IN 1825
(Source: History of Madison Township, Franklin
Co., Ohio - 1902)
Chapter VII
Baker, Isaac |
Baker, John |
Barkey, James |
Baughman, John |
Beard, John |
Bennett, Mary |
Bennett, Nathan |
Bishop, Geo. |
Bishop, Samuel |
Blair, Jesse |
Blair, John |
Blakely, R. |
Blakely, Samuel |
Bull, Katherine |
Bunn, Henry |
Burton, Joshua |
Campbell, Jasper |
Cannon, Chas. |
Carns, Daniel |
Carson, James |
Caventer, Thos. |
Cazey, Jacob |
Cazey, Joseph |
Chainey, Chas. |
Chandler, Jacob |
Chiles, John |
Clevenger, Benj. |
Clevenger, Wm. |
Coble, Jacob |
Codner, Oliver |
Codner, Samuel |
Corner, Stewart |
Cox, Emmer |
Craun, Abraham |
Craun, Isaac |
Craun, John |
Crossley, Wm. |
Crum, Anthony |
Culom, Leven |
Cupp, Peter |
Daugherty, James |
David, Isaac |
Davidson, Ephraim |
Deacon, Thos. |
Decker, Andrew |
Decker, Elias |
Decker, Elisha |
Decker, Isaac |
Decker, James |
Decker, Joseph |
Decker, Mary |
Delong, Jane |
Dildine, Andrew |
Dildine, Harmon |
Dildine, Henry |
Dowing, Geo. |
Elder, Thos. |
Elder, Wm. |
Feasel, Jacob |
Foor, Joseph |
Foor, Nicholas |
Fouse, Henry |
Frutchey, Frederick |
Gander, Jacob |
Gander, John |
Gibeson, Zebulon |
Goodman, Wm. |
Gray, Thos |
Groom, Ezekiel |
Groom, John |
Groom, Wm. |
Guffy, John |
Gybby, Daniel |
Havely, Adam |
Hendren, Wm. D. |
Hertly, Jonathan |
Hetazell, John |
Hetzell, Daniel |
Hetzell, Philip |
Hooper, Philip |
Hooper, Samuel |
Hopkins, Ann |
Hughes, Walter |
Hughs, Mary |
Huiston, John |
Kalb, Geo. |
Kalb, Geo., Jr. |
Kalb, John |
Kesler, Jacob |
Kile, John |
Kile, Wm. |
Kilpatrick, Thos. |
King, David |
King, Philip |
King, Sarah |
King, Truman |
King, Wm. |
Kooper, John |
Kramer, Daniel |
Kramer, Geo. |
Kramer, John |
Lee, Sarah |
Lee, Solomon |
Lee, Zebulon |
Lee, Zebulon, Jr. |
Line, Peter |
Lirk, Peter (Link) |
Long, Geo. |
Long, Peter |
Long, Thos. |
McClain, Jacob |
McCracken, David |
Medford, Chas |
Miller, Daniel |
Mitchell, Ebenezer |
Mossman, Robt. |
Mullin, Benj. |
Neckerson, Uzzi |
Needels, John |
Needels, Philoman |
Needels, Thos. D. |
Osstott, Fred |
Parker, Sylvanus |
Patterson, John |
Patterson, Wm. |
Pattrick, Thos. |
Pearcy, James |
Peter, James |
Pontius, Philip |
Rager, John |
Ramsey, James |
Ramsey, James, Jr. |
Ramsey, Samuel |
Ramsey, Wm. |
Rarey, Adam |
Rarey, Benj. |
Rarey, Chas, Jr. |
Rarey, Chas. |
Rarey, Geo. |
Rarey, Parker |
Rathmell, Thos. |
Richardson, Wm. |
Rind, Jacob |
Rind, Jacob, Jr. |
Roads, Jete |
Roads, John |
Roberts, Owen |
Rohr, Geo. |
Ross, Wm. |
Rower, Fred |
Ruse, Jacob |
Rush, Jacob |
Sarber, Adam |
Sarber, Christian |
Schoonover, Abraham |
Schoonover, Henry |
Schoonover, John |
Seymour, Geo. |
Seymour, Jesse |
Sharp, John |
Shoemaker, Abraham |
