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History of Lancaster, Ohio
Lancaster People
The One Hundredth Anniversary of the
Settlement of the Spot Where Lancaster Stands
C. M. L. Wiseman
Publ. Lancaster, Ohio
C. M. L. Wiseman, Publisher
1898 Go little booke, God send thee good
And specially let this be thy prayers,
Unto them all that thee will read or hear,
When thou art wrong, after their help to call,
Thee to correct in any part or all - CHAUCER.
7 |
The Hockhocking River - 8
19 |
Zane's Agreement - 20
Reber, Peter |
31 |
Sanderson, Gen.'s
Recollection |
38 |
Scofield, Elnathan |
30 |
Shaug, John M., Dr. |
26 |
Slaughter, Robert F. |
24 |
Sturgeon, Thomas |
36 |
Sturgeon, Timothy |
35 |
Weaver, Adam |
38 |
Wilson, Dr. |
37 |
Lancaster in 1805 - 53
- Lancaster in 1815 - 53
Early Days and War of 1812 - 72
Banks - 83
-- Hocking Valley Bank - 86
-- Exchange Bank of Martin & Co. - 87
-- Commercial Bank - 87
-- Bank of Garaghty and Hunter - 88
-- Farmers' and Citizens' Bank - 88
- The Era of Shinplasters - 88
- Lotteries - 89
Prominent Men and Events - 100
- The Prominent Merchants - 102
- Colonization Society - 102
- Newspapers - 103
Some Local Happenings - 116
- Public Library - 117
- Hocking Valley Railroad - 118
Brough, John |
127 |
Dubble, John A.,
Captain |
129 |
- Lancaster Bar - 1830 to 1850 - 130
- Schools - 132
-- The Lancaster Academy - Later Howe's Academy - 132
History of the Schools of Lancaster, O. - 134
-- High School - 140
-- School Supervision - 142
-- Members of the School Board - 145
-- Superintendents Since 1876 - 145
-- Board of Education in 1876 - 146
-- List of Teachers - 146
Brasee, John T. |
160 |
Daugherty, M. A. |
148 |
Hunter, Hocking H. |
156 |
Newman, Wesley |
147 |
Nourse, Charles |
147 |
Parsons, Joel S. |
148 |
Reber, John |
151 |
Tallmadge, Darius |
154 |
Ulrick, Jacob |
158 |
Williams, John, Dr. |
149 |
- The Military - 163
Reck, Abraham, Rev. |
174 |
Witte, Augustus F. |
170 |
- Citizens of 1837 - 175
- Old Landmarks - 176
- Taxes - 177
- Fourth of July Celebration 1837 - 178
- Prominent Merchants of 1840 - 180
- Some Weddings - 182
- Society Leaders - 183
- City Officers of 1840 - 184
- Political Meetings - 185
- Red Lodge - 186
- Temperance - 187
- Lancaster Institute - 190
- Lancaster Lateral Canal - 191
- Sunday Schools - 191
- Masonic - 192
Miscellaneous - 197
- Methodist Episcopal Church - 198
- Presbyterian Church - 200
- Evangelical Lutheran Church - 204
Lutheran Church - 205
- English Lutheran Church - 206
- Grace Reformed Church - 206
- Episcopal Church - 207
- Immanuel Lutheran Church - 208
- St. Mary's Catholic Church - 208
- The United Evangelical Church - 209
- Trinity Evangelical Church - 209
- Old School Baptist Church - 209
- African Methodist Episcopal Church - 210
- Churches and Other Buildings - 210
- Postmasters of Lancaster - 211
