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Under the first call
of President Lincoln, for 75,000 volunteers, Hardin
County responded by presenting two full companies, which were
assigned to the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Capt.
George Weaver, an old veteran of the Mexican war, was
Captain of Company D; G. A. Stewart, First Lieutenant;
Daniel Timmons, Second Lieutenant. James S.
Robinson was Captain of Company G, Peter Grubb, First
Lieutenant and William Surgeson, Second Lieutenant.
James Cantwell, who was first elected Captain was
appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment.
In August, 1861, Capt. C. H. Gatch, assisted by
First Lieut. W. W. Nixon and Second Lieut. David
McConnell, recruited a full company for the service, which
was assigned as Company K, to the Thirty-third Ohio Regiment.
The regiment joined the Army of the Cumberland. It
participated in the campaigns of that army, and finally
accompanied Sherman in his march to the sea.
In July and August, of 1861, Capt. Luther Furney,
assisted by Lieut. Asa Carter, recruited Company D, for
the Thirty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The regiment
was assigned to duty with Gen. J. D. Cox, on the Gauley,
W. Va. It formed a part of Gen. Hayes' brigade.
The regiment performed much hard service in West Virginia and in
the Shenandoah Valley. Capt. Furney was
subsequently promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the
Capt. Daniel Ammerman, Lieut. Nelson G. Franklin,
and Capt. Comfort h. Stanley and Lieut. A. K.
Rarey, assisted by Lieut. Col. A. S. Ramsey,
recruited two full companies for the Forty-fifth Ohio Regiment
in August, 1862. The regiment was assigned to duty in
Kentucky, and afterward, in August, 1863, joined Gen.
Burnside's command. The regiment was in the famous
campaign against Knoxville, Tenn. In May, 1863, the
regiment was transferred to the Second Brigade, Second Division,
Twenty-third Army Corps, thus enabling it to participate in the
campaign against Atlanta. In June following, the regiment
was transferred to the Second Brigade, First Division, Fourth
Army Corps. It concluded its services in the battles of
Franklin and Nashville.
In the winter of 1862, a company was recruited by
Lieut. David Snodgrass and Lieut. P. W. Stumm, which
was assigned, as Company H, to the Seventy-fourth Ohio Regiment.
Lieut. Snodgrass was appointed Captain of the company.
The regiment was ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and was assigned
to the Fourteenth Corps. It was in the campaign against
Atlanta, and accompanied Sherman in the campaign to
Richmond and Washington, via Savannah.
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The Eighty-second
Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment was recruited in November and
December, 1861, and rendezvoused at Camp Simon Kenton,
Kenton, Ohio. It was organized by Col. James Cantwell,
Lieut. Col. B. R. Durfee and Maj. James S. Robinson,
all officers of the Fourth Ohio Regiment, with Dr. A. W.
Munson as a Assistant Surgeon. Four full companies
were recruited from Hardin County, and a portion of Company E,
Capt. Main's company, was recruited from Roundhead,
Taylor Creek and McDonald Townships.
Capt. David Thomson, First Lieut. S. L. Hoge
and Second Lieut. James B. McConnell recruited the first
company for the regiment, which was assigned as Company A.
Capt. Thomson was appointed Major, Apr. 9, 1862, and
Lieutenant Colonel, Aug. 29, 1862. After Col. Robinson
was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, the command of the
regiment devolved upon Lieut. Col. Thomson. He
continued in command until a few weeks before the close of the
war, when he was disabled by a wound at Averysboro, N. C., Mar.
16, 1865. He was brevetted a Brigadier General, for
gallant and meritorious service, to rank from the 13th of March,
L. S. Powell was appointed
Captain of Company B, which company he recruited, assisted by
First Lieut. David J. Mentzer and Second Lieut. W. J.
Dickson. The latter officer was killed at Resaca May
14, 1864, while acting as Major of the regiment.
Company C was recruited by Capt. P. S. Boslow, First
Lieut. John Campbell and Second Lieut. Morgan Simonson.
The company was principally recruited in the vicinity of
Patterson and Forest. It was assigned as the color company
of the regiment, and nobly did it defend its standadr.
Company G was commanded by Capt. James Ewing; First
Lieutenant, William Porterfield; Second Lieutenant, Preston
Faught. The company was principally recruited in the
vicinity of Kenton, and in Blanchard and Liberty Townships.
After the organization of the Eighty-second Regiment,
it was assigned to West Virginia. It served in the Fremont
campaign against Jackson, joining the Army of the Potomac at the
second Bull Run, where Col. James Cantwell was killed, at
the head of his regiment, on the 29th of August, 1862.
Upon the death of Col. Cantwell, Lieut. Col. James S.
Robinson was appointed Colonel of the regiment. On the
1st of May, 1864, he was assigned to the command of the Third
Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. He was
brevetted a Brigadier General Dec. 12, 1864, and appointed a
Brigadier General Jan. 12, 1865, and brevetted a Major General
Mar. 13, 1865. He was mustered out of the service at the
close of the war, Aug. 31, 1865. He was severely wounded
at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. The regiment
continued to serve in the Army of the Potomac until after the
battle of Gettysburg, when it accompanied the Eleventh and
Twelfth Corps to the West, where it was assigned to the Army of
the Cumberland. It remained in that army until the
close of the war. It passed through the Atlanta campaign,
and accompanied Sherman's excursion through the
Carolinas, finally participating in the grand review at
Washington. The regiment saw much hard service. It
was particularly unfortunate in the loss of its officers.
