Pg. 169

This civil township was
named for John Brown, who then resided at
Pekin, and who built the first mill in that part of
Carroll County. Brown Township originally was
embraced within the limits of Stark County, was made
an independent township in 1815. It now covers
an area of 27,000 acres.
It was first settled by Richard Vaughn and
Moses Porter, the former of whom settled near
Oneida, the latter on the tract of land where the
village of Malvern now stands. Isaac
Craig and Amos Janney soon after settled
where Pekin now stands and which they laid out in
1808. They soon erected a small frame mill,
which was propelled by a "tub" water wheel. It
helped many a farmer out and saved the pioneers many
a long, and mean trip to mill at Canton on
horseback. Soon after, however, the floods
carried this mill away. The mill-site was sold
to David and Jacob Crumbecker, who built a
good flouring mill which served its customers many a
The first couple married in Brown township was
Martin Ayers and Elizabeth Reed, June 10,
1812. They were united in marriage by
General Augustine, a justice of the peace.
Colonel Ayers led an active life at New
Harrisburgh; died many years ago of a cancer, after
years of intense suffering.
The Tuscarawas branch of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh
Railroad passes through this township, via Pekin,
Oneida and Malvern. This road was constructed
in 1853-54 and the Carrollton & Oneida road was put
in operation in about the same time.
The first schoolhouse in the township was built in
1812, and the first sermon preached was by Rev.
Thomas Rigdon, in 1815, in Pekin. He was a
strict Baptist and a brother of the famous Mormon
Sidney Rigdon, who preceded Brigham Young.
The first election in this township was held in 1816 -
all the voters within the township were out to vote
and twenty-nine ballots were cast. Fourteen
were cast for James Reed for justice of the
peace and fourteen were cast for Thomas Latta
for the same office and one blank ticket was cast.
It was then settled by lots being cast which
resultedin the seating of James Reed who held
the office twenty-one years.
The population of Brown Township in 1840 was 2,165; in
1880, it was 2,325; in 1884 it was placed at about
the same and its assessed
[Pg. 170]
valuation was $66,960.00. In 1910 the township
has a population of 2,655.
The villages within this township are Minerva, Malvern,
Oneida, Pekin and Leyda.
Originally this was
called Troy, as shown by the county plat books.
The date of its platting was November, 1834, by
William Hardesty. It is a station on the
Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad and in 1884 had a
population of 500 souls. At that date it had
four churches, a flouring mill by W. A. Baxter &
Co.; a furniture store by G. Deckman; a
planing mill by Fishel & Buel; a grocery by
Van M. Gween; hotel by A. Lawton;
physicians were Drs. W. R. Spratt and John
Moffett; dry goods by T. H. Poessler,
also by J. H. Wilson.

This village was among the
early incorporations effected in Carroll County -
away back in the '30s or '40s. Its present
elective officers are: C. W. Ruff,
mayor; H. Hart, clerk; F. E. Hoffee,
treasurer; Fred Reed, marshal; street
commissioner, Henry Parker; councilmen, S.
G. Deckman, William Diesinger, W. S. Kilpatrick,
Harvey Eckley, Walter Elson (chairman).
The village was paved in 1915 at a cost of $35,000;
pavements run from thirty to forty feet in width of
most excellent home-made paving brick.
A successful system of waterworks was installed in
Malvern in 1915. Three very deep wells furnish
the best quality and quantity of health-giving
water. It is forced to a stand-pipe on the
highest hill overlooking the village. This
gives a pressure of over seventy-five pounds per
square inch at the curbing of the main street.
A volunteer fire-fighting equipment includes two
chemical engines and over 500 feet of workable hose.
[Pg. 171]
The village has electric lights produced by a private
company organized in 1920, owned by local capital
and is known as the valley Electric Light Company.
The village has a town hall two stories high - a brick
Auto garage
- |
Garage Company;
Malvern Motor Sales Company |
Banking - |
office of the Minerva Savings & Trust
Company |
Barbers - |
George Wingerter |
- |
Lawrence Artzner,
Keffler Bros. |
Drugs - |
H. H. Hart |
Harness - |
Wingester |
Lumber - |
Buell & Son |
shop - |
Brothers |
Meats - |
Weaver |
Milling - |
Milling Company |
Millinery - |
Miss Mary
Casper |
Newspaper - |
"Clay City
Times" a sheet printed at the Minerva
News plant, every week |
- |
The Hahn
the Jackson |
Live stock
- |
Atwell &
Finefrock |
Dealers - |
J. D.
J. E. Yoether,
Malvern Dry Goods Company |
Groceries - |
W. A. Lewis,
D. A. Mason,
Mammone & Augustine |
Stoves and
tine ware - |
W. C. Lewis |
Furniture &
undertaking - |
S. G.
Deckman |
tailor - |
C. W. Rice |
repairs - |
Steve Emets |
Plumber and
implements - |
J. M.
Robertson |
picture house - |
The Malvern
Amusement Company, made up of ten local
stockholders. Name is the
"Odessa." |
system - |
automatic plan. |
For the clay products manufacturing
plants see special article in this work
on that topic. |
The postoffice at the
village of Malvern was established in 1844.
Among the persons who have served as postmasters the
following list has been furnished especially for
this history:
David Shull, H. W. Ackley, C. G. Prosser, A. R.
Hains, David Shull, Jr., T. H. Peossler, E. H.
McCall, V. M. Green, W. C. Lewis, T. H. Newton, W.
H. Deckerman, Isaac Kirkpatrick, H. C. Ross, R. T.
The office is now a third class postoffice and has
one rural free delivery route with Robert W.
Hewit as its carrier.
During the last fiscal year this postoffice transacted
a business of $2,291.01, and a money order business
of $35,000.
[Pg. 172]
The present postmaster received his commission August,
1919. His only office clerk is Ora B.
McMillen. The office has been located
where it is now situated for seven years. Dec.
21, 1918, the safe was blown open and the contents
This sprightly business
center, is situated partly in Stark and partly
within Carroll County. It is situated
geographically in section 1, township 16, range 6.
It was laid out by Tim Taylor, Jan. 3, 1835.
In 1884 it had 1,200 population and was noted for
its being the market for much wool and farm products
in its trade circle. The Pennock brothers
located their extensive car shops there; there were
then five physicians; two attorneys; one bank; one
green-house; a planing mill; three hotels; a
flouring mill; opera house, and other business
places. the place is sixteen miles from Canton
and twelve miles from Carrollton.
The present industries include the Owen China Company
established twenty years ago as a home stock concern
and now employs 150 men the year round. then
there is an extensive toy factory where twenty-five
persons find constant employment. The flouring
mill is a flourishing plant. It was the first
to be erected in Carroll County - a log shack of a
building but in 1824, changed to a better building
over a half century ago and changed to the roller
process system and is still doing a good
flour-making business. At the near-by hamlet
of Pekin, a large fire-proof building block factory
is fully equipped and doing an extensive business;
it is owned by Canton capital.
The business factors of the
village in the winter of 1920-21 were:
garages - |
Yeagley, Jobs and Will Crider |
Attorneys - |
Mr. Cope |
Banking - |
Savings & Trust Company
Minerva Banking Company |
Bakeries - |
Arthur &
Mr. Severance |
Barbers -
Morrow &
Helman |
shops - |
Tim Felitz
Frank Helman |
Clothing - |
Brown & Son
Charles Hoops
John Barenbliet |
Creamery -
Milk plant "Highland" brand, erected in
1915 |
Drugs - |
E. D.
William M. Hoops
Thomas Cross |
(warehouse) |
Dennis |
Furniture - |
Freed &
Schmactenberger |
Feed store
- |
Hart & Son. |
(exclusive) - |
L. B.
Wright & Son,
H. H. Hart & Son,
P. Pennock,
William Abbott,
O. Whittaker |
Dry goods - |
Will Kurtz,
Ralph Smith |
Fair store
- |
Managed by
Ivan Speakman |
Hardware - |
Gunder &
Lotz |
Hotels -
Jackson and
Minerva |
Ice dealer
- |
Miller |
dealers - |
Same firm
as hardware |
Jewelers - |
J. N. Kurtz
Fred Adset |
dealers - |
Burtsfield & Cox |
[Pg. 173]
Livery - |
Frank B.
Jerome Miller |
markets - |
L. B.
Wright & Son,
Kenneth Crowe |
works - |
Hart &
Guthrie |
Millinery - |
Miss S. J.
Moorehead |
Newspaper - |
The "News."
(See press chapter) |
Opera house
- |
Mrs. O. C.
Finefrock |
- |
C. H. Rue,
Mr. Miller, Arthur & Hargrove |
dealers - |
None at
present |
Shoe stores
- |
J. W.
Callerdine & Simpson and
the general dealers |
Shoe repair
shops - |
L. Davis,
McConna & Messmore |
- |
Dr. F. A.
