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Huron County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of North Central Ohio,

Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron & Knox Counties,
By William A. Duff
in Three Volumes
Publ. by Historical Publishing Co., Topeka-Indianapolis -


  THEODORE A. BARRETT is a successful young business man of Norwalk, where he is business manager of the Experiment News Company.  He was born at New London, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1901, the son of Lewis A. and Lillian (Arnold) Barrett.
     Lewis A. Barrett
, deceased, was a native of Huron County.  He spent his early life on a farm and was a machinist by trade.  He spent several years in the employ of the Arnold Creager Company of New London as foreman, and later engaged in business for himself as a road contractor.  He was living retired at the time of his death in July, 1919.  Mr. Barrett is buried at New London.  He was a Republican, a member of the Congregational Church and belonged to the Loyal Order of Moose.  Lillian (Arnold) Barrett was born at Adams, Mass., and now lives at New London.  To Mr. and Mrs. Barrett were born six children: Mildred, married S. F. Noble, lives at Kalamazoo, Mich.; Frances, married G. A. Jones, lived at Berkley, Calif.; Theodore A., the subject of this sketch; Donald T. lives at Kalamazoo, Mich.; Marshall and Betty, both students.
     Theodore A. Barrett obtained his education in the public schools of New London and is a graduate of New London High School, class of 1920.  He spent two years at the College of Electrical Engineering, Milwaukee, Wis., and he began is business career as a salesman in the employ of the Hurley Machine Company, of Chicago.  He later was identified with the Ohio Public School Company, and in January, 1928, came to Norwalk to accept the position of business manager of the Experiment News Company.
     In February, 1924, Mr. Barrett was united in marriage with Miss Ivon Davis, the daughter of Col. Albert W. and Emma L. (Benson) Davis.  A sketch of Col. Albert W. Davis appears elsewhere in this history.  Mr. and Mrs. Barrett are the parents of  a daughter, Nancy, born in 1926.
     Mr. Barrett is a Democrat and belongs to the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and Sigma Theta Phi fraternity.  He is active member of the Norwalk Business Men's Association.

Source: History of North Central Ohio, Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron & Knox Counties, By William A. Duff - in Three Volumes ILLUSTRATED - Publ. by Historical Publishing Co., Topeka-Indianapolis - 1931 - Page 871