It had 16 officers killed or mortally wounded on the field.
From the date of its organization until its final muster out, it
numbered over 2,300 names on its rolls.
The One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment was organized
at Lima, Ohio, in August, 1862. Capt. Solomon Kraner,
First Lieut. Thomas Axtell and Second Lieut. A. A.
Bishop recruited Company B from the vicin-
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ity of Round Head. Lieut. Sidney Moore recruited
thirty men for the regiment from Liberty Township, which were
assigned to Company H. Dr. W. H. Philips, of
Kenton, was appointed Surgeon of the regiment. The
regiment first served in Kentucky, and afterward participated in
the Knoxville campaign, where it saw much hard service and
suffered many deprivations. It was assigned to the
Twenty-third Army Corps, and afterward participated in the
Atlanta campaign and in the battles at Franklin and Nashville.
It was transferred by rail and water to Goldsboro, N. C.; thence
to Washington, D. C., and mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio, in
The county furnished a company for the Second Ohio
Heavy Artillery, commanded by Capt. L. S. Powell.
Also three companies in the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Ohio
National Guard, under Lieut. Col. C. H. Gatch, which
served from May 10, 1864, until September 1, of the same year.
Four companies left the county, but upon reaching Camp Jackson,
near Columbus, Ohio, a re-organization took place and these
companies were consolidated, thus becoming Companies G, H and I,
One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio National Guard.
This regiment did guard service in the vicinity of Martinsburg
and Harper's Ferry, and participated in a few light skirmishes.
Brev. Maj. Gen. James
S. Robinson |
e. Apr. 17, 1861; |
m.o. Aug. 30, 1865 |
Brev. Brig. Gen. David
Thomson, |
e. April, 1861; |
disc. Aug. 30, 1865 |
Col. James Cantwell, |
82d O. V. I. |
e. Apr. 17, 1861; |
killed Aug. 29, 1862 at
Second Bull Run |
Col. Horace Park, |
43d O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 7, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Lieut. Col. George W.
Emmerson, |
54th U. S. I., |
e. May, 1863; |
dis. Aug. 26, 1866. |
Lieut. Col. Luther
Furney, |
34th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. Feb. 26, 1865. |
Lieut. Col. Conduce H.
Gatch, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May 10, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Lieut. Col. J. F.
Jennings, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 19, 1862; |
dis. June 15, 1865. |
Lieut. Col. Moses B.
Walker, |
U.S.A., |
e. Aug. 4, 1861; |
retired |
Lieut. Col. Alex S.
Ramsey, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. __, ____; |
res. Nov. 16, 1862. |
Lieut. Col. Luther M.
Strong, |
49th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 18, 1861; |
dis. Mar. 12, 1865. |
Maj. George Weaver, |
4th O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. Nov. 6, 1862. |
Brev. Maj. Solomon L.
Hoge, |
U. S. A. |
Quartermaster M. S.
Woodward, |
5th Div. Miss. Fleet,
Ft. Hindman, |
e. June 16, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Surg. Augustus W.
Munson, |
188th O. V. I., |
e. Mar. 6, 1865; |
dis. Sept. 28, 1865. |
Surg. W. H. Philips, |
118th O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 23, 1862; |
res. May 87, 1864. |
Surg. M. M. Stimmel, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May 10, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Asst. Surg. Augustus W.
Munson, |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 26, 1861; |
res. Apr. 4, 1863. |
Asst. Surg. William
Watt, |
48th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 16, 1863; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Asst. Surg. C. H.
Schmidt, |
168th O. V. I., |
e. Mar., 1865; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Asst. Surg. Jesse
Snodgrass, |
8th Tenn., V. I., |
e. Aug. 10, 1863; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Asst. Surg. Joshua B.
Young, |
15th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1863 |
dis. Dec., 1865. |
Chaplain Jacob V.
Kost, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 9, 1862; |
res. May 25, 1863. |
Capt. Daniel
Ammerman, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. July 9, 1862; |
res. Nov. 27, 1862 |
Capt. Peter C.
Boslow, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 28, 1861; |
res. May 6, 1862. |
Capt. George Brown, |
Co. K, 11th Mich. V.
I., |
e. Feb., 1862; |
pro. Oct., 1864. |
Capt. Rufus M.
Brayton, |
Co. B, 120th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1863; |
res. Jan. 14, 1863. |
Capt. Jesse Bowsher,
Co. F, 55th O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 10, 1861; |
dis. July 19, 1865. |
Capt. William
Ballentine, |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed in action. |
Capt. John Campbell, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 16, 1861; |
dis. Dec. 9, 1864. |
Capt. E. B. Crow, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 30, 1861; |
res. Jan. 28, 1865. |
Capt. J. E. Criswell, |
82d O. V. I., |
dis. Apr. 4, 1865. |
Capt. Alanson P.
Cutting, |
Co. K, 82d O. V. I., |
e. No. 16, 1861; |
dis. Apr. 4, 1865. |
Capt. William J.