Harsh |
The doctors of the village are: |
McHenry, Thomas, Temple and Casey |
dentists are: |
Myers, Van Pelt, Bates and Tannihill |
The recently established "Ad Club" of
Minerva is doing much toward the
enlivening of the business and reaching
out after more. |
The lodges are the |
Odd Fellows,
Knights of Pythias,
Maccabees, and
Grand Army of the Republic (See Lodge
Chapter) |
The churches of Minerva are the |
Methodist Episcopal, and
Presbyterian (See Churches in separate
chapter) |
Minerva is a third class
postoffice, with present office force in the persons
of the postmaster, J. C. Ruff; Grace V. Betz,
assistant, and Nellie N. Harsh, clerk.
Among the postmasters now recalled by the present
patrons of the office are: J. F. Greenwood,
George E. McDonald, S. E. Moorehead, James Simpson
and James Jerome. The present incumbent
received his commission signed by President
Woodrow Wilson, Sept. 17, 1916.
This is a hamlet in section
27 of Brown Township; it is a way-station on the
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway and of no commercial
This is an old hamlet
platted by Amos Janney and Isaac Craig,
Sept. 21, 1808 and is really now a suburb to
Minerva. It has some clay industries.
This was platted by John
G. Hudelmeyer, Sept. 29, 1836. It is on
the opposite side of the creek from Oneida.
[Pg. 174]
This is a station and
junction point on the Pennsylvania and the Wheeling
& Lake Erie railways, in the center of section 16 of
Brown Township In 1884 it had a good mill,
general store, hotel and a marble shop. It has
but little business today.
(By Hon. C. W. Ruff)
Pps. 174 - 178
To a great wealth of mineral deposits, Malvern owes
the industries that are located here. Two
veins of fire-clay and corresponding veins of coal,
known as the Nos. 5 and 6 veins, are found under the
hills round and about, and it is these veins that
are being worked on a very extensive scale in the
manufacture of hollow building tile, sewer pipe,
building brick, paving brick and fire brick.
The early history of this industry is very interesting.
In the spring of 1886 Mr. John Kratz, after
an inspection of the fire-clay plant of John
Porter located at New Cumberland, West
Virginia, decided to look for material in and about
Malvern. After numerous tests had been made by
digging and drilling, fire-clay was found in great
abundance on the farm of the late Col.
David Roach. At once, in a very
primitive way, development was started. This
first venture proved slow, and in the fall of 1S86
Mr. Ross Rue of Alliance became
associated with Mr. Kratz in further
development under the name of Kratz & Rue.
During the winter of 1886-87 they built the first
fireclay plant on the ground where now stands
factory No. 7 of the Robinson Clay Products Company.
Here they manufactured and burned the first kiln of
fire-clay brick in the Sandy Valley. In the
autumn of 1887 the firm's name was changed to
Kratz, Rue & Sullivan, Mr. B.
F. Sullivan of Osnaburgh, Ohio, becoming a
partner. They continued to operate until the
spring of 1888, when L. M. Barrack of Canton,
Ohio, was taken into the firm and the name was again
changed to that of the "Sandy Valley Fire Clay &
Paving Brick Company." This company operated
until January, 1889, when what was known as the
Canton-Malvern Fire Brick Paving Company was
organized. Among the members of this firm
were: John Kratz. Ross Rue.
L. M. Barrack, J. S. Melborne, Lewis
Middy and Lewis Wernet,
Under their management the plant was greatly
enlarged and operated for about two years, when
Kratz, Rue and Barrack retired from the firm. The
remainder continued in the making of paving brick
until October, 1900, when the plant was completely
destroyed by fire. They, however immediately
re-built and continued to operate until they sold
the plant to the "Robinson Clay Products Company of
Akron, Ohio.
