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Ashland County, Ohio

History & Genealogy

A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times

Ashland County, Ohio
by H. S. Knapp
Publ: Philadelphia
by J. B. Lippincott & Co.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Jackson Township

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     THIS township was surveyed in 1807, by Mansfield Ludlow, and organized on the 12th of February, 1819 out of the territory of Perry.

     Population in 1820.......................................  236
     Population in 1830.......................................  882
     Population in 1840.......................................1645
     Population in 1850 less east tier sections ..... 1532
     Population in 1860 less east tier sections.......1511

Voters at the October Election of 1827

     The following is a list of the persons voting at the October election, 1827, as copied from the original

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poll-book, and certified to by Jesse Matthews, John Bryan, and Jacob Kiplinger,  Judges; and Thomas McBride and Shadrach Bryan, clerks.  Those to whose names is attached at the asterisk (*) are deceased; and those with the dagger () are removed from the township.  Those to which no sign is attached continue residents of the township.

     Martin Shaffer,† Michael Morkle,† Thomas McBride,* George Long,† Adam Keny,* Shadrach Bryan, Joseph Chilcoat,† Daniel Bryan,† Michael Kiplinger, Lawrence Swope, Peter Kiplinger,† John Tanyer,† William Brosser,† John Meason,* Isaac Lyons,* John A. Smiley,† Robert Smilie,* Wm. Harris, † Moses Lyons,* John A. Smiley,& Robet Smilie,* Wm. Harris,† Moses Kitchen,* Jacob Hellman,* Jacob Berry, Peter Kane, John Kelley,† Hanson Hamilton, Nicholas Shaffer, Tate Brooks,* Philip Brown,† Daniel Goodwin, * Amos McBride,† Jonas H. Gierhart,† Samuel Chacy,† John Johnsonbaugh,† Adam Burge,* Noah Long,( Thomas Smith,* Solomon Mokle,† James George,* Nathaniel Lyons,* William Smith, John Duncan,* Henry Kiplinger,† Benjamin Drodge,† Martin Fast,* Josiah Lee, Samuel McConahey,† Peter Henry,† Matthias Rickle, Henry Kiplinger,† John Harbaugh,* John Nelson,† Thomas Cole, John Rickle,* John Laflor,* James Fulton,* Peter Berk,† William Anderson,† John Vavalman, Charles Hay, Michael Rickle, Henry Shissler, Hankey Priest, James durfy,* Stephen Cole.*

     Whole number of voters, 67; of whom 26 have removed, 24 are deceased, and 17 continue residents of the township
     There are three towns in the township, namely:  Perrysburg, Albany, and Polk.


     This town was laid out Oct. 13, 1830, by Josiah Lee and David Buchanan and was surveyed by Robert Buchanan.   Its population, in 1860, amounted to one hundred and fifteen.  In the census of former

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years its population had not been taken separately, but had been merged in that of the township.  There is a Methodist Episcopal Church building in the village, and a good school-house.  There is also 1 tavern, 2 stores, 1 grocery, 4 boot and shoe shops, 1 blacksmith shop, and 1 wagon and carriage shop.  The name of the post-office is Albion.


Was laid out April 23, 1832, by Jacob Kiplinger.


Was laid out May 12, 1849, by John Kuhn.  its population, in 1860, was 116.




     There are two in the township - one at Perrysburg and one at Polk.
     The church building at Perrysburg was erected about the year 1839, as appears by the deed of Robert Buchanan to the trustees, which bears date May 11, 1839.  Rev. Leonard B. Gurley was presiding elder, and Rev. John Mitchell preacher in charge.  The officers of the church, when the building was dedicated, were, Henry Eldridge and Robert Buchanan, class-leaders; John Hazard, John Montgomery, John S. Bryan, Henry Eldridge, Thomas Cole, Alexander Smith, Belding Kellogg, and Ezra W. Reed, trustees; Thomas Cole, circuit steward.  There were at this time about thirty-eight members.  The present preachers in charge are, Rev. Philip R.

