patriotism of Delaware County is one of which we can be proud.
The bravery of her sons has been tested on hundreds of battle
fields. Many of the early settlers of the county were soldiers
in our great struggle for independence. This war, however,
occurred long before there were any settlements made in Delaware
County. When the Revolutionary War closed it found the
government weak and bankrupt and the soldiers who had fought for
liberty were forced to accept western lands in payment for long
years of military service. This brought many pioneers to the
western wilderness and particularly to Ohio, where large areas of
land were designated as "United States Military Lands" and "Virginia
Military Lands." The land on the east side of the Scioto
River being designated as the United States Military Lands and that
on the west side of the Scioto River, as the Virginia Military Land.
These lands were set apart for the benefit of the Revolutionary
soldiers by the United States Government. This caused many of
the old Revolutionary soldiers to settle in Delaware County.
Peace found them broken down in spirit and fortune and when lands
were offered to them in the West, they were ready to accept and to
move toward the setting sun. Such was the noble and warlike
stock which made up the early settlers of Delaware County. The
Revolutionary War and the causes which led to it arc familiar to all
our school children and require no special explanation in this
"Where are our sires, our noble
Those men of toil and early thought
Who lit our sacred vestal fires,
A heritage so dearly bought?"
"Ah! bright upon historic page,
Enrolled their names shall ever shine
With peerless lustre, age on age
Through bright'ning realm of coming time." |
following is a list of the soldiers of the Revolutionary War who
came to Delaware County and died within its bounds.
Adams, David, |
died and buried in Harlem
Township |
Bidlack, Philemon, |
died in 1844, aged 84 years,
buried at Sunbury |
Black, William, |
Concord Township; buried at
Millcreek Cemetery. |
Brown, Ezekiel, |
buried at Sunbury. |
Carpenter, Benjamin,
Judge, |
buried at Galen. |
Carpenter, Gilbert, Rev., |
brother of Benjamin,
buried at Galena. |
Carpenter, Nathan, |
Liberty Township, buried on
Carpenter farm. |
Clark, James, |
served seven years; buried at
Marlborough. |
Conklin, David, |
died in 1858, buried in
Orange Township. |
Conrad, Cline, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Curtis, John, Capt., |
taken for burial to Marietta. |
Hlilman, John, |
buried in Stark cemetery,
near Olive Green. |
Huff, John, |
died in 1848, aged 85, buried
at Sunbury. |
Jameson, Robert, |
buried in old cemetery,
Delaware. |
Kooken, James, |
founder of Bellepoint, buried
near Stratford. |
Lonbwell, James,
probably buried at Berkshire. |
Lott, Ebenezer,
buried in Stark cemetery,
near Olive Green. |
Martin, Jacob, |
died at Johnstown, Licking
County, aged 104, buried there. |
McNett, Adam, |
died 1848, aged 85, buried at
Sunbury. |
Monroe, Isaac, |
buried in Cole cemetery, near
Hyattsville. |
Morgan, Pelatiah, |
buried at Cheshire. |
Myers, ____, |
buried near Galena |
Paine, John, |
Scioto Township, buried in
Baptist cemetery. |
Potter, Joseph, |
buried in cemetery at Blue
Church. |
Rodgers, Bigsby, |
buried in Burnside cemetery,
south part of cemetery. |
Root, Azariah, |
burial place unknown. |
Smith, Daniel, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Smith, Solomon D., Col., |
buried in old cemetery,
Delaware. |
Spaulding, Abel, |
served in Vermont militia,
burial place unknown. |
Swartz, John, |
probably buried in Thompson
Township. |
Taylor, Daniel, |
died in 1853, aged 93, buried
at Sunbury. |
Van Dorn, Gilbert, |
probably buried at Van's
Valley. |
Warrington, John, |
on Washington's staff; buried
in Baptist cemetery. |
Wilcox, ____, |
buried at Norton cemetery. |
Williams, James, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Williams, Nehemiah, |
buried at Marlborough. |
WAR OF 1812.
In the War
of 1812 and the Indian wars of that period. Delaware County
contained a population of but a few hundred but they came forward
with the same lofty spirit of patriotism which has ever since
pervaded her sons and which characterized their Revolutionary sires.
There were some who had been present at the surrender of Cornwallis
and others who had been with Gates and Green in the
south, while many others were descendants of such heroic stock.
Two block houses had been built in the county for
defense from the Indians. One of these was situated near
Norton in the northern part of the county and the other just west of
Cheshire in the southern part. For fuller particulars
concerning these buildings and incidents connected with them, see
chapter on the Indian history of the county.
It was through the village of Delaware that one
division of Harrison's army marched on their way from Chillicothe to
Sandusky; having passed along what is new Sandusky Street and from
this incident the street received its name. Another division
passed on the west side of the Scioto and form this incident
received the name of Military Road. General Harrison
was with the division that marched through Delaware and as this was
the line of march between the north and the south it will account
for some of the incidents mentioned in what follows.
At what is known as Cole's cemetery, south of
Stratford, near and west of the Lentangy, in a lone grave, repose
the ashes of one of our real pioneers, a near relative of one of the
early presidents of the United States, who was with Washington at
Valley Forge and at the crossing of the Delaware River at Trenton;
that man's name as Leonard Monroe. In the shade of a
magnificent beech tree, which stood in another part of this same
God's acre, in a long but shallow grave, sleep half a score of
soldiers of the war of 1812-14, who perished while on their way to
their homes in the vicinity of Chillicothe. They were sick and
wounded members of General W. H. Harrison's army, who were
following a trail midway between the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers and
had stopped for the night under this tree. Weak from hunger
and wounds, scantily clothed, they were ill prepared to stand the
storm which stole upon them like a thief in the night, while they
slept and dreamed of home an their loved ones. Year midnight
it began to rain hard and grew intensely cold. The rain put
out all their fires, thoroughly wetting them. It was a night
like the one experienced by our Boys in Blue on New Year's eve in
'62 and '64, only much more severe. The result was that all
but the few vigorous and strong ones perished and were buried by
their surviving comrades in that lonely grave.
There is a tradition which is more than probable that
the army under General Harrison
camped for some time in Delaware. During this time an epidemic
prevailed and a number of old soldiers died and were buried near
where the Odovene Spring is now located. When the Big Four
Railroad was built it was necessary to remove these soldiers and the
[Page 380]
mains were gathered together without distinction and interred in one
grave in what is known as the old cemetery, and being unmarked have
never been removed.
"They sleep their last sleep,
They have fought their last battle;
No sound shall awake them to glory again." |
Charles, |
died 1853, aged 85, buried at
Sunbury. |
Adams, Elias, |
buried at Cheshire. |
Joel, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Israel, |
Berkshire cemetery; died
1868, aged 77; enlisted as substitute under another name. |
Bean, John, |
buried in Baptist cemetery at
Ostrander. |
Elisha, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Bixby, ____, |
buried in Burnside cemetery. |
Marshall, |
buried at Cheshire. |
William, |
buried in cemetery at Radnor. |
Robert, |
buried at Ashley. |
_____, |
buried at Ashley. |
Butt, Isaac, |
buried in Oller Cemetery |
Thomas, |
buried in cemetery of Blue
Church. |
Case, Ralph, |
died in Liberty Township,
aged 82, buried in Liberty cemetery. |
Peter, |
buried in cemetery of Blue
Church. |
George, |
member of Capt. Drake's
company, buried in Liberty cemetery. |
Cellar, John
F., |
member of Capt. Drake's
company, buried in Liberty cemetery. |
Robert, |
member of Capt. Drake's
company, buried in Liberty cemetery. |
Thomas McCoy, |
mem. Capt. Drake's company,
buried in Liberty cemetery. |
Elder, |
buried in Burnside cemetery. |
Cline, Henry, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Cole, Joseph, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Peter, |
buried in cemetery at Radnor. |
Weeks, |
buried in Burnside cemetery. |
Reuben, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Calvin, |
buried in Oak Grove cemetery |
Thomas, |
buried in Oak Grove cemetery. |
James W. |
father of James M., buried in
Oak Grove. |
Cross, Rail, |
buried at Ashley. |
Joseph, |
buried in Oak Grove. |
Joseph, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Marcus, |
buried at Galena. |
William, |
buried at Radnor. |
Joseph, |
born 1786, died 1863, buried
at Bokescreek. |
Moses, |
buried at Sunbury. |
Ralph, |
buried at Radnor. |
Michael |
born 1782, died 1849, buried
at Bokescreek. |
Dobson, John, |
buried at Oak Grove cemetery. |
Joseph, |
buried at Fairview. |
Samuel, |
buried in cemetery at Africa. |
Jacob, |
buried at Berkshire; born
1759, died 1843. |
Fisk, Claudis
L., |
buried at Ashley. |
Freese, John, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
James, |
buried in Liberty cemetery. |
John, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Hardin, John, |
played the fife six miles
without stopping; buried at Liberty. |
David, |
buried in cemetery at Olive
Green. |
Harter, John, |
buried at Oak Grove. |
James, |
buried at Cheshire. |
Jacky, |
buried in cemetery at Olive
Green. |
Hevelo, David
Stapleford, |
buried in cemetery at Old
Eden. |
Hill, Caleb, |
buried at Radnor |
Aaron, |
buried in cemetery at Olive
Green. |
Horner, John, |
buried at Olive Green. |
Heman, |
buried in cemetery at
Cheshire |
Joseph S., Rev. |
buried in Oak Grove cemetery. |
Hultz, Jesse, |
buried in cemetery at
Cheshire |
Hurlburt, Lee |
buried in cemetery at Africa. |
Isaac, |
buried in Oller cemetery. |
James, |
buried at Oller cemetery |
Jacobus, John
C. |
buried at Trenton. |
Robert, |
died 1876, aged 82, buried at
Sunbury |
Robert, |
buried at Oak Grove |
Zachariah, |
buried at Oak Grove |
David, |
buried at Olive Green. |
Abraham, |
buried at Radnor |
Kirk, John, |
buried at Bokescreek |
John, |
buried at Fairview |
Lawson, Peter
P., |
died 1852, buried in Oak
Grove cemetery |
Lewis, Dr.
John, |
buried at Cheshire. |
William, |
died March, 1848; buried in
Oak Grove |
Long, Daniel, |
buried in cemetery at
Millcreek |
Ralph, |
buried at Old Eden. |
Lott, Joseph, |
buried at Olive Green. |
John, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Main, Eleazer,
buried in Marlborough. |
Timothy, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Frank, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Benjamin, |
buried at Marlborough. |
Mather, ____, |
taught school in Delaware. |
McCoy, Robert
W., |
buried in Oak Grove cemetery |
Jeremiah, |
buried at Eversole, south of
G. I. H. |
Josiah, |
buried in cemetery at Liberty |
Forest, |
under Gen. Harrison; buried
in Oak Grove cemetery |
Leonard, |
the old Cole cemetery, south
of Stratford. |
Anthony, |
born 1772, died 1851, buried
in Newhouse cemetery. |
George, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Oller, Jacob,
buried in Oller cemetery. |
Martin, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Sylvester, |
died 1866, aged 83, buried at
Sunbury. |
Benjamin, |
died 1843, aged 68, buried at
Sunbury |
[Page 381]
Perry, Robert, |
buried at Radnor. |
Philips, John, |
buried at Radnor. |
Pierce, Joshua, Co., |
buried in Burnside cemetery. |
Piper, Adam, |
buried at Center Village |
Potter, Gilbert, |
buried in cemetery at Blue Church. |
Powers, Avery, |
killed by Indians near Sandusky. |
Randolph, Marsh, |
no record of burial place. |
Ray, Rowland, |
buried in Ollen cemetery.
- Sharon's note: (Prob. Oller cemetery) |
Rhodes, William, |
buried in Eversole cemetery, south of G. I.
H. |
Ripley, Thomas, |
buried at Radnor |
Roberts, Hezekiah, |
buried in Burnside cemetery. |
Ryant, John, |
buried at Cheshire. |
Salesbury, John, |
buried in Oller cemetery |
Salmon, Joohn, |
died Apr. 14, 1864. probably buried in Eden. |
Sewell, Henry, |
buried at Cheshire |
Shahan, Joshua, |
died in Belmont county. |
Sharp, William F., |
buried at arlborough. |
Slack, John, |
buried at Cheshire. |
Smead, Livingston, |
9th Va. Vol.; buried in Newhoues cemetery. |
Spaulding, Micah, |
buried at Marlborough |
Sprague, P., Col. |
buried in old cemetery, Delaware |
Stover, Bejamin F., |
burial place unknown. |
Stratton, Isaac, |
buried at Marlborough |
Swartz, Sebastian, |
died 1822, buried probably at cemetery near
Thompson. |
Swartz, Henry, |
probably buried in cemetery near Thompson
chapel. |
Van Deman, Henry, |
buried in Oak Grove at Delaware. |
Waldron, George, |
no record of burial |
Wheaton, Esquire, |
buried at Trenton. |
White, _____, |
no record of burial |
Williams, Hosea, |
Q. M. Dept.; buried in Oak Grove cemetery |
Woodstock, Cornelius, |
buried in cemetery at Blue Church. |
Worline, Adam, |
buried in old cemetery in Delaware. |
Worline, John, |
buried in Marlborough. |
Worline, Michael, |
buried at Marlborough. |
A number of
these old soldiers of 1812 are buried at what is known a Wyatt
cemetery, just over the northern line of Delaware County in Marion
County, who lived within the boundaries of this county but their
names could not and probably will never be obtained.
"A dirge for the brave old pioneers
The muffled drums resound!
Our warriors are slumbering here
Near to their battle-ground;
For not alone with beasts of prey,
The bloody strife they waged,
But foremost in the deadly fray.
Where savage combat raged." |
Two from
this county served in this war, namely Pinckney Lugenbeel and
Calvin T. Townley. Mr. Lugenbeel was the first to
receive an appointment as a cadet to the military school at West
Point. He graduated with honor in 1840 and after his graduation was
sent to take part in this conflict, serving later in the Mexican War.
Mr. Townley was in the U. S. Marine Corps.
After the
War of 1812 and the Indian wars accompanying it, the people of
Delaware County were no more disturbed until the Mexican War.
The circumstances which led to this contest resulted from the
admission of Texas into the American Union. The "Lone Star"
State, by which name this state had been known, was a province of
Mexico, had seceded, and for years its citizens had been carrying on
a guerrilla warfare with the mother country, with varying results.
In 1836 a battle had been fought in San Jacinto, at which Santa
Anna, dictator of Mexico, was captured and his whole army either
killed or made prisoners. Santa Anna was held in strict
confinement and finally signed a treaty acknowledging the
independence of Texas; but in violation of the treaty, the Republic
of Mexico treated Texas and its inhabitants just as she had
previously done. From this time on petitions were frequently
presented to the United States government, asking admission into the
Union. Mexico used every means possible to prevent the
admission by declaring that her reception would be regarded as a
cause for declaration of war, thinking thus to intimidate the United
State. In the presidential contest of 1844 between Clay
and Polk, the annexation of Texas was one of the leading
issues before the people. Mr. Polk favored the
admission and was elected and this was taken as a public declaration
on the subject. After this election Congress did not hesitate
to grant the petition of Texas, and on the first of March, 1845,
formally received her as a part of the United States. Mexico
at once broke off all relations with the United States and called
home her minister, which was equivalent to a declaration of war.
Congress immediately passed an act. authoriz-
[Page 382]
ing the president to accept the service of fifty thousand volunteers
and made an appropriation of ten millions of dollars to carry on the
The war feeling swept over the country and its
patriotism was aroused to the highest pitch of excitement. In the
call of the president
for fifty thousand men, Ohio was required to furnish three
regiments. Delaware County was ready to do her part.
Cincinnati was the
place of rendezvous.
Mr. Z. L. White, who is now vice-president of
the City National Bank at Columbus, Ohio, was one of the Mexican War
soldiers from Delaware County.
The following list of soldiers that served in the war
with Mexico, from Delaware County, includes the names of a few who
enlisted elsewhere, but became citizens of the county after the war:
Albright, Samuel. |
Bill, Daniel, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Bogan, J. M. C.,
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Borgan, Joseph |
Boyd, William, |
private in Capt. Hawkin's
ind. company. |
Brentwell, Isaac, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Brithartz, Lewis A., |
sergt., Co. B, Mounted
Infantry. |
Carpenter, Dorman,
private, Co. B, Mounted
Infantry. |
Clark, Lewis H. |
Crawford, A. J., |
private, Co. B, 1st O. V. I. |
Crawford, Thomas J., |
private, Co. B, 4th O. V. I. |
Cryder, George S., |
private in a Pen. regiment. |
Cutler, James, |
private, Co. E, 2nd U. S. I. |
Daily, Nathan, |
killed at the batttle of
Buena Vista |
Davis, John R. |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Deppen, Hiram, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Deppen, Lucius, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
DePugh, Calvin, |
enlisted in New York in U. S.
regulars. |
Foreman, Alfred, |
buried in Millcreek, Co. E,
4th O. V. I. |
Hanover, John, |
private in Co. F, and O. V.
