- Explanatory Geographical Note
- The Founding of the City |
5 |
- The Capital was Subject to the Three Removals
- Asking for Proposals |
6 |
- The Moving Considerations
- Rival Propositions Submitted |
7 |
- Text of Winning Proposition
8 |
- When Matters Looked Dubious
- The First Historian a Wise one |
11 |
- The Original Legislative Act |
12 |
- The Building Committee
- Laying Down a Plan |
13 |
- A Director Appointed
- Looking toward Removal |
14 |
- The Town Officially Named
- The Director's Duties Defined |
15 |
- Taxing Concessions to Proprietors |
16 |
- Early Styles of Architecture |
17 |
- State Officers prepare to Move |
19 |
- First Toll Bridge |
20 |
- Legislative Offices prepare to Move
- A Busy Time in the Woods |
21 |
- An Agent Provided For |
22 |
- Donations Made
- Contract finally closed |
23 |
- "For Sale" Advertisement |
24 |
- Day of Sale Arrives
- Some of the Original Bidders
- Aboriginal and Modern Roads |
25 |
- Aboriginal and Modern Roads |
25 |
- Modern Lines of Travel |
26 |
Started 12/27/2024 |
- First People; First Events; First Foot
First Successes |
29 |
- Christopher Gist, Agent of Ohio Company |
30 |
- Enter Mr. James Smith |
31 |
- The First Permanent Resident
- Some of Sullivant's Compatriots
- The First White Woman |
32 |
- The First State Senator
- The First Mill West of the River
- The First Mill East of the River
- The First Up-River Mill
- The First Horse Mill |
36 |
- The First Capital Execution
- The First Successful Mill
- The First Mercantile Venture
- The First Unseen Terror |
37 |
- The Doomed Wyandot
- The Wyandot Vocabulary |
38 |
- The Death Council |
40 |
- The Chief's Sublime Stoicism
- The Final Scene |
43 |
- The First Court Record |
45 |
- The First Justice of the Peace
- The First Congressman Voted for
- The First Military Execution |
49 |
- The First Wedding
- The First Bank Established
- The First Gazetteer
- The First Columbus Almanac
- The First Presidential Visit |
50 |
- The First Toll Bridge
- The First Pestilence
- The First Court House East of the River
- The First Extension of High Street |
52 |
- The First Silk Factory
- The First Political Millennium |
53 |
- The First Paper Mill
- The First Newspaper
- The First Turnpike |
54 |
- The First Canal |
58 |
- The First Canal Toll Collector
- The First Poor House
- The First Agricultural Society
- The First Horticultural Society |
60 |
- The First Sale of Lots
- The First Stores
- The First State House
- The First Taverns |
61 |
- The First School Teachers
- The First Census
- The First Lawyers |
62 |
- The First Post Office
- The First Market House |
65 |
- The First Corporation
- The First Town Wit
- The First Incorporated Bank |
66 |
- The First Big Sensation
- The First Cotton Yarn Mill
- The First Woolen Mill
- The First Steam Saw Mill
- The First Plow Factory |
67 |
- The First Addition to Town
- The First Insurance Co.
- First a City
- The First Theatre
- The First Balloon Ascension
- The First State Bank
- The First Museum |
68 |
- How the City Developed |
69 |
- Tarhe-Harrison Peace Conference
- Anniversary Commemoration
- Mrs. Prof. Orton Presides |
70 |
- A Pioneer Newspaper's Account |
73 |
- The Battle of Fallen Timbers |
74 |
- War of 1812
- The Northwest Overrun |
75 |
- Columbus at Mercy of Foe |
76 |
- What the Conference Secured |
80 |
- The Greenville Conference
- The Heroic Figure |
81 |
- A Man of Noble Traits
- Always Kept Faith
- Could be Relied On |
82 |
- He Abjured Strong Drink
- The Chieftain's Widow |
83 |
- Tarhe's Friend J. Pointer
- Col. Johnson's Recollections |
84 |
- A Day of Disappointment |
87 |
- The Original Charter |
88 |
- Pregnant with Great Results |
92 |
- A New Political Era |
95 |
- State Offices at Columbus
- A Practical Hanse Town |
96 |
- Early Years of Village LIfe
- How Real Estate was Sold |
97 |
- Great Financial Depression
- The First Disputed Title
- Henry Clay in Ohio Supreme Court |
98 |
- Manufacturing Spirit Appears
- First Circular Saw |
101 |
- A Hemp Dresser
- Woolen Manufactures
- A Steam Saw Mill
- County Seat Removed
- City Begins to Expand |
102 |
- McIlvain's Addition
- Brotherton and Walcutt's Addition
- Heyl & Parson's Addition
- Kelly & Northrup's Addition
- Demise and Failures |
103 |
- Lyne Startling Last of Founders
- A 4th of July Celebration |
104 |
- Dined at the Golden Bell
