THE seat of justice of Ashland County was originally
known as Uniontown, and under the latter name
was laid out July 28, 1815, by William Montgomery.
The causes which led to the change in the name of
the town are explained in the statement of
Francis Graham, Esq., to which the reader is
In 1817, the population, as near as can be ascertained,
consisted of hte following named persons and their
families: William Montgomery, Jacob
Shaffer, Elias Slocum, George W. Palmer, Alanson
Andrews, Samuel Urie, Joseph Sheets, David Markley,
Amos Antibus, Joel Luther, and Mr.
Nightingale. Jacob Shaffer above named,
was a shoemaker and a revolutionary soldier, and
lived in a small dwelling upon the lot now occupied
by the store of Judge Wick.Population of
Ashland in 1830 ................ 235
" 1850.................1264
" "
" 1860................1748
It could not have been
supposed by its enterprising proprietor, that the
town was destined to advance beyond the dignity of a
"Cross Roads" establishment, as the original
narrow and zigzag street unmistakably indicates his
views. The rude inn, the blacksmith, weaver,
tailor, shoe shop, and distillery would have marked
very nearly the culminating point in the town's
prosperity, had it not been that the enterprise of a
generation of men who succeeded the founder of the
town conceived the idea of establishing an
institution that was destined, under Providence, to
accomplish results that have led to the Ashland that
now exists. And this brings us at once to the
basis of the rise and progress of the town. It
is not too much to say that Ashland owes all the
consequence4 it has attained, and its success in
local conflicts with rival rival towns, to
The Ashland Academy
pg. 216
Ashland Union School
pg. 220
pg. 221
pg. 241
pg. 243
pg. 244
The first
burial ground for Uniontown and vicinity adjoined
the old Hopewell Church, one mile and a half west of
town. The first body deposited in that ground
was in 1816. A few years later the ground
adjoining the present Hopewell Church was selected,
and used until 1857, when the grounds became so
crowded that the selection of another place was
considered a public necessity.
Cemetery Association.
The late
Bolivar W. Kellogg, Esq., in the fall of the
year 1855 circulated a paper, to which he obtained
the signatures of ninety-two citizens of Ashland,
agreeing "to purchase ground suitable for family
burial lots, at a price not to exceed ten dollars
per lot; provided an association be properly
organized under the law providing for the
organization of Cemetery Associations." In
1856, the Ashland Cemetery Association was
organized, and the arrangement was made with
Lorin Andrews, administrator of the estate of
his father, Alanson Andrews, deceased, for
the purchase of ten acres of the grove west of town
as a site for the cemetery. The body of Mr.
Kellogg was the first deposited in the new
cemetery, though the lots were not surveyed and the
title perfected until May, 1857. A large
number of the tenants of the Hopewell churchyard
have been disinterred and deposited in the new
cemetery. The grounds embrace ten acres and a
few perches. There are seven hundred and six
lots 12 by 24 feet.
pg. 245
pg. 246
The church
edifices in Ashland will compare favorably, in
number, style of architecture, and capacity, with
those of any town of equal population in the State.
The COURT HOUSE and JAIL are also an honor to the
county, and are much better edifices than the
average of those found in older and more populous
The TOWN HALL BUILDING, erected in 1857, at a cost,
including the lot, of $10,000, is 54 by 80 feet,
three stories on Centre, and two on Main Street.
The lower floor is occupied principally as an engine
house, a place for holding elections, and a prison
for offenders against the ordinances of the town.
The second floors on Main Street are used as
storerooms, by Messrs. Gorham & Parmely, dry
goods merchants, and by E. W. Wallack,
grocer, etc. The hall itself, about 50 by 65
feet, is valued by the citizens of Ashland as the
best public enterprise that has been accomplished
for the town.
This is an
institution of discount and deposit. It was
organized in 1851, under the name and style of
LUTHER, CRALL & CO. - the partners being then,
as now, Hulbert Luther, Jacob Crall, James
Purdy, W. S. Granger, G. H. Topping, and J.