Dickson, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed at Resaca |
Capt. E. A. Dunson, |
Co. H, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 9, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Capt. Adam R. Eglin, |
Co. H, 45th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Capt. James Ewing, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. May 18, 1862. |
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Capt. Peter Grubb, |
4th O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 9, 1862; |
m. o. 1862 |
Capt. Seth V. Henkle,
Co. A. 183d O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 17, 1864; |
dis. July 27 1865. |
Capt. Cyrus Herrick, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. July 25, 1865. |
Capt. C. C. Hueston, |
Co. C, 41st O. V.
I., |
e. Sept. 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Capt. S. L. Hoge, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Capt. Solomon Kraner, |
Co. B, 118th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1862; |
dis. Aug., 1864. |
Capt. J. W. Louthan, |
Co. I, 17th Ind. V. I., |
e. Apr., 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1865. |
Capt. Daniel Lewis, |
Co. C, 21st Ind. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1861; |
killed at Atlanta, Ga.,
July 21, 1864. |
Capt. Milton Marsh, |
Co. G, 82d Ind. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. Nov. 29, 1861. |
Capt. David J.
Mentzer, |
Co. B, 82d Ind. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. Nov. 6, 1862. |
Capt. James B.
McConnell, |
Co. A, 82d Ind. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. July 25, 1865. |
Capt. Michael
Melhorn, |
Co. I, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Capt. John W.
Manning, |
Co. D, 20th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1861; |
dis. July 18, 1865. |
Capt. Sidney F.
Moore, |
Co. H, 118th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 20, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Capt. Charles Mains, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. July 23, 1862. |
Capt. W. W. Nixon, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 8, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Capt. Charles Norton, |
Co. E, 4th Ark, V. I., |
e. July 1, 1864; |
dis. Mar. 29, 1865. |
Capt. Lemon S.
Powell, |
Co. B, 82d Ark. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. July 30, 1862. |
Capt. John C.
Patterson, |
Co. D, 1st O. M., |
e. July 4, 1863; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Capt. Wilber F.
Pierce, |
Co. K, 8th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 22, 1861; |
dis. July, 1864; m. o.
Capt. Alfred K.
Rarey, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. July 28, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Capt. Comfort
Stanley, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 19, 1862; |
died of wounds received
at Philadelphia, Penn., Nov. 1863. |
Capt. William Siferd, |
Co. A, 13th U. S. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. Aug., 1865. |
Capt. Ham Smith, |
Co. K, 1st U. S. E., |
e. Oct. 13, 1861; |
dis. Oct., 1865. |
Capt. David
Snodgrass, |
Co. H, 74th O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 20, 1862; |
res. Apr. 26, 1864. |
Capt. Daniel R.
Timmons, |
Co. E, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. Aug., 1864. |
Capt. Luther B.
Tyson, |
Co. H, 168th O. V. I., |
e. May 3, 1864; |
dis. Oct. 11, 1864. |
Capt. Robert C.
Wiley, |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 11, 1861; |
dis. Nov. 11, 1864. |
Capt. Robert
Warnicks, |
12th U. S. I., |
e. May 11, 1812; |
dis. May 11, 1817. |
Capt. Ira Williams, |
Co. I, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 8, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
First Lieut. Andrew J.
Barlow, |
Co. B, 101st Ind. V.
I., |
e. Aug, 1862; |
died, Chattanooga,
Tenn., Sept. 17, 1864. |
Adjt. John H.
Ballard, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. July 19, 1864. |
First Lieut. David C.
Baldwin, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
First Lieut. John
Breeze |
Co. G, 156th O. N. G., |
e. May 15, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
First Lieut. John T.
Carlin, |
Co. F, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. Jan. 20, 1863. |
First Lieut. Nelson M.
Carroll, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed in action. |
First Lieut. A. B.
Carter, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I.; |
Killed at Opequan. |
First Lieut. and Adjt.
William T. Cessna, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. May 13, 1863. |
First Lieut. J. L.
Clark, |
Co. C, 132d O. N. G., |
e. May 14, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
First Lieut. Jefferson
P. Davis, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. A. H.
Davis, |
Co. K, 66th Ill. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. Isaac N.
Dille, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May 8, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
First Lieut. Abraham
Dille, |
Squirrel Hunters. |
First Lieut. Preston
Faught, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. Oct. 30, 1862. |
First Lieut. George B.
Fry, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. June, 1865. |
First Lieut. Asa H.
Gary, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed at Peach Tree
Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. |
First Lieut. Alfred
Goodin, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 1861; |
dis. Mar. 12, 1865. |
First Lieut. G. D.
Howe, |
Co. I, 66th Ill. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. John
Kanel, |
Co. K, 65th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 14, 1861; |
dis. Nov. 23, 1865. |
First Lieut. James O.
Lacy, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. June 18, 1865. |
First Lieut. William W.
Lester, |
Co. C, 21st No. V. I., |
e. July 14, 1868; |
died at Pittsburg
Landing, Mar. 28, 1862. |
First Lieut. Robert L.
McKane, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. Oct.; |
res. May 22, 1865. |
First Lieut. Warren P.
Murdick, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 20, 1861; |
died at Chattanooga,
Tenn., June 30, 1864. |
First Lieut. and Adj.
