Biographical History of
Northeastern Ohio
Embracing the Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake.
Publ. by Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co.,
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B. F. Wade |
the mere utterance of whose name brings before the eye of the
avidious student of the political history of our nation - and
particularly of that portion which has to do with the trying hours
when the country was in the throes of a desperate fratricidal war -
a strongly limned image of one who towered above his fellows, a
heroic, rugged, stalwart, courageous patriot, unswerving in his
devotion to the eternal right, bowing not a servile head before a
temporal power, and commanding respect and gaining confidence by
very reason of his character, must demand a more than cursory
attention in this volume, whose province is the consideration of the
life and labor of many of those who have gained place therein by
reason of their residence in a locality which has gained distinction
from its abstract association with the life and accomplishments of
this remarkable man.
Oct. 27, 1800, near West Springfield (now Agawam),
Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin Wade was born, being the
tenth in order of the eleven children - four girls and seven boys -
born to James and Mary (Upham) Wade, who for many years made
their home in a rural parish designated as "Feeding Hills" and
situate a few miles southerly of West Springfield, the region being
a thin, sandy-soiled, rocky country, devoted to wild pasturage for
the kine-herds of the more favored valleys lying contiguous.
James Wade was born July 8, 1750 at the
beginning of a noisy, stirring period, being a native of Medford,
Massachusetts. He grew up in the intensely patriotic
atmosphere of stormy Boston during the pre-Revolutionary years, and
would lack but four days of being twenty-six years of age on the
declaration of independence. Young, rugged and adventuresome,
he took an active part in the war of the Revolution, and at its
close turned to peaceful pursuits, being married to Mary, the
winsome daughter of his uncle, Rev. James Upham,
Jan. 15, 1771. After forty years of life amid the grim,
pad-brown hills, the parents of our subject set bravely forth, with
their children, to make for themselves a new home in the primeval
forests of the Western Reserve, reaching Ashtabula county, Ohio, in
Descended from a long line of distinguished ancestors,
but reared under environment none too propitious, Benjamin
Wade made early manifest that native power that could not be
hedged in by circumstances of time or place - that power that
ultimately won for him distinction and an exalted position, not
sought for, but resulting in natural sequence. “Frank”
Wade, as the subject of this all too meagre biography was
called in his youthful days, grew up in an atmosphere of mental
culture, his mother, the daughter of one of the best educated men of
his day, being solicitous for the intellectual advancement of her
children and rendering them that willing aid which was denied,
perforce, to the off- spring of the less cultured pioneer parents.
Though he pursued knowledge under difficulties, being self-taught
save for his mother’s and elder brother’s assistance, he worked on
alone. Such mental discipline is effective, is positive, is
never misleading, and young Wade acquired a mental strength
which early gave evidence of the force which it should exert in the
eventful future life, filled with “ceaseless toil and endeavor.”
He attended the district schools of his New England home during the
winter months, and even these advantages were superior to those
afforded in the later home amid the patriarchal forests of the
Western Reserve.
In the autumn of 1823 Frank Wade hired himself
to a drover and aided in driving a herd of cattle through to
Philadelphia. This seemingly trivial circumstance marked an
important era in his life, since from Philadelphia he made his way
to Albany and joined his brother, Dr. James.
Here he passed two years and occupied himself in teaching school,
incidentally working for a time on the construction of the great
canal. Probably about the time this great artificial waterway
was completed (1825) Wade returned to his home in Ohio, where
he soon began the study of law in the office of Messrs.
Whittlesey & Newton, at Canfield, now Mahoning county,
this being at the time the great private law school of Northern
Ohio. Rapidly the strong, virile mind of the young man, then
twenty-five years of age, became truly studious of the common law,
and after two years of diligent, practical application, he was
admitted to the bar, in the summer of 1827, at a term of the supreme
court held at Jefferson, the county seat of Ashtabula county.
His revered and venerable parents had died the year previous, and,
with the home ties forever sundered, he gave himself to his life’s
work with an earnestness born of conscious power, which waited only
for circumstances to ignite the latent spark. In 1881 he
formed a law partnership with Joshua R. Giddings, who had
already gained a wide prestige in the section where he is now
remembered as one of its most notable men. The firm of
Giddings & Wade became the leading law association of the
locality, and Mr. Wade soon attained distinction as
one of the most successful advocates of the day. In the fall
of 1835 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Ashtabula county,
which office he held for a term of two years, proving a vigorous,
safe and popular prosecutor. In manner he was frank, abrupt
and incisive; in characteristics was simple, strong, unpretending,
warm-hearted and magnetic.
At the October election of 1837 Mr. Wade
was elected to the Ohio Senate. In 1839 he was placed in
nomination again for the Senate and was defeated. The causes
of defeat were peculiar and will be noted further on. In 1841
he was re-elected: he resigned, but was again elected the following
The firm of Giddings & Wade was dis-
solved, in the spring of 1837, by the retirement of Mr.
Giddings, and the new firm of Wade & Ranney was
In February, 1847, the Legislature of Ohio elected
Mr. Wade as President Judge of the third judicial
circuit, then composed of the five important counties of Ashtabula,
Trumbull, Mahoning, Portage and Summit. No man ever reached
the bench better equipped for its highest and best duties than did
Mr. Wade. He was still young enough to adapt
himself readily to the place; had a mind thoroughly trained, a
capacity for work, a healthy temper, and was secure in the
popularity of the people and the respect of the bar. He took
his place not only by right of unsought election, but by the divine
right of fitness.
The public realizes the executive valuation of a man
who comes before its face, and when honor is due, honor is very like
to be paid. Thus it was that, Mar. 15, 1851, while presiding
on the bench at Akron, Summit county, Judge Wade
received notification of his election to the United States Senate
for a full constitutional term - the preferment being unsought,
Reverting to Mr. Wade’s connection with
the Ohio State Senate, it will be remembered that he was elected a
member of that body in the fall of 1837, as the candidate of the
young Whig party. He here gave to various important measures
his vigorous support or antagonism, as the case in his judgment
warranted, the period of his incumbency being a critical one in the
history of the State. Within the second session of his term
came the Kentucky commissioners to secure the passage of a more
vigorous and stringent fugitive slave law. The commission was
warmly received by the majority of both houses, but five members of
the Senate opposing their wishes. The foremost and the ablest
of these five opponents was Mr. Wade, who met the bill with
open and emphatic antagonism, his speech, concluding the opposition,
being one of the most brilliant, patriotic and logical ever
delivered before a legislative body, standing on record to this day
as one of the ablest delivered against slavery. To this
pro-slavery attitude of Mr. Wade was due his defeat when
nominated for re-election in October, 1839, but the growth of the
pro-slavery sentiment was subsequently rapid in the North, and when,
two years later, he was again nominated for the State Senate, his
opposition was limited in the extreme.
The passage of the fugitive slave act found Judge
Wade presiding over the session of court at Ravenna. By
him, as by all other true patriots, the act was viewed with
detestation and horror, and in the public meeting called at the
courthouse, he delivered a powerful philippic against it. Thus
it may be seen that his anti-slavery attitude was firmly determined
at the time he assumed his place in the United States Senate.
The Thirty-second Congress convened Dec. 1, 1851, and
at the opening of the Senate Mr. Wade's credentials were
presented by Salmon P. Chase, and he was sworn in. It
was supposed that Congress now convened under most benign
conditions; an incipient contention was thought to have been "nipped
i’ the bud” and the forces
hushed to perpetual silence. Slavery was practically
triumphant and freedom and justice were prostrate. There were
but five senators who would yield an uncompromising opposition to
slavery, - John P. Hale, Seward, Chase,
Sumner and Wade. Shortly after the opening of the
Thirty-third Congress, Mr. Douglas introduced the Nebraska
bill “and all our woes.” This bill, which was so framed as to
practically override the provisions of the Missouri compromise and
to make the holding of slaves in the Territories optional with the
residents thereof, naturally aroused the strong antagonism of
Wade, and his opposition was most spirited and well directed.
His speech, deprecating the outrageous policy implied, is yet
considered as one of the best specimens of terse, plain, direct,
vigorous putting of things by the honest sturdy intellect of the New
England type, to be found in the records of Congress.
There are few times when senators and representatives
have come together with a feeling of graver responsibility than that
which marked the opening of the Thirty-fourth Congress.
Attention was now directed to “Bleeding Kansas” and the conditions
there prevailing. Slavery had gained a strong foothold,
and there now was the great field, of conflict between the opposing
sectional forces. The halls of Congress echoed with
violent and stormy debates; personal violence even resulted in the
white heat of partisan animosity, and the Union tottered on its
The Thirty-fourth Congress wore and warred the Kansas
matter through until the closing session, Mar. 3, 1851. That
Mr. Wade was vigorously arrayed against the further
encroachments of slavery upon the national domain need scarcely be
stated. His opposition to the Lecompton constitution in Kansas
is perpetuated in the history of that tempestuous period. The
ensuing Congress, the Thirty-fifth, found yet more emphatic causes
for contention, the Dred Scott decision had shortly
before been handed down, and proved an inflammatory element in both
popular and Congressional discussions. Wade had o been
re-elected, and his independent and commanding position in the
Senate had now been assured by reason of his attention to duties,
his good sense, freedom from mistakes, large intelligence, clearness
of vision and absolute sincerity. Men came to place trust in
his level, practical views, and “old Ben Wade” became
to many an almost infallible guide. The spring, and summer of
1859 were marked with the sullen, brooding spirit, portentous of the
great Civil war which soon began to show unmistakable signs of
rearing its horrid head. The culmination came; John
Brown, at the head of an armed band, took possession of the
arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, October 17th, and was there besieged by a
Virginian army. Public excitement now ran high. Then
came, the year 1860 - “characters of fire inscribed on its page of
the American chronicle” - Lincoln, the great, noble man, the
final martyr, is elected to the presidency, and the days sweep on
and lead to the great ordeal which shall determine whether the
nation will vindicate her honor or pass down the cycles of time with
garments sullied by ignoble slavery. Still it was not believed that
war - a stern, unyielding conflict - was imminent. It was
thought that pacific measures would yet avert the general resorting
to arms. The Thirty-sixth Congress had the courage to reject
the Crittenden compromise, an amendment to the constitution
prohibiting the abolition of slavery. In the Senate the
opposition to the amendment was led by Seward, Wade
and Fessenden. The called session of the Thirty-seventh
Congress closed August 6. It was called to provide for war,
and at the ensuing and regular session originated the famous
committee on the conduct of the war. Of this committee Wade
was the one and only choice for chairman. To recapitulate the
stirring events of this crucial period would demand greater space
than is ours to command - would demand latitude transcending that of
biography and a ramification into the general history of our nation
during those trying hours. Of the services rendered by Mr.
Wade the annals of the time make due recognition. He
was a mighty power and there should be, in these latter days, none
too poor to do him honor. To hurriedly glance over the more
important of his actions while in the Senate, we will say that in
the matter of compromise between the North and the South, he opposed
any concessions. As chairman on the joint committee for the
conduct of the war, he advocated its vigorous prosecution and
favored the confiscation of property in slaves. He reported
the bill for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.
In 1862 the Homestead bill, which he had so long advocated, passed
the senate.
The year 1864 lapsed to 1865. The great rebellion
comes suddenly to an end. The heroic president becomes a
victim to the weapon of the dastardly assassin. Those hours
live and ever will so long as memory holds sway and patriotism
survives in the hearts of coming generations. Lincoln
is dead; Wade is President of the Senate and acting
Vice-President of the United States. Is it not befitting that
we make record of one who has attained to such high position and
honor? The war closed and the nation was left to recover
itself from the great disintegrating conflict whose result is unity.
Mr. Wade remains to serve yet a while in the Senate
halls and to prove not false to the duties yet his to perform for
the public good.
In 1871 he was one of the commission sent to Santo
Domingo to report on the proposed acquisition of that island, and he
was later sent, under the statute, to inspect and report on the
construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. In neither case
was he perfunctory in the performance of the assigned duty.
And now, to close this fragmentary sketch, we will
animadvert to a portion of his life which was closely linked to his
public career, in the indirect influence brought to bear.
Caroline Rosekrans was born at Lansingburg, New York, July 30,
1805, being the daughter of Depin Rosekrans, a prominent merchant of
that place. Her mother was a daughter of Nehemiah Hubbard,
a retired merchant and banker, of Middletown, Connecticut.
Some years subsequent to the death of Mr. Rosekrans his widow
contracted a second marriage, with Enoch Parsons, a son of
General Parsons, of Revolutionary fame, and one of the first
Territorial judges of Ohio. In 1837 Mrs. Persons and
Caroline came to Ashtabula, Ohio, and May 19, 1841, the latter
was united in marriage to Mr. Wade. They took up their
residence in Jefferson. Two sons were born to them:
Lieutenant-Colonel James F. Wade, in 1843, and Captain Henry
P. Wade in 1845, both of whom are still living.
Crowned with honor, a brilliant public career
terminated, back to the old home in Jefferson came Mr. Wade,
there to pass the declining years of a life that had been dedicated
and given to all that was honest and good. Here, at the age of
three score years and ten, the retired Senator and his wife came
back to renew, it may be, the life of the days long fled.
The end came. What more need be added? Is
eulogy demanded or wordy panegyric in the case of one whose life was
distinguished by extreme simplicity and the avoidance of the
ostentatious pomp so dear to weaker minds? Let us simply say
that he was such a man. Take him for all in all, we shall not
look upon his like again.
Benjamin Franklin Wade died at Jefferson, Mar.
2, 1878. No more fitting words can be used in closing than
these, from the pen of his able biographer: "They made his grave
near the heart of his life-long home, and set at his head a granite
shaft less enduring than the influence of his deeds for truth,
justice, freedom and his country's good."
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 129 |
- The legal profession of Jefferson, Ohio, has no more worthy
representative than the subject of this sketch, whose ability has
been repeatedly endorsed by election to one of the most honorable
positions in the gift of the people.
Judge Wade, an able lawyer and public-spirited
citizen, was born in Andover, Ashtabula county, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1838.
He was the only son of Samuel S. Wade. His father was
one of nine children, six sons and three daughters, one of his
brothers being Senator Benjamin F. Wade, for several terms a
member of Congress from the Cleveland district.