O. Jennings. Mr. Jennings has been
cashier since the organization of the bank.
The institution has been wisely and honestly
conducted, and possesses the full confidence of the
business community.
The charter
of this company was granted by a special act of the
General Assembly of Ohio, passed on the th of
February, 1851. The corporators named in the
law were L. J. Sprengle, Hugh Burns, G. W. Urie,
J. Wasson, J. Crall, B. B. Clark, Abraham Huffman,
J. Musgrave, H. Luther, P. Risser, and J. B.
F. Sampsel. L. J. Sprengle has been the
secretary and active manager of the business of the
company; and it is to his energy and skill that the
institution ahs obtained a character throughout the
State as among the most successful and reputable
Mutual Companies that have been organized in Ohio.
The Board of Directors for the current year consists
of T. C. Bushnell, H. Luther, Jacob Crall, Joseph
Wasson, L. J. Sprengle, Wm. Osborn, Peter Risser, J.
O. Jennings, and H. C. Sprengle.
company was organized in 1858 - John M. Stevenson,
President, and Wm. Stevenson, Secretary and
Treasurer. The embarrassments of the original
company compelled a sale, and in December, 1861,
J. W. Smith, Esq., became sole owner of its
franchise and property. Mr. Smith has
made a marked improvement in the quality of the
light; and the rapid extension of gas pipes to
remote and hitherto dark corners of the town is the
result of his judicious management.
In addition
to the county buildings, the town contains 5
churches; 1 town hall; 1 Masonic Lodge, and 1 lodge
of I. O. O. F.; 2 printing-offices; 4 hotels; 5 dry
goods stores; 2 drug stores; 3 provision stores; 3
boot and shoe stores; 1 grocery, crockery, and
hardware store; 1 hardware store; 1 grocery and
hardware store; 2 confectionery and baking
establishments; 3 groceries; 1 hat and cap store; 1
steam saw-mill and planing machine; 1 woolen
manufactory and four-mill; 2 clothing stores; 4
blacksmith shops; 2 clover hulling manufactories; 1
carriage manufactory; 1 wagon manufactory; 3
tanneries; 2 saddlery shops; 4 millinery
establishments; 1 jewelry shop; 1 daguerrean
gallery; 2 founderies; 4 furniture establishments; 1
carding and fulling mill; 6 clergymen; 10 attorneys;
8 physicians, and 2 dentists.
List of the Principal and
permanently established Professional and
Business Men in Ashland, in the year 1862. |
Ashland Mutual Fire Insurance
Company |
- L. J. Sprengle, Secretary.
Office, Main Street |
Ashland Union |
- J. J. Jacobs, editor, and J.
J. & F. S. Jacobs, publishers. Office,
Main Street, over J. R. Wicks's Store |
Ashland Times |
- L. J. Sprengle, editor and
proprietor. Office, Main Street |
Ashland Gas Works |
- J. W. Smith, proprietor.
Office Main Street |
Ashland Mills |
- Luther, Crall & Co.,
proprietors. Manufacture cotton and woolen
goods, flour, etc. |
Black & Moore. |
- Bakery, confectionery, and
groceries - especially for family supplies |
Cahn, J. |
- Dealer in dry goods and
notions. Corner of Main and Church
Streets. |
Clark, P. H. |
- Physician and surgeon.
Office at his residence, Main Street |
Cowan, J. P. |
- Physician and surgeon, Main
Street. |
Davis, Hugh |
- Harness, saddle maker, and
tanner, and dealer in hides and leather.