Smith, Archibald |
Smith, David |
Smith, Ebenezer |
Smith, Elizabeth |
Smith, Mary |
Smith, Wm. |
Solomon, John B. |
Solomon, John L. |
Stephenson, Geo. |
Stephenson, John |
Stephenson, Richard |
Stephenson, Zachariah |
Stroud, Samuel |
Suddick, Richard |
Swisher, John |
Taber, A. C. |
Taylor, David |
Taylor, Deake |
Taylor, John |
Taylor, Matthew |
Tilburg, Isaac (or berry) |
Titler, Geo. |
Titler, Peter |
Todd, Benj. |
Todd, Katherine |
Toll, Wm. |
Trump, John |
Tussing, Nicholas |
Vanoay, John |
Vorhis, Abrham |
Watson, Wm. |
Welton, John |
Wender, Jacob |
Wheeler, Geo. |
White, John A. |
Whitman, Daniel |
Whitman, Samuel |
Whitzel, Henry |
Whitzel, Joseph |
Wilson, Robt. |
Winterstein, John |
Wood, Chas. |
Wood, Geo. |
Wood, John |
Wood, Thos. |
Woolcoat, Robt. |
Wright, John |
Young, John |
Horses were taxed at $3.00
each, and cattle at $1.00 each. Houses were
counted as chattel property and were taxed at the
rate of $5.00 on the one hundred dollars valuation.
The largest taxpayers were:
Cox, Emmer |
$30.75 |
Elder, Wm. |
$36.50 |
Gray, Thos. |
$33.00 |
Kile, John |
$30.00 |
Needels, Philomer |
$27.00 |
Rarey, Chas., Jr. |
$25.75 |
Richardson, Wm. |
$32.25 |
Ruse, Jacob |
$28.00 |
Smith, Wm. |
$39.50 |
The following houses
with their value appear on the Franklin county
auditor's books:
Bishop, Geo. |
$125.00 |
Blair, Jesse |
$110.00 |
Blakely, R. |
$150.00 |
Bull, Katherine |
$150.00 |
Bunn, Henry |
$175.00 |
Carns, Daniel |
$112.50 |
Cox, Emmer |
$175.00 |
Dildine, Harmon |
$110.00 |
Dildine, Henry |
$125,00 |
Elder, Wm. |
$150.00 |
Gander, John |
$125.00 |
Gray, Thos. |
$220.00 |
Kile, John |
$140.00 |
Needels, Philomen |
$140.00 |
Pontius, Philip- |
$150.00 |
Rarey, Chas, Jr. |
$115.00 |
Richardson, Wm. |
$125.00 |
Ruse, Jacob |
$220.00 |
Schoonover, Henry |
$150.00 |
Smith, Wm. |
$450.00 |
Wood, John & Geo. |
$110.00 |
The following were lot
owners in Oregon:
Blair, John |
Lots Nos. 28, 29, 30, 14 and east half of
13, valued at $112 |
Crossley, Wm. |
Lots Nos. 47, 67, valued at $140 |
Decker, Deake |
Lot No. 55, valued at $25 |
Decker, Isaac |
Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 26, 33,
46, 56, 60, 68, 71, valued at $650 |
Decker, Mary |
Lot No. 52, valued at $25 |
Foll, Wm. |
Lot Nos. 53 and 63, valued at $100 |
Foor, Joseph |
Lot Nos. 51 and 65, valued at $150 |
Titler, A. C. |
Lot Nos. 25, 54, 72, 81, valued at $275 |
Titler, Geo. |
Lot Nos. 27, 31, 32, west 1/2 of 13, valued
at $150 |
Titler, Peter |
Lot No. 33, valued at $25 |
The following eight
persons owned ten or more horses and cattle:
Cox, Emmer, 5 horses and 7 cattle
Kalb, Geo., 3 horses and 9 cattle
Kile, John, 5 horses and 8 cattle |
