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Hamilton County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

1817 - 1837

PARTIALLY TRANSCRIBED - More to come later

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N_rst, Barbara Seiner, Ferdinand 1836 Dec. 6 Henrie, John M. -
Naighinger, Frederick Long, Christianna 1837 Apr. 20 Orr, A. JP
Nalor, Nancy Knox, John 1819 Nov. 11 Sparks, J. JP
Napp, Peter Emhoff, Anna? 1837 Apr. 13 Henry John M. -
Nappin, Elizabeth Newell, Willialm 1820 Aug. 17 Wilson, J. L. M
Napys, Magdalena Brown, John 1837 Apr. 18 Henry, John M. -
Napys, Magdalena Brown, John 1837 Apr. 18 Henry, John M.  
Nase, Barbe Caron, Ferdinand 1835 Oct. 29 Yunker, H. L. -
Nase, Barbe Caron, Ferdinand 1835 Oct. 29 Yunker, H. L. -
Nash, Abba Pearson, William 1836 Mar. 200 Clopper, J. C. JP
Nash, Elizabeth Grant, Abner 1832 Sep. 9 Holmes, Geo. W. -
Nash, John ____, ____ 1825 Sep. 22 McCullough, T. B. JP
Nash, Ketturah G. Grant, Nathan 1835 Dec. 20 bodine, H. -
Nash, Sheldon H. Gaines, Mary Ann 1832 Sep. 20 Lynd, S. W. M
Nasheny, Mary ____, Henry 1836 Nov. 10 Ellsworth, Wm. -
Naylor, Wm. Anderson, Isabella 1837 Jul. 16 Raper, W. H. M.
Neizer, John Allen, Elizabeth 1824 Feb. 23 Palmerton, J. JP
Nelson, Clark Carrigan, Ann Jane 1836 Aug. 16 Burke, Wm. M
Nelson, Joseph S. Bowman, Nancy 1823 Sep. 29 Burke, Wm. M
Nelson, Robert Connel, Bridget 1819 Sep. 18 Dennisston, A. M
Netheizon, Jane Edwards, Amos 1834 Oct. 23 Graves, B.  
Newbrough, Margaret Bolls, Moses 1835 Sep. 27 Fithian, E.  JP
Newcomb, Henry Applegate, Matilda 1837 Jun. 13 Roper, W. H. M.
Newcomer, Jacob Clark, Nancy 1820 Feb. 12 Lawrence, B. M
Newel, Daniel I. Carters, Mary 1834 Oct. 9 Smith, T. -
Newell, Willialm Nappin, Elizabeth 1820 Aug. 17 Wilson, J. L. M
Newgass, Henry Bailey, Mary 1836 May 31 Burke, Wm. M.
Newhouse, Elizabeth Verblier, Bernard 1835 Jan.2 Gosling, S.  
Newman, Abner Abergust, Elizabeth 1822 Mar. 14 Wilson, J. L. M
Newman, Elijz? Bently, Lusand 1832 Sep. 9 Holmes, Geo. W.  
Newton, Eliza Ann Anderson, John 1833 Dec. 20 Burke, Wm. M.
Newton, John C. Connor, Hannah 1833 Jul. 7 Stagg, I. JP
Nicholas, Mary Comstock, James 1834 Sep. 25 Lincoln, H. -
Nichols, Vesper Brown, Eunice 1832 Aug. 18 Root, D. M
Niles, Elizabeth Boggs, Robert 1826 Apr. 6 Raper, W. H. M
Nimer, Wm. Beltner, Elizabeth 1837 Apr. 13 Henry, John M.  
Ninel, John Chana, Catherine 1826 Nov. 30 Merrie, R. JP
Ninn, Sarah Cooper, H. 1836 ___ __ Evans, Wm. B. M
Nix, Edward Edwards, Nancy 1824 Apr. 22 Foster, J. JP
Nobbeler, John Brackmon, Engle 1836 Jan. 26 Juncker, H. M
Noble, Emeline I. Emery, John P. 1834 Jul. 30 Hayden, D. M
Noble, Harrison Cook, Abby 1833 Mar. 21 Lincoln, H. JP
Nobles, Henry Archer, L. A. 1835 Aug. 7 Brown, B. M.
Nol____, William Butler, Mary Ann 1823 Nov. 20 Mat____, Wm. M
Norris, Allasana Barnes, Alexander 1833 Feb. 21 Poe, A. M
Norris, Harriet Vance, Andrew 1836 Feb. 9 Skillman, I. N.  
Norris, Sarah Capron, James 1821 Apr. 22 Carnahan, J. JP
Not, Joseph H. C____, Elizabeth 1837 May 3 Baymore, S. -
Nutz, Leonard N. Clutch, Rebecca 1836 Apr. 17 Collins, J. M



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