Abbott, Hiram |
1899 |
530 |
Abbott, Walter O. |
1882 |
167 |
Adams, Allen S. |
1902 |
916 |
Adams, Amy R., Jan. |
1888 |
112 |
Adams, Benoni |
1878 |
97 |
Adams, Bildad |
1858 |
16 |
Adams, Bildad |
1900 |
769 |
Adams, Charles K. |
1899 |
531 |
Adams, Charlotte M. |
1884 |
118 |
Adams, George O. |
1865 |
120 |
Adams, George O. |
1886 |
99 |
Adams, Henry |
1882 |
144 |
Abbott, Hiram |
1899 |
530 |
Adams, Philo |
1882 |
167 |
Adams, Philo |
1865 |
120 |
Adams, Philo, Mrs. |
1864 |
122 |
Adams, Rose |
1906 |
1171 |
Adams, Stark |
1909 |
1578 |
Abbott, Walter O. |
1886 |
99 |
Adams, Wm. A. |
1899 |
530 |
Adams, William H. |
1902 |
947 |
Aicher, U., Mrs. |
1902 |
947 |
Akins, Martha |
1902 |
947 |
Aldrich, James |
1909 |
1578 |
Allen, Permelia |
1874 |
111 |
Allen, Peter, Dr. |
1865 |
123 |
Allen, W. C. |
1909 |
1578 |
Alley, Prudy Ann |
1909 |
1578 |
Alley, Wm. (pg. 2424 Vol. XXI) |
Alling, Chas. P., Dr. |
1909 |
1578 |
Alling, David G. |
1898 |
317 |
Alling, Eliza |
1906 |
1771 |
Ames, Oliver T. |
1898 |
317 |
Amos, Harkness |
1858 |
16 |
Anderson, A. M., Capt |
1902 |
948 |
Anderson, Alvin |
1899 |
531 |
Anderson, George, Dr. |
1867 |
116 |
Anderson, Henry |
1878 |
97 |
Andrews, Andrew J. |
1906 |
1171 |
Andrews, Ebenezer, Hon. |
1864 |
122 |
Andrews, Eunice |
1891 |
144 |
Andrews, Rachel |
1882 |
146 |
Andrews, Rachel A. |
1899 |
531 |
Andrews, Salina |
1899 |
532 |
Angel, Amy |
1876 |
124 |
Armstrong, Samuel |
1897 |
130 |
Armstrong, William |
1895 |
144 |
Arnold, Alfred |
1882 |
167 |
Arnold, Charles W. |
1906 |
1171 |
Arnold, Forsythe |
1896 |
119 |
Arnold, James |
1882 |
146 |
Arnold, Levi |
1902 |
948 |
Arnold, Samantha |
1902 |
916 |
Arthur, Wm. H. |
1902 |
916 |
Ashley, Baxter |
1894 |
139 |
Ashley, Dennis |
1899 |
532 |
Ashley, Marcia |
1886 |
123 |
Atherton, Jonathan, July |
1888 |
117 |
Atherton, Sarah |
1906 |
1172 |
Austin, Homer J. |
1906 |
1172 |
Austin, Philander |
1874 |
101 |
Austin, Susannah |
1868 |
100 |
Austin, William, Capt. |
1864 |
77 |
Avery, Luther |
1896 |
119 |
Babcock, Oran M. |
1876 |
123 |
Babcock, Sarah |
1909 |
1579 |
Bailey, Edward B. |
1874 |
110 |
Bailey, Lucy |
1896 |
119 |
Baker, Ansel, Mrs.** |
1882 |
167 |
Baker, Betsy |
1895 |
145 |
Baker, Daniel A. |
1882 |
165 |
Baker, Emma |
1906 |
1173 |
Baker, Fanny |
1899 |
532 |
Baker, Geo. G., Dr. and wife |
1882 |
132 |
Baker, Geo. P. |
1902 |
948 |
Baker, James W. |
1909 |
1579 |
Baker, Rachel R. |
1907 |
1411 |
Baker, Robert |
1865 |
24 |
Baker, Sarah |
1899 |
532 |
Baker, Theodore |
1878 |
98 |
Baker, Timothy *** |
1878 |
98 |
Baker, Timothy, Mrs. |
1864 |
122 |
Baker, William |
1909 |
1579 |
Baldwin, Chas. C., Hon. |