The subject of this sketch passed his youth in
alternately working on the farm in summer and attending the district
schools in winter. At the age of seventeen, he entered
Kingsville Academy, at which he graduated, in 1859. In 1860 he
came to Jefferson, where he began his law studies in the office of
Messers. Simonds & Caldwell, during which time he
superintended the high school in that village four terms. In
1863, he was admitted to the bar, and the same year accepted a
position as clerk for Hon. D. Cadwell, who was appointed
Provost Marshal at warren for the Nineteenth District. Mr.
Wade remained in that position until the close of the war, and
on his return to Jefferson, in 1865, formed a partnership with
Hon. E. J. Betts, under the name of Wade & Betts.
This partnership was dissolved on the election of Judge Betts
to the position of Probate Judge, Mr. Wade at the same time
becoming Prosecuting Attorney, both entering upon their duties in
January, 1872. Mr. Wade served in that capacity four
years, after which he resumed his private practice for a time, again
entering public life in February, 1882, when he became Probate
Judge, which position he filled until February, 1891. Judge
Wade gained the universal approbation of his community by his
impartial and able decisions as a jurist and his honor as an
official and man, and carries with him into private life the
confidence and esteem of his fellow men.
The Judge was married in 1864 to Miss Ella M. Sawyer,
of Austinburg, whose death he was called upon to mourn three years
later. In 1869 he was married to Miss Louise M. Simonds,
an estimable lady, and daughter of Hon. C. S. Simonds, a well
known lawyer of Jefferson. Three children, blessed this union:
Alice L., Grace E., and Charles S.
In the enjoyment of the comforts of
life, gained by years of honest toil, and crowned with the
approbation of all worthy men, Judge Wade has attained true
success. In politics, the Judge has always supported the
Republican party by his vote and as a public speaker.
Judge Wade is an able lawyer and a forceful
speaker, and has never ceased to be a careful student, not only of
matters pertaining to his profession but of literature.
He is a good example for young men who are ambitious to
excel in any profession, showing how scholarly attainments may adorn
the same.
He has a thorough knowledge of the elementary
principles of law, and in the argument of questions of law to a
court, is clear, concise and able, and excels as an advocate before
the jury.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio - Publ. Chicago - The
Lewis Publishing Co., 1893 - Page 212 |
prominent farmer and respected citizen of Ashtabula county, Ohio,
residing near Andover, and an inventor of wide repute, was born on the
old homestead where he now resides. The Wade family was
originally of English descent, their ancestors having come over from
that "tight little isle" in an early day and settled in Massachusetts,
where many generations were born. James Wade, grandfather of the
subject of this sketch, was born and reared in Massachusetts, where he
married Mary Upham, also a descendant of an old New England family.
In an early day they joined the western tide of emigration, coming
overland to Ashtabula county and settling on land in the primeval
woods, which his older sons had purchased and where they erected a
rude though comfortable log house. The old folks passed the
remainder of their lives with their children, surviving to a good old
age in the enjoyment of universal esteem. Nine of their children
attained maturity, as follows: Martha, Nancy, Mary, James, Sidney,
Theodore L. (father of the subject of this sketch), Charles,
Benjamin F. and Edward.
Theodore L., father of Mr. Sedgwick Wade, was born in
Springfield, Massachusetts, March 13, 1797, and was reared on a farm,
receiving his education in the schools of his vicinity. He was
brought up to farming, which he followed all his life. In an
early day, he and the rest of the family, came overland to Ohio, then
on the frontier of civilization, and settled on land in the woods,
where he and his brothers, bought a tract of land, which they cleared
the improved. On this the family resided many years.
In 1844, Theodore purchased ninety-six acres, which he cleared and
built on it a log house, which was the nucleus of the large and
valuable place on which his son now resides and which is known as the
Wade homestead. He made several additions to his original
purchase until he owned some 260 acres. He was a man of energy,
intelligence and enterprise, and became prosperous and popular.
Although not courting public office, he was often elected to fill
positions of trust in the county and city. He was an old line
Whig and later a Republican and strong anti-slavery adherent. He
possessed broad and liberal views and had a host of friends. He
was married three times, first, in 1825, to Clarissa Adams, who died
in 1833, aged twenty-nine years. His second wife was Augusta
Bettes, daughter of William and Mary (Mills) Bettes, of Sandisfield,
Massachusetts, prominent and respected people. The three
children of this marriage were: Ellen M., wife of Schuyler
Colfax, a prosperous citizen of South Bend, Indiana; Sedgwick
M., whose name heads this sketch, residing on the old homestead; and
Martha A., living with her brother on the old home place. The
devoted wife and mother died Jan. 30, 1841, at the age of thirty-six,
leaving her family and many friends to mourn her loss. Mr. Wade's third wife was
Miss Mary L. Bettes, sister of his second wife,
who survived him many years, dying in 1888, at the age of
seventy-four. Mr. Wade died Jan. 13, 1865, after a life of
usefulness to his fellow men. He made his home on the old place
where his two youngest children still reside. His son, the
subject of this sketch, has taken charge of the farm and had managed
it for many years previous to his father's death, the sister ably
cooperating in the care of the house and management of domestic
affairs. The old homestead is a fitting subject for the artist's
pencil, being beautifully situated and surrounded with shade and
ornamental trees and all modern improvements, and is justly numbered
among the most valuable places in the county.
Mr. Sedgwick Wade initiated a new feature in the
operating of the farm by introducing a Jersey dairy, he being the
first to bring Jersey cattle to this part of the country, and the
first to manufacture and market factory butter. He is also now
engaged in breeding fine horses, in which he is very successful,
finding it a profitable and desirable business. Although much
engaged with his manifold duties he has found time to invent numerous
useful implements of agricultural and commercial value. Some of
these he has patented, and among the most popular may be mentioned a
rotary harrow, which is in extensive use among farmers of all
sections. Another ingenious device was a stirrup hinge, which he
patented an sold to a large hinge factory in Connecticut. His
latest invention is calculated to interest all people, it being a
curious pocket piece, combining a boot hook, screw driver, wrench,
cork screw and punch, one of the most ingenious combinations ever
invented. He as also invented many other articles of value,
which he has never secured to himself.
Mr. Wade is a representative citizen of his county, and
has done more than any other one man to advance the interests of the
community by the introducing of thoroughbred stock and improved
methods of farming, etc., and as such is entitled to the esteem which
he so universally enjoys. His sister is a lady of culture and
executive ability, who manages the home and domestic affairs of his
large place with ease and dispatch. Their home typifies comfort
and refinement, while they make most hospitable hosts. They are
useful members of the Congregational Church, and prominent, respected
people of their community, enjoying the good will of all who know
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 1003
B. WALKER, a well-known farmer and Jersey
stock breeder of Saybrook township, Ashtabula county, Ohio, is a
descendant of one of the oldest and most prominent families of the
State. The first member of the family to penetrate the wilds
of Ohio were Charles Walker, great-grandfather of the
subject of this sketch, and his son, Charles, who settled in
Saybrook township in 1821, where the former died about five years
later, at the age of seventy years. He was a native of Rhode
Island, whence he emigrated to Massachusetts, coming thence to Ohio.
He was twice married, his second wife bearing the name of Edmunds.
His only child, Charles, was born in 1778, and was a farmer
who held local office in Saybrook, his death taking place in 1847.
He was a Methodist with a pronounced Quaker style of dress. He
was stout and muscular in build, like his ancestors, and was
hard-working and prosperous, owning a farm of some 300 or 400 acres.
He married Marcia Arnold and they had six children:
Elisha, born in 1802, died in 1884; Lydia, who married
Dr. Solomon Jenks, a pioneer physician of
Ashtabula county; Ora, an ininerant Methodist
clergyman of Princeton, Illinois; Smith, father of the
subject of this sketch; Alma, who married Ralph
Abel, a prominent citizen of Des Moines, Iowa; and Alden.
Smith Walker, father of Daniel Walker of
this notice, was born Aug. 11, 1809, and was reared on his father’s
farm, being trained to agricultural pursuits. By industry and
perseverance he acquired 200 acres of choice land in Saybrook
township, which he carefully cultivated, becoming in time a
prosperous man. He was liberal, and aided materially in the
early advancement of the township and county. He was highly
honorable in his dealings, a consistent Christian and an officer in
the Methodist Church. His wife before marriage was Susan
McBain, whose father emigrated with his family from the High
lands of Scotland about 1828, coming to Saybrook township, Ashtabula
county, Ohio, where he made his permanent home. He had been a
Government contractor in Scotland, but after coming to America
devoted his attention to farming. He and his good wife,
Margaret, were the parents of five children; Catherine,
who married James McKenzie; John, who omitted the
Mc from his name and was for many years a well known Elder and
Methodist divine, of northern Ohio; Margaret, who died
unmarried; Susan, born in 1812, mother of the subject of this
sketch; and Daniel, formerly a prominent attorney of Toledo,
Ohio, who served several years in the Ohio State Legislature as the
Representative of his district, passing the last year of his life in
Chicago. Smith Walker and wife were teh parents
of three children: William Penn, born in 1834, a prominent
resident of Chicago, married Harriet Kellogg; Daniel B.,
whose name heads this sketch; and Mary, now Mrs.
Fairbanks of Cleveland, Ohio. This family was bereft of
the loving mother on Jan. 1, 1870, while the devoted father survived
her until Apr. 2, 1884, both dying greatly lamented by all who knew
Mr. Walker of this notice,
was reared on his father's farm, and secured his education in the
common schools of Ashtabula county. He then began the
study of dentistry, which he prosecuted for some time in Buffalo,
New York, perfecting himself in that profession, which he
subsequently practiced for sixteen years, at the same time teaching
vocal music. Shortly after the death of his mother, he assumed
charge of the home, farm, to which he has since devoted his whole
attention, together with the breeding and sale of fine cattle and
horses. His place is known as the Indian Creek farm, and is a
model country home, with all the modern conveniences of natural gas,
water works, a comfortable house with a tastefully arranged and
attractive yard and lawn, besides commodious barns and other
valuable improvements, being altogether one of the most desirable
places in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker have three children:
Tibbitts, now twenty-seven years old, is a young man of unusual
promise. He completed a four years’ course at the Grand River
Institute, Austinburg, in three years’ time, and was valedictorian
of his class. He is also a post graduate of the Wesleyan
University of Connecticut, where he won a $300 prize for excellence
in Greek, and he graduated from the Albany, New York, law school, in
June, 1893. He is a most worthy young man and was Steward of
the Ashtabula Methodist Episcopal Church before he was twenty-one.
Georgia, their only daughter, married Frank Piper;
and McBain, a lad of fourteen, gives promise of as bright a
future as his brother, being an intellectual prodigy.
Thus successful, not only in financial matters, hut
also in domestic happiness, Mr. Walker has every
reason to be thankful for his good fortune, which rests on a surer
foundation than riches, which "take to themselves wings and flee
away,” being of that higher bliss, which, like the imperishable
granite, lasts for ever.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
who is a representative farmer and stock-raiser well known and
highly respected throughout Ashtabula county, Ohio, and who resides
in Jefferson, was born in Mantua, this State, Feb. 2, 1844.
His parents, Ephriam and Hannah (Harder) Ward, were reared in
New York State and were there married, immediately after which,
about 1838, they removed to Ohio, then a new and slightly settled
country. They settled first in Geauga county, whence they
removed about 1845 to Lenox township, Ashtabula county, where they
have since resided, the father having followed farming all his life.
They had eight children, six sons and two daughters. The
subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and received a
common-school education, and since attaining to manhood’s estate has
followed farming and stock-raising and dealing in live-stock.
In 1870, after his marriage, he settled in Lenox township, this
county, but a year later removed to Dorset, where he continued to
reside until 1886, at which time he came to Jefferson, in which city
he has since lived. Mr. Ward began farming
twenty-three years ago, without any capital except strong hands, a
willing heart, natural intelligence and a desire to succeed.
This combination has, however, proved most powerful, overcoming
difficulties and gaining for himself and family a comfortable
competence. He now owns two farms well stocked and with good
improvements, and also a fine dwelling-house in Jefferson, where he
Mar. 16, 1870, Mr. Ward was married to
Susan Goudy, an intelligent lady, who was a native of
Pennsylvania, and they have one daughter, May Belle,
who is a very bright and accomplished young lady and highly
respected throughout her circle of acquaintances.
In politics Mr. Ward has always advocated
the principles of the Republican party, in which he takes an active
Young men without means would do well to study Mr.
Ward’s life with a view to discovering the secret of his
success, which they will find to consist in indomitable energy and
untiring perseverance, honestly and intelligently applied.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio - Publ. Chicago - The
Lewis Publishing Co., 1893 - Page 479 |
a successful farmer and stock-raiser of Lenox township, Ashtabula
county, Ohio, resides half a mile south of Rowenton.
He was born in Hillsdale township, Berkshire county,
Massachusetts, and at the age of six years came with his parents to
Ohio, settling in the wilderness of Lenox township. He was
reared on his father’s pioneer farm, helping to clear and till the
land, and receiving his education in the district school.
Arriving at manhood, he enlisted in the late war, in 1861, and went
out as a private in Company B, Twenty-third Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, being assigned to the Army of the Potomac. He
remained in the service until the war closed. He participated
in twenty-six regular engagements, besides numerous skirmishes, the
most notable of the former being the battles of Antietam, Cloud
Mountain, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Harper’s Ferry, etc. July 26,
1865, Mr. Ward received an honorable discharge at
Cumberland, Maryland, after which he returned home and engaged in
farming. After running his father’s farm one year, he
purchased the property, comprising 106 acres, beautifully located
and well improved. Here he has since resided, giving his close
attention to diversified farming and meeting with success in his
operations. In 1887 he built his present home, a commodious
residence having ten large rooms, and a cellar under the whole
house. He also further improved the place by the erection of a
large barn, 44 x 45 feet, with ample sheds and grain cribs and
outbuildings. For twelve years Mr. Ward was
engaged in the dairy business, in which he was very successful.
His land is well stocked with hogs, sheep, cattle and horses.