I. |
Hay, Jaedgar, cob, |
enlisted in Col. Donephan's
command. |
Lawson, Oris |
Linder, Charles |
Linder, Jacob, |
Maddox, Bednigo, |
Moore, Abel,
2nd lieut. Co. E, 4th O. V.
I. |
Olds, Henry, |
private, Co. H, 2nd O. V. I. |
Osgood, Berard |
Parks, Tine, |
Powers, Hiram, |
member of the Texas Rangers |
Riddle, J. |
Rogers, Joseph, |
private Co. I, 1st O. V. I. |
Roman, Dorrence, |
Rose, Calvin, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Slife, Phillip, |
private in Capt. Duncan's
ind. Co |
Slife, Samuel, |
private in Capt. Duncan's
ind. Co. |
Smith, Lewis,
corp. in Co. B, U. S. Mounted
Riflemen. |
Taylor, George, |
private, Co. D, 2nd O. V. I. |
Trout, Amos, |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Trout, Joseph |
private, Co. E, 4th O. V. I. |
Wasson, William |
After the
war with Mexico, comes the War of the Rebellion, the greatest
struggle in the world's history, occurring in the years 1861 to '65.
Any history of Delaware County that did not contain some record of
this great struggle would not be complete. Nothing will be of
greater interest to coming generations than a true and faithful
account of the events of those five long and gloomy years.
"Armies met in the shock
Of war, with shout and groan, and clarion blast,
And the hoarse echoes of the thunder-gun." |
We owe it as
a duty to the soldiers who took part in this struggle to record and
preserve the leading facts and to preserve the names of the living
and dead who freely offered their lives for this cause.
Delaware County furnished about twenty-five hundred men
in this great struggle. They were represented in almost every
regiment that went from the State and in many regiments from other
states and in many regiment of United State troops, were the state
from which they had enlisted is not indicated.
In the first call for three months' service Delaware
County was largely represented. The first regiment in which
this county is represented, was the Fourth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry. It was organized in April, 1861, at Camp Jackson,
Columbus, under the old militia law of the state. This
regiment contained two full companies from Delaware County.
The first was Company C. which was recruited by Capt. James M.
Crawford. The officers were: James M. Crawford,
captain; Eugene Powell, first lieutenant; and Byron
Dolbear, second lieutenant. Lieutenant Powell
had recruited a sufficient number to form an
[Page 383]
other company, of which he was elected captain, and mustered in as
Company I.
A few days after the President's call for three years
men, a majority of the regiment, including almost the entire
companies of Captains Crawford and Powell
signified their willingness to enter the service for that period and
were mustered in for three years. The regiment endured
hard service and was engaged in many battles.
The Twentieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was the
next regiment in which Delaware County was represented. The
regiment was organized for three years service at Camp Chase, in
September 1861. Delaware County was represented by Company D,
which was recruited by C. H. McElroy to the number of fifty
men, with whom he reported to Col. Whitlesey and was assigned
as Company G and was mustered into service. V. T. Hills
was commissioned as second lieutenant, under which authority he
returned to Delaware and recruited the company to its full number
and the assignment was then made as Company D. C. H. McElroy
was elected captain, V. T. Hills, first lieutenant, and
Henry Sherman, second lieutenant.
The company soon became one of the best drilled in the
regiment and when the colors were received, they were assigned to
Company D.
After valiant service during the three years, the
original members, (except veterans) were mustered out and the
organization composed of veterans and recruits was retained in
service until July 15, 1865, when it was mustered out in accordance
with orders from the War Department.
The Twenty-sixth O.V. I.—The Twenty-sixth O. V. I.
contained much material from this county. Company C was
recruited largely in the vicinity of Ashley and was mustered into
the three years service in August. 1861. Jesse
Meredith was captain; E. A. Hicks,, first lieutenant; and
William Clark, second lieutenant.
This regiment bore a conspicuous and honorable part in
nearly all of the battles along the Tennessee and around
Chattanooga. The regiment was honorably discharged at the
close of the war.
The Twenty-eighth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and
Thirty-second regiments contained many members from Delaware
County, especially Company I of the Thirty-second, which was largely
recruited from this county, of which Jay Dyer was
captain. The Forty-third and Forty-eighth contained many men
also recruited in Delaware County.
The Sixty-sixth O. V. I.—This regiment was
organized under the President's second call for troops, and was
mustered into service on the seventeenth of December, 1861. It
contained two companies, E and K. from this county. It did
valiant service in the Army of the Cumberland and was with Sherman
on the march from "Atlanta to the sea."
The Eighty-second O. V. I.—This regiment drew
one company from Delaware County, namely, Company I, of which the
following were the first officers: George H. Purely, captain;
Alfred E. Lee, first lieutenant, and H. M. Latzenberger,
second lieutenant. On the thirty-first of December, 1861, the
regiment was mustered into the service with nine hundred and
sixty-eight men. Few regiments from this State performed
better service or did more hard fighting than the Eighty-second.
The Ninety-sixth O. V. I.—The Ninety-sixth
Regiment was organized at Camp Delaware, Aug. 19, 1862, to serve
three years. Two companies of this regiment were recruited in
Delaware County, namely, F and G. The first officers of
Company F were S. P. Weiser, captain; J. N. Dunlap,
first lieutenant, and H. C. Ashwell, second lieutenant; of
Company G, J. H. Kimball, captain: H. J. Jarvis, first
lieutenant; E. M. Eastman, second lieutenant. The
regiment did service along and west of the Mississippi, extending as
far as the southern cost of Texas. It was consolidated into a
battalion of five companies, Nov. 18, 1864, and on July 7. 1865, was
mustered out by order of the War Department.
The One Hundred and Twenty-first O. V. I —This
regiment was organized at Camp Dela
[Page 384]
ware, the old camp of the Ninety-sixth, in September, 1862.
Four companies were largely drawn from Delaware County - Companies
C. D. H. and K. This regiment did valiant service in the Army
of the Cumberland and particularly in all the battles in the
vicinity of
Chattanooga, Tennessee. The regiment was mustered out of
service June 8, 1865, by order of the War Department.
The One Hundred and Forty-fifth O. V. I. —In the
spring of 1864 the cry was "On to Richmond." A council of war
was held at Washington, in which the governors of Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois and Iowa took part. General Grant
desired seventy-five thousand more troops before beginning his march
to Richmond. The governor of Ohio, on returning home, called
into service the Ohio National Guard; these governors having pledged
to furnish seventy-five thousand troops within ten days for one
hundred days' service. The call was responded to with few
exceptions and all were on the field within the time designated.
Many of these men lived on farms and had made no plans for being
absent, and many of them were persons who had been exempted on
account of age or physical disability. The above regiment was
largely composed of Delaware County men. The regiment was
organized at Camp Chase on the twelfth of May, 1864, and was
immediately ordered to Washington City. Upon its arrival it
was assigned to General Augur for defense of
Washington. The service of the regiment consisted principally
of garrison and fatigue duty, in which, during the whole period, it
was constantly employed. It was drilled in both infantry and
heavy artillery tactics. Although not engaged in battle during
the term of service, it took the place of veteran soldiers who were
permitted to re-enforce General Grant in his advance
on Richmond. The regiment was mustered out at Camp Chase on
Aug. 23, 1864.
The One Hundred and Seventy-fourth O. V. I.
—This regiment was one of the last regiments raised in the State to
serve one year, and was composed largely of those who had
served in other regiments. This regiment and also the One
Hundred and Eighty-sixth numbered many soldiers in their ranks from
Delaware County.
The Eighteenth United States Regulars— This
regiment drew one full company and part of another from Delaware
County, both of which did valiant service during the entire war.
To find a complete record of this regiment, the reader is referred
to the roster of the United States troops.
Besides those who served in the infantry, a large
number served in various cavalry regiments of the State, reference
to which is made in the roster of Delaware County soldiers which
follows. Also a few from this county served in the navy,
record of which is also made. Quite a number from Delaware
County served in the Second Regiment of Ohio Heavy Artillery, and
some in the independent organizations.
Delaware County has been fruitful in producing men who
have become prominent in the history of our country. Four of
her sons became generals during the war of '61 to '65.
* *
MAJOR-GENERAL RUTHERFORD B. HAYES was born in Delaware, Oct. 4,
1822. He studied law with Thomas Sparrow at Columbus and
graduated from the law school at Harvard College. At the
outbreak of the Civil War he offered his services and was appointed
a major of the Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, June 7, 1861. He
was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, Nov. 4, 1861. On Oct. 15,
1862, be was promoted to colonel of the Ninety-second Regiment.
He distinguished himself by heroic conduct at the battle of
Winchester and was disabled at the battle of South Mountain.
For his gallant service in these and other battles he was appointed
brigadier-general. October, 1864. He had three horses
shot under him and was wounded four times. He served two years
in Congress, three times was elected governor of Ohio, and served
one term as President of the United States. The old Hayes
homestead still stands in Delaware on East William Street,
and should he preserved as a memorial for a heroic life.
[Page 385]
STARK ROSECRANS was a native of Delaware County. He was
born on a farm south of the Blue Church, in Kingston Township, Sept.
6, 1819. Young Rosecrans was possessed of great energy
of character and mainly through his own individual exertion e gained
admission into the Military Academy at West Point. At this
place he was known as a diligent student. After his graduation
he entered the Engineer Corp of the regular army as brevet second
lieutenant, and was assigned to duty at Fortress Monroe. After
serving in this capacity for a time, he resigned his position and
resided in Cincinnati until the breaking out of the Rebellion.
From the moment that war was declared, Rosecrans gave his
time and thoughts to no other subject. He devoted this time to
organizing and drilling the Home Guards against any sudden rush over
the border from the South. When Governor Dennison
appointed McClellan major-general of the Ohio militia, he
accepted the position of engineer on his staff and prepared a camp
for instruction of the volunteers that were now pouring into camp.
On June 9 he was commissioned chief engineer of the State and a few
days later was made colonel of the Twenty-third Ohio and assigned to
the command of Camp Chase. Four days afterwards, he received a
commission as brigadier-general in the United States army.
From this time the record of General Rosecrans is
familiar to all readers of the history of the great rebellion.
He died a few years ago and his remains were buried in Arlington
Heights overlooking the city of Washington, D. C. At this time
only a small monument marks his grave. Here we will leave him
and like many another deserving individual
"The flame
Has fallen, and iN lush and fitful gleams
Perchance have faded, but the living fires
Still glow beneath the ashes." |
* *
J. S. JONES was born in Champaign County, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1836.
Passing his boyhood days on the farm and attending the district
schools. Mar. 3, 1853, at the age of seventeen years he
entered the preparatory department of Ohio Wesleyan
University, applying himself to such manual labor as he could secure
about the town to defray the expenses of his college course.
was graduated in the scientific course, June 13, 1855, and then
turned his attention to the study of law. He prosecuted his
studies in the office of Powell & Van Deman at Delaware, and
was admitted to the Bar in 1857. When the dark cloud of the
Civil war cast its shadow over the national horizon in 1801, Mr.
Jones resigned his position to which he had been elected,
that of prosecuting attorney,
and enlisted on Apr. 16, of that year in Company C, 4th O. V. I.
He was soon elected first lieutenant of his company, his commission
dating from the date of his enlistment. He was in many battles
during the war. He was promoted to a captaincy in 1862.
He served as a member of the Legislature and in the congress of the
United States. On the twenty-seventh of June, 1865, he was
breveted brigadier-general for "gallant and meritorious service
during the war."
* *
POWELL was born in Delaware, Nov. 18, 1834. When
Lincoln made his first call for troops at the outbreak of the
war, he enlisted as a captain in the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
He served in this capacity until October, 1861, when he was made a
major in the same regiment. He was appointed
lieutenant-colonel of the One Hundred and Ninety-third and Mar. 13.
1865, was made brigadier-general. General Powell
remained in the army until the close of the war and on his
retirement. Secretary of War Stanton offered him. the
rank of major in the regular army, which he did not accept. He
held many positions of trust throughout his long and busy life.
He commanded the respect of all and numbered, throughout the State,
a large circle of sincere friends.
Of the minor
offices from that of colonel down, Delaware County furnished a large
[Page 386]
So far as diligent and
patient research could find the record, the following roster
presents the name of every soldier who went from Delaware County in
the War of '61-'65, and many who enlisted elsewhere but are now
living or have lived in the country. Where no other mention is
made, the enlistments were usually within the county. Where
the soldier is credited with veteran service the re-enlistment was
usually in the same regiment unless otherwise stated. Although
as our title indicates it is mainly composed of the rank and file of
those who fought and won our victories, it also includes general
staff and field officers, where such belong to the county. A
brief record of the Ohio regiments in which a company or more from
Delaware County served, has been given, and we believe the children
and children's children of the soldiers of the county have just
cause for pride in connecting their names with the roster by company
and regiment and the achievements of these troops. For a list
of the battles and engagements of the war in which these brave men
took part, we refer the reader to the many histories of the war.
In preparing this chapter, the writer, while sparing no effort to
make it a full and complete roster of Delaware county's troops in
the War of the Rebellion, is aware that many errors may be found and
some names not obtained. We believe our patrons, realizing the
magnitude of the work, will not be unduly critical, when such errors
occur. The chapter has grown beyond the limits expected and it
is believed the soldiers for whom it has been written will
appreciate the result obtained. The following is the key to
the abbreviations used in the roster:
A. C. - army corps.
A. D. C. - aide-de-camp.
Adjt. - adjutant.
App. - appointed.
Art. artillery.
Artif. - artificer.
Bat. - battery.
Batn. - battalion.
Bet. - between.
Brev. - brevetted.
Brig. - brigade.
Capt. - captain.
Cap. - captured.
Cav. - cavalry.
Co. - company and county.
Col. - colonel.
Com. - commissioned.
Comy. - commissary.
Corp. - corporal.
Consol. - consolidated.
Det. - detailed
Dis. - discharged.
Disab. - disability, disabled.
Div - division.
E. - enlisted.
Eng. - engineers.
Gen. - general.
H. A. - heavy artillery. |
Hd. Qtrs. - headquarters.
Hosp - hospital.
Indp. - independent.
Inf. - infantry.
Isl. - island.
L. A. - light artillery.
Lieut. - lientenant.
M. O. - mustered out.
Mt. - mountain.
Ord. - orderly.
Pro. - promoted.
Prov. - provost.
Q. M. - quartermaster.
Reg. - regiment, regimental.
Res. - resigned.
Sergt. - sergeant.
Squad. - squadron.
S. S. - sharpshooters.
Sta. - station.
Stew. - steward.
Trans. - transferred.
Twp. - township.
V. I. - volunteer infantry.
V. V. I. - veteran volunteer company.
V. C. - volunteer cavalry
V. V. C. - veteran volunteer cavalry.
Vet. - veteranized.
V. R. C. - veteran reserve corps. |
Elijah |
Co. A., 145th O. V. I. |
Abrams, John, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Abrams, Marion, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I.; |
died on hospital boat Jan. 13,
1863 |
Adams, Augustus, |
mem. "Berkshire
Gray Guards;" and Co. H., 145th O. V. I. |
Adams, Francis M., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Adams, Henry P., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Adams, Jesse, |
corp. Co. K, 121st O. V. I., |
died Aug. 12, 1869 |
Adams, John, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Adams, Joseph J., |
Co. A, 95th O. V. I.; |
disabled at Richmond, Ky. |
Adams, Milo S.,
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Adams, W. L.,
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Adkins, Charles I., |
Co. K, 27th O. V. I. |
Adkins, William H., |
Co. G, 48th Ind. V. I.; |
died 1863, Stone River, buried
there. |
Aigen, Stephen P., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I., |
trans. to inv. corps. |
Akum, Peter, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I.; |
mortally wounded at
Fredericksburg, Va. |
Akum, Samuel, |
Co. E, 46th O. V. Il; |
killed at Atlanta. |
Akum, William, |
Co. E, 3rd Mich. Cav. |
Aldrich, David, |
Co. C, 26th O. V.
I., and Co. C, 10th O. V. C. |
Aldrich, Davidson, |
Co. C. 26th O. V. I.; |
died in hosp., Charlestown, W.
