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Fulton County, Ohio
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The County of Fulton
A History of Fulton County, Ohio
Publ.: Madison, Wis. Northwestern Historical Association
1905 Transcribed by
Sharon Wick
BEATTY is one of the thorough and popular hotel
en of Fulton county, being proprietor of the Hotel
Beatty, at Lyons, and he is also a dealer in all kinds
of agricultural implements and machinery, being one of
the well-known and reliable business men of this part of
the county. He was born in Chesterfield township,
Fulton county, on the 16th of June 1850, and is a
representative of one of the pioneer families of the
county. He is a son of Holoway H. and Elizabeth
(Jefferson) Beatty, both of whom were born in Sussex
county, N. J., the respective families having been
established in America in the Colonial era.
Holoway and Elizabeth Beatty came to Fulton county
in 1845, passing the first three yeas in Royalton
township and the removing to Chesterfield township,
where the father purchased eighty acres of land, in
Section 24, reclaiming the same from the wilds and
eventually developing a good farm. There both he
and his wife remained until death. He died in1879,
aged seventy-seven years, and she passed away in 1887,
aged seventy-nine years. They came the parents of
eight children, namely: Nancy, who is the wife of
James Stutesman; Margaret, who is the wife of
Henry Fisher; Sidney S., who is a resident of
Morenci, Mich.; Julia who is the wife of
William Gates; Mahala, who is the wife of
Isaac Davidson; Elizabeth, who is the wife of
George Gorham, and George F. whose name
initiates this sketch. The last named was the
youngest of the family and was reared on the homestead
farm, while he received such educational advantages as
were afforded in the common schools of the locality.
On attaining his majority he engaged in farming and
dealing in live stock, in which he continued until 1900,
being very successful in his operations and becoming the
owner of the fine farm property in Chesterfield
township. In the year mentioned he engaged in the
hotel business in Lyons, and he has shown himself
admirably fitted for the business, his house being most
popular with the traveling public, which fact is the
best voucher as to its being ably conducted. He
purchased the hotel property in 1902, and he still owns
his homestead farm, in Chesterfield township. In
March, 1905, he engaged in the agricultural implement
business, giving the same his personal supervision and
having the agency for a number of the leading
manufactories of implements and machinery, and he is
securing a representative patronage in this department
of his enterprise. In politics he is a Democrat,
and he is affiliated with Royalton Union Lodge, No. 434,
F. & A. M. In 1875 Mr. Beatty was united in
marriage to Miss Emma Sellers, who was born and
reared in Chesterfield township, being a daughter of
John and Lavina 9Sanford) Sellers. Of this
union five children have been born; Holoway H. is
at the hotel with his father; Johnston is in
charge of the homestead farm; Ada, who became the
wife of Warren Acker, is deceased; and Lizzie
and Libbie are twins, the former being the
wife of Eugene Tuckerman, and the latter the wife
of Wilton Johnston. William E. is at home
in Lyons.
Source: The County of Fulton - Publ: Madison, Wis.
Northwestern Historical Association - 1905 - Page 258 |
PARKER BISHOP, M. D., a distinguished physician
and surgeon of Delta, is a native of Licking county,
Ohio, where he was born Dec. 3, 1839. He is the
son of Zebina and Pluma (Myrick) Bishop, both
natives of Canada, where they were married and whence
they emigrated to Licking county early in married life.
In 1856 they removed to Williams county and there ended
their days, he dying at the age of eighty-three and she
at eighty years. Zebina Bishop, who was a
mechanic by occupation, and wife were the parents of
seven children, three sons and four daughters.
Their names follow: Edwin, who died in
infancy; Ellen, the wife of B. A. Clark,
of Bryan; Julia who married Henry Barnes,
and died in Granville O.; Sylvester Parker; Estella,
now Mrs. Jonas McCoy, of Pulaski, O.;
Caroline, now Mrs. Amos Lorah, of Hicksville,
and Edwin P., a farmer, of Bryan. Sylvester
Parker Bishop received his elementary education in
the public schools of Bryan, began his professional
studies at the medical department of the University of
Michigan, and took his degree at Bellevue Hospital
college in New York City, graduating in 1865. He
located at Delta in the spring of 1864, and here has
been in continuous practice since that time. He is
an active members of the Fulton County Medical Society,
of the State, Tri-State, Northwestern and American
Medical Associations, being prominent in each. In
1881 he served as delegate to the International Congress
of Physicians and Surgeons in London and again at
Washington in 1887. For seven years he served and
again at Washington in 1887. For seven years he
served in the capacity of Surgeon of the Lake Shore and
Michigan Southern Railway Company. In the affairs
of the Masonic fraternity Dr. Bishop takes a very
active part, holding membership in the Blue Lodge,
Chapter, Council and Toledo Commandery, No. 7, Knights
Templar, having taken all of these degrees in 1881; is a
member of the A. A. Scottish Rites at Toledo, Valley of
Cleveland, and Lake Erie Consistory, and is now a
charter member of Toledo Consistory S. P. R. S.,
Thirty-second degree. In politics he is identified
with the Republican party and in religions matters with
the Methodist Episcopal church. On Feb. 1, 1866,
at Bryan, the Doctor was married to Miss Florence
Dobbs, a daughter of Judge Joshua Dobbs.
Four children have been born to these parents, three of
whom are still living. They are: Eudora,
supervising principal of Drawing and Art in the
Fostoria, O., city schools; Opal, the wife of
C. P. Geer, of Delta; Parker Selwyn, a
graduate of the Detroit College of Medicine of the class
of 1901, and now associated in the practice of medicine
with his father.
Source: The County of
Fulton -
Publ: Madison, Wis. Northwestern Historical Association - 1905 -
Page 270 |

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