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Clark County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


A Standard History of Springfield and Clark County, Ohio

An Authentic Narrative of the Past, with Particular Attention
to the Modern Era in the Commercial, Industrial,
Educational, Civic and Social Development
Prepared Under the Editorial Supervision of
Dr. Benjamin F. Prince
President Clark County Historical Society
Assisted by a Board of Advisory Editors

Volume 1 of 2
Published by
The American Historical Society
Chicago and New York


  Vol. Page

 - A -

Adams, Charles F. II 127
Adams, George W. II 313
Adams, James I 426
Adams, S. E. I 427
Ade, George I 99
African Young Men's Christian Association I 160
Agle, George C. II 175
Agricultural education I 93
Agricultural machinery (1920) I 103
Agriculture, I 79 - 86
Agriculture, progress in Clark County I 79 - 86
100 - 125
Agriculture, diversified products of I 95 - 99
Akron school law, I 76
Alexander, Warren D. II 44
Allen, E. L. I 103
Along th4e National Road in the Long Ago (illustration) I 217
Alsheimer, Charles J. II 97
Altick, Arthur R. I 29
Altick, Arthur R. II 22
Altick colleciton of anttiquities I 29
Ambrose, James R. I 369
American Red Cross, Clark County Chapter. I 337, 338
American Seeding Machine Company (illustration) I 246
American Trust & Savings Bank, Springfield I 290
Anderson, Harry I 91
Anderson, Harry R. II 379
Anderson, J. Fred II 400
Anlo, I 21
Anthony, Charles I 332, 347
Anti-Tuberculosis campaign I 429
Appleseed, Johnny I 121, 122
Arbogast Family II 179
Architecture in Clark County I 407 - 415
Architecture in Clark County I 407 - 415
Armstrong, Cyrus I 554
Arnett, Harry II 155
Ashburner, Charles A. I 365
Associated Charity, Springfield, Athe-ne-sepe (see Mad River) I 513

