Page 28. -
Salt Creek Business
Robert Armstrong, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 31.
- Settled 1824. Native of Penna.
H. C. Barnes, Farmer and Stock Raiser, and Dealer in
Agricultural Implements of all kinds, Sec. 28.
- Settled 1854. Native of Ohio
Winfield Bevington, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio
John Cabbot, Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing made
a specialty; also general custom work done on short
notice, Sec. 25
- Settled 1833. Native of France.
Sedgwick Castor, Farmer and Proprietor of the
Martinsville Mills; Manufacturer of Flour and feed; also
Dealer in Grain. Special attention given to custom
work, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1842. Native of Ohio.
Michael Culler, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 34.
- Settled 1834. Native of Penna.
John Ewing, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 14.
- Settled 1826. Native of Penna.
Daniel Garmire, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 5.
- Settled 1835 Native of Ohio
George Gurwell, Farmer and Stock Raiser. Sec. 7.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio.
Jonas Gurwell, Blacksmith, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio.
Maggie Hofer, Farmer and Proprietor of Coal Bank,
Sec. 33.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio.
George Hoffer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio
F. A. Jeanvoine, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1858. Native of France.
H. R. Leeper, Farmer and Proprietor of Coal bank,
and keeps on hand a full supply of Coal, Sec. 30.
- Settled 1841. Native of Penna.
Parker Leeper, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 32.
- Settled 1835. Native of Penna.
F. Wm. Lytle, Farmer and Stock Dealer, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio.
James W. Kerr, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1840. Native of Penn.
J. W. King, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 33.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio.
J. W. Martin, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 32.
- Settled 1831. Native of Ohio.
John Martin Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 32.
- Settled 1809. Native of Penna.
John C. Martin, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 25.
- Settled 1835. Native of France.
George Mathews, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 33.
- Settled 1853 Native of Ohio.
Leonard Mathews, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1836. Native of Penna.
Wm. McKean, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1860. Native of Penna.
E. S. Painter, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 1.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio
Isaac Piper, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 21.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio.
John B. Reussel, Proprietor of Grocery at
Calimutier; also, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 25.
- Settled 1833. Native of France.
A. J. Rieder, Proprietor of Sawmill; also, Farmer
and Stock Raiser, Se. 27.
- Settled 1864. Native of Ohio.
L. Rottman, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots,
Shoes, Hardware, &c. All are invited to examine my
stock. No trouble to show goods. Quick sales
and small profits is my motto, Lot 18.
- Settled 1868. Native of Ohio.
George W. Slutts, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 35.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio.
George W. Slutts, Jr., Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Se. 33.
- Settled 1847. Native of Ohio.
Josiah Slutts, Proprietor of Vineyard situated at
Middletown, Holmes Co., O. Also, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio.
A. H. Snyder, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1842 Native of Ohio
Catharine Snyder, Farmer, Lot 3,
- Settled 1838. Native of West Va.
H. D. Snyder, Farmer and Stock Raiser; also, Dealer
in Stock, Lot 8.
- Native of Ohio
Isaac Snyder, Farmer and Stock Raiser, and
Dealer, Lot 8.
- Settled 1821. Native of Penna.
J. H. Snyder. Farmer and Stock Raiser, and
Dealer, Lot 5.
- Settled 1821. Native of Penna.
P. M. Snyder, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio.
J. Spencer, Proprietor of Grist and Sawmill;
Manufacturer of Flour and Feed; also, special attention
given to custom work, Lot 18.
- Settled 1868. Native of Ohio.
D. F. Stoplet, Farmer and Proprietor of Steam
Cabinet Shop in Fredericksburg; also, said
works are for sale, Sec. 30.
- Settled 1824. Native of Ohio
Joseph Swan, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio.
David Walgamot, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 29.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio
J. C. Wyler, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1868. Native of Germany.
Jacob Yoder, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 7.
- Settled 1836. Native of Penna.
Hardy Township Adv.
Business Directory
J. Achemire,
Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 8.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John C. Armstrong, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Frederick Barnhart, Carpenter and Joiner,
Se. 11.
- Native of Germany. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. H. Barton, Farmer, Lot 33.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Marshal Beaty, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 15.
- Settled 1831. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Samuel Beaty, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 15.
- Settled 1824. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg
E. Bilderback, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 23.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
F. Boling, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 7.
- Settled 1815. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Isaac Buckingham, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 26.
- Settled 1848. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Benj. F. Calhoon Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 10.
- Settled 1818. Native of Pa. P.
O. Millersburg.
James Calhoon, lives now in Millersburg, 91 years
- Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Alfred Calhoun, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 16.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Edward Carpenter, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 24.
- Settled 1816. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
J. P. Close, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1862. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joseph Collier, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1865. Native of England. P. O. Millersburg.
James C. Corn, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 29.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio. P
O. Millersburg.
A. W. Crawford, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 4.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Jacob & David Culler, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Lewis Donald, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 12.
- Native of Ohio
Daniel Duer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John Duncan, Farmer and Stock Raiser. Farm for
Sec. 19.
- Settled 1830. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
John C. Duncan, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 15.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John Finley, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 14.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Moses Findley Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1847. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
G. W. Finney, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 24.
- Settled 1860. Native of Ohio.
Samuel Fishburn, Farmer and
Stock Raiser, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Frederick Freeman, Stonemason, Sec. 6.
- P. O. Millersburg.
John French, Farmer
and Stock Raiser, Lot 42.
- Settled 1818. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John Gamber, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1871. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. Gamber, Farmer and Stock Raiser; also
Proprietor of Limekiln; Sec. 9.
- Settled 1868. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Andrew Gamble, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 20.
- Settled 1832. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
John Gindlesparger, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
James Hanna, Carpenter and Joiner,
Sec. 13.
- P. O. Millersburg.
