A Part of Genealogy Express




History of Allen County, Ohio
And Representative Citizens
Edited and Compiled by
Charles C. Miller, Ph. D.
Assisted by
Dr. Samuel A. Baxter
Lima, Ohio
Published by Richmond & Arnold
George Richmond; G. R. Arnold
Chicago, Ill


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 648


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 649


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 487


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 508


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 507


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 570


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 765


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 706


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 754


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 766


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 700


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 595


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 796


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 802


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 666


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 870


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 790


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 471


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 741


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 602


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 434

  JONATHAN M. McPHERON, who resides on his well-improved farm of 80 acres in section 16, Perry township, engaged in general farming and stock-raising belongs to one of the pioneer families of the county.  He was born on the old family homestead, a tract of 80 acres situated a half mile east of his present home and which he now owns, on Apr. 17, 1848.  He is a son of John and Hulda Crossley) McPheron.
     James McPheron,
great grandfather of Jonathan M., was born in the North of Ireland and was of Scotch descent.  He came to the United States prior to the Revolutionary War, accompanied by his wife and three children - James, John and Robert - and settled in Green County, Tennessee.  Two more children were born  after the parents came to this country - William and Betsey, the latter of whom became the wife of David Logan.
McPheron, son of James and grandfather of Jonathan M., was born in Tennessee in 1781.  He learned the trade of blacksmith and followed this same, in addition to manufacturing gun-barrels for a number of years, and was an expert in the latter business.  While living in Tennessee he so followed farming and had a distillery, a custom very to Champaign County, Ohio, and located near the town of Liberty which, through later surveys, has been located in Montgomery County.  He followed his trade there until 1837, when he came to Allen County.  He purchased 80 acres of wild land in section 10, Perry township, and erected a blacksmith shop.  The rest of his active life
was spent in clearing his land and in pursuing the making of gun-barrels and in working at his forge.  He was a well-known and respected citizen, a leader in Democratic political affairs.  He was at one time elected township trustee.  He was a zealous member of the New School Baptist Church.  After a long and useful life he died on his farm in 1844.
     William McPheron married Jane McCamish, and they had the following children: James, who died in Illinois; Elizabeth, who married David Logan and died in Indiana; William, who died in Indiana; Margaret, who married William Goetz and died in Indiana; John, who died at Dayton, Ohio; Thomas, who died in Indiana; Samuel, who died in Miami County, Ohio; Susan, who married Samuel Crossley. and died in Perry township; Andrew, who died in Indiana; George, who died in Perry township; David, who died in Perry township; Alexander, deceased; Martha (Wilson) who resides at Terre Haute, Indiana; and Mary A., deceased, who was the wife of Henry Lippincott.
     John McPheron, father of our subject, was born in Tennessee, and was a boy in years when he accompanied the family to Allen
County, Ohio.  According to the law his time was his father’s until the age of 21; but when 16 years old he bought his time by the payment
of $80 and started out for himself.   Out of his wages of $8 per month. he managed to save the sum of $100.  This hard-earned money he
used in payment for 80 acres of land, the same being the homestead on which our subject was born.  The latter has in his possession the original deed for this property, secured from the government.  Mr. McPheron resided on this farm during the remainder of his active life, (lying aged 66 years.  He was a life-long Democrat.  His religious connection was with the Christian Church.
     John McPheron married Hulda Crossley, a member of the well-known Crossley family of Perry township. and their children were: William C., who lives in Perry township; Hester Ann, deceased in 1898, who was the wife of Enos Osborne; Jonathan M., of Perry township; Sarah Margaret, who married James Bailey and resides near Westminster; Jacob, who resides in the northeastern part of Lima, and three children who died in infancy.
     Jonathan M. McPheron was reared on the home farm and was educated in the district schools of Perry township.  He remained at home until 1892 when he came to his present farm in the northeastern part of section 16.  As noted above, he owns the old farm which is one of considerable value on account of oil having been discovered there, seven wells being in operation.  The Ohio Oil Company, of which he bought his present farm, reserved the oil rights on it.  It is well adapted to both farming and pasturage and Mr. McPheron has made a success of his agricultural labors.
     When 32 years of age, Mr. McPheron married Sally Franklin, who was born in Perry township.  She was a sister of Clifford Franklin, a merchant at Yoder, and of James Ike Franklin, who lives in the southern part of Perry township.  The children born to this marriage were: Elvin Otto, who resides on the home farm; Walter Ray, of Perry township.  who married Edna Hardesty, a daughter of Joshua Hardesty, and has one child; Myrlen Ross, who resides at home; Charles Dean, also at home; and a babe that died in infancy.  On April 10, 1898, Mr. McPheron was married to Alice Ditzler, of Perry township.
     In politics Mr. McPheron has always been a Democrat, but is no seeker for office.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and belongs to the congregation which holds services not far from his home.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 705

