1789 - 1881
History of Cincinnati, Ohio
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
Compiled by Henry A. Ford, A. M., and Mrs. Kate B. Ford
L. A. Williams & Co., Publishers
NOTE: The corrections
in RED are finished.
[Page 533] -
Page 9—Second column,
twentieth line, for “places," read "planes."
Page 10—Sixth line, for the second “in,” read "is"; second
column, twenty-fourth line from the bottom, for “district,"
read “distinct."
Page 12—Second column, seventh line from the bottom, for
“1848," read “1847.”
Page 15—Thirty-second line, for “Fourth," read “Twelfth”;
second column, twenty-ninth line, for “1794," read “1793."
Page r6—First column, fifth line from the bottom, for
“Indian," read “English."
Page 17—Sixteenth line, for “Mound," read “Main.”
Page 21—Second column, eleventh line from the bottom, for
“William,” read “Cyrus."
Page 33—Eighteenth line, for “Lutner,” read “Luther."
Page 37—Second column, thirtieth line from the bottom, for
“route,” read “fort"; eleventh line, for “September," read
“August"; eleventh line, for “Western," read “ Eastern."
Page 45—Second column, twenty-third line from the bottom,
for “Williamson," read “Wilkinson."
Page 47—Seventeenth line, for “1764,” read “1794."
Page 49—Second column, twenty-fifth line from the bottom,
for “William," read “James.”
Page 60—Second column, twenty-eighth line from the top, for
“movements," read "moments."
Page 80—First column, twenty-sixth line from the bottom, for
“experience," read “expectation."
Page 86—Third line, for “ Corrington, " read “Covington."
Page 90—Tenth line, for "1849," read “1839;" thirty-second
line, for “twenty-nine,” read “twenty-six."
Page 97—Second column, as the seventeenth line, insert
“Eighteen hundred and forty-eight.”
Page 108—Eighteenth line, after "Weitzel," remove the
Page 109—Thirteenth line, between "though" and “always,"
read "not;" thirty-fourth line, for ' first," read "fruit."
Page 123—First column, tenth line from the bottom, after
“fifty," insert " thousand."
Page 142—Seventeenth line, for "Hetch," read “Hecht."
Page 154—First column, ninth line from the bottom, for
"Carter," read “Collins."
Page 163—Second column, twenty-seventh line from the bottom,
for “contest," read “contrast."
Page 201—Second column, tenth line from the bottom, for
“country," read “county."
Page 203—Second column, twenty-eighth line, before “1880,"
read "directors."
Page 222—Second column, seventeenth line, for “we," read
Page 243 First column, seventh line from the bottom, for
"west," read “east."
Page 253 —Second column, eleventh line, omit " four hundred
Page 255—Second column, nineteenth line, for “ Whitney,"
read “Whiting."
Page 257—Second column, twenty-ninth line, for “by," read
Page 290—Second column, sixth line from the bottom, for
"1815," read “1816."
Page 294—Second column, nineteenth line, enclose "New
Jersey" in brackets.
Page 312—Thirtieth line, for
“found," read “fond."
Page 317—Thirtieth line, for “Hamilton," read “Hammond."
Page 329 First column, sixteenth line from the bottom, for
“1849," read “1840.”
[Page 534] =
Page 333—Second column,
fourth line from the bottom, for “That year,” read “The year
Page 346—First column, seventh line from the bottom, for
“National," read “Natural."
Page 350—Thirty-first line. The general statement in the
books is as here given. Drake and Mansfield, however,
in their Cincinnati in 1826, say the first steamer built at
the city was the Vesta, in the year 1816.
Page 362—Seventeenth line, for “ fire," read “fine;" first
column, tenth line from the bottom, for “Kiljour,” read “Kilgour;"
second column, twenty-second line, for “piroque," read
Page 363—First column, twenty-ninth line from the bottom,
for “games," read “game.”
Page 364—Fifth line, for “ Odin," read “Ohio.”
Page 366—Second column, seventh line from the bottom, for
“there," read “these."
Page 368—Twelfth line, for “Niswell," read “Wiswell;" second
column, third line, for “Sniton,” read “Sinton."
Page 371—Thirty-first line, read “feet," after
“twenty-four;" second column, twenty-ninth line, for
“printed," read “re-printed."
Page 373—Twenty-first line for “ Latton's,” read “ Letton’s;"
second column, third line, for 'T836," read “1834."
