IN the present
limits of the State of Ohio, part of the Territory of
the Northwest, the first seven counties were created by
the proclamation of Governor St. Clair in the following
chronological order: Washington, July 27, 1788;
Hamilton, Jan. 2, 1790; Wayne, Aug. 15, 1796; Adams,
July 10, 1797; Jefferson, July 29, 1797; Ross, Aug. 20,
1798; and Trumbull, July 10, 1800.
Up to the early part of the year 1799 all the country
between the Little Miami River and Elk River (Eagle
Creek) was a part of Hamilton County, and called
Anderson township; but in the latter part of that year
it was divided into two townships, called Washington and
Deerfield, the latter embracing the northern part of the
present county, with the southern portion of Warren
County, and the former including the southern and
central parts of all the territory, now in Clermont and
Brown Counties, between the Little Miami River and Eagle
The first Territorial Legislature, consisting of a
council of five, appointed by the President John Adams,
on Mar. 22, 1799, to wit, - Jacob Burnet and
James Findlay, of Cincinnati; Robert Oliver
of Marietta; David Vance, of Vanceville,
Jefferson Co.; and Henry Vandenburg, of Vincennes
(Indiana), - and a House of Representatives of
twenty-two members, elected by the people from the
counties of Washington, Hamilton, Wayne, Adams,
Jefferson, and Ross (in Ohio), and Knox, St. Clair, and
Randolph (in Indiana), met and organized at Cincinnati
on Sept. 27, 1799. This body passed the following
SOON. (9/19/2019)