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Roseberry and the Rev. J. R. Wood.  Class-Leaders:  A. C. Reed, Henry Berry, and Samuel Berry.  Circuit Steward:  Stephen Cole. Trustees: Henery Berry, William Spencer, Abner C. Reed, Chester Matthews, Jonas Wiltrout, Samuel Berry, and Stephen Cole.  There are at present sixty members.
     The present church building, at Polk, was erected in the fall of 1839.
     The deed of John Bryan and wife to John Bryan, Shadrach Bryan, Elisha Chilcote, Leonard Richard, Joseph High, David Proudfit, and Peter Bowman, trustees, si dated the 23d day of January, 1840.  The preacher in charge was Rev. George Howe, of Ashland.  The building was not formally dedicated, but the first sermon was preached by Rev. George McClure.  John Bryan was class-leader, and William Millington, of Ashland, circuit steward.  When the church building was erected there were about sixty members.  The trustees, in 1862, are, Samuel T. Urie, Shadrach Bryan, William Ruffcorn, Daniel Brown, John Chilcote, John Gordon, and Stephen Barrack.  The class-leaders are, William Ruffcorn, Stephen Barrack, and John Howman.  Circuit steward, Shadrach Bryan.  The membership for 1862 amounts to fifty.
     The church, at Polk, when the building was erected, was attached to the Ashland circuit, Mansfield District; and the church at Perrysburg belonged to the Congress Circuit, Wooster District.


     This union society, composed of members from Orange and Jackson Townships, was organized in the winter of 1829-30.  The original trustees of the

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church were, John Keen, Sr., and John Kuhn.  Rev. Henry Sonedecker was the pastor.  The membership amounted to about forty.  The first church building, constructed where Polk now stands, was commenced in 1827, and the first services were held in teh building in the summer of the following year, although the society at this time was not formally organized.  The members from Orange Township subsequently withdrew and formed a distinct society; and, in 1840, the Jackson Township Church erected the present house for public worship, half a mile west of Perrysburg.  The building is 35 by 40 feet, and contains seats for three hundred persons.  The German Reformed pastor is Rev. E. T. H. Whaler; Michael Bower, elder; and Jacob Kiplinger and Jacob Hines, deacons.  The number of members is about fifty.  The Lutheran pastor is the Rev. Mr. Voglesang; Samuel Bennage, elder; and Abram Bennage and David Holmes, deacons. The membership amounts to about fifty-five.


     Is situated on the south line of Jackson Township, about half a mile west of Lafayette, upon land purchased for the purpose by John Snowbarger.  The building had been some years previously erected by the "seceders" as a house of worship; but was abandoned by them, and afterward occupied as a dwelling.  Mr. Snowbarger donated the building for the use of the German Baptists, of the Ashland and Mohican Districts, on the 29th of September, 1856.  Both the Mohican and Ashland Districts held meetings in this house.  The building will seat two hundred persons.  [Further information relating to this church will be found under the head of "German Baptists, or Tunkers."]

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     This denomination organized its first "class" in Jackson Township, in September, 1860.  In 1861, under the name of "Otterheim Chapel," a church building was erected near the southwest corner of the township.  The size of the building is 30 by 36 feet, and will accommodate with seats about two hundred and fifty persons.  The preacher in charge is Rev. Mr. Crubaugh, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Dillon.


     This church was organized Mar. 30, 1861, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Joseph M. Dixon.  Original trustees, Jacob Kiplinger, Adam Lover, and Daniel Stick.  Elder: Henry Kiplinger.  Deacons:  John Kauffman and Peter Frantz.  Number of members, twenty-nine.  The church building, 35 by 45 feet, was erected in the summer of 1851.
     Rev. D. R. Moor is the present pastor; John Heifner, elder; and Samuel Fluke and Henry Wicks, deacons; William Davidson, Samuel Fluke, ,and Henry Wicks, trustees.  Number of members, fifty-two.


     Clerk, Isaac Holt - Trustees, William Berry, J. Wicks, and John Russell - Assessor, John C. Horn - Treasurer, John Keen, Jr. - Constables, Jonathan Buzzard and Joshua Rickel.


1831. John Keene, elected
1831. Michael Debolt, elected
1834. Michael Debolt, re-elected
1834. Thomas Smith, elected

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1835. Philip Shutt, elected
1835. Robert Buchanan, elected
1837. John Keene, re-elected
1838. Robert Buchanan, re-elected
1840. James Culbertson, elected.
1841. James McCoy, elected
1842. David Young, elected
1844. James McCoy, re-elected
1845. James McCoy, re-elected.
1846. Christian Fast, elected.
1846. John Keene, Jr., elected
1848. James Stephenson, elected.
1849. Philip Shutt, re-elected
1851. Joseph C. Bolles, elected
1851. Charles Hoy, elected.
1852. Jacob Fast, elected.
1854. Joseph C. Bolles, re-elected
1855. Jacob Fast, re-elected
1857. Joseph Bolles, re-elected
1857. Jacob Fast, re-elected
1860. Edward McFadden, elected
1860. Jacob Fast, re-elected.



     JACOB BERRY emigrated from Pennsylvania, in 1819, and resided two years with his brother, Peter Berry, who had leased the land in section 16, Perry Township, now owned and occupied by Isaac Cahill, Esq.  In 1821 he leased the northwest quarter of section 16, Jackson Township, and subsequently entered at the Wooster Land Office the land upon which he now resides.  His wife and nine children composed his family when he removed to Jackson Township.  Of these, all except three are now living in said town-

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ship - Jacob and Peter being residents of Illinois, and Margaret, wife of Eli Fast, being a resident of Ruggles Township.

     JOHN BRYAN removed from Fairfield County, Ohio, to Mohican Township, in April, 1815.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and sons, Shadrach, John J., Silas A., and Caleb, and daughter Ruth, (the latter the widow of the late William Millington, Esq., of Ashland.)  In 1824 Mr. Bryan removed his family to the southeast quarter of section 18, Jackson Township - being the same land upon which now stands the greater part of the town of Polk.  Mr. Bryan died on the 7th of February, 1848, at the age of seventy years.
     Shadrach (eldest son of John Bryan) married in 1829, and since 1830 has owned and occupied a portion of the quarter originally entered by his father.

Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of Mohican Township.

     The intelligence of the murder of Seymour and Ruffner families by the Indians having reached the neighborhood, Benjamin Bunn concluded it prudent to look to his means of defense.  Accordingly, he took his rifle from the hooks, stepped to his cabin door, and discharged its contents in the air.  The report was heard by Vachel Metcalf, (who had not, at the time, received the murder news,) and he seized and instantly discharged his gun.  Bunn then fired the second shot, and so they replied back and forth until thirteen guns were fired.  Thus the few helpless families in the neigh-

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borhood became aroused and panic-stricken.  East of Jeromeville, two miles, a few families had settled, namely:  William Bryan, James Conly, and Elisha Chilcote.  The men, women, and children all collected at the cabin of William Bryan.  Their whole warlike resources consisted of one old gun, one axe, and a butcher-knife.  Thus armed, they awaited in agony the fate they feared was in store for them.  In the neighborhood of Bunn and Metcalf, there were the families of James Slater and James Bryan.  They learned the facts in the case, and began the erection of a fort.  Still farther down the Mohican was another small settlement of the Collier's and others.  They also heard the guns, and became desperately alarmed.  J. Collier and family betook themselves to the cornfield.  The dog of Collier did not seem to understand the necessity of silence, and commenced making some noise in trying to get over the fence; upon which his master seized him, and determined to cut his throat.  Fearing, however, that his knife might not do prompt and effectual execution, and that the howls of the dog might be increased during the process of throat-cutting, he stayed his hand, and quietly laying the fence down, succeeded in secreting the family among the tall corn.  Leaving them here, he started for Wooster; and, when near the town, he heard the morning gun fired by the soldiers in camp at Wooster.  Concluding that the firing must proceed from an army of British and Indians, he instantly changed his course, and started in double-quick for the south, and was not heard of for months afterward. 
     Early on the next morning after the receipt of intelligence of the murders on the Black Fork, the men

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of the settlement met in council and determined to build immediately a fort for the protection of the families of the neighborhood.  So, without wasting a week or two in efforts to elect a chairman or speaker of their body, they at once proceeded to the erection of the fort, which was built after the  usual style of the day.  Trees of the proper size were felled by some, while others with their ox-teams dragged them to their proper places.  The building was of two stories, the walls enlarging form the base, so that the upper story projected two feet beyond the lower story on all sides.  In the lower room the women and children were quartered, while the men occupied the upper one, in which port-holes were cut, through which to fire their trusty rifles.  After the erection of the building, the space of one acre of ground was surveyed off and inclosed with a palisade twelve or fourteen feet high.  This was constructed by digging a trench four feet deep and then setting in logs of the proper height, split once in two, and set close together, the flat side out - thus presenting a wall which could not readily be scaled.  But one place of ingress or egress was made; which, after the horses and cattle of the settlement were driven inside, was firmly closed, and in this inclosure they remained the greater part of one year.  The fort was erected on land owned by Vachel Metcalf, on an elevation that overlooked all the immediate vicinity.  The occupants of the fort would go out during the day, and try to raise corn and other vegetables - always being armed and guarded.

     THOMAS COLE immigrated to Jackson Township from Fairfield County, Ohio, in August, 1819.  His

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father had previously entered for him the southeast quarter of section 8, being the same land upon which he now resides.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and one son, (Stephen Cole, who now resides upon a portion of the quarter above mentioned.]

Roughing it in the Bush.