- Mayors of Lancaster - 211
Honored Citizens - 211
The Colored Citizen - 215
- The Starch Company - 216
- Killing of Little and Michaels - 219
- Lancaster in the War - 221
- Financial Items - 224
- Insurance Agents - 225
- The Fire Fiend in Lancaster - 226
- Cemeteries - 228
-- Forest Rose - 228
-- Catholic Cemetery 228 |
Finished |
229 |
Andrews, E. B. |
262 |
Bigelow, John M., Dr. |
247 |
Boerstler, George W.,
Dr. |
240 |
Borland, Charles |
234 |
Carpenter, Paul, Dr. |
244 |
Cassel, John C. |
236 |
Connell, John M. |
238 |
Crider, H. L. |
257 |
Daugherty, M. A. |
232 |
Davis, O. E., Dr. |
246 |
Edwards, Tom O. Dr. |
242 |
Effinger, Michael, Dr. |
245 |
Ewing, P. B. |
231 |
Ewing, Thomas, General |
253 |
Flowers, F. L. |
251 |
Griswold, Samuel A. |
259 |
Griswold, Victor Moreau |
248 |
Keller, Augustus
Ruffner, Capt. |
258 |
Martin, John D. |
229 |
McNeill, John Bowman |
266 |
McVeigh, Alfred |
235 |
Mumaugh, John R. |
263 |
Nourse, John D. |
238 |
Radebaugh, Joel |
265 |
Schneider, Charles |
257 |
Scott, Hervey |
252 |
Shaw, Virgil E. |
235 |
Slade, Wm. |
245 |
Steele, C. F., Colonel |
265 |
Stinchcomb, James W. |
236 |
Thiel, Casper |
244 |
Wagenhals, John |
255 |
Wagenhals, P. M. |
250 |
Wait, H. H. |
247 |
Weakley, Henry V. |
264 |
Wetzler, Thomas |
256 |
White, James, Dr. |
239 |
Whitman, H. C., Hon. |
233 |
Wright, Silas H. |
237 |
Finished |
267 |
Alkire, W. J. & Jehu
Collins |
313 |
Alkire, Wesley J. |
278 |
Anderson, Levi |
275 |
Bain, Whiley & Co. |
298 |
Bates, Thomas |
277 |
Bauman, Andrew |
300 |
Beatty, W. S. |
311 |
Beck, George G. |
271 |
Becker, Ernest |
292 |
Berry, Samuel |
310 |
Bevelling, H. W. |
309 |
Binninger, Philemon W. |
293 |
Binninger, Wolfgang |
294 |
Black & Coles |
303 |
Block, Jacob |
302 |
Bope, Philip |
276 |
Brennaman, A. |
301 |
Brock, George W. |
313 |
Browning & Noble |
296 |
Bush, Daniel |
298 |
Butch, L. C. |
294 |
Campbell, Rudisill & Co. |
268 |
Cannon, Hugh |
321 |
Cless, Henry |
308 |
Collins, John A. |
313 |
Collins, P. H. & Co. |
313 |
Connell, Benjamin |
302 |
Connell, John |
318 |
Creed, John |
296 |
Crim, Samuel |
303 |
DeLong Brothers |
295 |
Davidson & Brasee |
302 |
Develling, H. W. |
309 |
Dumont, Julius W. |
270 |
Eckert, George L. |
307 |
Embich, P. B. |
314 |
Fall, John C. |
315 |
Fielding, Robert |
290 |
Foster, Perry D. |
304 |
Freeman & Richards |
312 |
Friesner, Levi |
297 |
Fromlet, A. |
324 |
Frost & Durbin |
314 |
Gardner & Cherry |
300 |
Gates, James |
289 |
Gebelein, Henry A. |
306 |
Giddings, Henry H. |
301 |
Henley, J. C., Capt. |
305 |
Hire, H. C. |
294 |
Hoffman Family, The |
307 |
Hopkins, L. |
278 |
Hopkins & Symonds |
304 |
Julian, E. |
274 |
Kauffman, George |
267 |
Keller Brothers |
297 |
Keller, Jacob |
297 |
Kendall, Francis |
277 |
King, William L. |
324 |
Kinkead, J. C. & Co. |
305 |