James McWilliams, |
95th O. V. I., |
e. Mar. 26, 1863; |
dis. Nov. 20, 1863. |
First Lieut. William
Porterfield, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. May 16, 1862. |
First Lieut. Nathan B.
Phillips, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. A. A.
Piper, |
Co. C, Mervill's Horse,
Mo., |
e. Aug., 1861; |
dis. Feb. 15, 1863. |
First Lieut. James B.
Pumphrey, |
Co. A, 123d O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 24, 1862; |
dis. June 12, 1865.
Prisoner in Charleston, Libby and at Danville, Ga. |
First Lieut. William
Serguson, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861; |
died at Chattanooga,
Ga., Jan., 1864. |
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First Lieut. James L.
Stevenson, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Adj. Jasper S. Snow, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. P. W.
Stumm, |
Co. H, 74th O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 15, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. Henry W.
Smith, |
Co. C, 18th U. S. I., |
e. Oct., 1861; |
dis. Oct., 1864. |
First Lieut. Benjamin
S. Reilly, |
Co. C, 82d U. S. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. June, 1864. |
First Lieut. Joseph A.
Walker, |
45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1862; |
dis. June 15, 1865. |
First Lieut. Amos
Wheeler, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 1861; |
dis. June, 1865. |
First Lieut. David
Woods, |
Co. H, 4th Wis. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
First Lieut. Jasper N.
Welch, |
Co. G, 15th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 11, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
First Lieut. Andrew
Whigham, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 8, 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Second Lieut. W. H.
Baldwin, |
C. H, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May., 1853; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Second Lieut. Thomas H.
Bushong, |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Second Lieut. William
F. Bain, |
Co. A, 16th Ill. V. I., |
e. May 9, 1861; |
dis. July 8, 1865. |
Second Lieut. James
Eaton, |
Co. I, 130th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1864. |
Second Lieut. Ezra S.
Kimber, |
4th O. V. I.; |
res. Apr. 8, 1864. |
Second Lieut. J. H.
Linton, |
183d O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 24, 1865; |
res. May 18, 1865. |
Second Lieut. Conrad
Lue, |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
res. Aug. 5, 1863. |
Second Lieut. C. S.
Myers, |
4th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1862; |
dis. Feb. 12, 1864. |
Second Lieut. J. D.
Mathews, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May 8, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
Lieut. William W. McFadden, |
Co. H, 192d
O. N. G., |
e. Mar. 10,
1865; |
dis. Sept.
2, 1865. |
Second Lieut. Jacob
Parrott, |
Co. K, 33d O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1861; |
dis. Dec., 1864. |
Second Lieut. N. R.
Park, |
Co. H, 66th Ill. V. I., |
e. Oct. 11, 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Second Lieut. W. L.
Rummel, |
Co. I, 192d O. V. I.,
e. Feb. 22, 1865; |
dis. Sept., 1865. |
____ Samuel
Strawbridge, |
Co. I, 133d. O. N. G., |
e. May 8, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 1, 1864. |
____ Morgan Simonson, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 24, 1861; |
res. July 17, 1862. |
Second Lieut. Joseph
Timmons, |
Co. D, 2d Hancock Vet.
Corps, |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. Mar., 1865. |
____ Daniel Timmons, |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 19, 1861. |
Second Lieut, John E.
Ward, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864, |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Second Lieut. Horace N.
Wheeler, |
135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Second Lieut. Henry H.
Woods, |
Co. H, 115th O. V. I.,
e. Aug. 1862; |
dis. Aug. 11, 1864. |
Second Lieut. W. Ray
Williams, |
Co. I, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 1862; |
dis. Feb., 1865. |
Atwood, H. W., |
Co. B, 87th O. V. I. |
Sergt. W. J.
Althauser, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 6, 1864. |
Sergt. Charles T.
Almy, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 8, 1862, |
dis. May 12, 1865. |
Sergt. John Ashby,
Co. A, 82d O. V. I. |
Sergt. Martin Albert, |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I., |
e. June, 1861; |
wounded at
Chancellorsville, and dis. June, 1864. |
Sergt. Nicholas
Archer, |
Co. H, 179th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 16, 1864; |
dis. June 24, 1865. |
Corp. E. H. Allen,
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864, |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Atkinson, J. A., |
Co. D, 81st O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 28, 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Atkinson, J. A., |
Co. B, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 19, 1861; |
dis. Aug., 1861. |
Argo, Emanuel, |
Co. F, 31st O. V. I.,
e. June 6, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Agin, S. B., |
Co. H, 66th Ill. V. W.
S. S., |
e. Oct. 7, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Ansley, James
R., |
Co. H, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Joseph B., |
Co. F, 176th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Corp. Samuel Andrews, |
Cos. G & I, 4th & 135th
O. V. I., |
e. May, 1861 & 1864; |
dis. July, 1861 &
Sept., 1864. |
Allyn, Abram W., |
36th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861 & 1863; |
dis. Sept., 1862 &
June, 1865. |
Allyn, Homer T., |
Co. B, 174th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1865,
wounded at Kingston, N. C. |
Allen, Charles
W., |
Co. H, |
e. Mar., 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864 |
Corp. G. W. Ansley, |
Co. H, 135 O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Allyn, N. H., |
Co. A, 11th Ill. V.
