Chapter XII.
pg. 76
FOR several years prior to this
great event in our national history, Henry county had no
military organization of any kind. To be sure, there
had been, many years before this time, a militia company in
the county, and organization complete and well equipped for
the time, but its deeds of valor were narrowed down to
"general training" on muster day and the customary wrestling
match, and eating of ginger-bread and doughnuts. But
this old militia company had been broken up many years
before that fateful day, early in April, 1861, when the
words were written on our political horizon, "civil war,"
and the news spread instantly throughout the length and
breadth of the land.
At this time History county had not to exceed ten
thousand population, but nobly did she respond to the
president's call for seventy-five thousand volunteers to
"put down the rebellion." In less than one week from
that call, Company F, of the Fourteenth regiment, was
recruited and ready for duty with over one hundred men, and
in just ten days the regiment left Toledo for Camp Taylor,
near Cleveland. From that time to the close of the
war, in 1865, Henry county was never behind her quota.
In addition to the several separate organizations that left
the county for the service, there were many men that went to
other counties to enlist, for which the county did not
receive credit. It is, therefore, safe to assume that
in the service, Henry county contributed more than one per
cent. of her entire population. From the time of
Page 77 -
fall of Fort Sumter, until the final surrender in 1865,
there went from Henry county between eleven and twelve
hundred volunteers.
Money was not lacking and contributions to the several
relief funds were generous and prompt. Volunteers were
ready, therefore but little money was needed to provide
substitutes, and the volunteer had the fullest assurance
that in his absence his family would be provided for.
During the war Henry county, through her soldiers, made
an excellent record, a record that has borne favorable
comparison with the best and richest counties of the State.
But turn to that record and let the deeds of her soldiers
prove the statement.
The records of the
services of men and regiments of the three months service
are decidedly incomplete. The Fourteenth was recruited
very soon after President Lincoln's first call for troops,
from the counties of Lucas, Fulton, Williams, Paulding, Wood
and Henry. The latter contributed Company F to the
formation of the regiment. The commission for the
command of the company was issued to Andrew Crawford,
who was afterward killed by accident at Phillipi, West
Virginia. John D. Belknap was elected first
lieutenant, and he, too, was accidentally killed at Cheat
Mountain. Samuel Pomeroy was commissioned
second lieutenant and subsequently became a veteran captain.
The organization of the
regiment was made complete at Toledo, during the latter part
of April, 1861, by the election of field officers.
They were as follows: colonel, James B. Steedman;
lieutenant colonel, George P. Este; major, Paul
Edwards; surgeon, J. A. Coons; assistant surgeon,
W. C. Daniels.
With nearly one thousand men in line, the
Fourteenth left Toledo and went to Cleveland, arriving there
on the 25th of April. Here they went into camp for
drill and instruction in the duties of active field service.
On the 22d of May the regiment left Camp Taylor and
proceeded to Columbus, where they were fully equipped, and
thence went forward to service in Virginia. On the
27th the regiment reached Parkersburg, Va., and for the
first time unfurled and floated its flag on rebel soil.
The enemy retreated at once from the place and commenced
burning the bridges on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad. A company was immediately double-quicked
along the line of the road and the fires were extinguished,
and several of the rebels were captured in the act of firing
the bridges and some other property. For several days
the regiment was engaged in repairing the bridges and
preventing further destruction. On the 2d of June, a
dark and dismal night, the command marched to Phillipi, and
on the morning of the 3d drove out the rebel cavalry
stationed there, taking a few prisoners and capturing the
stores with five wagon loads of arms and ammunition.
In this little affair the Fourteenth had four men
wounded. On the 7th of
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June the rebels appeared in
force on Laurel Hill; several cavalry charges were made by
the enemy, and repulsed by the Union troops. On the
12th General Garnet began his retreat; the
Union forces, with the Fourteenth in the lead, pressed on
after the retreating forces; the rebel columns were so
closely pressed that the road was littered with trunks,
boxes, tents, stalled baggage-wagons and tired out
Confederates. At Carrick's Ford, the rebels made a
stand in order to save their trains, and taking a strong
position awaited the approach of the Union force. The
advanced guard of the Fourteenth were soon under fire from
the rebel guns, and they were greeted with a shower of rebel
bullets. The Fourteenth
immediately closed on its advance, and answered the rebels'
first volley before they fired the second. In twenty
minutes, and just as the main column came up, the enemy gave
way, leaving everything behind, and "ran for dear life."
The fruits of this victory were two hundred and fifty
prisoners, three stand of colors, one battery, and thirty
well laden baggage-wagons. The next morning the
regiment returned to Phillipi with the prisoners and
captured trains, but owing to the heavy rains, the rivers
and creeks were swollen, and there being no bridges, they
did not reach Phillipi until the 15th of July. On the
22d the Fourteenth started on its homeward trip, and arrived
at Toledo, on the 25th of July, where after a few days it
was mustered out and paid off.
Whitelaw Reid, in his "Ohio in the War," says:
"After partaking of a sumptuous feast, prepared by the
citizens at the Oliver House, the regiment dispersed, and
after a few days' rest at home, the men re-assembled, and
again volunteered in a body, for three years, or during the
war." In this statement, the worthy compiler in most
certainly in error. But few, comparatively, of the men
from this county re-entered the Fourteenth, for the three
years service, although nearly all did re-enlist, but in
different regiments then forming.
Of the contingent from Henry county, some re-enlisted
in the three years service in the Fourteenth (the regiment
still retaining that number in the line), but a fair
proportion of those who made up Company D, were recruits
gathered and enlisted by Samuel Pomeroy and
William H. Brownell. But this company more
properly forms the subject of a separate sketch and follows
Toward the original strength of this regiment, the county of
Henry contributed one company, which in the completion of
regimental organization was given the name of "D."
This company as well as the regiment, was composed, in part,
of men who had but recently returned from the three months
service, but it is questionable whether or not a majority of
the regiment were formerly of the Fourteenth, in the short
term. However this may be, this regiment held the same
number in the line of Ohio soldiery as when first organized.
79 -
The roster of Ohio soldiers, now being published by
authority of the State Legislature, says: "This regiment was
organized at Toledo, from August 14, to September 5, 1861,
to serve three years. On the expiration of its term of
service, the original members (except veterans) were
mustered out, and the organization, composed of veterans and
recruits, retained in service until July 11, 1865,, when it
was mustered out in accordance with orders from the War
Company D was raised by Samuel Pomeroy and
William H. Brownell both of whom were veterans of the
three months service. The former was commissioned
captain, and the latter first lieutenant, upon the complete
organization of the company. On the 23d day of August,
1861, the regiment left Toledo, and proceeded to Cincinnati,
and after receiving its arms and equipments on the 25th,
crossed the Ohio River to Covington, Ky., and took cars for
Lexington and Frankfort. On this trip the train was
assaulted by some of the Kentucky chivalry, with a volley of
stones and other missiles, by which the windows of the
officers' car were broken, and some slight injuries
inflicted. The train was stopped and two of the
assaulting party captured and taken to Frankfort.
While marching up Main street, a citizen rushed through the
ranks and drew a butcher's knife across the throat of one of
the prisoners, severely wounding him.
From Frankfort the regiment moved to Nicholsville, and
from there about the first of October to Camp Dick Robinson.
About this time news was received that a small garrison
situate on Wild Cat Mountain, about sixty miles from Capt
Dick Robinson, was being surrounded by the rebels. The
Fourteenth, with the Thirty-eighth Ohio and Barnett's
Battery, immediately marched to their relief, and on the
morning of the 21st of October, after a double-quick of
three miles through mud and slush up the Wild Cat Hills,
they found five companies of the Thirty-third Indiana
Regiment nearly surrounded by rebel troops under General
Zollicoffer. Barnett's Battery was
immediately placed in position and commenced shelling the
enemy, while two companies of the Fourteenth crawled through
the brush, and with shovels and picks soon fortified the
knob on the crest of the hill. The other troops now
coming up, and the enemy meeting with so warm a reception,
after twice charging the little fortified position abandoned
the attack and retreated towards Loudon, leaving about
thirty killed and wounded on the field. The Fourteenth
and Thirty-eighth pursued the fleeing enemy as far as
Loudon. Zollicoffer having already retreated
from that place, the Union forces went into camp and threw
up fortifications a short distance north of the town.
The regiment remained here about two weeks, when they were
ordered to march back toward Lancaster by the way of Crab
Orchard and Mount Vernon. The march was made in the
night, in a terrible storm of rain. Rock Castle River
had to be forded, and the mud and slush being deep, on
arriving at Crab
Page 80 -
Orchard next morning the men were
completely exhausted, and unable to march.
After resting one day, the regiment marched to Lebanon
and went into winter quarters. It remained at Lebanon
until the latter part of December, when it was ordered to
join its brigade at Somerset, where it arrived January 1,
1862. It remained in camp at Somerset until the 19th
of January, when the brigade to which the Fourteenth
belonged was ordered out and marched rapidly towards Mill
Springs, where Zollicoffer had been strongly
intrenched during the winter. General Crittenden
having recently assumed command of the rebel forces at that
place, on that morning marched out of his fortifications to
give battle before General Thomas could concentrate
the Union forces, hoping to whip them in detail. The
rebels met the Union forces at Logan's Cross-roads, about
six miles north of Mill Springs, and a lively little battle
took place. The Fourteenth and Thirty-eighth Ohio
coming up, the rebels gave way, and in confusion retreated
to their fortifications at Mill Sprigs, closely pursued by
the Union forces. Owning to the delay in fording
Fishing Creek, the water being up to the arm-pits, and the
current swift, a cable was stretched across the stream for
the men to hold on while crossing. But one company of
the Fourteenth- Company C - reached the field in time to
take part in the action. One the arrival of the Union
forces at the enemy's fortifications, the batteries
commenced shelling the works, and the Fourteenth lay on the
arms all night in a driving rain, ready for the assault
which was ordered for early dawn. The Fourteenth in
advance carried the works, and found that the enemy had
crossed the river during the night, except one regiment
which was captured with twenty pieces of artillery, all
their camp and garrison equipage, together with a large
number of horses, mules, wagons, and other property.
The Fourteenth did not arrive at Pittsburgh Landing in
time to take part in the battle, but took part in the slow
siege on Corinth. After the siege the regiment marched
to Iuka, Miss.; thence to Tuscumbia, Ala., and from there to
Nashville, Tenn., where it arrived on the 7th day of
September, 1862; thence to Bowling Green, Ky., in pursuit of
Bragg's army; then moving on toward Louisville, which last
name place was reached September 22. This was a severe
march on the men, the weather being intensely hot, roads
dusty, and water scarce, and of poor quality. From
Louisville the regiment marched to Perryville, but being
detailed as guard to the ammunition train, did not take part
in the battle. After the pursuit of Bragg was
abandoned, the regiment marched to Gallatin, and on the 15th
of November went into winter quarters, and during the winter
was almost daily skirmishing with John Morgan's
guerillas, and, at the Robling Fork, giving Morgan's entire
command a severe drubbing. The regiment left Gallatin
June 13, 1863, and reached Nashville on the 15th; from there
to Laverque, and thence to Triune, Tenn., and was placed in
advance of Rosecrans's army on Tullahoma and Chattanooga.
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On the 26th of June the Fourteenth with its brigade,
had a sharp engagement with the enemy, and lost thirty men
in killed and wounded. On June 28 Tullahoma was
reached, and the Fourteenth drove in the enemy's pickets,
and got near enough the town to see the enemy was evacuating
the place. An advance was ordered early next morning
and on crossing Elk Run several men were drowned.
On the last day of August, 1863, the National forces crossed
the Tennessee river on rafts, the pontoons not having
arrived, and on the 19th of September encountered the enemy
at Chickamauga Creek. The Fourteenth, under command of
Lieutenant-Colonel Kingsbury, being in the advance was
deployed in line of battle. The regiment having been
on the march for the previous twenty-four hours, were much
fatigued; but it became immediately hotly engaged with the
enemy, and from nine o'clock in the morning until four
o'clock P.M., was continually under fire, after which it was
relieved for a short time to replenish its cartridge boxes,
when it was again engaged and so remained until sundown.
The next morning it had a desperate encounter with a part of
Longstreet's Division, after which the Union forces fell
back to Rossville. In these several encounters the
regiment lost two hundred and thirty-three men in killed,
wounded and missing, out of a total of four hundred and
forty-nine. Among the wounded were eight line
officers. On the 21st of September the regiment was in
line of battle all day, but was compelled to fall back into
hastily constructed entrenchments near Chattanooga, closely
pursued by the enemy.
About the middle of November in the brilliant assault
on Mission Ridge, the Fourteenth charged and took a battery
of three guns, loosing in this encounter sixteen killed,
ninety-one wounded and three missing.
On the 17th of December, 1864, all but thirty men of
the Fourteenth re-enlisted for another three years, and on
Christmas day and night they were re-mustered into the
United States service. They were then sent home on
veteran furlough and arrived in Toledo on the 5th of
January, 1864. On the 6th of February it again left
Toledo for the front, and arrived at Chattanooga on the
29th, it having, in the mean time, while on veteran
furlough, recruited its decimated ranks to a full regiment
many of whom came from Fulton and Henry counties.
During the months of March and April, 1864, the Fourteenth
was engaged doing picket duty and building corduroy roads
between Chattanooga and Ringgold. On the 9th of May it
moved with its brigade on Dalton, driving in the enemy's
videtts near Tunnell Hill, at which place commenced that
long and terrible campaign for the possession of Atlanta, in
which in all the marches, incessant skirmishing and
fighting, the Fourteenth bore an honorable part and lost
heavily in officers and men; and while lying in front of
Atlanta the regiment lost twenty men in killed and wounded.
On the 26th of August, in the flanking movement towards
Jonesboro, the Fourteenth and other regiments of its brigade
captured two hundred prisoners.
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On the 1st of
September the division of the Fourteenth army corps, with
which the Fourteenth was brigaded, marched towards
Jonesboro, destroying the railroad as it marched, and at 4
o'clock that P.M., confronted the enemy's works surrounding
that place. The third brigade, to which the Fourteenth
belonged, commanded by Colonel Este, of Baird's
Division, Fourteenth Corps, was in line of battle directly
in the rear of General Carlin's Division, which had
just made an unsuccessful charge on the rebel works, when
Colonel Este, with the Fourteenth and Thirty-eighth
Ohio, Tenth Kentucky and Seventy-fourth Indiana, being all
ready for the fight, Colonel Este gave the command:
Battalions, forward! guild center! His lines moved steadily
forward amid a shower of balls. A battery was also
opened with grape and canister, but the brigade moved
steadily on; the edge of the
abattis was gained, and with a
yell and a charge of the rebel works were gained and a hand
to hand fight ensued. The rebels fought with
desperation and not until many of them were killed did the
remainder surrender, and were marched as prisoners to the
rear. The Fourteenth took about three hundred
prisoners and several stand of colors, but the cost was
frightful, as fully one-third of the Fourteenth were killed
or wounded. This was the last severe fight for the
regiment, although it marched from Atlanta, with Sherman,
to the sea and through the Carolinas to Goldsboro and
Raleigh, thence to Washington, where it was reviewed by the
president and his cabinet, and on the 13th of July, 1865,
was mustered out of service and returned home, having spent
four years in active military duty in the field.
As has already been stated Company D of the Fourteenth
was enlisted in Henry County and as a complete roster of its
officers and men can be obtained, it is proper that they be
mentioned in connection with this sketch.
Field and Staff Officers.
James B.
Steedman, colonel; promoted
to brigadier general July 16, 1862.
George P. Este, colonel; prom. from lieut. col.,
July 17, 1862; mustered out July 7, 1865.
Paul Edwards, lieut. col.; prom. from major July
17, 1862; resigned Nov. 26, 1862.
Henry D. Kingsbury, lieut. col.; prom. from capt.,
Company A, to major, July 17, 1862; lieut. col. Dec. 27,
1862; mustered out Nov. 8, 1864.
Albert Moore, lieut. col.; prom. from capt.,
Company A, to lieut. col. Nov. 18, 1864.
John W. Wilson, major; prom. from capt., Company
E, Jan. 20, 1863; died Oct. 3, 1864, from wounds.
Roster of Company D.
Samuel Pomroy,
capt., enl. Sept. 5, 1861; wd. at Chickamauga, Sept. 19,
1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
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Oscar N. Gunn, capt. enl. Sept. 5, 1861; prom. to
second lieut., company I, Dec. 20, 1862; first lieut. Nov.
18, 1864, and to capt. Jan. 6, 1865; must. out with company,
July 11, 1865.
William H. Brownell, first lieut., enl. Sept. 4,
1861; resigned Sept. 10, 1864.
John P. Crawford, first
lieut. enl. Aug. 25, 1861; prom. sergt., company K., Jan. 6,
1865; mustered out with company, July 11, 1865.
Wm. B. Steedman, second
lieut., Sept. 4, 1861; prom. to first lieut. Dec. 21, 1862,
and assigned to company C.
Joseph Reynolds, first sergt., Sept. 4, 1861;
mustered out with company.
Joseph B. Wilder, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, mustered
out with company.
William Nanna, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, prom. from
corp.; mustered out with company.
John Plegstone, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, prom. from
corp.; mustered out with company.
John Heckler, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, prom. from
corp.; mustered out with company.
Andrew McConnell, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, disch.
for disability Aug. 8, 1862.
James W. Barrett, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, mustered
out Sept. 12, 1864.
Smith Cadwalader, sergt. Sept. 4, 1861, prom. to
q. m. sergt. Dec. 17, 1863, assigned to field and staff.
James P. Stout, corp. Sept. 4, 1861, appt. Apr.
1, 1864, mustered out with company; veteran.
Joseph Snyder, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt. Apr.
1, 1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
William Hollis, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt. Apr.
20, 1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
Henry Houston, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt. Apr.
20, 1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
George W. Williams, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt.
Oct. 1, 1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
Henry A. Anglemeyer, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt.
Oct. 1, 1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
Peter Storch, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt. Oct. 4,
1864; mustered out with company; veteran.
James Swanger, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; appt. June
5, 1865; mustered out with company; veteran.
George Zefange, corp.
Sept. 4, 1861; died of wounds received at Chickamauga Sept.
19, 1863.
George B. Hartman, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; wounded
at Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
James Wells, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; killed at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863.
84 -
Andrew B. Clements,
corp. Sept. 4, 1861; killed at Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863.
George W. Long, corp.
Sept. 4, 1861; disch. for disability Aug. 19, 1862.
Philip Hueston, corp.
Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out Sept. 19, 1864.
Lewis Kramer, corp.
Sept. 4, 1861; died Sept. 23, 1863, from wounds.
