29] Throughout the
southern half of Ohio, there are remains of earth works
constructed by a people of whom we have neither history or
tradition. All we know of them, is what may be deduced
from the character of these ruins. Some of them are in
groups of mounds, lines of embankments, either single, double or
treble; sometimes with ditches, but more often without.
When without ditches, they resemble a turnpike, but such was not
their original design. They are both straight and curved,
generally forming an enclosed figure, approaching to
mathematical regularity; such as a rectangle, octagon, circle or
ellipse. A partial enclosure in the form of a horse shoe
or a segment of some regular figure is common. Although
mounds and banks of earth, are as nearly imperishable as any
structure raised by man, they are more or less obliterated by
rains, frosts and other atmospheric agencies.
Some of the parallels require close examination to detect, and
especially to follow them; through cultivated fields, herbage,
and the undergrowth of western forests.
Ditches and pits are sooner obliterated than works in
relief. On these ruins, the timber is of the same size and
character, as it is around them. Trees 400 years old have
been cut down, whose roots were fixed upon the top of
embankments, where the remains of previous generations of trees,
were also visible.
There is evidence to show that the race is red men,
whom Columbus, De Soto and John Smith, encountered
on this Continent, had then been here fifteen or twenty
centuries. The Aborigines had no knowledge, and no
received traditions of their predecessors; which they must have
had, if the race of the mounds were their ancestors.
Everything which remains of the mound builders, indicates a
people of higher cultivation than that of the Indians. The
more ancient race were industrious, cultivating the soil; not
wandering hunters. They erected mounds of earth, which are
in some instances from sixty-to seventy feet high, with a
circumference at the base of seven hundred and eight hundred
feet. These are still quite imposing piles, rising nearly
to the tops of ancient trees, among which they stand.
A single fortification on the bluffs of the Little
Miami, called "Fort Ancient," in Warren county,
[Page 31]
Ohio, has a parapet which in some places is eighteen feet high,
and fifty feet thick at the base. The entire work, is
computed to contain six hundred thousand cubic yards of
embankment, and would allow of twenty thousand men for its
defence. Near Newark there is a circle, one-fourth of a
mile in diameter, where the bank is at the highest point,
twenty-six feet above the bottom of the ditch. This people
has left numerous ruins, not only over the southern half of this
State, but throughout the low lands of Kentucky, Western
Tennessee, Southern Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas
and Mexico. The large cities, if we may judge by their
position, were selected on the same principle by which our
fathers selected theirs. Extensive ruins were once
visible, on or near the sites of Cincinnati, Marietta,
Portsmouth, Chillicothe, Circleville, Dayton and Newark.
They were contiguous to large tracts of good land upon
valuable water courses. The same people worked the copper
mines of Lake Superior. Many of their mounds, are
monuments raised to the dead, where valuable relics were placed;
consisting of beads and shells and plates of native copper and
Their tools are of copper, which appears to be the only
metal they had for implements. They forged of it spears,
arrow heads, axes, chisels, spades and gouges in its native
state, never having been melted or refined. Their tools
are found, not only with the
[Page 32]
ashes of their dead, but on the surface, in the
vicinity of their works. Very good cutting tools were made
of stone, of which great numbers have been found. The race
of red men had also stone axes, knives, spear and arrow heads,
but did not possess implements made of copper, with the
exception of some very rude knives, found among the tribes
inhabiting Lake Superior. Here the Chippewas have
sometimes fashioned an awkward knife, or an instrument for
dressing skins, from nuggets of native copper which they found
in the gravel. The style and finish of their rough knives,
enables one at once to separate them, from the more perfect work
of the mound builders. This difference of mechanical
perfection, aptly distinguishes the civilization of the two
The North American Indian relied principally upon
flint, which the race of the mounds used very sparingly.
As implements of wood soon perish, we have little trace
of them, although they must have been numerous. Some of
the wooden shovels and bowls, which they used in the mines of
Lake Superior, have been preserved beneath the water and rubbish
of old mines. A part of the decayed handle of a copper
spear, was found in the same situation. In the north
eastern part of Ohio, in the county of Geauga, a war club of
Nicaragua wood, was discovered early in the settlement of that
region. This might have
[Page 33]
belonged to either of the races, which preceded
white men on this soil. Wooden ornaments and implements,
not being so precious, were not buried with the dead. If
they had been, there are cases where something would remain of
them. Threads of hempen cloth, and timber forming a sort
of coffin or vault, have, in some cases, resisted decomposition.
So has their ornaments of shell, bone and stone; and their
pipes, grotesquely carved with images of animals. All
these relics, show a condition advanced beyond the people,
called by us the Aborigines, who were the second, perhaps the
third, race which preceded us.
