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Ashland County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times

Ashland County, Ohio
by H. S. Knapp
Publ: Philadelphia
by J. B. Lippincott & Co.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Hayesville Township
Pg. 297

     THIS town was laid out on the 26th of October, 1830, by John Cox and Linus Hayes  It was incorporated Mar. 2, 1849, as will be seen by the copy of the law which follows: -

AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Hayesville, in Ashland County.

     SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That so much of the Township of Vermillion, in the County of Ashland, as is included in the town plat of the Town of Hayesville, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto, be, and the same is hereby declared a town corporate, by the name of the Town of Hayesville, and by that name shall be a body corporate and politic, with perpetual succession.

     SEC. 2. The town named in the preceding section of this act shall be entitled to all the privileges and be subjected to all the restrictions of "an act for the regulation of incorporated towns," passed February sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and the several acts amendatory thereto.
                                               JOHN G. BRESLIN,
Speaker House Reps.
                                                              Speaker of the Senate.
March 2, 1849.

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     From memoranda now in possession of Rev. John Cox, the subjoined is gathered: -
     "The following is a draft of a number of lots, divided by streets and alleys in the form below described, intended for a town to be known by the name of Hayesville, situated on the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 15, township 21, of reserve 15, formerly known by the name of Hayes X-Roads, being the lands of Messrs. J. Cox and L. Hayes.  The principal or main street is laid out on the road leading from Wooster to Mansfield, with one row of 19 lots on each side - each lot 60 feet front by 120 feet back.  The road leading form Loudonville to Ashland crosses the above-named road at right angles, with 20 lots to the east and 18 lots to the west.  Parallel to the first are two streets, viz.:  one crossing at the north end of the lots on the north side, the south side, each 16 feet breadth, parallel to the second.  East is one alley of 10 feet breadth, one street of 20 feet breadth, dividing the lots of Cox and Hayes; east of all is an alley of 12 feet breadth.  West is an alley of 10 feet; west of all is an alley, as may be seen in the plat.
     "The first, or principal street bears south 85 degrees 60 feet breadth.
     "The second, or cross street, bears north 5 degrees; 50 feet breadth."
     The inhabitants of the town, separate from the township, have only been imperfectly taken at two decennial periods.

[Pg. 299]
     Population in 1850 ....................441
     Population in 1860.....................336

     These figures show an apparent diminution of the population of the town between the years 1850 and 1860, which is accounted for from the fact that the census-taker in 1850 embraced in his return a district which, although obviously as much a part of the town as any other, was not legally within the incorporated limits.  It is unquestionably true that the population and business of Hayesville during the last twelve years have been constantly augmenting.  This has been particularly the case since the Vermillion Institute, which is the chief source of the prosperity of the town, and which has withstood the shock of the present civil war that has prostrated so many kindred institutions, has been under the charge of Mr. Diefendorf.  The town and the institute were never in a more prosperous condition than now.
     Hayesville contains 3 churches, 3 resident clergymen, 2 physicians, 1 lawyer, 1 high school, (the Vermillion Institute,) 1 lodge I. O. O. F., 2 hotels, 5 boarding-hosues, 3 dry goods stores, 2 clothing stores, 2 boot and shoe stores, 1 drug store, 1 bakery and confectionery, 2 shoe shops, 3 saddle shops, 3 wagon manufactories, 4 blacksmith shops, 1 silversmith, 3 cabinet shops, 2 tanneries, 1 tinsmith and stove store, 2 cooper shops, and 1 barber shop.

Borough Officers for 1862.

     Mayor, David Fox; Recorder, J. Ross Folwell Council, Joseph Folwell, D. K. Hull, John Craig, Frederick Fox, and Wm. S. Strickland; Treasurer, S. M. Folwell; Marshal John Stevens.

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CONCORD LODGE, No. 325, I. O. O. F.

     The dispensation for this lodge was granted 14th May, 1857, to J. Kinninger, Wm. L. Smith, Wm. G. Galloway, Nicholas McCool, and M. McLaughlin.
     The lodge was instituted on the 27th July, 1857, by R. W. G. Alex. E. Glenn.
     The first officers were Joseph Kinninger, N. G.; Wm. L. Smith, V. G.; M. McLaughlin, Rec. Sec.; and W. G. Galloway, Treasurer.  The lodge was organized with the five charter members, nine were initiated, and one admitted by card.  Total, Fifteen.
     Lodge-room in third story of the building of Mr. John Craig.  It is a well finished hall, 36 by 20 feet, and 11 feet in height.
     Present officers - Wm. O. Porter, N. G.; George Johnson V. G.; Wm. E. Doolittle, Rec. Sec.; R. N. Leech Per. Sec.; John Sharick, Treasurer.  Present number of members forty.



     The Presbyterian Church in Hayesville was organized in the fall of 1846, and had as the first minister of Rev. Benj. T. Lowe, who preached the half of his time there and the other half in the church of Jeromeville.
     The Rev. Wm. W. Colmery became pastor and had charge of the church until the spring of 1850, when Mr. Colmery having taken the Jeromeville church, the Rev. Sanders Diefendorf, Principal of Vermillion  Institute, became minister of the Hayesville church.  This arrangement lasted until the spring of 1852, when the Rev. Jacob Coon having succeeded Mr. Die-

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fendorf as principal of the institute, also took this place as stated preacher to the church.  In the autumn of 1853 Mr. Coon resigned, and the church was vacant until April, 1854, when the Rev. Mr. Diefendorf, who had settled in Athens, Ohio, was recalled, and has ever since been their minister.  A handsome and substantial house of worship was erected in 1859 nearly on the site of the old building.


     We have not access to the records of the organization of this congregation.  The earliest records attainable were made in 1838, at which time Rev. Samuel Hindman was the pastor of the congregation in 1837.  A preaching station was recognized here by the Associate Church, perhaps as early as 1832, and the "Associate Congregation of Hayesville" was organized soon after.  The members were but few at its first organization, and when Mr. Hindman became their stated pastor, they were able to obtain no more than one-fourth of his ministerial labors - the other three-fourths being divided equally between Mansfield, Iberia, and Savannah.  Mr. Hindmans connection with this congregation continued till 1842, when the pastoral relation was dissolved.  In the year 1844, Rev. J. L. McLain, having accepted a call from the congregation, was installed as their pastor.  His ministerial labors were divided equally between Hayesville and Mansfield.  Mr. McLain's connection with the congregation continued for eleven years.  Early in the year 1855, upon the mutual request of the pastor and congregation, the relation was dissolved by the Associate Presbytery of Richland, to

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which the congregation was in subordination.  After this the congregation was dependent upon supplies until the autumn of 1856, when Rev. J. Y. Ashenhurst, receiving a call, became their stated pastor.  His labors were divided equally between Hayesville and Savannah.  In May, 1858, the union being consummated between the Associate and Associate Reformed Churches under the name and title of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, and the Associate Congregation of Hayesville, acceding to the terms of union, became the United Presbyterian Congregation of Hayesville.  In December, 1859, upon the petition of the Congregation of Hayesville, the entire labors of the pastor were granted to them, thus dissolving the relation between him and the congregation of Savannah.  In January, 1860, Mr. Ashenhurst entered upon his labors at Hayesville, as a separate charge - and the congregation, for the first time in their history, obtained the entire ministerial labors of a pastor, which they still continue to enjoy.  In 1856, when the present pastor took charge of the congregation, there were about fifty-six members.  Since that time about sixty have been admitted to membership; and the decrease by death and removals has been about forty, leaving the present membership about seventy-six.  The contributions of the congregation for religious purposes average about eight dollars to each member annually.


     The society was organized in 1828, at the house of Richard Jackman.  About two years after Hayesville was laid out, the society erected a house for worship 28 by 35 feet, which occupied the site of

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the present residence of Mr. Craig.  The membership at this time amounted to thirty.  The clergymen were Rev. H. Sheldon and Rev. S. Renark  Trustees - S. Smith, R. Jackman, John Harman, and W. James.
The present building was erected in 1855.  Its size is 38 by 50 feet - valuation $1400.  Rev. Mr. Starr and Rev. Mr. Wilcox are the present clergymen, and R. Hill, J. Hill, and W. Seamans are Trustees of the church.


     Armentrout & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, and caps.  Also manufacturers of millinery goods and clothing.  Northeast corner of North and Main Streets.
     Folwell, S. M., dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, books, and stationery.  Also soaps and perfumeries.  Main Street.
     Kinninger, J. & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, oils, etc., and manufactureres of clothing.  Main Street.



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