Harvey B. Bartell,
corp. Sept. 4, 1861; died from wounds received at Atlanta,
Ga., Sept. 10, 1864.
John Zink, corp. Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company; veteran.
William F. Barret,
musician, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
George M. D. Steadman,
musician, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with company;
Philip Frankhouse, wagoner, Sept. 4, 1861;
captured Feb. 28, 1865; no record
Henry Andrex, private, Oct. 5, 1862; wounded at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
Jasper Allen, Feb. 22, 1864; mustered out July
11, 1865.
James H. Brown, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out July
11, 1865; veteran.
David Burk, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out July 11,
1865; veteran.
George Bruker, Sept. 4, 1861; died from wounds
received Sept. 19, 1863.
Thomas Burke, Sept. 4, 1861; wounded at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
Samuel R. Bottomfield, Sept. 4, 1861; wounded at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
John Bottomfield, Sept. 4, 1861; disch. for
disability July 3, 1862.
Edmund Bordon, Sept. 4, 1861; died Feb. 27,
1862, at Lebanon, Ky.
Stephen H. Bates, Sept. 4, 1861; missing at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863.
John Bowker, Sept. 4, 1861; captured at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Oct. 9, 1864.
David K. Bowker, Sept. 4, 1861; prom. to com.
sergt. Dec. 15, 1863, and transferred to field and staff.
Robert Bowen, Sept. 4, 1861; died Jan. 2, 1864,
at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Henry F. Benchie, Sept. 4, 1861; discharged.
Martin W. Bowker, Feb. 11, 1864; disch. June 10,
1865, at Camp Chase, O., by order of War Department.
Andrew Christy, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Daniel Cook, Feb. 11, 1864; mustered out with
company July 11, 1865.
Zachariah T. Cole, Jan. 19, 1864; mustered out
with company.
James Cunningham, Sept. 4, 1861;
disch. Sept. 2, 1862, for disability.
William Casteele, Sept. 4, 1861; wounded at
Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
Joseph Click, Sept. 4, 1861; died Oct. 24, 1862,
at Nashville, Tenn.
Henry C. Clark, Sept. 4, 1861; killed at
Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 1864.
Page 85 -
John Deetrick, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Jacob Dixon, Sept. 4, 1861; disch. for
disability at Louisville, Ky.
Thomas Davis, Sept. 4, 1861; killed near
Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 7, 1862.
William Edsul, Sept. 4, 1861; died Oct. 18,
1863, from wounds received at battle of Chickamauga Sept.
19, 1863.
James S. Ensminger, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company; veteran.
William Foster, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Isaiah Fox, Sept. 4, 1861; died Sept. 8, 1862,
at Tuscumbia, Ala.
John Gewars, Sept. 4, 1867; mustered out with
company; veteran.
William Gallagher, Sept. 19, 1863; absent;
mustered out July 11, 1863.
Hiram E. Gruber, Sept. 4, 1861; disch. for
disabilities, July 1, 1862.
Benjamin Houk, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company, veteran.
Philip Hollingshead, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company; veteran.
Joseph F. Hill, Sept. 4, 1861; trans. to Vet.
Res. Corps. Mar. 14, 1865; mustered out July 25, 1865;
Stephen Hain, Jan. 22, 1864; mustered out with
Henry Hain, Feb. 22, 1864; mustered out with
Aaron Heaton, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Philemon Hendrix, Jan. 19, 1864; died Sept. 4,
1864, from wounds received at battle of Jonesboro, Ga.,
Sept. 1, 1864.
William Halter, Sept. 4, 1861; disch. Dec. 6,
1862, for disability.
Alfred W. Hinds, August 28, 1861; trans. from Co. F
Mar. 24, 1864; mustered out with company, July 11,
1865; veteran.
John Keller, Sept. 4, 1861;
mustered out with company; veteran.
Robert Kelsey, Sept. 4, 1861; disch. Oct. 13, 1863,
for disability.
Smith Knowles, Sept. 4, 1861; wounded at
Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12,
Samuel Kilbourn, Sept. 4,
1861; trans. from Co. F, Mar. 14, 1864; mustered out Oct.
22, 1864.
Frank Long, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Jacob Lohr, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
John F. Luderman, Feb. 14, 1864; mustered out with
Alonzo Lamphere, Aug. 18, 1861; died Nov. 23,
1681; at Lexington, Ky.
Ephraim Long, August 18, 1861; died Dec. 12, 1862,
at Nashville, Tenn.
Walter Linn, Aug. 18, 1861; discharged July 21,
1862, at Louisville, Ky.
Jarvis Long, Feb. 11, 1864; absent, sick;
mustered out July 11, 1865.
Joseph Long, Aug. 18, 1861; mustered out Sept.
12, 1864.
Austin Leach, Feb. 11, 1864; disch. Oct. 10,
1864, for disability.
Bass R. Myrice, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out July
11, 1865; veteran.
Barney McGee, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out July
11, 1865; veteran.
Samuel Myrice, Oct. 1, 1862; mustered out with
Page 86 -
David Marsh, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Lee Morrow, Aug. 18, 1861; no record
Bruce D. McBane, Aug. 18, 1861; discharged Dec.
4, 1862, at Columbus, O.
William B. Morris, Aug 18, 1861; died Oct. 16,
1863, at Chickamauga Hospital.
Matthew Morrison, Aug. 18, 1861; left at Corinth
Hosp., Miss; died Sept. 17, 1862.
James Mann, Aug. 18, 1861; mustered out Sept.
12, 1864.
John W. Miller, Aug. 1861; killed at
Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863.
George S. Myers, Oct. 15, 1862; discharged May
12, 1865.
Daniel Marsh, Oct. 18, 1861; killed at
Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, 1864.
Theron McMillen, Aug. 28, 1861; trans. from Co.
F, Mar. 15, 1864; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
David C. Meek, Sept. 4, 1861; trans. to Vet.
Eng. Corps., Aug. 10, 1864; veteran.
Noah J. Overmeyer, Oct. 15, 1862; mustered out
with company.
Samuel Overmeyer, Oct. 18, 1862, mustered out
with company.
James Ostrander, Aug. 18, 1861; trans. from Co.
F, Mar. 15, 1864; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
Thomas Patton, Aug. 18, 1861; wounded at
Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
George Pretenious, Sept. 4, 1861; trans. to Vet.
Eng. Corps. Aug. 26, 1864; veteran.
Robert L. Roberts, Aug. 18, 1861; no record.
Ahusiel Rhone, Aug. 18, 1861; mustered out Sept.
12, 1864.
Granville, Russell, Aug. 18, 1861; died Feb. 24,
1862, at Lebanon, Ky.
Allen Rich, Aug. 18, 1861; wounded at Chickamauga,
Ga., Sept. 19, 1863; discharged on surgeon's certificate of
Converse P. Russell, Aug. 18, 1861; discharged
Jan. 10, 1864, for wounds received at Chickamauga, Ga.,
Sept. 19, 1863.
Jacob Richler, Aug. 18, 1861; disch. Jan. 1,
1863; at Louisville, Ky.
Peter Shauteen, Aug. 18, 1861; died Sept. 27,
1863, at Nashville, Tenn., from wounds received at
Chickamauga, Ga., Setp.19, 1863.
James W. Smith, Aug. 18, 1861; died Mar. 14,
1862, at Nashville, Tenn.
Orlando B. Stout, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company, veteran
Robert W. Showman, Aug. 18, 1861; mustered out
Sept. 12, 1864.
Jacob Sill, Aug. 18, 1861; disch. Mch. 20, 1863,
for disability.
Frederick Speigle, Aug. 18, 1861; capt. at
Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863; died Aug. 11, 1864, at
Andersonville Prison.
James O. Smith, Aug. 18, 1861; disch. Nov. 12,
1862, for disability.
Milo Smith, Aug. 28, 1861; trans. from Co. F;
mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
Page 87 -
Thomas Taylor, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out with
company; veteran.
Allen F. Thatcher, Aug. 18, 1861; capt. at
Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863; mustered out Sept. 12, 1864.
George C. Westcott, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company; veteran.
John C. Williams, Dec. 17, 1863; mustered out
with company, July 11, 1865.
Martin Westcott, Sept. 4, 1861; mustered out
with company; veteran.
William Weaver, Feb. 2, 1864; mustered out with
company, July 11, 1865.
John White, Dec. 29, 1863; mustered out with
Isaac Wells, Aug. 18, 1861; disch. for
disability Jan. 28, 1862, at Louisville, Ky.
The second
regiment raised for the three years service to which Henry
county contributed was the Thirty-eighty O. V. Infantry,
raised during the summer and fall of the year 1861, in
answer to the call of President Lincoln for three
hundred thousand men for three years. Company B of
this regiment was recruited in this county, and there may
have been other men in other companies, but they were
scattering and went in singly and not as a regular
organization as did Company B. The regiment was
organized at Defiance, on the 1st of September. On the
22d of the same month it was transferred to Camp Dennison,
where the men received their arms and field equipments, and
were drilled preparatory to active service, after which they
were ordered to proceed to Kentucky, where they arrived
October 1. On the next day the regiment passed through
and encamped near Nicholasville. About two weeks later
it was ordered to the relief of the garrison at Wild Cat,
Ky., and after a forced march of some sixty miles reached
its destination on the 19th of October. Afterward it
pursued the enemy to Loudon and Barboursville; marched on
all of hte subsequent campaigns during the fall, and went
into winter quarters about Christmas time near Somerset.
During the winter months the men suffered severely, not
being accustomed to the climate and the rough usages of camp
life, so that in a short time less than three hundred in the
entire regiment were fit for duty. The regiment
participated in the campaign of Mill Springs, and marched to
Louisville, arriving there on Feb. 28, 1862.
Early in March the regiment proceeded to Nashville
where preparations were made for the spring campaign; thence
it proceeded with the army of the Ohio through Middle
Tennessee, and encamped during the moth of Apr. on the
battle-field of Pittsburg Landing, and then again marched
under General Hallet toward Corinth, Miss.,
and took an active part in the siege of that place.
After the evacuation of Corinth, May 27, 1862, the
Thirty-eighth marched with the army in pursuit of
Beauregard as far as Boonville, and on returning
encamped near Corinth until the 20th of June, when it
marched with the army
Page 88 -
to Tuscumbia, Ala., arriving there on
the 28th. On the 28th the regiment proceeded to
Winchester, Tenn., where it arrived on the 7th of August.
From this point several reconnoitering parties were sent
out, and among them none were more actively engaged than the
Thirty-eighth. A party of eighty men from this
regiment made a forced march upon Tracy Creek, which was
captured and a large quantity of stores destroyed. For
this event those engaged made the march and return, a total
distance of seventy-two miles, in less than twenty-four
The regiment participated in the battle with the enemy
at Chaplain Hill, and afterward in the campaign in Kentucky,
and went into camp late in October, on Rolling 'Fork, near
Lebanon. From here it soon proceeded toward Nashville,
Tenn. During the months of November and December it
was guarding railroads between Gallatin and Nashville, but
in the latter part of the year it marched to Nashville and
took a prominent part in the battle at Stone River, and
fortunately met with but slight loss. After the battle
the Thirty-eighth went into winter quarters near the city
and remained until Mar. 13, 1863, when it joined with the
forces at Triune.
Commencing in June, the year 1863 witnessed for the
regiment these events: Marched with the Army of the
Cumberland and took part in the Tullahoma campaign; began
the march to Chattanooga August 17; moved with the center
corps, crossed the Cumberland mountains to the Tennessee
River, which was crossed on log rafts on the night of
September 2, and proceeded over Lookout and Raccoon
Mountains and arrived in the Lookout Valley about the middle
of September; acted as guard for an immense wagon train to
Chattanooga, by special order of General Thomas, and
thus escaped the battle of Chickamauga, but successfully
accomplished the task assigned it. On the 25th of
November the division to which the regiment was attached
assaulted the enemy's works at the foot of Mission Ridge and
carried them, driving Bragg's forces. In this brief
engagement the Thirty-eighth was on the extreme left, and
was subjected to a terrible fire from the rebel infantry.
In this charge the regiment lost seven killed, and forty-one
After pursuing the enemy as far as Ringgold the
Thirty-eighth returned to camp near Chattanooga, where on
the 26th of December the men re-enlisted as a veteran
organization, and was furloughed home. At the
expiration of the furlough the regiment joined the army then
at Ringgold, Ga. Recruits were sent forward and when
Sherman started on the memorable Atlanta campaign the
regiment numbered seven hundred and forty-one men.
On May 5, 1864, the regiment broke camp and marched to
Buzzard's Roost Gap, where it was brought into action.
After skirmishing about for a few days, in which the
Thirty-eighth took an active part, several men were killed
and wounded. The regiment then participated in the
campaign that followed; in the siege of Kenesaw and
elsewhere, fortifying and skirmishing, and brought up
Page 89 -
5, 1864, on the Chattahoochie River. On the 17th they
advanced, crossed the river, and on the 22d had the honor of
establishing the picket line of the Fourteenth Corps in
front of Atlanta. On the 3d of August it moved to Utoy
Creek, where two days later Companies A, C. and K of the
regiment charged the enemy's line successfully.
By a series of movements the army arrived at Jonesboro,
Ga., early in September, coming upon Hardee's pickets at
four o'clock P. M. of the 1st. Este's brigade at once
charged the works. The regiment lost here, in killed
and wounded, one hundred and fifty men, nearly one-half its
entire strength.
Following the Jonesboro campaign came the campaign of
Georgia. The army broke camp on Oct. 3, 1864, and
retraced its lines as far north as Dalton, Hood in the mean
time having reached the rear of Sherman's army. The
Thirty-eighth accompanied the expedition thus far, and moved
thence via Gaylesville, Ala., to Rome, and reached
Kingston, Ga., Nov. 5. Arriving at Milledgeville on
the 24th of November, the regiment was assigned to provost
duty in the city. It was soon sent to destroy the
bridge across the Big Ogeechee, which was done, the regiment
marching on that day a distance of forty-four miles before
reaching Louisville, to which place the army had gone.
From Louisville the army went to Savannah, arriving there on
the 21st of December, where the regiment went into camp.
During their stay here the regiment received two hundred
drafted men and substitutes.
On the 30th of January, 1865, the Thirty-eighth left
Savannah with the army, and participated in the "Campaign of
the Carolinas," and after forty days came to Goldsboro, N.
C. From there it went to Holly Springs, where it
remained until after the surrender of Johnston's army.
From Holly Springs the regiment marched to Raleigh, thence
to Richmond, and finally to Alexandria, Va., where it
remained until after the grand review at the capital, when
it encamped near Washington. It remained there until
June 15, and then proceeded to Louisville, Ky., where it
arrived on the 23d. On the 12th of July the muster out
was completed, and the regiment proceeded to Cleveland,
where it was finally discharged on the 22d day of July,
Thirty-Eighth Regiment - Field and Staff.
Edwin D. Bradley, col.; resigned
Feb. 8, 1862.
Edward H. Phelps, col.; prom. from lieut. col.;
killed in action Nov. 25, 1863.
William A. Choate, col.; prom. from lieut. col.;
died of wounds.
Charles Greenwood, maj.; prom. to lieut. col.
William Irving, maj.; promoted to lieut. col.
Andrew Newman, maj.; mustered out with regiment.
Epaphras L. Barber, maj.; resigned Jan. 12,
Moses R. Brailey,
maj.; resigned Feb. 9, 1862.
Page 90 -
Israel Coons, surg.; resigned July 13, 1863.
James Haller, surg.; mustered out Jan. 4, 1865.
H. B. Powell, surg.; prom. from asst. surg.;
mustered out with the regiment.
The muster roll of Company B is hardly as
complete as could be desired, but owing to the
fact that the State roster is not yet published,
the same cannot now be given in full. The
following roll is made from a company memorial
and shows the name of each officer and man, but
its record is not full:
William A. Choate, capt.; prom. to col.
Edmund Metz, first lieut.; mustered out with
William E. Kintigh, first lieut.; prom. to capt.;
resigned Mar. 24, 1863.
Benj. S. Pindar, second lieut.; prom. to capt.;
William H. Ellis, sergt.; prom. second lieut.
Mar. 6, 1862; first lieut. May 5, 1863; resigned
Sept. 15, 1864.
Sergeants -
James E. Eidson,
first serg't, veteran;
Edward T. Gray, wounded Aug. 4, 1864, veteran;
Jacob Altenberger, veteran;
Cornelius Nye, veteran;
George W. Ford, veteran;
Forman Evans, first serg't, prom. to second
lieut., to first lieut., Co. K.;
James M. Patterson, first serg't, prom. to
second lieut. Co. C, to first lieut. Co. E.;
Henry P. Urquhart, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.
Corporals -
John Babcock,
disch. Dec. 13, 1862;
Samuel M. Powell, disch. Apr. 18, 1862;
David Kilpatrick, disch. Dec. 29, 1862;
William W. Waddams;
Daniel Hartley, disch. Sept. 13, 1864;
Loyal L. Bly, disch. Sept. 13, 1864;
James McEwen, veteran;
John Burnhour, wounded Sept. 1, 1864;
William C. Eidson, captured Feb. 26,
1864, veteran;
Israel Weamer, veteran;
David Bost, wounded Sept. 1, 1864, veteran;
Robert Babcock, wounded Sept. 1, 1864, veteran;
George Brown, veteran;
Wilson Quick, captured Feb. 26, 1864, veteran;
Jacob Hafer, prom. to com. serg't.
Privates -
Cyrus Altman,
Samuel Bost, captured Feb. 26, 1865, vet.;
Lemuel Howard, vet;
William D. Hudson, vet.;
James M. Knox, wounded Sept. 1, 1864, vet.;
George Lighthiser, vet.;
John McCracken, vet;
Joseph Mares, vet.;
Leander Mares, wounded Sept. 1, 1864, vet.;
William Mares, vet.;
Edmund B. Magill, vet;
Henry C. McHenry, vet.;
William F. Reighard,
Hugh M. Reighard, vet.;
William H. Sprague, vet;
Philip Wittmer, vet.;
Valentine Zink, vet.;
Daniel Climer, wounded July 21, 1864;
Thomas Chambers,
Levi Donnelly;
William H. Dennis, wounded Aug. 4, 1864;
Daniel W. Frease,
Adam Lighthiser;
George Myers, wounded Aug. 5, 1864;
Thomas Rose,
Elmer Struble;
Silas Wright,
Joseph Wells,
George M. Zink,
William H. Ellis,
Frank Kitsmiller;
John Babcock, wounded Sept. 1, 1864;
Patrick Cassidy,
Levi Frysinger,
David Kennedy,
Page 91 -
John Simmerly,
William A. Babcock,
Alva Spade,
William H. Atherton,
William H. Bestor,
Cornelius Carder,
Peter Doubenmyer,
Dudley T. Fields,
Henry Gearhart,
James Garretson,
Alexander Henry,
Jasper L. Jones,
David Nessley,
George Ream,
Andrew Barnhart, captured July 9, 1864.
Discharged -
Philip B. Walterhouse, Apr. 18, 1862;
Lulius Kelly, July 16, 1862;
George B. Corbett, Aug. 18, 1862;
Thomas Barrett, Dec. 11, 1862;
Presley C. Durbin, Dec. 29, 1862;
Robert McEwen, Jan. 26, 1863;
Lawrence A. Durbin, date not given;
Joseph W. Davis, Dec. 27, 1862;
D. H. Latta, July 27, 1862;
Henry Shatzer, July 27, 1863;
Frederick Sprown, July 27, 1863;
Adam Bost, July 27, 1863;
John Booher, July 27, 1863;
Seth Kenter,
July 28, 1863;
John Sprague, Jan. 4, 1862;
Smith Cowdrick, Jan r, 1862;
George Smith, Jan. 4, 1862;
Francis M. Bascom, Sept. 13, 1864;
Charles Gillespie, Sept. 13, 1864;
William H. Russell, Sept. 13, 1864;
William Sands, Sept. 13, 1864;
Daniel W. Davis, Sept. 13, 1864;
Francis M. Kinney, Sept. 13, 1864;
Perry S. C. Durbin, Apr. 22, 1863.
Company Death Roll -
Corp., Robert Frees, Mar. 6, 1853;
corp., Henry Wittmer, July 26, 1864;
corp., James Cowan, June 6, 1862;
corp., Oscar P. Randall, killed Sept. 1,
corp., George Struble, killed Sept. 1, 1864;
Henry Ellis date
not given;
Perry S. Pinder, Apr. 28, 1862;
Henry Weaver, May 28, 1862;
Benjamin F. Wright, Sept. 15, 1862;
Joseph W. Britnell, Sept. 25, 1862;
James M. Frederick, Oct. 22, 1862;
Samuel Lorah Dec. 15, 1862;
John W. Carter, May, 1863;
Philip Naugle, Feb. 15, 1863;
Balser Borts, Mar. 1, 1863;
Lewis F. Frysinger, Apr. 8, 1863;
Robert McCracken, Oct. 11, 1863;
David McCracken, of wounds, Nov. 4, 1864;
O. D. Riley, Dec. 28, 1863;
James M. Green, Mar. 20, 1864;
William Richmond, Mar. 12, 1864;
Azariah Bast, Mar. 22, 1864;
Andrew Saltsman, Apr. 5, 1864;
Philo W. Amy, Dec. 27, 1861;
Thomas J. Richmond, date not given;
Michael Hayes, date not given;
Samuel A. Palmer, Jan. 26, 1862;
George Ceiling, Nov. 13, 1861;
George Price, Sept. 13, 1861;
William Manley, Nov. 24, 1861;
Joseph Huston, Jun. 1, 1864;
Michael Bast, date not given;
William Parker, killed Aug. 11, 1864;
Charles A. Alexander, killed Aug. 19, 1864;
Bennett Ponteous, killed Sept. 1, 1864;
Jacob Green, Feb. 9, 1864;
S. L. F. Jones, Dec. 30, 1864;
William Fellers, wounded Sept. 1, 1864; died
Sept. 10, 1864
This regiment was composed mainly of young men
of from seventeen to thirty years of age.
Fulton, Williams, Paulding and Defiance
counties, each furnished one company, and Henry
county furnished the great majority of the men
of the other companies. The regiment
commenced to rendezvous at Camp Latty, Napoleon,
O., Nov. 21, 1861. Sibley tents, with
stoves and plenty of straw, gave the boys
sumptuous quarters. The rations furnished
were of the best quality, and abundant, and the
supplies of delicacies sent them by their
friends at home were frequent, and generous in
quantity and variety.
On the 5th of January, 1862, the regiment moved to Camp
Chase, where it remained until Feb. 7, when it
moved to Fort Donelson, Tenn., arriving on the
14th. The regiment was assigned to
General Charles F. Smith's division and
occupied a very important position on the left
of the lines during the two days' operations.
After the surrender the regiment encamped near
Dover until the 15th of March, when it moved to
Metal Landing, on the Tennessee, and from there
to Crump's Landing, and from there to Pittsburgh
Landing. Up to this time the health of the
men had been comparatively good; but now bad
water, bad weather and bad rations operated very
seriously upon the boys, fresh from the comforts
of home life, and the strength of the regiment
was reduced by sickness from one thousand to
less than three hundred men fit for duty.
The regiment was assigned to General Lew
Wallance's division, and during the battle
of Pittsburgh Landing was engaged in guarding
ordnance and supply trains.
Lieutenant-Colonel Scott and Capt.
Richards went as volunteer aids to
General Thayer, and were mentioned in
his official report for gallant and efficient
service. During the operations around
Corinth the regiment was constantly on duty in
building roads, bridges and entrenchments.
After the evacuation the Sixty-eighth with the
Twenty-third Indiana, was stationed at Bolivar,
Tenn., where they rebuilt the bridge across the
Hatchie, and formed the guards along the
railroad for a number of miles.
The first regular engagement participated in by the
regiment was the battle of Metamora (or the
Little Hatchie), and for gallantry in which the
regiment was complimented in general orders.
The regiment also participated in the battle of
Iuka. It closed the campaign of 1862 by
forming the advance of an expedition which
attempted to get into the rear of Vicksburg by
the way of Holly Springs and Granada, Miss.
The design was frustrated by the surrender of
Holly Springs, and the regiment returned to
Memphis. During the campaign in
Mississippi the regiment was assigned to the
Second Brigade, Third Division, Seventeenth Army
Corps, where it remained until the close of the
In the spring of 1863 the regiment moved with its
command to Lake Providence, La., on the
Mississippi River, where it worked on the Lake
Providence canal in the fruitless attempt to
clear a passage for the river boats through
Bayou Tensas. It engaged in similar work
in the vicinity of Walnut Bayou in the vicinity
of Eagle Bend. About the 10th of April,
1863, the regiment moved down to Milliken's
Bend, where it was engaged in working on the
military road toward Richmond, La. While
here Lieutenant John J. Banks, of Company
C., and privates John Snyder of Company
A, Joseph Longbury and William
Barnhart of Company C.,
volunteered to take one of the transports, a
common river steamer, past the Vicksburg
Page 93 -
succeeded in this undertaking on the night of
Apr. 21. On the 23d of Apr. the regiment
began its march for the rear of Vicksburg.
It marched more than seventy miles over low
bottom lands, still partly submerged, crossed
innumerable bayous on bridges hastily
constructed of timber from neighboring houses
and cotton gins, and reached the Mississippi at
Grand Gulf. The regiment moved down to Bruinsburg, where it crossed the river, and by a
forced march was able to participate in the
battle of Thompson's Hill, May 1, 1863.
The regiment pursued the retreating rebels and
was engaged in the battles of Raymond, May 21,
1863. The regiment pursued the retreating
rebels and was engaged in the battles of
Raymond, May 21; Jackson, May 14; Champion
Hills, May 16, and Big Black. The regiment
lost heavily in all these engagements,
especially at Champion Hills, where
Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Snook was killed.
The regiment engaged in an attack on the rebel works in
the rear of Vicksburg on May 18, and in the
assault on Fort Hill on the 22d. During
the early part of the siege the regiment was
constantly in the trenches, and it also
furnished large details of sharp-shooters; but
during the latter part of the siege it was
placed in the army of observation, near Big
Black. It was on the reconnoissance toward
Yazoo city, in the latter part of June, and
participated in the engagement at Jackson on the
12th of July. After the battle it guarded
about six hundred prisoners into Vicksburg.
The regiment was quartered comfortably in the
suburbs at Vicksburg until the middle of August,
when it moved on an expedition to Monroe, La.,
and returned with one-third of its men either in
the hospital, or on the sick list. In
October the regiment moved on a reconnoissance
with the Seventeenth Corps, and was engaged in a
skirmish at Bogue Chitta Creek, and on the 5th
of February, 1864, it participated in the fight
at Clinton and Jackson, Miss, while on the
Meridian raid. This expedition prevented
the regiment from going north on veteran
furlough as promptly as it otherwise would have
gone. It was one of the first regiments in
the Seventeenth Corps to report three-fourths of
its men en-enlisted, it having done so on the
15th of December, 1863. Upon its return
from the Meridian raid the men were supplied
with clothing, and the regiment embarked for the
North, leaving one hundred and seventy recruits
at Vicksburg, who arrived just as the regiment
was moving down to the landing. The
regiment arrived at Cairo on the 23d of March,
and embarked on the cars, moved by way of
Indianapolis, Bellefontaine and Columbus to
Cleveland, where it arrived the 26th.
Through Illinois and Indiana the regiment was
welcomed everywhere with banners and flags. It
was royally entertained at the Soldiers' Home in
Indianapolis on the morning of the 24th, and was
feasted bountifully by the citizens of Muncie,
Ind., on the evening of the same day. The
regiment was detained ten days at
Cleveland before a paymaster could be obtained,
and soon after payment the regiment started for
Toledo, where it arrived at three o'clock P. M.,
on the 6th of April. It was met by a
delegation of citizens, headed by the mayor of
the city, with bands of music, and after
Page 94 -
through the principal streets it was escorted to the Island
House, where a splendid dinner was in waiting. This
was the first welcome the regiment had received since
entering the State. Special trains were made up on the
different roads, and by night all the men were at home.
On the 7th of May the regiment again took the cars at
Cleveland, and proceeded to Cario by way of Cincinnati.
At Cairo it was joined by the recruits left at Vicksburg,
and these, with those obtained during furlough, numbered
over three hundred. Here, too, the regiment turned
over its old arms and drew new Springfield muskets. On
the 12th of May the regiment, with more than seven hundred
men for duty, embarked for Clifton, Tenn., and thence it
marched by way of Huntsville, Decatur and Rome, to Acworth,
Ga., where it joined the main army under Sherman on
the 10th of June. During the remainder of the Atlanta
campaign the Sixty-eighth was under fire almost constantly.
It was on the advance line for sixty-five days and nights,
and it was engaged at Kenesaw Mountain, Big Shanty,
Nicojack, Atlanta, July 22d and 28th, Jonesborough and
Lovejoy. On the 22d of July the regiment was engaged
very heavily. It had been selected to go to the rear,
and to picket the roads in the vicinity of army and corps
headquarters; but upon reaching its position it discovered
in its front, instead of cavalry, a corps of rebel infantry;
while, at the same time, another line of rebel troops was
forming across the road in its rear. Thus the
Sixty-eighth was sandwiched between the enemy's advance and
rear lines. The rebels were totally unaware of the
position of this little Buckeye band. The commands of
the rebel officers could be distinctly heard, and prisoner
were captured almost from the rebel line of file closers.
As the rebel line moved forward the Sixty-eighth advanced,
cheering, on the double-quick, and dropping behind a fence,
poured a volley into the rebels, who were in the open field.
The batteries of Fuller's brigade, Sixteenth Crops,
responded to the alarm thus given, and the fight opened in
earnest. The Sixteenth Corps engaged the enemy so
promptly that the regiment was enabled by a rapid movement
by the flank, and a wide detour, to pass around the enemy's
right, and to rejoin its brigade, which it found warmly
engaged. The attack came from front and rear, and the
men fought first on one side of the works and then on the
other. At one time a portion of the brigade was on one
side of the works, firing heavily in one direction, while a
little way lower down the line the remainder of the brigade
was on the other side of the works, firing heavily in the
other direction. The left of the brigade swung back to
the crest of a small hill, the right still resting on the
old works, and a few rails were thrown together, forming a
barricade, perhaps a foot high, when the last charge of the
day was made by two rebel divisions. On they came in
splendid style, not firing a shot, arms at "right shoulder
shift," officers in front, lines well dressed, following
each other in quick succession. The brigade held firm
until the first line had crossed a ravine in its front, and
Page 95 -
the second line of reserves could be seen coming down the
opposite slope. Then came a terrific crash of
musketry, and then volley after volley. The
rebels fell back, leaving the ground thickly strewn with the
dead and dying. After the engagement at Lovejoy,
September 2 - 6, the regiment was stationed on the Rough and
Ready road, near East Point, for two weeks, when it moved in
pursuit of Hood. The regiment advanced as far as
Gaylesville, Ala., and here quite a number of men were
mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service.
The regiment commenced its return march about the 1st of
November, and moved by way of Cave Springs and Lost Mountain
to Smyrna camp-meeting ground, where the men were supplied
with clothing, and every thing was thoroughly overhauled.
The railroad was destroyed, and on the 14th the regiment
moved to Atlanta, and at daylight on the 15th commenced the
march to the sea. With the exception of an engagement
with the Georgia militia at the crossing of the Oconee, and
the destruction of the railroad buildings at Millen, the
regiment experienced no variation from the easy marches and
pleasant bivouacs, which all enjoyed. On the 10th of
December the regiment reached the works around Savannah.
On the 12th the Seventeenth Corps moved well around to the
right of the main road running from the city to King's
Bridge. Here the regiment assisted in throwing up a
heavy line of works, and furnished two companies daily as
sharp-shooters. During the operations around Savannah
the regiment subsisted almost entirely upon rice, which was
found in large quantities near camp, and which the men
hulled and ground in rude hand-mills. Upon the
occupation of the city the regiment was ordered on guard
duty in the town, and was quartered comfortably in Warren
and Oglethorp parks. Here, too, the regiment lost some
valuable men, who were mustered out by reason of expiration
of term of service. A large number of commissions were
received, and the regiment was supplied with a fine corps of
young and enthusiastic officers.
On the 5th of January, 1865, the regiment embarked at
Thunderbolt Bay for Beaufort, and from there it formed the
advance of the corps for most of the way to Pocotaligo.
Here some heavy works were thrown up, and after resting
about two weeks the troops moved on the campaign of the
Carolinas. The regiment marched by way of Orangeburg,
Columbia, Winnsboro and Cheraw, destroying property, both
public and private; but upon entering the State of North
Carolina this destruction of property was forbidden by
orders from superior headquarters. The march was
continued through Fayetteville
to Goldsboro; where the regiment arrived ragged,
bare-footed, and bare headed, and blackened and begrimed
with the smoke of pine knots. On the morning after its
arrival the adjutant’s report showed forty-two men
barefooted, thirty-six bare-headed, and two hundred and
sixty wearing some article of citizen's clothes. The
regiment rested ten days and then moved out to Raleigh.
Page 96 -
After the surrender of Johnson the regiment marched by
way of Dinwiddie C. H., Petersburg, Richmond,
Fredericksburg and Alexandria to Washington
city, where it participated in the grand review
on the 26th of May. After the review the
Sixty-eighth camped at Tenallytown for a week,
when it was ordered to Louisville, Ky . It went
into camp about two miles from the city, and a
regular system of drill and discipline was
maintained until the 10th of July, when the
muster out rolls were signed, and the regiment
was ordered to report to Camp Taylor, near
Cleveland, for payment and discharge. Upon
arriving at Cleveland the Sixty-eighth was met
at the depot by a delegation of citizens, and
was escorted to Monument Square, where a
splendid breakfast was served. After this
the regiment marched to camp, where it remained
until the 18th of July, 1865, when it was paid
and discharged.
During its term Of service the regiment was on the "
sacred soil" of every rebel State except Florida
and Texas. It marched over seven thousand
miles, and traveled by railroad and steamboat
over six thousand miles. Between nineteen
hundred and two thousand men belonged to the
regiment, and of these ninety per cent, were
native Americans, the others being Germans,
Irish, or English, the Germans predominating.
Colonel R. K. Scott commanded the
regiment in all its engagements except Metamora,
when Lieutenant-Colonel J. S. Snook
commanded until after the Vicksburg campaign,
when the command devolved upon Lientenant-Colonel
George E. Wells, and he continued to hold
the command in all subsequent engagements,
skirmishes and marches until the close of the
war. The regiment was presented with a
beautiful banner by the citizens of Henry county
just before its muster out; it having been
impracticable to send the flag to the regiment
at Atlanta, as was intended, the flag was
returned by Colonel Wells, on
behalf of the regiment, to the citizens of Henry
county. The regimental colors were turned
over to the adjutant-general of the State, and
were deposited in the archives. Upon these
flags, by authority from corps and department
headquarters, were in scribed the names of the
following battles: Fort Donelson, Pittsburgh
Landing, Siege of Corinth, Iuka, Metamora,
Thompson's Hill, Raymond, Jackson, Champion
Hills, Big Black, Vicksburg, May 22, and siege;
Jackson, July 12; Monroe Raid, Bogue Chitta,
Meridian Raid, Kenesaw, June 27, and siege;
Nicojack, Atlanta, July 21, 22 and 28, and
siege; Jonesboro, Lovejoy, Oconee, Savannah,
Pocotaligo, Salkehatchie, Orangeburg, Columbia,
Cheraw, Bentonville and Raleigh.
This regiment was organized in the State Of Ohio at
large, in October, November and December, 1861,
to serve three years. On the expiration of
its term of service the original members (except
veterans) were mustered out, and the
organization, composed of veterans and recruits,
retained in service until July 10, 1865, when it
was mustered out in accordance with orders from
the war department.

Robert Scott
Brig & Bre't Maj. Genl. U. S. Vols.
Page 97 -
official list of battles, in which this regiment
bore an honorable part, is not yet published by
the war department, but the following list has
been compiled, after careful research, during
the preparation of this work: Thompson’s Hill,
Miss, May 1, 1863; Raymond, Miss, May, 12, 1863;
Jackson, Miss, May 14, 1863; Champion Hills.
Miss, May 16, 1863; siege of Vicksburg, Miss.,
May 18 to July 4, 1863; Clinton and Jackson,
Miss, Feb. 5, 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June
9 to 30, 1864; Big Shanty, Ga., June 15, 1864;
Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. (general assault), June
27, 1864; Atlanta, Ga. (Hood's first sortie),
July 24, 1864; siege of Atlanta, Ga., July 28 to
Sept. 2, 1864; Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 31 to Sept.
1, 1864; Lovejoy Station, Ga., Sept. 2 to 6,
Field and Staff. - Mustered
out July 10, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., by Cyrus M.
Roberts, captain Seventy-eighth O. V. Infantry. No
record of muster in found.
Company A. - Mustered
in Dec. 13, 1861, at Camp Latty, Napoleon, O., by Lewis
Y. Richards, captain Sixty-eighth O. V. I.
Mustered out July 10, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., by Cyrus
M. Roberts, captain Seventy-eighth O. V. Infantry.
Field and Staff. - Samuel H. Steedman,
colonel, Oct. 1, 1861, three years. Promoted from
Lieut.-col. Nov. 29, 1861; disch. July 5, 1862.
Robert K. Scott, col., Oct. 1, 1861, 3 years;
prom. to lieut-col. from maj. Nov. 30, 1861; to col. July 5,
1862; brev. brig-general Jan. 25, 1865; brig.-general Mar.
31, 1865; brev. maj.-general Dec. 5, 1865.
John S. Snook, lieut.-col., Nov. 29, 1861, 3
years; prom. from maj. July 5, 1862; killed May 16, 1863, in
battle of Champion Hills, Miss.
George E. Wells, lieut-col., Oct. 29, 1861, 3
years; prom. to maj. from adj. July 5, 1862; to lieut-col.
May 16, 1863; to col. June 16, 1865; not must.; must. out
with reg. July 10, 1865.
Arthur Crocket, maj., Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
prom. from capt. company D, Feb. 26, 1864, to lieut-col.
June 16, 1865; not must.; must. out with reg. July 10, 1865.
Eugene B. Harrison, surgeon, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; resigned June 9, 1864.
M. A. Brown, surgeon, Sept. 26, 1864, 3 years
John G. Brigham, surgeon, Dec. 7, 1864, 3 years;
must. out with regt. July 10, 1865.
Benjamin F. Berkley, ass't-surgeon, Oct. 21,
1861, 3 years; resigned Dec. 31, 1862.
S. C. Chase, ass't-surgeon, Aug. 19, 1862, 3
years; resigned Oct. 31, 1862.
David C. Rathburne,
ass't-surgeon, Feb. 4, 1863, 3 years; declined.
Page 98 -
W. C. Catlin, ass't-surgeon, Apr. 28, 1863, 3
years; declined.
William Massie, ass't-surg., July 10, 1863, 3
years; appt. July 20, 1863; prom. to surg. July 13, 1864;
declined ___ ____; resigned Aug. 20, 1864.
L. V. Vorhees, ass't-surg., July 13, 1864, 3
years; declined.
E. C. De Forest, ass't-surg., Oct. 25, 1864, 3
years; declined.
Andrew Jackson, adjt., Oct. 10, 1861, 3 years;
prom. from second lieut. company F, July 5, 1862; resigned
Feb. 24, 1863.
Thomas T. Cowan, adjt., Oct. 4, 1861, 3 years;
appt. from first lieut. company H, Feb. 28, 1863; prom. to
capt. May 9, 1864; declined ___, ____; must out Oct. 27,
1864, on the expiration of term of service.
Henry Welty, adjt., Oct. 10, 1861, 3 years;
appt. from first lieut. company A, Oct. 24, 1864; prom. to
capt. Nov. 26, 1864; declined __, ____; must. out with reg.
July 10, 1865.
Leverett G. Crandall, quartermaster, Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years; appt. from first lieut. company D, Oct. 26,
1862; detailed Apr. 24, 1863, to command mortar boats which
opened bombardment of Vicksburg May 20, 1863; returned to
regiment May 25, 1863; prom. to cap. an ass't-adjt-gen'l on
staff of Gen'l Robert K. Scott, 2d Brigade, 3d Div.,
17th Army Corps Nov. 8, 1864; mustered out Mar. 20, 1865.
Charles Bates, quartermaster, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; prom. to serg't-maj. from private, company K, Nov.
23, 1861; to second lieut. company B, Apr. 1, 1862; first
lieut. company B, May 16, 1864, but declined to accept;
must. out Apr. 9, 1865, on expiration of term of service.
Elmer Y. Smutz, quartermaster, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; appt. from first lieut. company C, Apr. 10, 1865;
must. out with regiment July 10, 1865.
Martin Perkey, chap., Dec. 24, 1861, 3 years;
resigned Sept. 17, 1862.
Samuel R. Adams, serg't-maj., Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; prom. to quarter-master-sergeant from private company
F, Nov. 20, 1861.
Isaac McCoy, serg't-maj.,
Oct. 22, 1861, 3 years; prom. from first serg't company C,
Oct. 26, 1862; to second lieut. company A, Nov. 10, 1863.
Milton Stout, serg't-maj., Oct. 26, 1861, 3
years; prom. from first serg't company F, Apr. 30, 1864; to
capt. company F, Jan. 11, 1865; veteran.
Alfred M. Russel, serg't-maj., Dec. 3, 186, 3
years; prom. from private company C, Jan. 27, 1865; mustered
out with regiment July 10, 1865.
Jacob Bruner, quartermaster-sergeant, Nov. 23,
1861, 3 years; prom. from serg't company C, Apr. 1, 1862;
disch. Apr. 9, 1863, to accept promotion in 9th Louisiana
Volunteers, African descent; killed June 7, 1863, at action
in Milliken's Bend, La.
Charles E. Reynolds, quartermaster-sergeant,
Jan. 5, 1862, 3 years; prom. from private company F, Apr.
20, 1863; captured May, 1863, at Clinton,
Page 99 -
Miss., while carrying dispatches; exchanged
Aug., 1863; captured Feb. 10, 1864, at Morton,
Miss.; exchanged Apr.17, 1865; must. out June
16, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by order of war
department; veteran.
William G. Lamb, com.-serg't., Nov. 26, 1861, 3
years; prom. from private company I, Nov. 27,
1861 disch. July 23, 1862, at Cincinnati, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Frank Flemmer, com.-serg't. Oct. 29, 1861, 3
years; prom. from private, company F, Dec. 25,
1864; veteran.
James M. McGriffin, hosp. steward, Oct. 10,
1861, 3 years; prom. from private, company I,
Nov. 26, 1861; disch. May 8, 1862, at Shiloh,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
John G. Parry, hosp. steward, Oct. 8, 1861, 3
years; prom. from private, company F, Oct. 23,
1863; wounded May 6, 1863, in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss.; must. out Oct. 28, 1864, at
Chattanooga Tenn., on expiration of term of
Cary E. McCann, hosp. steward, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; prom. from private, company I, Oct .8,
1864; to second lieut. Jan. 11, 1865; not must.;
must. out with regiment July 10, 1865; veteran.
Larkin Linthicum, prin. must., Oct. 19, 1861, e
years; prom. from private company A, Mar. 12,
1862; mustered out with reg. July 10, 1865;
Ithamer Culbertson, prin. must., Dec. 5, 1861, 3
years; prom. from private, company E, Apr. 12,
1862; must. out with regiment July 10, 1865;
Guy E. Eastman, drum-maj., Nov. 15, 1861, 3
years; disch. Apr. 9, 1862, by order of war
John B. Mikesell, fife-maj., Dec. 5, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 11, 1862, at Fort Donelson,
Company A. -
Lewis W. Richards, captain Oct. 3, 1861, 3
years; app't Nov. 5, 1861; must. out Oct. 26,
1864, on expiration of term of service.
Isaac McCoy, captain, Oct. 22, 1861, 3 years;
prom. to second lieut. from serg't maj. Nov. 10,
1863; capt. Nov. 26, 1864; must. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Abraham C. Urquhart, first lieutenant, Oct. 28,
1861, 3 years; appt. Nov. 21, 1861; prom. to
captain Nov. 11, 1862, but declined to accept;
mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah, Ga., on
expiration of term of service.
William F. Williams, first lieut., Oct. 12,
1861, 3 years; appt. second lieut. Nov. 21,
1861; prom. to first lieut. Oct. 26, 1862; to
capt. company D, May 9, 1862.
Henry Welty, first lieut. Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years;
prom. to second lieut. company F, Feb. 26, 1864;
appt. adj. Oct. 24, 1862.
Page 100 -
Upton, Spurgeon, first lieut., Oct. 8,
1861, 3 years; appt. corp. Dec. 1, 1861; serg't
July 1, 1862; first serg't Jan. 1, 1863; prom.
to first lieut. Nov. 26, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Samuel R. Adams, second lieut. Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; prom. from serg't-maj., Oct. 26, 1862; to
first lieut. company K, Feb. 26, 1684.
Peter Huner, first serg't, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; mus. as private; appt. first serg't Dec.
1, 1861; died Dec. 6, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Elmer Y. Smutz, first serg't, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; mus. as private; appt. serg't. Jan. 1,
1863; first serg't, Dec. 26, 1864; prom. to
first lieut. company C, Jan. 11, 1865; veteran.
Andrew J. Treslar, first serg't, Dec. 12, 1861,
3 years; appt. corp. __, ____; wounded May 16,
1863, in battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; appt.
serg't. Mar. 9, 1864; first serg't, Jan. 30,
1865; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Jacob Battenfield, sergt.., Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. __, ____; serg't, Dec. 24,
1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Horace Waters, serg't, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. ____; serg't, Dec. 24, 1864; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Elias Kigar,
serg't, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years; appt. from
private Dec. 24, 1864; mustered out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
Robert B. Wood, serg't, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
appt corp. Dec. 24, 1864; serg't. Jan. 30, 1865;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Samuel Morse, serg't, Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years;
mus. as private; appt. serg't, Dec. 1, 1861;
died Dec. 14, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Elmer Y. Baker, corp., Oct. 22, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. Dec. 24, 1864; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
Richard, Steward, corp., Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years;
wounded May 15, 1863, in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss.; appt. corp. Dec. 25, 1864; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Thomas Jenkins, corp., Oct. 11, 1861, 3 years; appt.
corp. Dec. 24, 1864; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Ebenezer W. Schooley,
corp., Oct. 25, 1863, 3 years; appt. corp. Dec.
24, 1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Joseph Rickey, corp., Oct. 16, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. Dec. 24, 1864; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
John Kigar, corp., Oct. 17, 1861, 3 years; appt.
corp. Dec. 24, 1864; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Henry Dickerson, corp., Oct. 27, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. Dec. 1, 1861; disch. __, ____, at
Columbus, O., on surgeon's certificate of
Henry C. Williams, corp., Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. __, ____; died Sept. 3, 1864,
at Cairo, Ill., of wounds received June 12,
1863, in action near Vicksburg, Miss.
Page 101 -
Barr, William J., private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Thomas Burrow, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years;
captured Feb. 10, 1864, at Morton, Miss.; mus.
out June 16, 1865, at Camp Chase, O., by order
of war department; veteran.
Bortz, George, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years.
Buchele, Louis, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
mus. in as Lewis Buckley; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Beck, Adam, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years;
wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss.; mustered out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
Beck, Benton, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Beck, Paul,
private, Aug. 26, 1862, 3 years; died June 8,
1863 at hospital at Lake Provident, La.
Battenfield, William D., private, Oct. 16, 1861,
3 years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Bear, Abraham, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Brenner, Nathaniel, private, Dec. 24,
1861, 3 years; captured May 10, 1864, at Morton,
Miss.; died Sept. 11, 1864, in rebel prison at
Andersonville, Ga.; veteran.
Bowman, Frederick, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; trans to company D.
Bowman, Frederick, private, Jan. 5, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Bordner, Henry, private, Dec. 10, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Branghno, John, private, Feb. 7, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 6854.
Babcock, John D., private, Dec. 23, 1863,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Babcock, William O., private, Jan. 25, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Babcock, Alonzo A., private, Jan. 16, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Babcock, James H., private, Feb. 7, 1864, 3
years; died June 4, 1865, Harewood General
Hospital at Washington, D. C.
Brackham, Frederick, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; trans. from company F, __ , ____; mus.
out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Berthmyer, David, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
died May 22, 1862, at Napoleon, O.
Page 102 -
Best, Azariah, private, Oct. 17, 1861, 3 yeas;
died Mar. 26, 1862, at Crump's Landing, Tenn.
Baker, John K., private, Dec. 1, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July 1, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Bonny, Joseph M., private, Oct. 31, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 20, 1862, at Camp Chase, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Cross, Abel, private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3 years;
disch. May 2, 1862, at Pittsburgh, Tenn., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Cary, Harlan P., private, Oct. 22, 1861, 3
years; transferred to 8th Michigan Light Art.,
Dec. 10, 1862.
Dunbar, John, private, Aug. 26, 1862, 3 years;
mus. out May 29, 1865, at Washington, D. C., by
order of war department.
Dunbar, Boyd, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3 years;
w'd May 16, 1863 in battle of Champion Hills,
Miss.; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Dunbar, James, private, Oct. 20, 1862, 3 years;
discharged June 26, 1863, on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Davis, George R., private, Oct. 20, 1862, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Davis, John, private, Dec. 23, 1862, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Drummond, Levi, private, Jan. 15, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out July 21, 1865, in New York city by
order of war department.
Dennis, Andrew J.,
private, Sept. 1, 1862, 3 years; mus. out May
29, 1865, at Washington, D. c., by order of war
Done, Eugene O., private, Dec. 1, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out June 8, 1865, at Camp Dennison, O., by
order of war department.
Duell, Eugene F., private, Dec. 31, 1863, 3
years; died Sept. 15, 1865, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Edson, John B., private, Dec. 4, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Edgar, John, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
discharged Oct. 8, 1862.
Franz, Henry, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years
mus. out with company.
Frederick, Erastus, private, Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Foster, Charles E., private, Oct. 19, 1861,
three years; on mus. roll but never reported for
Foster, Charles E., private May 5, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Flenner, George, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
discharged Dec. 23, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Page 103 -
Friend, Jacob, private, Feb. 22, 1864, 3 years;
killed June 22, 1864 in action at Kenesaw
Mountain, Ga.
Galman, Joseph, private, Oct. 16, 1864, 1 year;
mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Goodwell, Nathaniel, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
on expiration of term of service.
Garret, Jacob, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years; mus.
out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Helberg, Christian H., private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; discharged Oct. 17, 1862, at Bolivar,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Helberg, Frederick, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; discharged Oct. 17, 1862, at Bolivar,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Hutchins, Simon J., Oct. 14, 1863, 3 years; mus.
out with company, July 10, 1865.
Howe, William H., private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Haller, William, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal _____; sergeant, Mar.
9, 1864; reduced to ranks, Dec. 17, 1864;
wounded, June 11, 1863, in action near
Vicksburg; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Hershberger, Wilson, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 24, 1862, at Pittsburgh
Landing, Tenn.
Hershberger, Thomas,
private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years; on mus. roll,
no further record found.
Hissong, Lyman J., private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; trans. to company I, Dec. 1, 1861.
Hiser, John, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3 years;
died Jan. 22, 1864 in hospital at Vicksburg,
Miss.; veteran.
Konzen, Leonard, private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3
years; captured Nov. 17, 1864, on march from
Atlanta to Savannah, Ga.; no further record
Kriling, John, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years;
died Oct. 18, 1862, in hospital at Jackson,
Kemm, Christian, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years;
died July 9, 1862, at Napoleon, O.
Knapp, James H., private, Oct. 22, 1861, 3
years; transferred to company D.
Kittering, John F., private, Oct. 20, 1861, 3
years; absent Mar. 13, 1862, in general
hospital, Mound City, Ill.; no further record
Kelly, Alvey, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
discharged July 29, 1862, at Columbus, O.,
Surgeon's certificate of disability.
Laher, Gottlieb,
private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years; mus. out with
company, July 10, 1865; veteran.
Lawrence, George F., private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Page 104 -
Lettick, Simon, private, Oct. 9, 1862, 3 years;
also borne on the rolls as Simon Leetlirk;
mus. out with company, July 10, 1865; veteran.
Large, Erastus, private, Oct. 13, 1861, 3 years;
on mus. roll, no further record found.
Large, Erastus D., private, Jan. 1, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Linthecome, Lawkin private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; promoted to principal musician Mar. 12,
Lesnet, Lafayette, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; discharged Oct. 17, 1862, at Boliver,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Lyman, Nathan private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3 years;
killed Sept. 24, 1862, in railroad accident near
Jackson, Miss.
Miller, John, private, Oct. 24, 1864, 1 year;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Mapes, James F., private, Jan. 16, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Mitchell, Andrew, private, Feb. 8, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Mitchell, Aaron, private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 16, 1862, at Savannah, Tenn.
Myers, George W., private, Oct. 27, 1861, 3
years; appointed sergeant, July 1, 1861; reduced
to ranks Mar. 9, 1864; mus. out with company,
July 10, 1865; veteran.
Mann, Abraham, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3 years;
discharged Oct. 27, 1862, at Cincinnati, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Miller, Fenelson G., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; discharged June 27, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Moore, John, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
discharged June 27, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Merris, James M., private, Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; also borne as James M. Morris;
discharged Sept. 27, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Moses, Charles W. private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; detached as hospital steward 42d United
States colored infantry, June 29, 1864; mus. out
Oct. 31, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Ottinger, Jacob G. private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Onweller, James, private, Nov. 10, 1861, 3
years; discharged June 24, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Parker, George, private, Dec. 5, 1863, 3 years;
transferred to veteran reserve corps, July 1,
Prentice, Jacob, private, Sept. 1, 1862, 3
years; mus. out May 29, 1865, at Washington, D.
C., by order of war department.
Page 105 -
Preston, George W., private, Feb. 6, 1864, 3
years; died Mar. 23, 1864, in Washington general
hospital at Memphis, Tenn.
Preston, William, private, Oct. 11, 1861,
3 years; died on or about Mar. 16, 1862, at
Cincinnati, O.
Plossman, Frederick, private, Oct. 5,
1861, 3 years; discharged Oct. 17, 1862, at
Bolivar, Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of
Parsons, William H., private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; discharged at Napoleon, O., by civil
Primmer, Simon, private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3
years; discharged Oct. 13, 1862, at Cincinnati,
O., by order of war department.
Percy, Perrin S., private, Oct. 8, 1861,
3 years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga.
Tenn., on expiration of term of service
Peters, David W., private, Sept.
3, 1862, 3 years; discharged Sept. 16, 1863, at
Keokuk, Ia., on surgeon's certificate of
Retig, George, private, Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years; mus. out with company, July 10,
1865; veteran.
Roddy, John, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
on expiration of term of service.
Roddy, William, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Roddy, Daniel, private, Sept. 3, 1862, 3
years; mus. out May 29, 1865, at Washington, D.
Reed, George, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Reed, John, private, Nov. 2, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Reed, Jesse, private, Oct. 12,
1861, 3 years; died Mar. 12, 1864, at Vicksburg,
(?) Miss.
Robinson, Lorenzo, private, Oct. 12, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Robinson, Benjamin F., private, Oct. 5, 1861, 5
years; discharged Dec. 12, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Rhodes, Jacob, private, Feb. 22, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Rose, Daniel, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out May 29, 1869, at Washington, D. C., by
order of war department; veteran.
Richmond, Thomas, private, Oct. 27, 1861, 3
years; discharged Mar. 22, 1863, at Lake
Providence, La., on surgeon’s certificate of
Rhiad, John, private, Oct. 22, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 22, 1862, at Cincinnati, O.