He was married Dec. 20, 1865 to Miss Pollie Pease,
daughter of John and Sophia (Olin) Pease. She was born
Oct. 17, 1846 in Portage county, Ohio, and at the age of ten years
came with her parents to Jefferson township, Ashtabula county, where
she grew up and received a fair education. She was married to
Mr. Ward when she was twenty. They have two children.
Ina S. the older, born in 1868, was a student of the
Jefferson Educational Institute, and was married Oct. 30, 1887, to
Benjamin Sutherland, their two children being Lunetta A.
and Lotta A. They reside in Ashtabula. The
younger child, Fred L., was born Jan. 4, 1870, and is a
graduate of the Jefferson Educational Institute, having completed
his course with the class of 1892. He is now engaged in
business in Cleveland.
Mr. Ward has been a Republican all
his life, having cast his first presidential vote for Lincoln.
He is a member of Giddings Post, G. A. R.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio - Publ. Chicago - The
Lewis Publishing Co., 1893 - Page 960 |
DR. W. A. WARD, a prominent citizen of
Conneaut, and one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Eastern
Ohio, was born in Chautauqua, Chautauqua county,
New York, son of
Arvin and Plooma (Preston) Ward, both natives of the Empire State.
Arvin Ward was by trade a
tanner and currier, but for many years was engaged in agricultural
pursuits. He held
numerous minor offices.
For a number of years he was inspector of Militia, filling the
position until the law was changed.
He was well and favorably known over southwestern
New York.
During the gold excitement of 1849,
Mr. Ward went to California, where for some time he was
engaged in mining, being very successful in his operations.
Returning to New York, he
passed the remaining years of his life at Westfield, where he died about 1888, at the
advanced age of seventy-eight years.
His venerable widow is still living.
Dr. Ward is the oldest of
four children, all of whom are living, two being in Pennsylvania and two in Ohio.
He was educated at
Westfield, in his native county, and there
began the study of medicine under the instructions of
Dr. John Spencer.
He attended the Western Reserve
Medical College in
Cleveland, at which institution he graduated
in 1861. After his
graduation he began the practice of his profession in Monroe, Ashtabula county,
Ohio, were he remained for three years.
Then he entered the hospital service of the army, and during
the winter of 1864-’65, was at
Little Rock, Arkansas.
He located at Conneaut in 1865; soon established a large and
lucrative practice, and has remained here ever since.
He is surgeon for the Nickel Plat Railroad Company, and also
for several insurance companies, both live and accident.
Dr. Ward was married in
December, 1861, to Miss Mary
E. Chapin, daughter of Z.
Chapin, of Painesville,
They have had six children, one of whom,
Charles, died in infancy.
Those living are as follows:
Julia E., Fred A.,
chief clerk in the Nickel Plate yard office:
Gertrude P., wife of
M. Nolan, a resident of
Conneaut; Mary E.; and
Lizzie A. Mrs. Ward is a
member of the Congregational Church.
Doctor is public-spirited and for the past twelve years he has
served as a member of the School Board.
He is a member of the Ashtabula County Medical Society, the
Ohio State Medical Society, the New York Medico-Legal Society, the
National Association of Railway Surgeons and the Ohio Association of
Railway Surgeons.
For more than a quarter of a century
Dr. Ward has been
identified with the Masonic fraternity, and in all that time his
interest has not abated.
He has taken the higher degrees of the order, both of the commandery
and the consistory, and has filled various official positions, and
is a past officer in all bodies of the so-called York rites.
He was on the staff of the Grand officers of the Grand
Commandery of Knights Templar of Ohio for six years, and is the
representative of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia near the Grand
Lodge of Ohio.
Such is a brief sketch of one of the prominent physicians and
highly respected citizens of Conneaut.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
D. WARNER, M. D., - The citizen who labors for
the betterment of humanity, for the improvement of our civic
institutions and the advancement of civilization, is a benefactor
and is worthy of a place on the pages of history. Such a one
is the man whose name is at the head of this memoir. Dr.
Edwin D. Warner, who is a practitioner at Geneva, Ohio, and one
of the leading physicians of Ashtabula county, was born at Madison,
Lake county, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1855, and is the son of Edwin D. and
Mary (Green) Warner, of whom the former was a native of Scipio,
New York, and his father, David, who was a cooper by trade,
was a native of the Isle of Man. Edwin D. Warner was
born in 1824, and when quite young came with his parents to Ohio,
where he was reared to the occupation of a farmer. He was a
representative man and took a prominent position in the community in
which he dwelt, at all times being a strong advocate of Democratic
principles. He died at Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 31, 1890, and his
father, David, at Madison, Ohio, in 1854. His good
wife, Mary, was of English ancestry, and was of the family of
Lovells who were distinguished for their literary
attainments. She was a member of the Baptist Church, a devout
Christian, and departed this life Nov. 16, 1873.
Amidst the quiet and peaceful pursuits of a pastoral
life and the endearing surroundings of a happy home, the subject of
this memoir spent his early years, received his preliminary
education and laid the foundation for his future career. Quite
early in life he decided that the medical profession was the best
suited to his mind and tastes, and to the mastering of that
profession he gave his whole attention, never relinquishing for a
moment his high ideal. His parents were unable to render him
much assistance, and therefore he was obliged to rely upon his own
energies for development. He began his medical studies at
Madison, Ohio, where he also served as clerk in a drug store.
He remained there three years, during which time he not only
vigorously prosecuted his medical researches, but studied
mathematics and the languages under the instructions of a private
tutor. From there he went to Port Henry, New York, pursuing
his studies and clerking in a drug store for a relative. After
remaining there a year, young Edwin turns his face again
westward, and is soon found living with an uncle at Marengo,
Illinois, giving his whole soul to his life’s work. From there
he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the Homeopathic Hospital
College, in the class of 1876. From this institution he
graduated with high honors in 1879, having been chosen valedictorian
of his class. During most of his college term Dr.
Warner acted as first assistant to Prof. Bigger,
which preferment was exceedingly complimentary to his ability.
He stood an examination for prosectorship, which he secured,
an honor highly prized.
After leaving college, Dr. Warner located
at Geneva, where he commenced his practice. His knowledge of
medicine and surgery, and his skill and success in the treatment of
cases, soon brought him into a large and lucrative practice, which
he has steadily increased until now he is one of the foremost and
most popular physicians in northeastern Ohio. He was surgeon
for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad for seven years,
when he resigned.
Dr. Warner has recently been honored with
the appointment as examining surgeon on the Board of Pensions for
Ashtabula county. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a
member of the Knights of Pythias, holding the position at present of
Chancellor Commander.
He was united in marriage, Mar. 3, 1880, to Miss
Maria, daughter of Wilmont and Eunice M. (Schovell)
Crandall, and a native of Madison, Ohio. To them has been
born, one child, Raymond C. He has a beautiful home,
which has all evidences of elegance and culture.
Dr. Warner is a man of domestic tastes, is a
devoted husband and an affectionate father. He is liberal in
thought, affable and genial by nature, and benevolent, extending his
charities largely into his profession in his own quiet and
unostentatious way. He keeps well abreast with the topics of
the day, and is an interesting conversationalist. His mind is
well and peculiarly adapted to the profession he has chosen and for
the practice of which he has ably qualified himself by hard and
constant study. He is devoted to his profession, and his chief
aim in life is to excel in that, and to be useful to his fellow-men.
His skill in his practice, combined with his character as a man and
citizen, has established him in the confidence and esteem of the
people. The value of such men to a community is beyond
estimation; they bring honor to a profession, give tone to society,
advance civilization, and make life brighter.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
654 |
WARNER was born at Chester parish, in old Saybrook Connecticut,
Dec. 11, 1782. His father, Jonathan, was a farmer, and also
owned some interest in vessels engaged at that time in the coasting
trade. The young man was bred principally upon the farm, but had
acquired some experience as a sailor upon his father's vessels, and
had at one time made a cruise to the West Indies. In the fall of
1804, in company with a man named Olmsted, he ventured on an
exploring expedition to the western country. He was provided
with a letter of credit, which spoke of him in high terms of praise.
At Buffalo they procured a boat, and started upon the
lake for New Connecticut, and his nautical experience was of value
during a violent storm, which compelled them to run their boat ashore,
where they spent a night under its shelter. They landed at the
mouth of Ashtabula creek, and made their way to the interior as far as
the present village of Jefferson. Here Mr. Warner
selected lands embracing a part of the present village, while his
companion made his settlement in what is known as the township of
Kingsville. At that time there was but one resident of the
township of Jefferson, a man by the name of Mapes, who had previously
settled upon a part of the same land, and had built a log house and
cleared a few acres. Mr. Warner purchased his
improvements and made provision for a future home, although before
locating permanently he went back to Connecticut.
In 1806 other settlers came into the township.
Among them came Edward Frethy, with his family, from Washington
city. He was the first postmaster, the first justice of the
peace, and the first merchant in Jefferson.
Mr. Warner was pleased with the wilderness in
which he had located, and which he was making every effort to destroy.
As a matter of choice he had settled in a hermitage far from human
habitations, and yet he found it not good to be alone, and on the 4th
day of May, 1807, he was married to Nancy, a daughter of
Edward Frethy. His residence was three-fourths of a mile
distant, and he went for his bride on horseback. After the
ceremony was performed he took her upon the crupper and carried her to
his cabin, near the same spot where she now resides, at the advanced
age of eighty-nine years, and where she continued the partner of his
joys and of his sorrows through his life.
The first selection of land made by Mr. Warner
embraced the land upon which the courthouse was afterward located; but
to accommodate the new village and to secure the county seat he was
induced to exchange a portion of his selection for lands lying farther
west and adjoining the proposed town.
In the year 1815 he was appointed Recorder of Deeds for
the county, for the term of seven years. In the year 1825 he was
appointed Treasurer of the county. Soon after this time
anti-Masonic excitement prevailed in politics, and Mr. Warner
was an active leader in the anti-Masonic party. In the fall of
1831 he was elected a Representative to the State Legislature, and in
the spring of 1839 he was elected by the Legislature of the State an
Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, for the term of seven
years, his term expiring on April 1, 1846. He was always an
active partisan in politics, and always in sympathy with the
Democratic party, except during the few years that the anti-Masonic
party had a political existence. He had eleven children, one of
whom died in infancy. Of the ten who reached maturity, - four
sons and six daughters, - all but one are now living, and all have
families of their own, who now hold respectable positions in society.
George, his second son, was killed by accident, Mar. 25, 1877,
in Washington Territory, where he left a wife and two children.
Judge Warner died at his old residence in Jefferson on the 12th
day of April, 1862, in his eightieth year, respected and honored by
He was a vigorous man, possessed of a strong will, a
kind heart, and affectionate disposition. He was a valuable
citizen, exact and trustworthy in all his dealings, as well in public
as in private life; and as one of the pioneers of the county, who has
helped to found and build up its institutions, his life and character
are worthy of commemoration by the present as well as by the future
generations of this county who may follow after him.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
245 |
the most successful mechanics and contractors in brick and stone
work, at Ashtabula, Ohio, was born in Ashtabula county, July 1,
1837. He comes of sturdy New England ancestry, his father,
Cornelius Washburn, Sr., having been born in Massachusetts,
whence his parents afterward removed to Vermont. He married
Lavina Merritt and in 1834 removed from the Green Mountain State
to Ohio, settling in Ashtabula county, where he followed farming.
This continued to be his home until his death in 1862, at the age of
sixty-six years. His ten children were: Adaline Ann,
died in infancy; Ann, deceased; Adaline is the wife of
P. M. Darling, of Conneaut; Abigail, deceased, in
Tennessee, was married to John Pains; Cornelius,
subject of this sketch; Lavina, wife of John Dick,
of Kingsville; G. H., residing in East Village; and
Marnette, wife of Lun Fry, of Lansing, Michigan.
Being one of a large family, whose parents were in
limited circumstances and pioneers of a new country, the subject of
this sketch early learned to rely on his own resources. At the
age of eleven he began to support himself, working for a number of
years for his board and clothing. On becoming large and strong
enough to work for wages, he was variously employed until
twenty-seven years of age. He then decided to learn the
Mason’s trade, and for that purpose secured employment with
Messrs. Pratt & Brooks, plasterers and masons, and
so industriously and persistently did he apply himself that in less
than two years he was capable of taking contracts and becoming
responsible for their proper execution. On completing his
apprenticeship, he became a partner in this business with Elijah
Upton, which union continued three years. The succeeding
year, Mr. Washburn made a profitable arrangement with
Messrs. Brooks Brothers, with whom he continued
seven years. Since then he has been alone, except during one
season, when he, with George Russell, secured the
contract for erecting the water-works buildings and foundations for
tanks. Among others, Mr. Washburn has plastered
the Haskell, Baser and Sherman residences,
the Ducruos store and hundreds of minor structures, his work
in every instance being a sufficient guarantee of its merit.
Nor has this prosperity come by accident, but by arduous and
continued endeavor, which might well be emulated by all ambitious
young men starting in life for themselves. Mr.
Washburn now owns a beautiful place covering an acre in East
Village, which he purchased in 1859, and which he has improved with
a handsome residence and ornamental surroundings, until it is now
one of the most attractive places in the city.
Nov. 23, 1865, Mr. Washburn was married
in Ashtabula, to Miss Flora Allen, a cultivated lady,
daughter of Rev. Henry M. and Elizabeth (Whitford) Allen.
Her father was a Baptist minister, originally of Lake George, New
York, who removed in 1859 to Pennsylvania, dying in Springboro, that
State, in 1875, aged sixty-seven. He was the father of twelve
children, ten of whom attained maturity and all but three of whom
reside in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn have had
four children: George Francis, who died in 1880, aged
fourteen; Norman C., born June 11, 1870, a mason by
occupation, married Miss Addie May Smith, of Springfield,
Pennsylvania; Leland M., born Mar. 8, 1872, also a mason by
trade, assists his father; and Allie S., born March 2, 1879,
died June 19, 1890, of lockjaw, occasioned by running a piece of
corn stubble into his foot.
Fraternally, Mr. and Mrs Washburn are members of
the Royal Templars of Temperance and both belong to the
Church. Both enjoy the highest regard of the community in
which they have lived so long and to the material and moral
of which they have greatly contributed.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 796 |
WATERS, ESQ., of Orwell, Ohio, once an active
farmer, a prominent and progressive citizen, energetic in his labors
for the advancement of the interests of his town, faithful to
the positions of trust imposed upon him, is now retired from active
This venerable man was born in Milford, Otsego county,
New York, Dec. 29, 1822, son of Judah and Ruth (Putnam) Waters.
