
A Part of Genealogy
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Fairfield County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |

A Biographical Record of Fairfield County,
Illustrated - Published: New York and Chicago:
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company.
Biographies will be transcribed on request by
Sharon Wick
Jesse |
136 |
Ashbrook, Ira |
118 |
Balthaser, Henry |
347 |
Barnett, Jasper J. |
206 |
Barr, William |
86 |
Baumgardner Family |
400 |
Beals, C. O. |
382 |
Beck, George G. |
21 |
Beck, Jacob K. |
42 |
Bellermann, J. H. |
305 |
Black, S. C. |
53 |
Blauser, John |
162 |
Boerstler, G. W., Dr. |
33 |
Boerstler, G. W., Jr., Dr. |
36 |
Book, John S. |
168 |
Boving, Frank J. |
111 |
Boyer, Daniel G. |
360 |
Boyer, Henry
(w/portrait) |
338 |
Bradford, Dr. A. A. |
190 |
Brandt, Oliver, B., Capt. |
127 |
Brasee, John T. |
13 |
Breslin, John G. |
266 |
Bright, David Luther |
393 |
Bright, Enoch |
59 |
Brobst, David |
102 |
Brown, Howard A., Dr. |
271 |
Brown, Obed |
300 |
Buchanan, W. L. |
139 |
Burton, Van S. |
159 |
Busby, John T. |
120 |
Buschemeyer, F. J. |
166 |
Christy, Joseph |
179 |
Claypool, Isaac |
363 |
Claypool, Jacob |
18 |
Claypool, James B. |
198 |
Clump, Christopher |
247 |
Cofman, S. P. |
49 |
Cole, Thomas |
372 |
Conrad, Henry |
193 |
Conrad, Jonas |
79 |
William L. |
257 |
Courtright, George S., Dr. |
146 |
Cox, Thomas B. |
391 |
Crouse, Jacob |
209 |
Cruit, William |
184 |
Dill, Thomas H. |
238 |
Dolson, Thomas H. |
54 |
George T. |
409 |
Drinkle, H. C. |
371 |
Drum, Henry Dresbach |
326 |
Earnst, Jacob |
204 |
Richard |
130 |
Ewing, Thomas |
352 |
Fenstermaker, Jacob W. |
67 |
Flowers, F. L., Dr. |
172 |
Fricker, John |
276 |
Fromlet, Aloys |
330 |
Geiger, Henry W. |
191 |
Giesy, Daniel |
343 |
Giesy, H. H. |
345 |
Gillett, Edward M. |
297 |
Ginder, A. H. |
69 |
Ginder, Van H. |
169 |
Thomas |
323 |
Manasseh |
88 |
John, Rev. |
319 |
Gravett, John |
65 |
Graybill, John |
311 |
Griffith, R. H. |
32 |
Griswold, Samuel A. |
112 |
Grove, Isaac |
199 |
Gundy, Joseph P. |
379 |
Halderman, George W., Rev. |
156 |
Hamberger, G. A. |
394 |
Hansberger, Abraham |
251 |
Harmon, John P. |
337 |
Hartmann, J. C. |
218 |
Hedges, Jabez |
101 |
Hege,William |
264 |
Hershberger, J. P., Dr. |
248 |
Hewetson, Peter, Dr. |
25 |
Hill, Harry A. P. |
325 |
Hills, James |
346 |
Hite, John C., Col.
(w/portrait) |
82 |
Hoffman, George E. |
292 |
Holliday, F. A. |
341 |
Holmes, Richard |
386 |
Hooker, Valentine |
51 |
Huffer, Cornelius |
255 |
Hufford, Emanuel |
310 |
Huffard, William |
63 |
Hummell, Jerome D. |
141 |
Hunter, Hocking H. |
11 |
Hunter, W. J. |
99 |
Hyde, John |
71 |
Keller, John B. |
322 |
Kiger, George W. |
186 |
Kissinger, David E. |
183 |
Kocher, John |
227 |
Lamb, George W., Hon. |
41 |
Lape, Theodore |
211 |
Larger, Ambrose |
327 |
Lerch, A. V., Dr. |
30 |
Lewis, W. C., Dr. |
107 |
Lupher, P. W. |
48 |
Lutz, G. A. |
329 |
MacDonough, Thomas J. |
290 |
Macklin, Philip |
96 |
George W. - See
Washington Magee |
243 |
Magee, Washington |
243 |
Mallon, Elnathan S. |
225 |
Martens, H. A. |
176 |
Charles D., Hon. |
349 |
Martin, John D. |
26 |
Matt, George |
280 |
Mauger, Fred L. |
194 |
McCleery, Nancy, Mrs. |
222 |
McClenaghan, W. T. |
351 |
Mechling, George W., Rev. |
212 |
Mechling, H. F. |
331 |
Miller, M. C. |
244 |
Mock, J. C. |
207 |
Monhank, R. W., Dr. |
317 |
Mumaugh, J. R. |
361 |
Musser, A. J. |
288 |
Musser, David |
261 |
Musser, Jesse |
263 |
Myers, William H. |
286 |
Nichols, George |
294 |
Nourse, John D., M. D. |
259 |
Outcalt, C. W. |
370 |
Pearce, Caleb H. |
375 |
Pence, David |
200 |
Peters, Newton |
181 |
Pickering, James . |
403 |
Pilger, N. E., Rev. |
304 |
Pool, James |
171 |
Powers, James T. |
385 |
Pratt, Thomas S. |
398 |
Reese, Charles E., Dr. |
91 |
Reese, H. B., Col. |
47 |
Reese, Mary E., Mrs. |
234 |
Reese, William J. |
62 |
Reeves, J. G. |
313 |
Reynolds, J. W. |
277 |
Ritchie, J. C. |
293 |
Ropp, J. L. |
230 |
Rosey, Louis |
242 |
Rowlee, Clarence M. |
126 |
William |
122 |
Shaw, Andrew W. |
296 |
John - See
Andrew Shaw |
Sherburne, Joseph |
224 |
Sherman, Charles R. |
143 |
Shuman, Joseph D. |
105 |
Silbaugh, John J. |
236 |
Slutz, W. L., Rev. |
306 |
Snyder, Louis J. |
378 |
Spangler, John B. |
92 |
Stanbery, Philemon. B. |
153 |
Steward, J. M. |
78 |
Stover, P. T. |
321 |
Strayer, Frank P., Dr. |
366 |
Strode, W. H. |
109 |
Stuckey, Daniel |
253 |
Stukey, F. P., Dr. |
284 |
Stukey, John J., Dr. |
246 |
Sturgeon, Z. T. |
274 |
Thimmes, John H. |
214 |
Thomas, B. A., Dr. |
72 |
Towson, Charles H. |
376 |
Trout, H. G. |
380 |
Turner, Joseph S. |
358 |
Vorys, Isaiah |
388 |
Walker, W. W., Capt. |
133 |
Walters, Henry H. |
196 |
Weaver, H. Clay |
208 |
Weist, S. S. |
37 |
Welsh, George W. |
299 |
Wetzel, George H. |
76 |
Wetzel, Jacob J. |
390 |
Wetzler, Thomas |
228 |
Whiley, Robinson P. |
273 |
Whitehurst, Jacob |
303 |
Wilbert, Jacob |
315 |
Williamson, H. C. |
332 |
Wilson, James W. |
151 |
Wolford, John B. |
216 |
Work, E. W. |
387 |
Work, Robert |
383 |
Wygum, George W. |
237 |
Zimmerman, Henry |
301 |
--- NOTES: ---

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This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express
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