     The first night of their arrival upon their land was passed by the family in their wagon.  On the second day a linen tent was erected to afford shelter for the family until a cabin could be constructed.  His mare (the only one he had) broke loose, and, after a two-mile chase, Mr. Cole drove her into an angle formed by a tree top and the fence of Martin Fast, and from which she could not extricate herself.  In order to relieve her, he let down the fence, when she passed into the field and again eluded his efforts to secure her.  There was blazed timber leading to the house of Jonas H. Gierhart, adn these blazes he followed, and procured another horse for the purpose of tolling his own into a stack yard, and thus enabling him to secure her.  This plan, after considerable delay, was successful.  By the time he had returned the borrowed horse to Mr. Gierhart, however, and reached home with his mare, the second day of his experience in wilderness life was nearly closed.  The third day was Sunday, and was passed beneath their linen tent.  With the night came a heavy rain, and to add to their discomfort, their child became ill.  To secure the little one from the rain which beat through the canvas, Mr. Cole sat upright in bed, with the covering resting upon his head, his body thus forming a "center pole," and making a more secure tent within the tent, until the storm had abated.  On the follow-

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ing morning, his child was convalescent.  The succeeding days of the week, until Saturday, were spent chiefly in collecting materials for his cabin.  On that day, by the aid of neighbors from his own and adjacent townships, he had his cabin raised.  Several days elapsed, however, before the house was sufficiently completed to afford shelter.  The family of his brother, Stephen Cole, occupied the cabin with him during the first year.
     About the commencement of October, Mr. Cole made a visit, on horseback, to the house of Mordecai Chilcote, in Orange Township, seven miles distant, to procure a bag of oats for his horse.  While there his neighbor insisted upon Mr. Cole visiting his potato field, and taking home a bag partly filled.  The detention thus caused prevented his reaching home, as night overtook him in the woods, and he found it impossible to proceed.  He had dismounted, and while engaged in searching out the path, leading his horse meanwhile, the saddle turned, unobserved by him, and the bag of oats slid off.  When he discovered his loss, he made his beast fast to a tree, and returned to look for his bag of oats, but his search was fruitless.  Taking his saddle from his horse, he placed it beside a tree and used it as a pillow for his head, until about midnight, as he supposed, when a rain commenced falling, and, being thinly clad, he turned the flaps of the saddle into a covering.  When day appeared, he recovered his lost bag of oats, and pursued his travel homeward.
     In the year 1840, Mr. Cole was licensed by the Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church as a local preacher, and his license has been renewed annually since.  Before being licensed as a preacher.

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he had been for many years an exhorter in the church.

     JOHN DAVOUT removed with his wife from Harrison County to what is now Jackson Township, in March, 1816.  His father had previously entered the quarter upon which Philip Glessner now resides.  At this date there were only six houses upon Muddy Fork, which were occupied by the families of Messrs. David Noggle, Thomas Johnson, Cornelius Dorland, Isaac Matthews, Benjamin Emmons, and Noah Long.

     JAMES A. DINSMORE, then of York County, Pennsylvania, in February, 1814, entered the south half of section 26, in Jackson Township, where he now resides.  He had previously traveled from Wooster, in company with Cornelius Dorland, who was moving a family into Perry Township.

     JONAS H. GIERHART, an immigrant from Maryland, removed to Jackson Township on the quarter section upon a part of which is now situated the town of Polk, in July, 1817.  The township was then unorganized, and formed a part of Perry.  At the first election after the organization of the township, Charles Hoy and himself were elected justices of the peace.  During the first year of his residence in the township, he traveled three days in search of his estray horses, without meeting a human being or habitation.  This place, and the country around it for several miles, was without a white inhabitant - his nearest neighbor being William Bryan, residing about two miles south

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of him; while on the same range of townships north, he believes there was not a single white family between him and the lake.  When he came to the country with his wife and child, he placed the two latter in temporary charge of the family of Martin Hester, (being the place owned by David and Henry Fluke,) in Orange Township, about three miles distant from the tract he owned.  The land above mentioned was the tract he owned.  The land above mentioned was in its wild condition, not a tree or shrub being cut, and of course without a cabin to afford him and his little family shelter.  On the first day he made a small clearing, and preparation for raising a cabin.  This work he done himself, although utterly inexperienced in the use of the woodman's axe, as he had never in his life chopped a cord of wood, made a fence rail, or cut down or even deadened a tree, having previously worked only upon farms log cultivated.  On the second day his wife requested to visit the home her husband was engaged in preparing, and accompany him to it with their child.  They accordingly sat out on horseback, and in due time reached the place, when he proceeded with his
work, and Mrs. Gierhart employed herself with her needle and the care of their little child.  One of the mares had been belled and hobbled, and, with her mate, was permitted to range for such food as the woods afforded.  Thus the day nearly passed, and toward evening the sound of the bell had disappeared, and Mr. Gierhart, taking in his arms his little child, and leaving his wife under the shelter of a tree, started in search of his beasts.  His animals had wandered a much greater distance than he had supposed; but he finally recovered the one that had been hobbled, and, mounting it with his child, sat out on his return to his wife.  He had not