- Insurance Company Incorporated
- The Clinton Bank Incorporated
- First President and Cashier
- Charter Expired: New Bank
- First Cholera Scourge |
105 |
- P. O. and Borough Officers
- Beginning and End of Borough |
106 |
- Members of Borough Council
- Borough Mayors
- Borough Recorders
- Borough Marshals
- Borough Treasurers
- Borough Surveyors
- Borough Clerks of Market |
109 |
- Enter City of Columbus |
110 |
- Columbus Becomes A City
- The City Charter |
111 |
- The First City Election |
127 |
- Officers by Appointment |
128 |
- Borough and City Officers 1816-1909
- Mayors |
131 |
- Other Officials |
132 |
- Growth of Population |
137 |
- Two Bases of Comparison |
138 |
- Pioneer City Directory
- Complete List of Names 1843 |
139 |
- The Points of Comparison |
168 |
- Rise and Growth of Churches
- Presbyterian, 1806-1909 |
169 |
- Methodist, 1814-1909 |
180 |
- Protestant Episcopal, 1817-1909 |
185 |
- Lutheran, 182101909 |
188 |
- The Baptist. 1825-1909 |
- Roman Catholic, 1838-1909 |
195 |
- Universalist, 1852-1909
- The Congregational, 1852-1909 |
108 |
- Jewish, 1852-1909 |
210 |
- Church of Christ (Disciples) 1872-1909
- Independent Organizations
- Minor Church Organizations |
214 |
- Missions, Religious Benefices |
215 |
- Church of Christ Scientist, 1896-1909 |
216 |
- Schools and
Educational Institutions
- Common Schools of Columbus
- The Four Great Pillars |
220 |
- Growth of the School System
- Permanent Fund Establishment |
221 |
- A Striking Contrast
- The School Directors |
222 |
- Roll Call of Principals |
223 |
- Officers Public School Library
- Department of Instruction |
224 |
- School superintendents 1847-1909
- Another Striking Contrast |
227 |
- A Womanly Woman |
228 |
- Capital University |
229 |
- Ohio State University |
230 |
- Colombus Public Library
- A Co-operative Library
- The Columbus Reading Room |
241 |
- The Western Lyceum
- The Columbus Athenaeum
- A Public Meeting |
242 |
- Library Successfully Founded
- The Deshler Alcove
- The Noble Alcove
- The Hubbard Alcove |
243 |
- The Andrews Alcove
- The Brickell Alcove
- The Kilbourne Alcove
- Columbus Authori's Alcove
- John J. Pugh as Assistant Librarian
244 |
- A Majestic Marble Structure
- Dedication of the Library
- On Historic Ground |
245 |
- The Home of /five Governors
- A Touch of Romance
- Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society |
246 |
- Old Northwest Genealogical and Historical
Society |
250 |
- The Learned Professions and the Press
- The Bench and Bar |
251 |
- Territorial Court, 1797-1803 |
252 |
- Ohio Supreme Court Judges, 1803-51
- Ohio Supreme Court Judges, 1851-1909 |
253 |
- Ohio Supreme Court Commissions
- Ohio Attorneys General |
254 |
- Clerks of Supreme Court
- President Judges Com. Pleas Court
- Associate Judges Com. Pleas Court
- Com. Pleas Judges, 1851-1909 |
257 |
- Clerks of the Courts
- Judges of Probate
- Prosecuting Attorneys |
258 |
- Sheriffs
- Franklin County Bar Association |
259 |
- Charter and other Members Bar Association |
260 |
- The Medical Profession
- Columbus Academy of Med |
264 |
- Medical Colleges Unite |
265 |
- Columbus A Medical Center
- Facilities for Instruction
- Government of the College |
266 |
- Central Ohio Med. Society
- The Newspaper Profession |
267 |
- Ohio State Journal
- The Columbus Press Post |
268 |
- The Columbus Dispatch
- The Columbus Citizen
- German Dailies
- Weekly Publications |
271 |
- Among the Crypts |
272 |
- Historical Events and Episode; Patriotic
- Columbus A Military Center |
272 |
- Gen. Geo. W. Morgan's Sword |
273 |
- The Columbus Cadets
- The Old Guard |
274 |
- Roll Call of the Old Guard |
277 |
- Notable Review of the Old Guard |
278 |
- Honors to Louis Kossuth
- The First State Funeral
- A Solemn National Pageant |
279 |
- Public Grief for Two Ohioans
- Honor to a Journalist
- The State Treasury Robbed
- A Governor Constructively Imprisoned |
280 |
- Burning of the First State House |
283 |
- A Striking Difference
- A Daring Rush |
284 |
- Patriotic Societies
- Sons of the American Revolution |
285 |
- Many Accessions Thereto
- Grand Army of the Republic |
286 |
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Graphic Story of John Alder
- Life Among the Indians |
287 |
- Met Lucas Sullivant |
288 |
- A Mother's Dram
- The Last Shot in the Civil War |
293 |