(Source: History of Madison Township, Franklin
Co., Ohio - 1902)
Chapter XXIX
"Friend after friend departs,
_ no hath not lost a friend!
There is no union here of hearts,
That finds not here an end;
Were this frail world our final rest,
Living or dying, none were blest."

To many, graveyards are
hallowed places; here lies all that is mortal of
husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, or
friend; and how common the custom for persons of all
grades of cultivation to seek a lonely fellowship with
their beloved dead while sitting by their silent tomb.
Who does not cherish the sweet hope that under the
willow they are nearer to their departed one than in all
the world beside.
"There is a dreamy presence everywhere,
As if of Spirits passing to and fro;
We are almost hear their voices in the air,
And feel their balmy pinions touch our brow."
Respect for their memories, and
for their bodies, out embalm in our hearts the spot
where they lie and constrain us our hearts the spot
where they lie and constrain us oft to pay our devotions
of love there. How sad the feeling, when one
visits one of the old burying grounds to see time doing
its inevitable work of destruction and decay. Only
a few more years and every tombstone that marks the last
resting place of the pioneer will be gone; and with
these sandstone and marble slabs will disappear even the
name of these sturdy, simple-lived people, for even now
no living person can tell the tone of their silent voice
or their form or feature, or the expression of their eye
or face. Some of these old burial places we found
very badly and disgracefully neglected, and many of the
stones broken or fallen down; in some cattle and hogs
running over them; those fenced in so overgrown with
briars and undergrowth that it was almost impossible to
find the graves, and aften found to decipher the weather
worn inscriptions. We have in our possession as
complete a copy of the inscriptions on every tombstone
as could be secured in the spring of 1899.
In going about from cemetery to cemetery, transcribing
the inscriptions, we were impressed with the fact that
even graveyards have marked individualities, and that
they perhaps reveal somewhat of the estimation of the
church and religion held by the friends of those buried
In some the silent inhabitants were dead; the most
hopeful thing said of them is that "they are gone to the
bourne from whence none ever return." In others
the larger number of those buried there were only "sleeping,"
"resting," "waiting for the resurrection," telling
of the life to come in such strains of hope and faith
that as we read from stone to stone a feeling steals
over our mind that "to die is gain."
The following are a few of the more curious and
interesting epitaphs:
"The mortal body here is laid
No more to mourn and die,
The living spirit now is gone
To live with God on high."
"Beyond, oh, ye ransomed souls,
Your help is from the sky,
And seraphs guide your fearful path
To yon bright homes on high;
Oh death thou art the gate of heaven
To those who feel their sins forgiven."
"We've laid our lowly in the earth,
The child of hope and love,
The light and music of our hearts
Our own sweet cradle dove."
"Fare well dear friends, if there be room
For memories fond and true,
In the bright world beyond the tomb,
I will remember you."
"His Fight is Faught
His Rase is Run
His Joyes in heaven
Is now begun."
"Weep not my dearest friends,
Nor shed your tears in vain,
My face you'll see no more
Till called to rise again."
"Sleep on sweet babe of rest
For such they Savior blest."
On John Colman's marble slab:
"Finish then thy new creation,
Pure and spotless let it be;
Let us see thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in thee,
Changed from glory into glory
Till in heaven we take our place,
Till we cast our crown before thee
Lost in wonder love and praise."
"Stoop down, my thoughts that used to rise,
Converse awhile with death,
Think how a dying mortal lies
And pants away his breath."
"The bud had spread a rose,
The Savior, she closed."
"Stop, my friend and view,
The grave allotted you,
Remember all must die,
And turn to dust like I."
"Is this the fate that all must die,
Will death no ages spare?
Then let us all to Jesus fly
And seek for refuge there."
"Go home my friend
Dry up your tears
I will arise
When Christ appears."
"I knew full well the loveliest are always the first to
To finely wrought they sink beneath the pressure here
"Weep not for me my parents dear,
I am not dead, but sleeping here."
"How greatly will my soul rejoice,
How happy I will be
When I shall hear my Savior's voice
Say, Come until me."
The following is not a complete
list of all the persons buried in the various graveyards
of the township, but only such as will recall the names
of persons who have lived in the township. The
names are alphabetically arranged. Many, very
many- perhaps fifty per cent - of the burials are
located in Section No. 9 |
Cox (or Sharp) Graveyard
Located on Abner Behm's land, in Section No. 30. |
Edwards Graveyard
Located on Mary S. Page's and Elmer D. Sharp's
land in Section No. 18 |
Gander Graveyard
Located on William Haustine's land, in
Section No. 29 |
Groveport Cemetery |
Located on L. E. Davis's land, in Section
No. 4 |
Hendren Graveyard
Located on Kalita Sallee's land, in Section
No. 20 |
Hopewell Graveyard
Located on Section No. 9, near Hopewell
Church |
Huddle Graveyard
Located on Margaret and Wesley Huddle's
land, in Section No. 6 |
Located on John W. Kile's land, in Section
No. 9 |
Kramer Graveyard
Located on B. F. Ashbrook's land, in Section
No. 31 |
Middletown Graveyard
Located on Section No. 1 near Oregon |
Menonite Graveyard
Located on David Martin's land, in Section
No. 24 |
Powell Graveyard
Located near Brice, on Section No. 25, Truro
Township |
Located on Rachel Rarey's land, in Section
No. 4 |
Stevenson Graveyard
Located on B. F. Bowman's land, in Section
No. 11 |
Located on C. M. Chittenden's land, in
Section No. 3 |
Tussing Graveyard
Located on C. R. McGuffey's land, in Section
No. 23 |
Union Grove Cemetery
The Union Grove
Cemetry Association of Madison Township
is organized under the general laws of the
state, passed Feb. 24, 1878, providing for the
incorporation of cemetery associations.
