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Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Aug. 11, 1869
FOR SALE - Saddle Horse.  I am offering for sale a tip top saddle and buggy horse, for a reasonable price.  For particulars address E. G. TRACY, Batavia, Ohio
Source:  Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati, OH) Page: 2
Dated: Oct. 5, 1869
The return and closing game of baseball for the championship of Clermont county was played last Saturday at Newark, Ohio, between the Wide Awakes, of New Richmond, and the Black Hawks fo Bantam.  The game resulted in favor of the former by a score of 44 to 22.  The batting of the Wide Awakes was the heaviest ever seen in Clermont county.


     These two clubs played a close game at the Union Grounds, last Friday, in which Eckfords were victorious by a score of 23 to 19.
     The Red Stockings leave California upon their return to this city to-day.
     The game of ball played last Friday afternoon on the Union Grounds, resulted in the defeat of the Rosolutes by the 2d Nine of the Red Stockings, Junior, with the following score:

McGrew, m. 2 4
Potter, r. f. 2 5
Smith, 1st b 5 2
Draper, s.s. 1 5
E. Dunlap, p. 1 5
Wilstach, l 1 5
Wiltsee, 3d b 1 5
Griffith, 2d b. 0 6
Blair, c. 2 3
C. Brown, s. s 3 1
McNoale, c. 2 1
Clyde, 2d b. 1 1
Ruthven, r. f. 2 1
Woodward, 3d b 1 1
Phillips, 1l 2 0
Turrill, 1st b. 2 1
Kolker, p. 1 2
McKinney, m. 1 2
  -- --          
  15 40         15 10
Innings     1 2 3 4 5
Red Stockings     8 4 21 3 4-40
Resolutes     2 3 3 2 0-10

     Umpire - Mr. Hoaly, of Cincinnati, B. B. C
     Scorers - Hill and Lupton

Source: Trenton Evening Times (Trenton, NJ) Page: 2
Dated: July 16, 1892
The Family Is of English Origin, and Since Emigraton to America Has Furnished Several Noted Recruits to the Learned Professions.
     Ex-President and present candidate Grover Cleveland, has some relatives in Clermont county, O., who have preserved the family records much more carefully than was supposed.  They show that the Clevelands were noted in various lines, particularly the ministerial, long before Grover became president.  Of the numerous children of the president's grandfather none survive, and of their children Aaron B. Cleveland is the only one of the name now living in Clermont.


     His father was Jeremiah Cleveland, brother of the ex-president's father, and he went to Clermont county in 1815, where he was soon joined by his brothers, Stephen and Francis.  They were clock and cabinet makers, and a few old clocks in Clermont county still bear the stamp of "J. and S. Cleveland, makers."  Jerry, as he was called, died at thirty-two leaving two sons.  Of these Frank located in Augusta, Ky., and obtained some prominence, but died young, and his son, Harlan Cleveland, was a deputy United States attorney at Cincinnati during his cousin's term as president.
     The family originated at the town of Cleveland, in Durham, England, and the first noted man of the name was Sir Guy Cleveland, who commanded a company of spearmen at the battle of Poictiers, and by his bravery won the favor of the crown.  His descendant, Moses Cleveland, came to America in early colonial times and settled in New England.  From him all the American branches are descended.  The Rev. Aaron Cleveland, great-grandfather of Grover, was an intimate friend of Benjamin Franklin, and died at the latter's house in 1857.  His son, Presley Cleveland, had nine children, of whom the boys were Jeremiah, Stephen, Francis, William, Charles and Benezette.  Charles lived to be within nineteen days of 100 years old, dying in 1872.


     His son went to Texas in the old Spanish times and when seventy-five years old revisited his father.  He jocularly remarked that no one died a natural death in Texas, as the climate was too healthful, but the population was sufficiently kept down by fatalities.  Singularly enough he returned to Texas, lived to be eighty-four yeas old and was killed in a railroad accident.  Abigail Cleveland, the ex-president's aunt married the Rev. Samuel Hanson Coxe, and her son is Bishop Arthur Cleveland Coxe.  Her sister Susan, who married a Mr. Pratt, lived to the age of eighty-five.   Indeed, the Clevelands generally are a long lived family.


     An unusually large percentage of the last generation was female, and so relatives bearing the family name are rare.  Benezette, the ex-president's youngest uncle, was a teacher in New York, and at last accounts one of his sons was a doctor and two others were living very quiet lives somewhere.  Details like these may at first appear trivial, but they really have an important bearing as the laws of heredity are being studied now as never before.  The persistence of family traits is among the most curious things in the science of humanity.  With very rare exceptions, when a man attains to great eminence inquiry shows that his family has been growing slowly for two or three generations.  Abraham Lincoln was the great exception.  He stood alone - a man apart from his race.

Source:  Indianapolis Sentinel (Indianapolis, IN) Vol: XXII Issue: 47  Page: 4
Dated: Oct. 6, 1873.
There are those in this city and State who cherish the memory of Clermont county, Ohio, not only as their own native town, but as the birth place of the great and good stepfather of this country, General Grant.  It will be grievous news to such to learn that the Fulton street prayer meeting in New York recently received the following epistle from that historic county:  "Please pray for the town of New Richmond, Clermont county, Ohio, five miles from the birth place of President Grant.  It is frightfully given over to the sin of intemperance, and we are trying to do something towards reformation.  Do pray for our success.  Yours truly, A SISTER IN ISRAEL."
Source:  Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Issue: 94  Page: 2
Dated:  Apr. 4, 1911
Plan of Prosecutor to Rush Boss to Clermont County Rendered Futile.
Politician, Missing Three days , Appears and gives Bond.
     CINCINNATI, Apr. 8 - only the intervention of Judge Charles J. Hunt's decision today, that George B. Cox need not answer the change of venue to Clermont county, kept Cox from being kidnaped and taken secretly to that county to answer to Judge Frank Davis, on the charge of perjury.
     Prosecutor Henry Hunt had his private detective sworn in as a deputy sheriff from Clermont county and is said to have also had Sheriff Thomas C. Geal here from Batavia to arrest Cox and take him in an auto to that city.  But just at the moment that the prosecutor was put his plans into effect, Judge Hunt stated from the bench that Cox need not answer the change of venue order, and that the case will be fought out in this county first.
     I shall be very glad to go with the prosecutor and any man he may want to have sworn into office to take me to Clermont county," said Cox this afternoon.  "in fact, I shall let them have my own automobile to take me if they want it, or will go by rail.  I am going to leave this barber shop in about fifteen days and will go to Wielert's cafe, where I shall remain until 8:30, and at that time I'll go home for the night.  So, if Prosecutor Hunt wants to know where I am, please tell him."
     After a vain search for George B. Cox for three days and a decision to apprehend the Republican leader and financier on a warrant charging him with being a fugitive from justice.  Mr. Cox today appeared at the court house and acknowledged service of new indictment issued against him on Friday, charging him with perjury.
     Presiding Judge Hunt fixed bond at $1,000 which Cox immediately gave.
     Judge Hunt will rule on the matter of the second affidavit against Judge German, charging bias and prejudice, tomorrow, and will at that time state which Hamilton county judge will hear the case.  Prosecutor Hunt says that he will fight to have this case taken to Clermont county courts and that he does not hold that Presiding Judge Hunt has anything to do with the matter.


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