In 1887 what was known as the Malvern Clay Company was
organized by the following men who were then
residents of Malvern: Dr. E. C. Ross. John Gans,
C. G. Deuble, W. H. Dickey, A. N. Rock, George
Dietrick, W. H. Deckman. George Aller, J. H. Wilson,
C. J. Deckman, Gottlob Fisher, L. M. Downs and
Senator A. R. Haines. This company was
capitalized at $6,500 and erected their plant on the
site where the present plant of the Meadal Paving
[Page 175]
Company is located. In a short time they were
ready to manufacture brick and on April 19, 1888,
they made the first brick. The manufacture of
common brick was continued until 1899 when the plant
was burned, it was, however, immediately rebuilt and
put in operation and in 1893 they made the first
paving brick and a number of these brick, not
burned, were the only paving brick on exhibition at
the World's Fair in Chicago, And on account of
their superiority of style of brick that had
previously been made for paving purposes, they were
awarded the gold medal. The first paving brick
shipped from this plant was consigned to Fremont,
Ohio. At the World's Fair in St. Louis in
1904, this company again had their paving brick on
display and received the gold medal over all
competitors. The firm was reorganized in 1908
and continued under the firm name of Deckman-Duty
Brick Company, Mr. Duty, of Cleveland,
having obtained a number of shares of the stock.
J. F. Fisher taking over his father's
interests and others of the original company having
retired, the company continued under the management
of Mr. Fisher to manufacture a
superior grade of paving brick, and in 1915 they
again enlarged under the name of the "Meadow Paving
Brick Company" and continued to make paving brick
until 1917, when war conditions forced the company
to suspend the manufacture of paving brick.
After a short suspension the plant was remodeled and
hollow building tile were manufactured. Owing
to the present condition of the building trade, this
plant is now idle, but extensive repairs are being
made and when again operated will be on a more
extensive scale than ever before.
The Big Four Clay Company was organized in 1902.
This company was promoted by John Kratz,
G. O, French, Dr. W. A. White, Monroe
Kratz, who were the original Big Four and in
1903 this company began manufacturing paving brick
and continued to operate
[Page 176]
continually in this line until war conditions forced
paving brick makers to suspend operations.
During this period this company had maintained an
output of one million paving bricks per month, a
very remarkable output and enough to pave many miles
of country roads or city streets.
When the manufacture of paving brick became
impracticable, this company remodeled its plant and
entered the hollow building tile field. In
this line they enjoyed a very marked success and
during the period of the World War, they made
material for government contracts and at its
conclusion were awarded by the War Department for
the superior grade of material furnished.
Their daily capacity is about 150 tons of burned
ware and they employ, when in full operation, about
100 men.
In 1920 the company was reorganized under the name of
the Consolidated Clay Products Company of Canton,
Ohio. The present officers of the company are G.
O. French, president; C. B. French,
general manager and treasurer; Dr. W. A. White,
secretary, and C. W. Ruff, general
superintendent. Besides the plant at Malvern,
they operate at Corning, Ohio. At the present
time, owing to market conditions, this plant is
idle, but extensive additions have been made and
when the plant is again put in operation, in
addition to making hollow building tile, they will
mine and ship about 150 tons of coal per day.
The Robinson Clay Product Company's plant No. 7 is
located on the site of the first plant built in the
Sandy Valley, his was purchased of the
Canton-Malvern Fire Brick Paving Company, in 1901.
After making paving brick for a short time they
rebuilt the plant and began making sewer pipe.
Today this plant is one of the best equipped and
most modern in every way, especial attention being
given to working conditions. A mixture of
shale and fire-clay being used which makes a grade
of sewer pipe superior to many and meeting the most
drastic requirements of the various city codes.
This company has been in continuous operation and
employs about ninety men. Among the different men
who have been in charge of this plant might be
mentioned M. A. Lewton, George A. Deardolf,
George Pollen and John Becker.
In 1904, Allen Creighton and others
organized under the laws of West Virginia, the
Pittsburgh and Malvern Clay Company and chose a site
about one and one-half miles west of Malvern on what
was then the Irwin Thompson farm.
Here in 1905, they erected a modern plant for the
manufacture of paving brick and continued under the
management of M. A. Lewton in the making of
paving brick. After a time there was a change
in the directorship of this company and after a year
of unsettled conditions the plant was sold in 1910
to the White Acre Fire Proofing Company.
In 1911 this company began making hollow building
tile and soon after installed more machinery thereby
doubling the output and bringing the daily tonnage
to about two hundred and fifty burned ware and
employing about one hundred and fifty men.
Under this company the plant has had almost
continual operation until Dec. 25, 1917, when the
plant was destroyed by fire. At this time the plant
was engaged
[Page 177]
in making war material and the fire was thought to
have been the result of German propaganda.
Immediately after the fire the plant was rebuilt and
under the able management of C. W. Ruff, who
was superintendent at this time, the plant was again
put in operation on Feb. 7, 1917, just six weeks
after being destroyed. But like all present
building tile manufacturers, at this date, they have
been obliged to close down. They are, however,
making extensive repairs and additions, and when
operations are continued they will have a more
complete and economic plant.