Simmons, Frederick, private, Feb. 7,
1864, 3 years; mus. out with company July 10,
Page 106 -
Simmons, Thomas, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Spurgeon, Lemuel, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; died Dec. 9, 1863, at Vicksburg, Tenn.
Spurgeon, Jeremiah, private, Oct. 12,
1861, 3 years; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
Sworden, Harvey, private, Jan. 16, 1864,
3 years; died Sept. 7, 1864, at 17 the Army
Corps Hospital, Marietta, Ga.
Stout, George H., private, Dec. 8, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Spade, William H., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 27, 1862, at Napoleon, O.
George, private, Jan. 15, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Snyder, Noah, private, Jan. 15, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Snyder, John, private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3
years; veteran.
Sweet, Charles R., private, Jan. 15, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Stickler, Peter, private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3
years; discharged July 18, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Siford, Frederick, private, Oct. 7, 1861,
3 years; died May 27, 1863, near Vicksburg,
Miss, of wounds received May 22, in action near
Vicksburg, Miss.
Taylor, James, private, Nov. 9, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Trouby, Samuel, private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
Vonness, William G., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; discharged Aug. 25, 1862, at Bolivar,
Van Hyning, Julius, private, Nov. 13, 1861, 3
years; discharged July 18, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Willard, Samuel D., private, Sept. 9, 1863, 3
years; discharged July 18, 1865, at Finley
Hospital, Washington, D. C.
Willard, Elias, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
White, John M., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Withrow, John,
private, Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years; trans. to 103d
company, 2d battalion V. R. C., Nov. 22, 1863.
Whilton, Orrin S., private, Oct.
28, 1861, 3 years; also borne as Orrin S.
Whitten; discharged July 1, 1862, at
Columbus, O., on surgeon’s certificate of
Page 107 -
Company D, 68th Regiment -
Arthur C.
Crockett, captain, Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
appointed Nov. 21, 1861; promoted to major Feb.
26, 1864.
William F. Williams, captain, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; promoted from first-lieut. company A May
19, 1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1861.
Leverete G. Crandall, first lieut., Nov. 2,
1861, 3 years; appointed Nov. 21, 1861;
appointed regimental quartermaster Oct. 26,
Levi Coffman, first lieut., Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; appointed second lieut. Nov. 21, 1861;
promoted to first lieut. Nov. 21, 1862;
transferred to company B Mar. 3, 1863.
William Gilson, first lieut, Oct. 18, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861;
sergeant, Dec. 1, 1861; first sergeant, Dec. 16,
1863; wounded Aug. 31, 1864; promoted to first
lieut. Jan. 11, 1865; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Elias Rottinger, second lieut., Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; appointed sergeant from private Dec. 1,
1861; first sergeant May 1, 1862; promoted to
second lieut. Apr. 1, 1864; to captain company E
Nov. 26, 1864.
Michael Neff, first sergeant, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; appointed from private Dec. 1, 1861;
discharged Aug. 27, 1862, at Columbus O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Angelo Emery, first sergeant, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; sergeant
Dec. 16, 1863; first sergeant Jan. 27, 1865;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Rezen H. Moore, sergeant, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; appointed from private Dec. 1, 1861; mus.
out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Wesley Pontius, sergeant, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; appointed sergeant from private Dec. 1,
1861; mus. out July 15, 1865, at Washington, D.
C., by order of war department.
Henry De Long, sergeant, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; sergeant Oct.
12, 1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Levi Hoy, sergeant, Oct. 18, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; sergeant Oct.
12, 1864; mus out with company July 10, 1865;
Benjamin Parker, sergeant, Oct. 15, 1861, 3
years; appointed from private Dec. 1, 1861;
discharged by civil authority.
Jerry Hollinshead, sergeant, Nov. 6, 1861; 3
years; mus. as private; appointed sergeant;
wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss.; mus. out Dec. 15, 1864, near
Savannah, Ga., on expiration of term of service.
John W. Kelly, corporal, Oct. 21, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal, Dec. 1, 1861; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
John Getz, corporal, Dec. 7, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal, July 1, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Page 108 -
Frank W. Smith, corporal, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; mus. out
Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah, Ga., on expiration
of term of service.
William Booher, corporal, Oct. 21, 1861,
3 years; appointed corporal July 1, 1864; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Stephen Shartzer, corporal, Dec. 13,
1861, 3 years; appointed corporal July 1, 1864;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Eugene M. Rugg, corporal, Aug. 26, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal July 1, 1864; mus. out
May 29, 1865, at Washington, D. C, by order of
war department.
Samuel McConn, corporal, Nov. 11, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; died May 5,
1862, in general hospital at Keokuk, Ia.
Thomas Gilson, corporal, Oct. 25, 1861, 3
years; appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861;
discharged Apr. 15, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Charles Morey, corporal, Oct. 24, 1861, 3 years;
appointed corporal Dec. 1, 1861; died Aug. 23,
1863, in McPherson Hospital, Vicksburg, Miss, of
wounds received May 22, 1863, in action near
Vicksburg, Miss.
Andrews, John, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Altman, George, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3
years; absent, sick since May 30, 1865, at
Washington, D. C.; mus. out July 28, 1865, at
Cleveland, O., by order of war department;
Altman, Andrew, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Adams, Samuel L., private, Oct. 27, 1861,
3 years; transferred to non-commissioned staff;
no further record found.
Adams, Noah T., private, Mar. 18, 1863, 3 years;
prom. to first-lieut. 135th U. S.
Colored lnf.,
Mar. 27, 1865.
Bloomfield, John, private, Nov. 4, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10; veteran.
Beamen, Samuel, private, Mar. 2, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Bunting, Levi, private, Jan. 15, 1864, 3
years; trans. from company K June 29, 1864; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865.
Bonghna, Hacob, private, Feb. 29,
1864, 3 years; wounded Aug. 17, 1864, in action
near Atlanta, Ga.; disch. June 21, 1865, at
General Hospital, Cleveland, O.
Bowman, Frederick, private, Oct. 24,
1861, 3 years; trans. from company A; mus. out
Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Booher, George W., private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 1, 1862, in hospital at Cairo,
Page 109 -
Berry, Henry, private, Nov. 5, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 1, 1862, at Covington, Ky.
Brown, William H., private, Nov. 27, 1861, 3
years; disch. Dec. 13, 1862, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Babcock, James H., private, Dec. 12, 1861, 3
years; disch. Mar. 31, 1862, at Crump’s Landing,
Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of inability.
Bowker, Harman, private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3 years;
trans. to 126th company, ind. battalion Vet.
Reserve Corps Jan. 25, 1864.
Burgess, Owen, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.,
on expiration of time of service.
Crossman, Hiram, private, Oct. 18, 1861,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Crockett, John, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3 years;
wounded May 25, 1863, in action near Vicksburg,
Miss.; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Crockett, Jonathan, private, Oct. 27, 1861, 3
years; disch. Oct. 23, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.,
on surgeon’s certificate of inability.
Crockett, Eber, private. Oct. 26, 1861, 3 years;
died Sept. 22, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Churchill, James M., private, Jan. 15, 1861, 3
years; trans. from company K, June 29, 1864;
trans. to company K 6th V. R. C. Dec. 22, 1864;
mus. out July 26, 1865, at Cincinnati, O., by
order war department.
Dewell, Clark W., private, Feb. 23, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Dobbs, Judson, private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3 years;
trans. from company K June 29; mus. out June 19,
1865, at Columbus, O., by order of the war
Durbin, William, private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
on expiration of term of service.
Evans, Amos E., private, Feb. 23,
1864, 3 years; mus. out May 29, 1865, at
Columbus, O., by order of war department.
Emery, Nathaniel, private, Oct. 27, 1861,
3 years; died June 28, 1863, at Milliken’s Bend,
Eastman, G. C., private, Nov. 15, 1861, 3 years;
discharged Apr. 9, 1862, on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Edwards, Swuire C., private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3
years; disch. Nov. 24, 1862, at La Grange,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Ellis, William F., private, Oct. 20, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 25, 1863, in action near
Vicksburg, Miss; mus. out Dec. 19, near
Savannah, Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Freeman, Albert, private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 8, 1862, at Columbus, O.;
re-enlisted Dec. 1, 1863; wounded August 31,
1864, in battle of Jonesboro, Ga.; trans. to
company H, 6 Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 3, 1865;
mus. out July 23, 1865, at Johnson’s Island, O.,
by order war department.
Page 110 -
Fisher, Jacob, private, Mar. 23, 1864, 3
years; mustered out with company July 10, 1865.
Francis, William H. H., private, Feb. 29, 1864,
3 years; disch. May 2, 1865, at Columbus, O.,
for wounds received July 22, 1864, in battle of
Atlanta, Ga.
Frederick, John L., private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3
years; veteran.
Finigan, John, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3 years;
disch. Jan. 1, 1862, at Camp Latty, O.
Getz, Michael, private, Dec. 8, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 23, 1863, in action near
Vicksburg, Miss; mustered out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Gillette, Theodore, private, Feb. 27,
1864, 3 years; mus. out with company July 10,
Gilson, David, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 18, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Joseph, private, Nov. 7, 1861, 3 years;
discharged July 14, 1862, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Goon, Moses, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Hill, David, private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Haynes, William I., private, Dec. 5, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Hoffman, Sebastian W., private, Mar. 25, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with, company July 10, 1865.
Hughes, Evan M., private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3 years;
trans. from company K June 29, 1864, while
absent; died Apr. 23, 1864.
Hudson, Horace, private, Oct. 4, 1861, 3
years; disch. Dec. 21, 1862, at La Grange,
Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Hopkins, Phineas, private, Nov. 1, 1861,
3 years; discharged 1861, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Hamm, James, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; on muster roll, no further record found.
Haines, Orelious, private, Oct. 13, 1861,
3 years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.; mus. out to date Oct. 13,
1864, at Columbus, O., on expiration of term of
Harman, Jacob, private, Oct. I4, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 1, 1862, at Covington, Ky.
Harman, John, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savanah,
Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Hartman, Joseph, private, Oct. 18. 1861,
3 years; detached in 8th Ohio Battery June 1,
1862; mustered out Dec. 6, 1864, at Columbus, on
expiration, of term of service.
Page 111 -
Hoy, Daniel, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3 years;
disch. August 26, 1863, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon’s certificate of disability.
High, Johnson N., private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; discharged July 11, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Johnson, Joseph D., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Jones, William, private, Nov. 1, 1861, 3 years;
discharged, 1861, on surgeon’s certificate of
Kelley, James, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; disch. May 18, 1865, at Cleveland, O.,
from wounds received July 22, 1864, in battle at
Atlanta, Ga.; veteran.
Knapp, James H., private, Oct. 22, 1861, 3
years; trans. from company A ____; died Nov. 13,
1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Keek, George, private, Feb. 29, 1864, 3
years; trans. to Vet. Reserve Corps Jan. 10,
1865; mus. out July 20, 1865, at Indianapolis,
Ind., by order war department.
Kneule, William, private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; transferred from company F ____; disch.
Nov. 24, 1862, at La Grange, Tenn., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Lamphire, Austin, private, Nov. 25, 1861,
3 years; disch. May 9, 1862, at Shiloh, Tenn.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Love, Reuben, private, Mar. 3, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Losh, Daniel, private, Feb. 25, 1864, 3
years; died July 9, 1864, at Rome, Ga.
Long, William J., private, Nov. 16, 1861, 3
years; discharged May 9, 1862, at Shiloh, Tenn.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Morey, Albert, private, Mar. 29, 1864, 3
years; died Oct. 6, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga.
Morey, Justus, private, Oct. 13, 1861, 3
years; mustered out with company July 10, 1865;
Meech, Welcome, private, Oct. 20, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10,1865;
Marris, David, private, Dec. 1, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Marris, James, private, Feb. 25, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Maul, John, private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3
years; disch. ____, 1861, by civil authority.
Maul, John, private, Sept. 29, 1862, 3
years; died Feb. 5, 1864, at Clinton, Miss., of
wounds received in action same day.
Mayman, Robert, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; died Dec. 10, 1864, in rebel prison at
Andersonville, Ga.; veteran.
Page 112 -
Miller, Warren, private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah,
Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Miller, Eli, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 8, 1862, at Crump’s Landing, Tenn.
Myers, Lorenzo, private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3
years; discharged civil authority.
Ozier, Cyrus M., private, Feb. 17, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Osgood, Marquis, private, Feb. 29, 1864,
3 years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Overlightner, Jacob, private, Dec. 1,
1863, 3 years; died May 22, 1864 at Vicksburgh,
Overmire, Hiram, private, Oct. 16, 1861,
3 years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Ottman, George, private, Dec. 15, 1863, 3
years; mus. out July 28, 1865, at Camp
Cleveland, O., by order of war department.
Pontius, David, private, Oct. 29, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Palmer, William F., private, Dec. 2, 1861, 3
years; discharged Apr. 11, 1862 at Crump’s
Landing, Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of
Palmer, William F., private, Oct. 2, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Palmer, Rundle, private, Dec. 9, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Primmer, Lewis A., private, Feb. 8, 1864, 3
years; wounded Aug. 26, 1864, near Atlanta, Ga;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Parsons, Thomas, private, Feb. 17, 1864, 3
years; mus. out July 27, 1865, at Newark, N. J.,
by order of war department.
Parsons, William H., private, Feb. 17, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1864.
Patrick, Martin,
private, Feb. 18, 1864, 3 years; died June 30,
1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Pearse, Joseph, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3 years;
died May 12, 1863, at Grand Gulf, Miss.
Price, Allen, private, Mar. 29, 1864, 3 years;
died May 17, 1864, at Pulaski, Tenn., of
accidental injury received on railroad.
Packard, James, private, Nov. 1, 1861, 3
years; died Nov. 6, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Reed, Aaron, private, Dec. 31, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 4, 1862, at Camp Chase, O.
Reid, James, private, Dec. 22, 1863, 3
years; discharged June 7, 1864, to accept
promotion in 4th United States Heavy Artillery.
Page 113 -
Reeves, John H., private, Feb. 29, 1864, 3
years; died Nov. 9, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Rogers, James P., private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1866;
Reneule, William, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3
years; on mus. roll, no further record found.
Toberson, Chester, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; discharged ____, 1862, on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Rehl, John, private, Oct. 25, 1861, three years.
Stephens, Harman, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
George, private, Feb. 8, 1864, 3 years; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865.
Snide, Peter,
private, Mar. 22, 1864, 3 years; mus. out June
30, 1865 at Washington, D. C., by order of war
Smith, George, private, Mar. 6, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Slee, John, private, Dec, 13, 1861, 3 years;
discharged Nov. 10, 1862, at La Grange, Tenn.,
on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Saul, William, private, Feb. 29, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out June at Camp Chase, O., by order of war
Stockman, Frederick, private, Nov. 3,
1861, 3 years; discharged Nov. 12, 1862, at
Cincinnati, O., on surgeon’s certificate of
Spangler, Joseph, private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; discharged Dec. 1, 1861, at Napoleon,
O., by civil authority.
Spangler, Frederick, private, Dec. 14,
1861, 3 years; discharged June 18, 1862, at
Louisville, Ky., on surgeon’s certificate of
Stickley, Jacob, private, Oct. 14, 1861,
3 years; wounded May 22, 1863, in action near
Vicksburg, Miss.; mustered out Oct. 28, 1864, at
Chattanooga, Tenn., on expiration of term of
Snow, John, private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; discharged civil authority.
Slack, Wilbur G., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 16, 1863, in the battle of
Champion Hills, Miss; discharged May 21, 1864,
at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Seeling, Henry, private Nov. 22,1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec 19,1864, near Savannah, Ga.,
on expiration of term of service.
Tharp, Harrison, private, Feb. 8, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with companyJuly 10, 1865.
Van Pelt, George, W., private, Nov. 7, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah,
Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Wells, Robert, private, Nov. 10, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1862 at St. Louis, Mo.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Page 114 -
Wells, Joseph A.,
private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3 years; see Company B,
38th O. V. I.
Wolf, John G.
private, Nov. 3, 1861, 3 years; discharged Dec.
31, 1861, on surgeon's certificate of
Company E. -
Nelson A. Skeele, captain, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; appt. Dec. 1, 1861; killed July 22, 1864,
in battle of Atlanta, Ga.
Elias R. Ottinger,
captain, Oct. 11, 1861, 3 years; prom. from 2d
lieut., company D., Nov. 26, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Thomas T. Lamberg,
1st lieut., Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years; appt. Dec.
1, 1861; detached at brigade headquarters, June
27, 1865; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Bartlett, 2d lieut., Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years;
appt. Dec. 1, 1861; resigned Feb. 14, 1863.
Henderson J. Hunter,
2d lieut., Nov. 9, 1861, 3 years; prom. from
serg’t, company K., Apr. 14, 1863; trans. to
company I.
Harrison Highshew, 1st serg’t, Nov.
18, 1861, 3 years; mus. as private; appt. 1st
sergeant; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss; prom. to 1st lieut. Nov.
26, 1864, but not mus; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864,
near Savannah, Ga, on expiration of term of
Belding, 1st serg’t, Oct. 24, 1861, 3 years;
appt. serg’t Oct. 24, 1861; 1st serg't, Dec. 20,
1864; prom. to 1st lieut., company G., Jan. 11,
1865; veteran.
Enos M. Shaw,
1st serg’t, Oct. 22, 1861, 3 years; mus. as
private; appt. serg’t; wounded May 16, 1863, in
battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; appt. to 1st
serg't, Jan. 27, 1865; mus. out with company,
July 10, 1865.
William A. Ling,
serg’t, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years; mus. as private;
appt. serg’t, ___; mus. out with company, July
10, 1865, veteran.
Charles W. Cornell,
serg’t, Oct. 21, 1861, 3 years; appt. corporal;
serg't Oct. 1, 1864; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Miles W. Higgley,
serg’t, Dec. 5, 1861, 3 years; appt. corporal;
wounded May, 16, 1863 in battle of Champion
Hills, Miss; appt. serg’t Jan. 27, 1865; mus.
out with company, July 10, 1865; veteran.
John B. Stites,
serg’t Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years; appt. corporal,
Jan. 27, 1865; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
Edward Williams,
serg't Nov. 18, 1861, 3 years; appt. from
private Dec. 15, 1861; died Mar. 23, 1862, at
Savannah, Tenn.
Daniel Jones,
corp, Nov. 14, 1861, 3 years; appt. corp.__,
____; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Martin D. Palmer,
corp, Oct. 24, 1861, 3 years; appt. corp. Dec.
