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Franklin County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

August 11, 1803 - November 5, 1815
By Miss May Mermod Scott, of Columbus, Ohio

A - B - C - D - EF - G - H - IJ - K - L - M - NO - PQ - R - S - T - UV - W - XYZ

- I -

1822 Jul. 4 Ingham, Asahel Maynard, Elizabeth Buttles, A.
1822 Jan. 24 Ingham, Louis Dixon, Archibald Walker, Aristarchus - JP
1824 Mar. 24 Ingham, Mariah Birge, David Walker, Aristarchus
1829 May 28 Ingham, Sarah French, David Jefferies, Geo.
1826 Jan. 11 Inglaw, Abraham C. Inglaw, Chloe Cowles, R. W. - JP
1826 Jan. 11 Inglaw, Chloe Inglaw, Abraham C. Cowles, R. W. - JP
1827 Feb. 13 Ingraham, Francis G. Sparrow, William Baldwin, Amos G. -
     - Minister of the Pr. Ep. Ch'h.
1826 Mar. 30 Ingram (or Ingham), Abraham Bivans, Elizabeth Gundy, Jacob
1826 Mar. 30 Ingram (or Ingram), Abraham Bivans, Elizabeth Gundy, Jacob
1814 Dec. 14 Ingram, Lena Arnold, Ira Stansbery, Recompense - JP
1808 Mar. 28 Ingram, the widow  Winget, Luther Gates, Nehemiah
1822 Feb. 26 Inks, Eleanor Duggin, Michael Bigelow, Russel - MG
1827 May 24 Inks, John, Jr. Green, Hoapy Allison, A.
1814 Mar. 24 Inks, Persilla Cornell, Wm. Stevenson, John
1824 Jan. 29 Inks, William Headly, Martha Smith, Jacob - JP
1818 Apr. 1 Inman, Esack Adams, Elizabeth Gorton, Joseph
1827 Nov. 11 Ireland, Moses Laws, Sally Walker, A. - JP
1815 Apr. 19 Irwin, Elizabeth Culbertson, Robert Hoge, James
1814 Jan. 6 Irwin, Nancy McCrackin, Virgill Adams, Percival