Along the south shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario,
are numerous ancient works; but of a character different from
those on the waters of the Ohio. There were two of them
within the limits of the city of Cleveland. A low mound
was visible within the last twenty years, on the lot at the
south east corner of Erie and Euclid streets. But the
mounds, embankments and ditches, throughout the lake country are
insignificant in size, in comparison with those in the southern
part of the State.
Most of those in New York and the northern part of
Ohio, are fortifications; while a large part of those farther
south were not designed for the purposes of war. Many of
the latter had reference to religious ceremonies and sacrifices,
probably of human beings.
[Page 34]
There is a wide belt of
country through central Ohio which is nearly destitute of
ancient works, as though there was a neutral tract, not occupied
by the ancient races. Those on the waters running
northerly into the lake, are generally in strong natural
positions. They may still be seen on the Maumee river,
above Toledo, and on the Sandusky, Huron and Black rivers.
A group of these enclosures existed at the forks of Huron river,
where the road crosses, about a mile and a half west of Norwalk.
As a sample of ancient forts in the lake country, I insert plans
of some of those which are not yet destroyed.
This consists of a
double line of breast works with ditches across the narrow part
of a peninsula, between two gullies, situated about three miles
south-easterly from the city, on the right of the road to
Newburg, on land heretofore owned by the late Dr. H. A.
Ackley. The position thus protected against an
assault, is a very strong one, where the attacking party should
not have projectiles of long range.
On three sides of this promontory, the land is abrupt
and slippery. It is very difficult of ascent, even without
artificial obstructions. Across the ravine, on all sides,
the land is upon a level with the
[Page 35]
enclosed space. The depth of the gully is
from fifty to seventy feet. About eighty rods to the east,
upon the level plain, is a mound ten feet high and sixty feet in
diameter. At the west end of the inner wall is a place for
a gateway or passage, to the interior.
Ancient Fort Newburg.
The height of the
embankment across the neck is two feet, and the enclosed area
contains about five acres. Perpetual springs of water
issue from the sides of the ravine at the surface of the blue
clay, as they do at Cleveland.
About six miles from the lake, on the eastern bluffs of
the Cuyahoga river, is a similar work that
[Page 36]
has but one line of embankment, with a ditch.
The bluffs are higher, but not quite as inaccessible as on the
ACKLEY farm. About the middle is an unexcavated
space across the ditch, but the breast work has no gap for an
Two miles farther up the river, on the same side, is a
third work, in the same style, similarly located, but enclosing
about twice as much space. The general figure of the
enclosure is very much like the one on ACKLEY's premises.
Two small branches head near each other at the upper end of two
ravines, from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet deep.
Across the neck are two parallels, which have been nearly
obliterated by cultivation. The inner parallel does not
appear to have been as high as the outer one, and between them
was a broad, but not a very deep ditch. A conspicuous
ditch was made on the outer side of the outer wall, from which,
no doubt, the earth was taken for the embankment. There
are no gateways in either of the walls.
A much stronger and more elaborate fortified position,
exists in Northfield, Summit County, on the river bluffs, two
miles west of the center.
A road leading west from the center to the river,
passes along a very narrow ridge, or "hogs back," between two
gullies, only wide enough for a highway. Before reaching
the river bluffs, this neck of land expands right and left,
where there is a level space of about two acres, elevated near
two hundred.
[Page 37]
of Northfield Co., Ohio
[Page 38]
feet above the canal and river. Where
this area begins to widen out on the land side, there are
two lines of banks, with exterior ditches, which are forty
feet apart, and extend across the neck, without entrances or
gateways. From the top of the breast work to the
bottom of the ditch, is now from four to five feet.
Mr. MILTON ARTHUR, the owner of the land stated, that
before the land was cultivated, a man standing on the ditch
could not look over the wall. ON all sides, the flat
land is bounded by gullies, eighty to one hundred feet deep,
except where it is joined to the ridge.
There is permanent water in the ravines. The
earth of the bluffs is so steep that it is subject to
slides. It is remarkable that there is, within this
area, another set of lines on the side towards the river,
reducing the fortified area to about one-half the space,
whose edges are at the bluffs. Two projecting points
are cut off by these lines, and left outside the works.
In this way, much of the natural strength of the position is
lost. At these places, there are pits, which are early
settlers of Northfield say were filled with water, and were
stoned around like wells. There are also two low
mounds, m, m, on the east side. Where the bluff
is not as steep as it is elsewhere, there is a parapet
thrown up at the crest. A part of the earth on the
north and west side, was taken from the inside, which
indicates a state of siege, or at least some
[Page 39]
pressing haste when this part of the line was
finished. Perhaps their enemies had gained a foot-hold in
the level space outside the lines.