Needels, Philomen, 4 horses
and 8 cattle
Rarey, Chas., 4 horses and 7 cattle
Rarey, Chas., Jr., 5 horses and 5 cattle |
Richardson, Wm., 5 horses
and 11 cattle
Rower, Fred, 4 horses and 7 cattle |
The following tax-payers
lived in Fairfield county in territory now in
Franklin county:
Algire, Jacob |
Algire, John |
Ashley, Greenburg |
Bannister, John |
Bowen, Chas. |
Bowen, Robt. |
Bowen, Thos. |
Butler, Ammon |
Byerly, Francis |
Cannon, James |
Coffield, Jacob |
Coleman, John, Jr. |
Cramer, Adam |
Cramer, John |
Cramer, Michael |
Cramer, Philip |
Davis, Amos |
Decker, Elisha |
Dove, Geo. |
Dove, Henry |
Dove, Reuben |
Fry, Henry |
Glanville, Stephen |
Harris, Abraham |
Hathaway, Edward |
Hathaway, Elizabeth |
Hathaway, Nancy |
Helpman, Simon |
Hittman, Simon |
Hoff, John |
Hughes, Evan |
Johnson, Bannibas |
Kramer, Ludwig |
Lee, Gersham |
Love, Andrew |
McCracken, Elisha |
Needels, James |
Painter, David |
Perrin, Wm. |
Plummer, Abraham |
Robinold, Peter |
Shoemaker, Jacob |
Slife, Daniel |
Slife, Henry |
Slife, John |
Slife, Ulrick |
Starr, Moses |
Stevenson, Geo. K. |
Stevenson, Wm. |
Swayzy, John, Jr. |
Swayzy, John, Sr. |
Tallman, John |
Wolf, John |
Zimmer, Philip |

Dec. 10, 1810 - Aug. 18, 1888 |

G. W. BLAKE, M. D.
Jan. 1, 1823 - Nov. 19, 1877 |
List of the land
owners in 1855" by sections, beginning
at the northeast corner of the township:
Section No. 6,
B. F. Mumach, Joseph Vandemark, John
Wright, E. McCracken;
No. 1, S. Hempy, M. Brown, J. N. Peters,
Joanthan Ruse, Emanuel Ruse, George Needels,
school house;
No. 2, John Wright (occupied by H. Geese),
George Needels (occupied by J. Swanger),
John Wright (occupied by J. Docterman), H.
Miller, J. A. Kile's heirs;
No. 3, Jared Forsman, Truro Presbyterian
church, Dr. A. A. Shortt, Abraham Swisher's
heirs, Mrs. M. Patterson, P. Shoemaker;
No. 4, James Carson heirs, Alfred Gray
(occupied by J. D. Goss, Matthew Brown, John
No. 5, Thos. Gray, W. D. Needels (Cedar
Grove Tavern), Philip Swartz (Cross Keys
Tavern), M. Stack (shoeshop), J. Berkey;
No. 6, J. A. Suddick, John Heil (school
house), A. Magles, J. Clickenger's heirs, J.
and W. E. Carson, J. Spangler (sawmill), Wm.
Stout heirs, W. H. Chain, Geo. Moore;
No. 7, Philip Helsel, Daniel Helsel heirs,
Jacob Rohr, John Behm, Wm. Helsel heirs;
No. 8. Wm. D. Needels, James Needels, John
A. Needels, John Helsel, Wm. H. Helsel,
Jacob Rohr, Joseph Burkey's heirs;
No. 9, Thos, Needels (White Chapel church),
J. A. Kiles heirs, Widow Winterstein, Wm. D.
Needles, John M. McGuffey, Joseph Needels;
No. 10, Rev. Jacob Bowman, John McGuffey,
Wm. Whims, J. L. Stevenson, Thos. Needels;
No. 11, Wm. Leidey, Jacob Bowman, Isaac
Kalb, Jerry Kalb, J. A. Kiles heirs, Wm.