1., |
e. ___, 1862; |
dis. ___, 1864. |
Alexander, F.
J., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Christopher, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Ash, Thomas, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Atha, John, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Arahold, John, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861. |
Adams, William, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861. |
Axtell, John, |
Co. E., 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Amon, Fred, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861. |
Adams, Robert, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. ____; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Peter, |
Co. A, 82d
O. V. I.; |
wounded at
Gettysburg. |
Charles, |
Co. B, 136th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
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Bolenbaugh, Isaac, |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 7, 1862; |
dis. Jan., 1865. |
Bolenbaugh, Isaac, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 6, 1864. |
Quartermaster Sergt. J. W.
Binckley, |
114th O. V. I., |
e. ___, 1862; |
dis. ___, 1863. |
Born, S. H., |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 6, 1864. |
Bingham, Charles, |
Co. E, 13th Mich. V. I., |
e. Sept. 22, 1861; |
dis. Jan. 17, 1865. |
Bogardus, Alonzo, |
Co. I, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept. 6, 1864. |
Corp. Emanuel Born, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 11, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bushong, S. L., |
Co. I, 49th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 23, 1861; |
dis. Aug. 23, 1864. |
Baxter, Edmund L., |
Co. G, 187th O. V. I., |
e. Feb., 1865; |
dis. Jan., 1866. |
Berlien, Peter Z., |
Co. K, 180th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Briggs, Robert P., |
99th Ind. V. I., |
e. ___, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Corp. Amos D. Briggs, |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. June 4, 1861; |
dis. June 21, 1865. |
Briggs, Matthew, |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. June 4, 1861; |
dis. Jan., 1864. |
Briggs, J. M., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 16, 1861; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Barlett, J. N., |
Co. I, 192d O. V. I., |
e. Mar. 4, 1865; |
dis. Sept. 2, 1865. |
Balis, Cyrus, |
Co. D, 42d O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 17, 1861; |
dis. Sept. 30, 1864. |
Corp. John Burdett, |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 18, 1861; |
dis. June, 1864. |
Beeler, John J., |
Co. F, 23d O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. ___, 1864. |
Barrett, J. F., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 29, 1861; |
dis. Dec. 31, 1863. |
Barrett, George L., |
Co. G. |
Baker, Thomas S., |
Co. G, 183d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 3, 1864; |
dis. July 17, 1865. |
Baker, E. O., |
Co. G, 183d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 3, 1864; |
died May 4, 1865, at Smithville, N.
C. |
Brown, Thomas B., |
Co. D, 43d O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 21, 1861; |
dis. July 17, 1865. |
Bailey, James, |
Co. B, 179th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 19, 1863; |
dis. June 17, 1864. |
Sergt. Abraham Baker, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 6, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Baker, James, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 20, 1861; |
dis. July 24, 1865. |
Baker, John, |
drowned in the Mississippi River. |
Baker, Emanuel, |
Co. B, 14th O. V. I., |
e. April, 1861; |
dis. Dec., 1862. |
Bruce, W. S., |
Co. B, 6th Va. Cav., |
e. April, 1861; |
dis. April, 1865. |
Bowman, B., |
Co. K, 16th O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 1861; |
dis. ___, 1863. |
Byrne, Lawrence, |
Co. A, 39th N. J. V., |
e. June, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Byrne, A. J., |
Co. C, 9th N. J. V., |
e. Oct., 1863; |
dis. Feb. 28, 1864. |
Bippus, John, |
Co. A, 107th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 7, 1862; |
dis. June 10, 1865. |
Burns, S. P., |
Co. G, 95th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 6, 1862; |
dis. June, 13, 1865. |
Bowman, J. W., |
Co. A, 57th O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 1864; |
dis. Dec., 1865. |
Bailey, John C., |
Co. D, 4th & 74th O. V. I., June 4,
1861; |
wounded at Fredericsburg, Va., Dec.