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 581

  M. MEYERS, a leading grocer of Lima was born in German township, Allen County, Ohio, in 1858, and is a son of Jackson Meyers, one of the influential and highly esteemed citizens of this city.  His grandfather was William Meyers, an early pioneer of Allen County, who settled here during the  first years of the last century.  Jackson Meyers was born in this vicinity 73 years ago and was one of the best known farmers in this section; some years ago sunset of life in the enjoyment of the fruits of past industry.  He served more than three years in the Civil war as a member of the 91st Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf., seeing much active service and leaving two fingers on the battlefield of Bull Run.
     Our subject received his schooling in the old West School Building of Lima, and then entered the service of the local street car that made the run over the lines of Lima.  He remained in this employment for three years and then secured a place as clerk in the grocery store of Beeman & Company.  After remaining with this firm for about 14 years, Mr. Meyers purchased the stock from them and moved it from the old location at No. 141 North Main street to his present quarters at No. 124 East High street, where he carries a complete line of staple and fancy groceries.  He is also a stockholder in the Superior Brick Company.
. Meyers was married in 1881 to Ida Gamble, daughter of E. D. Gamble, a justice of the peace in Lima for many years.  They have three children - Bess, Fred and Mary.  The son is associated with Mr. Meyers in the grocery business and has a half interest in it.  The family are members of the Disciples Church.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 438