Gottlieb Hardten, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 24.
- Settled 1838. Native of Germany. P. O. Millersburg.
John Hastings, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 39.
- Settled 1868. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
John Horn, Proprietor of Coal Bank, 3½
miles S. W. of Millersburg who has a good supply on
hand; Sec. 25.
- Settled 1866 Native of England. P. O. Millersburg.
Newton Johnston, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
- P. O. Millersburg.
M. E. Jordan, Blacksmithing of all
kinds done to order, Sec. 13.
- P. O. Millersburg.
Christian Kemp, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 15.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg
A. J. Kerr, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 23.
- Settled 1844. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. T. Kerstetter, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 24.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Henry Krous, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1854. Native of Germany. P. O. Benton.
W. P. Leadbetter, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 14.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
David Lister, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1836. Native of Pa. Millersburg.
John F. Love, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 5.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ireland. P. O. Millersburg.
Thomas H. Lupold, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1869. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Pierre Mailleard, Mating Liquors, one mile north of
Millersburg, O., Lot 31.
- Settled 1868. Native of France. P. O. Millersburg
Elias Mast, Farmer, Stock Raiser, and Dealer
in Coal, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Howard E. Mast, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1856. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John Mast, Dealer in Stock, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1827. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Bezaleel Maxwell, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1824. Native of Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. P. O.
McAfee, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 6.
- Settled 1859. Native of Ireland. P. O. Millersburg.
Mrs. D. McElroy, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lots 1
and 10.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
A. & C. Moore, Farmers, Lot 38.
- Natives of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
James Mowery, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1864. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Jacob Netherow, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
J. B. Phillips, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 36.
- Settled 1865. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Daniel Platz, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1831. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg
Harrison Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 21.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joen Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 21.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joseph P. Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 17.
- Settled 1828. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joshua Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lots 31
and 34.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Samuel Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lots 31
and 34.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Wilson Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lots 31
and 34.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. Pyers, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lots 31 and
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg..
J. M. Rinehart, Farmer and Carpenter, Lot 22.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
J. T. Sharp, Stonemason, Lot 4.
- Settled 1861. Native of Maryland. P. O. Millersburg.
James Skelly, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 23.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. Skelley, Farmer and Teamster.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
James A. Smith, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 8.
- Settled 1832. Natives of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
John M. L. Snider, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1836. Native of Virginia. P. O. Millersburg.
Elias Snyder, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 4.
- Settled 1862. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joseph Spring, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 25.
- Settled 1848. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Charles Steel, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 8.
- Settled 1825. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
J. K. Steel. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 8.
- Settled 1823. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Jonas Stewart, Farmer and Stock Raiser,, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1866. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Martin V. Stirlen, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 22.
- Settled 1842. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
James Tidball, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 10.
- Settled 1832. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Christian Viering, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 24.
- Settled 1857. Native of Prussia.
P. O. Millersburg.
Samuel Q. Vorhes, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Alfred Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Archibald Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, sec. 22.
- P. O. Millersburg.
Charles S. Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 18.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Eli Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1832. Native of Maryland. P. O. Millersburg.
G. W. Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 2.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg
James Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Lot 1.
- Settled 1829. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Thomas Uhl, Dealer in Lumber of all kinds, at
Millersburg Planing Mill, Sec. 13.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
William Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Christian Viering, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 24.
- Settled 1857. Native of Prussia. P. O. Millersburg.
Samuel Q. Vorhes, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 23.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Armstrong Walgamot, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 11.
- P. O. Millersburg.
E. Walgamott, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 37.
- Settled 1836. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
William Walker, Blacksmithing of all kinds done
to order; Lot 30;
- Settled 1869. Native of Pa P O. Millersburg.
George Walters, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 5.
- Settled 1829. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Weigand, George, Stonemason, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1855. Native of Bavaria. P. O. Millersburg.
Washington Adv.
Business Directory
Wm. H.
Baley, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1872. Native of Ohio.
George S. Bender, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
Daniel Boyles, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1856. Native of Ohio.
G. M. Breitenbucher,
Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 15.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio.
Peter Bushey, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 13.
- Settled 1866. Native of Pa.
G. W. Clouse, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio.
David Crow, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
Wm. Ecki, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 28.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio.
George Hefflefinger, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 18.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
John Homer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 26.
- Settled 1837. Native of Pa
Henry Huffman,
Farmer and Stock Raiser, se. 7.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio.
Martha Jeffries, Farmer, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
J. Kamerer, Farmer.
- Native of Ohio.
John Knox, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 13.
- Settled 1829. Native of Ohio.
Samuel Knox, Farmer and Stock Raiser, sec.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio.
Ernest Koehler, Farmer and Cabinetmaker, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1850. Native of Germany.
Frederick Krouse, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 8.
- Settled 1859. Native of Prussia.
Peter Lambert, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 2.
- Settled 1844. Native of France.
Jacob Lefever, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 13.
- Settled 1865. Native of Pa.
James Liggett, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1819. Native of Pa.
James Liggett, Jr. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio.
John Lininger, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 4.
- Settled 1845. Native of France.
C. M. Lovett, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 27.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio.
Jacob Miller, Jr. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1853. Native of Ohio.
T. G. Odell, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 25.
- Settled 1867. Native of Ohio.
Isaac Parsons, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 15.
- Settled 1817. Native of Ohio.
Joseph Schauwaker, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec
- Settled 1870. Native of Germany.
Francis Shafer, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 14.
- Settled 1850. Native of Germany.
John Shoup, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1823. Native of Ohio.
Emanuel Shreve, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 26.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio.
David Smetzer, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 3.
- Settled 1846. Native of Pa.
David Smitzer, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 3.
- Settled 1846. Native of Pa.
Frederick Snively, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of France.
George Snively, Farmer and Stock Raiser,,
Sec. 4.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio.
Frederick Sprang, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 5.