Va. |
Aldrich, Jarvis, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I., |
killed at Chickamauga. |
Aldrich, John M., |
Co. A, 76th O. V. I. |
Aldrich, Nelson C., |
bat., 2nd O. V. H. A. |
Aldrich, Reuben, |
Co. C, 96th O. V. I. |
Alexander, George B., |
Co. F, 138th Ind. V. I. |
Alexander, Hosea W., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Alexander, Joseph C., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I., |
wounded at Culpepper C. H. |
Allbaugh, Felix, |
Co. C, 15th O. V. I. |
[Page 387]
Allen, Arrow B., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Allen, Frank, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Allen, Flavius, |
E. at Lancaster in an Ohio
regiment |
Allen, Herman W., |
hosp. steward 96th O. V. I.; |
died 1863 |
Allen, Heber, |
corp. Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Allen, Jacob, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Allen, John, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Aller, John, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Allison, Thomas, |
Co. H, 11st O. V. I. |
Alston, David, |
100th U. S. I. |
Anderson, Andrew ., |
lieut. Co. C, 4th
O. V. I.; Qm. 189th O. V. I. |
Anderson, Charles, |
127th O. V. I. |
Anderson, Gillis J., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Anderson, John A., |
1st Lieut. 187th O. V. I. |
Anderson, George, |
Qm 127th O. V. I. |
Anderson, Robert, |
sergt. Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Anderson, Samuel, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Anderson, William, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Andrews, John A., |
Co. B, 46th O. V. I.; |
died at Chattanooga |
Andrews, William G., |
Co. B, 46th O. V. I. |
Angell, Gideon C., |
Co. I, 11th Pa. Cav. |
Armstrong, Edson S., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Armstrong, George, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Armstrong, J. Hamilton, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Armstrong, J. S., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Armstrong, Jared E., |
Co. A, McLaughlin's Squadron |
Armstrong, Samuel, |
Co. E, 75th N. Y. V. I. |
Armstrong, Wm., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Arnold, Charles, |
sergt. Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Arnold, Gardner, |
Co. A, 31st O. V. I. |
Arnold, Irwin B., |
sergt. Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Arnold, John S., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Arnway, Nicholas, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Arthur, Anson, |
Co. D, 120th Cav. |
Arthur, F. T., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Arthur, Francis T., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Ashbrook, Welcome, |
Co. C, 15th O. V. I. |
Ashwell, Francis D., |
Co. E, 18th Ill. V. I. |
Ashwell, Henry C., |
in 3rd O. V. I.,
96th O. V. I. and Col. 145th O. V. I. |
Ashwell, Nelson, |
E. at age of 17,
Co. C, 82d O. V. I. |
Ashwell, Richard, |
Co. C, 145th O. V.
I. |
Askins, Addison, |
Co. C, 121st O. V.
I. |
Atkinson, David, |
Co. G, 96th O. V.
I. |
Atkinson, George, |
Co. D, 145th O. V.
I. |
Author, N. B., |
2d lieut. Co. B,
187th O. V. I. |
Axton, Thomas H., |
Co. A, 179th O. V. I., |
age 15 years |
Ayers, Jacob, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. E. |
age of 15 |
Ayers, John, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I., |
killed at Perrysville |
Ayers, Thomas, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Ayers, William, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Ayne, John J., |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Babbit, Cyrus B., |
Co. F, 1st Bat., 18th U. S. I. |
Bachelor, Bazil, |
Co. D, 92d O. V. I. |
Bacon, George, |
4th O. V. I. |
Bacon, William, |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Bagley, Adam, |
Co. C, 39th O. V. I. |
Bailer, Charles K., |
Co. A, 18th U. S. A. |
Bailer, William H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
(missing in action). |
Bailey, Albert C., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Baley, James, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Bailey, James, |
Co. B, 187th O. V. I. |
Bailey, Theodore F., |
Ind. Co. Union Light Guards |
Bailey, Thomas, |
133d O. V. I. |
Bailely, William, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Baker, Daniel, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Baker, Joseph, |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
I., and Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Baker, Robert, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Baker, Samuel, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Baldwin, Charles, |
Co. B, 55th O. V. I. |
Baldwin, L. S., |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Baldwin, S. H., |
sergt 48th O. V. I. |
Bancels, Solomon, |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Banker, Benjamin, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Banks, John, |
U. S. N. "The Ohio." |
Barber, Barnabus, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Barcus, James, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Barcus, Rufus, |
Co. G, 113th O. V. I. |
Bardwell, Alfred H., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Barker, Andrew, |
22d Ind. Bat. |
Barker, Bernard, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Barker, Orlando H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V.
I., and lieut. Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Barker, Robert M., |
sergt. Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Barkhurst, John W. F., |
Co. D, 51st O. V. I. |
Barley, Daniel, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Barnes, Abner, |
Bat. C, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Barnes, George, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Barnes, Henry, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Barnes, Homer, |
President's body guard |
Barnes, George W., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I.; |
died with measles |
Barnes, L. S., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Barnes, Wheeler, |
Co. F, 121st O. V. I. |
Barr, J. A., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Barr, James, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Barrett, James, |
Co. C, O. V. I.; |
killed at Resaca, Ga. |
Barrett, Joseph J., |
Co. B, 136th O. V. I. |
Barrett, William W., |
E. Sept. 15, 1861 |
Barry, Joshua, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Bartholomew, Chester, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I., |
killed at Kenesaw Mt. |
Bartlett, George, |
Co. C, 4th O. V.
I., and Co. C. 145th O. V. I. |
Barton, Andrew, |
Capt. Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Barton, Ebenezer, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Barton, Levi, |
Co. C, 88th O. V. I. |
Bassinger, John, |
capt. Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Battenfield, L. W., |
Bat. C, O. V. H. A. |
Battenfield, Milton, |
86th O. V. I., and 174th O. V.
I.; |
died Apr. 12, 1869. |
Bauman, Henry, |
Musician, Co. C, 15th U. S. I. |
Bater, George W., |
sergt. pro. lieut. Co. H, 63d
Ill. V. I. |
Baxter, Herod, |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Baxter, Philip D., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I.; |
starved to death in
Andersonville, 1864. |
Baxter, William, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I.; |
killed at Chickamauga. |
Bayers, George L., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Bayler, Charles K., |
Co. A, 18th U. S. I. |
Bayler, William H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Beach, theron A., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Beard, Eery, |
Co. G, 145th O. V. I. |
Beard, Roswell, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Beard, Truman, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
[Page 388]
Beatty, William, Jr., |
Co. E, 60th O. V. I. |
Beaver, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Beck, John G., |
Co. B, 14th N. Y. V. I. |
Beck, Thomas, |
Co. H, 186th O. V. I. |
Beckham, John, |
Co. I, 4th and Co.
H, 74th O. V. I. |
Beckley, Henry, |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Beckley, Samuel, |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Beckwith, James, |
Co. D, 27th O. V. I. |
Bedow, Benjamin, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Beddow, Garrett, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Bedford, M. S., |
Co. B, 157th O. V. I. |
Beach, James W., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Beecher, John, |
2d Bat. U. S. I. |
Beecher, Mordecai, |
Co. I, 18th U. S. I. |
Beiber, James, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Bell, Austin J., |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Bell, Emmett, Co., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Bell, Robert, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Bell, Stanley, |
Co. H, 85th O. V.
I., and Co. H., 174th O. V. I. |
Bell, Thomas B., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Bell, William, |
died during war, Concord Twp. |
Belta, Wm. G., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Benedict, A. F., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Benedict, Henry, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Benedict, Stephen, |
Co. D, 65th O. V. I. |
Benedict, William H., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Bennett, Emery A., |
Co. E, 1st Iowa V. C. |
Bennett, Ralph, |
Co. D, 95th O. V. I. |
Bennett, Russell B., |
Chaplain Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Bennett, Willard, |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Bensley, William, |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Benson, Nelson W., |
Co. C, 15th O. V. I. |
Bentley, E. E., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Benton, Alfred, |
Co. C, 1st Bat., 15th U. S. I. |
Benton, Benjamin |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Benton, Erastus, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Benton, Henry, |
Concord Twp. |
Benton, William, |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Bergstresser, George, |
sergt. Co. H, 63d Ill. |
Berlett, Johnston C., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Berry, James, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Berry, James B., |
Co. G, 74th O. V. I. |
Berry, Samuel, |
Co. B, 121st O. V. I. |
Berry, William G., |
Co. F, 136 Pa. V. I. |
Besse, Henry, |
ass't surg. 45th O.
V. I.; surg. 145th O. V. I. |
Besse, Marion |
Co. I, 88th O. V. I. |
Bethard, Charles W., |
Co. B, 187th O. V. I. |
Bevaa, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Bevil, Joseph, |
18th U. S. I. |
Bickett, Robert, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Bickle, David, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Bickle, T., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Biddle, Henry, |
Co. K, 111th O. V. I. |
Bieber, John |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Bierman, William H., |
Co. G, 48th Pa. V. I. |
Biglow, Henry C. |
Biglow, O. S., |
Co. V. Gov't Guards |
Bill, Daniel, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Billingsly, Robert, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Bird, Abner J., |
Co. F, 81st O. V. I. |
Birdsall, John, |
Co. C,, 4th O. V. I. |
Bishop, Brazilla, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Bishop, Alvin, |
Co. G, 187th O. V. I. |
Bishop, H. H., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Bishop, Henry, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Bishop, James D., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Bishop, Joseph C., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Bishop, Levi, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Black, G., |
3d O. V. I. |
Black, Franklin, |
2d lieut. Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Black, John, |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Black, Wilson, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Blackbury, Samuel |
Blackford, Gilbert M., |
Co. F. 147th O. V. I. |
Blackledge, Isaac, |
served in Ind. reg't; |
died during war. |
Blaine, Elam J., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Blaine, Samuel, |
Co. H, 76th O. V. I. |
Blaine, Solomon, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Blakelee, Henry H., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I. |
Bland, Silas W., |
Co. C, 49th O. V. I. |
Blaney, Edward, |
86th O. V. I.; |
died in service. |
Blaney, Henry C., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Blanpied, Sauren J., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Blauvelt, Alonzo L., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Blayney, Edwin R., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Blinn, Newton, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Blue, J. G., |
capt. Co. I, 3d O. V. I.; |
31 months a prisoner |
Blymyer, Chas. W., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Boardman, John E., |
Co. K, 175h Mich. V. I. |
Bockoven, Charles O., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Bockoven, William J., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I. |
Bogan, Joseph, |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Boham, Ephraim, |
Co. H, 2d O. V. I. |
Boham, George, |
Co. E, 18th U. S. I. |
Boham, George E., |
Co. __, 26th O. V.
I.; killed at Crab Orchard |
Bollinger, Jacob, |
Co. B, 48th O. V.
I., Co. D, 145th O. Vol. |
Bolton, Thomas, |
Co. H, 184th O. V. I.; |
died during war. |
Boone, Daniel, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Boone, John L., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Borden, George, |
Co. F, 90th O. V. I. |
Borey, Homer T., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Killed |
Boston, Andrew, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Boston, A. P., |
Co. D, 88th O. V. I. |
Boston, Henry, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Boston, John W., |
Co. F, 82d O. V. I. |
Boston, Solomon, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Boston, Thomas, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Boston, William, |
45th O. V. I. |
Boudel, George B., |
Co. H, 45th O. V. I. |
Bowdle, James F., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I. |
Bower, Jacob, |
5th Ohio Ind. Bat. |
Bower, Daniel, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Bower, Evans, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Bower, Jacob, |
Co. A, 176th O. V. I. |
Bower, Marcus, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Bowers, C. W., |
18th U. S. I. |
Bowers, David, . |
121st O. V. I |
Bowersmith, Isaac, |
corp. Co. I, 87th O. V. I. |
Bowman, J., |
Co. A, 5th O. V. I. |
Boyd, Bishop, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Bradley, T., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Brake, Joseph M., |
Co. D, 22d O. V. I. |
Bram, Michael, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Bratton, W. P., |
Co. D, 43d O. V. I. |
Brecht, Albert T., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Brecht, Johnson C., |
sergt. Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
[Page 389]
Breckinridge, George A., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I. |
Breece, Tobias C., |
Co. G, 125th O. V. I. |
Brewer, E. M., corp. |
Co. F, 14th O. V. I. |
Brewer, William, |
Co. F, 15th O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, Charles D., |
4th O. V. I., and capt. 174th
O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, George R., |
Co. K, 53d O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, Henry, |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, Israel, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, Joshua, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I., and 10th
O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, William F., |
Co. D, 141st O. V. I. |
Breyfogle, William D., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Bricker, Norman W., |
2d O. V. H. A. |
Bright, Joshua A., |
Co. F, 20th O. V. I. |
Bright, Samuel M., |
Chap. 155th O. V. I. |
Brooks, A. J., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brooks, Charles, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brooks, Cyrus C., |
Co. A, 178th O. V. I. |
Brooks, Rufus C., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brown, Albert, |
Co. A, 183d O. V. I. |
Brown, Beverly W., |
Co. K, 2d O. V. I. |
Brown, Daniel, |
Bat. C, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Brown, Emanuel, |
127th O. V. I. |
Brown, Fletcher L., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Brown, George W., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Brown, James, |
174th O. V. I. |
Brown, James B., |
capt. Co. B, 64th O. V. I. |
Brown, John A., |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Brown, Leonard, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Brown, Preston, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brown, Robert, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Brown, Samuel B., |
Co. F, 39th Wis. V. I. |
Brown, Thomas, |
Co. C, 1st U. S. V. |
Brown, William, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Brown, William W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Brown, Wilson, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Brown, W. T., |
Co. F, 13th O. V. I. |
Browning, Albert R., |
Co. C, 2d O. V. I. |
Browning, Jeremiah, |
Co. C, 50th Ill. V. I. |
Browning, Orrin, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Isaac, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Jeremiah, |
Co. K, 48th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, James, |
Co. G, 18th U. S.
I., and Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Joseph, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Reuben, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Samuel, |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I.; died at Youngs Point, La. |
Bruce, John, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I.; |
died in service. |
Bruner, Edward, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Brynds, James P., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Buchannon, Thomas, |
Co. F, 20th O. V. I. |
Buck, Andrew M., |
Co. D, 65th O. V. I. |
Bump, Winters M., |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Bunford, Thomas, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Burch, Adrial, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Burchbes, Titus, |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Burchiel, James, |
U. S. N. |
Burke, Freeman, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Burke, Mathew, |
Co. K, 62d Pa. V. I. |
Burkholder, Lorenzo M., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Burnett, Willard F., |
Co. K, 20th O. V.
I., and Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Burney, James N., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Burns, John, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Burns, Timothy, |
Co. M, 6th U. S. C. |
Burroughs, Albert, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Burroughs, Daniel, |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I., and Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Burroughs, E., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Burroughs, James W., |
121st O. V. I. |
Burroughs, Jerome W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Burroughs, John W., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Burton, John W., |
Co. G, 46th O. V. I. |
Burton, N. N., |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Bush, Lewis, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Butterfield, Sylvester, |
Co. E, 133d O. V. I. |
Butts, Charles E., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Butts, John F |
Co. K, and Co. I, 12th Pa. V.
I. |
Butts, Robert, |
Co. A, 179th O. V. I. |
Butts, Thomas, |
Co. E, 69th Pa., V. I. |
Buxton, Thomas, |
capt., 66th O. V. I. |
Byers, Alfred G., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Byers, John, |
Co. D, 1st O. V. I. |
Byers, John M., |
Co. B, Steward's Ind. Inf. |
Byers, Levi, |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Byers, Thomas M., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Cackler, Marion |
Co. G, 18th U. S. I. |
Cadwallader, Robert A., |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Cain, Charles, |
Co. D, 196th O. V. I. |
Campfield, Henry, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Campbell, Andrew J., |
Co. H, 10th W. Va. V. I., 2d
sergt. |
Campbell, David, |
61st N. Y. V. I. |
Campbell, Ransom, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Canaday, A., |
Co. A, 2d Bat. U. S. I. |
Canady, Monroe, |
15th U. S. I. |
Camfield, John Benj., |
Co. E, 41st O. V. I. |
Canfield, James, |
103d O. V. I. |
Canfield, Thomas, |
1st O. V. I.; died
in hospital at Chattanooga |
Cannon, Joshua, |
Co. E, 42d O. V. I. |
Cannon, Morgan, |
Co. E, 12th O. V. I. |
Cannon, William, |
Co. C, 49th O. V. I. |
Carhart, Lucius, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Carmichael, Albert, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Carnahan, John, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Carnes, Emmett, |
Co. G, 96thO. V.
I., and Co. A, 77th O. V. I. |
Carnes, Wm. F, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Carney, Thomas L., |
Co. F, 95th O. V.