Kraner, P. H. |
304 |
Kutz, Daniel |
273 |
Latta, Wm. |
283 |
Lehman, Christian |
322 |
Levering & Cassel |
296 |
Levy, Moses & Jacob
Block |
301 |
Little, Henry & Charles
Dresbach |
323 |
Lobenthal, Lippen |
279 |
Lyons, John |
288 |
Matthews, Henry, & Co. |
268 |
Mayer, Frederick |
295 |
McManamy, James |
306 |
Miller, John |
301 |
Miller, Peter & Brother |
286 |
Mithoff, G. A. &
Theodore |
290 |
Myers & Anspach |
275 |
Myers & Bro. |
300 |
Myers, Jacob, Rev. |
316 |
Nester, Philip |
322 |
Olds, Edson B., Dr. |
286 |
Outcalt, Jesse |
307 |
Rainey, Charles F. |
325 |
Reed, Andrew |
303 |
Reed, T. N. & T. U. |
277 |
Reeves, Josiah & J. D. |
272 |
Reinmund, B. F. |
282 |
Reinmund, Joseph |
281 |
Rising, Philip |
278 |
Ritchie, William A. |
317 |
Schleicher, Louis |
296 |
Searles, John |
311 |
Shoff, Jacob |
324 |
Sifford, Daniel |
269 |
Slevins & Phelan |
274 |
Smalley, Mahlon |
318 |
Smith, Geo. H., Jr. |
294 |
Smith, George H. |
269 |
Springer, Henry |
283 |
Stewart, William |
320 |
Stutson, Alvord |
319 |
Thompson, Lewis |
313 |
Trout, Horatio Gates |
284 |
Tuthill, John Claspill |
320 |
Tuthill, John L. |
288 |
Vagnier, Victor |
300 |
Weaver, James |
311 |
Weaver, John C. |
275 |
Wetzel, Jacob |
323 |
Whiley, Samuel, Sr. |
298 |
White, Thos. U. |
288 |
White, Thomas H. |
319 |
Williams & Ackley |
277 |
Willock, John G. |
313 |
Wise & Hilliard |
306 |
Wood, John |
295 |
Work, John |
306 |
Work, Joseph, Sr. |
310 |
Wright, Spencer J. & Co. |
312 |
Wygum, George J. |
309 |
Finished 8/27/2020 |
325 |
Anandt, Christian |
359 |
Anderson, Jesse |
339 |
Arnold, Daniel |
330 |
Bauman, Martin |
350 |
Baumaster, Charles |
353 |
Baumaster, Jacob |
353 |
Baxter, Samuel |
348 |
Beck, George, Sr. |
327 |
Beck, Jacob, Sr. |
326 |
Beck, Martin |
328 |
Bell, Henry |
367 |
Bentley, George |
350 |
Bitler, George J. |
362 |
Blaire, Henry F. & Wm.
Kinkead |
368 |
Blaire, William Guy |
368 |
Bodenhamer, Wm. |
340 |
Brink, Henry W. |
353 |
Brumfield, Wm. |
362 |
Buechler, Michael, Dr. |
375 |
Butterfield, Isaac |
349 |
Cannon, Samuel |
346 |
Canode, George |
359 |
Carter, George |
363 |
Cassel, Wm. |
366 |
Church, Isaac |
358 |
Claspill, George W. |
334 |
Claspill, Robert O. |
364 |
Claspill, Robert R. |
334 |
Comer, Isaac |
337 |
Cook, Robert |
373 |
Cowden, David |
334 |
Cranmer, James |
346 |
Cutchall, James |
373 |
Denning & Parker |
350 |
Denton, Simeon |
365 |
Devol, Gilbert |
361 |
Dodson, Thos. G. |
344 |
Drinkle, Peter G. |
369 |
Drum, Henry |
352 |
Dubble, Henry |
356 |
Edingfield, Thos. |
347 |
Embich, Jacob |
331 |
Embich, Philip |
331 |
Ferguson, Wm. F.,
Captain |
374 |
Fischel, D. K. |
344 |
Fismer, William |
353 |
Flood, John C. |
366 |
Foster, David |
338 |
Fricker, Thomas |
330 |
Gaster, Jacob |
371 |
Gebelein, John |
334 |
Geiser, James |
340 |
Geiser, Wm. |
340 |
Gibbs, John |
337 |