16, 1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Samuel Kelley,
corp., Nov. 4, 1861, 3 years; mus. in as
Samuel Kelly; appt. corp. Jan. 27,
1865; mus. Out with corp. July 10, 1865;
Page 115 -
Andrew J. Wheeler, corp., Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. Jan. 27, 1865; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Francis M. Barnes, corp. Oct. 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. __, ____; wounded May 16, 1863;
battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; mus. out Oct.
28, 1864, at Chattanooga, on expiration of term
of service.
Sanford, Reese,
corp., Oct. 21, 1861, 3 years; appt. corp. __,
____ mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., at expiration of term of service.
Andrew, Daniel, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 22, 1863, at Savannah, Tenn.
Austin, James C., private, Oct. 29, 1861, 3
years; disch. Nov. 1, 1862, at Detroit barracks,
Michigan, on surgeon’s certificate of
Barber, Oscar H., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Barber, Osmer, private, Dec. 5, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 25, 1862, in hospital at Savannah,
Samuel, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years;
died Sept. 3, 1862, in hospital at Bolivar,
Bayes, Thomas M., private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; disch. Oct. 30, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.,
by order of war department.
Burville, Judson, private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3
years; mus. out as Judson Burwell,
Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Burke, John, private, Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July 18, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Brink, Watson W., private, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; died Sept. 6, 1862 in hospital at
Bolivar, Tenn.
Baty, William C., private, Nov. 31, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll; never reported for
Call, Thomas J., private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; mus. in as Thomas I. Cole; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Connelly, Elisha C., private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Connelly, Andrew H., private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Connelly, John D., private, Dec. 25, 1863, 3
years; disch. May 18th, at Washington, D. C., on
surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Clark, William B., private, Oct. 7, 1863, 3
years; trans. to company C, 22d Veteran Reserve
Corps, Aug. 10, 1864; mus. out July 17, 1865, at
Camp Cleveland, O.
Cix, Straus, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years;
died June 4, 1864, in hospital at Vicksburg,
Creglow, Noah, private, Oct. 24,1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 20, 1862, at Crump’s Landing, Tenn.
Page 116 -
Oscar, private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3 years; disch. Feb. 1864,
to enlist in Battery 8th 1st Mich. L. Artillery.
Culbertson, Ithamer, private, Dec. 5,
1861, 3 years; prom. to principal musician Apr. 12, 1862.
Dickson, Charles, private, Oct. 14, 1861,
3 years; disch. Nov. 25, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo., on
surgeon's certificate of disability
Duke, Thomas, private, Nov, 7, 1861, 3
Duck, Than, private, Nov. 20, 1861, 3
Elsvort, Silvester, private, Oct. 23,
1861, 3 years; on muster-in roll, never reported for duty.
Emick, James P., private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; disch. Apr. 21, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Ford, Henry H., private, Feb. 8, 1865, 1 year;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Fowler, John, private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; disch. Dec. 15, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Fowler, Benjamin, private, Oct. 18, 1861,
3 years; disch. Jan. 3, 1863, at Columbus, O., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Foster, Thomas B., private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of term of service.
Fowty, Stephen, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
trans. to 141st company, 2d bat. vet. reserve corps July 25,
Graets, Francis G., private, Oct. 16, 1863, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
expiration of service.
Gilbreth, James, private, Nov. 31, 1861, 3
years; disch. Mar.6, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Gayler, James, private, Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
on muster in roll; never reported for duty.
Hall, Lewis, private, Feb. 8, 1865, 1 year; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865.
Hayward, Ralph D., private, Dec. 11, 1863, 3
years; trans. to vet. reserve corps Jan. 10, 1865; mus. out
July 20, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind., by order of war
Haverfield, James, private, Dec. 10, 1863, 3
years; killed July 22, 1864 in battle of Atlanta, Ga.;
Hart, Julius C., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; disch. Apr. 22, 1862, at Crump's Landing, Tenn.,-on
surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Higler, Austin, private,
Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years; died July 25, 1864, in 3d div.
hospital, 17th army corps near Atlanta, Ga.
Higley, Sheldon, private, Aug. 28, 1862,
3 years; disch. Sept. 20, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Higby, William, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 5, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn.
Page 117 -
Higby, Elisha, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 2, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Hutchins, Meredy, private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 14, 1862, at Savannah, Tenn.
Hoffmire, John, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 25, 1862, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Hale, Smith, private, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; died Oct. 8, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Hone, Daniel H., private, Nov. 20, 1861, 3
years; disch. __, ____, on surgeon's certificate
of disability.
Kelley, John, private, Dec. 8, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Lingle, Elmore Y., private, Feb. 7, 1865, 1
year; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Lingle, Oscar B., private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Lyons, Elias, private, Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 31, 1862, at Camp Chase,
Columbus, O., on surgeon's certificate of
Lyons, Sylvester, private, Nov. 2, 1861,
3 years; died Oct. 15, 1862, in hospital at
Jackson, Tenn.
Loozer, John I., private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3
years; died June 17, 1862, at Wauseon, O.
Longer, George, private, Nov. 23, 1861, 3
Larimer, Linos L., private, Oct. 21,
1861, 3 years; mus. in as Linos Larmar;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Matteson, George F., private, Dec. 8, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Markly, George H., private, Dec. 17, 1863, 3
years; died May 19, 1865, at Findley Hospital,
Washington, D. C.
Moyer, Daniel, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; died May 20, 1862, in hospital at
Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.
Mily, Benjamin, private, Dec. 5, 1861, 3
years; disch. May 3, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Mikesell, John B., private, Dec. 5, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 11, 1862, at Fort Donelson,
Osborn, George, private, Dec. 5, 1861, 3
years; disch. Apr. 21, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.,
on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Oldfield, Gilbert, private, Dec. 5, 1861,
3 years; disch. Oct. 17, 1862, at Bolivar,
Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Pennel, John, private, 3 years; mus. out
with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Purdy, Alfred, private, Feb. 4, 1862, 3
years; mus. out Feb. 3, 1865, at
Beaufort, S. C., on expiration of term of
Page 118 -
Purdy, John, private, Feb. 4, 1862, 3 years;
mus. out Feb. 3, 1865 at Beaufort, S. C., on
expiration of term of service.
Pomeroy, Timothy, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; disch. Aug. 14, 1863, at St. Louis, Mo.,
for wounds received May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.
Richards, Wilson S., private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3
years; mus. in as Richard Wilson, mus out
with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Richards, Israel, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 14, 1862, at Cairo, Ill.
Richards, Curtiss, private, Feb. 2 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Reese, Charles M., private, Oct. 20, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Radcliff, Thomas,
private, Jan. 14, 1862, 3 years; disch. Feb. 10,
1865, at Columbus, O., on surgeon's certificate
of disability.
Roasner, Daniel, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah,
Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Rogers, George W., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 15, 1862, at Mound City, Ill.
Reeder, David, private, Nov. 18, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 25, 1862, at Keokuk, Ia.
Somer, Edward, private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.,
on expiration of term of service.
Somers, Martin, private, May 4, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Sweeney, Elijah, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
Shellenberger, Daniel, private, Jan. 1, 1862, 3
years; mus. out Jan. 10, 1865, by order of war
Shellenberger, Nicholas, private, Dec. 5, 1861,
3 yeas; disch. July 24, 1862, at Columbus, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Shank, Henry H., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; disch. Jan. 29, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Silsbee, Morris, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 25, 1862, at Keokuk, Ia.
Stites, Alonzo, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3 years;
died May 28, 1862, at Camp Dennison, O.
Swartz, David, private, Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
died Sept. 18, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Stewart, James C., private, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; disch. Apr. 21, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Page 119 -
Sloan, Wilson, private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3 years.
Stilwell, Oliver, private, Oct. 30, 1861, 3
Spencer, Daniel C., private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3
years; disch. Feb. 14, 1863, at Colubus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Spencer, Allen H., private, Oct. 4, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 24, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Sisco, John, private, Dec. 5, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July, 1862, at Columbus, O., on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Strictcraub, Christ, private, Nov. 1, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll, never reported for
Terpening, William H., private, Oct. 7, 1863, 3
years; mus. out of company, July 10, 1863.
Taylor, Hiram,
private, Nov. 23, 1861, 3 years; disch. Apr. 11,
1862, at Crump's Landing, Tenn., on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Taylor, Edward,
private, Nov. 15, 1861, 3 years.
Woodworth, James O., private, Jan. 14, 1864, 3
years; killed July 22, 1864, in battle of
Atlanta, Ga.
Wilcox, Anza, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 10, 1862, at Savannah, Tenn.
Warner, Dexter, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.,
on expiration of term of service.
Warner, Orrin B., private, Sept. 1, 1862,
3 years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.; trans. to 4th Veteran
Res. Corps. Feb. 11, 1864; mus. out July 12,
1865, at Milwaukee, Wis.
Williams, Walker, private, Oct. 28, 1861, 3
years; died May 23, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Waters, William A., private, Nov. 2, 1861, 3
years; died Nov. 16, 1861.
Weaver, Michael, private, Nov. 19, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll; never reported for
Company F. -
Wesley W. Bowen, captain, Oct. 3, 1861, 3
years; appt. Dec. 17, 1861 mus. out Dec. 25,
1864, at Savannah, Ga., on expiration of term of
Milton Stout, captain, Oct. 26, 1861, 3 years;
mus. in as private; appt. serg't Dec. 20, 1861;
1st serg't Jan. 1, 1863; prom. to serg't-maj.
Apr. 30, 1864; to captain Jan. 11, 1865; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
James Lannen, first lieut. Oct. 10, 1861, 3
years; appt. Dec. 17, 1861; prom. to captain
Feb. 26, 1864; not mus.; mus. out Dec. 20, 1864,
at Savannah, Ga., on expiration of term of
Jasper H. Smith,
first lieut., Oct. 23, 1861, 3 years; mus. as
private; appt. serg't __, ____; first serg't
Apr. 30, 1864; prom. to first lieut. Jan. 11,
1865; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Andrew Jackson, second lieut., Oct. 10, 1862, 3
years; prom. to first lieut. and adj. July 5,
Page 120 -
Henry Welty, second lieut., Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; appt. first serg't from private Dec. 20,
1861; prom. to 2d lieut .July 5, 1862; to 1st
lieut company A, Feb. 26, 1864.
George W. Scott, first serg't, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; mus. as private; appt. serg't __, ____;
first serg't Jan. 27, 1865; prom. to second
lieut. Jan. 11, 1865; not mus.; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Remus Howard, serg't, Nov. 21, 1861, 3 years;
mus. as private; appt. serg't; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
John W. Leach, serg't, Oct. 11, 1861, 3 years;
mus. as private; appt. serg't __, ____; mus. out
with company July 10, 1865.
Abraham V. Wilson, serg't, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. __, ____ serg't Apr. 30,
1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
William Moore, serg't, Dec. 5, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. __, ____; serg't Jan. 27, 1865; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Robert Wheeler, corp.., Oct. 9, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. June 1, 1864; mus out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
John A. Brubaker, corp., Oct. 9, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. June 1, 1864; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
Samuel W. May, corp., Jan. 1, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. June 1, 1864; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
William Mollett,
corp., Nov. 25, 1861, 3 years; appt. corp. June
1, 1864; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
David Schleiser, corp., Oct. 14, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. __, ____; mus. out June 23, 1865, at
Camp Dennison, O., by order of war department;
Brennan, corp., Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp.__, ____; wounded May 16, 1863, in
battle of Campion Hills, Miss.; died May 6,
1864, at Monroeville, Huron county, O.; veteran.
Agler, George W., private, Jan. 1, 1862, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Adams, Lorenzo, private, Mar. 8, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Adams, Samuel R. private, Oct. 17, 1861, 3
years; prom. to quartermaster-sergeant Nov. 20,
Albough, John,
private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3 years; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Berry, Henry,
private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3 years; trans. to
company D.
Boorman, Isaac H., private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3
years; died May 17, 1862, at Camp Pea Ridge,
Brackan, Frederick, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; trans. to company A.
Bullen, Ignatius L., private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Page 121 -
Bowen, Jesse P., private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Burbaker, William D., private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
years; disch. Jan. 13, 1863, at Jackson, Tenn.,
on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Levi H., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Burbaker, Francis M., private, Oct. 9, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Braily, David C., private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Jan. 11, 1865, at Nashville,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Biglow, James L., private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Biglow, Edward A., private, Dec. 31, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Barnhart, Edward, private, Oct. 8, 1861,
3 years; died Aug. 29, 1863, in hospital at
Keokuk, Ia.
Barnhart, George, private, Oct. 19, 1863,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Barnhart, John, private, Dec. 1, 1861, 3
years; transferred to 8th Ohio battery, Jan 1,
1864; veteran.
Breachisen, Lewis, private, Sept. 6,
1862, 3 years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle
of Champion Hills, Miss; mus. out May 29, 1865
at Washington, D. C., by order of war
Bruner, John L., private, Oct. 10, 1863,
3 years; died July 12, 1864, in field hospital
at Rome, Ga.
Babcock, Solomon, private, Nov. 12, 1861,
3 years; discharged Dec. __, 1861, on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Baker, Charles, private, Dec. 3, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 31, 1862, at Crump’s Landing,
Bailey, Philander, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 31, 1862, at hospital in
Cincinnati, O.
Carr, Samuel, private, Nov. 27, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Clark, Hiram, private, Aug. 30, 1862, 3
William, private, Dec. 8, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Cooper, Charles, private, March 11, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Cole, Newton, private, Nov. 30, 1861, 3
years; (?) transferred to signal corps Sept. 7,
Chester, Burget, private, Dec. 12, 1861, 3
years; discharged June 20, 1862, at Louisville,
Ky., on surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Page 122 -
Day, William, private, Nov. 29, 1861, 3
years; died Feb. 3, 1862, at Camp Chase, O.
Davison, William, private, Nov. 8, 1861,
3 years; discharged Dec. __, 1861, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Durbin, Rodney C., private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Dodd, William, private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3
years; died Oct. 12, 1862, at Jackson, Tenn.
Dikeman, Christian, private, Oct. 19,
1861, 3 years; died July 9, 1862, at Bolivar,
Tenn. _
Peter, private, Nov. 5, 1861, 3 years;
died Apr. 3, 1862, in general hospital,
Cincinnati, O.
Emery, John G., private, Nov. 19, 1861, 3 years;
discharged July 5, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon’s certificate of disability.
Fleming, Michael, private, June 1, 1862,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Flenner, Frank, private, Oct. 29, 1861, 3
years; promoted to com. serg’t Dec. 25, 1864;
Fuller, Frank M., private, Oct. 15, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 10, 1862, at
Crump’s Landing, Tenn. -
Feeny, Michael, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 29, 1864, at
Chattanooga, Tenn., 011 expiration Of term of
Gunn, Julian H., private, Oct. 18, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 16, 1863,
in battle of Champion Hills, Miss; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865;
Griffley, Leo, private, Feb. 28, 1864, 3
years; discharged June 13, 1864, 3 years;
discharged June 13, 1864, at Jefferson Barracks,
St. Louis, on surgeon‘s certificate of
Grim, Jacob F., private, Oct. 10, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 10, 1862, on board steamer on
Tennessee River.
Grabel, George, private, Oct. 21, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 29, 1862, at Crump’s Landing,
Groshner, Frederick, private, Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years; killed May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.
Hopkins, George W., private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 26, 1863, in action in rear
of Vicksburg, Miss; mus. out with company, July
10, 1865; veteran.
Hartman, Watson, private, Oct. 11, 1861,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865,
Hughes, Cyrus, private, May 7, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Hughes, James R., private, Jan. 21, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Page 123 -
Hileman, Jacob, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; discharged enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865.
Howard, Samuel F., private, May 7, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Hague, James B., private, Mar. 3, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Harper, Hiram, private, Jan. 2, 1864, 3
years; died Sept. 2, 1864, in field hospital at
Atlanta, Ga.
Heath, Alvero, private, Oct. 7, 1861, 3
years; mus. in as Alvin Heath;
died Mar. 7, 1865, at home in Henry county, O.;
Heath, John F., private, Nov. 2, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Nov. 10, 1864, at Columbus, O., on
expiration of term of service.
Houston, Jeremiah, private, Oct. 9, 1861, 3
Hartley, Samuel, private, Oct. 20, 1861, 3
Herrick, Egbon O., private, Oct. 6, 1861, 3
years; discharged Feb. 16, 1863, at Overton
hospital, Memphis, Tenn., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Homan, Samuel, private, Nov. 27, 1861, 3
years; discharged Sept. 17, 1862, at Columbus,
O. on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Jones, John, private, Oct. 19, 1865, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 29, 1864; mus. out Oct. 29,
1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on expiration of
term of service.
Jones, Allen, private, Oct. 19, 1865, 3
years; discharged July 15, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Kaylor, Samuel, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company, July 10, 1865;
Kannerst, August, private, Oct. 10, 1861,
3 years; mus. in as August Kahnast;
discharged July 25, 1862, at Columbus, O.;
re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865.
King, Oliver, private, Apr. 20, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Krisinger, Joseph, private, Oct. 7,
1861, 3 years; died Mar. 12, 1862, at Mound
City, Ill.
Kneule, William, private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; transferred to company D.
Lewis, Joseph J., private Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years;
captured Feb. 10, 1864, at Morton, Miss; mus.
out June 16, 1865, at Camp Chase, O.; veteran.
Lowry, George 0., private, Sept. 29, 1863, 3 years;
mus. in as George O’Lary; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Limestall, Joseph, private, Nov. 27,
1863, 3 years; killed Aug. 4, 1864, in action
near Atlanta, Ga.; veteran.
McCullough, James, private, Oct. 18,
1865, 3 years; discharged March 26, 1863, at
Memphis, Tenn., on surgeon’s certificate of
disability; re-enlisted Dec. 15, 1863;
discharged May 30, 1865, at Camp Dennison, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Page 124 -
McBlaine, John, private, Jan. 5, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10,1865.
Morrison, John, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Morrison, George, private, Feb. 21, 1865,
1 year; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
May, Harrison T., private, Oct. 8, 1861,
3 years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Morrow, John D., private, Dec. 2, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out June 3, 1865, at N. Y. City by order of
War Department.
Morse, Curtiss L., private, Mar. 8, 1865, 1
year; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Miller, Ferdinand, private, Oct. 8, 1861,
3 years; died Oct. 23, 1864, in general hospital
at Rome, Ga.; veteran.
Murphey, John, private, Nov. 2, 1861,
3 years; discharged Oct. 17, 1862, at Bolivar,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Marlow, Christoff, private, Nov. 12,
1861, 3 years; discharged July 25, 1862, at
Columbus, O., on surgeon’s certificate of
Mall, John, private, Oct, 22, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 7, 1862, in general hospital,
Savannah, Tenn.
