History of Delaware Co., Ohio
Publ. Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers
Delaware Twp. -
farmer; P. O. Delaware; son of Reuben Zeigler; he was born
Oct. 18, 1840, in Delaware Co., Ohio, on his present farm of 130
acres. He was married, Sept. 16, 1860, to Sarah A Bieber, a
daughter of George Bieber, a farmer of Pennsylvania; they
have seven children, all of whom are living––William, Anna,
Frederick, Alice, Luther H., Edward and John; Mr.
Zeigler takes an interest in the education of his children. He
and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church at Delaware, Ohio.
They have made god improvements on their farm; every necessary
convenience being upon it; especially praiseworthy is the improved
spring in daily use. Mr. Zeigler’s father was born in
Pennsylvania and came to Ohio in 1834, settling where Frederick
now lives; they had three children, two daughters and one son;
Mr. Zeigler is for-fortunate [sic] beyond the common lot
of humanity in being surrounded by all that makes life pleasant.
Source: History of Delaware
County and Ohio; Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers,
1880, p. 653
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
Delaware Twp. -
WILLIAM ZIMMER (deceased), was born in
Prussia, Germany, Feb. 1, 1824; in 1844, he, with his parents,
emigrated to America, landing in New York City; from there they came
to Ohio and located on a farm in Crawford Co.; here our subject
remained a short time, then went to Columbus and commenced to learn
his trade as a blacksmith, where he remained but a short time; then
traveled in different parts of the country, visiting New Orleans,
St. Louis and other points, returning to Columbus, and from there,
in 1853, moved to Delaware, where he first worked at his trade; in
1861, commenced the grocery business, on West Winter street, in a
house built by him; he carried on business here until his death,
which occurred May 9, 1877, having died with typhoid pneumonia and
inflammation of the bowels, leaving a wife and four children to
mourn his loss; he was known in the community and by all with whom
he had business, as a man of honor, commencing life a poor boy, and,
by hard work and good management, had accumulated a good property.
He married Catherine Bear, who was born in Germany, having
emigrated to America with her people when she was 13 years of age.
Source: History of Delaware Co., Ohio -
1880: Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers; 1880 -
Page 653 |
Liberty Twp. –
P. O. Hyattsville. The Zimmermans are of German descent, and
the younger portion of the family are natives of Pennsylvania, where
Jacob’s father, Henry, was born. Jacob was born
in Ross Co., Dec. 16, 1809, and moved to this county with his father
in the year 1823, and settled in this township, north of
Hyattsville, where the senior Zimmerman died in the fall of
1865; he was a participant in the war of 1812; Jacob had
limited school advantages; he remained with his parents until he was
of age, and, in his 22d year, was married to Mary Clark, born
in the township; after their marriage, they settled in this
township, where he bought fifty acres and engaged in farming; she
died fifteen years afterward, leaving two children––Israel
and Amanda. He was married a second time, to Eliza Lewis,
April 22, 1848; she was born in Berlin Township; they have seven
children––William C., Lavina (died in February, 1880),
Hattie S., Jay, Ida May, Harry and Lee. In 1862, he sold
out his place, and moved where he now lives, where he bought sixty
acres; Mr. Zimmerman, at the age of 20, went to learn the
shoemaker’s trade, in Pickaway Co., and worked at the same about
twelve years, during which he attended to his farming. He and wife
are members of the M. E. Church.
Source: History of Delaware
County and Ohio; Chicago: O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers,
1880, pp. 677-678
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |