History of Gallia County
H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo
Publ: 1882
Cheshire Twp. -
JAMES C. TATE - was born in Venango
county, Pennsylvania, May 26, 1833, and came to this county
from there in 1839. His parents are David and
Letitia (McLahaney) Tate. Her father was born May
6, 1799, in Center county, Pennsylvania, and his mother was
born June 15, 1802. Mr. Tate's grandfather
James Tate, was a soldier in the war of 1812. He
was shot through the breast and a silk handkerchief was
pulled through the wound. His death occurred a few
years after from the effects of the wound. The subject
of this sketch was a soldier in the late war. He
enlisted Feb. 15, 1865, in Company F, 192d Ohio Voluntary
Infantry, and was in the command of General Hancock
in Shenandoah Valley. He participated in all the
campaigns of the regiment, and was honorably discharged at
the close of the war, in Sept., 1865. Mr. Tate
is owner and proprietor of the Kyger flouring mills for the
past twelve years, and at present is putting in a spoke,
felloe and buz saw, the former of his own invention, in
connection with the mill. The first wife of Mr.
Tate was Mary Sisson, by whom he had one child,
Laura, deceased. The present wife of Mr.
Tate is Nancy Jane Morrow, who was
born in Jackson county, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1840. She is a
native of Meigs county, Ohio. They have the following
children: Lillie, born Mar. 6, 1858, resides at
home; Homer, Oct. 11, 1859, died July 7, 1860;
Mary A., June 19, 1861, died Oct. 17, 1862; Sarah F.,
Oct. 1, 1864, resides at home; Hugh, Jan. 1, 1867;
Harriet E., June 11, 1869; Grace, Oct. 20, 1876.
The parents of Mrs. Tate are John and Elizabeth (Tidball)
Morrow. Her father was born in July, 1794, and
died Jan. 22, 1878. Her mother was born Mar. 31, 1800.
They are both natives of Pennsylvania. The address of
Mr. Tate is Kyger, Gallia county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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Cheshire Twp. -
WILLIAM TATE - and Nancy B. Tenney
were married in Cheshire township June 13, 1858. He
was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 9, 1835.
His wife was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1835.
The parents of Mr. Tate are David and Letitia (McLahaney)
Tate. His father was born May 6, 1799, and his
mother June 15, 1802. Jonathan and Sarah K. (Yemmons)
Tenney are the parents of Mrs. Tate. They
settled in this county in 1841. Her father was born in
1801, and he rmother in 1798. Mr. Tate has held
the office of township clerk for six years, at intervals,
and is at present filling the office. He is also an
operator in coal, and is a farmer. James C. Tate,
a brother of William, served in the war of the
rebellion. The children of Mr. Tate are as
follows: Celia M., born Mar. 26, 1859, resides
in Cheshire; Joseph, Dec. 8, 1860, died Dec. 20,
1860; Luny M., June 27, 1862, died July 20, 1873;
Wallace, Dec. 13, 1863, resides at home; Laura,
June 1, 1867, resides at home; Harry, Oct. 10, 1873,
resides at home. Mr. Tate came on to this
county in 1839. His postoffice address is Kyger,
Gallia County, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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Perry Twp. -
in Cardinganshire, Wales, Oct. 22, 1830.
He died Oct. 37, 1876.
He was a son of David and Jessie Dinah (Gray)
Thomas, who settled in this county in 1837.
They are both deceased.
Elizabeth Jones became the wife of
Mr. Thomas in Perry township, Feb. 19, 1858.
She was born in Cardiganshire, Wales, Mar. 12,
1834. She is
mother of the following children:
Samuel, born Aug. 24, 1861;
David, Jan. 23, 1863; Lizzie, Apr.
18, 1865; Jessie D., Aug. 5, 1866;
John, Mar. 5, 1868; Daniel, Dec. 31,
1869; Gomer, Jan. 8, 1874; Abraham, Aug. 23,
1876; they all reside at home.
The parents of Mrs. Thomas were
John and Elizabeth (Samuel) Jones, settlers
of Gallia county in 1838; they are both deceased.
Her father’s family were the first Welsh settlers in
Perry township.
Mr. Thomas by trade was a stone mason, and
his work all done in a first-class manner.
He was respected by all who had the honor of his
acquaintance. The
first Welsh church organized in Perry township was instituted
by Rev. J. A. Davies, and the grounds, one
and a-half acres, for church and cemetery, were donated by
Mr. Thomas’ father, and was called after his
farm in Wales, Tynrhos.
The postoffice address of Mr. Thomas
is Cora, Gallia county,
Ohio. Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
Page 32
Clay Twp. -
S. THORNLEY - settled in this county in 1853.
He is the son of Philip V. and Nancy C. (Martin)
Thorniley, and was born in Washington county, Ohio,
Sept. 22, 1832. His father was born Dec. 14, 1799, and
died May 6, 1881; his mother was born in 1810. He has
had two wives. His first wife, Mary J. Williamson,
born Mar. 26, 1833, died Sept. 20, 1872. Her parents
are both deceased, her father, Charles Williamson,
having did in 1857, her mother, Martha Martin, in
1859. By this marriage Mr. Thorniley had
seven children. They are: Charles W., born Jan.
17, 1855, resides in Gallia county; Philip V., Feb.
1, 1857, resides in Cabell county, West Virginia; Walter,
November 3, 1859, and Anna A., twin to Walter,
both living at home; Martha M., Oct. 19, 1863, died
Jan. 12, 1864; Willis A., Aug. 23, 1865; Mary B.,
July 13, 1767. His second wife, Sallie A. Racer,
daughter of Dennis and Roena (Jett) Racer, was born
in Washington county, Apr. 26, 1835, and was married to him
in Washington county, Aug. 10, 1864. She has had one
child: Lucinda, Born Aug. 24, 175. Mr.
Thorniley has held the office of township trustee for
four years. His father came here in 1822, and sawed
the lumber for the steamboat Scioto. Occupation
farming. Address, Eureka, Clay township, Gallia
county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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Raccoon Twp. -
TOBIN - was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, May 3,
1831. He is a son of Isaac and Matilda A. (Benton)
Tobin. Isaac Tobin was born in Loudoun county,
Virginia, July, 1800, and died on the 9th day of Oct., 1881.
His loss was mourned by all who knew him. He was
married to Matilda A. Benton in 1834. Wesley
was married in this county, March 4, 1854, to Mary A.
Danner, who is a native of Gallia county, born June 12,
1832. They have the following children:
Sonorah (Swanson), born Nov. 4, 1854, resides in Jackson
county, Ohio; John W., June 5, 1856, resides in this
county; Wesley R., Apr. 4, 1858, resides at home;
Mary A., Feb. 23, 1860, resides at home; Lolia C.,
Feb. 5, 1862 resides at home. The parents of Mrs.
Tobin are Jacob and Sarah A. (Gaskin) Danner,
natives of this county. Mr. Tobin's brother,
Robert, enlisted in an Illinois regiment and served to
the close of the war. Mr. Tobin has six
brothers and one sister, namely: William,
deceased; Edward W., James, John, Elizabeth E., Isaac R.
and Samuel. Two brothers of Mrs. Tobin
were also soldiers in the late war; James and John
Danner. They both died in the service in the State
of Tennessee, after serving about one year. Mr.
Tobin came to this county in 1851, settling in Raccoon
township, where he was engaged in merchandising and also as
a farmer. His postoffice address is Rio Grande, Gallia
county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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Addison Twp. -
TRACKLER - was born in this county June 1, 1850; his
father, John Trackler, is one of the oldest settlers
of this county, coming here in 1802. He was born in
the Shenandoah valley, and was only nine years old when he
came here. He is now eighty years old and very feeble.
He lives on the same farm where he settled when he settled
here. Hannah (Fisher) Trackler, the mother of
Joseph, was born in Germany, and came to this country
when she was nineteen years of age, and since her husband
has become so feeble she has attended to the duties of the
farm herself. Joseph Trackler was married to
Amanda E. (Mason) Fisher, at Gallipolis, June 1, 1880.
She is a native of Putnam county, West Virginia, born July
13, 1853. She was married previously in the same
county to William M. Fisher, November 17, 1872.
He was born in Germany, and came to this country when he was
three years old. HE died Feb. 22, 1880. He was
father of the following children: Carrie, born
Aug. 26, 1873; and Ernest, Feb. 21, 1877. The
parents of Mrs. Trackler are Isaac and Charlotte
(?Robertson) Mason. Her father died July 15, 1866.
Mrs. Trackler had three brothers in the late war.
A half-brother, Charles H. Dury, enlisted in 1861 in
the 8th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and two brothers,
Stephen D. and Theodor, both served in the
Confederate Army. All three returned home after the
close of the war. Mr. Trackler is engaged in
farming. His postoffice address is Addision, Gallia
county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County -
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882 - Page
34 |
Springfield Twp. -
J. TREFFTZS - a resident of Springfield township, was
born in Wertenberg, Germany, October 24, 1829. He came
to this county with his parents Gabriel and Mary (Fadderer)
Trefftzs, in 1837. He was united in marriage with
Mary C. Glassburn, in Gallia county, September 22,
1853. She was born in the same county August 29, 1832,
and is the daughter of
David and Polly
(Sawyers) Glassburn. Their only child is
Mary C. (Dyer), born Dec. 3, 1854, lives in Gallia
county. His brother, Lewis Trafftzs, served in
the late war, enlisting in an Illinois regiment. He
was wounded in the battle of Champion Hill, Tennessee.