 - B -

Bacon, Charles H. II 35
Bacon, Jane D. II 36
Baker, Arthur H. II 309
Baker, Benson A. II 80
Baker, G. W. I 237
Baker, Harvey A. II 94
Baker, Jessie F. II 250
Baker, Jonathan I 130
Baker, Jonathan D. I 535
Baker, Moses I 130
Baker, Scipio E. II 249
Baldwin, Henry I 429
Baldwin, John W. II 339
Baldwin, Jonah I 56
Ballard, Charles E. II 408
Ballinger, Homer W. II 295
Bancroft, Phraortes E. I 59
 "    " II 236
Bancroft, Robert C. II 237
Banks (See Finance)    
Banks in Springfield I 289 - 293
Baptists in Springfield I 141
Bartholomew, Ella R. II 402
Bartholomew, Oscar N. II 402
Barton, Clara I 425
Baseball I 523
Basketball I 525
Bassett, A. H. I 416
Bateman, Henry E. II 369
Bauer, Charles II 237
Bauer, Charles L. I 223, 448, 452
Bauer, Vinnie II 239
Bauer, Walter B. II 343
Baumbardner, Clifford H. II 374
Bauslin, D. H. I 53, 126, 197
Baxter, Edward W. II 230
Bayley, William II 103
Baylor, Alvin L. II 258
Bean, Mrs. H. H. I 337
Beattytown I 27
Beaupain, August L. I 365
Bechtle Mound I 31
Bell, Read L. II 196
Bell, Virgil A. II 375
Bell Telephone Company I 380
Bench & Bar (see also County Judiciary) I 342 - 350
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, in Springfield I 460
Bewrding, C. M. I 149
Berry, James B. I 367
Bethel Township I 20, 22
Bevitt, Bessie F. I 456
Bibliography (see Books of Clark County)    
Billow, George W. I 404
Billy Sunday tabernacle (1911) I 127
Binnig, Fred W. II 89
Birch, T. B. I 53
Bird, Wallace G., II 161
Birthplace of Gen. Frederick Funston, New Carlisle (illustration) I 332
Bishop, Spalding W. II 406
Bitner, William H. II 410
Black, Andrew C. I 433
Black, Robert S. I 369
Black's Opera House I 433
Boehme, Raymond G. II 357
Boggs, William K. I 318
Boggess, Carey I 177
Books of Clark County I 494
Bookwalter, Francis M. II 140
Bookwalter, John W. I 433, 500
Booth, Evangeline I 164
Bowlus, Charles J. I 363
Bowlusville I 22
Bowman, Samuel A. I 343, 346, 515
Boy Scouts of America, Springfield I 160
Bradley, Horatio S. II 172
Brain, Belle M. I 501
Brain, Robert D. I 501
Brain, Robert, Jr. I 456
Braun, Frank J. II 234
Braun, Leo II 235
Breckenridge, Mrs. S. F. I 155
Bretney, Charles V. H. II 269
Bretney, Harry V. II 270
Bretney, Henry II 269
Brewster, Rebecca I 162
Bricklaying Class, Night High School (illustration) I 183
Brighton I 25
Buchwalter, Edward L. II 9
Buchwalter, Luther L. II 10
Buchwalter, Mrs. E. L. I 512
Brosey, Harry M. II 148
Rosey, Minnie H. II 149
Buck Creek (Lagonda) I 76
Buckeye Incubator Company II 302
Buckley, Daniel A. I 148
Buena Vista I 25
Buena Vista Tavern (illustration) I 254
Buffenbarger, Waren K. II 74
Burleigh, Brown II 283
Burk, John W. II 194
Burnett, Jacob R. I 45
Burnett, William R. I
Burnette, A. G. I 363
Burnham, Martin T. II 231
Burrowes, Alice I 491, 499
Burt, Nathaniel C. I 500
Busbey, Hamilton I 53
Busbey, T. Addison II 18
Bushnell, Asa S. I 236, 251, 267, 290, 397, 419, 479
Bushnell, Asa S. II 12
Bushnell, (A. S. ) home I 411
Bushnell, Mrs. Asa S.
   "          "        "
141, 290
Bushnell, John L.
   "           "       "
Bushnell (j. L.) home, I 411
Bushnell Building (illustration) I 292
Butler, Simon (See Simon Kenton)    
Byrer, Charles E. I 298

