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Ashland County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County
from The Earliest to the Present Date
by H. S. Knapp
Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.
- 1863 -

Milton Twp -
ALEXANDER REED immigrated to Milton Township in 1814.  He was the original purchaser of the land adjacent to the old Hopewell Church.  The body of his wife, who died Nov. 17th, 1820, was the eleventh that was interred in the old Hopewell churchyard.  In 1821 Mr. Reed sold to Joseph Marklay his farm above mentioned, containing eighty acres, of which thirty were cleared, for 550 gallons of whisky.  He was also the owner, at different times, of town lots in Uniontown, (now Ashland,) among which are some of the most valuable of any now in the town, which he sold at from $12 to $14 per lot - payment mostly "in trade."  Mr. Reed  was an emigrant from Pennsylvania.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 537
Vermillion Twp. -
WILLIAM REED entered the land he now occupies in Vermillion Township in the year 1811, and removed his family upon it April 14, 1814.  He was originally from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.  Mr. Reed enlisted in the military service during the first year of the war with Great Britain in 1812, and served until 1814, when, from disability, he obtained a furlough-from his captain (Jack) at Mansfield, and continuing physically unable, he did not return to the service.
     Mr. Reed was eighty years of age 11th June, 1862.
     When he removed to his land, (southeast quarter section 5,) it was a wilderness; his nearest neighbors - except the families of George, William, and Thomas Hughes, and John Howard - were five miles distant.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 289
ADAM REICHARD emigrated from Centre County, Pennsylvania, and removed to the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 8, (which he had previously entered,) in April, 1829.  His family, at this time, consisted of his wife and an infant son, JacobMr. Reichard is among the very few in Perry Township who reside upon the place they originally entered.|
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 467
Mohican Twp. -
RICHARD RHAMEY, SEN, immigrated to Jeromeville from Pennsylvania in 1813, his family then consisting of his wife and three children.  Richard Rhamey, Jr., who was born in the old block-house in Jeromeville, in September, 1815, is the only surviving member of the family now residing in Ashland County.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 425
CHRISTOPHER RICKETT erected a cabin, upon the place he at present occupies, in March, 1822.  In the following June he removed his family from Washington County, Pennsylvania, to their new home.  The land had been entered from him by his father-in-law, John Horn, in the year 1814.  His family consisted of his wife and five children.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 518
Vermillion Twp. -
WILLIAM RYLAND emigrated from Bedford County, Pennsylvania, and entered at the land-office at Canton the farm upon which he now lives, in the autumn of 1815.  His family then consisted of his wife and one daughter, Mary Ann, who is now the widow of Jonathan Black.  Among his neighbors were Robert Jackman, who lived upon the farm now occupied by Archibald Gillis; Lemuel Boulter, the only occupant of the land upon which the flourishing town of Hayesville now stands;  John Vangilderb, who then resided upon the same place he now occupies; John McCrory, who lived upon the land now occupied by his descendants; Joseph Workman, who is now a resident of another portion of the township from that in which he at first resided;  Ephrain Eckley, for an number of years justice of the peace,) and who resided upon the farm now owned by Abraham Johnson; George McClure, who lived upon the land in section 10 now owned by John Scott, Sr.; and William Karnahan, who resided upon the southeast quarter of section 23.
     Joseph Lake, at this date, was the only resident of Jeromeville.  He was the owner of a small stock of goods.  The block-house occupied during the war was yet standing, but was only used occasionally for religious meetings.
     Lemuel Boulter sold his interest in the land upon which Hayesville was subsequently built to Linus Hayes.  Mr. Cox's purchase was of John Hersh - the lands being in the Virginia Military Land District.
Source: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County from The Earliest to the Present Date, by H. S. Knapp, Publ. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - 1863 - Page 290

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