- Settled 1829. Native of France.
Charles Steward, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1833. Native of Pa.
J. L. Thompson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, sec. 1.
- Settled 1836. Native of Pa
M. Ullman, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio.
M. Workman, Minister of the German Baptist
Church, Sec. 33.
- Native of Pa.
M. Workman, Minister.
- Native of Ohio.
Matilda Workman, Farmer, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio.
Wm. P. Workman, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 28.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio.
John Young, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 17.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio.
Peter Young, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio.
Walnut Creek
Township Directory
Joseph Y. Christner, Butcher and Ham
Sausage Manufacturer, Sec. 1, Lot 1.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Saml. Egleson, Carpenter & Farmer, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Joseph Helmuth, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
13, Lot 25.
- Settled 1840. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Joseph Hershberger, Mast & Co., Proprs., of Steam
Grist Mill and Turning Lathe, Se. 1.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Benjamin Hochstetter, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 24.
- Settled 1819. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville.
Christian Hochstetter, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 6. settled in 1831. Native of Ohio.
P. O. Walnut Creek.
Henry Hochstetler, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 1.
- Settled, 1829. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Abraham Mast, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 19.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Christian J. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 11, Lot 22
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
M. M. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 11, Lot 22.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Noah Miller, Retired Farmer, Sec. 22.
- Settled 1814. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Abram Shrock, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 11, Lot 22.
- Settled 1821. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Levi Sommers, Manufacturer of Ham Sausage, Sec.
- Settled 1870. Native of Penna. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Henry H. Sanzer, Propr. of Hotel and Dealer in
all kinds of Groceries.
- Settled 1863. Native of Germany. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Gabriel Shultz, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 5
- Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Shanesville
David J. Stutzman, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Jacob Y. Stutzman, Distiller and Manufacturer of
pure distilled Whiskey, Sec. 21.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pa. P. O. Walnut Creek.
Moses K. Troyer, Carpenter and Builder.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P. O. Walnut Creek.
John M. Yoder, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1847. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Berlin.
Berlin Township
Joseph Beachy, Farmer and Stock
Grower, Lot 14.
- Settled 1843. Native of Holmes Co., Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Jonas Bitschy, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Lot
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin
Samuel Boyd, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Lot
- Settled 1834. Native of Ireland. P. O. Berlin.
Jacob Bungard, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Lot
- Settled 1820. Native of Westmoreland Co., OH.*
P. O. Berlin.
Moses Coblentz, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 19.
- Settled 1842. Native of Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Lawrence Crow, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser.
- Settled 1819. Native of Washington Co., Pa. P. O. Berlin.
Wm. Deetz, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 19.
- Settled 1845. Native of Holmes Co., Ohio. P. O. Saltillo.
Benedick Gingerich, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot
- Settled 1839. Native of Somerset Co., Pa. P. O. Berlin.
John Hitchcock, Farmer, stock and Wool Grower,
Lot 13.
- Settled 1848. Native of Harrison Co., Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Wm. Lewis, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Lot 16.
- Settled 1834. Native of Chester Co., Pa. P. O. Berlin.
Abraham Mast, Jr., Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Lot 3.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P. O. Benton.
Samuel Mast, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 15
- Settled 1829. Native of Lancaster Co., Pa. P. O. Benton.
D. C. Maxwell, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Lot
- Settled 1825. Native of Tuscarawas Co., O. P O. Berlin.
Daniel F. Miller, Farmer and Stock Grower.
- Settled 1814. Native of Somerset Co.,
Pa. P. O. Berlin.
Daniel J. Miller, Propr. of Sawmill on doughty
Creek. All
kinds of sawing done to order.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Eli D. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
L. D. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
Moses J. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Lot 10.
- Settled 1836. Native of Ohio P. O. Benton.
Roland Rudy, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 15.
- Settled 1839. Native of Lancaster Co., Pa. P. O. Berlin.
John Sharp, Jr., Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower,
Lot 39.
- Settled 1838. Native of Westmoreland Co., Ohio. P. O.
J. C. Stutzman, Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower,
Lot 8.
- Settled 1836. Native of Ohio. P. O. Benton
D. J. Yoder, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 23.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
David J. Yoder, Farmer and Stock Grower, Lot 23.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
John Yoder, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1837. Native of Lancaster Co., Pa. P. O.
John D. Yoder, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Lot 20.
- Settled 1838. Native of Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. P. O. Berlin.
* Sharon Wick's Note: This county
is written as such in this Atlas.
Page 29 -
German Township
Business Directory
John S. Berger, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1818. Native of Tuscarawas
Co., Ohio. P. O. Shanesville.
Bowman & Bro., General Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions,
Hates, Caps, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, &c., and Dealer in
all kinds of Country Produce.
- Native of New Bedford.
Levi Dietz, Teacher of Public School.
- Settled 1854. Native of Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
Henry M. Domer, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Shanesville.
John M. Domer, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville.
Daniel Erb, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1838. P. O. Beck's Mills.
Solomon Wm. Farver, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 18.
- Settled 1816. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Farmerstown.
Elah Fair, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1842. Native of Carroll Co.,
Md. P. O. Farmerstown.
John C. Fair, Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Sec. 11.
Settled 1851. Native of Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
John Frey, Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Berlin.
Christian Fisher, Justice of the Peace of German
Township, and Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec. 25.
- Settled 1819. Native of Union Co., Pa.
P. O. Buena Vista, Tuscarawas Co.
Daniel D. Funk, Justice of the Peace of German
Township; also, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio.
Henry Gonser, Dealer in Horses, Farmer, and Stock
- Settled 1864. Native of Coshocton Co. P. O. New Bedford.
Dr. F. J. Guittard, Physician and Surgeon, Sec. 24.
- Settled 1850. Native of France.
P. O. New Bedford.
David B. Harman, Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville.