1895 |
135 |
Baldwin, Ruth O. |
1895 |
145 |
Barber, Elder, Rev. |
1874 |
93 |
Barber, A. H., Jan. |
1888 |
102 |
Barber, Sarah |
1900 |
752 |
Barber, Seth M. |
1900 |
752 |
Bare, Barbara |
1907 |
1411 |
Barkdull, Thomas |
1902 |
917 |
Barker, Jacob |
1902 |
948 |
Barker, John |
1906 |
1173 |
Barker, Laura P. |
1897 |
130 |
Barker, Nelson |
1909 |
1579 |
Barlitt, Daniel, July |
1888 |
89 |
Barnes, Mary |
1874 |
16 |
Barnes, John |
1891 |
139 |
Barnes, Justus |
1900 |
752 |
Barnes, Henry S. |
1900 |
752 |
Barnes, Selden |
1902 |
917 |
Barnes, Samuel W. |
1906 |
1173 |
Barnes, Lewis & wife |
1868 |
84 |
Barnes, Joshua B. |
1909 |
1579 |
Barnes, W. S. |
1897 |
130 |
Barney, ____ |
1900 |
628 |
Barnum, Eli S. |
1864 |
91 |
Barnum, E. M. |
1868 |
96 |
Barnum, Joseph S. |
1899 |
532 |
Barnum, John N. |
1902 |
917 |
Barnum, Wm. L. |
1902 |
917 |
Barnum, Elizabeth |
1906 |
1173 |
Barrett, Mary |
1906 |
1173 |
Barritt, Zelotus |
1878 |
99 |
Bartlett, C. W. |
1896 |
120 |
Bartlett, Margaret |
1907 |
1411 |
Bartow, Alvin T. |
1882 |
158 |
Bascom, Alfred |
1895 |
145 |
Bascom, Lydia |
1895 |
144 |
Bassett, Edward |
1906 |
1173 |
Bassett, Electa, Mrs. |
1874 |
111 |
Bassett, Henry E. |
1902 |
916 |
Bassett, Wm. |
1900 |
753 |
Bates, Walter |
1876 |
122 |
Bathrick, Wm. H. H. |
1902 |
916 |
Bauder, Silas |
1902 |
950 |
Baum, Ann, Mrs. |
1865 |
121 |
Baum, Charles |
1902 |
950 |
Baumeister, John B. |
1899 |
532 |
Beach, Daniel |
1864 |
49 |
Beach, Fanny |
1878 |
99 |
Beach, Nora |
1907 |
1411 |
Beardsley, Clement |
1874 |
96 |
Beardsley, John, July |
1888 |
117 |
Becker, Conrad |
1902 |
951 |
Beckwith, Anna |
1884 |
106 |
Beckwith, David H., Dr. |
1909 |
1580 |
Beckwith, Lucinda |
1898 |
321 |
Beckwith, Lydia R., July |
1888 |
118 |
Beckwith, Maria P. |
1906 |
1174 |
Beckwith, Perry G. |
1874 |
36 |
Beckwith, Perry B. |
1874 |
110 |
Beckwith, Seth, Dr. |
1906 |
1174 |
Beebe, A. M., Judge |
1884 |
119 |
Beebe, Martin, Dr. |
1899 |
533 |
Beebe, Mary |
1865 |
116 |
Beecher, Cyrenius |
1886 |
112 |
Beecher, Julia A. |
1895 |
145 |
Beelman, Andrew |
1895 |
130 |
Beers, Louisa |
1895 |
129 |
Beers, Nathan, Sr. |
1891 |
140 |
Beinke, Ann R., Mrs. |
1909 |
1580 |
Bell, David S. |
1909 |
1581 |
Bell, Stewart E. |
1899 |
533 |
Bemis, Daniel |
1898 |
318 |
Bemis, Elijah |
1870 |
35 |
Benedict, D. D., Mrs. |
1909 |
1581 |
Benedict, Hannah T. |
1897 |
130 |
Benedict, Mary L. |
1899 |
534 |
Benedict, Platt
§ |
1867 |
84 |
Benedict, Platt |
1896 |
108 |
Benedict, Platt and family |
1902 |
917 |
Benson, Benjamin |
1867 |
88 |
Benson, Leonard |
1878 |
99 |
Bentley, Jane, M. |
1897 |
131 |
Bentley, Myron H. |
1895 |
145 |
Bentley, Robert |
1865 |
117 |
Berkeley, Jane Morrison |
1897 |
131 |
Berrigan, William |
1902 |
951 |
Betts, Robert W. |
1874 |
29 |
Betts, X., Rev. |
1874 |
10 |
Beverstock, Volney |
1882 |
157 |
Biehl, Frederick |
1902 |
951 |
Bigelow, Sarah |
1902 |
951 |
Bills, Charles |
1909 |
1581 |
Bills, Daniel |
1898 |
318 |
Bills, Elijah |
1909 |
1581 |
Bills, John E. |
1909 |
1581 |
Bingham, John |
1895 |
144 |
Birdsall, Samuel |
1882 |
155 |
Birdseye, G. P. |
1882 |
167 |
Birdseye, Mary |
1891 |
141 |
Bishop, Wm. A., Mrs. |
1909 |
1581 |
Bissell, J. Milton |
1900 |
753 |
Bissell, Joshua B. |
1902 |
924 |
Bissell, Lemuel, Rev. |
1894 |
144 |
Bissell, Walter J. |
1898 |
318 |
Bissell, Wm. W. |
1902 |
924 |
Blackman, A. J., Mrs. |
1909 |
1581 |
Blackman, Joel |
1894 |
139 |
Blair, Edward |
1902 |
951 |
Blair, Margaret |
1909 |
1582 |
Blake, John |
1896 |
120 |
Blake, William |
1896 |
121 |
Blakeslee, Joel |
1864 |
109 |
Blanchard, John |
1899 |
535 |
Blanchard, Wm. |
1900 |
753 |
Blish, Elizabeth |
1896 |
120 |
Blish, Albert |
1907 |
1411 |
Blish, Joel |
1882 |
167 |
Bliss, Jonathan |
1898 |
324 |
Bliss, Lucy |
1896 |
121 |
Bloomer, George |
1882 |
167 |
Bloomer, George and wife |
1909 |
1582 |
Bloomer, John U. |
1900 |
753 |
Bloomer, Robert A. |
1909 |
1582 |
Bly, Rouse |
1867 |
85 |
Boalt, C. L., Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Boalt, C. L. |
1874 |
117 |
Boalt, Geo. A. |
1884 |
123 |
Boalt, Giles |
1895 |
155 |
Boalt, John H., Judge |
1902 |
951 |
Boardman, Hiram |
1874 |
93 |
Bodwell, Joseph L. |
1906 |
1174 |
Boehler, Philip |
1897 |
131 |
Bogardus, Evert |
1894 |
140 |
Bomberger, Sarah M. |
1906 |
1174 |
Bonnet, Betsy |
1909 |
1582 |
Book, John |
1899 |
535 |
Boston, Thomas, Rev., July |
1888 |
87 |
Bostwick, Chas. & wife |
1898 |
321 |
Bott, Ann |
1886 |
119 |
Bott, Catherine, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Bott, Roxana E. |
1895 |
156 |
Boughton, John & wife |
1909 |
1582 |
Boughton, Theodore |
1909 |
1583 |
Bowen, Christina |
1900 |
753 |
Bowen, John |
1900 |
753 |
Bowen, William |
1874 |
99 |
Bowers, Silas |
1858 |
17 |
Bradish, Margaret |
1902 |
916 |
Bradish, Jay D. |
1899 |
535 |
Bradley, Woolsey |
1898 |
323 |
Brady, Ellen |
1897 |
131 |
Brady, Mary |
1896 |
122 |
Branch, Walter |
1878 |
100 |
Breckenridge, Myron, Jan. |
1888 |
114 |
Breen, Felix |
1902 |
951 |
Brewer, Isaac C. |
1896 |
123 |
Brewer, Richard |
1891 |
59 |
Brewster, Leonard |
1882 |
167 |
Brewster, Moses P. |
1874 |
110 |
Briggs, Alzina |
1884 |
118 |
Briggs, Alexander |
1909 |
1583 |
Briggs, Asa C. |
1896 |
121 |
Briggs, Sarah |
1868 |
83 |
Briggs, Sarah |
1858 |
122 |
Briggs, Susannah |
1876 |
117 |
