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Fulton County,  Ohio
History & Genealogy


* Source:
Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton.
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co.
Transcribed by Sharon Wick

  REV. SEBASTIAN LIPE. There is probably no history so interesting to the American people as that which Switzerland furnishes. The love of liberty has forged many a link in common for the two republics so widely separated. Many of the sturdy sons of the mountain republic have sought homes across the sea. and lent the fruits of their toil to the trade of the New World.
Rev. Sebastian Lipe, whose name opens this brief sketch, was born April 12, 1829, in Siblingen, canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, a son of Jacob and Ann (Keller) Lipe. Jacob Lipe was born in 1782, and for a long time followed the trade of a mason and stone cutter. He had his own quarry, and in connection with that he began contracting, building houses and furnishing stone, his business increasing until he employed many hands. Religiously he was a German Baptist, consistently following the laws of that sect up to his death in 1852. In his family were the following children: Rachel; Barbara, wife of John Weber; Conrad, a tailor in Germany; Henry, who came to America and died two years later; George, in Switzerland; Jacob, who emigrated to America, and died in 1850; Sebastian, our subject; and Margaret and Anna (both deceased). The mother of this family passed to her last rest in 1855.
     At the age of eighteen years Sebastian Lipe left the mountains of his native home, to cast his lot with the workers of the Western hemisphere. He first found a home in northern Ohio, Toledo, and along the banks of the Maumee, and here he worked as a carpenter and joiner, finding employment in the first cabinet shop in Toledo. At this time Toledo was only a small village, and could boast of but one brick store. The year 1849, well remembered as the great cholera year, found Mr. Lipe in the cabinet and china business in Toledo, Ohio. The prevalence of cholera had deadened trade for most branches, and Mr. Lipe did almost nothing but make coffins. He then bought a farm and gave up trade. In 1854 he sold his first land and invested the proceeds in seventy acres in Spencer township, Lucas county, Ohio, but later he sold off a portion, retaining only fifty acres, and then removed to Swanton, Fulton county.
     In 1852 Mr. Lipe was ordained a minister of the German Baptist faith, and while he still worked at his trade, six days in the week, he preached on the seventh, and for the past thirty years he has given most of his time to Church work. The results of his good work have proven that he was wise in listening to the inner voice calling for his service in the Master's vineyard. In deeds first, and then in works, he follows the light he has, and quietly and unostentatiously, like the faith he professes, is building his house upon the rock.
     In 1853 Rev. Sebastian Lipe was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Berthoud, who passed to the unseen life in 1880. No children were born of this union, but Mrs. Lipe had a son by a former marriage, Jacob Berthoud, who now lives in Spencer township, Lucas county, Ohio. After the death of his first wife Mr. Lipe was wedded to Barbara Ciegler. In 1892 they left the farm, and in 1893 removed to Swanton, where Reverend Lipe preaches every Sunday, as does he also in Spencer.
Source: Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio, Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1899. - Page 503

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