Main Street |
Deshong & Willis |
- Dealers in stoves, tin,
copper, and sheet-iron ware, Main Street |
Devor, J. P. |
- Attorney-at-law and justice of
the peace, Main Street |
Diller, J. M. |
- Homoepathic physician and
surgeon. Office, Main Street |
Ensminger, E. M. |
- Ambrotype and photographic
artist, Main Street |
Eppler, Charles |
- Furniture manufacturer and
dealer, Main Street |
Finley, A. |
- Proprietor American House,
Main Street |
Freer, J. & R. |
- Dealers in hardware, cutlery,
groceries, produce, etc., Main Street. |
Gorham & Parmely |
- Dealers in dry goods,
groceries, carpets, crockery, etc., No. 1, Town
Hall Building. |
Gray, D. B. & Co. |
- Livery and sale stable, adn
proprietors of New London, Oberlin, Shelby,
Rochester depot, Mansfield, and Wooster stage
lines, Main Street. |
Greenwald, Z. |
- Dealer in clothing, and
merchant tailor, Main Street. |
Hill, Geo. W. |
- Physician and surgeon.
Office, Main Street |
Hume, C. A. |
- Boot and shoe manufacturer,
Main Street |
Jacobs, J. J. |
- Attorney-at-law and Pension
Agent, Main Street |
Johnston, Wm. T. |
-Attorney-at-law and Pension
Agent, Main Street |
Kenny, T. J. |
- Attorney-at-law. Office
in Court House. |
Kinnaman, J. W. |
- Physician and surgeon, Main
Street. |
Knapp, H. S. |
- Master Commissioner in
Chancery and Notary Public. Office in
Court House. |
Lodge, Masonic |
- In Miller's Block |
Lodge, I. O. O. F. |
- In Freer's Building |
Luther, Crall & Co. |
- Bankers, Main Street.
Organized in 1851. Hulbert Luther, Jacob
Crall, James Purdy, W. S. Granger, G. H.
Topping, and J. O. Jennings. |
Mansfield, M. H. |
- Manufacturer "Mansfield's
Clover Huller," Main Street |
McNulty House |
- Wm. McNulty, proprietor |
McCombs, J. H. |
- Attorney-at-law, Main Street |
McDowell, J. W. |
- Resident dentist, corner of
Main and Church Streets |
McCarty, Wm. B. |
- Attorney-at-law, Main Street |
McCauley, L. & Co. |
- Livery stable; rear of
American House, Second Street. |
Miller, J. A. J. F. |
- Dealer in dry goods,
groceries, provisions, crockery, and notions,
Main Street. |
Miller House |
- M. Miller, proprietor, Main
Street |
Ohio Normal Academy of Music
- Town Hall |
Osborn & Curtiss |
- Attorneys-at-law. Office
on Church Street |
Oswald, Levi |
- Boot and shoe maker, Main
Street |
Potter, W. H. H. |
- Agent. Dealer in drugs,
medicines, books, stationery, wall paper, etc.
Also telegraph operator and express agent, Main
Street |
Ralston, Wm. |
- Watchmaker and Jeweler, Main
Street |
Roller & Howard |
- Dealers in hardware, cutlery,
etc., Main Street |
Sampsel, D. S. & J. B. F. |
- Physicians and surgeons.
Office, Main Street |
Sheets, Jos. |
- Physician and Surgeon, corner
of Main and Church Streets. |
Smith, J. W. |
- Attorney-at-law, Church
Street. |
Springle & Richards |
- (Successors to Ames & Leach,)
carriage manufactures, Sandusky Street |
Wallack, E. W. |
- Dealer in groceries,
queensware, glassware, and woodenware, No. 2,
Town Hall Buildilng. |
Wasson, J. |
- Manufacturer and dealer in
boots and shoes, Main Street |
Wasson, Wm. |
Manufacturer and dealer in boots
and shoes, Main Street |
Wentworth, N. |
- Proprietor of daily line of
hacks and Express line between Mansfield and
Ashland. Leave Ashland at 8 a.m., and
Mansfield at 2 p.m. |
Whiting, D. |
- Manufacturer of clover hulling
and cleaning machines, and dealer in
agricultural implements, Centre Street. |
Wick, J. R. |
- Dealer in dry goods,
groceries, and clothing, Main Street |
Witwer, Myers & Co. |
- Dealer in provisions and
groceries, Main Street |
TWP. |