Myerholtz, Henry, private, Oct. 30, 1861,
3 years; discharged Jan. 22, 1863, at
Cincinnati, O., on surgeon’s certificate of
Newell, Ira, private, Oct. 18, 1863, 3
years; trans to 97th co. 2d Battalion Veteran
Reserve Corps Sept. 28, 1863.
Parry, John G., private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3 years;
promoted to hospital steward Oct. 23, 1863.
Pearce, Albert, private, Nov. 28, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Parmer, Jacob W., private, Mar. 1, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Paul, William P., private, Sept. 29, 1864, 1
year; drafted; discharged Aug. 31, 1865, at
Washington, D. C., on surgeon's certificate of
Potter, Alexander, private, Feb. 29, 1864, 3
years; discharged May 16, 1865, at McDougal
Hospital, New York Harbor, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Robison, Jeremiah, private, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Rapp, Jacob, private, Dec. 1, 1861, 3
years; discharged June 10, 1862, on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Reynolds, Charles E., private, Jan. 5, 1862, 3
years; promoted to q. m. s. Apr. 20, 1863.
Page 125 -
Sisler, Stephen, private, Oct. 15, 1861,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Stephens, John, private, Oct. 11, 1861, 3
years; mus. in as John Stiffens;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
John, private, Oct. 26, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Schaaf, Peter, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865, as
Peter Schawf; veteran.
Squires, Mortimer, private, Oct. 26,
1861, 3 years; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
Smith, James O., private, Dec. 2, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July I0, 1865.
Smith, James S., private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3
years; died May 8, 1862, at Covington, Ky.
Smith, James A., private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Oct. 29,1864, at Chattanooga, on
expiration of term of service.
Sheffield, Byron E., private, Feb. 23, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Seibert, Anthony G., private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; killed June 22, 1864, in action near
Kenesaw Mountain, Ga; veteran.
Sinkep, John, private, Oct. 8, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 29, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Sinkey, William, private, Oct. 29, 1861,
3 years; discharged Jan. 24, 1864, at Vicksburg,
Miss., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Shinneman, Adam, private, Oct. 16, 1861,
3 years; discharged Aug. 2, 1862, at Columbus,
O., by order of war department.
Steedman, George, M. D., private, Dec. 7,
1861, 3 years.
Telliga, Jerome, private, Jan. 28, 1864,
3 years; discharged June 8, 1865, on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Thompson, George W., private, Jan. 9, 1862, 3
years; captured Mar. 1, 1865, near Black Creek,
South Carolina; mus. out June 19, 1865, at Camp
Chase, O., by order of war department; veteran.
Vanness, Comfort J., private, Oct. 16, 1861, 3
Walters, William, private, Oct. 23, 1863,
3 years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Young, Reuben, private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; discharged Aug. 11, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Company G. - William C. Comstock,
captain, Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years; appointed Dec.
18, 1861; resigned Nov. 22, 1862.
John C. Harmon, captain, Oct. 5, 1861, 3 years;
promoted from 1st lieut., company B, Nov. 23,
1862; mus. out Oct. 28, 1864, on expiration of
term of service.
Page 126 -
Joseph Ice, captain, Oct. 7, 1861, 3 years;
promoted from 2d lieut., Co. B, Nov. 26, 1864;
mus. out with company, July 10, 1865.
Robert Matthews, 1st lieut., Oct. 10.,
1861, 3 years; appt. Dec. 18, 1861; promoted to
captain, company B, May 9, 1864.
Mortimer Belding, 1st lieut., Oct. 24,
1861, 3 years; promoted from 1st serg’t, company
E., Jan. 11, 1865; mus. out with company, July
10, 1865; veteran.
Alexander Boyd, 2d lieut., Oct. 10, 1861,
3 years; appt. Dec. 18, 1861; resigned Aug. 15,
Lay W. Richardson, 2d lieut., Oct. 10, 1861, 3
years; appt. serg't from private, Dec. 20, 1861;
1st serg't, July 14, 1862; promoted to 2d lieut.
Aug 15, 1862; to 1st lieut., May 9, 1864 but not
mustered; mus. out Jan. 3, 1865, on expiration
of term of service.
Henry Rust, 1st serg’t, Nov. 27, 1861, 3
years; mustered as private; appointed 1st serg’t
Dec. 20, 1861; discharged July 17, 1862, at
Grand Junction, Tenn., on surgeon's certificate
of disability.
Chandler I. Richmond, 1st serg’t, Oct. 19, 1861,
3 years; mus. as private; appt. serg’t Dec. 20,
1861; 1st serg't Jan. 5, 1863; wounded May 16,
1863, in battle of Champion Hills, Miss, died
July 1st, 1863, at Evansville, Ind.
John D. Travis, 1st serg’t, Nov. 17, 1861, 3
years; appt. corporal Jan. __, 1863; 1st.
serg’t, Sept. __, 1863; promoted to captain,
company I, Jan. 11, 1865; veteran.
William Glime, 1st serg’t, Dec. 1, 1861,
3 years; appt. corporal Dec. 20, 1861; serg't
July 28, 1862; 1st serg’t Jan. 27, 1865, mus.
out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Pope Gordon, serg't, Oct. 27, 1861, 3
years; appt. corporal Dec. 20, 1861, serg’t,
Apr. 1, 1863; mus. out with company July 10,
1865; veteran.
William B. Smith, serg't, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; appt. corporal Dec. 24, 1862; serg’t Apr.
11, 1863; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
Abram E. Neer, serg’t, Dec. 3, 1861, 3 years;
appt. corp. Apr. 1, 1863; wounded May 16, 1863,
in battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; appt.
serg't, Nov. 1, 1864; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Joshua Shellhart, serg't, Nov. 12, 1861,
3 years; appt. corp. Nov. 1, 1863; serg’t Jan.
27, 1865; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
James W. Clark, serg’t, Oct. 16, 1861, 3 years;
mus. as private; appt serg't; mus. out Oct. 29,
1864. at Chattanooga, Tenn., on expiration of
term of service.
James M. Haguerman, serg't, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. Dec. 20, 1861; serg’t May 1,
1862; died June 10, 1862, at Pittsburgh Landing,
Benjamin Sincox, serg‘t, Oct. 15, 1861;
mus. as private; appt. serg't Dec. 20, 1861;
disch. Nov. 11, 1862, at La Grange, Tenn., on
surgeon’s certificate
Page 127 -
Samuel Miller, corp., Nov. 22, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. July 7, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Adam Shaffer, corp., Nov. 12, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. July 7, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Riley Shaffer, corp., Nov. 11, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp; mus. out Dec. 9, 1864, near
Savannah, Ga., on expiration of term of service.
William S. Willeman, corp., Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. July 7, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Isaiah Shull, corp., Nov. 1, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. Oct. 22, 1864; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Elmer Cohow, corp., Jan., 1862, 3 years;
appt. corp. Jan. 27, 1865; mus. out with company
July 10, 1865; veteran.
George T. Shadford, corp., Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; appt. corp. Dec. 7, 1861; disch. May 9,
1862, at St. Louis, Mo., on surgeon’s
certificate of disability.
Arch, Joseph, private, Nov. 15, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 24, 1862, at Savannah, Tenn.
Allman, George, private, Nov. 3, 1861, 3
years; died June 20, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing,
Arnold, George D., private, Dec. 13, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 23, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Ayres, Oscar, private, Nov. 7, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 5, at Savannah, Tenn.
Bear, Samuel, private, Oct. 10, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Bennit, James G., private, March 10, 1863. 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Baltozer, John H., private, Dec. 24, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Bundy, Isaac, private, Oct. 10, 1862, 3
years; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps June 3, 1865;
mus. out Aug. 3, 1865, at Jackson, Mich., by O.
W. D.
Bunday, Jacob, private, Oct. 10, 1863, 3
years; died Nov. 22, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Bundy, Eli M., private, Oct. 9, 1861, 3 years;
died July 16, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Blackman, Ransom G., private, Nov. 6, 1861, 3
years; died May 11, 1862, at Cincinnati, O.
Beatty, William C., private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3
years; died Apr. 16, 1862, in hospital at St.
Louis, Mo.
Clark, Perry W., private, Oct. 12, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865;
Cox, John, private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Page 128 -
Clay, Samuel, private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Clay, Jeremiah, private, Feb. 15, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Crall, John H., private, Dec. 22, 1863, 3 years;
died Aug. 27, 1864, at Marietta, Ga.
Comens, John, private, Jan. 3, 1864, 3 years;
mus. in as John Curinims; died May 29,
1864, at his home in Ohio.
Coon, Harmon private, Nov. 3, 1861, 3 years;
disch. by civil authority.
Culbertson, William, private, Nov. 7,
1861, 3 years.
Crane, Edward I., private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
yeas; disch. Mar. 22, 1862, at Crump's Landing,
Tenn., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Curtis, Orlando, private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
years; mustered out Nov. 11, 1864, at Columbus,
O., on expiration of term of service.
Couts, Peter, private, Dec. 6, 1861, 3
years; disch. Sept. 11, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Connelly, William, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3
years; died Nov. 18, 1863, at McPherson's
Hospital, Vicksburg, Miss.
Coe, William L., private, Dec. 6, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 23, 1862, at Savannah, Tenn.
Chamberlain, John E., private, Jan. 7, 1864, 3
years; drowned in Ohio River, near Louisville,
Des Granges, Daniel, private, Dec. 23, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Diemer, Frederick, private, Jan. 13, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Dillon, Charles R., private, Dec. 20, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 26, 1862.
Dillon, Carlisle, private, Dec. 20, 1861, 3
years; died Sept. 15, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Esterline, Henry J., private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Eaton, Frank, private, Jan. 1, 1862, 3 years;
mus out June 27, 1865, at Columbus, O., by order
of War Department.
Eaton, Azur, private, Oct. 25, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July 24, 1865, at Cincinnati, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Evers, Joseph, private, Jan. 27, 1864, 3 years;
disch. June 26, 1865, at Cleveland, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Emery, Robert G., private, Oct. 3, 1861, 3
years; disch. Dec. 17, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Ennis, Jacob, private, Nov. 5, 1861, 3 years;
disch. June 55,* 1862, at Columbus, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
* SHARON WICK'S NOTE: This is how it was
written in this volume.
Page 129 -
Fryed, George D., private, Jan. 26, 1684, 3
years; died Aug. 19, 1864, at Marietta, Ga.
Ferguson, William, private, Nov. 16, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 15, 1862, in hospital at
Paducah, Ky.
Fulke, Jacob, private, Nov. 25, 1861, 3
years; disch. Aug. 9, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Forrester, Luther, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3
years; disch. Aug. 2, 1862, at Columbus, on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Gerver, Jacob R., private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Greek, Joseph, private, Dec. 25, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Gifford, Charles,
private, Jan. 25, 1864, 3 years; mus. out May
21, 1865, at Cleveland, O., by order of war
Gleason, Nelson,
private, Nov. 12, 1861, 3 years; died Mar. 1,
1863, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo.
Gorsuch, Thomas, private, Oct. 22, 1861, 3
years; disch. Nov. 7, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Gilbert, William, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll, no further record
Gilbert, Austin, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3 years;
disch. June 26, 1862, at Camp Chase, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Harbaugh, John, private, Nov. 7, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Hammond, John M., private, Dec. 23, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Honicl?, Otto,
private, Jan. 13, 1864, 3 years; mus. out with
company July 10, 1865.
Hames, Ephraim, private, Jan. 27, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company K, July 10, 1865.
Haight, David, private, Jan. 21, 1862, 3 years;
disch. Jan. 31, 1865, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Hutchinson, James, private, Jan. 7, 1864, 3
years; died Apr. 7, 1864, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Hamblin, Anson,
private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3 years.
Hamblin, Benjamin, private, Nov. 12, 1861, 2
years; disch. June 19, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Haller, Benjamin, private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
Haguerman, Nathaniel, private, Nov. 18, 1861, 3
years; disch. __, 1864, by civil authority.
Haguerman, William, private, Nov. 9, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Dec. 19, 1864, near Savannah,
Ga., on expiration of term of service.
Page 130 -
Hager, Christopher, private, Nov. 20, 1861, 3
Haguerman, ABram, private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
Jayne, Ebenezer,
private, Jan. 13, 1864, 3 years; disch. June 6,
1865, at St. Louis, Mo., on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Johnson, Salander, private, Nov. 22, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July 12, 1862, at Detroit, Mich., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Jackson, William
C., private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3 years; died
Mar. 3, 1862, at hospital in St. Louis, Mo.
Kennedy, James, private, Mar. 4, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Kinsey, Moses, private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Kunkel, Benjamin E., private, Dec. 23, 1863, 3
years; killed July 22, 1864, in battle of
Atlanta, Ga.
Kirkenberry, John M., private, Nov. 14, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll, no further records
Kewley, William, private, Oct. 30, 1861, 3
years; wounded May 16, 1863, in battle of
Champion Hills, Miss.; died __, ____, at
Memphis, Tenn.
Lesh, Charles H., private, Nov. 3, 1861,
3 years; disch. May 1, 1862, at Benton Barracks,
St. Louis, Mo.
Leonard, Albert, private, Nov. 10, 1861, 3
years; disch. Jan. 13, 1863, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Lindlay, Nathan, private, Oct. 24, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 7, 1862, at Camp Chase, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Moore, William, private, Oct. 31, 1861, 3 years;
died July 3 1864, at Atlanta, Ga.,
Miller, David, private, Nov. 23, 1861, 3 years;
disch. Nov. 8, 1863, at La Grange, Tenn., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Miller, Frederick, private, Nov. 12, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 8, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Miller, Henry, private, Nov. 22, 1861, 3 years;
died Nov. 20, 1862, in Henry county, O.
Miller, George, private, Nov. 22, 1861, 3 years;
died Sept. 16, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Morris, Solon, private, Dec. 11, 1861, 3 yeas;
died Sept. 15, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Norrick, Samuel, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3 years;
died Dec. 8, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Page 131 -
Osmond, John, private, Dec. 4, 1861, 3 years;
disch. Dec. 20, 1864, at Camp Dennison, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Pyle, Ephraim, private, Jan. 20, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Porter, Edmund R., private, Dec. 7, 1863, 3
years; mus. in as Edward R. Porter; mus.
out with company July 10, 1865.
Porter, Joseph, private, Nov. 26, 1861, 3 years;
prom. to chaplain 61st U. S.
Colored Infantry
Aug. 27, 1863.
Porter, John F., private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3 years;
disch. Nov. 3, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Palmer, James, private, Nov. 26, 1861, 3 years;
died Mar. 18, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Page, James D., private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3 years;
disch. June 28, 1862, at Camp Chase, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Page, Nathaniel, private, Oct. 19, 1861, 3
years; mus. out Oct. 29, 1864, at Chattanooga,
Tenn., on expiration of term of service.
Rasley, Solomon, private, Oct. 10, 1862, 3
years; died Jan. 31, 1865, at Jeffersonville,
Remo, John, private, Oct. 23, 1861, 3 years;
mus. in as John Remmes; wounded May 16,
1863, in battle of Champion Hill, Miss.; us. out
with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Remo, Frederick, private, Oct. 10, 1862, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Rosey, Joseph, private, Oct. 25, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Richardson, Myron private, Mar. 4, 1863, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Roub, Michael, private, Dec. 30, 1863, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Rhodes, William, private, Jan. 27, 1864, 3
years; died Sept. 12, 1864, at Marietta, Ga.
Rogers, Lewis, private, Nov. 7, 1861, 3 years;
died Oct. 8, 1862, at Bolivar, Tenn.
Rogers, John, private, Nov. 8, 1861, 3 years;
died Oct. 5, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss.
Rogers, Elmore, private, Nov. 28, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out Dec. 1, 1864, at Columbus, O., on
expiration of term of service.
Randall, Leonard A., private, Nov. 9, 1861, 3
years; on muster in roll, never reported for
Rosse, Joseph, private Oct. 25, 1861, 3 years;
mus. out with company July 10, 1865; veteran.
Stoutsenberger, Daniel R., private, Nov. 8,
1861, 3 years; mus. in as David R.
Stolzenberger; mus. out with company July
10, 1865; veteran.
Page 132 -
Shaffer, Henry B., private, Jan. 3, 1864, 3
years; mustered out with company July 10, 1865.
Shaffer, Henry,
private, Mar. 4, 1863, 3 years; mustered out
with company July 10, 1865.
Stilwell, William H., private, Mar. 28, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Shelhart, William, private, Dec. 31, 1863, 3
years; disch. May 3, 1865, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Shelhart, Christian, private, Dec. 30, 1863, 3
years; died July 29, 1864, at Marietta, Ga., of
wounds received in action.
Shellhart, Daniel, private, Jan. 4, 1864, 3
years; mus. out May 25, 1865, at McDougal
Hospital, New York Harbor by order of war
Spencer, Allen H., private, Jan. 4, 1863, 3
years; disch. Aug. 12, 186, at Cleveland, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Spencer, Daniel, private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3
years; trans to Veteran Reserve Corps Apr. 6,
Spencer, William H., private, Nov. 15, 1861, 3
years; disch. June 26, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Snider, Jacob, private, Sept. 21, 1862, 3 years;
captured Nov. 13, 1864, at Kingston, Ga.; disch.
June 26, 1865, at Columbus, O., on surgeon's
certificate of disability.
Snider, Thomas c., private, Nov. 15, 1861, 3
years; disch. Sept. 24, 1862, at Cincinnati, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Sloan, Joseph B., private, Oct. 14, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 16, 1863, at Cincinnati, O.,
on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Scott, Caleb, private, Nov. 23, 1861, 3 years;
disch. Dec. 10, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Thorp, James R., private, Nov. 10, 1861, 3
years; mus. out with company July 1, 1865;
Thompson, David,
private, Jan. 25, 1864, 3 years; disch. Nov. 2
1864, at Cleveland, O., on surgeon's certificate
of disability.
Taylor, Allen, private, Nov. 20, 1861, 3 years;
disch. July 30, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Thomas, Roger W., private, Nov. 19, 1861, 3
years; discharged June 23, 1862, at Columbus,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Tremain, Andrew I., private, Nov. 16, 1861, 3
years; disch. July 12, 1862, at Columbus, O., on
surgeon's certificate of disability.
Terrill, Charles, private, Nov. 17, 1861, 3
years; on muster-in roll; never reported for
Utter, Joseph, private, Jan. 21, 1864, 3 years;
died May 21, 1864, at St. Louis, Mo.
Vanarsdalen, William, private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3
years; died June 10, 1864 at Madison, Ind.
Page 133 -
Vanarsdalen, Cornelius, private, Jan. 18, 1864,
3 years; mustered out with company July 10,
Wyrick, Michael, private, Feb. 15, 1864, 3
years; mus. out June 26, 1865, at Washington, .