Hon. Azariah D. Miller
HON. AZARIAH D. MILLER, one of Allen County's prominent public men, probate judge, educator and successful attorney-at-law, was born June 18, 1853, on the homestead farm in Amanda township, and is a son of Joseph and Minerva J. (Shock) Miller.
     Azariah D. Miller
was liberally educated, completing first the common-school course, and later taking advantage of the educational institutions of Lima and the National Normal School at Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio.  From the age of 16 until he was 34 years of age, he taught school more or less continuously, the greater portion of this period in his native township, and it is safe to say that few men have more personal friends in this locality.
     During 1871 and 1872 he was employed as bookkeeper in the freight and express office of the Pittsburg Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway at Elida, Ohio, and as this did not require all of his time he served also as clerk in the mercantile establishments of Rice & Leist and G. W. Moore.  During all this time he was quietly reading law, as opportunity afforded.  In 1877 he was elected assessor of Amanda township, on the Democratic ticket. and in the following year was chosen justice of the peace —an office he satisfactorily held for the following five years.  In 1885, having been admitted to the bar, he became a member of the law firm of Remington & Miller and began the practice of the profession in which he has met with deserved success.  Fire destroying his law library in 1887, he relinquished his practice and retired to his farm.  After engaging in farming pursuits and the contracting business until Feb. 9, 1894, he was called from his seclusion to accept the duties of clerk of the Probate Court.  He was elected to his present position in 1899.
     In 1876 Judge Miller was married to Darthula Place, who is a daughter of James and Susan Place, and they have these children:  Lehr E., Fredia G., Susan A., James J. and Mabel.  The family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
     Judge Miller has always been prominent in Democratic politics, has been a member of the Democratic County Central Committee, and was sent as a delegate to the St. Louis National convention from the Fourth Congressional District.  He is fraternally connected with the Elks, in which order he has held many positions; is a charter member of the Spencerville Lodge of Knights of Pythias and of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Home Guards of America.  His residence at Lima is at No. 937 West High street.  A portrait of Judge Miller is presented on a foregoing page in connection with this sketch.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 539
  CHARLES CHRISTIAN MILLER, Ph. D., president of Lima College at Lima, Ohio, ex-commissioner of the common schools of Ohio, and a distinguished institute instructor and lecturer, has been intimately associated with the educational interests of his native State almost from boyhood.  He was born Nov. 26, 1856, at Baltimore, Fairfield County, Ohio, and is a son of Enos S. Miller a representative business citizen of that county.
     Dr. Miller’s early educational training was secured in the common schools, from which he entered Fairfield Union Academy, at Pleasantville, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1876.  Prior to this, however, he had taught school, being but 16 years old when he obtained his first certificate.  As he was mainly dependent upon his own resources, he again began to teach; in the first place, in order to procure the means with which he could secure collegiate advantages, and in the second, because his natural inclinations and evident talents lay in this direction.  In the spring of 1877 he became a student at the Ohio State University, and in 1883 he was graduated from this institution with the coveted degree of A. B. During a portion of his university career, he was instructor-in Latin and Greek.  He enjoys the distinction of being the first graduate of the Ohio State University ever appointed a member of the board of trustees of that institution.  On June 16, 1903, Ohio University, at Athens, Ohio, conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
     Recognizing very early in his career the call of his nature in the direction of educational work, Dr. Miller bent every energy to advance himself along this line of endeavor, meeting with public recognition and substantial promotion, while still in early manhood.  He continued to teach from 1874 until 1884, when not a student himself, his schools being located at Rushville, Pleasantville and Eaton, Ohio.  In the latter year he was appointed superintendent of the schools at Eaton, where he continued in this position until 1886, when he accepted a similar one at Ottawa, for a period of four years, going then to Sandusky, and in 1892 to Hamilton, each change being to his material benefit and professional advancement.  In order to accept the responsible position of superintendent of the city schools at Hamilton, Dr. Miller was obliged to resign his office of State commissioner of common schools, to which he had been appointed in 1891 by Gov. James E. Campbell.  In 1901 he was again called to public office, being appointed State school examiner.
     In 1895 Dr. Miller came to Lima to assume the superintendency of the public schools of this city. and during his incumbency of 10 years he succeeded in advancing their educational standard to a point which could not help reflecting the greatest credit upon his intellectual abilities and executive qualities.  To the regret of his fellow-citizens, Dr. Miller resigned his superintendency at the close of the school year in June. 1905, to accept the presidency of Lima College, which had been tendered him.
     In addition to the above enumerated honorable and responsible positions efficiently fill ed by Dr. Miller, he has served as county school examiner in Preble, Putnam and Butler counties and as city school examiner of the cities of Sandusky, Hamilton and Lima.