His parents were married in Massachusetts, and passed the closing
years of their lives in Ohio, where they died, the father in May,
1867, and the mother in June, 1869. They had a family of seven
children, one of whom died in infancy. The others are as
follows: Nathan, Sarah, Freeman, Harriet, Lewis and Olive.
The senior Mr. Waters, was by trade a scythe and hoe maker,
an occupation which he followed in early life, subsequently turning
his attention to milling. The boyhood days of Lewis Waters
were spent in doing chores around the mill, and in attending the
district school. At the age of thirteen he became a full hand
in driving team, hauling grain, flour, etc., for his father.
Jan. 20, 1840, young Waters, with a single horse
and wagon, left his native town, en route for Orwell, Ohio,
arriving at his destination February 20. His parents joined
him in this State about a year later. His father had
previously purchased a farm here, and this land he at once went to
work to clear and develop. The fall he was twenty he attended
Welchfield Academy one term, after which he taught school for some
time. After teaching in Ohio for a while he went to Missouri,
where he was engaged in the same occupation, and where he formed the
acquaintance of the lady, who, a year later, became his wife.
This lady was Miss Frances Sappington. She
was born in St. Louis county, Missouri, June 18, 1818, the eldest of
a family of eight children, the others being as follows:
William J.; Overton S., who died and left a family;
Joseph B.; Nicholas, who was killed in a railroad collision;
Sarah, who died May 17, 1835; James, who died in Kansas
and left a family; and Mary E., wife of Thomas
Baker, died in December, 1882, leaving a family. the
father of this family was born Nov. 23, 1796, and died Apr. 5, 1885.
The mother, nee Amney Wright, born in 1800, died in
1831. Mrs. Waters was only thirteen years old at the
time her mother died, and, being the oldest of the family, upon her
devolved the charge of the other children. She continued at
the head of their household affairs until her father married again.
May 21, 1840, he wedded Miss Tabitha Pipkin, and they had one
daughter, Margaret, who died at the age of thirteen years.
After their marriage, Mr. and
Mrs. Waters came to Orwell, Ohio, and settled on a fine farm
south of the town. Here they lived until the death of Mr.
Waters, which, which occurred July 23, 1884. This farm,
1888 acres, is now under the efficient management of J. G.
Kingdon, Mr. Waters' son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Waters had eight children, namely: James F., born Dec.
30, 1845; Amney G. and Ruth P., who died Oct. 20,
1849; Olivia F., born Dec. 30, 1848; George W., born
May 5, 1850; Granville E., born Apr. 4, 1852; Ida E.,
born Oct. 8, 1853; Cora Idel, born Aug. 7, 1858.
Amney G. married Mr. J. G. Kingdon of Orwell, and they
have two sons and one daughter. Olivia wife of Frank
Bissell, of Orwell, has had one daughter, who died at about the
age of eleven years. Mr. Waters makes his home with his
daughter, Mrs. Bissell. Ida E. is the wife of
John Runciman; and Cora I. married William R. Winters.
Mr. and Mrs. Winters have one daughter.
The life of Mr. Waters has been an exemplary
one. Honesty, integrity, industry and generosity have been the
chief characteristics of his life. Few men of this vicinity
have done more to advance its best interests than he. For many
years he has been interested in the breeding of fine horses, and
still owns some fine specimens of horse flesh. The first
standard-bred stallion ever brought to Orwell was "May Day," owned
by Mr. Waters. Politically, he is a Democrat. He
has always been identified with the best elements of his party and
in various ways has rendered it valued service. During
President Cleveland's first administration he served three and a
half years as Postmaster of Orwell. For a number of years he
served as Justice of the Peace. During the Civil war he was
appointed clerk for the Quartermaster's Department at Chattanooga,
Tennessee, and after rendering efficient service as such for a short
time was appointed General Superintendent of the Quartermaster's
Department, at the same place, remaining in that position until the
close of the war. He was then honorably discharged, with
letters of commendation from his superior officers. Mr.
Waters was Chairman of the first County Board of Electors under the
Australian ballot system. Socially, he is a gentleman of
the highest order, kind and agreeable to all, and respected and
esteemed by both old and young. For over thirty-five years he
has been a member of the I. O. O. F.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 371 |
B. WATERS, one of the energetic business men of Geneva, was
born Feb. 3, 1844, a son of Lorenzo S. and Betsey P. (Broder)
Waters; the father, a native of New Hampshire, was born Sept. 9,
1809; the mother was born at Hartford, Trumbull county, Ohio, in
1812. Lorenzo S. Waters emigrated to Ohio with his
parents in 1813; they located in Trumbull county, where he engaged
in farming, following agriculture through life. He was married
in 1835, and reared a family of six children: Lorinda was
born in 1837 and married Horace King; she died in 1892;
Elmer H. was born in 1842; in 1863 he enlisted in the One
Hundred and Twenty fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was wounded in
the thigh at Knoxville, Tennessee. He started home, but
continued his journey only to Louisville, Kentucky, where he died
from the effects of the wound; Philo B. is the subject of
this biographical sketch; Homer T. was born in 1846; he
married Orelia Pelton and resides in South Bend, Indiana;
Clinton D. was born in 1847, and married Lydia Fabes;
C. G. was born in 1849 and died in 1889. The father of the
family died Sept. 9, 1886, and the mother passed away in April,1890,
aged seventy-seven years.
The boyhood of our subject was spent after the fashion
of a farmer's son; he attended the common school during the winter
season and in the summer assisted in the lighter work of the farm.
At the age of twelve years, he left his home and went to live with
an uncle, where he passed an uneventful youth. Embracing the
limited opportunities offered him he gained a good education, and at
the age of twenty-one began teaching in the district school.
For two years he devoted himself to this profession and then
apprenticed himself to a carpenter for a term of three years; after
he had served his time he was engaged in various lines of business
until 1881, when he was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Portage county,
Ohio, serving with efficiency for a period of two years. In
the year 1882 he began to establish a business which has since grown
into a most important industry; in Portage county, Ohio, he put down
the first artificial-stone pavements, and in 1883 he came to Geneva,
where he continued this business; he has laid miles of this pavement
in different sections of the State an enviable reputation as a solid
and successful business man.
Mr. Waters was married Apr. 16, 1885, to the
daughter of Elihu B. and Laura (Frisbie) Gill; Mr. Gill was
for thirty years an engineer on the Lake Shore & Southern Michigan
Railroad and was a most trusted employee. Mr. Waters is
a member of the Masonic fraternity, belong to the blue lodge and
chapter; he is a charter member of the Agathon Lodge, K. P., Geneva.
Politically he is a stanch Republican, voicing his sentiments with
no uncertain sound and giving his best efforts to insure the success
of his party.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
532 |
proprietors of the Dorset sawmill, are successors to Smith &
Wilson. The mill was first established by John C. Smith,
and the present firm purchased his interest in 1877. Two years
later they acquired Wilson's interest in the establishment
and assumed full control. The Webster Brothers cut
about 400,000 feet of lumber annually at this mill and they also own
a portable mill, which they are now operating at Black Ash,
Pennsylvania, under the management of A. S. Webster, of the
firm of Webster Brothers. M. H. Webster controls the
Dorset mill, which has been remodeled and equipped with the most
modern and improved mechanical devices, making it one of the best
mills in this part of Ashtabula county.
The Webster brothers were reared in this
county, at or near Lenox, where their father, Roswell Webster,
has resided for the past forty-one years. He grew to maturity
in Morgan township, as did also his wife, nee Emily P.
Harvey, who died in 1868. They were the parents of five
children: Alma A., wife of P. P. Church, of Wahoo,
Nebraska; Amers S., a member of the firm of Webster
Brothers, and a resident of Crawford county, Pennsylvania;
Melvin H., the second member of the firm; Cornie, an
employe of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, at
Ashtabula; and Kate, who was the wife of Byron Bulfinch;
and died at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1890; a half brother, Fred,
is still at home.
Melvin Webster was born Nov. 14, 1852, and was
reared on the home farm, remaining there until he attained his
twenty-third year, since which time he has been engaged in the
milling business. He also owns and conducts a farm of
fifty-five acres, which is located near Dorset, and upon which, in
1878, he erected a good two-story frame residence, 16 x 20 feet in
main dimensions, with an L, 14 x 20 feet. Mr. Webster
was married May 4, 1878, to Miss Carrie Geneva Mack, a
daughter of Israel and Corinia (Grover) Mack, of Lenox,
Ashtabula county. To this happy union three children have been
given: Maude E., Florence E., and Lucy C.
In his political attitude Mr. Webster was
formerly a Republican, but now votes with the People's party.
He has served as Constable of his township and as a member of the
Board of Education, being held in high esteem in the community as an
honorable and enterprising business man.
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physician and surgeon, Kingsville, Ohio, was born at this place, May
21, 1827. He comes from an ancestry in which he may justly
take pride, and he likewise has reason to be proud of his posterity.
The first of the Websters who came to Ohio
landed in Ashtabula county in 1808, when this county was nearly all
wilderness. Among them the oldest was the great-grand-father
of the Doctor, Michael Webster, who was born in Litchfield,
Connecticut, May 8, 1848, a direct descendant of John Webster,
who came from Warwickshire, England, about the year 1636, and became
Governor of Connecticut in 1656 and who was also one of the
Commissioners of the United Colonies.
By occupation Michael was a farmer. He
served as a soldier all through the Revolutionary war and died at
Williamsfield; Ashtabula county, at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Minerva North, Feb. 15, 1850, lacking only two months of
being 102 years old. The day he was a hundred he walked from
Jefferson to Kingsville, a distance of sixteen miles.
Elizabeth (Clark) Webster, his wife, died Oct. 15, 1853, aged
seventy-seven years. They had twelve children, two of whom,
Michael and David, settled in Jefferson, Ohio, and their
families now live in that township. All the children's names
were, in order: Clark, Elizabeth, Daniel, Michael, Jr.,
Luman, Leman, Polly, Sally, Elemuel, Fanny, Clarissa and
Clark, the oldest son, was born at Litchfield,
Connecticut, Dec. 3, 1774, married Naamah Hall, by whom he
had seven children, namely: Michael, Hiram H., Frances, Almira,
Michael W. (2d), Ardavan and Sally. Michael (1st)
died in infancy. Hiram H. was born at Lanesborough,
Massachusetts, May 17, 1800, and was married to Corinna L.
Loomis, Apr. 10, 1824. They were the parents of
Corinna, Elizur Michael (our subject), Laura A., Ann Eliza,
Clarinda L., Charles H., Emily F. and Henry C.
Hiram H. came with his parents to Ashtabula county,
where he received his preliminary education, subsequently
supplementing the same with a course at the grammar school at
Conneaut. He began a study of medicine at Kelloggsville, Ohio,
in the office of Dr. Vosburgh, completing his studies under
the perceptorship of Dr. Coleman, of Ashtabula, in
1824. After passing a rigid examination before the State
Medical Board, he was admitted to practice and opened an office at
Kingsville. He was appointed Justice of the Peace July 8,
1839, by Governor Wilson Shannon. He was a member of
the "underground railway" association and assisted to freedom many a
poor fugitive from the slavery States. He was a charter member
of Orion Lodge, F. & A. M., a member of the Disciples' Church, and a
strong believer in its doctrines. He died at Kingsville, Feb.
19, 1888, his wife having entered into eternal rest May 29, 1870.
When Dr. Hiram H. Webster was five years of age
his parents moved to Franklin, Delaware county, New York.
After two years passed at this point, his father made a trip to "New
Connecticut," as the Western Reserve was then called, and without
making a purchase of land put in a piece of wheat on the Ashtabula
flats. This land was owned by Matthew Hubbard.
Returning to Franklin for his family, he soon started for Ohio,
calculating to reach Buffalo on runners. At Skaneateles he
found two families named Pratt and Bartlett, also en
rout for the "promised land," and in company with them proceeded
onward, and in due time arrived at Black Rock, where they found a
large open boat, which was offered them at a low price, as it had
become unseaworthy, - indeed was almost a wreck. However, an
arrangement was effected whereby Mr. Webster repaired the
boat, and in return was given a passage for his family and goods to
Ashtabula landing. It was not altogether a safe voyage, as not
one of the company was acquainted with handling a boat except Mr.
Webster. The motive power was supplied by oars and
settling-poles, aided by extemporized sails of bed blankets and
sheets. There were twenty-one on board. At night the
boat was beached and made fast, the greater portion of the
passengers going ashore to sleep. Reaching Ashtabula, they
tarried there until June, 1809, when the family removed to
Kingsville and made a permanent settlement. In the nineteenth
year of his age Hiram Hall Webster commenced the study of
medicine, and in 1824 entered upon the practice of his profession.
For over thirty years he was a practitioner at Kingsville, where he
became well known and had the respect of all.
Dr. E. M. Webster is one of a family of eight,
namely: Corinna N., who died Jan. 17, 1861, was born Mar. 10,
1825, and was the wife of Rev. Erastus C. Williams, a
minister in the Presbyterian Church at Kingsville for many years;
Dr. Elizur Michael, the subject of this article; Laura Ann
who died in infancy; Ann Eliza, was of D. P. Venan,
was born Dec. 14, 1830, and died Aug. 23, 1852; Clarinda L.,
born Aug. 19, 1833, is the wife of D. P. Venan; Charles H.,
born July 21, 1836, lives in Kelloggsville; Emily F., born
Sept. 6, 1839, is the wife of A. L. Newcomb, and lives at
Hiawatha, Kansas; and Henry C., born Feb. 11, 1842, a soldier
in the late war, died in the hospital at Philadelphia, Oct. 8, 1862.
The subject of this sketch had excellent educational
advantages for his day. He read medicine under the instruction
of his father, and in due time entered the medical department of the
Western Reserve College at Cleveland, Ohio, where he was graduated
Feb. 22, 1854. He began the practice of his profession at
Kingsville with his father, and has continued his professional
career here up to the present time, meeting with eminent success.
