pg. 49
Esquire, was born December 9th, 1785, in Clark County,
Kentucky, and emigrated to Ross County, Old Town, 1796. He
purchased 1,000 acres of Turkey run, now Wayne Township, Fayette
County, in 1805. He married Polly Barker April
11th, 1808, by whom he had ten children - Euline, Jane,
Anderson, Dartington, Decater, Greenup, Rachel, John, Jessee,
Candes; all married, and have families. John
DeWitte served as a soldier during the war of 1812; he
served as a justice several terms, and during his life served in
several other important township offices. His house was
the headquarters of Governor McArthur, Massie, Douglas,
Creighton, Kendrick, Allen, Thurman, Randolph, Clay, Crittenden,
and other prominent men of the South and West. Peter
DeWitte, father of John, emigrated from Germany to
America, at an early day; he was in the Revolutionary War, and
was an early pioneer to Kentucky; a friend of Boone and Kenton.
He died soon after the war of '12, aged 90, his wife died
at the age of 92. John, the subject of this record,
built the first cabin in now Wayne Township, then a wilderness
inhabited by Indians and wild beasts of pray; no roads, nothing
but Indians' trails and bridle paths; no mills and no
conveniencies, he had to encounter every hardship incident to
pioneer life; dangers seen and unseen to early pioneers.
On Esquire DeWitte's farm are the earth works.
The mound is about 100 feet high, and in circumference about one
mile; on the top it is level, and contains near ten acres; on
the west side is the deep basin or pool, in circumference about
eighty rods. There are three deep inclined passages
running from the surface below to the top of the fort or mound.
For past ages it was the camp of Big John and his war tribe.
On the east side is the oldest cemetery in the county, donated
to the public by Mr. DeWitte, Esq. In this ancient
depository of the dead, are the remains of John DeWitte,
Esq., and wife; over their graves their children have
erected costly and beautiful monuments, showing the respect and
love they have for their lamented parents.
Jessee is the owner of the old
ancient homestead, the old brick house, having been built in
1822. It still stands as a monument to tell the place
where lived and died John DeWitte, Esq., who was known
for his honesty, benevolence, and hospitality. In
religion, he was a regular Baptist; his latchstring was always
out during associations, and the weary pioneer preacher found
shelter and comfort.
Camp meeting ground,
on the south side of Chillicothe pike, most beautifully situated
on a high, dry piece of ground, a truly romantic forest grove
interspersed with native ornamental trees, inexhaustible supply
of sulphur water of the best quality. The ground had been
in past ages the cemetery of some ancient race, large in
physical structure, as skeletons have been exhumed measuring
seven and seven and one-half feet in length.
Anderson DeWitte was born August 23d,
1813, on the homestead, east of Washington four miles, on Turkey
creek, Wayne Township. He lived with his father until of
age; he married Miss Elizabeth Hare, daughter of Hon.
Geo. Hare, now of McDonnough County, Illinois, who
emigrated from Ross County, Ohio, in 1850. Mr. Hare
was an early pioneer to Ross County, and, during his residence
there, he was popular and favorable known - a man of note and
prominence. Soon after his settling in his new locality he
was elected to the General Assembly of his newly adopted State;
he is still living, and enjoys good health and the society of
his numerous friends and relatives.
Mr. DeWitte, soon after his marriage, purchased
land of his father, and moved on it; he still purchased, until
he is the owner of 1,000 acres. Mr. DeWitte has
been during his life a large and extensive dealer in fine stock
- such as horses, cattle, mules, and hogs; and he has been
engaged in shipping for the past several years, horses, cattle,
mules, and hogs to the Eastern markets, and has had imported
fine stock from Europe. His stalls of
yearling bulls are
unsurpassed for pure blood and model beauty, and for many years
he has been the successful man for important premiums at State
and County Fairs.
Mr. DeWitte is the father of twelve children,
all living and possessing sound minds and good health; their
names are as follows: Mary C., Semantha, Thomas Hamer,
called after the lamented Gen. Thomas L. Hamer of Brown
County, Ohio, Joann, Harvey, Elizabeth, Hannah Bell, John,
Martin, Jane Almeda, George, Crittenden, named after the
late Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky. Mr.