Brightman, Alvin |
1876 |
122 |
Brightman, Pamela |
1907 |
1412 |
Bristol, Eunice |
1909 |
1583 |
Bristol, Nelson |
1909 |
1583 |
Bristol, Samuel |
1868 |
97 |
Broadhurst, Flora, Mrs. |
1898 |
323 |
Brooks, Lemuel |
1858 |
17 |
Brooks, Patty |
1886 |
121 |
Brown, A. J. |
1898 |
317 |
Brown, Albert |
1895 |
145 |
Brown, Arvilla |
1907 |
1412 |
Brown, Chas. S. |
1894 |
148 |
Brown, Collins, Jan. |
1888 |
111 |
Brown, Colins A. |
1886 |
74 |
Brown, Edwin H. |
1898 |
319 |
Brown, Eunice |
1876 |
123 |
Brown, George W. |
1894 |
127 |
Brown, Henry |
1894 |
146 |
Brown, Isaac |
1898 |
320 |
Brown, Jacob |
1906 |
1174 |
Brown, Moses T., Prof. |
1902 |
951 |
Brown, Nelson |
1894 |
142 |
Brown, Patty |
1886 |
121 |
Brown, Peter |
1865 |
82 |
Brown, Pliny, Mrs. |
1866 |
77 |
Brown, Robert |
1909 |
1583 |
Brown, Wm. P. |
1894 |
149 |
Buchanan, Jane |
1868 |
93 |
Buchanan, John |
1878 |
100 |
Buck, James |
1891 |
143 |
Buck, Rebecca |
1896 |
122 |
Buckingham, Allen L. |
1899 |
537 |
Buckingham, Elizabeth |
1899 |
537 |
Buckingham, George T. |
1896 |
123 |
Buckingham, Henry |
1882 |
159 |
Buckingham, Henry, July |
1888 |
120 |
Buckingham, John |
1899 |
535 |
Buckingham, Lovina |
1894 |
153 |
Buckingham, William |
1909 |
1584 |
Buckley, Valentine |
1902 |
951 |
Buckman, Henry W. |
1909 |
1584 |
Bunce, Edward J. |
1874 |
99 |
Bunce, Hiram, Dr. |
1900 |
753 |
Bunker, Thaddeus |
1895 |
156 |
Burdue, Jacob |
1874 |
109 |
Burdue, M. W. |
1907 |
1412 |
Burdue, Nathaniel |
1909 |
1584 |
Burdue, William |
1909 |
1584 |
Burlew, Gordon |
1902 |
952 |
Burn, Jane R. |
1899 |
538 |
Burnham, Moses, Mrs. |
1874 |
25 |
Burnham, Joseph |
1876 |
123 |
Burr, Caroline |
1895 |
145 |
Burras, Abijah |
1909 |
1584 |
Burt, Harriet |
1882 |
157 |
Burt, Harriet, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Burton, Julia |
1909 |
1585 |
Buskirk, George |
1906 |
1174 |
Butler, Charles R. |
1895 |
137 |
Butler, Jay C., Jan. |
1888 |
81 |
Butler, Nancy |
1909 |
1585 |
Butler, Russell W. |
1909 |
1585 |
Butman, Myron |
1902 |
952 |
Butts, Rosina B. |
1902 |
952 |
Cable, Louisa |
1902 |
952 |
Cable, Levi |
1909 |
1585 |
Cable, Marcus & wife |
1909 |
1585 |
Cadell, Thomas |
1895 |
156 |
Caldwell, Samuel B. |
1874 |
112 |
Caldwell, SArah B., Jan. |
1888 |
98 |
Call, Noble |
1906 |
1174 |
Camp, John G., Jan |
1888 |
87 |
Camp, G. H., Jan. |
1888 |
120 |
Camp, Elizabeth |
1902 |
952 |
Camp, Jacob A. |
1900 |
754 |
Campbell, John K., Mrs. |
1894 |
153 |
Canfield, Alban, J. |
1909 |
1585 |
Canfield, Burton M. |
1894 |
134 |
Canfield, C. C. |
1895 |
142 |
Canfield, C. C., Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Canfield, Eunice C. |
1895 |
143 |
Carabin, Mary J. |
1896 |
124 |
Carkhuff, Wm. |
1858 |
17 |
Carl, Daniel & Wife |
1909 |
1586 |
Carl, Elizabeth |
1899 |
538 |
Carl, William |
1864 |
121 |
Carpenter, Catharine (Van Ness) |
1874 |
10 |
Carpenter, Elizabeth |
1902 |
925 |
Carpenter, Jane, Mrs. |
1902 |
952 |
Carpenter, O. L., Rev. |
1891 |
135 |
Carter, Irana |
1902 |
925 |
Carter, John R. |
1902 |
952 |
Carter, Margaret |
1895 |
145 |
Carter, Otis G. |
1906 |
1175 |
Case, Eliza |
1899 |
538 |
Case, Isaac P. |
1864 |
114 |
Case, Leonard |
1865 |
75 |
Case, William |
1882 |
167 |
Cashman, Johanna |
1895 |
145 |
Chaffee, Calvin O. |
1882 |
164 |
Chaffee, Calvin O. |
1909 |
1586 |
Chaffee, Tammazin |
1909 |
1586 |
Chamberlain, J. D. |
1898 |
325 |
Chandler, Daniel |
1870 |
48 |
Chandler, Eben H. |
1907 |
1412 |
Chapin, Clarissa |
1891 |
143 |
Chapin, Lorenzo S. |
1895 |
157 |
Chapin, Mary A. |
1882 |
157 |
Chapman, Charles H. |
1907 |
1412 |
Chapman, Eliza |
1902 |
953 |
Chapman, James, Col. |
1902 |
953 |
Chappell, Ezra |
1866 |
78 |
Chase, Harry |
1882 |
185 |
Cheney, William |
1909 |
1586 |
Cherry, Berilla |
1891 |
142 |
Cherry, Hannah, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Cherry, John |
1870 |
46 |
Cherry, Polina |
1896 |
124 |
Cherry, Reuben M. |
1864 |
43 |
Cherry, William |
1862 |
78 |
Cherry, William |
1864 |
43 |
Chesebrough, Alfred |
1895 |
156 |
Child, Charles |
1876 |
123 |
Christian, Kate E. |
1906 |
1175 |
Chrysler, Permelia B. |
1895 |
143 |
Church, Temperance |
1878 |
100 |
Clapp, Betsy M. |
1884 |
120 |
Clapp, Dean |
1909 |
1586 |
Clark, Amos |
1886 |
116 |
Clark, Calvin C. |
1906 |
1175 |
Clark, Charlotte E. |
1907 |
1413 |
Clark, Esther |
1874 |
10i1 |
Clark, Harriet
Buckingham |
1897 |
132 |
Clark, John |
1878 |
100 |
Clark, John J. |
1899 |
538 |
Clark, Lester and wife |
1874 |
101 |
Clark, Rowland |
1902 |
925 |
Clary, Elisha |
1874 |
20 |
Clary, Eliza |
1898 |
324 |
Clary, Geo. W. |
1899 |
538 |
Clary, Homer C. |
1897 |
133 |
Clawson, Betsy E. |
1900 |
754 |
Clawson, Clarissa G. |
1895 |
133 |
Clawson, Dorcas |
1899 |
539 |
Clawson, G. B. |
1909 |
1586 |
Clawson, Jacob |
1900 |
754 |
Cleland, Kate G. |
1906 |
1176 |
Clemons, Alex., Jan. |
1888 |
92 |
Cleveland, Alanson |
1874 |
113 |
Close, Harriet |
1899 |
539 |
Clough, Winthrop |
1878 |
101 |
Coats, Mary Ann |
1906 |
1175 |
Coe, Almon B. |
1898 |
325 |
Coe, Alvin, Rev. |
1859 |
43 |
Coe, Luther |
1858 |
46 |
Coe, Sarah |
1884 |
113 |
Coggeshall, Enoch |
1900 |
754 |
Coit, Andrew J. |
1895 |
140 |
Cole, Bethuel |
1874 |
36 |
Cole, Calvin |
1902 |
925 |
Cole, Edward L. |
1865 |
52 |
Cole, James |
1884 |
122 |
Cole, James |
1882 |
167 |