He is examiner for several insurance companies, and for twenty-three
years served as county physician. In the winter of 1874-'75 he
was at London in Guy's Hospital with Dr. John C. Hubbard, of
Dr. E. M. Webster was married June 4, 1851, to
Emily A. Beckwith, daughter of Lemuel and Sarah (Palen)
Beckwith, her parents having located in Kingsville, Ohio, in
1838. The Doctor and his wife have had two children: Darwin
P., who died in infancy; and Dr. George E., born July 25,
1858. Dr. George E. is a graduate of the Western
Reserve Medical College with the class of 1880. He spent two
years in the Cleveland City Hospital, and since then has been a
practitioner in Ashtabula county. He married Alice M.
Blodgett, daughter of Ira A. and Alice J. (Kent) Blodgett,
Dec. 31, 1883, and they have two children, George Kenneth and
Alice Geraldine.
Dr. Webster and his son are Knights Templar, and
affiliate with Cache Commandery, No. 27, at Conneaut. They are
Republican in politics. Both are elders in the Presbyterian
Church, of which their wives are also members. The father and
grandfather of Dr. E. M. Webster were station agents and
conductors on the underground railway before the war. They
kept the sable sons of Ham in the garret in Clark Webster's
house. For many years the senior Dr. Webster has been
an honored leader not only in the professional ranks but also in
business and political circles. He is still active in his
profession, and, although now well advanced in years, has no
occasion to retire from the large and lucrative practice which he
has so successfully established. It is but just to say of the
younger Doctor that he takes rank as a leader among the rising
physicians of the county.
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farmer and stock-raiser of Lenox township, Ashtabula county, Ohio,
resides a mile north and a mile and a quarter east of the center of
Lenox, his farm being one of the most attractive and desirable in
this vicinity. He comes of good old New England stock, his
parents, Herman And Annie (Bailey) Webster, being both
natives of Connecticut, the former born in Litchfield county, where
he grew to manhood and learned the trade of shoemaker. In
1815, Herman Webster, accompanied by his wife and five
children, left Connecticut for Ohio, making the journey overland by
ox cart, and being six weeks on the way. He had exchanged his
property in Connecticut for a farm in Morgan township, Ashtabula
county; and, taking possession of the latter, which was in the midst
of a forest, he made a clearing, built a cabin and began the life of
a pioneer. Many were the hardships and privations of that
period, all of which he manfully met and overcame. He here
passed the remainder of his life, building for himself and family a
beautiful home and laying away an ample competency for old age.
His death occurred in 1847, in his seventy-sixty year. This
worthy couple were the parents of ten children, five of whom were
born in Morgan township.
The subject of this sketch was born in Morgan township,
Ashtabula county, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1824, and his early life was passed
on his father's farm, where his chief occupation was chopping wood.
His educational advantages were such as the country schools afforded
in that early pioneer time. When twenty-four years of age, he
was married and shortly afterward settled on his present farm,
comprising 158 acres, which he purchased in company with his
brother. Here the brothers set to work clearing a small place,
on which they built a log cabin. Roswell some time
later exchanged his interest in the homestead of his father for that
of his brother in this new farm, and he still retains the entire
tract. He continued the work of clearing until the
timber disappeared from all save eighteen acres, which he kept for
wood purposes. A good dwelling soon took the place of the
cabin home, which, in turn, was superseded by a commodious residence
of eleven rooms, built in 1861. This latter structure was
destroyed by fire in 1881, after which Mr. Webster built his
present elegant home. He also erected barns and other farm
buildings, planted orchards, etc., and to-day has one of the finest
farms in the vicinity.
Mr. Webster was one of the boys in blue, who
fought for the old flag during the troublous days of the Civil war.
He enlisted, in 1862, as a private in Company H, One Hundred and
Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and remained in the service
eleven months, five of which were spent in the hospital, where he
was compelled to go from the effects of a dislocated ankle, having
been kicked by a mule, and from which injury he has never recovered.
In 1847, Mr. Webster was married to Miss
Emily P. Harvey, an estimable lady, who was born and reared in
Morgan township. She was well versed in all the useful details
of the pioneer home and proved a helpmate in every sense of the
word. They had five children: Elma A., born in 1848,
married P. O. Church, and resides on a farm in Saunders
county, Nebraska; Spencer A., born in 1850, is engaged in the
lumber business at Black Ash, Pennsylvania; Melvin H., born
in 1853, is a resident of Dorset township, this county; Cornie D.,
born in 1855, is in the employ of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Railroad, living in Ashtabula; and Katie E., born in 1867,
was married to Byron Bullfinch, and died in Cleveland, Ohio,
in 1890. Mr. Webster was called upon to mourn the death
of his devoted wife Oct. 5, 1867, who left many friends to lament
her loss. She was a Baptist and was active in both church and
Sunday school work. In December, 1869, Mr. Webster was
again married, his second wife being Miss Flyvia Waters, who
was born and reared in Lenox township, Ashtabula county, and is a
daughter of Timothy Waters, an old pioneer of northeastern
Ohio. She was a successful teacher before marriage, and is a
woman of culture and refinement. They have one child,
Fred A., born April 19, 1871. Mrs. Webster is a
member of the Congregational Church and of the Women's Relief Corps.
Personally, Mr. Webster is a genial,
well-informed gentleman. In his home are found the leading
newspapers and periodicals of the day and few men are better posted
on current events and markets than he. He contributes by his
energy and enterprise to the prosperity of the community, of which
he is a prominent and influential citizen.
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well-to-do respected farmer of Saybrook township, Ashtabula county,
Ohio, was born in Middlefield, Hampshire county, Massachusetts, Jan.
16, 1822. He comes of good old patriotic American stock, his
grandfather, David West, having been a native of Connecticut,
whence he emigrated to Massachusetts about the beginning of the
present century, taking with him all his family, among whom was
Horace, the father of the subject of this sketch. David
was out on a small lake with an old sea captain shortly after his
removal to his adopted State, when a squall came up and overturned
the craft, drowning the occupants. Horace West, father
of the subject of this sketch, was born in Ellington, Connecticut,
and was a small boy when his parents removed to Massachusetts, where
his life was passed. He married Jemima Torry, daughter
of Elijah Torry, of a well-known New England family, and they
had four children: David and Elijah, twins, born July
25, 1818; and a second pair of twins - Marcus, the subject of
this sketch, and Mary, who married John Adams, now a
resident of Wyoming county, New York.
Owing to the limited means of his parents, the subject
of this sketch was early thrown on his own resources, and did not
receive the educational advantages which his father greatly desired
to give him and which he would, under other circumstances, certainly
have enjoyed. However, he obtained a fair education in the
district and select schools of his vicinity, which he supplemented
by self application and general reading, until he is now a well
informed and capable man. When nineteen years of age, he
entered into an agreement with William Masters who had a mail
contract between local points of Chester, Middlefield, Becket,
Hinsdale and Washington, to carry the mail for said contractor on
Saturdays for his board during the week while he attended school.
After reaching his majority, he worked for many years by the month.
In fact his self support dates from the tenth year of his age.
He had a natural mechanical aptitude, and by experiment and
practice, acquired quite a knowledge of carpentry, at which he has
worked to a considerable extent, being, in fact, a handy man with
any sort of tools to which he has had access. To slightly
anticipate, we may call attention to the fact that when his children
were small, he took out his leather and implements and mended their
shoes in approved style. By economy he has accumulated a
competency to provide himself with comforts during his declining
years. In 1845 he removed from Massachusetts to Wyoming
county, New York, returning to the Bay State in 1853. In the
spring of 1858 he moved to Lowville, Erie county, Pennsylvania,
where he remained until 1883, when he came to Saybrook, where he has
ever since resided. Here he purchased 100 acres of excellent
land which he has handsomely improved, the farm now justly ranking
with the bet in the county. This prosperity is entirely due to
his own unaided efforts and good management, and reflects credit on
his industry and determination of character.
Mr. West was first married to Thankful
Davis, a woman of sterling worth, daughter of Austin
Davis, a Lieutenant in the war of 1812. By a previous
marriage, Thankful had four sons, whom Mr. West reared to
manhood as his own. To our subject and his wife five children
were born: Ellen Esther, deceased, was the wife
of Prof. Washburn; Luvena Letica,
deceased, was the wife of Nelson Hunt; Sexton DeWitt, a
prominent citizen of Wattsburgh, Pennsylvania; George Emmett,
now of Ashtabula; and Nathan, who died at the age of five
years. Nov. 1, 1853, the family were called upon to mourn the
loss of the devoted wife and mother, who died regretted by all who
knew her. Mr. West was afterward married to Caroline
L Ballou, an estimable lady, daughter of Elias Ballou, a
wealthy farmer, and they had three children: Mary, wife of
William Howes, Horace Bert, now at home;
and Monroe E., deceased at three years. Death again
visited the family and removed the faithful mother, who left three
children to the care of the afflicted husband. Mr.
West was married Jan. 1, 1874, to Hattie Gillett,
a lady of domestic tastes, daughter of a prosperous farmer of
Goshen, Massachusetts, and they had one child: Hattie, now a
young woman, who graduates in 1893 at a New England College in New
Haven, Connecticut. In 1875, Mr. West was
deprived by death of his wife, who was a woman of many amiable
qualities, and greatly esteemed by all who knew her. June 12,
1887, Mr. West was married to Mrs. Emma E.
Franklin, a highly respected lady, whose husband died in the
Union army. Her maiden name was Dole, her father being
a well-to-do citizen of Franklin county, Massachusetts, widely and
favorably known. Her mother was before marriage a Miss
Rudd, a member of an old and prominent family.
All young men would do well to study the life of Mr.
West in order to discover the secret of his success, which is
not confined to financial prosperity, but extends to the higher
matters of social prominence and esteem as well as domestic
happiness. It will be found that all this is due to his
continued industry, economy and careful management, as well as
upright dealing with his fellow men, and his general moral
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W. W. West |
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WHITE, Mayor of Jefferson, Ohio, a worthy
citizen and leading lawyer, was born Aug. 9, 1850, in Parkman
township, Geauga county, Ohio, where he was mainly reared although
during his childhood his parents resides for fully nine years in
Pennsylvania. His parents were Eben Clark and Emily
(Pinney) White; the paternal grandmother having been a Miss
Clark before marriage, the son was given her maiden name.
The paternal grandfather, also Eben White, was a native of
Connecticut and a lineal descendant of William White, who
came from England in the Mayflower. He first settled in the
Plymouth colony, whence the family afterward removed with others to
Connecticut, where they took up their abode. The
Grandfather Eben White was born and reared, and thence he moved
with his family to Ohio in 1817, settling in Farmington, Trumbull
county, where he lived four years, when he removed to Parkman,
Geauga county, where he started an iron foundry, which he
successfully operated for several years. He then removed the
was destroyed by fire. He thereupon returned to Parkman.
He had two sons and five daughters, of whom Warren, the
oldest son, died, unmarried, in 1837; and Eben Clark
White, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in
Connecticut Nov. 2, 1816. Eben Clark grew to manhood in Geauga
county, Ohio, where he has passed the greater portion of his life,
and where he still resides, being engaged in the wagon-making trade.
He married Miss Emily Pinney, also descended from an old and
respected family. The subject of this sketch and two
daughters, Sophronia, now deceased, and Cynthia, now
the widow of Ethan A. Alderman, were the issue of this
marriage. Miss Pinney was a daughter of
Captain Levi Pinney, a brave soldier of the war of
1812. The American ancestor of this family was Captain
Aaron Pinney, a native of bonny Scotland, who came to
the United States prior to 1755, settling in Windsor, Connecticut.
They established the first Scotch Episcopal Church in that State.
Aaron Pinney’s son, Abram, was a Lieutenant in
the Revolutionary war. * His son, Levi, removed from
Connecticut to Ohio about 1812 and settled in Trumbull county, where
he continued to reside until 1827, when he removed to Lake county,
the same State, where he died in 1853. He had several sons and
Mr. White, of this sketch, attended the
district schools during his earlier years, after which he went to
the Parkman high school for two years, in August, 1869, he entered
the freshman class in Hiram College, at which institution he
graduated June 19, 1873. He was engaged in teaching for three
years, and then in October, 1876, he entered the law department of
the Michigan University, where he remained through the term.
He then came to Jefferson, Ohio, where he was for a time in the law
office of Hon. Stephen Northway, subsequently
returning to the Michigan University, from which he graduated in
March, 1878. He was admitted to the bar in Geauga county in
the following month, and in May opened a law office in Jefferson,
where he has ever since resided and successfully practiced his
profession. Soon after establishing himself in that city he
entered into a partnership with E. J. Pinney, under the name
of Pinney & White, which association was pleasantly
and profitably continued until Mr. Pinney’s removal to
Cleveland in 1890, since which time Mr. White has
practiced alone.
Politically Mr. White has been a life-long
Republican, but during the last few years has not fully accepted the
tariff policy of his party. Of open, candid disposition,
honest in purpose and faithful to trusts, he enjoys the confidence
of his community, which is exemplified in his recent election to the
Mayoralty of his city. He had frequently declined office
before this, but on this occasion a principle was involved with
which he was in thorough touch, which accounted for his acceptance
of the proffered honor. Jefferson has been a local-option town
and free from saloons since 1886, but in the spring of 1892 a strong
tight was made between the whisky ring and temperance men for
supremacy. Mr. White was solicited to become the
temperance nominee for Mayor, and as such was elected after a heated
Mr. White was married Oct. 8, 1876, to Amelia
C., daughter of Seth and Mary (Russell) Burton, a lady of
domestic tastes and social accomplishments.
Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias
and Past Chancellor of that order.
Mr. White is a man of intellectual ability and
moral worth, being a worthy descendant of an honorable family, and
taking a commendable interest in the welfare of his city, State and
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resident dentist of Orwell, Ohio, although recently settled in that
city has already built up an extensive practice and acquired a
reputation for skill and thoroughness in his profession that an
older practitioner that himself might well envy.
He comes of good old American stock, both parents
having belonged to ancient and honored families long resident of
America. His father, James White, was a native of Ohio,
while his mother was before her marriage Miss Rosanna Phillips
born Dec. 20, 1823. She married when about eighteen years of
age and shortly afterward removed with her husband to Middlefield,
Ohio, which continued to be her home until about 1878. The
father of the subject of this sketch responded to his country's call
at the time of the recent war, enlisting in the Sixty-first Ohio
Regiment of Infantry, and dying in the Southern hospital in 1865,
from an attack of small-pox. Thus deprived of her natural
supporter and protector and with eight children depending upon her,
this worthy mother proved herself an able and affectionate parent.