- J -

1825 Nov. 20 Jackson, Catharine,
Vanvorst, John, widower Carper, Joseph 
1821 Jul. 10 Jackson, Caty Nickins, Archabald Martin, W. T.
1822 Jul. 4 Jague, Daniel Bevelhymer, Susan Davis, John
1828 Mar. 23 James, Mahala King, Samuel Allison, A.
1814 Sep. 15 James, Samuel McCollum, Betsey Marshall, James
1828 Jul. 24 Jameson, Eliza Armintage, James Grubb, Jacob - JP
1817 Jun. 26 Jamisan, Betsy Phelps, Edward Washburn, Ebenezer - VDM
1824 Feb. 26 Jamison, Andrew Pancake, Eleanor Grubb, Jacob  
1805 Feb. 19 Jamison, Henrietta O'Harra, Arthur Stephen, Zachariah - JP
1815 Oct. 14 Jamison, Joseph Stewart, Lydia Hoge, James - LDM
     (for date, "Sometime or other
he does not say when"
1814 Mar. 29 Jamison, Rachel Barr, Samuel Hughs, Joseph S.
1822 Oct. 29 Jamison, Robert Smith, Betsy Washburn, E. - VDM
1826 Jan. 15 Jeffords, Sally Lampson, William K. Chase, P.
1822 May 22 Jenkins, Amon Rathbone Bigelow, Russell
1827 May 30 Jenks, May Green, Luther Liams, Hugh - JP
1824 Jun. 27 Jercockes (Jergcocks),
Lawson, Halan Waddell, C. - LM
     - (These were parents of James
Jaycox who married Femino
McDonald, d/o William and
Catharine Altman McDonald
1824 Jun. 27 Jergcocks - see
1826 Mar. 16 Jerman, Jesse Brittenham, Sally  
1821 Mar. 8 Jermon, Joshua Thomas, Catherine Solomon, John F.
1825 Apr. 7 Jermon, Martha Cole, Demit Solomon, John F.
1825 Apr. 29 Jewatt, Henry G.,
Boreman, Lorane,
Long, Wm. - JP
1828 Mar. 27 Jewett, Caleb R. Pinney, Darias Walker, Aristarchus
1827 Jun. 14 Jewett, Martha Fields, S. B. Henkle, Charles
1816 Jan. 28 Jewit, David Barlow, Betsey Griswold, Ezra
1813 Aug. 29 John, John Rodgers, Matilda Marshall, J.
1815 Jun. 8 John, Thomas Berely, Elizabety (Birdy) Stipp, John - JP
1826 Mar. 23 Johns, Robert Decker, Nally Gander, J.
1805 Mar. 28 Johnson, Catharine Cary, Abijah Ewing, Joshua
1820 Dec. 7 Johnson, Comfort Prevolt, John Clover, Peter - JP
1827 Oct. 17 Johnson, Eliza A. Lewis, Martin L. Jefferies, Geo. - MBC
1840 Mar. 16 Johnson, Franklin Griswold, Emily Helfenstine, A. - Rev.
     - St. John's Church, Worthington
1812 Dec .31 Johnson, Hannah Nicolson, Uzziah Hendren, Wm. D.
1827 Jul. 5 Johnson, Hanson King, Mariah Hamilton, S. - Elder in the MEC
1825 Sep. 1 Johnson, James Mills, Mary Allison, A. - JP
1826 Oct. 3 Johnson, Joseph K. Caldwell, Nancy Adams, P. - JP
1824 Oct. 12 Johnson, Mary Burthley, Henry Godman, Wm.
1826 Dec. 26 Johnson, Nancy Golliday, John Deshler, D. W. - JP
1826 Feb. 9 Johnson, Wyatt Richey, Cinthia Carper, Joseph
1809 May 6 Johnston, Abraham Bradley, Susannah Gates, Nehemiah
1809 Sep. 5 Johnston, Abraham Rosebury, Polly Dickey, M. - JP
1816 Jan. 16 Johnston, Betsey Carns, John Gorton, Joseph
1811 Jun. 20 Johnston, David Martin, Peggy Morris, Thomas
1828 Dec. 25 Johnston, Elizabeth Groves, Solomon Adams, P. - JP
1814 Jun. 9 Johnston, Ephram Cooper, Darkey O'Harra, A.
1822 Nov. 7 Johnston, Henry Locket, Lucy Badger, Joseph
1819 Mar. 4 Johnston, Isaac Tucker, Nancy King, Eli C.
1807 Apr. 23 Johnston, Jacob Casey, Jemina Gates, Nehemiah - JP
1810 Apr. 1 Johnston, James Clarke, Carley Sokrane, Simon - Rev.
1825 Dec. 22 Johnston, John Emery, Selphenia Boyd, James - JP
1828 Dec. 18 Johnston, Keziah Gundy, William Tipton, John
1818 Nov. 29 Johnston, Lewis Strader, Elizabeth Hoge, James
1826 Jan. 29 Johnston, Olive Laughlin, John M. Richman, E. - Deacon
 M. E. Church
1815 Aug. 31 Johnston, Orrange Maynard, Acksa Stansbery, Recompence
1811 Feb. 4 Johnston, Otho Turner, Margaret Hoge, James
1823 Jun. 24 Johnston, Paul Roads, Margart Painter, Isaac
1827 Mar. 18 Johnston, S. V. Read, Nancy Adams, P. - JP
1816 Apr. 13 Johnston, Sallly Dearduff, John Grate, Joseph
1828 Sep. 28 Johnston, Thomas Cronston, Pebe Ann Hamilton, S. - Elder in the
 M.E. Church
1813 May 6 Jones, Abram Newell, Matilda Cochran, Simon - JP
1804 Jun. 7 Jones, Elizabeth Jones, John Marshall, James - JP
1828 Sep. 27 Jones, Elizabeth Piper, Daniel Walter, I. N. - ECC
1807 Jan. 29 Jones, Ellis McDowell, Jane Shinn, Asa - MG
1808 Dec. 13 Jones, Francis Hunter, Sarah Marshall, James
1833 Jun. 6 Jones, J. G. Kilbourn, Cinthia Burr, E. - Rev.
     - St. John's Church, Worthington
1804 Jun. 7 Jones, John Jones, Elizabeth Marshall, James - JP
1826 Oct. 15 Jones, John Powers, Dolly Matthew, Henry - Minister of the
 M. E. Church
1817 May 15 Jones, Polly Smith, Silas Brown, Wm.
1828 Apr. 24 Jones, Sarah Grace, Loger Sells, Charles - JP
1812 Jun. 11 Jones, Thomas Pancake, Doratha O'Harra, Arthur
1828 Jan. 3 Jones, Thomas Whitsell, Betsey Hamilton, S.
1828 Apr. 10 Jones, Uriah Ward, Mary Conrad, Wooley
1827 Oct. 25 Jordan, Elenor Kious, Henry Conrad, Wooley - JP
1828 Dec. 25 Jordan, Nancy Lee, Benjamin Hulburd, Hiland
1818 Oct. 15 Junes, Joseph Gaimin, Kaziah Adams, Percival
1813 Apr. 22 Justice, Daniel Young, Nancy O'Harra, Arthur
1827 Jul. 12 Justice, Jane Millington, Marcus Willcox, Tracy - JP
1819 Jul. 29 Justice, Moor Heriff, Polly Grate, Joseph
1820 Jan. 18 Justice, Nancy Brown, John Grate, Joseph
1827 Jun. 24 Justice, Polly West, Thomas Jefferies, Geo. - MG
1823 Dec. 31 Justice, Robert, Jr. Benedict, Eley Walker, Aristochus
1826 Mar. 16 Justice, Thomas Maynard, Lucy Willcox, Tracy - JP





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