Whims, N. A. Stevenson;
No. 12, Wm. Wildermuth, N. Algire, John
Wright (Res.), Samuel Detwiler, Isaac Kalb;
No. 7, W. K. Algire, M. J. Stevenson, S.
Algire, J. Algire, Wm. Perrin, A. B.
No. 18, A. B. Stevenson, J. E. Stevenson
(grave yard, removed to Union Grove), Daniel
Bush, M. G. Stevenson, JohnGood, G. Harpst;
No. 13, John Wright, Joshua Stevenson, Peter
Bott, Andrew Whims, John Alspach, Pitts
Brown heirs;
No. 14, Geo. W. Kalb, Huffman and Ferguson
(school house), N. A. Stevenson, J. S.
Stevenson, Jeremiah Kissel, John Kelchner,
James Needels;
No. 15, J. L. Stevenson, A. Whims, W. S.
Hopkins, T. Needels, John Cable, Thos.
Patterson, Oliver Codner, J. A. Kile's
heirs, Fred Swisher;
No. 16, owned by township school board
(occupied, northeast quarter by ___
southeast quarter by S. Jobs, northeast
quarter by J. Arnold, southwest quarter by
Augustus Sallee);
No. 17, Frederick Rerey, T. J. Bennett, A.
and J. Swisher, J. W. Kile's heirs; David
Sarber, J. G. Edwards;
No. 18, Geo. Fisher, John G. Edwards, J.
Spangler, Dr. J. P. Bywaters, John Swisher;
No. 19, Geo. H. Earhart, R. A. Kile's heirs,
John Sharp heirs, S. E. H. Kile, Henry
Whetzel heirs;
No. 20, T. C. Hendren (school house), Robert
Hendren, Kalita Sallee, D. Wagner, W.
Wildermuth, H. Whetzel, Jr. (school house);
No. 21, Fred Swisher (saw mill), David
Whetzel, C. W. Rarey, W. H. Rarey, Wm.
McCormick, Jacob H. Rees;
No. 22, Henry Kramer, Jesse Dildine, O.
Codner, Jr., Thos. C. Hendren, Dildine,
No. 23, Pitts Brown heirs, P. Tussing, James
T. Piercy's heirs, James Needels, L. C.
Henderson, Jacob Hornung, Jacob, Moses
No. 24, John R. Wright, Nathaniel Tallman,
Abraham Lehman, Geo. Hoffman (Menonite
church), Geo. T. Wheeler, Samuel Wheeler;
No. 19, David Kramer, Emanuel Sparr, Chas.
Brown, N. Tallman;
No. 30, John Kramer, town of Winchester, A.
Lehman, Samuel Bartlitt, Samuel Deitz
(graveyard), C. Dellinger, Abe Hunsicker;
No. 25, A. Lehman, Peter Bott, John Chaney
and son (Empire mills), E. B. Decker, Jacob
Sarber, John Chaney (school house, woolen
mill and lock house), Rev. H. Hendren, W.
Mason heirs, Abe Harris, Wm. Smith heirs,
Jane Smith;
No. 26, John Rager (saw mill), John Seymour,
Moses Seymour, Jesse Seymour (school house);
No. 27, Jesse Dildine, T. D. Dildine,
Babcock & Co., Wm. Seymour, Jacob Dildine,
Frederick Heffinger, H. Dildine, Wm. T.
No. 28, town of Groveport, W. H. Rarey, W.
T. Decker (graveyard), Abraham Sharp
(Baptist church, toll gate), Samuel Sharp,
Lewis Shirey;
No. 29, James Needles, Thos. Blakely, A.
Sharp, Samuel Sharp, Joseph Sharp heirs;
No. 30, Jacob Arnold, Wesley Toy, John Cox
(surveyor), Henry Whetzel heirs;
No. 31, Wesley Toy, L. Rarey, Wm. Neil &
Co., John Cox (occupied by H. J. Cox), M.