She so reared them that not one brought the blush of shame to her
cheek, but proved a source of pride and comfort in her old age.
About 1878, she removed to Claridon, where she lived one year when
she returned to Middlefield, and four years later went to Hampden,
where she died, May 14, 1893, leaving many friends to mourn her
loss. She never remarried, finding her greatest happiness in
the care of her children. She was a consistent, worthy
Christian, a kind, sympathetic neighbor and an unselfish,
self-sacrificing mother, and enjoyed the affectionate regard of all
who knew her. Her funeral took place in Middlefield, which had
been her home for so many years, and the services were held in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she had been an earnest and
efficient worker. Rev. W. O. Mead, of Burton,
officiated, preaching a sermon full of consolation for those
surviving and replete with praise for the noble soul just departed
to its reward. Her eight children were: Elizabeth wife
of A. W. Hamilton, of Middlefield; Lucy, whose first
husband, B. R. Patchin, died in the army, her present husband
being P. N. Fales, of Huntsburg, Ohio; Cordelia
married B. F. Bowers, whose death occurred shortly before her
own. She expired in 1884, leaving one son, Earnest, who
is now a well educated and promising young man of New York city,
being a stenographer and typewriter operator. Albert E.
is the fourth of the family in order of birth, and resides in
Middlefield, Ohio; Alice is the wife of A. G. Atwood,
also of Middlefield; Rose married C. L. Whitney, of
Warren, Ohio; Emma is the wife of Dr. E. F. Jaques,
a prominent dentist of Painesville, Ohio; and Walzo A., the
youngest, is the subject of this sketch.
Dr. White, whose name heads this biography, was
born in Middlefield, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1861, and was reared on a farm,
with only the ordinary advantages for securing an education, such as
are afforded by the country schools. What these lacked in
variety, however, they made up in thoroughness, and he became well
grounded in the essential of an English education. Until he
was twenty years of age, he followed the occupation of a nurseryman,
acquiring in out-door exercise and persistent labor that rugged
health and those habits of industry and perseverance, which are now
such distinguishing characteristics of his nature. Shortly
after he attained that age, he learned telegraphy and entered the
employ of the Pittsburg & Western Railway as ticket agent and
telegraph operator, being first stationed at Niles, Ohio, and
afterward in Middlefield, the same State. In 1889, Mr.
White resigned his position as railway agent on account of
his ill health, and some time later, commenced the study of
dentistry with his brother-in-law, Dr. Jaques, of Burton,
Ohio. After pursuing his studies there two years, Mr. White
went to Erie, Pennsylvania, where he became a pupil of Dr. F. H.
Lawrence, celebrated for his skill in crown and bridge work and
also in porcelain work in dentistry. Dr. White acquired
the skill of his instructor in these and other branches of his
profession, and is particularly proud of his knowledge and
efficiency in that difficult work. On finishing his course in
Erie, the Doctor returned to Burton and entered into partnership
with his former tutor, Dr. Jaques, with whom he remained
until October, 1892. He then removed to Orwell, his present
home, where he has gained, by careful and painstaking work, the
confidence of a large patronage, and is now in the enjoyment of that
success which is the reward of persistent and conscientious effort.
The Doctor was first married Dec. 11, 1880, to Miss
Lillie Hughes, an estimable lady, daughter of Israel Hughes,
a wealthy farmer of Huntsburg, Ohio, and they had one child,
Mabel C. born Jun. 17, 1884. This happy union was
terminated by the death, Jan. 26, 1889, of the devoted wife and
mother, who expired suddenly and unexpectedly while on a visit with
her child at the home of her parents. She was stricken with
unconsciousness, and before the Doctor could reach her side she had
lost the power to recognize him. She was a woman of the
highest Christian character, and died in the hope of a future world.
Their daughter still resides with Mrs. White's parents.
Thus bereaved of his wife's society and consolation, the Doctor
sought diversion in study and change of scene, the few succeeding
years of his life being passed in Burton, Ohio, and Erie,
Pennsylvania. Dec. 31, 1891, Dr. White was married
to Miss Millie Leggett, a lady of domestic tastes,
daughter of James Leggett, a prominent citizen of Montville,
Ohio, and they have an interesting baby girl, Myrtle B., born
Feb. 7, 1893. Mrs. White is one of twelve children and
has a twin brother, Milton, the date of their birth being
Nov. 22, 1866.
Politically, the Doctor is a Republican. He is an
active member of the Congregational Church, while his wife belongs
to the Methodist Episcopal denomination. The Doctor is kindly
and obliging, well adapted by skill and social traits to gain
prominence as a professional man and citizen, and enjoys the respect
of all who know him.
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Superintendent of the Ashtabula County Infirmary, Kingsville, Ohio,
was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1842.
His parents, Madison and Permelia (Clark) Whiton,
natives of Massachusetts and Vermont respectively, were married in
Springfield township, Erie county, Pennsylvania. Madison
Whiton was a sailor, and was captain of a scow on the lakes for
a number of years. He moved with his family to Kingsville
township, Ashtabula county, Ohio, in 1853, and settled on a farm one
mile south of Kingsville. This farm is now owned by Royal
Smith. Here Mr. Whiton lived until the time of his
death, June 22, 1874, having attained the age of sixty-three years.
He was a well-to-do farmer, and was held in high esteem by all who
knew him. His wife, born Nov. 18, 1824; died June 21, 1880,
aged sixty-six. They were the parents of seven children, viz.:
Madison M., a carpenter, residing in Kansas; Sarah Jane,
wife of Joseph Colby, McPherson county, Kansas, has five
children; William, whose name heads this article; Rachel,
wife Rev. H. J. Gillett, of the Congregational Church,
Hartford, Connecticut, ahs five children; Antonette, wife of
Leander White, McPherson county, Kansas; Emily, widow
of N. S. Whitney, lives at Delaware, Ohio, where she is
educating her son and daughter; and Abijah, who died at about
the age of six years.
William Whiton had a benefit of good educational
advantages in his youth, having attended the Kingsville Academy a
number of years. Sept. 6, 1865, he married Miss Kate Van
Wagenen, a native of Crawford county, Pennsylvania, born Dec. 7,
1844, daughter of James and Alice (Gilson) Van Wagenen.
Her father was born in New York State, Apr. 30, 1823; was engaged in
farming for many years, but is now retired from active life.
Her mother, a native of Pennsylvania, died Apr. 19, 1846, aged
twenty-one years, leaving two children, of whom Mrs. Whiton
is the older. Her brother, Henry, is now a merchant of
Ellenville, New York. He married Mary Hautling.
Mr. Van Wagenen subsequently married Eliza Felton, by
whom he had three daughters. Elizabeth, Alice and
Dora, all of whom married. Alice died Apr. 19,
1891, aged thirty-three years. Dora, wife of Vanesse
Wright, resides in New Jersey. Elizabeth, wife of
Benjamin Gilson, lives at Watson, Pennsylvania. Mr.
and Mrs. Whiton have had two daughters, Alice Permelia
and Mary Louella, both of whom are deceased. Alice
P., born in Kingsville, Dec. 13, 1866, was married Jan. 20,
1886, to Oliver E. Brydle, and her untimely death occurred
July 22, 1892. She was a most amiable and accomplished young
lady, and her early death was a source of great sorrow to her
husband and parents and also to a large circle of friends. The
younger daughter, Mary L., born Oct. 3, 1872, died Aug. 13,
Mr. Whiton's chief business has been farming.
He still owns a farm of 113 acres in the southeastern part of
Kingsville township - all improved land. He was Assessor two
years, has been Trustee of the township three years, School Director
six years, and has also held other minor offices. He is a
Republican in politics, and has served as delegate to county
conventions a number of times. Public spirited and
enterprising, he is ever active in advancing the best interests of
the community.
He was appointed to his present position as
Superintendent of the Infirmary, Sept. 1, 1892, since which time he
has faithfully discharged the duties of the same. He is ably
assisted by his accomplished wife who seems to be especially adapted
for the work. The institution has eleven buildings, four brick
and seven frame. The average number of inmates is about 112.
Four men and four women are employed as assistants in the buildings.
The farm, comprising 210 acres, is beautifully located, one mile
west of Kingsville, on the South Ridge road. Grain, vegetables
and fruits are raised in abundance, and about five horses,
twenty-five cattle and from ten to thirty hogs are kept on the farm.
The present location ahs been occupied by the infirmary for nearly
thirty-five years, the various buildings having been erected from
time to time as necessity demanded. The old county poorhouse
was about twenty rods from the location of the present buildings.
It was a frame structure, and was burned down shortly before the
erection of the new buildings. The officers of the institution
are as follows: T. D. Faulkner, president; William
Whiton, Superintendent; G. W. Thompson, clerk; and T.
D. Faulkner, G. W. Thompson and W. A. Fuller,
directors. They meet in the office of the infirmary the third
Tuesday in every month.
Mr. Whiton is a member of the Knights of Pythias
and the State Police. In politics, he is a Republican.
Mrs. Whiton is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
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Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
518 |
WIBIRT, a well-known and pioneer physician of Andover, was
born at Saratoga Springs, New York, July 22, 1809, a son of Ben
Wibirt, a native also of Saratoga county. The latter is a son
of John Wibirt, a native of the same county, and his
father, Thomas Wibirt, was born in England. The mother
of our subject was formerly Sylvia Kelly, a native of
Vermont. Her parents died in Madison county, New-York.
Thomas Wibirt, our subject,
was reared in De Ruyter, Madison county, New York, and afterward
went to Chenango county, same State. At the age of twenty-three
years he began the study of medicine, under the preceptorship of
Dr. Birdsley, a prominent and well-known physician of the
latter county. In 1851 Mr. Wilbirt came to Andover,
Ohio, where he conducted one of the first drug stores of the city,
continuing that occupation many years. He has a good residence and
other property in this county, and is one of the eminent physicians
in his community.
The Doctor was married in Chemung county, New York, at
the age of twenty-four years, to Mary Ann Sanford,
a native of Connecticut, and a daughter of Levi and Elizabeth
(Terrill) Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Wibirt have had ten
children, viz.: Ben L., a carpenter and contractor by
profession; John, who was a soldier in the late war, serving
first in the Second Ohio Cavalry, and later in the One hundred and
Fifth Ohio Infantry; Lydia Smith; Jerome;
Ludentia Cook; Elizabeth Sperry, deceased
April 18, 1865; Amanda, deceased in infancy; Levi, who
was drowned at the age of three years; and Sylvia, deceased
at the age of six years. Dr. Wibirt affiliates with
the Republican party, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, although he was raised in the Quaker faith. Be is a man of
progressive views, is an active worker for education, religion and
every moral cause, and is a favorite with all who know him.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
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Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
1017 |
another one of the representative citizens of Ashtabula county,
Ohio, dates his birth in Sheffield township, this county, in 1828.
Of his life and ancestry we make record as follows:
William Wiley, his father, was born in Vermont
in1796, and in 1828 came to Ohio and settled in Sheffield township,
Ashtabula county. Here, with the exception of a few years when
he lived in Michigan, he spent the rest of his life, the last few
years making his home with his son, the subject of this sketch.
He did in 1875. During the war of 1812 he served under
Colonel Miller, in Company L, Twenty first Regiment,
participating in the battles of Lundy's Lane, Chrystler Farm and
Little York. Miller's regiment stormed and took the
British regiment on the Heights, and in that engagement Mr. Wiley
received a bayonet wound through the thigh. He was
honorably discharged at Fort Erie, Aug. 18, 1814. He was a
Whig until after the organization of the Republican party, when he
gave the latter his support. For some years he was a member of
the Christian Church. The Wily family originated
in Ireland, some of them having come to America previous to the
Revolutionary war. James Wiley, the father of
William, was born in Ireland, and he, too, was a soldier in the
war of 1812. He was killed in the battle of Plattsburgh.
William was reported as killed at Lundy's Lane, and on his
return home on the day of his father's funeral there was a scene of
mingled joy and sorrow The Wileys were for several
generations engaged in farming. Martha (Howard) Wiley,
the mother of Clark O., was born in 800. She removed
with her parents from her native State, Vermont, to New York, where,
in 1825, she was married to Mr. Wiley. Her parents,
William and Mary Howard, were also natives of Vermont.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley had nine children, viz.: James W.,
a contractor and builder residing in Michigan; Nelson A.,
also a carpenter, died in Cleveland in 1881; Clark O., whose
name heads this article; Henry P., deceased, was at the time
of his death a conductor on the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio
Railroad; Melissa, who died in New York in 1852; Seth S.,
a resident of Michigan and a farmer by occupation; Edwin F.,
a resident of Kelloggsville, Ohio; Carrie, wife of George
D. Parker, Justice of the Peace at Ashtabula; and the youngest
died in infancy.
Clark O. Wiley resided with his parents until he
was about eighteen years of age. At that time he went to
Kelloggsville and learned the trade of tanner and currier, at which
trade he continued to work until 1881. He then turned his
attention to farming, in connection with which he has also been
doing an insurance business.
He was married in 1853 to Ann M. Clute, a native
of New York, who came with her parents to Ohio. Her parents,
John and Caroline Clute, were also natives of New York.
Mr. Wiley and his wife have had five children, as follows:
Edgar A., who died at the age of seventeen; Herbert J.,
an engineer; Mattie C., wife of M. H. Porter, a
Florida fruit-grower; Laura and William A., both at
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
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877 |
R. WILLIAMS. - Few men in Ashtabula county,
Ohio, more fully enjoy the confidence and esteem of their fellow
citizens than the subject of this sketch, whose birth and long
residence here afford them ample opportunity to judge of his worth.
Of hardy New England ancestry, he is well calculated to
emulate the example of that progressive race. His father,
Jacob Williams, was born in Connecticut about 1773. He was
a farmer and millwright by occupation, excelling in wood-chopping
and stone-cutting, some of his millstones, which were cut by him
seventy-five years ago, being still in existence in Ashtabula.