13, 1862, & Apr. 22, 1863. |
Bailey, Silas, |
Co. A, 11th O. V. I., |
e.June, 1863; |
died at Ft. LaramieDec. 27, 1863. |
Brobeck, Israel, |
Co. K, 178th O. V. I., |
e. May 24, 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Barr, Jacob, |
Co. A, 19th O. V. I., |
e. Oct., 1864; |
dis. June 9, 1865. |
Bailey, Silas, |
Co. B, 179th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 19, 1864; |
dis. June 23, 1865. |
Corp. George Baum, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Dec., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Baily, John C., |
Co. A, 74th O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 9, 1861. |
Basil, Adam, |
Co. D, 136th O. N. G., |
e.May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Beltz, Daniel, |
Co. D, 66th O. V. I., |
e.Sept., 1861; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Black, J. H., |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 8, 1861; |
dis. May 25, 1865. |
Baker, F. B., |
Co. E, 25th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 15, 1862; |
dis. June 14, 1865. |
Boyd, J. M., |
Co. H, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
killed at Maryland Heights July 4,
1864. |
Sergt. J. W. Baldwin, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 1, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Burton, Edward, |
Co. E, 5th U. S. C. I., |
e. June 24, 1863; |
dis. May 18, 1865. |
Bowman, Peter, |
Co. B, 128th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1863; |
dis. Aug., 1865. |
Sergt. Thomas H. Bushong, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 9, 1861; |
dis. Apr. 14, 1865. |
Burchfield, Thomas, |
Co. B, 118th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1862; |
dis. July 8, 1865. |
Beck, Hiram, |
Co. C, 126th O. V. I., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Bowdle, Joseph A., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Jan., 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Bowdle, R. W., |
Co. H, 47th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 29, 1864; |
dis. May, 1865. |
Sergt. W. B. Bowdle, |
Co. B, 118th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 8, 1862; |
dis. April, 1865. |
Baily, S. S., |
Co. G, 9th O. V. C., |
e. July, 1863; |
dis. Aug., 1865. |
Corp. T. C. Bonham, |
Co. B, 43d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 4, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Black, Edward, |
Co. A, 183d O. V. I., |
_ Sept. 30, 1863; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bowers, N. H., |
Co. A, O. V. I., |
e.Nov., 1861; |
dis. Feb., 1863. |
Beck, Frederick, |
Co. B, 13th V. R. C., |
e. June 4, 1861; |
dis. June, 1864. |
Black, Samuel, |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1861; |
died at Camp Chase. |
Black, George, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
dis. 1863. |
Bridenstine, M. L., |
Co. I, 3dO. C., |
e. Sept. 17, 1861; |
dis. Aug. 16, 1865. |
Bridenstine, Joshua, |
55th O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 1863; |
killed June 15. |
Black, R. F., |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 8, 1861; |
dis. Dec. 7, 1865. |
Bowers, R. T., |
Co. C, 49th O. V. I., |
e. March, 1864; |
dis. Dec., 1864. |
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Ballard, Fred., |
Co. F, 176th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864 |
dis. June, 1865. |
Bowers, D., |
Co. I, 1st Mich. C.,
e. ___, 1863; |
dis. Sept., 1865. |
Bartsche, Jacob, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Bates, Solomon, |
Co. F, 176th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 2, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
William S., |
Co. F, 176th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 2, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Corp. James W. Beams, |
Co. A, 126thO. V. I., |
e. May 26, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Beams, Wesley, |
Co. C, 12th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 17, 1863; |
killed Oct. 3, 1864. |
Sergt. W. T. Brown, |
Co. B. A. 133d O. N.
G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Bish, William,
Co. K, 180th O. V. I., |
e. ___, 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Born, Frederick, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. June, 1863; |
killed at Ft. Sumner. |
Black, T. J., |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. Oct., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Black, William
R., |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. Oct., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Black, Avery, |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. March, 1863; |
died July 21, 1863. |
Black, Henry, |
Co. C, 62d O. V. I., |
e. Oct., 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bratton, Henry, |
85th Ind. V. I., |
e. Feb. 22, 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Barker, W. H.,
4th O. V. I. |
e. April, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Borden, A.C., |
Co. G, 73d O. V. I.,
e. Sept., 1861 |
dis. July, 1865. |
Jeremiah, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Dec., 1863; |
dis. Nov., 1865. |
Bradley, William
D., |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Dec., 1863; |
dis. Dec., 1864. |
Bradley, James
L., |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Mar., 1864; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bacon, William
B., |
Co. C, 113th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Corp. George W.
Brelsford, |
Co. E, 133d O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Bostwick, Peter, |
Co. H, 74th O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 15, 1862; |
died |
Bodell, S. J., |
Co. K, 33d O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 19 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bodge, J. M., |
Co. H, 66th Ill. W. S.
S., |
e. Feb. 26, 1863; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Bybee, W., |
Co. D, 175th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 9, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
1st Sergt. S. L.
Burnham, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Blue, Reuben R., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I. |
Black, George
W., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I. |
Black, Calvin, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Bryan, George, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Bryan, Isaac M., |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Burris, John, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Butcher, Edward, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Hiram, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Benson, Francis, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I. |
Beeler, Michael,
Sr., |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed at Second Bull
Run. |
Beeler, David, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
killed at Second Bull
Run. |
Beeler, Saul, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I.; |
killed at Beverly. |
Beeler, Jacob, |
23d O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Beeler, Michael,
Jr., |
82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861; |
died at Alexandria, Va. |
Brown, John A., |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 10, 1862; |
dis. 1865. |
Bushong, Lewis,
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 8, 1862; |
died Mar. 22, 1863, at
Lexington, Ky. |
William, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 19, 1862; |
died June 11, 1864, at
Andersonville, Ga. |
Bowers, M., |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 5, 1862; |
died at Camp Lew
Wallace, Sept., 1862. |
Corp. Jeremiah Bradley, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 20, 1863; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Becox, Leonard, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. June, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Bodley, Matthew, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 8, 1861. |
Baker, L. P., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 18, 1861. |
Boon, John, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Joseph, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Baker, Dowling, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Berry, R. A., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Corp. Hiram Borland, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Corp. Hiram Borland, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Corp. Jefferson Baum, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Corp. William Bain, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Banks, William, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Batson, J. W., |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Brigham, Horace, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Boone, Daniel, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I. |
Berkholder, M.