Benjamin Helmuth, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 4.
- Settled 1836. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Beck's Mills.
Frederick Helmuth, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser.
Sec. 11.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Farmerstown.
Noah H. Hochstetter, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 9.
- Settled 1836. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Farmerstown.
Christian Hoover, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 25.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P.
O. New Bedford.
Jonathan J. Kaser, Farmer and Shoemaker, Sec. 1.
- Settled 1847. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Farmerstown.
John Kerns, Carriages and Wagons made to order and
warranted, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1838. Native of Chester Co., Pa. P. O. Shanesville.
S. L. Korn, Blacksmithing of all kinds; also,
Carriages and Wagons ironed. All work promptly
done to order and warranted. Sec. 5.
- Settled 1853. P. O. Berlin.|
Daniel Levengood, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser;
also, Proprietor of Portable Steam Sawmill; Sec. 22.
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P. O. New Bedford.
John B. Luke, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio. P.
O. New Bedford.
Peter Luke, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1822. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Farmerstown.
B. C. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1849. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Berlin.
Christian Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 11.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. F.
O. Farmerstown.
D. C. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1852. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Berlin.
Isaac S. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser;
also Harness and Shoe Maker; Sec. 6.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O.
Beck's Mills.
Jonathan C. Miller, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 1.
- Settled 1851. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Farmerstown.
Levi Miller, Minister of the Omish Church for the
last forty years, and one of the pioneers of Holmes
County. Sec. 8.
- Settled 1811. Native of Somerset Co., Pa. P. O. Farmerstown.
Solomon S. Miller, Farmer and Dealer in Stock,
- Settled 1828. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Farmerstown.
Benjamin Mullet, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 1.
- Settled 1833. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Walnut Creek.
John A. Novinger, Minister of German Reformed
Church, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1870. Native of Pa. P.
O. New Bedford, Coshocton Co.
Jacob Pfous, Boot and Shoe Maker; Custom work made
to order; Sec. 16.
- Settled 1833. Native of Germany.
P. O. Farmerstown.
George C. Rinner (Rinner & Cox), Dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes &c., and Dealer in
all kinds of Country Produce.
- Native of New Bedford.
Peter Ritschy, Minister of Omish Church and
Farmer, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1823. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville
F. F. Schumacker, Stonemason, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1861. Native of Germany. P. O. Farmerstown.
Isaiah Shaffer, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 25.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio. P.
O. New Bedford.
John Shaffer, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. P. O. New Bedford.
Peter Shutt, Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1816. Native of Frederick Co.,
Md. P. O. Shanesville.
Simon J. Shutt, Carpenter and Joiner, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Shanesville.
Joseph D. Slabach, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 4.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Berlin.
Christian D. Slawbaugh, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1825. Native of Somerset Co., Pa. P. O. Farmerstown.
John Snyder, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1822.
Samuel Snyder, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 25.
- Settled 1822. Native of Union Co., Pa. P. O. New Bedford.
John C. Spacher, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 20.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
Elias J. Stutzman, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 21.
- Settled 1847. Native Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
Noah E. Stutzman, Proprietor of Portable Sawmill,
Sec. 10.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
Abraham D. Troyer, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1842. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Farmerstown.
David S. Troyer, Blacksmith and Farmer, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1842. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville.
Jonas D. Troyer, Farmer; also Carpenter and
Joiner; Sec. 15.
- Settled Nov. 7, 1837. Native of Ohio. P. O. Farmerstown.
Seth Troyer, Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ohio. P. O. Shanesville
A. M. Yoder, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser;
also, Breeder of Norman Horses; Sec. 10.
- Settled 1849. P. O. Farmerstown.
Rudolph M. Yoder, Teacher and Public School.
- Settled 1852. Native of Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. P. O. Berlin. |
Page 29 - continued -
Monroe Township
Enoch Allison, Farmer, Grain and
Stock Raiser and Wool Grower, and Dealer in Horses and
Cattles, Sec. 4, Lot 25.
- Settled 1851. Native of Pa. P.
O. Millersburg.
Franklin Anderson, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 4, Lot 5.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
H. E. Andress, Blacksmithing. All Wagon and
Carriage work done to order on short notice.
Horseshoeing and all kinds of machinery repaired.
Sec. 21.
- Settled 1868. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Paint Valley.
Edward Beall, Farmer and Grain Raiser.
Martin Bird, Farmer and Stock Broker, 4th Q. Lot 3.
- Settled 1828. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Eugene Blanchat, Miner and Stonecutter, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1847. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Millersburg.
W. S. Corn, Farmer, Stock and Grain Raiser, Lot 30.
- Settled 1824. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
O. M. Craig, Section Superintendent on Railroad.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Cornell & McCaughey, Proprietors of Monroe Valley
Flouring Mills; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Flour,
Feed, and Grain.
Alpha Cornell, Farmer, Lot 22.
- Settled 1848. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Wm. Cornell, Farmer and Agent for the Farmers' Home
Jelloway Fire Insurance Co., Knox Co., O., 3d Q. Lot 2.
Born 1807.
- Native of Fayette Co., Pa. P. O.
Noah Cox, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser and Wool
Grower, Lot 1.
- Settled 1869. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Cornelius Crawford, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
- Settled 1854. Native of Ohio. P. O.
Ezra Crawford, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1854. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
Samuel Davenport, Farmer, Grain and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 1, Lot 4.
- Settled 1833. Native of Pa. P.
O. Millersburg.
D. & T. Finney, Proprietors of Oak Grove Nurseries;
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Small Fruits, &
c. Lot 3.
David Finney, Farmer Stock and Grain Raiser, Lot 3.
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
David T. Finney, Farmer and Grain Raiser, Lot 5, 2d
- Settled 1811. Native of near Centre,
Del. P. O. Millersburg.