     For a number of years he has also been prominently identified with institute work, his field of labor extending over Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania.  As an interesting and effective lecturer, Dr. Miller has few equals.  His subjects embrace the different branches taught in the public schools, which are particularly appropriate for institute work, and points and periods in history and literature, which are presented and discussed in a happy style peculiar to himself.  They show thorough research, wide knowledge, close observation and a critical faculty.  The barest theme, taken up by Dr. Miller and clothed in his beautiful and appropriate language and presented with his oratorical ability, becomes a subject of ever recurring interest to his auditors.  Crowded houses greet him when he fills a lecture appointment and the various journals of the towns and cities where he has spoken are in variably pronounced in their praise.  Being the exponents of the attitude of their communities, this praise is genuine.  His gifts as a lecturer are such as to cause his favorable comparison with other notables in the field.
     Dr. Miller was married, in 1891, to Nellie C. Wilbur, who was born in New York.  The domestic circle includes two sons and a daughter, installed in a beautiful home at Lima, where, when not absent professionally, Dr. Miller enjoys the resources of an extensive library and, on occasion, dispenses hospitality to a large social circle.  He is a member of numerous educational organizations, both local and national, and belongs to the fraternal orders of Masons and Knights of Pythias.  He is a man of striking personality, gifted both in mind and person.  He possesses the courtesy that invites confidence, the geniality which at tracts friends and the dignity which belongs to the eminent position in the educational world to which his own abilities have advanced -him.
     Dr. Miller is the editor of the historical department of this work.  His portrait is shown on page 16.                         - P. N. C.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 674
  CHARLES H. MILLER, wholesale and retail dealer in meats, has been in business in Lima for a period of more than twenty years.  He is a son of J. J. Miller, a prominent merchant of Lima until his retirement in 1875, who died in 1903.
     Charles H. Miller was born in Lima in 1870, and was educated in the common schools until he was 15 years of age, when he entered upon his career in the meat business.  Opening a retail store, he conducted it continuously and in a very profitable manner until February, 1905, when he increased the business by adding a wholesale department.  His establishment is most complete in every particular, being fitted with machinery for the manufacture of all kinds of sausages, bologna, etc., and also equipped with an ice plant, which has a daily capacity of 10 tons.  Great care is exercised to have everything of the best, and his goods have a well-earned reputation for reliability and superiority.
     In 1891 Mr. Miller was married to Elizabeth Wiermann, and a family of three children have blessed their union, namely; Rosa, Eugene and Harry.  They are attendants of the German Reformed Church.  Mr. Miller is a Republican, but has never been active in politics, devoting his time and attention to his business interests instead.  Fraternally he is a member of the Eagles, National Union and the Knights of Pythias.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 629
  D. W. MILLER, a member of the general contracting firm of Ruhlen & Miller at Lima, has been a resident of this city since 1891.  He was born in Allen County in 1869, and is a son of Marcus Miller, one of the oldest settlers in Allen County, who died in 1876.
     D. W. Miller was reared and educated in this county and still owns a good farm in Bath township, although the greater part of his life has been given to the carpenter’s trade and contracting.  He learned his trade in youth and followed it throughout the county until within the past five years, since when he has been associated with Mr. Ruhlen in general contracting and in operating a large planing mill.  This firm is one which enjoys the entire confidence of the public and has erected a large proportion of the fine buildings in Lima.  Some of the buildings in their list, and which prove the substantial character of their work, are the new residence of Edward M. Gooding on West Market street; Herman Eckhardt’s residence on Cole street; John D. Finn‘s residence on McKinley street; and the Renz and Duffield blocks, both on Main street.  They have also done a large amount of work in the county, have erected three schoolhouses in Bath township and are now engaged in making additions to the County Infirmary.
     Mr. Miller votes as does a good citizen, but he takes no active interest in politics.  Fraternally, he is prominent as an Odd Fellow, being past grand of Allen Lodge, No. 223, past chief patriarch of the Encampment and a member of Canton Orion, No. 24, Patriarchs Militant.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 859
  HENRY MILLER is a prosperous farmer of Allen County, residing in section 7, Monroe township, where he owns a fine farm of 180 acres.  He was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, Apr. 29, 1841, and is one of six sons born to Michael and Katherine (Kunkelman) Miller.  His parents came with their children to this country in 1849, landing in New York in August of that year and going at once to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, where they lived for about three years in the vicinity of McKeesport.  Early in the spring of 1852 they started for Allen County, floating down the river to Cincinnati, thence up to their destination in a canoe, arriving here in April.  They settled on the farm adjoining that on which our subject now resides and bent every energy to make a home for themselves and children.  That Michael Miller was successful in his struggle to secure a competency is shown by the fact that he had acquired 200 acres of land at the time of his death.  He was 73 years of age and his wife was 80 when the summons came to them.  They had these children: John; Christian; Daniel, who died in infancy and was buried in the fatherland; Leonard, who was killed in a coal mine in Pennsylvania; Henry and Adam—all are deceased except the subject of this sketch.
     Henry Miller was married on Nov. 14, 1864, to Mary Sauer, a native of Prussia, who was born Jan. 21, 1846, and when a child of nine years came to America with her parents, Francis and Katherine (Harmon) Sauer.  To this union 14 children have been born, viz: Margaret M., wife of William L. Hofferbert, of Monroe township; John F., of Putnam County; Emma L., wife of P. J. Altstaetter, of Monroe township; Anna Katherine, wife of Jacob P. Miller, of Lima; Alice M., wife of Anthony Geib, of Lima; Sarah A., wife of Charles Irwin, of Putnam County; Caroline R., wife of James Irwin, of Putnam County; Bertha A., living at home; William H., who resides on his mother’s farm; Harmon M., who has but recently been married; Louis P.; Clara Isabel, wife of Frank Slusser, of Sugar Creek township; Grace N.; and Arthur M.