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traveled far before he discovered that he was unable to find the blazed timber; and concluded it the safer way to make for the Jerome Fork, where he would be enabled to intersect the trail that led from Martin Hester's to his land.  On his way he met an old hunter, named John McConnell, to whom he explained his situation, and asked aid in finding his way back to his wife.  Mr. McConnell gave it as his opinion that he could not that night reach the place, but proposed that he remain at the house of Mr. Hester, then not far distant, until morning.  On their way to Hester's, they struck the blazes which led to the place where he had parted with his wife; and, committing his child to the care of Mr. McConnell, with directions to leave it with Mrs. Hester, he determined,  against the protest of Mr. McConnell, who assured him of the impossibility of success, (as night was then rapidly approaching,) to go to the relief of his desolate wife.  He accordingly pressed forward on his way, guided by the blazed trees, and continued until the darkness rendered the marks upon the trees undistinguishable.  Here was before him a "night of terror" indeed - such a one as he had never passed, and never dreamed that he would be called upon to pass.  The thought of a helpless wife, in the depth of a wilderness of which the savage beast was the almost undisputed monarch, and no possible hope of affording any relief before the dawn of another day, was enough to wring any soul with agony.  Despite the darkness, he plunged blindly forward a few rods in what he supposed might be the right direction, and then, impressed with the utter hopelessness of proceeding farther, halted; and, raising a voice, the power of which was made terrible by his agony, called to his wife.

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Its echoes reached her, and were recognized.  She sent forth her answer, but her voice having so much less compass than that of her husband, the sound did not reach his ear.  In his despair he laid himself down beside a tree, and maintained his sleepless vigils until the return of the morning, when he resumed his search, and finally came upon the trail he was seeking.  Pursuing it rapidly, he soon reached Mrs. Gierhart, who had wisely  maintained her position throughout the night, notwithstanding the distraction of mind which her anxiety for the safety of her husband and child, her own lonely situation, and the distant howling of the wolves, were all calculated to inspire.  Some time after their joyful meeting, and while they were yet recounting to each other the experience of the preceding night, their ears were saluted by the blowing of horns, and soon they were met by neighbors, who had been alarmed by Mr. McConnell, and who had started forth at the first dawn of day in pursuit of the lost husband and wife.

     HANSON HAMILTON entered the southeast quarter of section 32, Jackson Township, in the year 1816, and removed to it with his family in April, 1820.  When he removed to the township he had no family other than his wife.  The township, although it had been inhabited by a few white families four or five years, and had been organized about a year, was yet sparsely settled.  Although his neighbors were few in number, he refers to them as equal, in morality, virtue, and hospitality, to any among whom he ever lived.  In this respect the county has not improved in the ration of increase of population and wealth.

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     FREDERICK A. HINE emigrated from Butler County, Pennsylvania, and removed to the land in Jackson Township, which he had previously entered, being the southeast quarter of section 11, in the year 1829.  His family consisted of himself and nine children.  Mr. Hine and his sons Charles and John are the only surviving members of the original family who now reside in Jackson Township - the others being dead or removed.

     CHARLES HOY removed with his family to Jackson Township in May, 1817, and, in company with John Meason, entered the southwest quarter of section 2, and the northwest quarter of section 11, in Jackson Township.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and one child, (Joseph Hoy late of New Orleans.)  He had previously resided in Stark County.

Salt Works in Jackson Township

     During the years 1817, '18, and '19, evidences of salt water having been discovered on the land above described, Messrs. Hoy and Meason sunk a well about four hundred and sixty feet in depth, and made other preparations for the manufacture of salt.  The enterprise, after a large expenditure of money and time, ,proved unsuccessful, as the quantity of water procured, although of a good quality, was insufficient to justify a continuance in the business; and, in 1819, Mr. Hoy disposed of his interest in the land and salt works to Marshall & Morton, and purchased of Abram Shock the southeast quarter of section 27, Jackson Township, being the land now owned.

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by Henry Myers.  In 1822 he purchased of the heirs of John Smith the northwest quarter of section 34, upon which he has since resided, and to which he has since added seventy-five and a half acres.

Population of Jackson Township in 1817.

     At the date of the arrival of Mr. Hoy in the township, the following-named persons were the heads of the families that constituted its population, viz.:  Isaac Lyons, John Jackson, Daniel and John Davout, and Noah Long.  The family of either Isaac Lyons or Noah Long were the first inhabitants.  Of the heads of families above named, not one is now a resident of the township.  All excepting two, namely, John Jackson and John Davoult, are known to be deceased.  About one year since, Mr. Jackson was a resident of Knoxville, Illinois, and is probably yet alive.