Groom, Frederick Bunn (occupied by Cook),
McBride, Sheldon & Co., Wm. Rohr;
No. 32, Samuel Sharp, Parker Rarey, Moses
Seymour, A Sharp;
No. 33, Wm. T. Decker, Joseph Sharp heirs,
L. Rarey, Parker Rarey;
No. 34, Wm. Seymour, Wm. T. Decker, Solomon
Woodring, Samuel Leigh (school house);
No. 35, John Seymour, Samuel O. Hendren, Wm.
Seymour, Solomon Wooding, H. Dildine;
No. 36, John Deitz, H. Dellinger heirs,
Abraham Harris, G. Ordell Heirs, J. Seymour,
S. O. Hendren (graveyard)
No. 31, John Colman, John Schrock, Philip
Zimmer, Lewis Kramer (graveyard), Samuel
Deitz, John Deitz, Geo. Fisher (grist and
saw mill), Geo. Kramer;
No. 1, Daniel Crouse, A. Johns, Wm. Peer, J.
Bishop, town of Oregon, (school house), C.
P. Dildine, H. Strode heirs, Solomon and
Geo. S. Dildine;
No. 2, Henry Dildine, C. P. Dildine, M.
Welton (graveyard);
No. 3, Daniel Leigh, Morgan Sorrel, Jesse
Weiton heirs, Cornelius Black, Thomas Black,
Adam Havely;
No. 4, V. E. Vogle, A. Rarey, Parker Rarey,
Edward Gares (graveyard), Charles Pontius,
Adam Havely;
No. 5, W. H. Bishop (wagon shop) Ed Gares,
Casper Limpert, Dr. G. L. Smith, Charles
Pontius W. H. Pyle (school house), Frederick
Bunns (blacksmith shop);
No. 6, Chas. Rohr, Geo. Rohr, Milton Finks
No. 7, E. E. Groom, Fred Bunn, W. H.
Harrison, Elias Shook, Joseph Wright;
No. 8, Fred Bunn, Charles Pontius, Henry
Long, Moses Groom, J. Miller, Samuel Murphy,
A. L. Perrill;
No. 9, Thos. Groom (Hopewell church and
graveyard), J. Sawyer, Chas. Pontius, Mrs.
Grooms heirs;
No. 10, S. M. C. Gibby, John Seymour, Harmon
Dildine, L. Ramsey heirs;
No. 11, S. M. C. Gibby, Rev. Samuel Wilson,
Joseph Decker, J. Welton;
No. 12, John Bacher, John Blackwood, George
Long (school house)
The following is a list of persons owning two hundred
or more acres of land in Madison Township in
1855. The figures give the number of
Samuel Sharp, 700; John Wright, 680; Wm. T.
Decker, 602; Joseph Burkey, 552; Frederick
Bunn, 548; Chas. Pontius, 536; John Seymour,
496; Henry Dildine, 420; Thos. Groom, 375;
Samuel O. Hendren, 356; Jared Forsman, 350;
Harmon Dildine, 340; Nathaniel Tallman, 337;
John M. McGuffey, 334; George Long, 320;
Milton Fink heirs, 316; Wm. Seymour, 312;
Parker Rarey, 312; Moses Seymour, 296; C. P.
Dildine, 289; Joseph Sharp heirs, 278; W. D.
Needels, 276½;
Geo. Needels, 273; Wm. Whims, 269; John G.
Edwards, 262; Abraham Swisher heirs, 260;
Adam Havely, 254; Philip Helsel, 243; Thos.
Needels, 240; Abraham Lehman, 238; S. M. C.
Gibby, 226; John Sharp heirs, 225; John
Baher, 220; Samuel Leigh, 220; L. Rarey,
220; Thos. Gray, 217; J. A. Kile heirs, 216;
Solomon Woodring, 210; Jesse Dildine, 208;
Joseph Dildine, 207; Samuel Detwiler, 200;
Elihu McCracken, 194; Abraham Sharp, 191.
