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Highland County,
History & Genealogy Newspapers |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette -
Dated: Sept. 25, 1868
BRATTEN - BROWN - September 9, Mr. J. C. Bratten, of
Highland County, Ohio, to Miss Millie C. Brown, daughter
of Mr. Isaac H. Brown, near Bethel, Ohio. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Enquirer - Cincinnati,
Hamilton Co., Ohio Dated: Dec. 24, 1869 MARRIED:
MUNN - CLING - At East Union Township Dec.
15, Warren Munn, of Nebraska City, to
Miss Rachel Cling. SUTHERFIELD -
SHOEMAKER - On the 16th of December, Mr.
Noble Sutherfield, of Pike Co., to Miss
Priscilla Shoemaker, of Highland Co., Ohio |
Source: Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Aug. 17, 1873
A young man named Moses PENTON, living
near Hillsboro, Ohio, was on his way to be married, when he
was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Two
years ago, his brother was thrown from his horse and killed,
while going to marry the same lady. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Feb. 6, 1874
HARLAN - JUDKINS - At the residence of the bride's mother,
at New Lexington, Highland County, Ohio, by the Rev. J. M. K.
Shultz, Mr. Wm. T. Harlan, of Belmont County, O., and Miss Emma
Judkins. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Dated: Sept. 15, 1879
LAYCOCK - PURDY - At the Christian Church near Taylorsville,
Highland County, on August 31, by Elder John Shockey, of
Sicily, Ohio, Mr. Lee C. Laycock to Miss Olive B.
Purdy, both of Taylorsville, Highland County, Ohio. |
Source: The News-Herald. (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio)
Date: January 12, 1893, Page 8
Bell. January 9th, 1893.
On January 4th Mr. Webster and Miss
Nace, of Fairfax, drove over to Pleasant school house,
near here, where Rev. Shoemaker was conducting
a series of meetings. They did not wish to disturb the
religious. meeting but they thought marriage was sacred as
well as a legal ordinance so they claimed the right to
disturb, the reverend and a messenger was sent to call him
from behind the sacred desk to unite the two as one while
they sat in the buggy. Of course the sheep always follow
their shepherd so the congregation all followed while the
pastor deviated from his original subject, The ceremony
being short, all soon, retired to the school house and the
religious service went on again undisturbed. |
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