Oct. 26, 1911, the Malvern Fire Clay Company was
incorporated under the laws of the State of West
Virginia. The original stockholders being
W. R. Elson, H. C. Downer, I. H. Ross, H. C. Ross,
Ella Elson Ross, Mary Elson Downer, E. C. Baxter
and O. O. Allison. These all, with the
exception of I. H. Ross, deceased, E. C.
Baxter and O. O. Allison, withdrawn,
remain as stockholders of the company. Ground
was broken and erection of the plant commenced Apr.
16, 1912. The first material was manufactured
Oct. 12, 1912. This company has engaged in the
making of hollow-building tile from the first.
The plant has been in continuous operation from date
of beginning with one exception of about sixty days,
when the plant was destroyed by fire on the morning
of July 1, 1919. But by competent management under
war conditions, the plant was rebuilt and again put
in operation on September 9th of the same year.
This company has, by installing more and better
machinery, more than doubled their original
capacity. Their present daily output is about
two hundred and fifty tons of burned ware.
They employ about one hundred men. This is
considered one of the most complete and up to-the
minute plants of the hollow-tile industry.
This company has furnished building tile for many of
the largest buildings of our principal cities.
vDuring the period of the World war the plant was
operated almost exclusively on war material and at
the conclusion the company was awarded by the War
Department for excellency of material and service.
The officers remain as they were originally chosen.
W. R. Elson, president; H. C. Downer,
vice-president and general manager; H. C. Ross,
secretary and treasurer. These officers with
Ella Elson Ross and Mary
Elson Downer compose the directorate.
Could the veil, which hides the future from us mere
mortals, have been lifted on that April morning that
Mr. Kratz, pick and shovel in hand, went out
looking for fireclay. What a wonderful sight
would have been his to enjoy! He would have
seen a brick paved road, 16 feet wide reaching from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, a modem city built of
the building material that would be manufactured by
the plants that would follow the discovery of
fireclay in such great abundance and of such
excellent quality as the following analysis will
Per cent Silica |
58.76 |
Per cent Oxide
of Iron |
2.57 |
Per cent
Alumina |
26.43 |
Per cent Lime |
.37 |
Per cent
Magnesia |
.77 |
Per cent
Potassium Oxide |
1.49 |
[Page 178]
Per cent Sodium
Oxide |
.45 |
Per cent loss
on ignition |
9.27 |
Per cent fire
resisting factor |
12.44 |
And as he looked day by day and saw the solid train
loads of material leaving the plants to find their
place in modem developments in practically every
city, town and hamlet east of the Mississippi River,
it would have been difficult for him to have
realized that such an industry would ever arise
where now only green fields and verdant meadows
dotted the landscape.
But today we have five large plants, as already
described, that represent investments of millions of
dollars. Having a combined daily output of
1,000-tons, requiring a train of twenty-five to
thirty cars to move to market and bringing revenues
amounting to thousands dollars in payrolls and
millions per year in freight; employing from five to
600 men, and making Malvern and Sandy Valley known
all over the U. S. A.
The Hollow Building Tile manufactured from this clay
is of such fine quality that its use is recommended
and demanded in all structures that are built to
withstand time and the elements. And to show
that it is a necessity, we need but to look at the
many large buildings of Boston, New York, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago and everywhere in
the eastern part of this country where it has been
used exclusively, at a cost much greater than
material manufactured at or near these places could
have been secured for. And go where you will,
if you are acquainted with the conditions, you will
find that a journey in any direction will take you
over roads that are partly, if not wholly, paved
with the products of these plants.
In closing it seems but proper to mention some of the
pioneer workmen, who-by their endeavors and loyalty,
helped to make the industry a success. Among the
many the following are only a few: Mr.
Herman Klotz, now the Rev.
Mr. Klotz; his brother, L. D. S. Klotz,
who is now secretary of, the Whitacre-Greer
Fireproofing Company; and ex-mayor of Malvern Mr.
George McCall, deceased; Mr.
Herbert Hewitt, deceased, who served his
country during the Spanish-American War; his twin
brother, Herman, now deceased; the sons of
Dr. John Moffett, Sam and
Ottie; and I. H. Ross, deceased: his
brother, H, C. Ross, now secretary and
treasurer of the Malvern Fire Clay Company, both
sons of the late Dr. E. C. Ross.