John Hanna, Farmer, Stock and Grain Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1867. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Millersburg.
John Hart, Farmer.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Paint Valley.
Jesse Hudson, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 5.
- Settled 1845. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Millersburg.
Isaac Hultz, Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1st Lieut. Co.
H, 62d Pa. Vol. Infantry, Lot 17.
- Settled 1868. Native of Pa. P.
O. Millersburg.
Richard Hultz, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
1, Lot 16.
- Settled 1872. Native of Pa. P.
O. Millersburg.
Henry Johnson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 16.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
A. Johnston, Teacher of Vocal Music and School
Teacher, Lot 22.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Paint Valley.
James Johnston, Farmer, Stock and Grain Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P. O. Paint Valley.
H. S. Jones, Teacher, Lot 21.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Nashville.
Samuel Kerr, Justice of the Peace, Farmer, Stock and
Grain Raiser, Lot 31. Settled 1823. Native
of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
M. J. Low, Farmer, Grain and Fruit Raiser, and
Proprietor of Pear Orchard, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
A. J. Mackey, Farmer and Stonemason, 3d Q. Lot
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Black Creek.
Harvey Mackey, Carpenter and Joiner, Lot 20.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
James Martin, Farmer, Stock and Grain Raiser, and
Wool Grower; Propr. of Centre Ridge Coal Bank, Sec. 2,
Lot 27.
- Settled 1821. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
W. C. McCaughey, Farmer, Lot 22.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Millersburg.
John McMillen, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, and
Millwright, Sec. 13.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Nashville.
Miller & Hoy, Proprs. of Paint Valley Mills,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in choice Family
Flour. We keep constantly on hand a full supply of
Mill Feed of every description. Highest prices
paid for all kinds of Grain.
W. & A. Miller, Farmers, Stock and Grain Raisers,
Sec. 11
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. Murry, Farmer and Tanner, Lot 5.
- Settled 1863. Native of Pa. P. O. Millersburg.
Martin Negelspach, Farmer, Grain and Stock
- P. O. Millersburg.
P. R. Peckham, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
Sec. 2, Lot 222.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P. O. Nashville.
John Phillips, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
4th Q. Lot 19.
- Settled 1835. Native of Washington Co., Pa. P. O.
Andrew J. Porter, Carpenter and Millwright, 4th
Q. Lot 24.
- Settled 1850. Native of Pa. P. O. Killbuck.
James L. Porter, House Painter and Grainer, Lot
- Settled 1854. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
A. J. Silcott, Farmer and Wool Grower, Lot
20, 1st Q.
- Settled 1834. Native of Virginia. P. O. Nashville.
E. Smith, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, and
Proprietor of Paint Valley Coal Bank, Lot 19.
- Settled 1824. Native of Virginia. P. O. Paint Valley.
Edward Smith, Farmer, Stock and Grain
Raiser, Sec. 19.
- Settled 1824. Native of Virginia. P. O. Paint Valley.
S. R. Williams, Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser,
and Wool Grower, Sec. 3, Lot. 6.
- Settled 1819. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Richland Township
Robert Alexander, Farmer and
Stock Grower, Sec. 7.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Laurant Blanchat, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1859. Native of Switzerland.
P. O. Black Creek.
Major Borden, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1860. Native of Ohio.
John Bower, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 9.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Edward Bucy, Farmer and Stock Grower, sec. 15.
- Settled 1839. Native of Maryland.
Joseph Burden, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Charles Carnal, Farmer, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1853. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Black Creek.
Allen Crum, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 7.
- Native of Ohio.
Nicholas Didinger, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1859. Native of Switzerland.
Peter Drouhard, Farmer, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1837. Native of France. P. O. Black Creek.
George Engelhardt, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1853. Native of Ohio. Mt. Holly, Knox Co.
Auguste Fallot, Farmer, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1852. Native of France. P. O. Black Creek.
Frederic Fites, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 9.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Geo. Grim, Farmer, Sec. 24.
- Settled 1846. Native of Maryland, P. O. Mt. Holly, Knox Co.
Jasper N. Harford, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1840. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
Mrs. Phebe Hoops
- settled 1859. Native of Ohio.
R. M. Johnston, Blacksmithing of all kinds done
promptly and warranted, 1½
mile west of Napoleon; Sec. 4.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Edward Keyser, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 17.
- Native of Ohio.
David Kiger, Farmer, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1844. Native of Virginia. P. O. Black Creek.
A. Kimmerer, Farmer, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1846. Native of Germany. P. O. Black Creek.
Adam Lepley, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 24.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ohio. P. O. Spring Mountain.
Wm. McMullin, Farmer and Stock Grower.
G. Z. Pfleegar, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1855. Native of Germany. P. O. Black Creek.
O. M. Remington, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 4.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Peter Roth, Farmer, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1860. Native of Germany. P. O. Black Creek.
John Schopfer, Farmer, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1872. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Spring Mountain.
Eugene Simon, Laborer.
- Settled 1871. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Mt. Holly, Knox. Co.
Charles Stark, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 9.
- Settled 1864. Native of Germany. P. O. Black Creek.
A. Stilwell, Farmer an dDealer in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Notions, and Country Produce, and
Attorney-at-Law, Sec. 20.
- Native of Ohio.
Annie C. Strouse. Teacher in Public School,
Sec. 17.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Mt. Holly.
Douglas White, Farmer, Stock Grower, and Justice
of the Peace, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1860. Native of Massachusetts. P. O. Black Creek.
Wm. White, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1844. Native of Massachusetts. P. O. Black Creek.
Abraham Workman, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Mt. Holly, Knox. Co.
Mary 'A. Workman, Farmer, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1865. Native of Ohio. P. O. Black Creek.
Mechanic Towns'p
Adv. Business Directory.