 - C -

Cad Band, Springfield, I 455
Calvert, Thomas L.
    "       "      "
267, 268
Campbell, Alexander I 144
Campbell, David H. II 218
Campus scene, Wittenberg College (illustration) I 190
Carlisle, Mrs. E. A. I 517
Carmony, Elmus J. II 319
Carnegie Science Hall I 199
Carr, A. E. I 365
Carr, John L. II 333
Cartnell, Joseph B.
     "     "     "
337, 338
Cartmell, P. M. I 458
Cary, Waitstel, Springfield hatter I 539
Caspar, T. J. I 417
Cassilly, Michael P. I 147
Catholic Cemeteries I 560
Catholic priest, first to visit Springfield I 147
Catholic welfare work I 478
Catholics in Clark County I 147-156
Cemeteries outside of Springfield I 561
Central Engine House, Fire Department (illustration) I 388
Centralized schools I 168-170
Century of women's activities in Springfield I 514
Champion City (Springfield) I 50
Chapman, John I 121
Charleston I 25
Chase, Clarence A. II 404
Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Springfield I 512
Cheney, Milton II 69
Chicken thieves I 540
Chief of Police, Springfield I 368-371
Children's Pageant at Ridgewood (illustration) I 185
Chills and fevers I 359
Chills and fevers I 359
Chinese residents in Springfield I 423
Cholera at New Carlisle (1832-33) I 360
Christ Church, Episcopalian, Springfield, I 141
Christadelphian Society, Springfield I 144
Christian, L. H. I 177
Christian Science practitioners I 361
Churches (see Religion)    
Church of the Brethren Sunday School, Donnels Creek I 156
Church of the Heavenly Rest, Springfield I 141
Churchill, B. P. I 318
Cincinnati bank failure I 244
Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland Railroad I 233
City Building (illustration) I 364
City Federation of Women's Clubs, Springfield I 511, 512
City of Roses (Springfield) I 50
Civil War I 324-341
 " officers from Clark County I 329
Clark, Alexander I 501
Clark, Charlotte S. I 473
Clark, George Rogers I 3
 " (sketch of I 5
 " (illustration) I 4
 " on Knob Prairie Mound I 30
 " his battle at Piqua Shawnee village I 299
Clark County, Ludlow line across I 4
 " John Paul, its pioneer I 6, 7
 " Organization of I 18
 " Townships I 20-28
 " travelers in I 133
 " in the wars, I 297-312
 " contributions to World's War I 336
 " histories of I 495-504
 " cemeteries I 553-562
Clark County Bar Association I 342
Clark County Boys' Corn Club I 114
 " 1921) (illustration) I 104
Clark County Centennial (1880) I 308, 310
Clark County Children's Home I 469-471
 " (illustration) I 470
Clark County church budget (1921) I 127
Clark County Court of Appeals I 269
Clark County Detention Home I 474, 475
Clark County Dry Federation I 442
Clark County Fair (1921) I 109
Clark County Fair Association I 107
Clark County Fair Grounds I 402
Clark County Historical Society I 44, 417, 421
Clark County Home I 439, 466-468
Clark County Horticultural Society I 121, 122
Clark County Infirmary (illustration) I 467
Clark County Interchurch World Survey I 135
Clark County Juvenile Court I 474
Clark County Medical Society I 351-352
Clark County Memorial Hall I 276
Clark County Memorial Home (illustration) I 472
Clark County Public Health League I 477
Clark County Sunday School Association I 152
Clark County Temperance Society I 441
Clark County Veteran Memorial Association I 416
Clark-Tecumseh monument I 418, 437
Clarke, Ada II 102
Clarke, Oliver I 289
 " (illustration) I 290
Clarke, Oliver C. II 119
Clarke, Oliver T. II 399
Clarke, Willis B. II 102
Clary, Osman C. II 229
Class scene, Wittnberg (illustration) I 193
Clerks of the County Court I 271
Cliff Park I 402, 404
Clifton I 24
Coberly, Mrs. Elizabeth, veteran Sunday School teacher I 154
Coffin, E. G. I 363
Cogswell, George O. II 49
Cold Springs I 23
Cole, Arthur E. II 349
Cole, John M. II 191
Cole, Milton I 363;
 " II 190
Collins, Joseph M. I 167
 " II 271
Columbia Street Cemetery I 554
Commonwealth Power, Railway and Light Company I 398
Concord I 24
Congregationalism in Springfield I 143
Congressional districts I 268
Constantine, Barbara II 84
Constantine, Charles W. I 363
 " II 84
Cooper, Edna II 240
Cooper, Josiah E. II 239
Cooperative Reaper Factory I 245
Corcoran, William J. II 216
Corn crop in Clark County I 95
Cornwell, Mary II 278
Cornwell, Owen L. II 277
Corry, Homer C. I 102, 484
 " I 398
Corry, Lee B. II 241
Cortsville I 24
Cotter, George S. I 383, 385
Country Life Commission I 105
County Auditors I 272
County Building (illustration) I 366
County-City normal school I 173
County Commissioners I 274
County Coroners I 274
County fairs I 107
County Health Commissioner I 276
County jails I 262-264
County judiciary I 269-271, 342
County official roster I 269-275
County organization (1818) (constitution 1851) I 349
County Recorders I 273
County School Superintendents I 274
County seat fixed I 261
County Surveyors I 273
County Treasurers I 272
Courlas, Jerome P. II 296
Courthouse, Springfield (illustration) I 260
Courthouses I 260-265
Crabill, John II 160
Cradlebaugh, Henry S. II 382
Croft farm I 439
Cromwell, John C. II 81
Crossland, Albert K. II 146
Crossland, Emma M. II 147
Cross roads rural school (illustration I 169
Croooowell, J. S. I 502
Crowell (J. S.) home I 411
Crowell, Mrs. J. S. I 492
Crowell, Silas I 417
Crowell Publishing Company I 252, 464, 502, 504
 "     "     " (illustration) I 503
Cumming, E. H. I 347, 507
Cushman, James I 369
Cutler, Menassah I 2

