Containing Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens of
the County
Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the
Presidents of the United States
Publ. Chicago
Record Publishing Company
owner of the Hamilton House livery, was born in
Millville, Ohio, January 20, 1858. He is a son of
Jacob and Catherine (Rish) Ziliox, both of whom
were natives of Germany, but early in life emigrated to
America. The father, who crossed the ocean in
1847, settled in Millville, Ohio, where he followed the
trade of a tailor for many years. In 1874 he
removed with his family to Hamilton, where he has since
made his home. While residing in Millville he held
the office of School Director for some time and also
served as Supervisor. He and his wife hold membership in
the Reformed Church, in which he holds the office of
Elder. The paternal grandfather of our subject was named
Jacob Ziliox. In his youth he served as a
soldier in the German army. He learned the
blacksmith’s trade, which he followed in his native land
and also in this country. His death occurred near
Hamilton, when he was seventy-nine years of age.
He and his wife reared a family of seven children.
Our subject’s maternal grandfather, George
Rish, was a shoemaker by occupation, which trade he
followed all his active life, lie died near Middletown
at the age of seventy-two years. To the doctrines
of the Reformed Church he adhered, being an active and
consistent member of that denomination. His widow,
who survives, is now (1894) eighty-one years of age. The
family of which our subject is a member consisted of
five sons and five daughters, of whom one son, Edward,
died in infancy. The others are as follows:
George Z., Mary, David, Samuel, Flora, Charles,
Margaret, Emma and Sadie. Our subject
was reared on a farm in Millville, receiving his
elementary education in the public schools of that
place. He was a youth of about seventeen when he
accompanied his father to Hamilton, and during much of
the tune since he has resided in this city. He
learned the trade of a machinist at Cope A Maxwell’s
Steam Pump Works, and was after- wards employed in the
Niles Tool Works, remaining with that company as foreman
of two departments until February, 1885. He then
purchased the Hamilton House livery barns, which he has
superintended ever since. On the 17th of May,
1883, G. Z. Ziliox and Miss Carolina
Frechtling were united in marriage. Mrs.
Ziliox is a daughter of Henry and Wilhemina
(Bolt) Frechtling. Mr. and Mrs. Ziliox
are the parents of two children, Clifford T. and
Leon J. In her religious connections Mrs.
Ziliox is identified with the German Lutheran
Church, while our subject belongs to the Reformed
Church. The Democratic party embodies the
political principles with which lie finds himself in
harmony, and he therefore gives his support to that
ticket, and while not m any sense an office seeker is
always rejoiced when his party scores a victory.
For four years he has been a member of the Board of
Education, in which capacity he has been instrumental in
promoting the welfare of the free schools.
Socially he affiliates with Lone Star Lodge No. 39, K.
of P. Honesty and fairness have characterized all
his dealings, and through his industrious efforts he has
acquired the ownership of valuable residence as well as
business property.
Source: Memorial Record of Butler County, Ohio -
Publ. 1984 - Page 227 |