George B. Altman & Son,
Proprietors of Woollen Factory. Then keep
constantly on hand Cloths, Satinetts, and Blankets.
Lot 16.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Clark.
Henry J. Asire, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1867. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Benjamin Beck, Merchant, Dealer in Dry Goods,
Groceries, and everything generally kept in a country
store; also a Grist Mill, where can be found Flour,
Feed, & c., keep constantly on hand; Lot 11.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Beck's Mills.
Daniel Conkle, Farmer, House Carpenter, and
Joiner. Al work done with neatness and taste.
Lot 18.
Daniel Conkle, Farmer and Blacksmith.
- Settled 1857. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Clark.
George Conrad, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 8.
- Settled 1825. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Saltillo.
Jacob Conrad, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 4.
- Settled 1825. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Clark.
Wilson Craig, Farmer, and Blacksmithing of all
kinds done to order and on short notice, Lot 8.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
Jno. T. Crawford, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1871. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Clark.
George Deetz, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 2.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Saltillo.
J. C. Elliott, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 16.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Robert Elliott.
Robert Elliott, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 25.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Clark.
John V. Farver, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 1.
- Settled 1868. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Benjamin F. Feight, House Carpenter and Joiner.
- Settled 1873. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Beck's Mill.
George Finley, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 13.
- Settled 1840. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
J. V. Finley, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 13.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Arthur Graham, Farmer and Dealer in Agricultural
Implements, Lot 13.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
John C. Gray, Farmer and Plasterer, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
R. F. Gray, Farmer and Plasterer.
James Hann, Farmer and Stock raiser, Lot 23.
- Settled 1835. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Clark.
John Harbaugh, Farmer, House Carpenter, Joiner,
and Contractor.
Lewis Hardten, Manufacturer of Wagons and
Buggies. All kinds of repairing and custom work
done on short notice. Lot 3,
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P. O. Saltillo.
Casper Heinbuch, Farmer and Stonemason, Lot 32.
Settled 1847. Native of Germany. P. O.
Wm. Hershberger, Farmer, Blacksmith, and
Christian Klotz, Farmer, Stonemason and Mason.
Leonard Klotz, Boot and Shoemaker.
Repairing done with neatness and taste.
Wm. Logsdon, Farmer and Stock Raiser; also,
Pioneer of Mechanic Township; Lot 12.
- Settled 1817. Native of Maryland. P. O. Beck's Mills.
S. P. McKinzie, Farmer, Carpenter and Joiner, Lot
- Settled 1836. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
Jacob Krieger, Carpenter and Joiner, Contractor
and Builder, Lot 18.
- Settled 1836. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Adam Lowe, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 22.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
John McKee, Farmer, Stonecutter, and Proprietor
of Stone Quarr. Fine quality of Sanstone, 3¼
miles south of Millersburg. Lot 9.
- Settled 1858. Native of Ireland. P. O. Millersburg.
W. & N. McKee, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
J. C. McKenzie, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 13.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
James H. Mitchell, Proprietor of Portable Steam
Charles Neiss, Farmer and Blacksmith, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1867. Native of Germany. P. O. Beck's Mills.
Daniel P. P. Oswald, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
John Patterson Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 30.
- Settled 1837. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Millersburg.
Philip Porr, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
Nathan Shaffer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 11.
- Settled 1837. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Clark.
Moses Steele, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 23.
- Settled 1814. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Clark.
Harvey Taylor, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
- P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. Thompson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 28.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Simon D. Troyer, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
Richard Twigg, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 8.
- Settled 1842. Native of Ohio. P. O. Beck's Mills.
Daniel Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 20.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
G. W. Uhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 11.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio. P. O. Clark.
S. B. Voorhes, Plasterer, Lot 9.
- Settled 1867. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Page 30 -
Paint Township Adv.
Business Directory
Jeremiah Agler, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Lot 36.
- Settled 1865. Native of Ohio. P. O. Wilmot.
Joseph Bader, Farmer and Agent for the Richmond
Rustic School Furniture, manufactured by George H.
Grant & Co., 2 miles N. E. of Weinsberg, Lot 28.
- Settled 1818. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Mount Eaton.
A. Bair, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 40.
- Settled 1856. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Henry Baker, Farmer, House Carpenter, and
Contractor, 3 miles N. w. of Weinsberg, Lot 32.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
F. Blaser, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 21.
- Settled 1840. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Alfred Crile, Proprietor of Daguerrean Gallery.
Photos of various kinds and sizes taken at low cash
prices. Satisfaction warranted. Lot 2.
- Settled 1822. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Berlin.
J. N. Crow, Farmer and Teacher, Lot 6. Settled
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
F. Dauber, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 27.
- Settled 1850. Native of Germany.
P. O. Weinsberg.
J. Dauber, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
- Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
J. & M. J. Dunn, Farmers and Stock Raisers, Lot 5.
- Settled 1826. Native of Germany.
P. O. Weinsberg.
Henry Engel, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 29.
- Settled 1857. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
C. A. Feikert, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 15.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
G. S. Fry, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 35.
- Settled 1841. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Mount Hope.
John Hill, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 13.
- Settled 1850. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
Jonas Hochstetter, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 19.
- Settled 1847 Native of Ohio. P.
O. Weinsberg.
Henry Hoerger, Farmer and Proprietor of Coal Bank
and Limestone Quarry, 1½
mile S. W. of Weinsberg, Lot 18, Settled 1834.
Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
F. Huffman, Farmer and Wagonmaker, Lot 1.
- Settled 1835. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
Michael Immel, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 3.
- Settled 1840. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
John Jaberg, Lot 4.
- Settled 1852. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Mount Hope.
M. Kalmbach, Farmer, Lot 22. Native of
Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
Christian Kilmer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 2.