Land owners in 1872, beginning at the northeast
corner of the township:
Section No. 6, S. Hempy, G. French, J. Dovel,
A. French, A. M. Selby, J. W. Wingert, John
Wright, J. R. Vandemark, H. Algire, Mrs. R.
Holbert and E. McCracken;
Section No. 1, S. Hempy, J. O'Roark, D.
Motts, Geo. King, G. W. Groves, J. W.
Peters, E. Ruse, G. W. Ruse, and Geo.
Section No. 2, John Wright, J. M.
Montgomery, H. Miller, and Geo. Needels;
Section No. 3, Zadok Vesey, Truro
Presbyterian church, S. A. Needels and Wm.
Section No. 4, R. E. & S. Brown, J. S.
Carson, Mrs. M. E. Whetzel, M. Brown, Alfred
Gray, John McGuffey, L. Spencer and Wm.
Section No. 5, C. H. Gray, R. S. Gray, M. A.
Gray, S. H. Whims, Philip Swartz, Lewis
Schleppi, M. Barrett, V. Zimmer, F.
Spangler, J. R. Leasure, Wm. Baird and Peter
E. Swartz;
Section No. 6, Lewis Schleppi, Philip
Swartz, John Heil, C. Maley, Alex.
Chickenger, Robert Scott, J. Burkey, Peter
E. Swartz, H. J. Schleppi, D. Spangler, J.
Spangler and Geo. Moore;
Section No. 7, Joseph Behm, G. W. Helsel,
John Behm, Adam Helsel, M. V. Weber, I.
Worthington, T. Helsel, A. Rohr and Elias
Section No. 8, A. J. Taylor, Behm heirs, M.
A. Needels, S. R. Helsel, Jacob Rohr,
guardian, J. A. Needels, Jacob Rohr, and M.
Rohr heirs;
Section No. 9, Geo. W. Needels, R. J.
Needels, Asbury Church, John McGuffey, Mrs.
S. A. Kile, J. W. Kile, Mrs. S. A. Needels,
A. T> Brown, and L. J. Needels;
Section No. 10, Jacob Bowman, Wm. Whims,
Almira Needels, Sarah Ann Needels, and Mrs.
M. B. Stevenson;
Section No. 11, Wm. Leidy, Jacob L. Bowman,
J. Leidy, Geo. Needels, H. Miller, Jacob
Bowman, I. Kalb's heirs, Jerry Kalb, Wm.
Whims and N. A. Stevenson;
Section No. 12, A. K. Whims, Samuel Detwiler,
John Wright and I. Kalb's heirs;
Section No. 7, W. K. Alkire, S. H. Whims,
James Pickering, James Lawrence, and A.
Section No. 18, James Lawrence, I. E.
Stevenson, Jacob Bowman, Chas. and Amos Bush
and Noah Lehman;
Section No. 13, John Wright, S. Kramer, A.
Alspaugh, John Aspaugh, A. B. Stevenson, Sam
and Joe Lehman, John S. Lehman, and Samuel
Section No. 14, Geo. W. Kalb, N. A.
Stevenson, J. S. Stevenson, John Courtright,
Chaney & Decker, Jacob Bachman, and Chas.
Section No. 15, Wm. Kramer, Mrs. M. B.
Stevenson, Thomas Patterson, O. Codner
heirs, Jacob Coble, Mrs. A. Codner, Israel
Swisher and Fred Swisher;
Section No. 16, school section, occupied by
Sylvester Carruthers, H. C. Swisher, Albert
Younhg and J. W. Cromwell;
Section No. 17, F. Rarey, R. Hendren, G. H.
Kalies, John G. Edwards, Mrs. M. Kile, Wm.
Wildermuth and B. Hendren;
Section No. 18, John G. Edwards, C. L. Emde,
L. Emde, Edwards Station, L. Merle and Geo.
L. Converse;
Section No. 19, W. K. Cox , S. E. H. Kile,
W. P. Sharp, John Nau, Mrs. T. S. Doherty,
John F. Kile, Robt. A. Kile, and Henry Obetz;
Section No. 20, T. C. Hendren heirs, A. T.