A Fatiguing Night's March.

     In March, 1819, after his purchase of the quarter in section 27, (which was in a wilderness condition,) at the close of the day he had raised his cabin, (hands to obtain which were procured from neighborhoods as far distant as where Rowsburg now stands,) he undertook to return to his family, a distance of five miles.  He had only blazed trees to guide him.  When he had accomplished about half the distance, a violent snow-storm and darkness suddenly arrested his progress.  He undertook to find the blazed trees by feeling with his hands; but soon found this impracticable, and came to the conclusion that he would be either compelled to spend the inclement night in the forest or search out the bed of Wolf Run, and follow its course to the Muddy Fork, and then up the

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latter stream to his home, which stood upon its banks.  By the devious course of these streams, the distance was nine or ten miles, over fallen timber and brush, and encountering the whole route a violent storm; and, when he finally reached home, it was between twelve and one o'clock in the morning.  He found  Mrs. Hoy sitting up, unable to sleep, and terrified with the fear that her husband might fall a victim to the inclement weather or savage beasts.  Mr. Hoy had seen service in the war of 1812, and had endured some other hardships; but he says that never, before or since, has he performed a more exhausting march.

Character of the Indians.

     During the first three or four years the Indians camped annually in the neighborhood of Mr. Hoy's residence - frequently within sight of his house.  It would be during the season of hunting and trapping.  To him and his family they were always kind, hospitable, and scrupulously honest.  Mr. Hoy had once lost in the woods a pocket-handkerchief.  It was found by an Indian, who at once sought the owner and restored it to him.  This, he thinks, was a characteristic instance of Indian integrity.  They were of immense service to such of the white settlers as were not practiced in the use of the rifle, in furnishing them with wild game.  Their cunning and quickness at repartee were often amusing.  An instance is given of an Indian who had been making a purchase of flour at Stibbs's mill.  It was in the year 1818, during a time when considerable quantities of fraudulent paper money were in circulation.  The Indian had placed in the hands of the miller a note on a

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solvent bank in payment of his flour, and received, among other small notes, a dollar issued by the Owl Creek Bank, at Mt. Vernon - an institution which was then exploded.  Upon the note was a vignette of an owl.  The Indian retained all the notes except the one upon the Owl Creek institution, and this he promptly returned to the miller.  The latter affecting surprise, inquired what was the objection to that note?  To which the Indian, pointing to the picture of the owl, promptly replied, "Too much t'hoo!  t'hoo! t'hoo!"
     In the spring of 1819, the family of Mr. Hoy removed to their new cabin, on section 27.  It was then without a floor, and otherwise unfinished, and a snow, which fell a few days after their arrival, was forced by the wind through the open doorway and large crevices between the logs, freely into the building.  Three poles were driven into the ground and a temporary tent constructed inside the building for the shelter of the two children, while Mr. Hoy employed himself in preparing the floor puncheons, the weight of which was such as to require the assistance of Mrs. Hoy to aid in conveying to the house and adjusting to their places.  The woods, during the first  years, abounded with savage beasts and the dreaded rattlesnake; but with all these and other drawbacks, there were substantial joys which compensated for all sorrows.

     JOHN KEEN, SR., immigrated to Jackson Township from Centre County, Pennsylvania, in November, 1828, and selected for his future home the northwest quarter of section 16.  In 1830 or 1831 he purchased the northeast quarter of the same section,

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upon which he resided until the time of his decease, which occurred on the 8th of March, 1862, in the eighty-sixth year of his age.  When he removed to the township, his family consisted of his wife and six children - two sons (John and Daniel) and four daughters.  The Ashland Union, of March 19, 1862, contains an obituary, from which the following is extracted: -
"The deceased was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, on the 24th of September, 1776, and experience in his infancy the hardships of the revolution, as in his old age he saw the perils of his country in dissolution.  His father, Jacob Keen, had emigrated westward from the older settlements, but was compelled to flee with his family from the pursuit of hte savages.  In February, 1798, he deceased joined in wedlock with his surviving widow, whose maiden name was Catharine Derscham.  The two lived and kept house together for a period of sixty-four years, during which time (excepting the last few weeks) they were both able to perform the ordinary duties of their household.  In the fall of 1828 the deceased left his residence in Centre County, Pennsylvania, and emigrated with his family to this township, where he has ever since resided.  His neighbors several times bestowed upon him the office of justice  of the peace, in which capacity he served with honesty of purpose and independence of judgment.  He left behind a large family of children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren.  In early infancy he was baptized and became, upon arriving at the years of discretion, a member of the German Reformed Church.  He was very steadfast in his purpose upon matters appertaining to the church or congregation of

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which he was a member, and although he had to smite his breast and exclaim, 'Have mercy, Lord, upon me, poor sinner,' he yet died in the full enjoyment of the hope of everlasting life through Christ his Redeemer."