He was a teamster in the battle of Plattsburg in the war of 1812,
his mother keeping at that time an inn at Lowville, New York.
He had a brother, Jo hn, who was a twin of his. In 1814, being
incited by the opportunities afforded in the West for a man of
energy and perseverance, he joined the tide of emigration and came
to Ashtabula county, Ohio, where by hard work and careful management
he secured a competence for himself and family and died greatly
lamented by all who knew him. His wife, nee Lydia
Wright, came of a prominent family which settled in America
in an early day. They were originally from Essex county,
England, the first representative of the family in this country
being Samuel, who formed one of Governor Winthrop’s
colonists, settling in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1630. In
1656, he removed to North Hampton, that State, where many succeeding
generations were born. Solomon Wright, grandson
of this early ancestor, was born in the latter city in 1706, where
he was married in 1727 to Hannah Loomis, and reared a
number of children. One of these was Solomon, whose birth
occurred in 1747. He was twice married, first to a Miss
Dewey, who had two children, Preserved and Lydia.
His second wife was Ruth (Williams) McCall,
widow of James McCall, and they had seven children:
Solomon, Diocletian, Ralph, Sherman,
Betsy, George and Maria. Of all these
children, Preserved was the only one who did not come to Ohio
and settle near Conneaut. Many members of this historic family
have gained national prominence as statesmen, lawyers, doctors, and
in various other callings. Among them may be mentioned
Governor Silas Wright, the best of the early
Governors of New York State, who was a cousin of the mother of the
subject of this sketch; also, Dr. Wright, of
Rochester, the same State, a famous physician, who was a near
relative. Jacob Williams was the father of eleven
children: Marshall, born 1798; Diocletian, born in
1800, died in 1889; Ralph, born in 1802, died in 1868; he was
a mechanic and millwright; one died in infancy; Lydia, born
in 1806, married Alfred Crittendon; Douglas,
born in 1808, died in Oregon in 1891; Elvira was born in
1811, was first married to Mr. Clark and afterward to
a Mr. Phillips, and died in 1887, aged seventy- seven
years; Harvey, born in 1813, died in 1847; Louisa,
born in 1815, died in 1871; Mary Ann, born in 1818,
married J. W. Haskell; and Edwin R., the subject of
this sketch.
Mr. Williams, of this biography, was born
Feb. 7, 1821, in Ashtabula county, Ohio, where he was reared,
receiving his preliminary education in that vicinity, but afterward
attending a private institution in Buffalo, New York, for four
years. He then entered the employ of a merchandising
establishment in Conneaut as clerk, in which capacity he served two
years. He then, on Apr. 13, 1842, embarked in business at
Conneaut, with his brother-in-law, Mr. Haskell.
In 1846, at Steamburg, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, he erected a
steam mill for sawing lumber, and it is a noteworthy fact that this
was the first mill of the sort ever built in this country. The
firm removed in 1846 to Conneautville, Pennsylvania, and finally, in
1856, began business in Ashtabula. This they discontinued at
the time of the contruction of the Pittsburg, Youngstown and
Ashtabula railroad, to take a contract for the building of a large
portion of that road, on the completion of which they again engaged
in mercantile business, from which Mr. Williams
withdrew in 1874, and has since remained retired from active
At the time of “the late unpleasantness,” Mr.
Williams was offered a Colonelcy of a regiment in the Federal
army, but was prevented from accepting by the ill health of his
wife. In the beginning of 1861, he was appointed by the
Federal authorities to a responsible position in Ashtabula county,
which he filled with efficiency and honor.
He was married on Aug. 6, 1848, to Miss Olive F.
Haskell, a highly estimable lady, born June 12, 1823, daughter
of Aretas Haskell, a native of New Hampshire. Her
mother, Annie Folsom, came of the same family as did the
father of Mrs. Grover Cleveland. The wedding tour of
Mr. Williams and wife was made to Buffalo, where they visited
the convention of the Free Soil party which nominated Martin Van
Buren for the Presidency. They had three children:
Esther, who died aged three weeks; Glendora Adaline,
born Dec. 22, 1850; Fred Aretas, born Feb. 11, 1853,
was educated at Hillsdale College, Michigan, where he graduated in
1875. He then clerked two years, after which he entered the
insurance business in partnership with Mr. Green,
which relation continued until the latter’s death, since which time
he has been associated with Mr. Jaques. Nov. 9, 1887,
Mr. Fred A. Williams was married to Miss
Elizabeth Giddings, a lady of domestic tastes and social
accomplishments, daughter of J. A. Giddings and granddaughter
of Joshua Giddings, an old and prominent settler of this
county. They have no children.
Politically, Mr. E. R. Williams is a Republican,
and, fraternally, affiliates with the Masons, of which order he has
been a worthy member for forty years. As a business man and
citizen he is widely and favorably known for his uprightness,
enterprise and public spirit.
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H. E.
WILLIAMS, one of the representative business
men of Ashtabula county, was born on the farm he now owns, Dec. 14,
1839, a son of Joseph Williams, a native of Saratoga county,
New York. The latter's father, David Williams, was also
born in New York. The mother of our subject, nee
Elmira Leonard, was a native of Massachusetts. She was
first married to H. Huntley, and they have two children, -
Louisa and Lydia. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams
also had two children: H. E., our subject; and Laura Heath
of Pierpont. The parents came to this township in an early
day, where the mother died, at the age of seventy-four years, and
the father at the age of seventy-five years. The latter was a
farmer by occupation.
H. E. Williams received his education at
Pierpont and Meadville, Pennsylvania. He now owns 500 acres of
fine farming land in Pierpont township, Ashtabula county, and the
place has a good residence and barns, orchard, and a good fish pond
stocked with carp. From this pond he obtains his pure
spring-water ice for his dairy. Mr. Williams is engaged
in general farming and stock raising. He makes an inventory
each year, and also keeps a day book and ledger.
Apr, 18, 1867, at Pierpont, Ohio, our subject was
united in marriage to Helen Caine, who was born at
Newburg, this State, being a daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Qniggin)
Caine. The father and mother were born on the Isle of Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have five children; Fred H., who
married Lotta Hardy, and resides near his father’s
home; Frank P.; Margaret E.; Eddy A. and M.
Louise. They lost two children by death: Alice, the
first born, died at the age of four years, and a son died in
infancy. Mr. Williams holds to the tenets of the
Republican party and has served as Township Trustee many years.
He has been Master of the County Grange; held the same position in
the subordinate grange for five years, and is now Deputy Master of
the county of Ashtabula. The past six years he has been
Treasurer of the Pierpont Cheese Factory.
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Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 409 |

L. T. Wilmot |
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 669 |

B. B. Woodbury |
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 541 |
CAPTAIN JAMES P. WOODWORTH was born at Kingsville,
Ashtabula county, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1845, a son of James and Martha
(Sackett) Woodworth. The father was a native of New York
State and came at an early day with his parents to Ohio, being among
the early settlers of Ashtabula county; his paternal grandfather was
a soldier in the war of the Revolution. James Woodworth
is still one of the leading agriculturists of Geneva township, and
is well preserved in both mind and body at the age of seventy-seven
years; he was for many years manager and part owner of a large
furnace at Amboy, Ohio. Captain Woodworth was reared in
Kingsville township, his youth unmarked by special incident until
September, 1862, when he answered the call for men to enlist in
defense of the nation. He became a member of Company F,
Second Ohio Cavalry, and was in active service until peace was
declared. He was taken prisoner at Morristown, Tennessee, Dec. 12, 1863, after he had been wounded by a minie ball; he was
confined at Belle Isle and at Pemberton, but was paroled and
exchanged in October, 1864. Again in active service he was
wounded at Dinwiddie Court House, and is now a pensioner of the
United States Government.
After the war was ended he turned his attention to
photography, and for twenty-three yeas devoted his time to this art,
retiring at the end of this period to his farm. Since
1878 he has been Captain of the State militia at Geneva.
Politically, he is identified with the Republican party. He is
a member of the G. A. R., and is Commander of his Post.
He was married Oct. 11, 1867, to Ruby M. Thorp,
who was born May 22, 1853, a daughter of Dennis and Clarissa
Thorp. Mr. Thorp was the first Mayor of Geneva, and for
twenty-one years was Justice of the Peace; he has been one of the
energetic and enthusiastic workers in the ranks of the Republican
party. Mrs. Woodworth is also a photographer, and
previous to her marriage and afterward devoted much of her time to
the profession. Three of her brothers, Jason O., Henry H.,
and Freeman, were soldiers in the late war; Henry H.
is the founder of the Geneva Times, and Freeman was for
several terms a member of the State Legislature. Captain
and Mrs. Woodworth are the parents of four children:
Roy D., born May 22, 1874; Hottie R., born Mar. 22,
1881; Nora P., born Aug. 1, 1883; and Nellie C., born
Dec. 22, 1886.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
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a prosperous farmer and worthy citizen of Williamsfield township,
Ashtabula county, Ohio, was born in the same township, Nov. 4, 1821.
He comes of good old New England stock, his grandparents, Ezra
and Annie Woodworth, having both been born in Vermont and
descendants of ancient and respected families. Grandfather
Ezra Woodworth was a brave soldier under General Washington in
the Revolutionary war and served his country faithfully and well,
deserving to be mentioned in history with other great patriots of
his time.
In an early day, Ezra, with his wife and eleven
children, joined the westward tide of emigration, coming overland to
Ohio, being among the first settlers of Williamsfield township,
Ashtabula county. The country was covered with woods and much
work was necessary to clear and prepare land for cultivation, but by
diligent industry, assisted by his wife and older children, Ezra
made a home and in time became a prosperous and influential man of
the county. Their children were: Abijam, father of the
subject of this sketch; Diodate; Hope; Orpha;
Luther; Lucinda and Surinda, twins; Nancy;
Horatio and Sarah. Both grandparents died on the
old homestead, the grandfather at the age of sixty-five and the
grandmother at eighty, and both are buried in the cemetery at West
Williamsfield. Abijam, their oldest son and father of
Mr. Woodworth of this notice, was born in Vermont in
1807, and inherited the sterling qualities of his ancestors, his
life having been characterized by industry, honesty and the highest
regard for moral truth. He was eighteen years of age when he
came with his father to Williamsfield township, where he married
Sally Woodworth, daughter of John Woodworth.
They had six children: Ezra; Abijam; Reuben,
whose name heads this notice; Laura and Sally.
The devoted wife and mother died, leaving these children to the care
of the father, who some time later married an estimable English
lady, widow of Rev. Robert Wheeler, of the
Congregational Church. They had two children: Ellen C.
and Newell. The faithful and loving father died at the
age of eighty-two, greatly lamented by all who knew him.
The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in
his native township and has followed farming all his life. He
settled on his present farm in 1854 and has since added to his land
until he now owns 400 acres of the choicest realty in the county.
He also has bank stock, town lots and other securities and keeps a
dairy of forty cows. All of this prosperity has not come by chance,
but by hard and persistent labor, and Mr. Woodworth is amply
deserving of all praise for his industry and intelligent management
which have resulted in his present success.
Nov. 14, 1843, Mr. Woodworth was married
to Laura Kingsley, a worthy lady, born in Washington county, Ohio,
Sept. 5, 1819. Her father, Supply Kingsley, was also horn in
Washington county and was an efficient, soldier in the Revolutionary
war. He married Ovis Mason, a native of the same county, and
they had twelve children: Julia, Orson, Truman,
Samantha, Milton, Newton, Laura,
Betsy A., Judson, Harriet, Eliza and
Peleg. Mrs. Kingsley died aged seventy-four
and Mr. Kingsley at the advanced age of eighty-three,
leaving many friends to mourn their loss. Mr. and Mrs.
Woodworth have had live children, two of whom survive.
Lucinda died aged three years; Orson, aged ten; and an
infant daughter. A son, Rev. Leverett Supply
Woodworth, has been preaching for the past sixteen years, and
for the last six has been city missionary in Providence, Rhode
Island. He married Josephine Field, of Hillsdale, and
they have three sons: James Reuben, Clarence
Field, and Alfred Keith. Mr.
Woodworth’s other surviving child, Josephine Lucinda,
married Clarence Chase, of Oberlin, Ohio, and is now a
widow with two children; Paul L. and Laura Nell.
In politics, Mr. Woodworth supports the
principles of the Republican party as best calculated to advance the
interests of the country. Mrs. Woodworth is a
worthy member of the Methodist Church. Although not a member
of any religious denomination, yet Mr. Woodworth is a
liberal contributor to the church and all deserving objects, and as
a business man and citizen is numbered among the most upright and
public-spirited in the county.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
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Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 959 |
one of the prominent citizens of Conneaut and a locomotive engineer
on the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, is a native of
Harrison county, this State, born July 20, 1853.
His parents, Samuel and Ruth (Gren) Work, are
natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Ohio. About the time
of the war he kept a station, Hopedale, on the line of the
"underground railroad," and many a poor wanderer he assisted to
freedom. He and his good wife now reside in New Philadelphia,
Tuscarawas county, Ohio. They united with the Methodist
Episcopal Church at the ages of sixteen and twelve years
respectively, and have sweetly held to its communion ever since.
They have reared a large family to occupy useful and honorable
positions in life, and of them we make the following record:
Julius, the oldest, married Ella V. Smith
of Virginia. They now reside in Chicago, where he is employed
as purchasing agent of the city for the public institutions.
During the war he was a member of Company G, Fifty-first Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, and took part in several battles, serving until,
on account of ill health, he was honorably discharged. After
recovering his health he returned to the army and was detailed as
clerk in the Quartermaster’s department at Washington, District of
Columbia. This position he held for nearly eight years.
He subsequently served as Postmaster of Lynchburg, Virginia, four
years, and as deputy in the same office four years longer.
Rev. Granville Work, the second of the family, is a Methodist
minister stationed in Indiana. He married Jane M. Cullough
of Ohio. Josephine resides in New Philadelphia.
Alvin married Sarah J. Cummings of Ohio. They
live at Pullman, Illinois, where he is master car builder for the
Pullman Car Company. E. O., the subject of our sketch,
was the fifth born. Alexander S., the next in order of
birth, married Callie Shipman of Ohio. He is
travelling engineer on the Nickel Plate Railroad and makes his home
in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ella, wife of J. B. Wand,
died at the age of twenty-nine years. Mary lives in New
Philadelphia. Samuel G., an engineer on the Nickel
Plate, married Ella Crooks, and has one child,
Laura. They reside in Conneaut. Laura I. died
at the age of eighteen years.