On the west side of the river is another ancient
fortification, opposite this, and it is stated there is in the
township of Independence, on the bluffs, north of Tinkers
creek, near its mouth, another work of the same character.
There are no doubt others which are known to the inhabitants not
yet surveyed or described.
[Page 40]
[PICTURE of Enlarged profile on the line a,
A short distance east
of the village of Weymouth, in a bend of the Rocky River, is a
fortified point of land, with three lines of banks and ditches.
From the outer to the middle one is forty-two feet, and thence
to the inner parallel, thirty-eight feet. In 1850, the
outer and the inner lines were in the best condition. From
the top of the outer wall to the bottom of the ditch, is five
feet; of the middle
[Page 41]
one four feet, and the inside parallel six feet.
The excavations for the ditches reached to the slate. This
ground was selected by the first white settlers, for a burying
ground, but was abandoned because the soil is not deep enough
for graves. Around the bend in the river is a deep
channel, with vertical rocky walls, thirty to fifty feet high.
It is therefore, a very defensible position.
The length of this peninsula is three hundred feet,
from the inner parapet to the extreme front, and the distance
across the base, one hundred feet. There are no openings
or gateways through the parallels, and no breaks in the ditches.
The engineer who planned the works, must have provided for
passing over the embankment, into the enclosed space, by wooden
steps, that have perished. Near the village of Weymouth
are five small mounds, m, and within the fortress, one.
One-half mile east of the center of Granger, in the
same county, is a low circular enclosure, about three hundred
feet in diameter. It has a slight exterior ditch.
There is an opening for entrance on the north-west side, near
where the east and west road crosses the work. Two small
streams of living water pass along the sides of it. The
situation is low and flat, with a slight rise on the west, which
overlooks the interior of the enclosure. It possesses no
natural strength of position, and was doubtless designed for
other purposes than defence.
[Page 42]
On the west bank of
Grand river, about three miles east of Painesville, is a narrow
peninsula of soap stone and flags, which has been fortified by
the ancients. A tall growth of hemlock furnishes a
refreshing shade, to which the citizens resort for May-day
picnics, and Fourth of July celebrations. A small creek
runs outside the point, which is about 200 feet wide by 600 in
length, entering the river at the apex. The elevation is
from 40 to 60 feet above water level. At the extremity of
the point is a lower bench, across which is a low bank and
About 400 feet farther back from this are two parallels
across the peninsula, which are 86 feet apart. In
most places it is nine feet from the bottom of the ditches, to
the summit of the walls. All the ditches are on the
outside and are well preserved. There are very few places
where a party could climb up the soap stone cliffs, without the
aid of trees or ropes. The course of this projecting point
is east and west, joining the mainland on the wet. In this
direction there is higher land within 300 feet of the outer
[Page 43]
On the south side of
the creek above the village of Conneaut, in Ashtabula county, is
a detached mound of shale, about seventy feet high, which is
crowned with an ancient fortress, or strong-hold, represented in
the plan here inserted.
On the north side there
is a low bank of earth following the crest of the hill.
There is here no berme, or level space, outside of the
[Page 44]
On the south side, where the bluff is not as
steep and difficult of ascent as on the north, there is a ditch
between the parapet and the crest, as represented in the
profile, a, b. Outside of the ditch is a low bank
of the edge of the natural slope. Thus the side having the
least natural slope. Thus the side having the least
natural strength, was made stronger by art. It would be
almost impossible, for men to ascend the steep escarpment of
soap stone on the north. A narrow ridge of gentle ascent,
allows of an easy grade on the south-eastern side, where there
was in 1840, the remains of an ancient road.
This leads to the gateway at c, where there must
have been some obstructions of wood like a "porte cullis," which
the inmates could open and close at their pleasure. Why
there should have been an opening in the enclosing wall, at the
end next the river is not apparent. Within the enclosure,
embracing about five acres, the soil is black and rich, while it
is clayey and lean without. This is a common feature of
the old earth-works on Lake Erie. It indicates a lengthy
occupation of the place, by human beings. The ground
occupied by Indian villages in the north, is always more fertile
than the same soil outside of their towns.
In the valley of the creek, there is much good land
which the ancients no doubt cultivated. These strong
natural positions, resemble the fortified villages of the Moques,
on the waters of the Colorado;
[Page 45]
which were visited and described by Prof. J.
S. NEWBERRY in 1854.
If the North American Indians, had been found
intrenched in earth-works, when the whites first knew them; or
possessed traditions concerning them, we should attribute the
small forts which are upon the waters of Lake Erie, to them.
But I have not seen among descriptions of the early French
writers, any thing of the kind more permanent than pickets and