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
R. Leyman, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 19.
- Settled 1848. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
A. G. Longnecker, Farmer, Stock Raiser, and
Teacher. Lot 34.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
C. Lowe, Farmer and Proprietor of Sawmill, where
an be found all kinds of Lumber for sale. A
specialty made of custom work. Lot 3.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
James McCulloch, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 31.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
John T. McIntire, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
Emanuel Miller, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 20.
- Settled 1848. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Isaac H. Miller, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 25.
- Settled 1831. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Weinsberg.
Michael J. Miller, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1827. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
P. S. Miller, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 24.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Amos Mumaur, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 33.
- Setteld 1832. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O.
V. Myfarth, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 6.
- Settled 1841. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
Henry Newcomer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 34.
- Settled 1852. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Weinsberg.
David Pfouts, Proprietor of Grist Mill, where can
be purchased all kinds of Flour and Mill Feed cheap for
cash Lot 2.
- Settled 1818. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
G. Schallioll, Jr., Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot
- Settled 1848. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
A. Schmidt, Farmer and Grocer, Lot 36.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
H. J. Schmidt, Farmer and Teacher. Settled
1837. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
Henry F. Shoup, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
Jacob Shoup, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 6.
- Settled 1824. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Hope.
G. W. Snyder, Farmer, Stock Raiser and House
Carpenter, 3½ miles west of
Weinsberg, Lot 4.
- Settled 1825. Native of Ohio. P. O. Middletown.
J. H. Snyder, Farmer and Breeder of pure blood
Cotswold Sheep, Durham Cattle, and Poland China Hogs, 3½
miles east of Weinsberg, Lot 5.
- Settled 1817. Native of Pa. P. O. Mount Hope.
A. Stilgenbauer, Manufacturer of first class
Rifles and Shot Guns. Specialty made of Repairing.
Lot 12.
- Settled 1840. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
Charles Stuhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 31.
- Settled 1828. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
V. Stuhl, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 37.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio. P. O. Mount Eaton.
John Troaster, Teacher.
- Settled 1865. Native of Germany. P. O. Weinsberg.
R. Tutzy, Farmer and Manufacturer of Rifles and
Shot Guns. Repairing promptly done. Lot 26.
- Settled 1839. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Weinsberg.
James Vaughan, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 1.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
John Weaver, Farmer, Stock Raiser, and Propr. of
Portable Clover Thresher, Lot 29.
- Settled 1837. Native of Ohio. P. O. Weinsberg.
James H. Wood, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 5.
- Settled 1843. Native of Ireland. P. O. Weinsberg.
Prairie Township
Adv. Business Directory.
H. H. Adams, Proprietor of Wollen Factory.
All kinds of woollen goods manufactured. I ask a
trial and satisfaction is guaranteed. Spinning
done on short notice. Sec. 12.
- Settled 1870. Native of Pennsylvania.
Amos Graven, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1853. Native of Ohio.
Louis Arnold, Farmer and Stock Raiser.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
James Barnes, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio.
G. W. Cameron, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 35.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio.
R. J. Cameron, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio.
Ezra Charlton, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Se. 31.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio.
Croco H. Crawford, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio.
John Croco, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 34.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio.
Keiffer Croco, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1823. Native of Ohio.
E. Cutter, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 20.
- Settled 1820. Native of Pennsylvania.
S. J. Cutter, Farmer and Stock Dealer, Sec. 27.
- Settled 1833. Native of Ohio.
Henry Darnell, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 29.
- Settled 1837. Native of New Jersey.
B. Dawson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 2.
- Settled 1814. Native of Ohio.
Wm. Ditmars, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 29.
- Settled 1837. Native of New Jersey.
T. S. Dowty, Farmer, Stock Raiser, and Breeder of
and Dealer in Berkshire Hogs, Sec. 28.
- Settled 1865. Native of Ohio.
Wm. Dowty, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 28.
- Settled 1869. Native of Ohio.
George W. Drushel, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio.
Jane Dunbar, Sec. 4.
- Settled 1861. Native of Pennsylvania.
Thomas Everly, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 2.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio.
Louis Foltz, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 26.
- Settled 1874. Native of Ohio.
Gamble Bros., Proprietors of the Red Mills, 2½
miles south of Fredericksburg, Manufacturers of Flour,
Feed, and also Dealers in Grain. Special attention
given to custom work. Sec. 38.
- Natives of Pennsylvania.
James Graven, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1817. Native of Pennsylvania.
Isaac Hartzler, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1856. Native of Ohio.
John Hites, Carpenter and Joiner, Lot 8.
- Settled 1826. Native of Ohio.
Jacob Huffman, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 5.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio.
Thomas M. Jones, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio.
Jeremiah Lecky, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 32.
- Settled 1830. Native of Pennsylvania.
William Lemon, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 35.
- Settled 1840. Native of Ohio.
H. C. Lytle, Farmer and Dealer in Black and White
Walnut and all kinds of Finishing Lumber, Sec. 36.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio.
Joseph Mast, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 12.
- Settled 1845. Native of Ohio.
Charles McClelland, Farmer and Justice of the
Peace, Sec. 36.
- Settled 1860. Native of Ohio.
David McCulloch, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 1.
- Settled 1813. Native of Pennsylvania.
Joseph McElroy. Farm for sale. This
farm has a coal bank and limestone quarry. Sec.
- Settled 1832. Native of Pennsylvania.
Wm. McKinley, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 8.
- Settled 1840. Native of Pennsylvania.
Enos Morland, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1835. Native of Ohio
S. Morland, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 6.
- Settled 1834. Native of Ohio.
S. P. Orr, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 32.
- Settled 1870. Native of Ohio.
Peter Painter, Farmer and Dealer in Horses and
Stock, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1823. Native of Ohio.
Lewis Parrot, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Se. 25.
- Settled 1856. Native of France.
James Peterson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 26.