I.; died at Young's Point |
Carpenter, Albert, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Augustine, |
served three years. |
Carpenter, Benjamin F. |
Co. I, 90th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Charles, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I |
Carpenter, Ezra, |
121st O. V. I.; |
died in hospital, Danille, Ky. |
Carpenter, George, |
Co. E, 17th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, George B., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Henry, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Carpenter, H. R., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, James, |
18th U. S. I.; |
died at Louisville |
Carpenter, John I., |
Co. F 96th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Johnson, |
Co. C, 32d O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Lafayette W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Carpenter, Newell E., |
Co. D, 27th O. V. I. |
[Page 390]
Carpenter, Thomas F., |
Co. D, 27th O. V. I. |
Carpenter, William, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Carr, Henry, |
Co K, 145th O. V. I. |
Carr, Albert, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Carr, Henry C., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Carr, Jacob, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Carr, Leander, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Carr, Peter C., |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Carr, P. N., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Carr, Solomon, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Carroll, John, |
Co. F, 17th O. V. I. |
Carson, Cicdero T., |
sergt., Co. K, 145th O. V. I., |
Carson, William W., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Carter, William, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Case, Cicero, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Case, George, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I.; |
died in Texas |
Case, G. W., |
corp., Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Case, F. M., |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Case, Henry |
Co. C, 66th Ill. V. I. |
Case, James H., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Case John S., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Case, Joseph H., |
66th O. V. I. |
Case, Josiah M., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Case, Lester W., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Case, Lewis A., |
Co. A, 18th U. S. I. |
Case, Oscar, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Case, Oscar I., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Case, Ralph, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Case, Thomas W., |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Case, William, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Caulkins, Albert J., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Caulkins, Christopher, |
2d lieut., Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Cave, Grattan B., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Cellar, Geroge C., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Cellar, John, capt. |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cellar, John A. F., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Cellar, John G. F., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cellar, Joseph A., |
15th U. S. I.; |
died aged 23 years. |
Cellar, Robert, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cellar, Thomas J. and Moses
H., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cellar, Wilson F., |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Chadwick, John, |
Co. C, 88th O. V. I. |
Chamberlain, James H., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Chamberlain, Oscar W., |
1st lieut., Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Chambers, Cyrus, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Chambers, Henry D., |
121st O. V. I. |
Chambers, Horatio G., |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Chambers, Nicholas, |
Co. F, 123 O. V. I. |
Chambers, William, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Chandler, Robert L., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Chandler, William S., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Chapman, John, |
Co. C, 85th O. V.
I., and Co. G, 88th O. V. I. Lieut. 180th |
Chase, O. C., |
Co. G, 136th O. V. I. |
Chase, Ottawa C., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Cherry, Burroughs, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cherry, William H., |
lieut., 63d O. V. I.; |
killed on railroad |
Clark, Andrew N., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Clark, Asberry, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Clark, Charles W., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Clark, Charles Wesley, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Clark, Cicero V., |
Co. C, 14th O. V. I. |
Clark, Elihu, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Clark, George, |
Co. K, 145th O. V.
I.; Co. E, 182d O. V. I. |
Clark, George H., |
Co. K, 55th O. V. I. |
Clark, Harrison, |
Co. D, 65 O. V. I. |
Clark, Isaac, |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I. |
Clark, Isaac F., |
sergt., Co. K, 45th O. V. I. |
Clark, Isaac O., |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Clark, Joab, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Clark, John, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Clark, John A., |
Co. I, 15th O. V. I. |
Clark, John M., |
Co. D, 65th O. V.
I., and 8th Regt. V. R. C. |
Clark, John W., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Clark, Lewis M., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
`` |
Clark, Patrick, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Clark, Thompson, |
Co. B, 46th O. V. I. |
Clark, William |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Clason, Marshall, |
capt., Co. B, 121st O. V. I. |
Clawson, Charles, |
Co. D, 15th U. S. A.; |
died at Andersonville. |
Clawson, James W. |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Clawson, Cornelius, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Cleary, Patrick, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Clement, Benjamin, |
Co. C, 113th O. V. I. |
Cleveland, Alexander B., |
Bat. H, 5th U. S. A. |
Cleveland, Silas H., |
Co. C, 145th O. V.
I. and Co. E, 32d O. V. I. |
Click, James, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Clifton, David, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Clifton, John, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Cline, Luther, |
Co. H, 127th O. V. I. |
Clink, R. B., |
Co. B, 43d O. V. I. |
Clippinger, W. C., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Clowson, Jesse A., |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Cobaugh, Carey W. |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Cochran, W. N., |
145th O. V. I.; |
died in service. |
Cockrell, James M., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Cockrell, William H., |
corp., Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Cole, C. W., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Cole, Charles W., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Cole, Elias, sergt. |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Cole, James, |
Co. C, 25th O. V. I.; |
accidentally killed. |
Cole, John M. |
died in service |
Cole, Marcellus, |
Co. D, 1st O. V. C. |
Cole, Mathias, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Cole, William, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Colflesh, Jacob C., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Coleflesh, Samuel C., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Collins, Timothy D, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Colton, Evan R., |
Co. G, 46th O. V. I. |
Commager, David H., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Compton, John R., |
Co. D, 24th O. V. I. |
Conant, R. B., |
Co. A, 20th O. V. I. |
Cone, John A., |
Co. C, 86th O. V.
I., 1st lieut. 145th O. V. I. |
Cone, Nelson W., |
capt., Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Conklin, Adam, |
Co. V, Gov't Guards |
Conklin, Cicero, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Conklin, David, |
Co. C, 15th U. S. I. |
Conklin, Henry, |
Co. C, 4th and 66th O. V. I. |
Conklin, John, |
5th O. I. C. |
Conklin, Martin, |
5th O. I. C., and
Co. D, 145th O. V. C. |
Conklin, Peter, |
3d O. V. I., and 15th U. S. I. |
Conn, Benjamin F., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Conrad, George B., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Conrad, John J., |
Co. A, McLaughlin's Squadron. |
Conrey, Stephen C., |
5th O. C. |
Conrey, Robert, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Constant, W. T., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Converse, George, |
Co. C 4th O. V. I. |
[Page 391]
Converse, John |
Conway, Ebenezer, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Conway, Joseph, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Conway, Lewis W., |
corp., Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Cook, Emmett, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Cook, Rodney R., |
e. at Delaware |
Cook, Rodney B., |
age 17, e. gunboat,
"The Nymph" No. 54, Miss. Squad |
Cook, Zepheniah, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Cooley, David, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Coomer, Alexander, |
Co. A, 30th Ind. |
Coomer, C. B., |
Co. C, 88th O. V. I. |
Coomer, Jerry E., |
capt., Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Cooper, Lavender, |
Co. E, 179th O. V. I. |
Cooper, John, |
e. at Delaware in an Ohio
regiment. |
Coover, Robert M., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Cooper, William, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Copeland, O. D., |
Co. K. 133d O. V. I. |
Corbin, George W., |
Co. D, 95th O. V. I. |
Corbin, James H., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Corbin, William D., |
Co. D, 95th O. V. I. |
Cork, Isaac, |
Co. H, 82d O. V. I. |
Corwin, Levi J., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Cosart, Thomas, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Cotton, Bryant, |
Co. B, 13th O. V. I. |
Courter, Emmons, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Courter, J. M., |
Co. H, 82d O. V. I. |
Courter, Pell T., |
Co. I, 4th and Co. E, 66th O.
V. I. |
Courter, Peter, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Courter, Ward C., |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Courtwright, Taylor, |
was on march to the sea. |
Cowan, Ambrose, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Cowgill, Daniel, |
sergt., Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Cowles, Charles, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Cowles, George W., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Cox, D. J., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Cox, John J., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Cox, John S., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Cox, Robert J., |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Cox, Thomas, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Cox, Thomas P., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Coyner, David H., Rev., |
chaplain at Camp Chase, 1865. |
Coyner, Harniss, |
Co. A, 128th O. V. I.; |
died on Johnson Island |
Coyner, William S., |
no record |
Crabb, Thomas W., |
sergt., Co. A, 61st O. V. I. |
Craig, James B., |
Co. D, 3d W. Va. V. C. |
Craig, Samuel F., |
brother of James B., in a W.
Va. regt. |
Crane, Reeese N., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Cratty, David G., |
1st lieut., Co. D, 145th O. V.
I. |
Cravens, Isaac M., |
Co. C, 2d O. H. A. |
Crawford, Charles D., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Crawford, George, |
8th Mo. V. I. |
Crawford, H., |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Crawford, Jas. M., |
capt., Co. C, 4th
O. V. I.; col. Col. D, 145th O. V. I.; col. 21st O. N. G. |
Crawford, John, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I.; |
killed at Miine Run, Va. |
Crawford, Stephen |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Crawford, William E., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Crego, Monroe, |
Co. B, 142d O. V. I. |
Crego, Isaac, |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I. |
Crickard, James, |
capt., Co. D, 82d O. V. I. |
Crider, John M., |
sergt., 96th O. V. I. |
Cring, Henry, |
Co. B, 103d O. V. I. |
Crist, A. C., |
Co. D, 136th O. V. I. |
Croak, James, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Croninger, Hosea W., |
88th O. V. I. |
Croninger, Peter, |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Cronkleton, James, Co. K, |
145th O. V. I. |
Cronkleton, Charles B., |
on gunboat "Queen City." |
Cronkleton, William, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Crow, Conrad, |
Co. D, 37th O. V. I. |
Crow, Joseph E., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Crow, Thomas B., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Crowell, John A., |
Co. C, 87th Pa. V. I. |
Crowell, Marion, |
Co. C, 60th O. V. I. |
Croy, Mathias, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Croy, William, |
Co. C, 131st O. V. I. |
Crozier, James, |
Co. E, 3d O. V. I. |
Cruikshank, Erwin P. |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Crumb, Sidney W., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Cullens, H. B., |
color sergt., Co. C,
121st O. V. I. |
Cummins, Orson, |
sergt., Coo. H, 145th O.
V. I. |
Cunard, Edward, |
Co. I, 3d O. V. I., capt.; |
killed at Perrysville. |
Cunningham, George W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Cunningham, James H., |
Co. C, 96th O. V. I. |
Cunningham, James S., |
Co. H, 184th O. V. I. |
Cunningham, James S. A., |
Co. C, 121st O. V.
I.; 96th and Co. A, 145th. |
Cunningham, Joseph M., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Cunningham, Oscar, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I., |
died of wound |
Curren, Edward, |
Co. B, 1st Ky. V. I. |
Curren, Henry, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Curren, Joseph, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Curren, Joseph F., |
Co. D, 20th; sergt. maj. 66th;
lieut. and adjut., O. V. I.; |
lost right arm, Petersburg, V.
R. C. |
Curry, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Curtin, John, |
Co. b, 23d O. V. I. |
Curtis, Albert F., |
Co. B, 111th N. Y. V. I. |
Curtis, Dwight C., |
U. S. Novy |
Curtis, J. C., |
Co. B, 111th N. Y. V. I. |
Cutled, William H., |
sergt., Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Cutler, William, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Dale, John, |
Co. B, 4th O. V. I. |
Dall, Alexander, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Daniel, Thomas E., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Darst, Milo J., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Dart, William T., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Davenport, John, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Davenport, Ralph, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Davey, John L., |
Co. G, 196th O. V. I. |
Davey, William, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
David, Thos. E., |
Co. A, 155th O. V. I. |
Davids, Benjamin F., |
Co. a, 145th O. V. I. |
Davidson, John E., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Davies, thomas, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Davis, Albert |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Davis, Bingham F., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Davis, Bazaleel J., |
Co. D, 145th, and Co. C, 186th
O. V. I. |
Davis, Charles P., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Davis, Cyrus J., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Davis, David, |
Co. # 66th O. V. I. |
Davis, George W. R., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Davis, Ira, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Davis, Jesse, |
Co. I, 1st U. S. Eng. |
Davis, Joseph, |
Co a, 179th O. V. I. |
[Page 392]
Davis, Joseph F., |
Co. I, 2d Me. V. C. |
[Page 393]
Eastman, E. M., |
capt. Co. A, 96th O. V. I. |
Eberhart, Peter, |
Co. D, 45th O. V. I. |
Eckels, Joseph C., |
Co. F, 194th O. V. I. |
Eckels, Samuel R., |
Co. A, 2d Bat., 18th U. S. I. |
Eddleblute, C. W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Eddleblute, Jacob, |
Co. I, 86th O. V. I. |
Eddleblute, John W., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Eddleblute, Lewis, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Eddy, Lorenzo, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Edelman, Anthony |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Edwards, C. M., |
2d O. I. bat. |
Edwards, Cornelius, |
Co. A, 69th O. V. I. |
Edward, Eli. |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Edwards, John R., |
Co. A, 179th O. V. I. |
Edwards, Joseph, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Elborn, William C., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Ellimaker, Fred, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Elliott, George N., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Elliott, Patrick N., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I.; |
mortally wounded at Grand
Coteau. |
Elsbree, Augustus C., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Elsbree, George F., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Biography |
Elsbree, Martin V., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Elzey, William H., |
Co. C, 10th O. V. I. |
Emerson, Asa, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Emerson, Silas, |
capt. Co. K, 121st O. V. I; |
died at Franklin, Tenn. |
Emmons, Nathaniel, |
musician Co. C, 63d O. V. I. |
Engel, Christian, |
Co. B, 186th O. V. I. |
Engle, John B., |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Erwin, Anderson, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Essig, Daniel, |
in Union service,
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Essig, William, |
Co. C, 186th, O. V.
I., 1st in Confederate army |
Estep, JOhn, |
Co. K, 45th O. V. I., |
age 17 |
Estep, Levi, |
121st O. V. I. |
Estep, Valentine, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Estep, William, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I.; |
shot at Nashville. |
Evans, Aaron, |
Co. C, 96th O. V. I. |
Evans, Alfred B., |
Co. B, 2d O. V. I. |
Evans, Bowen, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Evans, David, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Evans, Evan S., |
no record |
Evans, Francis, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Evans, James C., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Evans, John, |
Co. F, 91st Ill. V. I. |
Evans, John T., |
Co. C, 17th O. V.
I. and Co. C, 86th O. V. I.; E. 145th. |
Evans, Jonas G., |
Co. C, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Evans, Joseph, |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Evans, Zidick R., |
Co. A, 62d Ill. V. I. |
Everetts, George, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I.; |
died on steamer "J. C. Swan." |
Fahrion, Lew, |
bat. B, 1st O. V. L. A. |
Faris, George H., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Faris, G. W., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Faris, James H., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Faris, William H., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Farnsworth, Lorenzo D., |
Co. K, 45th O. V. I. |
Farrier, David G., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Farris, George, |
Co. H, 48th Ill. V. I. |
Faryman, Luke, |
Co. F, 181st O. V. I. |
Fauber, James H., |
Co. B, 53d Ind. V. V. I. |
Faucett, Ami, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Faulkner, James C., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Fawn, George, |
Co. I, 82nd O. V. I. |
Feaster, George, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Felky, Jacob, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Felky, James, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Fleky, Sidney, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Ferguson, James, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. 1st lieut. |
Feruson, James, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Ferguson, Joseph J., |
3d Ind. Bat. L. A. |
Ferguson, N. P., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Ferguson, William, |
Co. B, 78th O. V. I. |
Ferson, James, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Ferris, Cyrus, |
Co. E, 176th O. V. I. |
Ferris, George, |
Co. H, 48th Ill. V. I. |
Field, Marshall, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Field, Syre, |
Corp. Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Fielding, Alfred, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Fielding, James, |
Co. B, 146th O. V. I. |
Fields, Miller, |
34th Iowa V. I.; |
died of smallpox |
Filler, William, |
wa in service a short time from
Delaware. |
Fink, Fred, |
Bat. C, 2nd O. V. H. A. |
Finkham, Reuben, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Finley, J. D., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Finley, David A., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Firtch, John, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Fish, Solomon, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Fitzgerald, Daniel, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Fix, Jackson, |
3d O. V. V. C. |
Flagg, Dana, |
145th O. V. I.; |
died at Arlington H'ghts. |
Flagg, George, |
corp. Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Flagg, Melville C., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Flagg, William C., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Flemmer, Justin, |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Fletcher, John, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Fleckner, Henry, |
Co. A, 2nd bat. 18th U. S. I. |
Fleckner, John, |
3. near close of war; died in
hospital. |
Fleckner, William, |
4th O. V. I. and Co. A, 18th U.
S. I. |
Fleming, C. W., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Fleming, D. H., |
186th O. V. I. |
Fleming, J. L., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Fleming, Joseph D., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Fleming, Mathew C., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Fleming, M. H., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Fleming, Mathey C., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Fleming, Sidney, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Fleming, Thomas, |
Co. B, 43d O. V. I. |
Fleshman, Martin, |
18th U. S. I.; Co. H, 184th O.
V. I. |
Fleshman, McMillen, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Foreman, Edward, |
Co. K, 133d O. V. I. |
Foulk, Harry T., |
2nd bat. U. S. I. |
Foulk, George W., |
Co. A, 2nd bat. 18th U. S. I. |
Foulk, Jacob C.., |
Co. C, 2nd bat. 18th U. S. I. |
Foulk, Lafayette, |
Co. A, 2nd bat. 18th U. S. I. |
Foulk, Levi, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Foulk, Steward, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Fox, Steward, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Fox, Michael, |
Co. B, and Co. H, 48th O. V. I. |
Forsyth, George, |
Co. F, 18th U. S. I. |
Forsythe, William H., |
Co. D, 18th U. S. I. |
Fowler, James, |
Co. A, 2nd U. S. A. and lieut,
colored Co. |
Fowler, Sila W., |
Co. G, 136th O. V. I. |
Fox, Charles, |
Co. D, 39th N. J. V. I. |
Fraker, A. P., |
Co. A, 126th O. V. I. |
Fraker, Henry D., |
121st O. V. I. |
Frantz, Aaron, |
Co. I, 84th O. V.