C., by order of war department.
Wyrick, George W., private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Wallace, George W., private, Jan. 18, 1864, 3
years; mus. out with company July 10, 1865.
Wolverton, John A., private, Nov. 19, 1861, 3
years; disch. Nov. 2, 1864, at Camp Dennison,
O., on surgeon's certificate of disability.
Weaver, Solomon, private, Nov. 31, 1861, 3
years; died Feb. 23, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Weaver, Frederick, private, Nov. 16, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 1, 1862 at St. Louis, Mo.
Yoing, William H., private, Nov. 11, 1861, 3
years; died Mar. 25, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.
Yoha, William H., private, Jan. 12, 1864, 3
years; died Aug. 4, 1864, at Marietta, Ga.
Zook, John, private, Jan. 13, 1864, 3 years;
mustered out with company July 10, 1865.
To the formation of
this regiment the county of Henry contributed more than one
full company, and the surplus was transferred to a separate
company in the same regiment. Company B was made up
wholly of residents of this county, and it is in recognition
of their services in the regiment that this record is made.
The One Hundredth regiment was organized at Toledo,
during the months of June and July, 1862, and was mustered
into service on the 15th of July following, by Captain
Dodds, U. S. Army. On the 8th of the same month,
the regiment moved to Cincinnati, for the defense of that
city. On the 9th it went into position on Covington
Heights, a few rods in front, and to the left of Fort
The regiment marched for Lexington, Ky., on the 8th of
October, and remained there, undergoing a thorough course of
instruction, until about the 1st of December, when it moved
to Richmond. It was engaged in work on the
fortifications until the 26th of December, when it moved to
Danville, and on the 3d of January, 1863, it moved to
Frankfort. Toward the last of February it marched to
Lexington to intercept a rebel raid, and from that point it
marched to Crab Orchard, Mount Vernon, Somerset, and to
various other points where the presence of the enemy
rendered it necessary. On the 13th of August, the
regiment went into camp at Danville, preparatory for the
march for East Ten-
Page 134 -
nessee. Upon arriving at Knoxville, a
portion of the regiment was sent up to the
Virginia State line, to guard the railroad.
The detachment, two hundred and forty strong,
was captured by the enemy on the 4th of
September, and was sent to Richmond, Va. The
regiment participated in the defense at
Knoxville, and was on active duty during its
stay in East Tennessee. Early in the
spring of 1864, the regiment marched in the
Twenty-third Army Corps, to join General
Sherman, then at Tunnell Hill, Ga.
It moved on the Atlanta campaign, and was
engaged at almost every battle from Rocky Face
Ridge to Atlanta. On the 6th of August it
was engaged in an assault on the rebel works in
front of Atlanta, and lost one hundred and three
men out of three hundred. Thirty-six men
were killed on the field, and eighty more died
of wounds within the next thirty days. The
colonel was disabled for life. After the
evacuation of Atlanta, the regiment joined in
the pursuit of Hood's army, and
participated in the battles of Franklin and
Nashville. It moved with the Twenty-third
Corps to Wilmington, N. C., and was there
actively engaged. It marched into the
interior, and moved from Goldsboro to Raleigh,
with Sherman's army. It next moved
to Greensboro, and from there to Cleveland, O.,
where it was mustered out of the service on the
1st of July, 1865, having served nearly three
full years with the Union army.
The One Hundredth lost during its term of service
sixty-five men killed in action, and one hundred
and forty-two wounded; twenty-seven died of
wounds; one hundred and eight died of disease;
three hundred and twenty five were captured by
the enemy, and eighty-five died in rebel
prisons. The regiment participated in the
battles of Lenox Station, Knoxville, Rocky Face
Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Etowah Creek, Atlanta,
Columbus, Franklin, Nashville, Town Creek and
Field and Staff Roster.
John C. Groom,
colonel; resigned May 13, 1863.
Patrick Slevin, colonel;
prom. from lieut-col.; honorably discharged Nov. 30, 1864.
Edwin L. Hayes, colonel; prom. from major to
lieut-col.; prom. to col.
Franklin Rundell, lieut-col.; prom. from major;
must. out with regiment.
John A. Shannon, major; mus. out May 11, 1864.
Henry D. Taylor, major; prom. from captain.
George A. Collamore, surgeon; mus. out with
Leonard B. Griffing, chaplain; discharged Aug.
9, 1864. Roll
of Company B.
Henry D. Taylor, captain; prom. to major.
George W. Waterman, first lieut.; resigned Jan.
8, 1863.
George D. Forsyth, second
lieut.; prom. to first lieut.
Page 135 -
Douglas O. Kelley, first serg't; prom. to second
lieut. Jan. 8, 1863.
Absalom Yager, serg't; prom. to first serg't
Jan. 8, 1863.
M. V. Marsh, serg't; voluntarily returned to
Samuel Foltz, serg't.
Philo H. Holly,
Corporals. -
William M. Simpson,
promoted to sergeant, Jan. 8, 1863;
A. S. Clark,
Henry Shaffner,
John A. Haly,
Samuel R. Elerton, voluntarily returned to ranks;
Frederick Stockman, appointed color corporal;
George W. Savage,
Laran Emery.
Musicians. -
John L. Halter,
Joseph Grinn.
Wagoner. -
Edward Pearse.
Privates. -
Milton Atkinson,
Montcalm Armstrong,
John Bauman,
Nicholas Barnhart,
Philip Bordner,
John E. Bates,
Conrad Bower,
Alonzo A. Babcock,
discharged Jan. 5, 1863;
Peter Bump,
Henry H. Beaver,
Elisha T. Coon, appointed ward-master, Sept.
7, 1862;
Orrin Crockett, deserted from hospital at
Lexington, Jan. 6, 1863;
James Crockett,
Adam Councilman,
Godfrey Councilman,
Stephen B. Coon, died at Lexington, Ky.,
Nov. 16, 1862;
Edward H. Dawson,
Joshua Dornor,
Joseph M. Dornor,
Joseph C. Dornor,
Levi Dresback,
William Dirr,
Azra Freeman,
Newton Freeman, died at Lexington, Ky., Mar.
15, 1863;
Henry Friday,
John J. Falkinghor,
Frederick Gherkin,
Hezekiah Guyer,
Walter F. Hunter, died at Lexington, Ky.,
Nov. 26, 1862;
Daniel Hess, detailed as teamster;
Michael Hockan, died at Lexington, Ky.,
Nov. 15, 1862;
Daniel D. Haly,
Daniel D. Hartlett,
Wilson Heaton, died at Lexington, Ky., Nov.
9, 1862;
Gideon W. Hollopeter, appointed sergeant,
Jan. 27, 1863;
Benjamin F. Haynes,
David O. Howard,
Lewis Hitt
Isaac Howe,
George H. Hollis, detailed as teamster;
Lewis Hartley, |
William B. Hutchins,
deserted Jan. 6, 1863, from Danville, Ky.;
William Jackson,
Edward L. Jacobus,
William Kaufman,
Lorenz Kaufman,
John B. Lowry,
Albert Lane,
Henry Marsh,
James McClure,
David McClure,
Alexander Morgan,
August Maier,
William H. Moorhead,
Francis M. McKinnis,
James C. Murray,
William Meyril,
Norman C. Rose,
John Ricard,
John H. Rhodes,
Samuel Redman,
Gilmore Redman,
Joseph T. Redman,
James Simmons,
Daniel O. Shepard,
Samuel Steinaker, appointed corporal;
Henry Stephens,
Hiram Sisco,
George W. Starr,
Joseph Siford,
John Siford,
Joseph Shull,
Henry Snyder,
John Stickler, deserted;
Garrett Salsbury,
Isaac Shook, joined company as recruit, Feb.
14, 1863;
Jacob Snow,
William Thrapp,
James Taylor,
George Vogle,
Joseph W. Wells,
John M. Zuber. |
To the formation of
this regiment, the county of Henry contributed parts of two
companies, D and G, but the contingent of men in each was so
small that it can hardly be said that either company was a
Henry county contribu-
Page 136 -
tion. The regiment was recruited from the
northern counties of Ohio, with the exception of
Company I, which came from Cincinnati. The
regiment rendezvoused at Camp Taylor, and on the
first day of January, 1863, marched into
Cleveland, seven hundred and fifty strong, ready
to take the cars for the field.
When the regimental organization became perfect, it was
commanded as follows: Colonel, Oliver H.
Payne; lieut-col., James Pickards;
major, James B. Hameson.
After leaving for the field the regiment made its first
camp at Elizabethtown, Ky, where it remained
until March, when it returned to Louisville, and
embarked on board transports, and in company
with twenty thousand other troops, proceeded to
Nashville, Tenn., where it arrived on the 10th.
From Nashville it went to Franklin and encamped,
remaining there until June 2d, building forts,
perfecting its drill, and getting ready for
active field service. On the 5th of March
the “boys” had a sharp skirmish with the rebels
who were in the vicinity.
The One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, with three other
infantry regiments, a battery and some cavalry,
under General Colburn, were sent
on a reconnoissance down the Columbia Pike.
For a time they drove back the enemy, until
Thompson's Ford was reached, when a general
engagement ensued. The enemy were much
stronger and better posted than was expected,
but the fight was stubbornly contested for some
time, until the One Hundred and Twenty- fourth
were enabled to safely guard the ammunition
train and take it from the field.
On the 2d of June the camp at Franklin was abandoned
and another pitched at Triune. A few days
later the regiment was ordered to join
General W. B. Hazen's brigade at Readyville.
Again, after a reconnoissance to Elk River, they
went into camp at Manchester. Here the
regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade,
Second Division of the Twenty-first Army Corps,
with General Palmer as division,
and General Crittenden as corps
The corps then in August, crossed over the Cumberland
Mountains in time to participate in the battle
at Chickamauga, where it held a position on the
left. Although this was the first severe
fight in which the regiment took part, it
nevertheless held its ground firmly, and stood
well up to the work, and only after the lines
were broken and the full force of the enemy’s
charge and fire were concentrated upon them, did
the regiment fall back. During the
Chickamauga battle the regiment lost in killed,
wounded, and missing, one hundred and forty men.
They then retreated to Chattanooga, and went
into camp on the 22d of September. While
here the army was reorganized, and the One
Hundred and Twenty-fourth was assigned to the
Second Brigade, Third Division, of the Fourth
Army Corps.
It next participated in the engagement at Raccoon
Mountain, where the enemy’s position was taken,
and after camping there a few days, was
relieved, and returned to camp at Chattanooga.
Page 137 -
regiment next took part in the battle of Mission
Ridge, in which the men performed nobly, fought
lively, and captured seven pieces of artillery,
two cassions, eighty stand of arms, and a
wagon-load of ammunition. Its loss here
was twenty-three killed, four wounded, and
nineteen missing.
On the 30th of November the regiment, with a portion of
the army, marched to the relief of Knoxville,
where it arrived on the 10th of December, but
other re-enforcements having come earlier, the
siege was raised, and the enemy retired from
before that place. After remaining here a
few days, the regiment went into camp at Clinch
Mountain. From here they were driven by a
large force of Confederates.
About the 15th of April, 1864, under an order from the
war department to concentrate the army,
preparatory to the spring campaign, the One
Hundred and Twenty-fourth moved to McDonald
Station, about thirty miles east of Chattanooga,
where it was thoroughly clothed and equipped.
After a few days of rest the regiment marched to Tunnel
Hill Station, on the railroad, and thence to
Rocky Face Ridge. At this point the enemy
was engaged, making a strong charge against his
works, in which it suffered severely.
Marching and fighting continuously, it made its
way to Dalton, and from there to Resaca,
Cassville and New Hope Church. Here,
again, it was engaged, and lost many brave men.
The regiment then participated in the flanking
movement to Jonesboro, and consequent evacuation
of Atlanta, after which came a much needed rest
of thirty days.
It then followed Hood’s army to Gaylesville and
Athens, Ala.; thence to Pulaski and Columbia,
passing through Franklin, and reaching Nashville
in advance of the main forces, and went into
camp behind the entrenchments of that place.
In the battle of Nashville it took an active
part, and at its close, joined in the pursuit of
the defeated and demoralized rebel army.
At Huntsville the chase was given up, and the
force went into camp. From here it was
ordered to Strawberry Plains, in East Tennessee.
Thence back through Greenville to Nashville,
where, on the 9th of July, 1865, the regiment
was mustered out of service. It was then
sent home, and was paid off and discharged at
Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, the place from
which it started two and one half years before.
On account of the small number of men from this county
who were in companies D and G, of the One
Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, and the
great difficulty in locating them accurately, no
roster is given.
The One Hundred and
Sixty-third Infantry Regiment was composed of the
Forty-eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guard, of Richland
county, the Seventy-second Battalion, Ohio National Guard,
of Henry county, the Ninety
Page 138 -
sixth battalion, Ohio National Guard, of Ashland
county, and the Ninety-ninth Battalion, Ohio
National Guard, of Stark county. The
regiment was mustered into the United States
service at Camp Chase, Ohio, on the 12th day of
May, 1864, and on the 13th of the same month it
proceeded to Washington City, under orders from
General Heintzelman, commanding
the department of Ohio. Upon arrival at
Washington the regiment was assigned to the
First Brigade, First Division, Twenty-second
Army Corps, with headquarters at Fort Reno,
District of Columbia. The regiment
remained here on duty until the 8th of June,
when it was ordered to the front, and proceeded
in transports to White House, Virginia, and
thence to Bermuda Hundred. It reported to
General Butler, at Point of Rocks,
Va., on the 12th of June, and on the 14th took
part (with General Turner’s
division) in a reconnoissance on the Petersburg
and Richmond Railroad. Two hundred and
fifty of the men were engaged in a severe
skirmish on the 15th, and were highly
complimented by the brigade commander, who said,
“they comported themselves like veterans.”
On the 16th the regiment proceeded to Wilson’s
Landing, and from that point made several
reconnoissances to the west side of the James
River. It also assisted in building a
large portion of the works known as Fort
Pocahontas. On the 29th of August the
regiment was relieved from duty, and proceeded
to Columbus, O., where it was mustered out Sept.
10, 1864. The Seventy-second Battalion,
Ohio National Guard, of Henry county, when
mustered into service became Company G, about
eighty-five strong.
Field and Staff Officers. -
Hiram Miller, colonel;
John Dempsey,
Aaron S. Campbell, major;
Sutherland, surgeon;
James O.
Carter, ass't-surgeon;
David C.
McMillen, as't-surgeon;
Andrew M.
Burns, adjutant;
Samuel L.
Nash, quartermaster;
Samuel D.
Bates, chaplain.
Muster Roll of Company G. -
Ransom P. Osborn, captain;
Charles W. Kalo, first lieut.;
Henry E. Cary,
second lieut.;
Thomas R. Carroll,
John Gardner, Wellington D. Golding, Henry
Yeager and John Waterman, sergeants;
Jabez Dennis, David Foulk, CyrusGunn, Hampton Harrison,
Luke Lemmest, Wallace Blair, Milton E. Heller
and Thomas Williams, corporals.
John Ballner, drummer;
Jonas Adams, fifer.
Privates. -
Frederick Aller,
John Battenfield,
John Battles,
Fenton Brooks,
Daniel Bascom,
Wheaton P. Barnes,
Jacob Breikhiser,
Baxter Burgess,
George Banks,
James Corbin,
William Campbell,
George Davis,
William Dota,
Benjamin F. Dennis,
Edward Dodd,
Gifford D. Ellenwood,
Stillwell Hess,
Henry Howard,
James Henry,
Hiram Gilson,
Rease Gilson,
Lewis A. Groff,
Thomas Ireland, |
Stephen H. Jacobs,
Charles Kegler,
Morris Killets,
William Lowry,
William Lighthiser,
Miller Long,
John Leiter,
Samuel Leiter, (m/b Letter)
Samuel Margratt
Isaac Masdeen,
Maxwell F. Mealey,
Philetus Merriman,
Frank Mason,
Elton Masten,
David Moffett,
William McComb,
Martin Ohler,
John Paul,
Lewis Pearce,
Volney Powell,
George Powell,
Winfield Randall,
Joseph N. Ritter, |
Page 139 -
George W. Raff,
Landon Raff,
Washington Radle,
George Smith,
James Shasteen,
Hiram S. Shoemaker,
Robert B. Smead,
Joseph M. Spangler,
Asa C. Senter,
Israel Smith,
Achilles Smith, |
Romaine Tyler,
Joseph Travis,
George Valentine,
Isaac Williams,
John Yeager,
George W. Zellner,
Solomon Zeddiker,
Nathaniel Hartman, discharged;
Charles DeLong, transferred;
Archibald Worthington, deserted. |
This was one of the
regiments raised under President Lincoln’s
last call for one year troops. It was organized in
February, 1865, at Camp Chase. To the formation of the
regiment Henry County contributed one full company, B.
Immediately after muster the regiment was ordered to
Nashville, and from thence proceeded to Chattanooga; thence
to Bridgeport, Alabama, reaching the latter point about the
let of March, and was engaged in the duty of guarding an
important railroad bridge over the Tennessee river. It
also acted as guard over a considerable line of railroad
between Bridgeport and Chattanooga and frequently came in
contact with guerrillas that infested the region, and squads
of rebel cavalry.
On the 25th of July the regiment was ordered to
garrison duty at Edgfield and remained at that place until
mustered out of service. Returning to Camp Chase, the men
were paid off and discharged on the 27th day of September,
In the One Hundred and Eighty-fourth was much excellent
material - many of the men having been in the service in
other regiments - and although while in this command they
were in 110 general engagement, they, nevertheless, rendered
important service in the country to which they were
While the record
above mentioned purports to, and does contain the
experiences and vicissitudes of the regiments and parts of
regiments from Henry county, still there were other commands
in which the county was represented, but with so small a
number of men as to make an extended notice of them
unnecessary. Looking over the records of the county's
soldiery it is found that there was a small contingent of
the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth representing the county in
Company I. On the field and staff roster is found the
name of Dr. Henry McHenry, who was the regimental
surgeon. In all there were about fifteen men from this
county that belonged to the regiment.
Then, again, it is found that several, not more, men of
the county enlisted in the Ninth Cavalry, which was
commanded by Colonel William D. Hamilton. The
Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Regiments, O. V. Cav., were raised
late in 1862 by Governor Tod, under the instructions
of the president.
Other regiments that had a few representatives of Henry
County, were the
Page 140 -
Third Cavalry, the Twenty-first Infantry, the
Eighty-eighth Infantry, the One Hundred and
Eleventh Infantry, the One Hundred and
Eighteenth, the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth
Infantry, and perhaps others of which no record
can be accurately obtained. |