Major M. L. Battles
MAJOR MELVIN L. BATTLES, M.D.  One of the outstanding figures in professional circles in Huron County is Doctor Battles, of Norwalk, who is a veteran of the World War.  He was born at South Euclid, Ohio, Mar. 2, 1879, the son of Orlin T. and Sabra (Covert) Battles.
     Orlin T. Battles
, who lives retired at St. Petersburg, Florida, is a native of Ohio.  Both he and his wife were born at Mayfield, and for many years Mr. Battles was widely known fruit farmer of that section.  He is a Republican, a member of the Methodist Church and belongs to the Knights of Pythias.  His wife died in 1923 and is buried at Chardon, Ohio.  Their children were:  1. Dr. Charles E., physician, lives at Cleveland.  2. Melvin L., the subject of this sketch.  3. Lulu M., who died in 1930, was the wife of Clark Oesch, who lives at Green Cove Springs, Fla.  4.  Dr. Orlin T., dentist, lives at Willoughby, Ohio.  5.  Charlotte M., married E. H. Tinkelpaugh, lives at Youngstown, Ohio.  6. Francis M., a graduate of Ohio State University and the University of Illinois, librarian, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.
     Melvin L. Battles attended the public schools of South Euclid and took his collegiate work at Mt. Union College.  He was graduated from the Cleveland Medical College, in 1904 and engaged in the practice of his profession at Franklin, Pa., from 1904 until 1910.  The following six years were spent at Greenwich and Olena, Huron County, and in 1915 Doctor Battles established his present practice in Norwalk.  At the outbreak of the World War he enlisted for service and was commissioned as first lieutenant in the U. S. Medical Corps.  He served during the war period at Camp Custer, Mich., and was discharged Jan. 25, 1919.  Doctor Battles established his present practice in Norwalk.  At the outbreak of the World War he enlisted for service and was commissioned as first lieutenant in the U. S. Medical Corps.  He served during the war period at Camp Custer, Mich., and was discharged Jan. 25, 1919.  Doctor Battles received the commission of captain in  the Medical Corps, 145th Infantry, on July 23, 1927, and on May 16, 1929, was promoted to the rank of major, U. S. Medical and Staff Officers Corps, attached to 112th Engineers at U. S. Medical and Staff Officers Corps, attended to 112th Engineers at Cleveland, acting as regimental surgeon.  He holds a dual commission, being major in the Ohio National Guard and U. S. Reserve Corps. 
     In 1903 Doctor Battles married Miss Edna T. Grimes, a graduate of Mt. Union College, and the daughter of Rev. Mr. C. and Mary E. (Tipton) Grimes.  Reverend Grimes, a retired minister of the Methodist Church, lives at Norwalk.  He was born in Belmont County, Ohio, and his wife is a native of Caldwell, Ohio.  To Doctor and Mrs. Battles  were born four children: 1. Edwin, a graduate of Norwalk High School, student at Ohio State University, and Mt. Union College, now attends the New York Homeopathic College.  He married Miss Frances Huffman and they have a daughter, Ellen D.  2. Mary Elizabeth, a graduate of Norwalk High School and Ohio University, married Arthur Boyles, lives at Norwalk.  3. Melvin L., Jr.  4. Thomas E.  Both attend Norwalk High School.
     Doctor Battles is identified with the Huron County Medical Society, Ohio State Medical Society, American Institute of Homeopathy, and is chairman of the National Bureau of Public Health.  He is a Republican and has served as coroner of Venango County, Pa.  He holds membership in the Methodist Church and has the following lodge affiliations:  Townsend Lodge, F. & A. M.; Huron Chapter, R. A. M., No. 7; Norwalk Council, R. & S. M., No. 24; Norwalk Commandery, K. T., No. 18; B. P. O. Elks, No. 730, Past Exalted Ruler; F. O. Eagles, No. 711; and Cleveland Chapter, No. 23, National Sojourner.  He is also a member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the U. S. and a member of the American Legion, 40 and 8 Society, and is past commander of Ken-Bur-Bell Post No. 41.
Source: History of North Central Ohio, Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron & Knox Counties, By William A. Duff - in Three Volumes ILLUSTRATED - Publ. by Historical Publishing Co., Topeka-Indianapolis - 1931 - Page 848
  HON. JOHN M. BECHTOL, who has served as Probate Judge of Huron County since 1921, has had a wide and successful practice at Norwalk for many years, and is active in the civic affairs of that community.  He was born on a farm in Superior Township, Williams County, Ohio, Mar. 17, 1867, the son of John K. and Hannah (Wisman) Bechtol.
     John K. Bechtol
, deceased, was a veteran of the Civil War.  He was born in Stark County, Ohio, the son of Adam Bechtol, who was among the first settlers of Ohio.  John K. Bechtol attended the district schools of Stark County and throughout his life engaged in general farming, having removed to Williams County with his parents when he was a small child.  He served throughout the Civil War with an Ohio outfit.  Mr. Bechtol was a Republican, and served as a member of the board of education and as township trustee.  He was a life long member of the Methodist Church and belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic.  Mr. and Mrs. Bechtol are buried in Bridgewater Township, Williams County.  Their children were:  Adam, lives at Mentor, Ohio; John M., the subject of this sketch; Dr. E. A. , physician, lives at Montpelier, Ohio, is a veteran of the World War;  Dr. Eli C., physician, lives at Montgomery, Mich.; Freeman L., general merchant, lives at Ainger, Ohio; and Clarence, deceased.
     John M. Bechtol obtained his early education in the district schools of Williams County and attended Ohio Wesleyan University.  He received a degree of Bachelor of Science at Fayette Norman University in 1893 and spent seven years as a teacher in the schools of Fulton County, Ohio.  Subsequently he took up the study of law at Ohio State University from which he received the degree of LL. B. in 1902. In that year he established a private practice in Norwalk.  He served as justice of the peace from 1903 and 1921, as township clerk from 1911 until 1921, and in November, 1920, was elected Probate Judge of Huron County.  He was reelected to this office in 1924 and 1928.
     Judge Bechtol was married in 1903 to Miss Millie A. Rice, the daughter of Joseph and Theoda (Cotrill) Rice, of Fulton County.  Both are deceased.  Judge and Mrs. Bechtol have a son, Robert E., who is a graduate of Ohio State University, class of 1930.  He is identified with the Austin Construction Company, of Cleveland.
     Judge Bechtol
holds membership in the Methodist Church and is a member of the official board.  He is affiliated with Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 64; Knights of Pythias, No. 145, Past Chancellor, and belongs to the Huron County Bar Association.
     Politically, Judge Bechtol is a Republican.