     Henry Miller left his parents’ home when he was married and moved to a rented farm.  He rented for a number of years before he purchased a small tract in section 7 and moved onto it about 35 years ago.  He added to this land later and now owns 180 acres, which he devotes to general farming and stock-raising.  In addition to this, his wife owns 60 acres in section 10, which is cultivated by their son, William H. Miller.  They are members of the Presbyterian Church.  Mr. Miller is a Democrat and has held a number of offices, such as school director, road supervisor, etc., and has always been loyal to the trusts reposed in him.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 673
  REV. I. J. MILLER, a retired pastor of the Lutheran Church and a member of the grocery firm of Miller & Company, at Lima, is one of the well-known and much valued citizens of the county.  He was born in 1850 in Mahoning County, Ohio, and is a son of George Miller who was a successful agriculturist of that county.
     Mr. Miller was educated at Union Seminary, Poland, Ohio, and at Wittenberg being graduated in theology in 1876.  During his period of study he taught school some six seasons prior to entering Wittenberg Theological Seminary.  After ordination he served the church at Berlin Center for 12 years, and then removed to Wayne County, Ohio, where he had charge of two churches for a period of six years.  In April, 1894, he came to Lima and assumed charge of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, where he continued for eight years.  During his active service in the ministry, covering 25 years, he made very few changes.
     In 1871 Mr. Miller was married to Louise Spait, who is a daughter of Jacob Spait, a prominent farmer of Mahoning County.  The two children of this marriage are: C. E., our subject’s partner in business, and Cora A., who is the wife of James W. Halfhill, a prominent attorney of this county.  Since Mr. Miller’s son, Clark E., has been in business at Lima, his father has taken a half interest.  They conduct a very successful grocery business at Nos. 407-411 West Spring street. 
(SHARON WICK'S NOTE:   The building is still standing as of 2018 - CLICK HERE)
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 686
  L. B. MILLER, proprietor of the Harrod Creamery and the Harrod Stave and Hub Mills, was born Aug. 23, 1864, in York County, Pennsylvania, which was the home of the Millers for several generations..  The great grandfather of our subject came from Germany about the year 1802 and located in York County.  There Adam Miller, the grandfather, was born, lived and died.  He was a school teacher and also handled insurance.  The parents of L. B. Miller are David F. and Angelina (Bortner) Miller, both natives of Pennsylvania, where they now reside.
     David F. Miller was born in York County, Pennsylvania, in April, 1831, and has always carried on farming.  He owns a farm of 160 acres, upon which he resides; but a stroke of paralysis has left him in feeble health and less active than formerly.  He is a Democrat and has held a number of local offices.  He was drafted into the army but, owing to the bitter opposition of his parents, he remained at home and sent a substitute to whom he paid $1,000.  He married Angelina Bortner and to them were born nine children, only four of whom are living, namely: L. B., William B., of York County. Pennsylvania; Alice, who married A. B. Albright and lives in her native county; and Howard B., who lives with his parents and has charge of the farm.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller are consistent members of the German Reformed Church.
     L. B. Miller received his education in the schools of York County and later took a business course in a commercial school in Philadelphia.  He engaged in teaching for a short time and after leaving college accepted a position as bookkeeper with John Wanamaker, with whom he remained two years until failing health caused him to retire and seek a change of occupation.  Returning to York County, he worked in a produce and general merchandise store, and about this time also became interested in the creamery business.  This he learned. becoming thoroughly familiar with every phase of the industry.  Embarking in the enterprise for himself, he conducted his creamery in York County for six years and then came to Allen County, and purchased the cooperative creamery at Harrod, which he has operated since the spring of 1898.  In addition to this business which he has made a profitable one, he bought a new engine, boiler, etc., and established the Harrod Stave and Hub Mills, which manufactures walnut gun-stocks, squares for ball bats, etc., sending its output to prominent manufacturers of those articles.  He has not yet begun the manufacture of hubs but expects to start that industry soon.
     On Aug. 23, 1891, Mr. Miller celebrated his 27th birthday by marrying Annie Hoke, daughter of David M. Hoke, of York County, Pennsylvania.  Three children have been born to them, viz: David, born Feb. 15, 1892, and who died at the age of two weeks; Leroy, born Feb. 1, 1894; and Diamond May, born May 19, 1905.  Mrs. Miller is a member of the Lutheran Church while Mr. Miller be longs to the German Reformed.  He supports the Democratic National ticket, but in local politics is independent.  Fraternally, Mr. Miller is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics.
Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 844

Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 698


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 702


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 566


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 527


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 478


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 535


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 719


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 841


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 685


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 805


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 610


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 638


Source:  History of Allen County, Ohio, Publ. by Richmond & Arnold, Chicago, IL - 1906 - Page 704



This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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