The township of Union occupies a
central position in the county. It was one of the original townships,
formed at the time of the organization of Fayette county in 1810. The
boundary lines are as follows: Beginning about a mile east of
Bloomingburg, on the Marion township line, it runs a little south of west about
four and a half miles to the pike; then deflects a little to the south until it
reaches Paint creek, about two and a half miles; thence nearly southwest about
two miles to Sugar creek; thence with said creek about ten miles to Paint creek;
thence north with the pike one mile; thence east one mile to Paint creek; thence
north two miles with the creek; thence northeast two miles to the pike; thence
north of east three miles to the railroad; thence northwest with the pike three
miles; thence north to the beginning.
The drainage of the township is well taken care of by Paint creek,
supplemented by artificial drainage where necessary. This creek
near Washington into the east and west branch. Sugar creek flows along the
western side of the township. The land generally is level in Union
township. The western portion was at one time very heavily timbered, while
the northeastern part was called the "barrens," very low and swampy, covered
with high grass in the early days, which the Indians destroyed by burning. EARLY SETTLEMENT. Edward Smith, Sr.,
was one of the earlier settlers in the township, coming in 1810.
He is mentioned in full in the chapter on early settlement and
organization. His death occurred while he was trying to
cross Point creek during high water.
Jacob Casselman was a noted hunter and farmer of
this section. John Thomas, a farmer, was a soldier in the
War of 1812. Jacob Judy, also a soldier in this
war, was another prominent early farmer. Col. Joseph
Bell represented the fouth district in Congress for several
terms. Col. Joseph Vance, Sr., served in the French
and Revolutionary wars. John King, farmer Robert
Irion, first surveyor, William Cockerall, first
school teacher, John Irion, trustee, William Boggs,
shoemaker, J. and S. Coffin, tailors, were in the
War of 1812, also James Pollock, and Reuben Purcell.
William Brannon, Sr., William Brannon, Jr., James Brannon, C.
Coffman, Hiram Rush and N. Rush were farmers.
The Allens, Ananias, Madison, James, Joseph, Jesse, Benjamin
and Eben, all lived on Allen run, sometimes
called Big run.
Robert Smith emigrated from Virginia at an early
date and settled in Ross county, near Bainbridge. From
Ross he came to Fayette and afterward served in the War of 1812.
Edward Taylor was a Pennsylvanian and a veteran of all
the early wars. He first came to Kentucky and in 1815
purchased two hundred acres of Nathaniel Massie on main
Paint and Taylor runs. He lived to be over one hundred
years of age. J. S. Bereman was another early
settler of Union township. Daniel McLain, Joseph
McLain, William R. Millikan, William Rush and Lieut.
Millikan were other early comers to the township.
Judge James Beatty
emigrated to Fayette county in 1818, when the town of Washington
had but a few log cabins and deer and game were in abundance.
He served in the War of 1812. His father was Charles
Beatty, who died in 1850. Judge Beatty was
elected and commissioned an associate judge in 1847 and served
until the new constitution was adopted.
Robert Robinson, attorney and an early
representative of Fayette county; Wade Loofborrow, of
whom the same could be said: Col. S. F. Carr,
attorney, were pioneers. Brice Webster, Robert
Harrison, Joseph Orr and James Harrison were farmers.
Thomas, J. and C. Walker, James Timmons, Patrick
Pendergrass, Thomas Pendergrass, James Allen, Samuel Webster,
Moses Rowe, Daniel McLain, John Hues, B. Ball, John Weeks, John
Dehaven, William Highland, Robert Geno, Abram Ware, David
Thompson, Daniel Shiry, John Rankin, N. Evans, John Allen
and David Morrison were farmers.
Seth Dunn, hunter and farmer; Elisha Taylor
and Colonel Jewett, farmers, were all in the War of 1812.
Nathan Loofborrow, Jerome Drais and James McCoy
were all noted stock dealers. Isaac Templeton, a
day laborer, was the father of eighteen children (three sets of
twins). Abel Wright and John Myers,
respectively tanner and farmer; Joseph Blackburn was
ninety-nine, a tanner; Stephen Grubb, carpenter; Judge
Gillespie, a man of influence; Noah Devault and
George Hinkle, carpenters; Zebedee Heagler and
John Grady were the first butchers.
John Thomas settled at the mouth of the east
fork of Paint creek about 1810 and was known all over the county
as "Chin" Thomas, on account of the remarkable extension
of his chin.
Robert Harrison and William Downing came
from Kentucky about 1808, and located on Sugar creek.
Samuel and Frank Waddle came from Kentucky in 1810
and settled on Sugar creek. Henry and Jacob
Snyder came from Virginia, first to Ross county, then to
Fayette, locating on Sugar creek in 1809. David and
John Wright settled on Sugar creek in 1808.
Leonard Bush came from Virginia, with a large family, in
1808, and settled on Sugar creek. Fielding Figgins,
with four or five sons, came from Kentucky and began farming on
Sugar creek in 1809. The Millers from Virginia in
1810 and settled between Washington and Sugar creek. The
Coils located near Bloomingburg in 1809. Jacob
Judy came from Virginia and located on the east fork of
Paint creek in 1809. A Mr. Smith settled on Paint
creek, in which he was subsequently drowned.
It appears that for a long time no settlements were
made in the immediate vicinity of Washington. John Orr
settled on Paint creek, about two miles southeast of
Washington, in 1808.
Valentine (Felty) Coil was one of the earlier
settlers of Fayette county and Washington C. H. During the
early Indian wars, when about two years of age, he was captured
at Ruddle's station by the Indians and Canadians under
Colonel Byrd, and, with his sister, was carried across the
Ohio, at Cincinnati, to Niagara Falls, thence to Canada, where
he was adopted by a squaw who had lost a son, with whom he lived
until his marriage. It is said that the notorious Simon
Girty, who captured him, met him at a public house in
Canada, and after inviting him to drink, and when under the
influence of "fire water", bantered him for a fight, which being
refused, he grew very talkative and revealed to him the
whereabouts of his friends. On the strength of this,
Coil went to Kentucky and found an uncle, who went with him
to Virginia and found his mother, who had married a man named
Hendricks. When he saw her, she did not recognize him.
By means of a mark he was made known. He returned to
Canada and, after the death of his wife, came to Fayette county
and set up a distillery near Washington, which he finally
abandoned and came into town. It is said he made whiskey
in Canada for the English Fur Company. He was sold by the
Indians to a British officer, whose wife imposed upon him and
made him a slave. |