Page 374—Second column, twenty-first line, for “Trivoli,"
read “Tivoli."
Page 375—Fifth line, for “Heuicks, ” read “Heuck's."
Page 377—Eleventh line, for
“Coleman," read “ Colerain;" second column, tenth line, for
“Their," read “there;” eleventh line from the bottom, for
“place," read “price."
Page 378—First column, tenth line from the bottom, for “Farnshaw,"
read “Earnshaw;” second column, twenty-eighth line, for “
Ewens," read “Evans.”
Page 379—First column, twenty-seventh line from the
bottom, for “Miller," read “Muller;” twenty-sixth line,
for “Rudolph," read “Randolph;" last line, for
“ Rieley,” read “Reily.”
Page 380—Twenty-first line, for “ Nimrur,” read “ Nimmo;"
second column, eleventh line, for “Davis," read “Davies;"
eighteenth line (also page 382, fifth line), for “ johnson,”
read “Johnston;” nineteenth line, add “William Means, 1881;"
twenty-ninth line, for “Statton," read “ Stratton."
Page 381—Fifth line, for “Brudsall,” read “Burdsall;"
twenty-eighth line, for “ Laffin," read “Saffin;” second
column, twenty-second line, for “Gaple,” read “Yaple."
Page 382—First column, twentieth line from the bottom, for
read “unpaid;" second column, twelfth line, for “rapidly,"
read "ardently.”
Page 383—Second line, after “ necessary," insert “means;”
second column, twenty-sixth line, for “eight," read
“eighteen;" thirty-fifth line, for “next,” read
Page 384—Thirteenth line, for “ the,” read “two."
Page 388—Second column, first line, for “cause," read
Page 389—Twenty-third line, for “find," read “fluid;" tenth
line from the bottom, for “no,” read “on."
Page 390—Thirtieth line, for “neat," read “new."
Page 394—-Fifteenth line, for “4866,” read “1866."
Page 396—First column, fifth line from the bottom, for “
character," read "charter;" second column, twenty-eighth
line from the bottom, for "changed," read “charged.”
Page 397—First column, eleventh line from the bottom, after
“1826," read “the health of;" second column, fourth line,
for “2.23,” read “2,230;” tenth line, for “22,867," read
Page 398—Second column, eighth line, for “chance,” read
Page 399—Second column, twentieth line from the bottom,
after “five," read “hundred;" nineteenth line, for “1859,"
read "1869;" second line, for “Bulloch," read “Bullock."
Page 400—Twenty-fourth line, for “ Convent," read “Covent;"
second column, thirtieth line from the bottom, for “crowed,"
read "crowded."
Page 402—Second column, second line from the bottom, for
“Harmeye" read “ Havemeyer. ”
Page 403—Second column, seventeenth line, for “1887,“ read
"1877;" twenty-second and twenty-fifth lines from the
bottom, for “tracts," read “tracks."
Page 404—Seventeenth line, for “Sedain," read “Sedam."
Page 406—Twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth
lines, before each sum read
Page 407—Tenth line, for “thirty-eighty," read
“thirty-eight;" second column, eleventh line from the
bottom, for “note," read “vote;" sixth line, for “probable,”
read “probably.”
Page 408—Second column, fifth line from the bottom, for “
writer," read "village.”
Page 409—Second column, sixth line, for “Hischmann,” read
Page 410—Second column, nineteenth line, for “appear,” read
Page 411—Second column, eleventh line, for “Biegler," read
Page 412—First line, after “which," read “was."
Page 413—First column, sixth line from the bottom, for '
‘Mr." read
“Mrs.”; second column, twenty-sixth line, for "mission,"
read “Missouri."
Page 414—Second column, nineteenth line, for “Dearbon," read
"Dearborn; seventh line from the bottom, for "stone," read
Page 415—Second column, fifth line from the bottom, for
“did," read "do.”
Page 438—In Dr. James H. Buckner’s biography, in fourth
line, for “Missippi," read “Maryland;" in eighteenth line,
for “Harry," read “Henry;" in twentieth line, for “1827,"
read “1828;" in third paragraph, twelfth line, for “Otto,"
read “sixth."
In Cyrus D. Fishburn’s biography, page 440, in third
paragraph, fifth line, for “had removed,” read “removed;"
same paragraph, twenty-fifth line, for “were,” read