I. and Co. E, 145th and Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Frantz, Charles, |
6th Ill. |
[Page 394]
Fravel, Abner, |
Bat.; 1st Ill. V. L. A. |
[Page 395]
Griffith, Chas. F., |
Co. G, 27th O. V. I. |
[Page 396]
Heiler, Elias, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
[Page 397]
Hummel, Henry, |
Co. K, 96th O. V. I. |
Humphreys, Harvey A., |
1st sergt. Co. K, 145th O. V.
I. |
Humphrey, Hezekiah H.. |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Humphrey, John H., |
col. Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Humphreys, Edward, |
Co. E, 96th O. V. I. |
Humphreys, Gibson, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Humphreys, Richard, |
4th O. V. I. and 86th O. V. I. |
Hunt, Milton, |
Co. E. 4th O. V. I. |
Huntley, Albert, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Huntley, Lvman S., |
sergt Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Huntley, Oscar F., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Hupp, George, |
Co. F, 121st O. V. I. |
Hupp, Harvey. |
Co. F, 65th O. V. I. |
Hurlburt, Noah, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Hurlburt, Robert F., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Hurley. William P., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Huston, Archibald, |
Co. A. 121st O. V. I. |
Huston, George W., |
corp. Co. C, 36th O. V. I. |
Huston, Joseph, |
Co. G, 46th O. V. I. |
Huston, Noah, |
Co. F, 181st O. V. I. |
Huston, Norman, |
Co. B, 18th U. S. I. |
Hutchis. Jasper N., |
Co. C, 133d O. V. I. |
Hyatt, Dr. E. H., |
capt. Co. A, 20th O. V. I. |
Hyatt, Servis, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Hyde, Frank C, |
32nd O. V. I. |
Hyde, Joshua M.. |
Co. C, 7th Ver. |
Hvde, Russell, |
capt. 32nd O. V. I.
at Harper's Ferry. |
Ingalls, Pearl P.. |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Ingham, Melville C, |
Co. G, 14th O. V. V. I. |
Ingle, Peter, |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I. |
Ingle, William, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Ingmire, Fernando B., |
18th O. Ind. Bat. |
Ingram, William, |
Co. D, 64th O. V. V. I. |
Inskeep, A. J., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Inskeep, Gustavus, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Irwin, D. S., |
Co. I, 32nd O. V. I. |
Irwin, Isaac, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Jackson. Benjamin, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Jackson, James W., |
Co.G, 96th O. V. I. |
Jackson, John, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Jackson, William H., |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Jacobus, John, |
Trenton tp. |
James, Alfred S., |
Co. F, 43rd O. V. I. |
James, John S., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
James, William, |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Jameson, George, |
11th O. V. I. and 66th O. V. I. |
Jarvis, Henry J., |
1st lieut., Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Jaycox, C. A. |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Jaycox, Ephraim |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, Charles M. |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, D. H., |
in Ohio regt.; starved to death
in Andersonville. |
Jaynes, Fred N., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, G. L., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, Herbert A. |
Co. H. 145th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, Seymour, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jaynes, Solomon, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jeffcott, Joseph, |
U. S. N. |
Jenkins, Benjamin A., |
Co. G, 187th O. V. I. |
Jenkins, David, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Jenkins, Erastus, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Jenkins, John W., |
Co. D, 83rd, O. V. I. |
Jenkins, Thomas, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Jennings, Benjamin, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Jennings, Edward, |
Co. H, 124h O. V. I. |
Jennings, Joseph, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Jennings, Reuben, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Jennings, Robert P., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Jennings, Simon H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Jewett, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
John, Williams, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Johnson, Alexander, |
Co. A, 18th U. S.
I. and Co. K, 145 O. V. I. |
Johnson, Amos, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Johnson, Charles B., |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Johnson, Clark, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Johnson, Daniel W. |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Johnson, Darwin, |
Co. B, 11th U. S. I. |
Johnson, Harrison, |
Co. E, 72nd Ill. V. I. |
Johnson, Joseph C., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Johnson, Levi, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Johnson, Robert, |
Co. A, 2nd Batn. 18th U. S. I. |
Johnson, Robert A., |
Co. F, 88th O. V. I. |
Johnson, Thomas, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Johnson, William A., |
Co. A, 88th Ill. V. I. |
Johnson, William C., |
996th O. V. I. |
Johnson, William C., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Johnston, Anthony, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Jolly, Aaron R., |
18th O. Ind. Bat. |
Jolly, Henry, |
18th O. Ind. Bat. |
Jones, Andrew R., |
Co. D, 131st O. V. I. |
Jones, Anthony, |
Co. A, 176th O. V. I. |
Jones, Benjamin, |
Co. B, 23d U. S. I. |
Jones, Charles L. |
1st Batn., Co. E,
Yates' S. S.; 64th Ill. V. V. I. |
Jones, David, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, David, Sr., |
Batn, I, 2nd O. V. H. A. |
Jones, David, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, David F., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Jones, D. F., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Jones, D. L., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Jones, Edward M., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Jones, Edward M., |
capt., Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, George W., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Jones, George W., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, Harry, |
145th O. V. I. |
Jones, Henry, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Jones, Hiram, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, Isaac, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Jones, Ishmael A., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, J. A., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, J. D., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, John, |
Co. H, 4th and 121st O. V. I. |
Jones, John S., |
1st lieut. Co. C,
4th O. V. I.; capt. Co. B; col. 174th O. V. I. |
Jones, Lawson, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Jones, Lewis, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, Martin, |
Co. A, 76th O. V. I. |
Jones, Nicholas, |
Co. C, 145 O. V. I. |
Jones, Samuel D., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Jones, Solomon, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, Thomas B., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, William, |
Co. F, 18th O. V. I. |
Jones, William T., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Jones, William W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Jones, Winfield S. |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Jones, W. W., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Jordan, Enos, |
Co. C, 2nd Batn. 18th U. S. I. |
Jordan, Henry, |
15th U. S. I. |
Jordan, James M. |
Co. F, 15th U. S. I. |
Joslyn, John H., |
Co. E, 133d O. V. I. |
Joy, M. F., |
Co. E, 145 O. V. I. |
Joyner, Robert J., |
18th U. S. I. |
Joyner, William T., |
49th O. V. M. |
[Page 398]
Julian, Samuel, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
[Page 399]
Lewis, Milo H., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
[Page 400]
Mayfield, Andrew, |
Co. C, 86th O. V.
I. and Union Light Guards |
[Page 401]
Moore, George, |
Co. G, 98th O. V. I. |
[Page 402]
Ostrander, Jacob, |
Co. , 20th; Co. C,
121st; Co. I, 69th O. V. I. |
Ott, George, |
Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Ousey, Edward, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Ousey, James, |
Batn. K, 2d V. H. A. |
Overturf, Wesley, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Oviatt, David W., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Owens, Thomas, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Owston, Charles V., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Owston, Henry H., |
Co. D, 14tth O. V. I. |
Owston, William H., |
Co. C, 45th O. V. I. |
Pace, Isaac, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Pace, James, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Pace, Nathan, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Paddock, Selvin, |
Co. H, 88th O. V. I. |
Page, Charles, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Page, Henry D., |
Co. H, 187th O. V. I. |
Page, Robert S., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Page, W. R. |
Co. F, 2d Batn. U. S. I. |
Palmer, David L., |
Co. F, U. S. V. V. |
Palmer, Charles, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I.; |
died in service. |
Palmer, O. H., |
Co. B, 16th Conn. V. I. |
Palmer, Roderick, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Parks, Cornelius, |
Co. C, 40th O. V. I. |
Parks, Henry P., |
Co. B, 125th Ill. V. I. |
Parks, Hoker E., |
Co. I, 46th O. V. I. |
Parks, John, |
Co. C, 40th O. V. I. |
Parks, Rose J., |
Co. M, 3d O. V. C.;
Co. G, 144th O. V. I. |
Parks, Sanford, |
Co. A, 88th O. V. I. |
Parnell, W. P., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Parry, Thomas L., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Patrick, George, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Patrick, John, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Patrick, Nathan E., |
Co. G, 96th O. V.
I.; co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Pattter, Charles B., |
43d O. V. I. |
Patterson, John, |
Co. B, 113th O. V. I. |
Patterson, Milo, |
corp. Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Patterson, Morrel, |
corp. Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Patterson, Hosea, |
regt. hand, 63d O. V. I. |
Patton, William B., |
Co. B, 121st O. V. I. |
Patton, William C., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Patrick, Charles M., |
surg. Co. I, 2d O. V. I. |
[Page 403]
Powers, Orrin, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Preston, George W., |
Co. M, 3d O. V. C. |
Preston, Thomas, |
Co. E, 21st O. V. I. |
Preston, T. H., |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Prichard, William E., |
Co. I, 2d O. H. A. |
Primmus, James B., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Prosser, William, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Pugh, James C., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Pugh, John H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Pugh, Richard, |
Co. D, 133d O. V. I. |
Purdy, George, |
capt. Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Pycroft, Frank G., |
Batn. E, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Pycroft, Gaylord, |
Batn. E, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Quackenbush, J. W., |
Co. C, 1st Mich. |
Quick, George W., |
Co. A, 99th O. V. I. |
Quinn, James, |
Co. H, 48th O. V. I. |
Rader, John, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Rader, Nicholas, |
sergt. Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Rains, James, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Rains, Lawrence, |
Co. B, 2d O. H. A. |
Rairiic, Joseph, |
Co. B, 78th O. V. I. |
Ralston, William, |
Co. A, McLaughlin's Squadron. |
Ramage, John J., |
Co. A, 121st O. V. I.; lieiut.
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Ramsey, James S., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Randall, Elmer, |
Co. D, 145h O. V. I. |
Randall, Elwood, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Randolph, Alfred, |
Co. D< 121st O. V. I. |
Randolph, Clarkson F., |
Co. E, 87th O. V. I., and Co.
E, 125th O. V. I. |
Randolph, Joseph F., |
Co. E, 87th O. V. I., and
musician Co. E, 125th O. V. I. |
[Page 404]
Rose, C. J., |
Co. G, 136th O. V. I. |
Rose, E. N., |
Co. F, 125th O. V. I. |
Rose, Thomas E., |
Co. I, 33d O. V. I. |
Rosecrans, Peter J., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Rosevelt, George W., |
capt. Co. K, 22d N. Y. State
Guards |
Rosevelt, Daniel S., |
Co. I, 57th O. V. I. |
Rosevelt, Stephen L., |
Co. G, 187th O. V. I. |
Ross, Daniel S., |
Co. I, 57th O. V. I. |
Ross, E. N., |
Co. F, 125th O. V. I. |
Ross, James, |
Co. B, 114th Tenn. Inf. |
Ross, John, |
2d O. V. H. A. |
Ross, John M., |
Co. E, 2d O. H. A. |
Ross, John P., |
81st O. V. I.; |
died at Corinth, aged 17 |
Ross, Robert L., |
Co. C, 10th O. V. C. |
Roush, Joseph, |
Co. G, O. V. I., and 18th Ind.
Bat. |
Roush, Martin, |
U. S. N. Miss. Squadron. |
Roush, Peter, |
Co. E, 4th Va. V.
I., and Co. I, 197th O. V. I. |
Row, Richmond, W., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Rowland, William R., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Rowlands, John T., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Rowlands, T. W., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Rowley, Francis, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Rowlings, William J., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Ruggles, Almond, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Ruggles, John, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Russell, Evan, |
Co. H, 88th O. V. I. |
Russell, George W., |
Co, 54th O. V. I. |
Rust, Henry s., |
Co. H, 145th, and
Co. I, 179th O. V. I. |
Rudder, G. B., |
Co. G, 201st Pa. V. I. |
Ryan, John, |
Co. K, 10th N. Y.
V. I., and Co. D, 145th O. V. I., and Co. D, 4th U. S. L. A. |
Ryant, Florence L., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Ryder, Edward A., |
Co. C, 3d Dd. V. I. |
Ryder, Granville, |
Co. B, 14th W. Va. I. |
Sabey, Martin, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Sackett, George L., |
corp. Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Sackett, James F., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Sackrider, Solomon, |
Co. F, 2d N. Y. C. |
Saeman, Christopher, |
Co. G, 97th O. V. I. |
Said, Abner, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Said, James, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Said, Simpson, |
co. H, 88th O. V. I. |
Sales, Aaron, |
Co. E, 48th O. V. I. |
Sales, Isaac, |
Co. E, 195th O. V. I.; |
died at Charleston, W. Va.,
1865 |
Sales, Simeon, |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Salisbury, James A., |
96th O. V. I., and Co. C, 145th
O. V. I. |
Salisbury, Lafayette, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Salisbury, L. T., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Salmon, John C., |
3 yrs in Ohio regt.; |
e. at 16 years of age. |
Sanborn, B. F., |
3 years in Ohio regt.; e. at 16
years of age. |
Sanders, Cyrus, |
co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Sauer, Joseph, |
Co. A, 159th O. V. I. |
Saunders, Edward, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Saunders, Edwin P., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Saunders, Edward, |
Co. H, 20th O. V. I. |
Sauter, Fred, |
no record, also in Mexican war. |
Savidge, William, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Sawyer, Samuel, |
Co. B, 2d O. H. A. |
Schaaf, Jacob A., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Schanck, Ephraim L., |
Co. H. 145th O. V. I. |
Schaub, Philip, |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Scheble, Joseph A., |
1st lieiut. Co. D, 121st O. V.
I. |
Schrock, Henry M., |
Co. H, 95th O. V. I. |
Schrock, Homer, |
Co. C, 133d O. V. I. |
Schrock, Joseph, |
Co. C, 133d O. V. I. |
Schrock, Vence, |
Co. C, 133d O. V. I. |
Schrock, William H., |
Co. A, 95th O. V. I. |
Schultz, George P., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Schultz, William H., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Schwartz, Nicholas, |
Co. G, 3d O. V. I. |
Scoby, Alfred, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Scott, Albert M., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Scott, Albert S., |
4th O. V. I.; Co. E, 31st O. V.
I. |
Scott, Henry G., |
Co. B, 31st O. V. I. |
Scott, James, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Scott, John, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Scott, Orlando M., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Scott, Thoms W., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Scoville, John D., |
Co. E, 31st O. V. I. |
Scoville, James L., |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Searles, Barney, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Searles, Theodore P., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Seattle, John, |
Co. A, 6th U. s. C. |
Seeley, Horze, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Seeley, Joseph, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Seeley, Luther, |
86th O. V. I., and 145th O. V.
I. |
Seeley, Robert, |
Co. H, 32d O. V. I. |
Seigfried, Jeremiah, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Seigfried, Levi, |
lieut. Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Seigfried, P. F., |
Co. E. 66th O. V. I. |
Selanders, Samuel R., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Selanders, Thaddeus F., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Selby, Manford, |
Co. E, 15th U. S. I., and Co.
H, 74th O. V. I. |
Sell, Henry W., |
Co. H, 209th Pa. V. I. |
Sells, Abraham H., |
Co. F, 95th O. V. I. |
Seyour, Albert M., |
Co. F, 3d O. V. I. |
Shade, Elijah, |
Co. H, 14th O. V. I. |
Shaffer, Edwin P., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Sheffer, George F., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Shaffer, Henry P., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Shaffer, John, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Shaffer, John H., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Shaffer, Joseph, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Shahan, Alfred, |
61st O. V. I. |
Shaner, Adam J., |
served in Ohio regt. from
Delaware County. |
Sharer, George W., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Sharer, John, |
Co. I, 145th O. V. I. |
Sharer, John, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Sharer, William, |
Co. B, 35th O. V. I. |
Sharp, Clinton, E., |
Co. A, 60th O. V. I. |
Sharp, John, |
lieut. co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Sharp, Samuel, |
capt. Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shaub, Henry A., |
sergt. Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Shaub, Samuel J., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I.; lieut. |
Shaw, Daniel M., |
capt. Co. F, 58th O. V. I. |
Shaw, Daniel M., |
capt. Co. F, 58th O. V. I. |
Shaw, David, |
Co. H, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Shaw, F. B., |
Co. I, 3d O. V. I. |
Shaw, George, |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Shaw, William, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Shearer, Barber, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Sheets, Ezra, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Sheets, Daniel, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Sheets, Jonathan, |
Co. B, 13th O. V. C. |
[Page 405]
Sheets, William H., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Sheldon, Henry G., |
Co. C, 7th O. V.