Hendren, R. A. Kile, Wm. Wildermuth, Kalita
Sallee and Jacob Stoutzenbarger;
Section No. 21, Frederick Swisher, H. C.
Swisher, W. H. Rarey, Frederick Rarey, D.
Whetzel and Wm. Vance;
Section 22, Eliza McGuffey, B. C. Sims, J.
T. Simms, Olver Codner heirs, A. T. Hendren,
S. E. Hendren, Thos. Fagan, J. W. Simms, P.
W. Simms, Robt. F. Dildine, Frederick
Swisher, Belinda Simms, W. H. Rager, and
Mrs. C. Zinn;
Section No. 23, David Martin, Jacob Bachman,
Jeff Mosier, John Wright, Philip C. Tussing,
and Wm. M. Simms;
Section No. 24, Isaac Lehman, Menenite,
Church, L. Shoemaker, David Martin, P. Bond,
too gate, Geo. T. Wheeler, John Rohr, Jr.,
and Samuel Wheeler;
Section No. 19, Henry W. Shaffer, Mrs. T.
Sparr, Mrs. C. Warner, Adam Warner, Lovina
Brown, Mrs. Mary Brown, John Brown, Wm.
Brown, and Nathaniel Tallman;
Section No. 30, Jacob Moore, John Kramer,
Abraham Lehman, Canal Winchester, E. B.
Decker, Samuel Bartlitt and Samuel Deitz;
Section No. 25, Samuel Wheeler, Simon
Alspach, O. P. Chaney, Joseph Burgoon, J.
and J. Rodenfels Empire Mills, C. Doss, John
Chaney Woolen Factory, John Rager, Robert
Thrush, Peter Brown and Chaney, Decker &
Section No. 26, John Rager, Mrs. F. L.
Wilson, Moses Seymour and Wm. and M.
Section No. 27, R. F. Dildine, A. McCoy,
Madison township fair grounds, M. Corbett,
M. Zinn, G. L. Smith, W. P. Seymour, Mrs. R.
Seymour, Mrs. M. Jones and Wm. T. Decker;
Section No. 28, M. Corbett, Groveport, A. S.
and N. S. McCormick, A. Sharp, S. Alspach,
Z. C. Payne, Mrs. M. Jones, Wm. T. Decker,
Joseph Smith and Wm. H. Rarey;
Section No. 29, J. Watson, G. Kentz, Thos.
Blakely, C. F. Needels, J. Nau, Adaline
Woods, D. C. Weaver, Joseph Smith, Wm.
Hanstine, W. Salzgaber, C. Salzgaber, and A.
Section No. 30, J. P. Arnold, John Cox,
Wesley Toy's heirs, J. E. Swisher and Wm.
Section No. 31, Wesley Toy's heirs, Stephen
Smith, Sarah E. Harris, Thos. Fagan, Absalom
Rohr and Lewis Bunn;
Section No. 32, A. Sharp, Joe Smith, J. G.
Sharp, Thos, Fagan, G. Rarey, H. Rarey,
Smith & Gould, Mrs. S. Rarey, J. Cheeseman,
and Wm. H. McCarty;
Section No. 33, Wm. T. Decker, Joseph Smith,
Rarey heirs, G. Rarey and Hunter Rarey;
Section No. 34, W. Seymour, J. Anderix, Wm.
T. Decker, Fred Klamforth, and Samuel Leigh;
Section No. 35, Andrew Wilson, Samuel O.
Hendren, Mrs. E. Seymour, Thos. Seymous,
R. Seymour, W. Seymour, Jas. D. and P.
Decker and Samuel S. Christ;
Section No. 36, Elisha B. Decker, Chaney,
Decker & Co., Phil. C. Harris, L. Alspach,
M. Beglin, P. J. Dill and Elias Decker;
Section No. 31, John R. Wright, M. E.
