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I especially like this county because Annie had connections with the
Shook Family who are my ancestors. ~ SW
If you are interested in donating to Ohio Genealogy Express,
Please contact me, Sharon Wick

Did You Know?
Did you know that Annie Oakley (real name Phebe Moses) was
born Aug. 13, 1860 and died Nov. 3, 1926 in Greenville, Darke County,
Ohio? There is a memorial for her on Hwy 127 at Star, Ohio approx. 10 -
12 miles north of Greenville. There is an Annie Oakley Festival in
Greenville, Ohio on the last Full Weekend of July.


Darke County Courthouse
Greenville, Ohio
Darke County Probate Court
300 Garst Ave, # 2
Greenville, OH 45331
(937) 547-7345