Source: History of North Central Ohio, Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron & Knox Counties, By William A. Duff - in Three Volumes ILLUSTRATED - Publ. by Historical Publishing Co., Topeka-Indianapolis - 1931 - Page 870
  CLEMENT L. BELL, M. D., is one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Norwalk, and his career as a physician and surgeon in Huron county has won for him the confidence and trust of all who know him.  He has also held the responsible position of coroner of Huron County since 1916.  Doctor Bell was born in ripley Township, Huron County, Aug. 20, 1863, the son of William C. and Mary (Carpenter) Bell.
     William C. Bell
was born at Fitchville, Huron County, and spent his entire life in this section of the state.  He was a shoemaker by trade.  Both he and his wife are deceased and are buried in Ripley Township.  Mr. Bell was a Republican and held membership in the Methodist Church.  There were six children in the Bell familyEmma, married Henry Allen, both deceased; Oscar D., deceased; Clement L., the subject of this sketch; George, deceased; Robert M., lives at Shelby, Ohio, is a veteran of the Spanish-American War; and Ada Eleanor, married Roy Stone, lives at Fitchville.
     Clement L. Bell attended the district schools of Ripley Township and is a graduate of Greenwich High School.  He studied medicine in the office of Dr. Flackler of Plymouth, and later entered the Cleveland Homeopathic College, from which he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1888.  His professional career began at Attica, Seneca County, Ohio, where he remained until 1896.  From 1896 until 1920 Doctor Bell was located at Fitchville, and removed to his present offices in Norwalk in the latter year.
     In 1918 Doctor Bell volunteered for service in the World War and was sent to Fort Crook, Neb., where he served as First Lieutenant, U. S. Medical Corps.  He later was transferred to Camp Benning Georgia, and for a time was located at Camp Perry, Ohio.  He was discharged from the service May 28, 1919.  Doctor Bell is a member of the American Legion, Association of Military Surgeon, and Disabled Emergency Officers Association of the World War.
     In 1886 Doctor Bell was united marriage with Miss Hannah Eleanor Bell, who died at Fitchville, Oct. 4, 1919.  She was the daughter of Nathaniel Bell, a native of Richland County, and a prominent citizen of Ripley Township, Huron County.  He was also a minister.  His father, David Bell, came to Ohio from Connecticut and settled on a farm in Richland County. To Clement L. and Hannah Eleanor (Bell) Bell) were born five sons: 
     1. John C., born Jan. 22, 1887, married Edith Langjahr, lives at Norwalk.
     2. Harry R., born Feb. 4, 1890, enlisted for service during the World War in Company G, 145th Infantry, 37th Division.  He was killed in action in the Argonne Forest ,Sept. 26, 1918, and is buried at Fitchville.  He held the rank of corporal.
     3. Lloyd, born July 2, 1893, enlisted for service during the World War.  He was sent to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and later to El Paso, Texas, where he was assigned to the First Signal Battalion.  He served in France with this outfit with the rank of corporal and was slightly wounded and gassed while in the service.  He married Edna Sheldon, and lives at Norwalk.  They have three children, Pauline, Mary Louise, and Kenneth.  By a former marriage Lloyd Bell has a son, Clayton.
     4. Donald C., born Sept. 6, 1896, enlisted for service during the World War in the U. S. Marine Corps.  He was stationed at Quantico, Va., where he served as instructor in rifle practice.  He married Ramona Dunlap, and lives at Greenwich, Ohio.  They have four children:  Donald C., Jr., Robert, Beverly, and Ruth.
     5. Reginald W., born Nov. 29, 1900, lives at New London, Ohio.  He married Veda Reed and they have a daughter, Audrey.
     Doctor Bell
married (second) Miss Mary Brailey the daughter of Jacob Brailey, a native of Connecticut, and well known citizen of Norwalk.  He is deceased.
     Doctor Bell is a Republican, and besides the office of coroner of Huron County, he is also serving as health commissioner.  He is a member of the Methodist Church and belongs to Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 64; Toledo Consistory, 32nd degree; Knights of Pythias, and Kiwanis Club.  He holds membership in the Hahneman Society.
Source: History of North Central Ohio, Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron & Knox Counties, By William A. Duff - in Three Volumes ILLUSTRATED - Publ. by Historical Publishing Co., Topeka-Indianapolis - 1931 - Page




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