     MICHAEL KIPLINGER emigrated from Pennsylvania to Perry township in the spring of 1823, where he remained until the spring of the year following, when he purchased the southeast quarter of section 26, in Jackson Township, which land he entered upon and improved, and has since made his home.

     JOSIAH LEE immigrated to Jackson Township, from Ontario County, New York, in July, 1819.  He entered, during the same month and year, the southwest quarter of section 3, and the east half of the southeast quarter of section 4.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and one child.  John Meason, who had removed to the township the year previous, was his nearest neighbor.

Condition of the Country in 1819.

     The families of Mr. Lee and John Lafler were conveyed from the State of New York to Jackson Township by two ox teams.  From Cleveland, southwest, the road was not cut out - the travelers being guided most of their way by the "blazed" trees.  The journey from Cleveland to Jackson Township was made in five and a half days - three of which were occupied between Medina and the place of their destination.  Much of their delays were caused by tim-

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ber fallen across their track, which they were compelled to cut and roll away.  One night overtook the party at a point within what they supposed to be about a mile of Medina.  Not being able to proceed with their wagon, they removed the yokes from their cattle and turned them loose, and then undertook to make their way on foot to "the town."  The night was so black - the heavens being covered with masses of heavy clouds - that it soon became impossible to find the trail, and there was every probability that the families would be compelled to remain in the woods.  The women divested their feet of their shoes and stockings, and traced the path by the sense of feeling in their bare feet.  After two hours of patient and anxious toil, they found brush and other obstacles which indicated that they were in the vicinity of a "clearing."  The men raised repeated shouts, hoping that the inmates of some cabin might be within the sound of their voices and come to their relief.  At length one of the women raised her voice, and it was answered.  They were soon within the only house (made of hewn logs) of the town of Medina, and within five minutes a rain commenced falling, which continued throughout the night.  About midway between Medina and Harrisville, a bolt of their wagon broke, and they were compelled to come to a halt.  They turned their cattle loose, giving them some salt near their wagon, and the two men, each with a child in his arms, pushed forward, on foot, to Harrisville, where they had hoped to find a blacksmith shop - but none being there, they were compelled to seek one in Congress Township, a distance of about four miles farther.  The two families finally reached Mr. Meason's place, where they obtained leave to occupy

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a shanty of about ten feet square, until they could erect cabins of their own.  when they had their timber on the ground, ready to raise, such was the scarcity of hands by reason of the sparseness of the settlement, that between three and four days were occupied in raising the walls.

Mode of Travel.

     There were very few horses in the country, and comparatively little use for them, as there was not surplus produce for market, and no attainable markets, even had there been horses, wagons, and roads, suitable for transportation.  Religious meetings (which, there being no church buildings, were always held at private houses) and social visits were made on foot - men and women often traveling a distance of five or six miles (carrying children in their arms) for these purposes.  The family of Mr. Lee frequently exchanged visits with friends at Harrisville, a distance of ten miles.  Mr. Lee has often traveled from his home to Wooster and back, a distance of forty miles, within a single day.  In two instances, himself, Mr. Lafler, and Mr. Meason, were required to attend "militia musters" on the Big (Blachleyville) Prairie, a distance of twenty miles.  They were ordered to be at the place of rendezvous at ten o'clock a.m., and would be dismissed at four o'clock PM.,  This travel of forty miles, and at least five hours' drill, were accomplished on foot within the same day and night.  The men of the present generation who occupy this country often complain of hardship and privation.  Are their complaints well founded?

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Loss of the Son of James Durfee

     The body of this child, an account of whose loss is mentioned by Mr. Slocum and Captain Parmely, in another part of this work, was found upon the premises of Mr. Lee, about a quarter of a mile north of the present town of Perrysburg, and near the farm now owned by Job King.  The farm upon which Mr. Durfee resided is in Jackson Township, and is now owned by John Buchanan, and occupied by John Vanosdell, Jr.  Stephen Souls, the uncle of the child, was at that time an unmarried man, and made his home with Mr. Durfee.  The latter became a Mormon, and died among that people while they occupied Nauvoo, Illinois.
     On the evening of the day the boy was lost, two girls, daughters of a neighbor in Sullivan Township, on their return home from Thomas Greer's, heard, on their way, what appeared to be the hoarse moans of a child; but fearing that it might proceed from a wild animal, they continued on their way.  Mr. Durfee's house lay in their path, and calling there, the child.  Their conclusion at once was that the voice they had heard proceeded from the lost boy; and the father immediately started for the spot indicated - heard distinctly the sound, but his agitation and bewilderment finally traced it to the tree tops, and the voice becoming undistinguishable from the noise of the rain falling upon the dry leaves, he abandoned his search in despair, and returned home.