Cole, James, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Cole, Lemon |
1865 |
52 |
Cole, Levi |
1909 |
1586 |
Cole, Levi |
1896 |
104 |
Cole, Levi |
1884 |
122 |
Cole, Manly K. |
1894 |
144 |
Cole, Miner |
1886 |
89 |
Cole, Philena |
1884 |
123 |
Cole, Wm. H. |
1907 |
1413 |
Colgrove, A. C. |
1874 |
101 |
Collins, J. D. |
1907 |
1413 |
Collmon, Herman |
1897 |
132 |
Colson, W. B. |
1896 |
124 |
Colton, Carlos |
1882 |
157 |
Colton, Hamilton |
1884 |
113 |
Colton, Melinda |
1891 |
127 |
Colver, Elisha M. |
1895 |
156 |
Colwell, Lydia P., Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Comstock, Julia |
1895 |
128 |
Comstock, Philo |
1894 |
143 |
Conger, Bilsy |
1895 |
145 |
Conger, David |
1882 |
155 |
Conter, Elijah |
1909 |
1587 |
Conger, Enoch, Rev. |
1876 |
102 |
Conger, Hannah |
1886 |
117 |
Conger, Lewis |
1900 |
755 |
Conger, Sally |
1875 |
123 |
Conklin, Shadrach, Mrs. |
1874 |
103 |
Conley, Alice |
1902 |
953 |
Considine, Daniel |
1906 |
1175 |
Cook, Nathan S. |
1909 |
1587 |
Cook, Pitt |
1900 |
755 |
Cook, Thos. M., Dr. |
1896 |
125 |
Cooke, Eleutheros |
1865 |
8 |
Cooley, Warren |
1902 |
925 |
Cooper, George |
1895 |
157 |
Cooper, Mary A. |
1900 |
758 |
Cooper, Susan |
1902 |
926 |
Copsey, John S. |
1897 |
133 |
Corbin, Edward |
1909 |
1587 |
Corbin, Orrin & wife |
1909 |
1588 |
Costello, Matthew |
1897 |
133 |
Couch, Catherine |
1907 |
1413 |
Couch, Edgar |
1906 |
1176 |
Coutant, Phoebe |
1896 |
125 |
Covert, Sylvanus |
1882 |
167 |
Crane, Wm. H. |
1870 |
46 |
Crawford, Cidelia |
1895 |
138 |
Crawford, David |
1902 |
926 |
Crawford, Margaret |
1902 |
927 |
Crittenden, C. C., Mrs., January |
1888 |
122 |
Crooks, Emma |
1896 |
126 |
Crosby, Cornelia |
1909 |
1588 |
Crosson, P. J. |
1902 |
953 |
Crow, Robert |
1867 |
88 |
Cuddeback, Hannah |
1896 |
126 |
Cuddeback, Jane |
1874 |
95 |
Culp, Edward |
1906 |
1176 |
Culver, Frank P. |
1902 |
953 |
Cunningham, Albert |
1897 |
132 |
Cunningham, Cyrus |
1865 |
118 |
Cunningham, Edwin W. |
1906 |
1176 |
Cunningham, H. M. |
1876 |
95 |
Cunningham, Harriet |
1906 |
1178 |
Cunningham, John and wife |
1909 |
1588 |
Cunningham, Layton |
1900 |
758 |
Cunningham, Ophelia |
1897 |
132 |
Cunningham, Warren |
1907 |
1413 |
Cuppy, John |
1865 |
117 |
Curran, A. M. |
1902 |
953 |
Curran, Orpha |
1896 |
125 |
Curry, Asa |
1900 |
758 |
Curry, Elizabeth |
1906 |
1179 |
Curry, George |
1906 |
1179 |
Curry, Levi |
1906 |
1179 |
Curtis, Howard J. |
1902 |
953 |
Curtis, Joseph C. |
1874 |
20 |
Curtis, Margaret, Mrs. |
1898 |
325 |
Curtiss, Abigail Ely, July |
1888 |
117 |
Curtiss, Angeline L., July |
1888 |
119 |
Curtiss, Delia |
1898 |
325 |
Curtiss, E. H. |