G., |
Co. G, 82d. O. V. I. |
Burgess, Joseph
E., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I. |
Bain, Finley, |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I. |
Born, S., |
Co. E, 198th O. V. I., |
e. March, 1865; |
dis. May, 1865. |
Brisley, Albert,
Co. D, 110th O. V. I., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Brumm, Charles, |
Co. G, 123d O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 9, 1862; |
wounded Mar. 20, 1865. |
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Thomas, P., |
Co. F, 176th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 5, 1864; |
dis. June 20, 1865. |
Taylor, G. W.,
Co. I, 161st O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Taylor, Samuel,
Co. A, 20th O. V. I.,
e. Aug. 20, 1861; |
dis. Apr. 20, 1865. |
Turner, Sterling
B., |
Co. B, 45th O. V. I., |
e. June, 1862; |
died at Andersonville
Prison in 1865. |
Tussing, H., |
Co. E, H. 8th and 26th
O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. July, 1864. |
Teets, Albert, |
Co. E, 82d O. V.
I., |
e. Sept., 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Thomas, J. H., |
Co., E, 127th O. V. I., |
e. July 7, 1863; |
dis. Mar. 13, 1864. |
Corp. Harvey Tingle, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 6, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Taylor, L. D., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 6, 1862 |
dis. June, 1865. |
Taylor, Thomas
L., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Thompson, George
W., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Isaac, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Tallman, B. B., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Thrift, Leroy, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Thomas, Peter
A., |
Co. A, 183d O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 17, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1865. |
Corp. B. Uline, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. July 4, 1861; |
died in 1862. |
Urich, William, |
Co. C, 6th O. V. C., |
e. Nov. 15, 1861; |
dis. June 10, 1865. |
Sergt. Elihu
Underwood, |
Co. I, 5th V. C., |
e. Apr. 17, 1861; |
dis. Aug. 18, 1865;
wounded at Slaughter Mount, Va. |
Sergt. Zac Vansky,
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 20, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Vansyckels, A.,
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 18, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Varvel, J. M., |
Co. B, 45th O. V. I., |
e. June, 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Vickers, E. J., |
C. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Vickers, Edmon, |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Van Riper, F. A.,
Co. D, 22d N. J. V. I., |
e. Sept. 2, 1862; |
dis. June 25, 1863. |
Sergt. B. N. Waddle,
Co. H, 126th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 5, 1862; |
died at Annapolis, Md.,
Jan. 10, 1865. |
Wenner, Samuel, |
Co. H, 101st O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 5, 1863; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Watter, Socrates, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Wilson, Isaac
E., |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. June 6, 1861. |
Corp. Isaac E.
Wilson, |
98th O. V. I. |
Williams, Isaiah, |
Co. C, 82d
O. V. I., |
e. Feb.,
1863; |
dis. Aug.,
1865. |
Williams, John, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e.Nov., 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Williams, Thomas
S., |
Co. F, 82d Penn. Vet.
Inf., |
e. April, 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864 |
Corp. Bowman Webb,
Co. C, 144th O. N. G., |
e. May 2, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Webb, Adam R. |
White, Benjamin, |
Co. K, 64th O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 10, 1861; |
dis. Dec. 3, 1865. |
Wilson, Alvy, |
Co. H, 118th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 22, 1862; |
dis. June 24, 1865. |
Wetherill, J.
Wesley, |
Co.E, 121st O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1862; |
died at Chattanooga,
Tenn., Dec. 17, 1863. |
Wetherill, Edwin
H., |
Co. E, 121st O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1862; |
dis. 1863. |
Thomas P., |
Co. H, 179th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 12, 1864; |
dis. June 2, 1865. |
Wolf, John, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1862; |
dis. Nov., 1863. |
Wiley, Samuel
B., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov.; |
captured at Gettysburg,
Penn., July 1, 1863;
died at Andersonville, Ga. |
Orderly Sergt. William
G.. Wiley, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861 |
Musician Edward
Williams, |
Co. E, 198th O. V. I. |
Wellington, |
Co. L, 2d Ohio Heavy
Artillery |
Teamster E. C.
Warner, |
49th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. Dec., 1865. |
Warner, Calvin
E., |
e. Jun, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Warner, Joseph
V., |
e. June, 1863; |
dis. July, 1865 |
Williams, Thomas
J., |
Co. I, 180th O. V. I., |
Sept. 5, 1864; |
died Feb.21, 1865, in
Howard Hospital, Washington. |
Corp. John W. Weiser, |
Co. B, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 12, 1862; |
dis. June 19, 1865. |
Corp. Dorr White,
Co. E, 88th O. V. I., |
e. May 31, 1862; |
dis. Sept. 26, 1863. |
Corp. Dorr White, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 3, 1864; |
dis. July 24, 1865. |
Wenner, John W., |
Co. D, 4th O. V. I., |
e. Apr. 18, 1861; |
dis. June 21, 1864. |
Wise, Daniel R., |
Co. C, 8th Penn. Cav., |
e.Sept., 1861; |
dis. Dec., 1861. |
Wyburn, Joseph,
74th O. V. I., |
e. Feb., 1862. |
Wyburn, GeorgeM., |
74th O. V. I., |
e. Feb., 1862. |
West, John R., |
Co.H, 118th |
e. Aug. 20, 1862; |
died Jan. 18, 1865, at
Washington, D. C. |
West, James, |
36th O. V.I., |
e. 1861. |
Wilson, Isaac
H., |
Co. H, 45th Ohio
Mounted Infantry, |
e. Aug. 9, 1862; |
dis. June 18, 1864. |
Wheatley, W. B., |
Co. C, 174th O. V. I., |
e. April, 1863; |
dis. June 20, 1864. |
Corp. Clay Whitley, |
152d O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Wilcox, William, |
Co. B, 136th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Wroten, Amos, |
Co. B, 45th O. N. G., |
e. Aug., 1862; |
dis. June, 1865. |
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Wilson, I. E., |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I., |
e. April, 1861; |
dis. June, 1864. |
Welch, Philip, |
Co. B, 66th Ill. W.