     JESSE MATTHEWS immigrated to Jackson Township, from Trumbull County, in March, 1818.  His wife

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and six children then constituted his family.  He purchased of Joseph Alexander the west part of the southwest quarter of section 21, upon which he has continued to reside.
     Mr. Matthews was chosen captain of the first military company that was organized in the township.

     MICHAEL RICKEL emigrated from Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in October, 1817, and, purchased of his brother Matthias, the sixty acres in the northwest quarter of section 26, which he improved, and upon which he has since resided.  His family consisted of his wife and three children, viz., Jacob Sophia, and Michael. His eldest son, Jacob, was killed by the fall of a tree, during a storm, in the year 1832.
     There were few of the early settlers who encountered more adverse fortune than Mr. Rickel during the first years of his residence in Jackson Township.  His health had been much impaired by protracted illness, and he had but a small portion of this world's goods.  His health, however, became renewed by the coarse diet which necessity compelled him to use, (composed principally of corn bread and sassafras tea,) and by his hard labor.  To his regular and temperate habits, he attributes his prolonged life and present vigor of body and mind.  He is now (March, 1862) in his seventy-sixth year.

     MATTHIAS RICKEL emigrated from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to Jackson Township, in March, 1818, having entered the northwest quarter of section 26.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and three

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children, namely, Samuel, George and Michael.  The land above described he improved, and has continued to make it his home.
     Mr. Rickel purchased corn for his first year's supply five miles east of Wooster, and paid one dollar and twenty-five cents per bushel, although the corn was soft and mouldy.  It was, however, the best the country afforded at that time.  After the first year he raised his own supplies.  He cut the road from Cornelius Dorland's to his place, when he removed his family.

     ROBERT SMILIE emigrated from Washington County, Pennsylvania, to Jackson Township, and purchased of Mr. Moury the quarter section now owned by the heirs of John Baker.  His family at this time consisted of his wife and the following-named children:  John A., Nancy, Jane, William, George V., and Robert.  On the 29th of March, 1829, Mr. Smilie died at the age of sixty-five years.  The only surviving member of the family now residing in Ashland County is John A. Smilie, of Perry Township.

     WILLIAM SMITH emigrated from Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, to Jackson Township, in May 1824.  His business is that of a boot and shoemaker, which he has prosecuted since his residence in the township.  He now resides on the Perrysburg and Polk Road, about midway between those places.

     HENRY SHISSLER emigrated, with his father's family, from Washington County, Pennsylvania, to Perry,

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and from thence removed with his wife to Jackson Township, in November, 1829.  He settled upon the east part of the southwest quarter of section 21 - land which he had previously purchased of Joseph Alexander.  Upon this land he continues to reside with his family.

The first Pioneer of Jackson Township

     Mrs. Shissler, who is the daughter of the late Noah Long, is of the opinion that John Chilcote was the first white inhabitant of Jackson Township.  He resided upon the place recently owned by the late Jacob Oxenrider.  Her father's, she believes, was the second family in the township.  Mr. Long entered and resided upon the quarter section now owned by Frederick Ritter.

     MICHAEL SPRINKLE emigrated from Maryland to Jackson Township, in April, 1828, and purchased of Michael Sugars one hundred and ten acres in section 18 - being the same land which he improved and made his home until the day of his death, the 6th of March, 1849, at the age of seventy-four years and ten months.  When Mr. Sprinkle removed to the township his family consisted of his wife and eight children, the only one of whom now surviving in Ashland County is William H. Sprinkle, who owns and occupies the old homestead.

Markets in the year 1830.

     Prior to 1830 there were no markets at the lake for grain or other farm produce.  During this year, however, a demand was created, by a large immigration to Michigan, for produce, and wheat at the lake

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ports this year sold at 56 cents per bushel; oats 22 cents.  Charleston, at the mouth of Black River, was regarded as the most favorable point for reaching the lake, for the reason that the streams were less difficult to cross than those which intervened between here and Cleveland.  The farmers were greatly elated in consequence of the prices of this year, and as the demand was expected to continue another season, an unusually large breadth of ground was sown in wheat during the fall of 1830; but the expectations of farmers were not realized, as in 1831 wheat fell to 40 cents per bushel, and for oats there was no demand.

The first Fruit

     Mr. Sprinkle had been six or seven years in Jackson before he had seen an apple the product of the township.  Johnny Appleseed's nurseries were the main reliance of the country, but he was capable of supplying but a small portion of the demands made upon him.




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