ankle 4.00  
  ___34, John do inj. nose 2.00  
  ___h, Philip do w. r. side head 4.00  
  ___, Joseph do rheum 24.00 Oct. 1879
  ___, John do minors of 10.00 Dec., 1867
  ___ningham, John A. do do 14.00 Sept. 1880
  ___nour, Dorcas E. do widow 8.00  
  ___onridge, Abbey J. do do 8.00 Oct. 1867
  ___d, Eliza J. do do 8.00  
  ___ls, Esther A. do do 8.00  
  ___lin, Mary E. do do 8.00  
  ___tery, Sarah do do 8.00  
  ___dershott, Martha do do 8.00  
  ___34, Sam'l. J. do dep. father 8.00 June, 1874
  ___, John A. do w. l. arm 18.00  
  ___ght, Thos. do w. l. chest 2.00 Jan., 1881
  ___a, Richard C. do w. l. side & results 6.00  
  ___s, Elias H. do w. l. side 4.00 Feb., 1870
  ___k, John B. do wd. r. ankle 2.00 Oct., 1869
  ___ton, Thos. Spencerville dep. father 8.00 Oct., 1868
  ___ks, Harriet do widow 8.00  
  ___er, Mary do dep. mother 8.00 July, 1869
  ___el, Aaron do w. r. heand 6.00  
  ___ce, Richard W. do w. l. thigh 4.00  
  ___ker, John do inj. l. foot 2.00 Nov., 1881
  ___pel, Wm. do diarr. 4.00 Nov., 1881
  ___er, Benoni do w. back 8.00  
  ___er, Eli do w. l. shr. 6.00  
  ___t, James do dis. eyes 8.00  
  ___n, John do surv. 8.00 Dec. 1_
  ___ans, Benj. L. do w. r. arm 2.00 Apr. 1
  ___cer, David D., jr. do part. paralysis 4.00  
  ___, Peter D. do diarr. 6.00 Oct., 1
  ___, Henry C. do Spinal irritation 7.00 Aug., 1
  ___ne, Wm. do w. l. foot 2.00 Nov., _
  ___ce, Vinson S. do w. r. wrist 6.00 Jan., _
  ___ner, John W. do 4heu., dis. lungs 12.00  
  ___tin, Washington do wd. neck & l. shr. 8.00  
  ___fort, Elias Southworth w. back, left side 2.00 Sept., _
  ___ers, David West Cairo w. l. leg 6.00  
  ___, Mary do widow 1812 8.00 S___
  ___sher, Nancy do do 8.00 J___
  ___ong, Geo., sr. do surv. 1812 8.00 J___
  ___well, Peter do w. l. thigh 4.00  
  ___er, Hugh do w. neck, dis. throat 2.00 D___
  ___th, Howell G. do rheum 4.00 J___
  ___s, Sarah A. do dep. mother 8.00  
  __l, Andrew J. do dis. heart, rheum 4.00  
  McFarland, Andrew J. do dis. spine,  neuralgia, & paral 12.00  
  ___guson, Nancy do widow 8.00  
  ___arer, Michael do dep. father 8.00  
  ___f, Catherine do widow 8.00  
  ___der, Francis A. do frc. r. forearm 2.00  
  ___well, Oliver H. Westminster dis. heart 4.00  
  ___d, Arabella do widow 1812 8.00  
  ___dinger, Henry W. do inj. l. hip 6.00  
  ___is, Anthony F. do dis. heart 8.00  
  ___tt, Wm. V. West Newton dis. of abdominal viscera 2.00  
  ___tley, Mary do dep. mother 8.00  
  ___land, Edward K. do rheum. r. hip ___  
  ___nahoo, Michael do w. r. leg, varicose veins ___  
  ___th, Jacob L. do dis. lungs, part. deaf ___  
  ___well, Mary M. do widow ___  
  ___istopher, John W. do w. r. arm ___  
  ___edge, Rachel do dep. mother ___  
  ___, Daniel do catarrh ___  



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