I.; capt. Co. D, 101st O. V. I. |
Sheldon, Horace, |
Co. A, 1st O. L. A. |
Sherman, Andrew J., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Sherman, David, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Sherman, David, |
capt., Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Sherman, Edward A., |
51st Ind. V. I. |
Sherman, Frank, |
Co. F, 9th O. V. C. |
Sherman, Henry, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Sherman, James, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Sherman, John R., |
51st Ind. V. I. |
Sherman, William S., |
Co. E, 178th O. V. I. |
Sherry, James P., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I.; |
e. at age of 17 year. |
Sherry, John H., |
15th U. S. I. |
Sherwood, James I., |
musician Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Shindollar David, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Shindollar, John, |
Co. B, 83d Ill. V. I. |
Shively, David, |
Co. E, O. H. A. |
Shively, John, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, Adam S., |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, DAvid, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, Frank, |
Co. C, 88th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, Francis, |
Gov't Guards |
Shoemaker, Jacob, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, John A., |
Co. B, 74th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, John W., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, Sidney, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, William H., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shoop, James N., |
Rev., Co. C, 64th O. V. I. |
Shoup, Joseph, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Showalter, James H., |
Co. C, 46th O. V. I. |
Shults, Emanuel, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shults, George W., |
Co. B, 121st O. V. I. |
Shults, William H., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Shumway, C., |
sergt. Co. C, 102d O. V. I. |
Shuster, George A., |
Bat. C, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Sibel, Henry T., |
Co. G, 6th U. S. C. |
Silverwood, Horace A., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Silverwood, Isaac N., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Silverwood, william F., |
Co. I, 5th O. V. I. |
Simmons, Isaac |
Co. A, 185th O. V. I. |
Simpson, James R., |
Co. C, 170th O. V. I. |
Simpson, John A., |
Co. G, 10th Conn. |
Simpson, Leslie, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Skates, William M., |
Co. G, 46th O. V. I. |
Skinner, Charles A., |
in an Ohio regt. |
Skinner, Cooper A., |
45th O. V. I. |
Skinner, Sidney M., |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Slack, Albert L., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Slack, Charles, |
Co. G, 6th U. S. C. |
Slack, elijah H., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Slack, Ezekiel D., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Slack, George, |
Co. c, 26th O. V. I. |
Slack, John B., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Slack Leroy P., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Slack, Lewis, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Slack, Pearson P., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Slack, William, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Slagle, Austin, |
Co. A, 113th O. V. I. |
Slagle, C. K., |
113th O. V. I. |
Slagle, Edwin, |
Co. A, 113th O. V. I. |
Slagle, Oliver; |
4 mos. in Ohio regt. |
Slain, Jacob, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Slane, Elias, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Slattery, Michael, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Slife, Philip, |
Cav. Licking Rangers |
Sloop, Eli, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Sloop, Harrison, |
in an Ohio regt.,
private sec'y to Gen. Banks |
Slough, Charles J., |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Slough, J. A., |
Co. #, 134th O. V. I. |
Sough, James S., |
4th O. V. I., and 118th Pa. V.
I. |
Slough, John W., |
Co. K, 17th O. V. I. |
Slough, William, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Smiley, Edwin M., |
Co. D, 27th O. V. I.,; |
killed |
Smart, Joseph W., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Smith, Abraham, |
Co. C, 10th Va. V. I. |
Smith, Adelbert, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Smith, Albert, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Smith, Albert R., |
Co. K, 121st O. V.
I., and Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Smith, Charles, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Smith, Charles E., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Smith, Charles W., |
lieut. Co. K, 5th O. V. I. |
Smith, Chauncey W., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Smith, David, |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Smith, George, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Smith, George B., |
Co. K, 16th Pa. V.
I., and Co. K, 84th Pa. V. I. |
Smith, George W., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Smith, George W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Smith, Herman C. |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Smith, Horace F., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Smith, Jacob B., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Smith, Jacob H., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Smith, J. W., |
surg. 13th O. V. I. |
Smith, John, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Smith, John L., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Smith, John M., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Smith, John O., |
Co. E, 33rd O. V. I. |
Smith, Lorenzo, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Smith, Lucius, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Smith, Lyman, |
in Mich. regt.; |
died in hospital |
Smith, Milton, |
served in Indiana regt. |
Smith, Newton, |
Co. A, 14th Ill. V. C. |
Smith, Oliver D., |
Co. I, 189th O. V. I. |
Smith, Orville D., |
Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Smith, Reuben P., |
in an Ohio regt. |
Smith, Robert W., |
Co. I, 3d O. V. I. |
Smith, William H., |
Co. D, 26th O. V. I. |
Smith, William, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Smith, William H. H., |
Co. D, 65th O. V. I. |
Smith, William N., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Smothers, Daniel, |
Co. F, 3d Batn. 18th U. S. A. |
Smothers, Martin, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Smothers, Milton L., |
Co. G, 145th O. V. I. |
Smothers, William, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Smithers, Milton L., |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Smothers, William L., |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Smythe, James, |
Co. D, 76th O. V. I. |
Snedeker, William H., |
Co. D, 9th O. V. C. |
Snider, Leonard, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Snodgrass, James, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Snodgrass, Samuel K., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Snoke, Amos, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Snyder, G. W., |
Co. H, 4th O. V. I. |
Snyder, James, |
Co. D, 167th O. V. I. |
Snyder, John, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Snyder, Lewis, |
died in service |
Sopher, Moses, |
Co. H, 174th O. V.
I., Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
[Page 406]
South, James, |
Co. B, 46th O. V. I. |
South, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Rufus E., |
Co. H, 136th O. V.
I. |
Spain, William D., |
Co. K, 96th O. V. I. |
Spaulding, John, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Spear, Anthony M., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Spear, George T., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Spear, James H., |
Co. D, 31st O. V. I. |
Spear, Leonidas, |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Spearman, John, |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Sponsler, Adam, |
Co. A, 10th O. V. C. |
Sprague, F. B., |
in an Oregon regt. |
Springer, James, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Staggers, Joseph, |
Co. H, 1st Iowa V. C. |
Stallman, Henry |
Co. H, 45th O. V. I. |
Standish, Bryan N., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Standish, John M., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Stanforth, George B., |
corp., Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Stanforth, Osborn, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Stanley, Milligan, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Stanley, William, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Stanley, William, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Stark, David A., |
2d lieut., Co. C, 96th O. V. I. |
Stark, Henry, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Stark, Selah, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Stark, Thomas E., |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Starr, M. L., |
ass't. surg. 145th O. V. I. |
Stayman, Frederick, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Steele, John M., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Steinmetz, Henry, |
Co. A, 178th O. V. I. |
Stelzer, Adam, |
Co. F, 133d O. V. I. |
Stephens, Andrew, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Stephens, Ariel L., |
Co. G, 140th O. V. I. |
Stephens, Ephraim, |
11th Iowa V. I. |
Stephens, James A., |
Co. B, 10th O. C. |
Stephens, John, |
Co. H, 82d O. V. I. |
Stephens, Thomas, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Stephens, William, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Stephens, William, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Sterner, A. H., |
Co. C, 196th Pa. V.
I., and Co. K, 194th Pa. V. I. |
Sterritt, Mathew D., |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Stevens, Edward, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Stevens, George, |
Co. F, 76th O. V. I. |
Steward, Abram, |
Co. B, 76th O. V. I. |
Steward, George F., |
1st sergt., Co. A, 1st Pa. V. I. |
Steward, Wesley C., |
Co. H, 14th O. V. I. |
Steward, William H., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Stewart, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Stickney, Joshua, |
Co. B, 86th O. V.
I., and Co. B, 47th O. V. V. I. |
Stiers, John, |
Trenton Twp. |
Stids, Thomas, |
Co. G, 46th O. V. I. |
Stiles, A. W., |
Co. E, 6th O. V. I. |
Stiles, Edward J., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Stiles, George P., |
e. at Cincinnati in an Ohio
regt. |
Stiles Edwad J., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Stiles, Seymour A., |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Stilley, Benjamin F., |
Co. G, 20th O. V. I. |
Stilley, Robert T., |
Co. B, 96th O. V. I. |
Stimmel, Charles F., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Stimmel, John A., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Stiner, Abraham, |
Co. F, 9th O. V. I. |
Stockard, H. L., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Stockard, William R., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Stockman, E. G., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Stockwell, Emerson, |
15th U. S. I.; |
died in service |
Stokes, Benjamin F., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Stokes, George, |
Co. B, Col. Brownlow's regt. |
Stone, Alvin, |
Co. K, 96th O. V. I. |
Stoner, Robert S., |
Co. B, 76th Pa. |
Stottlemyer, Daniel, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Stoughton, Alvin, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Straight, Henry J., |
Co. A, 31st O. V. I. |
Stratton, Alexander, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Stratton, C. B., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Stratton, William W., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Strauser, George, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Strawser, George, |
96th O. V. I. |
Strickler, Abraham, |
47th Ind. V. I. |
Strickler, George W., |
163rd O. V. I. |
Strickler, John, |
Co. I, 1st O. V. I.; |
died in service |
Strickler, Jonas, |
served in Calif. regt. |
Strickler, William,
musician, 63d O. V. I. |
Strimple, Francis L., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Strine, Jacob, |
Co. E, 38th O. V. I. |
Strohm, John H., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Strong, Daniel G., |
chaplain, 4th O. V. I. |
Strong, Lewis, |
Inland Navy |
Stultz, Christopher, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Stults, Harrison, |
Co. C, 181st O. V. I. |
Stump, Jacob A., |
Co. G, 45th O. V. I. |
Styer, George, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Sullivan, Daniel, |
Co. A, 50th O. V. I. |
Sults, Peter, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Sunderland, James D., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Sutler, John, |
Co. H, 6th U. S. C. |
Sutton, Henry S., |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Sutton, William G., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I. |
Swarts, Abraham, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Swarts, Joseph, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Swartz, David, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Swartz, Eli, |
Co. F, 46th O. V. I. |
Swartz, Jacob, |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Swearingin, John |
Co. G, 18th O. V. I. |
Sweetland, Abijah W., |
Co. C, 145th O. V.
I. |
Sweetland, Hannah P., |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Sweigheimer, John J., |
Co. I, 54th O. V. I. |
Swick, David F., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Swick, Henry M., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Swick, Jacob, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Swope, Henry M., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Tailor, Martin B., |
Co. G, 14th Va. V. I. |
Tallman, William H. H., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Taylor, Adam, |
Co. E, 30 O. V. I. |
Taylor, Adam H., |
4th O. V. I. |
Taylor, Elam, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Taylor, George A., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Taylor, Henry W., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Taylor, Joel B., |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Taylor, M. C., |
Co. B, 37th Bat. |
Taylor, R. S., |
Co. A, 5th U. S. C. |
Taylor, W. T., |
Co. G, 14th O. V. I. |
Terrell, Samuel, |
Co. A, 179th O. V. I. |
Terrill, Dayton M., |
Co. C, 186th O. V. I. |
Tharp, Job, |
Co. H, 71st O. V. I. |
Thoman, Henry K, |
Co. K, 17th O. V. I. |
Thomas, David, |
Co. C, 1st lieut. Co. D, 14th
Ky., and Co. A, 14th Ky. |
Thomas, David H., |
capt., Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Jonathan, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, John H., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
[Page 407]
Thomas, John H., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, John W. |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Joseph E., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Nasal, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Philo, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Stephen, |
Co. A, 145 O. V. I. |
Thomas, Ural, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, Wesley, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Thomas, William J., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Thornburg, Nathan, |
43d O. V. I. |
Thompson, H. V. B., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Thompson, John, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Thompson, Milton S., |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Thompson, Solomon W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Thompson, Stephen, |
Co. G, 88th O. V. I. |
Thompson, William, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I.; |
died in hosp. Jan., 1863. |
Thompson, William, |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I.; |
died since war. |
Thrall, Azra, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Thrall, Irwin, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Thrall, Lewis L., |
Co. B, 142d O. V. I. |
Thrall, Stephen P., |
Co. B, 20th O. V. I. |
Thurston, Charles G., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Thurston, George A., |
Co. C, 2d O. V. I. |
Tiebout, William H., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Tipton, David, musician, |
Co. F, 63d O. V. I. |
Tipton, George W., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Tipton, Samuel, |
Co. C, 45th O. V. I. |
Toatler, George, |
Co. H., 48th O. V. I. |
Tone, Lafayette, |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Topliff, Charles W., |
musician., Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Torrence, George B., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Torrance, Samuel W.,
sergt., Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Townley, Hart, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
died in service |
Townley, William W., |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Tracy, Jona. |
U. S. Gunboat, "U. S. Grant." |
Traxler, Elias, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Traxler, John W., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Traxler, William, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Trickey, Christopher, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Trout, Isaac H., |
Co. L, 7th Pa. Cal. |
Troutman, Daniel, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Troutman, John, |
regt band, 63d O. V. I. |
Trumbull, Henry, |
Co. D, 15th U. S. I. |
Trumbull, Leonard, |
Co. D, 15th U. S. I.; |
died in service |
Trumbull, Oliver, |
Co. H, 178th Ky. V. I. |
Trumbull, Oliver P., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Tuller, arwin, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Tuller, Edgar P., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Tuller, Erwin, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Turner, N. E., |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Tuttle, Albert, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I. |
Tyler, James L., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Ufferman, Peter, |
Co. C, 14tth O. V. I. |
Ulrey, Charles M., |
7th U. S. C. |
Underwood, Amos W., |
Co. F, 3d Pa. V. C. |
Utley, J., |
75th Ill. V. I. |
Utter, Andrew, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Utter, Joseph E., |
Co. G, 171st Pa. V. I. |
Utz, Alexander R., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Utz, John F., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Vanata, George W., |
Co. E, 96th O. V. I. |
VanBrimmer, William, |
Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Van Brimmer, John, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Vance, Edward J., |
Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Vance, James N., |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Van Deman, John D., |
2d lieut., Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
VanDruff, David A., |
Co. A, 6th O. V. I.; |
died in service |
Van Fleet, Marritt, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Van Horn, Giarad, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Van Horn, James J., |
col., 8th U. S. I. |
Van Houton, C. W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Van Wormer, Abraham, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Van Wormer, Frank, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Veal, Robert, |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Veer, Andrew A., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Veley, John, |
Co. C, 14th O. V. I. |
Veley, Milo, |
Co. A, 48th Ill. V. I. |
Vining, Benjamin, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Vining, Charles, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Vining, Charles C., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Vining, E. C., |
Co. C, 86th O. V. I., 1st
lieut. |
Vining, Reuben, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Vining, Reuben, |
3d Ill. V. I. |
Vining, Rufus, |
Co. E, 145th O. V. I. |
Vining, Thomas P., |
Batn. C, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Vought, Isaac H., |
Co. B, 48th O. V.
I., and Co. B, 83d O. V. I. |
Vought, Isaac, |
corp., Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Vought, John F., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Waggy, William, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Wagner, David, |
Co. G, 14th Ill. C. |
Wait, Addison, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Walbert, Benevel, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Walbert, Isaac, |
e. in Ohio regt. |
Walbert, William, |
47th Pa. V. I. |
Waldo, Marvin H., |
e. in Ohio inf. regt. |
Waldron, Cornelius, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Walker, Alexander, |
C. D, 119th Ky. V. I. |
Walker, Augustus P., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Walker, Charles, |
in an Ohio regt.; killed at
Dumfries, Virginia |
Walker, John W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V. I. |
Wallace, James, |
Co. D, 20th O. V.
I., Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Wallace, John, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Wallace, John, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Wallam, Andrew, |
corp., Co. E, 30th O. V. I.; |
killed at Kenesaw Mt. |
Wallin, John, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Wander, Joseph, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Ward, H. L., |
Co. C, 176th O. V. I. |
Ward, I. H., |
Co. C, 26th O. V. I. |
Ward, Philimon, |
Co. H, 145th O. V. I. |
Ward, Samuel, |
Co. D, 121st O. V. I. |
Ward, Uriah H., |
Co. F, 1st U. S. A. |
Ward, William J., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Warner, Elijah, |
capt., Co. E, 30th O. V. I. |
Warner, Thames C., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Warner, Joseph, |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Warner, Josiah, |
Co. G, 96th O. V. I. |
Warner, Martin, |
Co. D,197th O. V. I. |
Warner, Milton, |
Co. C, 170th O. V. I. |
Warner, William H., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I.; capt. Co.
B, 48th O. V. I. |
Wasson, J. W., |
Co. B, 48th O. V. I. |
Waterfield, George, |
18th U. S. I. |
Waterhouse, J. P., |
138th O. V. I. |
Waterman, William, |
Co. B, 95th O. V. I. |
Waters, Benjamin F., |
Co. K, 121st O. V. I. |
Watkins, Edward J., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
[Page 408]
Watkins, Izastus, |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Watkins, John H., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Watkins, John W., |
capt., Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Watkins, John W., |
Co. A, 145th O. V.
I. |
Watkins, Nathaniel D., |
Co. D, 145th O. V. I. |
Watson, George B., |
sergt., Co. I, 3d O. V. C.; pro.
lieut. |
Watson, Robert A., |
Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Watson, Thomas C., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Watters, James, |
in Ind. regt.; |
killed at Stone River |
Watters, Lyman J., |
Co. G, 18th O. V. I. |
Watters, Wesley, |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Weaver, Alfred, |
Co. H, 11th . V. R. C. |
Weaver, Andrew P. |
sergt., 7th O. Ind. Bat. |
Weaver, Benjamin, |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Weaver, John H., |
Co. C, 121st O. V. I. |
Webb, Joseph P., |
sergt. maj., 7th O. V. I.; |
killed at Manchester, Va. |
Webb, Martin, |
Co. K, 66th O. V. I. |
Webster, Charles W., |
Co. F, 121st O. V.
