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Centennial History
of Columbus, and Franklin Co., Ohio
by William Alexander Taylor
- Vols. I & II -
Dr. William O. Thompson, who
measures up to a high standard in
educational circles, has since 1899
been president of the Ohio State
University. Throughout his entire
life actuated by a desire to make
his labors of service and benefit to
his fellowmen, he has been a factor
in moral and intellectual progress
and there has come to him the
recognition of his own capability in
successive promotions that have
eventually brought him to his
present position of responsibility
and importance.
Dr. Thompson was born in Cambridge, Guernsey county,
Ohio. on the 5th of November, 1855.
His ancestors for some generations
were identified with agricultural
interests and bore their part, not
only in the work of material
development in the various
localities in which they lived, but
were also active in support of
general progress and upbuilding. In
his youthful days Dr. Thompson was a
pupil in the public schools in the
villages of New Concord and
Brownsville, neither of which are
far distant from his native town.
For come time he was under the
instruction of hiss Rosa Kerner, now
a resident of Zanesville, Ohio, and
remembers that period as among the
most pleasant and profitable of his
school days. The knowledge that he
had acquired through the means
offered by the state but made him a
thirst for more and. desirous of
obtaining a college education, he
resolutely set to work as a farm
hand in order to earn the fund
necessary for such a course.
Eventually he was matriculated in
Muskingum College at New Concord and
there on the completion of the
classical course won the degree of
Bachelor of Arts in 1878.
The fact that farm work was more readily obtained and
commanded a better remuneration in
Illinois than in Ohio led him to go
to Lawn Ridge in that state, where
he was employed as a farm hand
through the summer months, while in
the winter seasons he engaged in
teaching. With these occupations and
the systematic pursuit of his own
line of studies, contributory to his
hopes and ambitions, he managed to
keep himself busily employed and
incidentally accumulated a
sufficient sum to enable him to
enter the Western Theological
Seminary at Allegheny City.
Pennsylvania, for in the meantime he
had determined to become a minister.
He was graduated in 1882 and was now
well equipped for his chosen life
work. He then entered the home
missionary field, beginning his
labors at Odebolt, Iowa, where he
remained until 1885. He had
previously been licensed to preach
by the Zanesville Presbytery in
session at Dresden, April 13, 1881,
and was ordained by the Presbytery
of Fort Dodge, Iowa, July 13, 1882.
On concluding his labors at Odebolt,
Iowa, he removed to Longmont,
Colorado, where he served as pastor
for six years, during which time he
was also president of the Longmont
College. The successful work which
he did in educational lines resulted
in his receiving a call to the
presidency of the Miami University
at Oxford, Ohio, in 1891. Accepting
this, he remained at the head of the
institution for eight years or until
1899, when he assumed the presidency
of the Ohio State University offered
him by its board of trustees. Here
he has labored continuously since
and his efforts have been attended
with excellent results. In all of
his work he has held to high
standards and has continually sought
out new methods whereby his own
usefulness and the influence of the
school would be increased. The
purpose of teaching is to develop
capacity and Dr. Thompson is in
perfect accord with President Eliot,
of Harvard, who said, "What is
needed is continuous education,
which lasts all through life.'' It
has therefore been the aim and
purpose of Dr. Thompson to give the
students under his control the
foundation for such an education.
preparing them to meet whatever
comes to them of joy or sorrow, of
success or failure, believing that
every circumstance holds its lesson
and that every condition or point of
accomplishment should but serve as a
starting point for other labor.
In 1881 Dr. Thompson received from his alma mater the
degree of Master of Arts and in 1891
that of Doctor of Divinity, while in
1897 the Western University of
Pennsylvania at Allegheny City
conferred upon him the honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws . During
his residence in Columbus he has not
only stood as the exponent of higher
education but in all that makes for
good citizenship he has been
intensely interested, lending the
weight of his influence and
cooperation to further many
movements for general good. He has
been a member of the Board of Trades
a. member of the city board of
education and has done important
public service on great civic
occasions, where wisdom, rather than
words is required to render such
occasion impressive. His entire
life. save for the brief period
which he devoted to farm work to
obtain necessary funds, has been
given to teaching, sometimes from
the pulpit, again from the lecture
platform and also in the schoolroom.
In all that he has done he has
furnished substance worthy to be
woven into history and has left the
impress of his individuality in
large measure upon those who have
come under his guidance, planting in
the soil thus offered the seeds of
truth. which in later years have
frequently been instrumental in
making choice between good or evil.
While he finds delightful
companionship among men of strong
intellect and broad culture, he
possesses moreover an abiding
sympathy that enables him to
understand the individual and to
render assistance to those with whom
he comes in contact, enabling them
to climb toward his own level.
(Source: Centennial History of Columbus, and
Franklin Co., Ohio by William Alexander Taylor - Vol. II - 1909 - Page
22) |

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