DeWitte, in religion is a Methodist, and in politics, a
Democrat. He has often been urged to run for office, but
always refused, having no aspiration in that way. He is a
man of great energy of character, enterprise, and frugality.
He is intelligent, and generally entertains his friends in a
social talk when they call on him; his health is unimpaired, and
he bids fair to live yet many years.
emigrated to Ohio in 1805, then Ross County, and purchased six
hundred acres of land in the woods of Peter Harper,
paying $900; he lost his purchase, Harpers title having
proved a fraud. He then purchased three hundred acres of
John L. Choier, in Wayne Township, now Fayette county.
The following are the names of Richard
Hukill's children who emigrated with him: Nathan, David,
Zebulan, Herold, Stephen, Noah, Zachariah, Naoma, Polly, Nancy.
Richard Hukill was one of the first Trustee of Wayne
Township. In religion, a Baptist. He died in 1854.
Noah Hukill was the first inn-keeper; he still occupies
the old farm. The names of his children are: W. R.
Hukill, Esq., who has served as justice several
terms, also as treasurer and school director, Maggie Hukill
married W. R. Dixon.
The following pioneer names by
W. R. Hukill: Philip Harper, Adam Rions, William Baker, James
Baker, William Barker, John L. Choier, Samuel Choier, John
Merret, Henry Thurman, one of the first justices of the
peace, J. Smith, J. Carter, Daniel Hopper, Wm. Harper, Peter
Deull, Gilbert Yeoman, Stephen Hill, Humphrey Warren, Peleg
Rogers, William Ware, Henry Byran, John Archer, Samuel Blain, S.
Keller, Samuel Orr, Felta Post, Christopher Popejoy, George
Poor, Isaac Aylshire, John McCoy, who were all farmers, and
did much to open and improve the wilderness; but a majority of
them have passed away from the state of action.
Among the most prominent and useful men of the township
at the present time are Nathan Coffman, Milton
Heagler, Ira
Yeoman, Jacob Eyeman, Hamilton Rogers, John Hukill, Anderson
DeWitte, Jesse White, William S. Rogers, T. N. McElwain, William
McElwain, John Smith, John R. Dixon, Stephen Geringer, W. B.
Rodgers, John Simmin, Philip McWilliams, Thomas McCoy, John H.
Parrott, John Sellars.
The first store in the township was opened by
Bush & Co., at McElwain's tan-yard, now Good
Hope. James and Waller Yeoman built the
first flour mill of Joseph Bonham's, on Paint creek, in
the village of Rock Mills. The first stillhouse in the
township was erected by Christopher Popejoy, on the large
farm of Rev. Boyd. The first hotel in the township
was kept by Noah Hukill, on the farm where he now lives.
Among the first school teachers were Andrew Hays and
Thomas Finny. And one of the first school-houses in
the township was built on the farm of the heirs of Malloo, once
the old Hukill farm.
The first ministers were Daniel Hays, James
Burbridge, Mr. Alkire, Samuel Wilson, Dr. George Zimmerman,
a half Shawnee Indian and a successful doctor. Rev. T. H.
Dewees keeps store at present in Rock Village - see Good
Hope Business Directory, by Wm. David, on another page.
Among the many good things of Wayne Township are two
tile factories for the making of drain tiles, which are carried
on by Hegler & Co. and J. Willer. The first
churches were built by the Baptists. The Baptists have two
churches, and the Methodists one, and the Dunkards one.
There is a good school-house in every district, and the
merry shouts of the scholars can be heard in every nook and
corner of old Wayne. This is what the hand of time and
improvement has done. The forests have become
cleared out and the land improved. Once what used to be
the home of the Indian, the wild turkey, panther, bear, and deer
has given place to civilization and intelligence.
Ira Yeoman is our most successful wheat farmer;
he has held the important office of Township Treasurer fourteen
years, to the entire approval of the community. In this
township is one of the best houses in the county - it is the
residence of Milton Hegler, Esq., which stands as a
monument of architecture and wealth, on his model farm of 1,500
acres, located in the east end of Fayette and west end of Rose
counties, on the pike leading from Chillicothe to Washington
Court-House. Streams running through the township are Main
Paint creek, Indian creek, Turkey run, Hukill run, Papaw run,
and Davis lick. Wayne Township was named after the brave,
made Anthony Wayne. The face of the township is
level, and a little rich rolling soil. The inhabitants are
honest, industrious, frugal, and hospitable. She has the
honor of having the oldest man and woman within her limits in
the county - see another page in the townships.
emigrated from Virginia to now Wayne Township at an early date,
and settled near the waters of Main Paint. His sons,
Zach, John, Alexander, James and Isaac, are all
farmers. James lives on the old farm. John
Smith served several terms to entire satisfaction.