I. |
Webster, George P., |
Co. E, 66th O. V. I. |
Webster, Joseph P., |
Co. F, 996th O. V. I. |
Webster, William B., |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
V. I. |
Webster, William H., |
Co. F, 96th O. V. I. |
Weeks, James H., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Weeks, O. F., |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Weeks, Seth, |
2d Batn. 18th U. S. I.; |
died in service |
Weiser, Albert, |
63d O. V. I.; Co.
F, 96th O. V. I. |
Weiser, Charles, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I. |
Weiser, Christian, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I. |
Weiser, John, |
Co. I, 82d Co. K,
4th O. V. I. |
Weiser, Noah, |
Co. C, 67th Co. K,
4th O. V. I. |
Weiser, Philip, |
Co. E, 32d O. V. I. |
Weiser, Solomon B., |
capt., Co. F, 96th
O. V. I. |
Welch, Byron L., |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Welch, Girard, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Welch, George, |
Co. G, 88th O. V.
I. |
Welch, Henry A., |
Co. E, 84th O. V.
I. |
Welch, L. Byron, |
corp., Co. E, 145th
O. V. I. |
Welch, Peter, |
Co. H, 174th O. V.
I. |
Welch, William, |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I. |
Welch, William, |
Co. D, 20th O. V.
I. |
Welch, William, |
Co. A, 179th O. V.
I. |
Welch, W. O., |
Co. E, 145th O. V.
I. |
Welchhauns, Henry, |
Co. I, 8d O. V. I. |
Welker, Charles, |
Co. G, 8th O. V. I. |
Welkins, Elmas F., |
Co. C, 26th O. V.
I. |
Weller, Elias H., |
63d regt. band |
Wells, Edwin R., |
Co. G, 45th O. V.
I. |
Wells, Griffin, |
Co. H, 121st O. V.
I. |
Wells, Milton A., |
Co. F, 43d O. V. I. |
Wells, Milton D., |
121st O. V. I. |
Wells, Robert A., |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
I. |
Wells, Samuel, |
Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
West, William H., |
Co. C, 26th O. V.
I. |
Westbrook, Albert E., |
surg., 106th O. V.
I. |
Westenhaver, S. B., |
Co. D, 20th O. V.
I. |
Westlake, Samuel R., |
Co. K, 96th O. V.
I. |
Wetson, Hugh S., |
Co. D, 20th O. V.
I. |
Wett, Jona, |
Co. E, 2d O. H. A. |
Wharton, John, |
Co. C, 154th O. V.
I. |
Wheeler, G. L., |
Co. K, 3d O. V. C. |
Wheeler, Herman J., |
Co. D, 121st O. V.
I. |
Wherry, John, Co. H, |
174th O. V. I. |
Whipple, Lewis, |
Co. D, 121st O. V.
I. |
Whitcraft, John H., |
Co. K, 145th O. V.
I. |
White, Albert, |
Bat. E, 2d O. V. H.
A. |
White, Armidon, |
Co. A, 18th U. S.
I. |
White, George, |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I. |
White, George W., |
Co. C, 186th O. V.
I. |
White, Isaac K., |
Co. K, 96th O. V.
I. |
White, James, |
Co. I, 32d O. V. I. |
Whitehead, William W., |
sergt. Co. H, 7th
Ill. V. C. |
Whiting, Johnson, |
Co. I, 5th U. S. C. |
Whitlock, E. D., |
Co. E, 145th O. V.
I. |
Whitman, George, |
Co. K, 121st O. V.
I., and Co. H. 145th O. V. I. |
Whitney, R. W., |
Co. H, 121st O. V.
I. |
Whitney, William H., |
113th O. V. I. |
Whittens, Charles W., |
Ch. H, 121st O. V.
I. |
Whittens, William, |
Co. H, 121st O. V.
I. |
Wickham, J. W., |
Co. E, 31st O. V.
I. |
Wigdon, Perry, |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I. |
Wiggins, John, |
sergt. Co. A, 50th
O. V. I. |
Wigton, Thomas F., |
Co. K, 121st O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, Barnum, |
Co. A, 2d Batn.,
18th U. S. I. |
Wilcox, Benjamin F., |
Co. B, 135th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, B. W., |
Co. A, 2d Batn.,
18th U. S. I. |
Wilcox, Hiram, |
Co. C, 113th O. V. I.; |
killed at Kenesaw Mt. |
Wilco, James C., |
Co. E, 15th U S. I. |
WIlcox, James H., |
Co. H, 145th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, Joseph E., |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, John, |
Co. H, 145th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, Lawrence, |
in an Ohio regt. |
Wilcox, Marolus, |
113th O. V. I. |
Wilcox, Robert, |
Co. H, 174th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, Samuel, |
Co. G, 96th O. V.
I. |
Wilcox, Simon, |
96th O. V. I. |
Wilcox, William H., |
Co. B, 135th O. V.
I. |
Wiles, C. W., |
Co. L., 10th N. Y.
C. |
Wilkins, Elmus, |
Co. C, 26th O. V.
I. |
Willey, Ethan, |
Co. G, 96th O. V.
I. |
Willey, George W., |
Co. A, 145th O. V.
I. |
Willey, John, |
Co. C, 145th O. V.
I. |
Williams, Abraham, |
Co. A, 2d O. H. A. |
Williams, Amos, |
Co. D, 121st O. V.
I. |
Williams, Barney, |
Co. F, 174th O. V.
I. |
Williams, B. F., |
Co. F, 96th O. V.
I. |
Williams, D. L., |
Co. A, 2d O. H. A. |
Williams, Daniel J., |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
I. |
Williams, David, |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
I. |
Williams, David W., |
Co. B, 142d O. V.
I. |
Williams, Eli, |
Co. B, 46th O. V.
I. |
Williams, Evan D., |
Co. A, 145th O. V.
I. |
Williams, Fergus F., |
2d O. V. H. A. |
Williams, Frank, |
Co. H, 121st O. V.
I. |
Williams, George M., |
Co. G, 96th O. V.
I. |
Williams, George W., |
capt. Co. A, 2d O.
H. A. |
Williams, George W., |
sergt. Co. E, 77th
O. V. I. |
Williams, G. W., |
152d O. V. I. |
Williams, Henry A., |
Co. C, 86th O. V.
I., and Co. C, 26th O. V. V. I. |
Williams, Jackson, |
Co. F, 121st O. V.
I. |
Williams, Jeremiah E., |
Co. I, 159th O. V.
I. |
Williams, Morris, |
Co. E, 66th O. V.
I. and Co. H, 174th O. V. I. |
Williams, Peter, |
18th U. S. I. |
Williams, Sylvester G., |
in Ohio regt. inf. |
Williams, T. B., |
surg. 121st O. V.
I. |
Williams T. J., |
Co. A, 145th O. V.
I. |
[Page 409]
Thomas, |
Co. C, 4th O. V.
I. |
Thomas J., |
H, 129th O. V. I., and Co. G, 187th O. V. I. |
Virgil, |
Co. D, 20th O.
V. I. |
Washington, |
Co. K, 152d Ind.
V. I. |
William D., |
sergt. Co. G, 2d Calif. V. I. |
William G., |
chaplain 145th
O. V. I. |
William M., |
in an Ohio regt.
Inf. |
Alonzo, |
Co. H. 121st O.
V. I. |
George S., |
Co. B, 76th O.
V. I. |
John, |
Co. H, 121st O.
V. I. |
Madison, |
Co. H, 121st O.
V. I. |
Marquis, |
B, 24th O. V. I., and Co. A, 178th O. V. I. |
Michael, |
C, 2d batn. 18th U. S. I. |
Solomon, |
Co. H, 121st O.
V. I. |
S. Madison, |
Co. H, 121st O.
V. I. |
Willis, Henry
B., |
Co. F, 20th Iowa
V. I. |
Willis, J.
B., |
Co. B, 48th O.
V. I. |
Willis, Plyn
A.., |
48th O. V. I. |
Willis, R.
K., |
K, 48th O. V. V. I., and Co. K, 145th O. V. I. |
Wills, George
M., |
Co. C, 121st O.
V. I. |
Milton, |
43d O. V. I. |
Philip, |
Co. E, 145th O.
V. I. |
Henry, |
20th O. V. I.;
died in hosp.
during war. |
James, |
lieut. Co. D, 1sth Va. V. I. |
Wilson, John, |
I, 82d O. V. I. and Co. H. 174th O. V. I. |
Wilson, Lyan, |
Co. S 145th O.
V. I. |
Wilson, March |
4th Md. V. I.; |
killed at
Norfolk, Va. |
Wilson, Peter
D., |
Co. C, 96th O.
V. I. |
Thomas O., |
Co. H, 145th O.
V. I. |
Wilson, Z.
B., |
8th Mo. V. I. |
Emanuel, |
Co. C, 121st O.
V. I. |
David, |
Co. H., 121st O.
V. I. |
Thomas J., |
D, and Co. E, 16th Wis. V. I. |
Ezra D., |
Co. M., 1st N.
J. V. C. |
H. O., |
sergt. Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
J. P., |
sergt. Co. C, 14th O. V. I. |
Wise, Cyrus
C., |
Co. F, 96th O.
V. I. |
Wise, Duncan, |
Co. D, 145th O.
V. I. |
Wise, John H, |
Co. F, 141st O.
V. I. |
Wise, Jacob, |
Co. D, 145th O.
V. I. |
John W., |
Co. I, 3d O. C. |
William H., |
Co. D, 88th O.
V. V. I. |
John, |
Co. I, 4th O. V.
I. |
Wolff, Fred
J., |
Co. B, 26th O.
V. I. |
Wolfley, Eban., |
Co. C, 2d O. H.
A. |
George T., |
corp. Co. C, 145th O. V. I. |
Wolfley, J.
A., |
Co. A, 145th O.
V. I. |
Wolfley, J.
M., |
Co. A, 145th O.
V. I. |
Lewis, |
sergt. Co. A, 145th O. V. I. |
Oscar A., |
Co. E, 145th O.
V. I. |
Robert, |
Co. A, 145th O.
V. I. |
Silas D., |
Co. D, 145th O.
V. I. |
Wollam, John, |
Co. D, 20th O.
V. I. |
Wood, Albert
A., |
Gov't Guards |
Wood, Isaac, |
Co. C, 66th O.
V. I. |
Wood, L. P., |
Co. H., 174th O.
V. I. |
Wood, Perry,
Co. C, 86th O.
V. I. |
Theodore P., |
Co. D, 121st O.
V. I. |
Wood, William
H., |
Co. F, 31st O.
V. I. |
Works, F. P., |
Co. I, 24th
Mass. V. I. |
Albert, |
Co. C, 46th O.
V. I. |
David, |
musician, 63d O.
V. I. |
David, |
Co. D, 20th O.
V. I. |
Henry, |
Co. A, 14th O.
V. I. |
Hugh, |
Co. D, 121st O.
V. I. |
William, |
Co. C, 26th O.
V. I. |
William, |
I, 1st O. V. H. A., and Bat. I, 2d O. V. H. A. |
Amos E., |
Co. E, 31st O.
V. I. |
David, |
Co. H, 121st O.
V. I. |
Jerry, |
Co. D, 75th Ind.
V. I. |
Wyatt, James
B., |
Co. C, 145th O.
V. I. |
Charles, |
Co. I, 82d O. V.
I. |
Charles, |
Co. I, 82d O. V.
I. |
Young, Jacob, |
2d N. J. C. |
Clement, |
Co. B, 11th Pa.
C. |
Charles, |
Inland Navy |
Nicholas, |
Co. M, 1st U. S.
C. |
Casper, |
Co. B, 64th O.
V. I. |
Charles H., |
Co. K, 145th O.
V. I. |
Volney B., |
Co. K, 145th O.
V. I. |
following is a list of soldiers who went from Delaware County, but
whose record could not be obtained:
Benton, Henry,
Biglow, Henry C.,
Bolton, Thomas,
Carney, Darwin,
Chase, Ebenezer,
Chase, McLean,
Converse, John,
Flavial, G.,
Forsyth, John,
Freese, Isaac,
Gaily, John,
Gates, L. S., |
Hahn, Julius,
Harrod, M.,
James, B.,
Morgan, David,
Morgan, John,
Morris, Richard,
Pensuton, Coltson,
Pfeifer, Andrew,
Shaw, Robert,
Stiers, John,
Watters, P. H. |
There are five posts of the G. A. R.
in Delaware County, of which the following is a brief history:
first post organized in the county was Slack Post No 59,which
was chartered January 25, 1884, and located at Galena. Its
name perpetuates that of Comrade Charles A. Slack.
He was born in Galena, Oct. 19, 1841, his parents being natives
of Delaware County. After receiving the school training
afforded by his native town, he engaged in farming. He
enlisted at Galena, in August, 1861, in Company G, Sixth United
States Cavalry. In 1863, he was for some time in a New
York hospital, but rejoined his regiment before it was called in
Pennsylvania, on Lee's invasion of that state. He
fell in an engagement of that cam-
[Page 410]
paign, was killed in action at Fairfield, Pennsylvania, July 3,
1863, and was buried on the battlefield, aged 2 years, 8 months.
The officers of the organization were as follows: P.
C., G. W. Hughes; S. V. C, M. C. Ingham: J. V. C,
T. H. Preston; Chaplain, R. B. Bennett; Surg.,
S. J. Mann; O. M., J. H. Dustin; O. D., J. J.
Adams; O. C, Chas. Vanhouten; Adjt., D. C. Curtis.
The second
organization was Torrence Post, No. 60, located at Delaware, and
chartered in 1881. The Post was named in honor of one of
Delaware County's heroes, Geo. B. Torrence. The scenes
amid which this brave soldier perished, Dec. 13, 1862, at
Fredericksburg, Va., are thus described in the Fourth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry Regimental history: "Wounded men fell upon wounded;
the dead on the mangled; the baptism of fire adds more wounds and
firings death to helpless ones; as we look back the field seems
covered with mortals in agony; some motionless, Others are
dragging themselves toward the rear; occasionally the shell or
cannon-ball that comes into their midst sends arms, hands, legs and
clothing into the air; our colors for a moment are down, for our
noble colorbearer. Geo. B. Torrence, falls, having his
head blown from his body, leaving his blood and brains upon comrades
and the flag." George Bennett Torrence
was born near Sunbury, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1839, a son of Moses
Torrence and Eliza (Smith) Torrence, natives of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. He was employed for a number of years at the
Buckly House. Columbus, then fired for "Old Pap Loomis" on
the C: C. C. & I. R. R., and was on his engine at Columbus ready to
start for Cleveland when approached by two neighborhood boys who
wished him to enlist. He immediately climbed down and enrolled
in Company C, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was promoted
to color-sergeant. A finely executed portrait of Torrence
by J. F. Ledlie adorns the Post room.
The officers at the organization of the post were as
follows: P. C., J. S. Cones; S. V C, F. B. Sprague; J.
V. C., D. A. Stark; Q. M., Jacob Kruck; Adjt., J.
W. Watkins; Surg., R. G. Lybrand; Chaplain, B. W.
Brown; O. D., R. R. Henderson; O. G., Aaron Frantz.
Myers Post, No. 252, was organized at
Sunbury, Aug. 28, 1882. Lawrence A. Myers, for whom it
was named, was born in Sunbury, Dec. 11, 1843. His parents,
Thomas P. Myers and Amy L. (Armstrong) Myers, were also natives
of the same town. For two years
prior to his enlistment, they resided on a farm one mile south of
Sunbury, and when Lawrence was not at school he assisted his
father in the hauling of stock and general farming work. He
was not yet eighteen when he entered the service. His parents
and friends used every argument to prevent his enlistment at so
early an age, but finding him firm in his resolution to be one to
defend his country, they induced him to enter a regiment of
regulars, believing he would be better cared for than in the
volunteer service. He enlisted for three years in Company D,
Fifteenth United States Infantry, and was in all marches and
engagements from the time it entered the field in November, 1861,
till he was disabled by sickness. He passed safely through the
battles of Shiloh, Perrysville and Stone River. When the
regiment crossed the Elk River, he contracted chronic rheumatism,
from which death resulted, Feb. 27. 1864, at his home in Sunbury,
where he had been brought by his father a few days previous.
His remains rest in the cemetery at Sunbury. At the
organization of Post No. 252, the name of L. A. Myers was
adopted by acclamation by the comrades.
The officers at the organization of the post were as
follows: P. C, F. B. Sprague; S. V.
C, A. W. Hall; J. V. C, R. B. Conant; Surg., E. B.
Mosher; Chaplain, M. Harrold; O. D., Orris A. Lawson;
O. V., S. D. Lincoln; O. M., J. H. Kimball; Adjt.,
T. O. Freeman.
Coomer Post. No. 281, chartered Dec. 11, 1882,
located at Ashley, is named for Captain Jerry E. Coomer.