Prior to the organization of this association the
burials about Winchester were made in the
Lutheran and Reformed graveyard, although it was
recognized as an unsuitable place of interment.
During the wet seasons it was often necessary
for some one to dip the water from the grave
even up to the time when the funeral cortege
entered the gate to the grounds. No
particular person other than the Trustees had
charge of the grounds, but when a death occurred
neighbors would volunteer to dig the grave.
At teh Annual Joint Meetings of the two
congregations, when the election of Trustees for
the old graveyard came up, would also come up
for consideration "under drainage of the old" or
the "establishment of a new burial place." and
on several occasions the Trustees were
instructed to call a meeting of the citizens of
consider the selection of a more suitable site.
Finally a meeting for the purpose of forming an
association was held in the Public Reading Rooms
at Canal Winchester, on the evening of Nov. 19,
1877, at which the following citizens were
present, viz.: James H. Sommerville, Philip
Game, Oliver P. Chaney, Peter E. Ehernhart,
James B. Evans, Elisha B. Decker, Michal E.
Shrock, John S. Lehman, Chas. P. Rees, Martin C.
Whitehurst, Christian Gayman, J. Kidwell Miller,
and Rev. Jas. Heffly. After
adopting the articles of incorporation the
following persons were elected to serve as
Trustees for one year, viz: E. B. Decker, O.
P. Chaney, Philip Game, P. E. Ehrenhart and
J. S. Lehman, and at the meeting of the
Trustees held on December, 4th, the following
organization was effected: Philip Game,
President; Rev. James Heffly, Secretary;
and E. B. Decker, Treasurer. The
cemetry consists of thirteen acres and was
purchased Apr. 5, 1878 from Nathaniel Tallman
for two thousand dollars. On Aug. 14, 1888
the Trustees purchased the tract in the
northeast corner, that Mr. Tallman had
reserved in the former purchase, and known as
the Hughes graveyard, paying therefore
one hundred dollars. The grounds are
admirably located and adapted for the purpose
and were platted by the late John H. Speilman
during the summer of 1878, and on the 6th day of
September of the same year were dedicated with
appropriate ceremonies. A residence for
the use of the Superintendent was erected on the
grounds in the spring of 1879.
The Superintendent's have have: John
Dietz, Feb. 4, 1879 to Feb., 1884; J. A.
Crabbs, Feb., 1884 to Feb. 1888; Stephen
Boyd, Feb., 1888 to Feb. 1898; Oscar E.
Taylor, Feb., 1898 to Sept. 1900; Geo. H.
Zwayer, Sept. 1900 to June 15, 1901; since
which time Stephen Boyd is serving.
The Secretaries of the association have been:
James Heffly, from the organization to
Jan., 1888; Philip Game, Jan. 14, 1888 to
Apr., 1890; Al. F. Crayton, Apr. 1, 1890
to June, 1891; S. E. Bailey, June 6, 1891
to May, 1895; since May 7, 1895 J. K. Miller
has served.
The Trustees and date of election have been: John S.
Lehman, 1877, 1885, 1888; Philip
Game, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1891, 1893, 1895;
Elisha B. Decker, 1877, 1879; Peter E.
Ehrenhart, 1877, 1879, 1884; Oliver P.
Chaney, 1877, 1880; George Locks,
1879; John Rohr Jr., 1879, 1880; John
Helpman, 1880, 1882; James P. Kalb,
1881, 1883; John Brenner, 1881, 1883,
1892, 1894, 1896; Irwin E. Stevenson,
1882; George Powell, 1883, 1886, 1891,
1893; James P. Kramer, 1884; John
Nicodemus, 1885, 1887, 1889; William
Leidy, 1885; Jacob Bott, 1886, 1896;
John A. Whitzel, 1886, 1887; Robert
Thrush, 1887; John H. Dietz, 1888,
1890, 1892, 1894; George L. Hendren,
1889; Erwin Moore, 1889; S. H.
Tallman, 1890; George Delong, 1891;
Albert Bachman, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898-1902;
J. K. Miller, 1895, 1897, 1898-1902; R.
J. Tussing, 1897, 1898; Robert W.
Bolenbaugh, 189801902; William M. Game,
1899-1902; Philip Weber, 1901, 1902.
Click here to go to Union Grove Cemetery Listing > |
Located on Josiah Flatterys land, in Section
2. |
and Lutheran Graveyard.
Located at Caual Winchester
(Canal Winchester) |
Located on George Vandemark's land in
Section No. 18. |
Located on Minnie M. Whim's land, in Section
No. 18. |
"'Tis grievous parting with good company.
This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick
exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express
Submitters retain all copyrights |