Alexander was assessor several years, and made a
very popular one.
emigrated from Hamshire County, Virginia, at an early, to now
Fayette. He settled on Main Paint; he served in the war of
1812; he was by occupation a farmer, and made a good neighbor.
He had five sons, Josiah, Noah, Martin, Christopher, and
David. Josiah is dead; Noah lives in Ross
County as a farmer; Martin is a farmer and large stock
dealer, and is now erecting a large pork-house; his house is
situated two miles east of Washington, on the Chillicothe pike;
Christopher is a farmer in Illinois; David was
drowned in Paint creek, in his sixth year; he was, for his age,
a very promising child.
Captain ROBERT
McELWAINE emigrated from Kentucky to Fayette in 1810, and
settled on Indian creek, a noted place for Indians and game.
His family consisted of his wife and three children - Jane,
John C., and William.
is dead; William followed the occupation of a merchant
and farmer. After arriving in Fayette, Mrs. McElwain
had seven children - Ozee, wife of Ira Yeoman; Robert
T. was a tanner; he died in 1848, and left a wife and three
children in Missouri; Nancy Stukey wife of Simon
Stukey; they had nine children - five boys; Robert N.,
Jacob, Samuel, William M., and John are all farmers
and stock dealers; Magie, Mary, Ozee, and Axy are
all single; Samuel McElwain died on the route to
California; Thomas N. McElwain is a farmer and stock
dealer, and occupies the old homestead; his family, John H.,
Ozee and Jane are dead; Annie; Samuel N., is a
farmer; William R. and Lewis A.; Eliza is a
wife of Anderson Rowe; William R. and Lewis A.;
Eliza is the wife of Anderson Rowe - she is
dead, but left one child, William T. Rowe; Minerva is
also dead; Jane had one son - Robert; John and nine children:
William R., Robert, John T., Maria J., Emily, Usebie, Minerva,
Samuel, and Alfred J. The following are
William's children: Mary J., Nancy, John N., Thomas B.,
Eliza, Henrieta, Eva, Robert T., and Willie. John
N. is a clerk in the Treasurer's Office at Washington city;
Thomas B. is an attorney at Washington C. H.
Robert's children are as follows: Susan J., John W.,
and Esther T. John W., farmer; served in the late
war; Susan, teacher. Capt. Robert McElwain
served as captain of a rifle company during the war of 1812;
while in the service he was elected a justice, and served nine
years. He also, during his life, held several important
civil offices. He was a man of influence; a useful
citizen; kind and benevolent to the poor; his latch string at
all times hung out. He died in the 48th year, respected
and lamented by relatives and friends. William
McElwain was in the revolutionary war.
was emigrated from Virginia to Fayette in 1807, and settled on
Indian creek, in the forest. His neighbors were Indians
and beasts of prey. He was in the war of 1812. His
children are scattered; Jackson, Hamilton, and William
live in Wayne Township, and are farmers. Mrs. Benjamin
Rogers died in 1871, in her 91st year.
emigrated to Fayette in 1814; was in the war of 1812; a farmer.
was an early emigrant; a farmer. His sons, Samuel
and Jacob, both farmers.
was an early settler; was a farmer.
was an early settler. He was the father of David,
Abraham, Jacob, Jack, James, William and
and JACOB FREES were early settlers on Indian Creek.
John Simerson was an early settler. James Kerr
was an early settler. William, Jerry, and Andrew,
are his sons; occupations, farmers.
was a private in the revolutionary war, under Gen. George
Washington; he received a pension during his life.
He emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky, where he died in 1848.