 - D -

Dairy industry I 91
Daugherty, John I 441
Davies, Mrs. F. L. I 162
Davis, Cary S. II 324
Davis, Emory F. II 397
Davis, Golden C. II 44
Davis, Harry L. I 251
Davis, John H. II 87
Davy, Clare S. II 79
Davy, Jesse O. II 78
Day Nursery, Once the City Prison (illustration) I 476
Dayton and Bellefontaine military road, I 314, 315
Deam, John W. II 61
Deaton, Edwin P. I 469
 "     " II 219
Deaton, Nathan E. II 387
Debienville, Celloron, ascends Big Miami River (1749) I 494
Decline of markets I 296
Deitrick, Joseph E. II 72
Delinquent tax sales I 409
Demint, James I 9, 10, 54, 55, 362, 383, 438, 441, 553
Demint, Mrs. James I 12, 15
Demint family I 9-12
Devitt, Williams F. I 344
Dial, E. G. I 177
Dial, George S. II 185
Dialton I 27
Dick, John I 559
Dickey, John L. II 384
Diehl, Warren W. I 339
 "    " II 38
Dillahunt, Peter A. II 251
Dinkellacker, E. D. I 164
Disciples of Christ, Springfield I 144
Distilleries, along Mad River I 439
District Common Pleas Court (Constitution 1851) I 349
Dolly Varden I 26
Doner, A. J. II 257
Donnel, Jonathan I 21, 561
Donnelsville I 21, 22
Doom, Lemuel N. II 221
Dorst, John L. I 159
 "    " II 309
Doty, E. M. I 157
Doyle, John A. II 143
Drake, Daniel I 356
Drake, J. Elmer I 95
Drake, Srah A. II 144
Drake, Theodore T. II 390
Drake, William M. II 144
Drayer, A. H. I 469
Dresher, E. E. II 265
Drum, Simon H. I 316
Duffey, A. L. II 254
Dunlap, Albert, sketch of I 355
Durbin I 27
Durst, J. R. I 107
Dyer, Albert W. II 168

 - E -

Eagle City I 22
Eakins, Irvin II 321
Eakins, Mary E. II 321
Eddy, Mary Baker I 361
Education; recognized by Ordinance of 1787 I 2
 " Catholic high and grade schools of Springfield I 149
 " public, in Clark County I 165-188
 " typical pioneer school I 166
 " public supervision of rural schools (1914) I 167
 " centralized and rural schools I 168-173
 " remedy for Illiteracy I 172
 " Springfield public schools I 175-188
Edwards, Jonathan I 177
Egg stories I 537
Eglinger, Albert II 244
Eichelberger, James T. II 211
Eighteenth Amendment, becomes effective I 442
Elder, Robert II 334
Electric lighting company, first in Springfield (1883) I 397
Elliott, John C. I 318
Elliott, John S. II 392
Elliott, Nora W. II 392
Ellsworth, W. J. I 177
Elwell, Wilbur E. II 154
Elwood Meyers Factory (illustration) I 243
Enon I 23
Epizootic (1872) I 359
Ervin, L. M. II 22
Esplanade, Springfield (illustration) I 57, 230
Evans, C. H. I 182
Evans, Charles W. II 375
Exchange Club, Springfield I 519

 - F -

Fagan, Sibyl S. I 456
  Vol. Page
  Vol. Page


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