He was a prisoner in the Rebel prison, but was finally
exchanged, and returning to his regiment, served till the
close of the war and received an honorable discharge.
Mr. Trefftzs has held the offices of assessor,
supervisor and school director. Business, farming,
stock-raising and carpenter. Address, Heatly
postoffice, Gallia county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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Harrison Twp. -
WILLIAM TROTTER - was born in
Virginia, April 25, 1808, and came to this county in 1817.
His parents are William and Mary (Cooper) Trotter,
who came to this county in 1817. His parents are
William and Mary (Cooper) Trotter, who also settled here
in 1817. William was married in Harrison,
December 27, 1832, to Rosannah Houck, who was born in
Bedford county, Virginia, March 28, 1814. The parents of
Mrs. Trotter are Felty and Susan (Kerns) Houck.
The children of Mr. Trotter are: Frances,
born December 13, 1813, died June, 1834; Elizabeth
(Gilmore), December 25, 1835, resides in Harrision;
Mary (Waugh), February 20, 1837, died February 5,
1882; Armena (Lindle), April 5, 1840, resides in
Harrison; John, March 20, 1842, resides in Missouri;
Marion, January 24, 1844, died August 13,
1869; Nancy S. (Frownfelter), April 4, 1846, resides
in Harrison; Sarah, December 24, 1848, deceased;
Phebe (Earwood), April 6, 1851, resides in Clay
township; William H., April 20, 1854, resides in
Harrison; Thomas M., February 28, 1857, resides in
Harrison township. Two of Mr. Trotter's sons
were in the late war. John Trotter enlisted in
1862 in the 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company B, and
served till the close of the war; Marion Trotter
enlisted at Columbus in 1865, and was discharged at the
close of the war. Mr. Trotter is a resident of
Harrison township, where he is engaged in farming. His
postoffice address is Leaper, Gallia County, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
Page 41 |
Addison Twp. -
M. TUCK - is a son of Anthony and Jane (Richey)
Tuck, settlers of this county in 1840. Andrew
was born in West Virginia, Sept. 27, 1828. He was
married to Eliza A. Rice, in Mason county, West
Virginia, Oct. 10, 1878. She was born in Putnam
county, West Virginia, Sep. 27, 1839, Her parents are
Jacon and Lucy (Williams) Rice. The following
are the children of Mr. Tuck by his first wife: Sarah
J. (Carter), who was born Mar. 7, 1840, and died May 11,
1871; Jeanette, Feb. 28, 1860, resides in this
county; Henrietta B., Aug. 15, 1862, resides at home;
Sarah V., June 27, 1864, resides at home; Mary J.,
Sept. 30, 1867, died May 12, 1870. Farming is the
occupation which Mr. Tuck follows, his farm being
located in Addison township. His postoffice address is
Gallipolis, Gallia county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County -
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882 - Page
35 |
- is a native of the county of Gallia, born July 4, 1829.
He is a son of Jonathan and Mary D. (Collins) Turner,
who settled in this county in 1828, and who are both deceased.
Jonathan Turner was a soldier in the war of
1812. Annis Thompson,
daughter of Elizabeth (Beeson) and Pierce Thompson,
became the wife of William Henry Turner in
Meigs county, Ohio, Apr. 24, 1861. She is mother of one
child, viz: Luther B., born May 4, 1862.
She was born in Meigs county, Feb. 22, 1838, and is deceased.
Mr. Turner was elected justice of the
peace in 1870 for three years; in 1861 he served as constable
for one year; and he was elected as trustee in 1873, which
office he has filled for nine years. He is a resident of
Huntington township, where he is engaged in farming. His
postoffice address is Ewington, Gallia county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
Page 11 |
Huntington Twp. -
- is a native of Huntington township, born Aug. 24, 1844.
He is a son of George and Olive
(Holcomb) Tyler, who wore both raised in Gallia
county. Abner Tyler was married in
Huntington township, Nov. 18, 1866, to Sarah Elizabeth
Bard, who was born in Columbiana county,
Ohio, July 20, 1848. They have two children, namely:
Eve Abagail, born Nov. 13, 1870, and
George Elmer, Mar. 31, 1874. The parents of
Mrs. Tyler, George and Levina Jane (Pancake) Bard,
came to Gallia county in 1853. Mr. Tyler
was a soldier in the war of the rebellion. He enlisted
in Company D, 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in 1862, and
served until July, 1865, when he received an honorable
discharge. He was elected school director in 1879.
He is by occupation a farmer. His address is Vinton,
Gallia county, Ohio.
Source: History of Gallia County
Publ: H. H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago & Toledo - 1882-
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