For a sketch of his services we are indebted to his father.
Dr. H. N. Coomer. Jerrie E. Coomer, son of Dr.
H. N. and Joanna (Roberts) Coomer, was born at
[Page 411]
Perrysville, Indiana, Sept. 24, 1843; died of phthisis pulmonalis,
at Ashley, Oct. 27, 1878, aged 35 years. He enlisted at
Company C, Twenty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, May 1, 1861, and
was mustered in as a private, at Camp Chase, June 15, 1861.
From Camp Chase the regiment was ordered to West Virginia, where he
served through the memorable campaign of West Virginia. The
regiment was then ordered into Kentucky, and while on the march to
Nashville he was attacked with pneumonia, near Silver Springs,
Tennessee. He was cared for in field hospital (ambulance) for
a few days, and then sent to general hospital No. 4, Nashville,
Tennessee. He was discharged from this hospital shortly after
the battle of Shiloh, and rejoined his regiment at Florence,
Alabama. Some time in the fall of 1862 he was sent to hospital
No. 16. Nashville, Tennessee, on account of disability. After
his recovery he was detailed as a clerk in said hospital, where be
remained until all the able bodied men in the hospitals were ordered
to the front for active service. He participated in the charge
on Missionary Ridge, and the Atlanta campaign. About this time
he was appointed hospital steward of the Twenty-sixth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and served in that capacity till after the battle of
Nashville, December, 1864. Shortly after that he was
commissioned captain of Company D. Twenty-sixth Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and so served until June, 1865, when he considered war
ended and be resigned, "for the purpose of completing his
education," which, during the preceding years, had been totally
The officers at the organization of the post were as
follows: P. C., W. W. Holmes; S. V. C., S. R. Harris;
J. V. C., David Shoemaker; Adjt, C. Shumway, Jr.; O.
M., Geo. W. Rosevelt; Surg., Dr. A. E. Westbrook;
Chaplain; John W. Shoemaker; O. D., R. E. Southwick;
O. G., S. G. Davis.
Tanner Post, No. 531, located at Ostrander, was chartered July
24, 1885, at Zanesville, Ohio. Joseph Tanner,
for whom this Post is named, was born in Dover Township, Union
County, Ohio. When about twenty-one years of age, he enlisted
in Company C, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for three months, and
re-enlisted in the same company and regiment for three years.
He was killed in a charge near Spottsylvania C. H., Virginia, about
May 11, 1864. Owing to the enemy's heavy fire, his body could
not be brought off, although comrades made several attempts to reach
it. and it was burned by fire catching in the leaves.
The officers
of the post at its organization were as follows: P. C, D. G.
Cratty; S. V. C., Abner Said; J. V. C, James
Rittenhouse; Q. M., H. B. Cullens; Surg., Jerry Miller;
Chaplain, T. E. Davids; O. D., J. H. Rittenhouse; O.
G, Jacob Ayers; Adjt., T. J. Winston.
County has a population of between four and five hundred colored
inhabitants. These citizens proved themselves loyal to the
Union cause. They were not permitted to join the army until
1863. Before the time that any colored regiments had been
recruited in Ohio, a number of these colored people joined the
Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Regiment. The only semblance of law
which gave authority for enlisting colored troops was that known as
the "contraband law" which gave a colored laborer in the service of
the Unuited States, seven dollars a month and three additional for
clothing. Finally there came a call from the war department
for colored troops to serve in the army of the United States and the
promise given that Congress would place them on equal footing with
other troops. Under this call the Fifth Colored Infantry was
organized at Camp Delaware and contained a large number of men from
this county. In June, 1863, a camp for colored soldiers was
opened on the farm of Josiah Bullen, about one mile
south of the city and nearly opposite "old Camp Delaware."
This was the first complete colored regiment raised in the state of
Ohio. These
[Page 412]
soldiers proved themselves brave and loyal in many battles during
the closing years of the war.
The following roster contains the name of all the
colored troops from Delaware county with the regiment in which they
served, as far as can be ascertained.
Fifth United States Colored
Volunteer Infantry.
Jeremiah, |
Co. C. |
Manuel, |
Co. G. |
Curry, George
W. |
Co. I. |
Day, John W., |
Co. B. |
Fry, Joel I., |
Co. C. |
John F., |
Co. I. |
Shadrick, |
Co. G. |
Joel, James,
Co. H. |
Benjamin, |
Co. A. |
Lewis, John, |
Co. F. |
Mayo, George
W., |
Co. E. |
Isaac, |
Co. F. |
William, |
Co. A. |
Tabern, John
E. H., |
Co. E. |
William H., |
Co. I. |
Johnson, |
Co. I. |
Wilson, Abel, |
Co. A. |
Adoniram, |
Co. H; |
enlisted at 12
years of age. |
Twenty-seventh United States
Colored Volunteer Infantry.
Bass, John, |
Co. G, |
Clay, H. C., |
Co. D, |
Henry, |
Co. D, |
Goode, George
H., |
Co. H. |
William E., |
Co. D, |
Abram, |
Co. H, |
William, |
Co. D, |
Horton, John, |
Co. C, |
Robert, |
Co. G and E, |
David, |
Co. E, |
Charles, |
Co. I, |
William, |
Co. C, |
Isaac, |
Co. K. |
David, |
9th U. S. H. A. |
Nelson, |
Co. E, 55th
Mass. |
Charles, |
Co. D, 55th
Mass. |
George W., |
Stephen |
Co. E, 100th U.
S. C. V. I. |
Brown, James
P., |
55th Mass. |
Brown, Lyon, |
55th Mass. |
Aurelius, |
55th Mass. |
Depp, John, |
12th U. S. C. V.
I. |
Charles, |
Co. D, 55th
Mass. |
William, |
Co. K, 42d U. S.
C. V. I. |
Elijah, |
9th U. S. H. A. |
Richard, |
R. Is. H. A., and Co. M, 11th U. S. H. A. |
John W., |
55th Mass. |
E. A., |
55th Mass. |
Madison, |
12th U. S. C. V.
I. |
Keys, Robert, |
Co. C, 15th U.
S. C. V. I. |
James, |
U. S. C. V. I. |
Austin, |
Co. D, 55th
Mass. |
George, |
55th Mass. |
Nathan, |
Co. G, 1st U. S.
C. |
Shorter, John
F., |
Co. D, 55th
Mass. |
Joseph, |
U. S. H. A. |
Alexander, |
Co. D, 119th U.
S. C. V. I. |
White, John
W., |
55th Mass. |
Ninth Battalion
Alston, F.
B., |
A, 9th Bat. 48th band, U. S. V. I., Philippine Islands |
Brown, Samuel
C., |
Co. C. |
Alfred, |
Co. C. |
Coleman, Ozie, |
Co. B. |
William, |
Co. B. |
William, |
Co. C. |
Thomas, |
Co. B. |
Franklin, J.
W., |
Co. C. |
Henry D., |
Co. C. |
Jackson, W.
A., |
Co. A. |
Robert L., |
Co. C. |
John, |
Co. C. |
Charles E., |
Co. B, |
Charles B., |
corp. Co. B and Co. E, 48th U. S. V. I., Philippine Islands |
Taylor, John, |
Co. B, |
Teal, Henry,
Co. B, |
Walter S., Jr., |
Co. B, |
Utter, Leo,
Co. B, |
White, James
M., |
Co. A, |
Frank, |
Co. C, |
Harmon, |
Co. C. |
N. G.
In War With Spain - Fourth O.
V. I.
The Fourth
Regiment of Infantry, formerly the Fourteenth, was organized by
Special Orders. No. 216, dated Oct. 20, 1877. Seven companies
of infantry were designated in this order as constituting the
regiment. They were as follows: Co. A. Columbus. Captain
Charles S. Ammel; Co. B. Thurman Light Guards, Columbus,
Captain Henry Seibert; Co. C, Westerville, Captain Isaac N.
Custer; Co. D, Darby Videttes, West Jeffer-
[Page 413]
son. Captain Jacob Martin; Co. E, Maryville, Captain
William L. Curry; Co. F. Converse Guards, Columbus, Captain
John W. Cbapin; Co. G, Grosvenor Rifles, Richwood, Captain
John P. Slemmons.
The movement looking towards the organization of a
regiment with headquarters in the capital city of the state was
inaugurated in the winter of 1876. Captain Charles S. Ammel
took the initiative in the organization of Company A, the company
being admitted to the state service in February, 1877. The
other six companies designated were organized during the same year,
and upon the date of the order noted above the Fourteenth Regiment
was formally launched upon its military career.
The Fourth or Fourteenth Regiment (or companies
detailed from same) has seen active service in the state in the
maintenance of the peace and in the preservation of life and
property upon the following occasions:
Railway riots. Columbus and Newark. 1877.
Incendiary fire troubles, Columbus, 1879.
Perry County, labor troubles. 1880.
Ashland, aid of civil authorities, 1884.
Cincinnati riots. 1884.
Hocking Valley, miners' riot, 1884.
Carthage rendezvous, 1886.
G. A. R. Encampment, police duty at Columbus. 8 days.
Mount Sterling, "Hobo War," 1S94.
Columbus West Side flood. 1894.
Wheeling Creek, 181)4.
Washington C. H., aid of civil authorities, 1894
Cleveland Street Railway riot, 1899.
Akron riot. 1900.
The regiment
was also on duty at the funeral of President Garfield
in 1881; acted as escort to the Governor of Ohio at Gettysburg and
Philadelphia in 1887: in attendance at General Sherman's
funeral in St. Louis in 1891: attended the dedication of the World's
Fair buildings in 1892 and accompanied the Ohio troops which
officially represented the state at the World's Fair in 1893; acted
as escort to the Governor of Ohio at Chickamauga
in 1894 and at Nashville in 1897. For more specific
information concerning all of the preceding calls to duty, see the
general history of the regiment.
Other Ohio regiments took an active part in the
operations at the scene of greatest activity in Cuba and performed
valuable service after actual hostilities had ceased, but it was the
Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry that stained the soil of Porto Rico
with the first and only blood shed for the Cuban cause by a body of
Buckeye troops.
The four Columbus companies assembled at the Auditorium
at Columbus on Monday, April 24. and the following day the outside
companies reported for duty. Bullit Park was chosen as the
rendezvous for the mobilization of Ohio troops and the signal corps
of the Fourteenth was detailed to lay out the camp. The
regiment moved into quarters at Camp
Bushnell, April 28, and were the first troops to take up quarters at
that historic camp.
On the 9th day of May the regiment was mustered into
the United States service as the Fourth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer
Infantry. Six days later Colonel Coit received
orders to
report with his regiment at Camp George H. Thomas,
Chickamauga Park. Ga. Pursuant
to orders the Fourth Ohio took its departure from Columbus. May 15,
arriving at Camp Thomas on the following day, when they were
immediately assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army
Corps. The second brigade consisted of the Fourth Ohio, Third
Illinois and Fourth Pennsylvania. These regiments passed
through the volunteer service together, the brigade formation
remaining intact until the close of the war.
The Fourth Ohio made its home at Chickamauga Park for a
period of sixty-seven days, when the entire brigade was ordered to
join the expeditionary forces then concentrating for the conquest
and occupation of Porto Rico. For further details of the part
of this regiment took in the history of the Cuban war, the reader is
referred to the various works on that subject.
Company K was organized at Delaware, Feb. 13. 1879, and
assigned to the 14th
[Page 414]
regiment as Co. K; local designation—Joy
Guards; and was assigned to the 4th regiment,
July 14, 1899. It was organized for the volunteer
service at Delaware, April 25, 1898;
mustered in at Columbus as Co. K, 4th O. V.
I., May 9, 1898; in action before Guayama, P. R., Aug. 5, 1898; in action north of
Guayama, Aug. 8, 1898, one man, Corporal
Thomson, wounded; Aibonita, Oct. 6,
1898; detachment of ten men sent to Barrios, Oct. 8, 1898;
detachment returned, Oct.
20, 1898; marched to San Juan and rejoined regiment on U. S.
Chester, Oct. 29,
1898; mustered out at Columbus, Jan. 20,
The following includes all of the soldiers in Delaware
County, who served in the Cuban war excepting the colored troops,
which will be found in another place.
Adams, Cyrus B., |
lieut. col. 4th O. V. I. |
Ahearn, Patrick, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Anderson, William, |
Co. C, 3d O. V. I. |
Auman, John, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Baker, Fred, |
U. S. Hospital corps,
Philippine service |
Beitler, Claude M., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Bell, Joseph M., |
U. S. Hospital corps. |
Bennett, Frank W., |
Co. A, 4th O. V. I. |
Bennett, John T., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Billig, Clinton E., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Browning, Sherman W., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Brownmiller, Charles R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Brunn, Harrry C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Burke, James H., |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I. |
Butt, Andrew M., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Campbell, Herman R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Corbin, Richard R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Cosler, Harry A., |
sergt. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Cratty, Carl F., |
sergt. 4th O. V. I. |
Cruikshank, Alwood, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Dall, Clive K., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Davis, H. W., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Doke, Charles H., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Donavin, George B., |
qm, 4th O. V. I. |
Dore, Clark T., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Dunham, Sturgis, |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Enright, Francis C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Ferris, Will M., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Finley, ____, |
sergt-maj. 3d Bat. 4th O. V. I. |
Foley, Wm. J., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Ford, Wm. P., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
France, Clyde O., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Frantz, Walter R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Gerber, Maxmillian, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Glaze, Thos., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Greible, George A., |
sergt. qm. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Greiner, Bert H., |
capt. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Greiner, John, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Grove, Thos. S., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Harmount, Alexander K. |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Harmount, Wm. H., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Harp, Lewis, |
U. S. hospital Corps,
Phillipine service |
Hills, Louis C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Hodges, Stanley, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Housley, Edwin L., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Howison, Winfield S., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Hunt, Harry E., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Ingle, Walter W., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Inscho, Albert C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Jacobus, Harry, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Jamison, Frank B., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Jones, Clarence L., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Kelley, James L., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Keopple, Oscar A., |
2nd lieut. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Lawson, Charles E., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Lenhardt, Lewis A., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Longwell, John W., |
musician, Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Longwell, Ray H., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Longwell, Ray H., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Lybrand, Robert H., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Lynch, John, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Lyons, James, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Mahoney, Michael C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Main, Ernest A., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Maloney, Charles M., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Maloney, James, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Martin, Walter, |
U. S. hospital corps. |
McCloud, William B., |
1st lieut. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
McDonald, J. J., |
musician, sergt. 6th U. S. I.
Porto Rico service. |
McFarlin, Fred A., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
McNaughton, To, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Miller, Charles C., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Miller, Harry A., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Mohr, R. D., |
musician, Co. D, 2nd O. V. I. |
Montane, Edward B., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Nelson, Elbert J., |
corp, Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Norton, W. L., |
1st sergt., Co. K, Co. K, 4th
O. V. I. |
Obrien, Patric, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
O'Connor, James, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Osborn, Brice, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Patrick, Orsain W., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Platz, George, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Porterfield, C. E., |
musician, 6th U. S. V. I. |
Powell, Alexander B., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Powell, John W., |
det. reserve U. S.
ambulance corps, Co. C, 4th O. V. I. |
Randolph, Dayton T., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Read, Robert W., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Reed, William |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Riddle, Charles W., |
sergt. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Riddle, Lester C., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Riddle, Roy R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Rider, Walter R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Robinson, Frank K., |
Co. C, 3rd O. V. I. |
Rodenfels, Ed. L., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Rose, Henry E., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Ross, Thomas, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Said, Frank M., |
sergt. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Said, Presley H., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Sanger, Ulysses G., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Schneider, BErnhardt J., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Seamans, Edward M., |
maj-surg. 4th O. V. I. |
Schneider, Bernhardt J., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Seamans, Edward M., |
maj.-surg. 4th O. V. I. |
Seigfried, John J., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
[Page 415]
Sheldon, Henry E., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Shoemaker, J. R., |
musician 6th U. S. V. I. Porto
Rico service. |
Shoemaker, W. C., |
musician 6th U. S. V. I. Porto
Rico service |
Shultz, Joshua, |
musician Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Smith, George V., |
Co. B, 4th O. V. I. |
Smith, William l., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Starr, Martin S., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I.
pine service |
Starr, N. P., |
Bat. D, 1st Calif. heavy
artillery, Philippine service |
Strobg, George P., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Thompson, Ed O., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Thrall, Charles E., |
corp. Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Vertner, Avery L., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. (buried at
sea). |
Watkins, Frank S., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Webster, Oliver P., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Wells, Rex W., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Whitman, Howard, |
Co. A, 4th O. V. I. |
Whitlinger, Henry, |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Windham, Roy R., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Wohlheater, Elmer T., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Wohlheater, William Z., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |
Zeigler, Frank I., |
Co. K, 4th O. V. I. |