History of Fayette County,
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Old Families
Frank M. Allen, Editor
Indianapolis, Ind. : B.F. Bowen & Co.,

To make a success of agriculture it is necessary to be
something more than merely a hard worker. In these
days when modern machinery has made it possible for the
farmer to dispense with laborious efforts in order to get a
good crop there is demanded a technical knowledge which it
was not considered necessary to know fifty years ago.
There are fields in Fayette county which fifty years ago
would even produce twice as much corn as the same fields
will yield today for the reason that the soil has lost much
of hits former fertility. Continuous cropping, without
proper rotation of crops of scientific fertilizing, has
depleted the plant food in the soil. The wise farmer
of today realizes that a knowledge of the constituent
elements of the soil is necessary if he wishes to secure the
maximum results form his efforts. One of the
progressive farmers of Fayette county, who keeps well
abreast of the latest advances in agriculture is George
E. Zimmerman, a prominent farmer and stock raiser of
Jefferson township.
George Elba Zimmerman was born Apr. 12, 1869, in
Greene county, Ohio, and is the son of Fletcher and Lucy
(Preddy) Zimmerman. His father was born in this
county and was a son of Obadiah Zimmerman a native of
Virginia and an early settler in Union township, this
county. Fletcher Zimmerman and wife were the
parents of eleven children. Alvin B., Osman T.,
Frank R., Trustin, George Elba, Dean, John, Mrs. Anna Ellis,
Samuel, Mrs. Flora Haas and Mrs. Edith Neal.
Fletcher Zimmerman is still living and is the owner of
about two hundred acres of land, part of which lies in
Fayette county.
George E. Zimmerman attended the Hargrove school
in Jefferson township and later went to the Luttrell school,
where he completed his education. He remained at home
until he was twenty-one years of age and began farming on
the shares, after which he rented a farm of one hundred and
fifty acres, on which he lived for three years, when he
bought his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres about
three and one-half miles north of Jeffersonville. His
farm, known as the Poplar farm, is one of the most
attractive in the county and he has always taken great pride
in keeping it in good repair. He is an extensive
raiser of Duroc hogs and high grade cattle and derives the
major portion of his income from the sale of his live stock.
Mr. Zimmerman was married Dec. 27, 1893, to Maude
Perkins, the daughter of Absalom and Jennie (Hitchcock)
Gordon. Mrs. Zimmerman's mother died when she was
fifteen months old and she was then adopted by David and
Elizabeth (Ervin) Perkins and by them reared to womanhood.
David was born in Washington county, Ohio, and is a
son of Samuel Perkins and is living with the subject.
Nine children were born to Samuel Perkins and wife:
Weston, Willard, Mrs. Matilda Durken, Walter, David, Mrs.
Sarah Thomas, Mrs. Columbia Ervin, Esther and Abbie.
All of these children are deceased except Matilda and
Mr. Zimmerman and his wife are the parents of five
children, Harold W., Donald R., Amos V., Ala L. and
Theron A. Harold is a graduate of the
Jeffersonville high school, while the other four children
are still students in the common schools. Their
parents are firm believers in the great value of a good
education, and they are giving their children the benefit of
the best educational training that can be had in the county.
The family are all loyal members of the Christian church, in
whose welfare they are interested and to whose support they
are liberal contributors. Fraternally, Mr.
Zimmerman is a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Genial and unassuming in manner, he easily wins friends and
always retains them because of his high personal qualities.
Source: History of Fayette County, Ohio -
Indianapolis, Ind. : B.F. Bowen & Co., 1914 - Page 497 |