Giesy, John U. |
326 |
Grubb, Joseph |
351 |
Guseman, Adam |
340 |
Guseman, George |
340 |
Guseman, Jacob |
339 |
Guseman, John |
339 |
Hamilton, William,
Colonl |
377 |
Hanson, Hiram |
336 |
Hard, Daniel |
333 |
Herman, James |
365 |
Herr, Samuel |
332 |
Hite, Jacob |
341 |
Holt, Jacob |
348 |
Hood, George, Sr. |
337 |
Huber, Christopher,
Colonel |
370 |
Hunter, Amos |
338 |
Imhoff, Frederick |
332 |
Jones, John Ampy |
376 |
Joy, Henry B. |
357 |
Kindler, Martin |
340 |
Koehler & Myers |
357 |
Kurtzman, Joseph |
363 |
LaFeare, James |
333 |
Lilly, Frank |
359 |
Little, John N. |
347 |
Little, Samuel |
348 |
Lochman, Christopher |
336 |
Matlack, John |
346 |
Matlack, Samuel |
347 |
McDonald, Walter |
335 |
McManamy, Tole |
329 |
Meyer, George |
341 |
Miers, Henry, Jr. |
372 |
Miers, James |
372 |
Miller, John M. |
351 |
Moerlein, William |
363 |
Munlux, William |
348 |
Myers & Getz |
355 |
Myers, George & John
Whitmiller |
363 |
Mytinger, Charles |
336 |
O'Donnell, James F. |
369 |
Pearce, John |
339 |
Pearce, W. B. |
365 |
Perry, Alvah |
375 |
Peters, Billy, Old |
376 |
Peters, Charles, Rev. |
376 |
Peters, Gideon |
364 |
Pitcher, Abraham |
374 |
Pool, James |
354 |
Pratt, James M. |
364 |
Price, John H. |
349 |
Pursell, William |
343 |
Rainey, John C. |
342 |
Reed, John B. |
345 |
Reed, Robert |
334 |
Richards, William |
333 |
Rudolph, Christian |
371 |
Rudolph, Samuel |
373 |
Sager, Charles, Colonel |
358 |
Schleich, John D. |
366 |
Schultz, Henry |
366 |
Schur, Charles |
357 |
Shaeffer, Baltzer |
337 |
Shaeffer, Frederick A. |
328 |
Shaeffer, Jacob |
329 |
Shannon, Robert |
342 |
Shaw, Salmon |
372 |
Short, Adam |
350 |
Shutt, William H. |
349 |
Sites, George D. |
351 |
Smith, George |
338 |
Smith, Joel |
361 |
Smith, John C. |
335 |
Smith, Stephen |
332 |
Snider, John S. |
373 |
Stafford, J. A., Gen. |
360 |
John |
356 |
Steck, F. A. |
345 |
Steinman, Perry |
375 |
Stortzman, Isaac |
333 |
Strentz, Wendell |
355 |
Strode, George H. |
354 |
Stull, John |
331 |
Swiler, John |
371 |
Titler, Peter |
329 |
Upfield, William |
352 |
Vorys, Isaiah |
332 |
Wagner, Ferdinand |
359 |
Walter, Jacob |
350 |
Weakley, James |
336 |
Weakley, Oliver P. |
350 |
Weaver, Christopher |
325 |
Wilhelm, Samuel |
355 |
Williams, William E. |
360 |
Winter, Conrad |
352 |
Wolfe, Salem |
377 |
Wolfe, Stephen Decatur |
345 |
Woltz, Jesse |
331 |
Worrell, George |
341 |
Wright, Edwin |
342 |
Wright, John H. |
370 |
Wright, Josiah |
342 |
Young, Jacob |
346 |
Young, Nicholas |
347 |
Younghans, Justus |
341 |
Youngkin, John |
358 |
Douglass Club - 378
- The Public Library - 378
- History of Natural Gas Plant - 379
- Hocking Valley Hop Company - 381
- A Brief Review - 381
- California Adventurers - 385
- Distinguished Visitors
- 385 |
395 |
--- NOTES: ---

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