His son, Thomas Dixon, Jr., was in the war of 1812; he
went from Bedford County, Virginia. He emigrated from
Virginia to Wayne Township, Fayette County, in 1833, where still
lives, in his 78th year. His son, Abner, lives in
Madison Township, following the occupation of a farmer and stock
dealer. John Kelly Dixon, Wm. Richard Dixon, Giles
Dixon, and Henry Dixon are all farmers and stock
dealers, and live in Wayne Township, except Richard who
lives in Union. Susan Dixon married Wm. DeWitte,
and lives in Wayne Township; Jane Dixon married
Benjamin Davis, farmer; these were the daughters of
Thomas Dixon, Jr. The Dixon family present a
noble war record, having in every national war in our country
volunteered the rallied under the flag of the Union. They
descend from the ancient stock of Dixons, who were noted for
their valor and honesty. Henry Dixon was in the war
of the late rebellion three years.
father of Mrs. Abner Dixon, emigrated to Fayette County
with his father, Benjamin Davis, from North
Carolina, in the year 1802. Benjamin Davis was drum
major in the revolution, and in the war of 1812. Ellen
Davis, mother of Mrs. Abner Dixon,
was born in Virginia in 1807, and now lives on the old homestead
on Main Paint creek. Benjamin Davis died in
1837. John, Benjamin, William, Sarah,
Ellen, and Jacob A. are the children of Jacob and
Ellen Davis. Susan is dead.
was born in Surana County, Virginia, and emigrated to the Little
Wabash, Fayette County, in 1816. The woods were full of
game of every kind. He was the father of six sons and four
daughters - living in Indiana. Mr. Wilkins was in
the war of 1812, in Virginia.
COFFMAN emigrated from Kentucky at an early day with his
family, and settled in Wayne. His two sons live yet;
Nathan on the old farm, very wealthy; Samuel lives on
Sugar creek; occupation, farmer and stock merchant.
father of all the Yeomans, emigrated from York State at a
very early date, and settled on Main Paint, near Rockville; he
built the first brick hose on Main Paint. His sons,
James, Walter, and Samuel Yeoman, who was the father
of Colonel S. N. Yeoman, now a large dry-goods merchant
in Washington. The colonel served as a brave and popular
commander in the late rebellion. Ira Yeoman, son of
James Yeoman, occupies the old homestead. Enos,
Ely, Len, Milton, Allen, and Jackson are sons of
Walter Yeoman, and are all successful and useful farmers but
the colonel whose occupations is a merchant as above stated.
Mrs. Samuel Yeoman is still living in Washington,
occupying the residence of her late lamented husband,
Yeoman, Esq.
it will be remembered, was drowned in the Ohio river, at
Scott's Landing, during the time of the Morgan raid.
He was a member of Captain Greener's Company (E), First
Regiment, Fayette County Militia.
and his wife, Betty, emigrated to Wayne Township at an
early day. They never had children: both are
dead. Nathan Coffman now owns his farm.
built the first horse-mill in the county. He purchased
a book in 1781, for which he paid forty-five dollars; in the
book is inscribed the following:
"Don't steal this book for fear of shame,
For above there is the owner's name.
The portrait and name is in the book: "T.
Dilworth, author; printed and sold in the year MDCCLXXIX."
emigrated at an early day. His son, David, married
Serimo Yeoman, by whom he had nine children, as follows:
Sarah, Angeline, Manda, Semantha, Osa D., Albert, Stephen,
Thomas B., and James J.; all living. They never
employed a doctor, using roots and herbs. When he died he
left $10,000 to each child. He was a successful, safe
farmer and stock raiser; he was a Baptist, and a good neighbor,
and attended to his own business.
a very early settler in Wayne Township. During the war of
1812 his brother was killed by an Indian, and, in retaliation,
he killed an Indian, and stuck him in the cedar hole; he shot an
Indian on the high banks of Main Paint; he was in the war of
1812. By occupation, a farmer. He was the father of
two sons and eight daughters; the sons dead; girls all dead but
Anna Wilson, Elizabeth McCartney, and Matilda Hixon;
her husband, Reuben Hixon, who lives in Good Hope, owns a
saw and grist-mill; also a farmer and stock dealer, and a man of
Joseph Duens, John D. Raper,
and Mr.