Sharpshooters, |
e. Oct. 12, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Frederick, |
Co. C, 15th O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 2, 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Winder, E., |
Co. H, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Wooley, John,
C. D, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Oct., 1862; |
died in Libby Prison
April, 1864. |
Westhoven, J.
D., |
Co. F, 46th O. V. I., |
e. 1861; |
dis. 1863. |
Jackson, |
O. V. I., |
e. Sept. 4, 1864. |
Weid, Frederick, |
Co. C, 36th O. V. I. |
Warner, Curtis, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I.,
e. July 25, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Woods, W. W., |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. July, 1861; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Weller, John B., |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 30, 1861; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Winslow, Philip, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wingate, Adam, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wable, Jacob, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wilson, Charles
E., |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Corp. John Walker, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Corp. Amos
Wheeler, |
Co. A, 82d
O. V. I. |
e. Nov.,
1861. |
Wallace, James, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861. |
Welch, Henry A., |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
William, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Joseph, |
Co. A, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Woodward, John
H., |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wolf, John, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wisant, William, |
Co. B, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Sergt. R. C. Wiley, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wolford, J., |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Hampton, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Whaley, Henry, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Harrison, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wilcox, Daniel, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Wolf, William
R., |
18 months in
Andersonville Prison. |
Williams, Amos, |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Williams, E., |
Co. E, 198th O. V. I., |
e. Mar., 1865; |
dis. May, 1865. |
Wilson, J. H., |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Wilson, George
W., |
Co. G, 4th O. V. I., |
e. June 3, 1861; |
dis. June, 1864, of
wounds received at Gettysburg. |
White, Isaac, |
Co. G, 40th O. V. I., |
e. Oct. 19, 1861; |
died at Brownslow, Ky.,
Apr. 16, 1862. |
Weise, Samuel, |
Co. G, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Anderson, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I. |
White, James, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
e. Aug., 1862. |
Westbrook, Levi, |
Co. I, 45th O. V. I., |
Wallingford, B.
F., |
Co. E, 45h O. V. I., |
Wilson, George, |
8th O. V. Cav., |
e. Feb. 29, 1864; |
died at Beverly, Va.,
Nov. 27, 1864. |
Waxler, John, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 13, 1861. |
Jackson E., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov 13, 1861. |
Willard, Simon, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov. 13, 1861. |
Washington, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 1, 1862. |
Wolford, Hampson, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 6, 1862. |
Wolford, Isaiah, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Jan. 6, 1862. |
Wood, James J., |
Co. D, 34th O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 10, 1863; |
dis. Dec., 1864. |
Yarnell, Alex., |
Co. F, 13th O. V. I., |
e. June 9, 1861; |
died Mara. 19, 1862. |
Yarnell, Jonas, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Dec. 3, 1861; |
wounded and died May
12, 1862. |
Yarnell, Aaron, |
Co, I, 135th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Youngs, Henry
V., |
Co. G, 11th Ind. V. I. |
Yeazell, James, |
Co. G, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1861; |
dis. June 28 1865. |
Young, William, |
Co. E, 136th O. N. G., |
e. May, 1864; |
dis. Sept., 1864. |
Young, Elias, |
Co. F, 31st O. V. I., |
e. Aug. 2, 1862; |
dis. July, 1865. |
Young, John,
Co. K, 178th O. V. I., |
e. Sept., 1864; |
dis. May, 1865. |
Young, Albert, |
Co. E, 19th O. V. I., |
e. Feb. 24, 1864; |
dis. Feb. 6, 1865;
wounded at the battle of the Wilderness. |
Yauger, Amos, |
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Yauger, Henry,
Co. C, 82d O. V. I., |
e. Nov., 1861. |
Young, James, |
Co. I, 4th O. V. I. |
Zimmerman, E.
D., |
Co. E, 82d O. V. I.,
e. Nov., 1861. |
Ziegler, S. A.,
died at Chattanooga,
Tenn. |
Zigler, Lewis, |
Co. B, 57th O. V. I.,
e. Nov. 15, 1864; |
died at Pittsburg
Landing Apr. 6, 1864. |
Zehner, William,
Co. E, 198th O. V. I., |
e. March, 1864; |
dis. June, 1865. |
Zehner, Josiah, |
Co. I, 1st Ind. Co.
Sharpshooters, |
e. 1861; |
dis. June, 1865. |
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dis ............... discharged
e .................. enlisted
mo ............... mustered out
res ............... resigned |
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