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Highland County, Ohio
History & Genealogy



Lynchburg Village
Leesburg Village
Mowrystown Village
Brushcreek Township
  - Sinking Spring Village was named for a small flow which, after emerging from Niagaran limestone, disappears underground in joints of eastward-dipping rocks.
Clay Township Organized on December 5, 1831 from the townships of Whiteoak & Salem.
  - Buford
Concord Township
Dodson Township Organized on June 7, 1830 from the townships of Union, Salem & New Market
Fairfield Township
  - Highland Village
  - Leesburg Village
Harner Township Organized on June 5, 1849 from the townships of Salem, New Market, Union and Dodson.
Jackson Township Organized Sept. 24, 1816 from the townships of Brush Creek & Concord.
Liberty Township
  - Hillsboro City* The County Seat of Highland County
Madison Townshp
  - Greenfield City is located in Northeastern Madison Township.
Marshall Township Organized on January 15, 1844 from the townships of Liberty, Jackson, Brush Creek & Paint.
  - The unincorporated community of Marshall lies in the township's center.
New Market Township
Paint Township
Penn Township Organized on March 2, 1852 from the townships of Liberty, Fairfield & Union.
NOTE: There was a township called Richland, which comprehended the territory embraced in the act attaching part of Highland to Clinton county.  But of its organization or boundaries, the record can not be found.
Salem Township

     Currently it is the smallest of the seventeen townships in Highland County with 12,700 acres. Native American relics have been found on many farms and properties in the township, as it was a major Shawnee hunting and ceremonial region. The most interesting Native American site in Salem Township is Fort Salem, which consists of two large earthen mounds about 80 feet in length; as they sit on private property, they have never been excavated. However, Dr Raymond Baby, curator of archaeology for the Ohio Historical Society, visited the mounds in 1973 and stated that they were in a perfect state of preservation and confirmed their Native American origins.
This township was organized on August 19, 1819 from the townships of New Market & Union.
  - Pricetown - The unincorporated community of Pricetown lies in the township's East.
The township was created from portions of New Market and Union townships on August 9, 1819. Since then it has relinquished much of its land to Dodson, Clay and Hamer townships as they were formed.
Union Township
Washington Township Organized on June 6, 1850 from the townships of Liberty, Concord, Jackson & Marshall.
Whiteoak Township Organized in 1821 from the townships of New Market & Salem.
Allensburg Was named after William Allen, U. S. senator from Ohio.
Bridges Is named for the four bridges across Hardin Creek.
Dodsonville Is named after Joshua Dodson, surveyor.
Was named after First Lady Frances Folsom Cleveland, wife of President Grover Cleveland.
Hoagland  Former and merged names include Hoagland's Crossing
Hollowtown The community was named for Anthony Hollow, settler.
Samantha Former and merged names include Beeson's Crossroads.


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