Schrock, Samuel Deitz, E. J. Davidson, Jacob
Sarber, Henry Arnold, Daniel Bergstresser,
B. F. Ashbrook and A. Bruns;
Section No. 1, David Crouse, P. J. Dill,
Aug. Sallee, Oregon, Elias Decker, P. & E.
McCarty, Milton Cummins, Jacob Bishop, Geo.
W. Lisle and E. Smith;
Section No. 2, Elias Decker, F. Dildine, C.
P. Dildine, G. W. Lisle, M. F. Sites and
Josiah Flattery;
Section No. 3, Daniel Leigh, A. B. Rarey, C.
Black, Thomas Black, Adam Havely, G. S.
Dildine, J. A. Bigelow and Wm. Peer;
Section No. 4, S. Sharp, M. A. Kelley,
Hunter Rarey, C. L. Pontius, Chas. Pontius,
and H. R. Rarey;
Section No. 5, W. H. Bishop, G. L. Smith, R.
Rarey, F. G. Pontius, and Phil. Pontius;
Section No. 6, Chas. Rohr, John Rohr, John
Lincoln, I. Huddle, Hannah Wolf, Wm. H.
McCarty, and A. Sawyers;
Section No. 7, J. L. Bunn, E. Groome, Samuel
Stewart, T. M. Murphy, W. H. Harrison, and
J. Wright's heirs; section No. 8, Chas.
Pontius, J. L. Bunn, N. H. Bunn, Phil
Pontius, M. H. Kelly, H. Long, S. Murphy, F.
Miller and A. L. Perrell;
Section No. 9, Thomas Groom, Chas. Pontius,
Mrs. C. Sawyer, Hopewell M. E. Church and
Philip Pontius;
Section No. 10, Geo. Seyour, Chaney Decker &
Co., Daniel Leigh and A. B. Rarey;
Section No. 11, Wm. Whaley, Miss J. Welton,
Geo. Long, P. S. Long, Nathan Whaley and
Chaney, Decker & Co.;
Section No. 12, Jeremiah Runkle, Samuel
Runkle, Geo. Long, and John Blackwood.
The following owned a quarter section or more in 1872:
John Wright, 189 acres; Chaney, Decker &
Co., 640; E. B. Decker, 160; Madison
township school section, 640; Zadok Vessy,
572; Wm. T. Decker, 530; John G. Edwards,
522; Wm. Whims, 448; A. B. Rarey, 411;
Thomas Groome, 374; George Needels, 367;
Joseph Smith, 353; Abram Sharp, 332; Geo. L.
Converse, 334; N. Tallman, 328; Elias
Decker, 323; George Long, 320; James
Lawrence, 300; Jacob Bowman, 297; Samuel O.
Hendren, 280; John McGuffey, 261; Mrs. M. B.
Stevenson, 256; Wm. Wildermuth, 251; Peter
E. Swartz, 246; Chas. Rohr, 245; David
Martin, 231; G. L. Smith, 219; Samuel Leigh,
220; John Rager, 210; Samuel Deitz, 209;
Jacob Rohr, 209; Wesley Toy heirs; 205; Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Wilson, 201; Frederick
Swisher, 200; Moses Seymour, 200, William
Peer, 200; S. R. Helsel, 200; Jacob Coble,
200; Chas. Pontius, 193; Wm. H. Rarey, 192;
Samuel Detwiler, 190; F. G. Pontius, 190;
Philip Pontius, 192; Elihu McCracken, 189;
S. H. Whims, 187; John Behm, 182; Jacob
Bishop, 182; J. P. Arnold, 180; Geo. W.
Lisle, 176; A. K. Whims, 171; Abraham Lehman
heirs, 170; Thos. Fagan, 168; W. K. Algire,
165; W. H. McCarty, 164; J. L. Bunn, 167;
Samuel Wheeler, 160; John Courtright, 160;
and Mrs. M. Jones, 160.
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exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express
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