- Settled 1826. Native of Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth Robison, Sec. 30.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pennsylvania.
Gamble Bros., Proprietors of the Red Mills, 24
miles south of Fredericksburg, Manufacturers of Flour,
Feed, and also Dealers in Grain.. Special
attention give to custom work. Sec. 38.
- Natives of Pennsylvania.
George Sanderson, Farmer and Stock Raiser. Sec.
- Settled 1873. Native of Ohio.
Gilbert Searight, Farmer and urner of choice
Lime, and keeps on hand a supply for sale, near
Fredericksburg, Sec. 25.
- Native of Ohio.
Elias Stucker, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 36.
- Setttled 1841. Native of Pennsylvania.
Ohio Stucker, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 26.
- Settled 1849. Native of Ohio.
Robert Taylor, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio.
John Todd, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7.
- Settled 1828. Native of Pennsylvania.
Thomas Watson, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio.
Geo. W. Wheaton, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Lot 7.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio.
John L. Wheaton, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
- Settled 1820. Native of Ohio.
Knox Township
Samuel Bell, Farmer and Stock
Raiser, Sec. 11.
- Native of Pennsylvania. P. O.
Thornton Boling, Farmer and Stock Raiser,
Agent for Altman & Taylor Thresher and the Champion
Mower. Satisfaction always given. Lot 24.
- Settled 1817. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Nashville.
Wm. H. Crum, Farmer and Teacher, Sec. 1, Lot 4.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Nashville.
Geo. Dagon, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 2.
- Settled 1850.
C. D. Dewitt, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 23.
- Settled 1851. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Nashville.
J. S. Harriss, Farmer and Teacher of Public School,
Sec. 1, Lot 16.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio, P. O.
Wilson Harriss.
Frederick Heyd, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1862. Native of France.
P. O. Londonville.
Daniel Kaylar, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 16.
- Settled 1858. Native of Ohio. P. O. Greersville.
John Kaylar, Farmer, Stock Raiser, and Propr. of
Thresher and Clover Huller, Sec. 29.
- Settled 1841. Native of New York.
P. O. Londonville
M. & R. K. Johnston, Teacher of Public School.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio. P. O. Nashville.
George Meyer, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 25.
- settled 1836. Native of France. P. O. Nashville.
E. M. P. Riggs, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ohio. P. O. Nashville.
John Simmons, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec.
1, Lot 9.
- Settled 1861. Native of Ohio. P. O. Nashville.
Alfred A. Vance, Farmer and Grain Raiser,
Sec. 1, Lot 10.
- Settled 1868. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Nashville.
Mary Vance.
John Watts, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1835. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Black Creek.
Barnhard Young, Farmer and Stock Raiser, sec. 25.
- Settled 1837. Native of France. P. O. Greersville.
Killbuck Township
Business Directory.
A. W. Brink, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 19.
- Settled 1832. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Killbuck.
Jedediah Brink, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 19.
- Settled 1846. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Killbuck.
James Butler, Farmer and Stock Grower.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
E. & J. Carpenter, Farmers and Stock Growers, Sec.
- Settled 1837 and 1839. Natives of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
G. W. Carpenter, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1830. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
James Carpenter. Farmer and Stock Grower,
Sec. 18.
- Settled 1822. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
T. Christopher, Farmer and Stock Grower.
- Settled 1839. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
W. S. Carpenter, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1842. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Killbuck
O. K. Chapman, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 14.
- Settled 1822. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Killbuck.
Roswell Chapman, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 15.
- Settled 1822. Native of Pennsylvania.
P. O. Killbuck.
James Croskey, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 15.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ireland.
P. O. Killbuck.
Jas. E. Duncan, Farmer and Stock Grower, and Dealer
Agricultural Implements.
- Settled 1852. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
M. L. Emrick, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 1.
- Settled 1826. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Wm. C. Garver, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 13.
- Settled 1839. Native of Maryland. B. O. Killbuck.
Gottleib Gerber, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1870. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Killbuck.
John W. Graham, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1850. Native of Ireland. P. O. Clark.
Henry Greiner, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1843. Native of Germany. P. O. Killbuck.
Wm. R. Greiner, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1843. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Killbuck.
Jacob Groff, Stonemason, Sec. 8,
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Conrad Kuhn, Farmer, Propr. of Saw and Cider
Mills, and Cabinetmaker, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1849. Native of Saxony. P. O. Killbuck.
A. J. McDowell, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 3.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
Joseph McDowell, Farmer and Stock Grower.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio. P.
O. Black Creek.
Lorette McDowell, Sec. 3.
- Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Millersburg.
Bradford Middaugh, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of Tompkins Co., NY. P. O. Killbuck.
Henry C. Middaugh, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1834. Native of Tompkins Co., N. Y. P. O. Killbuck.
Andrew J. Neal, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1832. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
James Quillen, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 8.
- Settled 1857. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
C. C. Schneeberger, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1855. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
John Schouauer, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 20.
- Settled 1852. Native of Switzerland. P. O. Killbuck.
D. K. Sharp, Farmer and Proprietor of Grist and
Saw Mills, 2½ miles south
of Millersburg, on Killbuck, Sec. 3.
- Settled 1838. Native of Ohio. P. O. Millersburg.
S. J. Shepler, Farmer and Stock Grower.
- Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
Newton Shrimplin, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 10.
- Settled 1844. Native of Ohio. P. O. Killbuck.
Oliver Shrimplin, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1812. Native of Ohio. P.O. Killbuck.
Samuel Stinebring, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec.
- Settled 1850. Native of Pennsylvania. P. O. Killbuck.
John Stuber, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 18.
- Settled 1841. Native of Germany. P. O. Killbuck.
Nicholas Weigand, Farmer and Stock Grower, Sec. 11.
- Settled 1863. Native of Germany. P. O. Killbuck. |