Portrait and Biographical History of
Fayette, Pickaway and Madison Counties, Ohio.
Chicago: Chapman Bros.

CORNELIUS G. LEAVELL, was one of the most
practical and successful farmers of Fayette County, his farm
in Madison Township being one of the finest in that
vicinity. His birth occurred Nov. 7, 1825, on the farm
where his last days are spent. He was the son of
John and Cynthia (Hedges) Leavell, both of whom were
natives of Virginia. The father was born in 1774, and
when thirteen years of age, started for Kentucky in company
with his parents. The Indians being very hostile, the
grandmother became alarmed and the party then stopped in
Greenbrier County, Va., where the grandfather departed this
life. The next year they floated down the Kanawha
River, and located near Lexington, Ky., soon after which the
mother met her death by a tree falling upon her. The
grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, serving
through the entire conflict.
The father of our subject in 1797 came to Ohio, and
located either in Ross or Pickaway County. He was
married in the last-named county in 1822, soon after which
he took up his abode in this county. His estate, which
originally comprised ninety-eight acres, was added to from
time to time, until at his death Mr. Leavell was the
possessor of nine hundred and sixty-eight broad acres.
Of the eight children comprising the parental family,
our subject was the third in order of birth. He was
given a fair education in the district school, and, when
reaching his majority, began to battle with life on his own
account, farming on property which had been given him by his
father. Apr. 17, 1849, he was married to Miss Emma,
a daughter of James and Mary (Harr) Phillips, who was
born in Chillicothe May 23, 1829. Mr. Leavell
inherited one hundred and forty acres of land from his
father and added to that tract until at his death, which
occurred Apr. 12, 1892, his estate included seven hundred
acres. On this property is located the old log house
which was erected in 1816.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leavell were granted a family of
two children: John P., who was born Mar. 25, 1850, is
a graduate of the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, but
did not long follow his profession on account of ill health,
and is now farming Fayette County. He is
married, and has two children. Benjamin Ward,
who was born May 12, 1856, is also engaged in farming in
Madison Township, is married and has three children.
He of whom we write in politics was a true-blue Republican,
and in township affairs had been Trustee, Clerk and
Treasurer, and had represented his party in various county
and State conventions.
Portrait and
Biographical History of
Fayette, Pickaway and Madison Counties, Ohio. Publ.
Chicago: Chapman Bros. - 1892 - Page 682 |