O. E. Work was reared on his father’s farm, and
when he grew up he learned the trade of cabinetmaker. Then he
sailed on the lakes for three years. In 1875 he entered upon a
railroad career, starting out as fireman. In the fall of 1878
he was promoted to engineer on the Pan Handle, and as such ran
between Pittsburg and Columbus until 1883. Then he severed his
connection with that road, came to Conneaut and accepted a position
on the Nickel Plate, and has since been engineering on this road.
Mr. Work is a careful engineer, and in his experience on the
road has never hurt but two persons; one had his hand mained
while coupling cars, and the other was killed. The latter is
supposed to have been a suicide, as the man placed himself on the
track in front of the engine when it was impossible for the train to
Mr. Work has always taken an interest in
public affairs. Before he left the farm, and when he was only
eighteen years of age, he was elected Constable. In 1890 he
was elected Councilman for the Second Ward of Conneaut, has been
re-elected, and is now serving in that office.
He was married in 1881 to Miss Rosaline Ross, of
Fort Washington, Ohio, a daughter of Benjamin Ross. Her
parents are both deceased.
Mr. Work is a member of the Knights of Pythias
and the junior Order of American Mechanics. He is in politics
an ardent Republican.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
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Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 863 |
a photographer, of Andover, Ohio, was born in Evansburgh,
Pennsylvania, Aug. 18, 1863, a son of M. M. and Mary E. (Miller) Work,
residents of that city. Our subject was reared and educated in
the public and private schools in his native place, and at the age of
seventeen years began the study of photography. He began
business for himself in Evansburgh, but during the same year, 1881,
located at Andover, Ohio, where he has sine continued his profession.
Mr. Work soon afterward erected the building he now occupies,
68 x 22 feet, two stories high, located on the east side of the public
square, where he has all the modern conveniences for the prosecution
of his work. His operating room is one of the finest in this
part of the country. Mr. Work does all kinds of
photographic work, and finishes portraits in canyon, India ink, etc.;
also carries a full line of mouldings, and manufactures picture frames
to order. He is a thorough master of his art.
Mr. Work was married at Adamsville,
Pennsylvania, in Aug. 1881, to Miss Maggie J. Hazen, a daughter
of David and Sarah Hazen. To this union have been born
three children: Merrill R.; Maxwell M., died June 17,
1888, aged seven months; and Boyd H. Mrs. Work is
an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 243 |
well-known among the brotherhood of lake captains, was born at
Harpersfield, Ashtabula county, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1851, a son of Jonathan
and Lucretia (Woolsey) Wright, also natives of Ohio; the paternal
grandfather was one of the first settlers of Harpersfield.
Captain Wright was reared to farm life and attended the common schools
of Geneva; he was also a student at Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio,
and became a teacher of Penmanship; he devoted his time to the
profession until he was twenty-four years of age when he became
Captain, and now commands the steamer P. P. Pratt, owned by James
of Buffalo, New York.
He was married Dec. 25, 1886, to Anna Miner, of
Ashtabula county; they are the parents of one son, Harold M., born
Jun. 4, 1891.
Jonathan Wright, father of the Captain was a soldier in
the Civil war; he enlisted at the age of fifty-five, and at the end of
one year was discharged on account of disability. His brother,
A. B. Wright, enlisted in 1861, and saw four years of active service.
In politics, Captain Wright supports the Republican
party. He is a member of the Masonic order, and also belongs to
the Royal arcanum. He is a man of quiet, unassuming manners,
having the highest regard of a wide circle of acquaintance. Mrs.
Captain R. R. Graves is a sister to Captain Wright.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page 1002 |
WILLIAMS WRIGHT, a resident of Kingsville, Ohio, has for
years been prominently identified with the affairs of Ashtabula
county, having served at various times as Sheriff, County
Commissioner, Infirmary Director and Justice of the Peace, and
always exerting his influence to promote the best interests of the
people. Without extended mention of him a history of Ashtabula
county would be incomplete.
Marshall Williams Wright was born in
township, Ashtabula County, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1818, son of Sherman
and Fanny (Hawes) Wright, the former born in Wilbraham,
Massachusetts, Jan. 19, 1784, and the latter in Windham county,
Connecticut, Mar. 16, 1790. They were married in Connecticut,
Sept. 1, 1811, and a few days later in company with several
families, came to Ohio, making the journey with ox-teams, and
landing at Conneaut (then called Salem) after being six weeks en
route. Sherman Wright and three brothers,
Diocletian, Ralph and George, had exchanged property in
Massachusetts for land in the Western Reserve, between Cleveland and
the Pennsylvania line, and all came out here together. Their
two sisters were also members of the party; Betsey, wife of
Lemuel Jones, and Marcia, who subsequently became the
wife of Obed Edwards. All of them settled on farms in
Conneaut township, except Mr. Jones, who gave his attention
to milling and the hotel business. Sherman Wright and
his wife spent the rest of their lives in Conneaut, and died there,
his death occurring Jan. 3, 1847, and hers Jan. 15, 1872. They
had eleven children, of whom we make the following record:
Zenis H., born Jun. 24, 1812, died Aug. 18,
1815, Elizabeth H., born Jun. 18, 1814, is now the widow of
Albert Clark; has been almost a helpless invalid for over
twelve years; in her active life was an earnest church worker, and
now, having the use of only one hand, passes her time in reading;
Eunice, born June 18, 1816, died Apr. 20, 1844; M. W.,
whose name heads this article, was the fourth born; Fanny,
born Sept. 14, 1820, is the widow of Hiram Lake, and resides
in Conneaut; Zeis (2d), born Mar. 25, 1823, died Aug. 20,
1877; Edward Lee, born June 6, 1825, resides in California;
Alfred H., born June 30, 1827, died Mar. 6, 1878; Junius
F. is a resident of Dodge county, Minnesota; Emily C.,
born Oct. 9, 1832, is the wife of John B. Lyon; Mather G.,
born Apr. 2, 1834, died May 28, 1874.
The father of our subject was by occupation a farmer,
tanner and shoemaker, and was ably assisted by his son, M. W.,
who remained a member of the home circle until after the father's
death, and who still continued to care for his mother and the rest
of the family. M. W. Wright was married Mar. 27, 1844,
to Sarah Ann Jacobs, daughter of Rev. Asa and Sarah
(Saxton) Jacobs, her father being a Baptist minister of Conneaut
for many years. Some years later he bought a farm in Dorset
township, and was living on it at the time he was elected Sheriff in
1853. He then disposed of his farm and moved to Jefferson,
where he lived during his two terms of office, having been
re-elected by a large majority of votes. At the expiration of
his term, he moved to Kingsville.
Previous to his election to the Sheriff's office he
served one term as Justice of the Peace, and since that date has
been an incumbent of that office for a number of years, altogether
about fourteen. At the time the war broke out he was
Postmaster of Kingsville, having been appointed to that position by
President Lincoln. He was an active Abolitionist and
kept an underground railway station. When the Republican
party was organized he joined its ranks, and has ever since been a
stalwart Republican.
Aug. 1, 1862, Mr. Wright entered the volunteer
services of the United States in the capacity of Quartermaster of
the One Hundredth and Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, his being a
part of the Fourteenth Army Corps, under General Thomas; he
served until April, 1864, at which time he was compelled by failing
health to resign. Among the prominent engagements in which he
took part were those of Perryville, Chickamauga and Mission Ridge.
He left his command at Ringgold, just as the army started to
Atlanta, and three months before this time he was unable to
discharge the duties of his office. He consequently resigned
on account of his disability, and was very much broken down in
health. In his army service, however, he was never wounded.
In 1869, Mr. Wright was elected County
Commissioner, and served three years. He has also served three
years as Infirmary Director. He has always taken a deep
interest in educational affairs, and until recently has in various
ways been more or less closely connected with the schools. He
is a member of the G. A. R. Webster Post, No. 8, and has filled
nearly all of its official positions.
Mr. Wright's marriage has already been referred
to. Following are the names of his children (1) Elizabeth,
wife of Levi T. Scofield, of Cleveland, Ohio, has five
children, William M., Donald Cleveland, Sherman, Harriet
Elizabeth and Douglas Franklin. Mr. Scofield
is an architect and sculptor. He made and designed the
Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' monument and has been the
architect of many of the State buildings of Ohio. (2) Lydia,
wife of Conrad J. Brown, Erie, Pennsylvania, has four
children: Marshall W., a graduate of the Folytechnical
School, of Troy, New York, and Kate D., Jessie and Conrad.
(3) Alta, wife of Rev. J. Phillips, of the Free-will
Baptist Church; the names of their children are Sarah, Alta
Elizabeth, John Howard, Alice and Thomas Guthrie.
(4) Sherman, unmarried, resides with his father. (5)
Nellie, wife of William McCallep, Columbus, Ohio, has
four children: Emily L., Wright, Mabel and
Carrington Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright and all their children, with
one exception, are church members, Mrs. Wright having a
regular and her husband a Free-will Baptist.
Of Mrs. Wright's family we further record that
her father and mother have both passed away, and that of her four
brothers and six sisters only two are now living: Cynthia,
wife of Harry Hubbard, of Conneaut township, and Esther,
widow of La Fayette Sawtell, Conneaut.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
521 |
deceased, was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, in 1809, son of
Emins and Speedy (Rice) Wright. His parents had a family
of thirteen children, only one of whom is now living, Jane,
wife of Emerson Baker, a farmer of Ashtabula county, Ohio.
Thaddeus Wright was a farmer and was well known
and highly respected in this county. He served for some time
as Justice of the Peace and as Tax Collector. He was twice
married. By his first wife, nee Mary Ann
Fairbrothers, he had two children, Celestia and Jane,
both of whom are deceased. His second marriage was consummated
Jan. 18, 1854, with Mrs. Lydia (Holcomb)
Colson. She is still living, and to her we are indebted
for the information given in this sketch. Their only child,
H. J. Wright, is a prominent business man of
Conneaut, and of
him more extended mention will be found in the article following
this. Thaddeus Wright departed this life July 10, 1873,
aged sixty four years. While he is not a member of any church
or a professor of religion, his life was in many ways worthy of
emulation. He was strictly temperate in his habits and lived
up to his high ideas of morality. He was the personification
of unselfishness and was never happier than when doing a kindness
for some needy friend or neighbor.
Mrs. Wright is a daughter of Jabez and Nancy
(Fish) Holcomb. Her parents were born, reared and married
in Hartford Connecticut, each being twenty years old at the time of
marriage, and in July, 1820, they moved to Penn Line, Crawford
county, Pennsylvania. Jabez Holcomb was the first
Postmaster of Penn Line, and served as such for thirty years.
He was a Methodist and his wife belonged to the Christian Church.
Both lived to a good old age. He died February 28, 1882, at
the age of eighty-two years, and his widow entered into rest Sept.
6, 1888, aged ninety? They had nine children, five of whom
died in infancy. The others are: Augustus, the
oldest of the family, who married Elvira Hatch, who is still
living in Conneautville, Pennsylvania; Augustus, died July 6,
1882, aged sixty-one years; Frank B., a farmer in Crawford
county, Pennsylvania, has been twice married, first to Harriet
Lord, and after her death to Arvilla Allen; Mrs. Wright;
and Mary Edna, living at the old home in Penn Line,
By he marriage to Melvin Colson, Mrs. Wright had
three children, namely: Carlia L., wife of Nathan Guman;
W. B. Colson, who married Sarepta Williams; and
Frank M. Colson, who married Louisa Young - all of
Herbert J. Wright, a member of the firm of
Wright & Havens, contractors and builders, manufacturers of and
dealers in lumber, shingles, mouldings, brackets, sash, doors,
blinds, etc., with office and mill located on Nickel Plate avenue,
east of Harbor street, Conneaut, Ohio, is ranked with the
enterprising business men of this county.
Mr. Wright was born in Ashtabula county, Ohio,
Dec. 18, 1857, son of Thaddeus Wright, whose sketch precedes
this. He is a natural mechanic, from early boyhood having
shown a liking for tools. He received his education in the
public schools of Garrettsville, Ohio, and after finishing his
studies went to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he learned his trade.
His first step in the business world was made practically without
any capital, and what he has accomplished in the great field of
commerce is due to the brains and sterling character that make up
his nature. He has been engaged in contracting in Conneaut for
nine years. The mill was established by the firm of Wright
& Havens about five years ago. Since that time it has
grown from almost nothing to be one of the best concerns of its kind
in northeastern Ohio. The building, which consists of two
stories, is 50 x 70 feet in dimensions, besides which there is an
abundant ground space and storeroom. The mill is equipped with
the most modern mechanical devices and turns out the most approved
class of work. The firm do not depend entirely upon Conneaut
for the maintenance of their work, but in a prompt, liberal and
efficient manner they cater to the requirements of a territory
extending many miles around, and give employment to a large force of
Besides their extensive mill operations they rank with
the leading contractors and builders in northeastern Ohio, and
during their residence here have done their full share in erecting
beautiful cottages, fine residences and business blocks.
Mr. Wright was married Jan. 2, 1876. to Dalia
Baker. Their marriage was to have occurred on the very day
of the great Ashtabula wreck, and Mr. Wright was supposed by
his friends to have been on that fatal train; and, indeed, it was by
mere accident that he was not, having reached Conneaut from Pierpont
in time to take the preceding train. Thus he reached his
destination in safety. Mr. Wright is a daughter of
Newell and Harriet Baker, of Jefferson, Ohio. Her father
died in the army, and her mother is now living with them.
Mrs. Wright and her brother, Everett Baker, of Michigan,
are the only children of the Baker family. Mr. Wright
and his wife have four children: Karl E., Bessie A., Fred W.
and Grace Ester.
Politically, Mr. Wright is a Republican.
He has taken the higher degrees in Masonry and is an officer in
Cache Commandery. He is also a member of the Royal Arcanum.
Mr. Wright is a Baptist.
Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio embracing the
Counties of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake - Chicago: The Lewis
Publishing Co. - 1893 - Page
504 |