Bodwell, dry goods merchants
Marian Peel, drugs;
A. W. Ross, grocer;
George Tulwider, shoe store;
Sant Sears and James Davis, blacksmiths;
Nancy Ann Sanderson, milliner;
James Harper and Jonathan Rife, broom-makers;
Reuben and Geo. Hixon, millers;
Joseph Parker, justice;
Abram Baker physician;
Marian Peel, livery stable;
Isaac Bainter, Isaac Depoy, W. B. Depoy, James Murry, Joseph
Parker, and Robert Scott, carpenters;
Daniel Goen and Mr. Clinedenst, wagon and buggy
C. W. Bostwick, J. W. Parker, Rev. Barber, and Rev.
Baker, preachers;
Turner and Dewese, school trustees;
one Baptist and one
Methodist Church.
an early settler; a tanner; his family moved West.
an early settler; a farmer; married the sister of Peter
Buffinbarger; he was killed by the cars.
was an early settler in Wayne Township; a farmer; was in the war
of 1812. He raised a family of nine children; six boys
living. Jacob lives on the old farm; Andrew lives
in Union; John N. lives near Martinsburgh, as a farmer;
Wesley, farmer; Abram, farmer, lives in Jasper
was an early settler of Wayne; cleared an owned the farm
Benjamin Davis, Jr., now owns. He moved to Madison
Township, Madison County, Ohio. in 1850; had no children.
YOUNG STAFFORD, were emigrants from North Carolina in
1800, when the Indians and wolves were the inhabitants.
They were noted hunters; were both in the war of 1812; both
raised large families. A. Jackson and Chas. Stafford,
Jr., live in Fayette County; Zerubabel in California,
now in Nevada, a single man. He has four girls in Fayette
County, who are married; one in Indiana. Charles
Stafford had five sons - Robinson, Solomon, Waymon,
Stephen, and Charles, who were farmers, millers, &c.
Five girls, all married; three dead. The following are the
names of his daughters: Rachel, Rebecca, Nancy, Jane
and Hannah. Jane and Rebecca are living near
settled in Wayne Township on his large tract of land of 1,000
acres, in 1843, and moved to Marietta in 1848. He was a
man of talent; he belonged to the Covenanter order; he was a son
of Dr. John Boyd, and grandson of General Boyd, of
the revolution.
emigrated from Virginia to Fayette in 1818, and settled in Wayne
Township. His sons, who came with him, were G. W.
Thomas, Joseph, Robert, and Polly. G. W. Davis,
farmer and millwright, carpenter and blacksmith; he occupies the
old homestead. Thomas is dead; Joseph was
in the war of the rebellion, and belonged to the cavalry, and
died of sickness; Robert's occupation, a shoemaker, in
Rockville; never was married; Polly married
Daniel Figgins, a farmer. G. W. Davis had five
sons - Armanus, James M., Henry C., Scott H., and
Milton. They were in the late rebellion, and returned
home sound. James was a lieutenant in the 114th O.
V. I.
was in the war of 1812; he was an early settler; says he is now
101 years old, and lives on his farm; he still walks about, but
is rather feeble. He was is still living.
was an early settler; he is dead. His sons are Jacob,
John, Hinton, and Henry; the girls are Betty,
Nancy, Polly, Margaret, Jane, and Sarah.
Jacob, Sarah and Polly are dead; John is a
farmer, and lives in Indiana; Hinton owns the old
homestead, and is a farmer and large landholder; Henry
lives in Missouri; Margaret married Abraham McCoy,
farmer, trader in stock, &c.; balance of the girls live outside
of the county; Polly is dead; Sarah died in
Fayette County; Nancy, wife of John Hopper, went
to Indiana on a visit and died; she was an excellent woman.
The following are
the children of Benjamin Davis, omitted by Mrs. Ellen
Davis in her record, but given in by
Benjamin Davis, Jr.:
John, Hiram,
Joel, Zerubable, Ester, Sarah, and Polly. John
was a tanner and farmer; Hiram is a farmer, and the
father of thirteen children; had five boys in the late war;
Joel, farmer; Zerubable is dead; girls all married;
Sarah and Polly are dead.
was an early settler; he was a farmer and wholesale stock
shipper. John Snyder, brother to William, is
dead; was a farmer. William Snyder, Jr., lived on
the old farm until 1868, and then sold out and moved to Topeka,