1899 |
540 |
Curtiss, Emeline |
1900 |
753 |
Curtiss, Harvey |
1894 |
137 |
Curtiss, Lucius M. |
1900 |
758 |
Curtiss, Orlando F. |
1874 |
94 |
Curtiss, S. W. |
1895 |
145 |
Cuthbert, Isabella |
1902 |
953 |
Dailey, Maria L. |
1902 |
928 |
Daley, Sarah |
1902 |
928 |
Darby, Bryant |
1900 |
758 |
Darling, Abbie |
1902 |
929 |
Darling, Joseph B. |
1878 |
101 |
Davenport, Eliza |
1909 |
1588 |
Davis, Bartlett |
1909 |
1588 |
Davis, Charlotte M. H. |
1895 |
141 |
Davis, Daniel |
1909 |
1589 |
Davis, Huldah F. |
1899 |
540 |
Davis, Mary |
1909 |
1589 |
Davis, Thomas |
1909 |
1589 |
Davis, Thomas H. B. |
1902 |
953 |
Davlin, Ann J. |
1902 |
954 |
Day, Charles A., Capt. |
1909 |
1589 |
Day, Sarah |
1902 |
929 |
Dietz, Mathias |
1902 |
954 |
Delameter, Elizabeth, Mrs. |
1868 |
93 |
Delamater, Jane M. |
1899 |
540 |
Delmater, Sarah |
1899 |
540 |
Deming, Jabez |
1874 |
36 |
Demund, Sally, Jan. |
1888 |
119 |
Denman, Abigail E. |
1909 |
1590 |
Denman, Jane |
1899 |
540 |
Denman, John |
1878 |
101 |
Denman, John J. |
1900 |
758 |
Denman, Marinda, July |
1888 |
116 |
Denman, Martin |
1874 |
117 |
Denman, Martin & wife |
1909 |
1589 |
Denman, Sally |
1891 |
143 |
Denman, William |
1899 |
540 |
Dennis, Eben J., Capt., January |
1888 |
100 |
Denslow, Byron |
1900 |
759 |
Denton, Jabez & wife |
1868 |
84 |
Devoe, Levi |
1876 |
124 |
Dewey, Hiram T. |
1902 |
954 |
Dewey, John F. |
1874 |
103 |
DeWitt, Martha |
1907 |
1413 |
DeWitt, Wm. H. |
1902 |
954 |
Dibble, Daniel |
1882 |
154 |
Dickey, Thomas |
1909 |
1590 |
Diebisch, Julius |
1902 |
954 |
Dille, Asa |
1862 |
79 |
Dillingham, John |
1867 |
70 |
Dimick, Harriet S. |
1896 |
127 |
Dimm, Thomas, Rev., July |
1888 |
118 |
Doane, Silas. |
1895 |
157 |
Doller, Valentine |
1902 |
955 |
Donaldson, Laura |
1897 |
130 |
Donnelly, Patrick |
1895 |
145 |
Doran, Fenton |
1902 |
955 |
Doran, Paul |
1902 |
955 |
Doud, Samuel |
1882 |
146 |
Douglass, Henry |
1902 |
955 |
Dowd, Asahel |
1902 |
929 |
Downing, Samuel |
1867 |
103 |
Downs, Joel |
1865 |
118 |
Downs, Sarah |
1878 |
102 |
Drake, C. F., Jan. |
1888 |
80 |
Drake, Cynthia |
1900 |
759 |
Drake, Elizabeth |
1902 |
955 |
Drake, F. D. |
1882 |
167 |
Drake, Mary, Jan. |
1888 |
80 |
Driver, Mary A. |
1897 |
133 |
Dubois, Susannah |
1895 |
130 |
Dunbar, Oliver P. |
1898 |
327 |
Dunks, Albert W. |
1900 |
759 |
Dunning, Cyrus |
1902 |
929 |
Dunning, Lucretia |
1902 |
930 |
Dunton, Maria |
1907 |
1413 |
Durand, Wealthy |
1902 |
929 |
Easley, Ephraim |
1897 |
134 |
Easter, Archibald |
1867 |
88 |
Easter, Archibald |
1909 |
1590 |
Easter, Elias |
1909 |
1590 |
Easter, Rebecca |
1884 |
112 |
Eastman, Hannah |
1902 |
955 |
Eastman, William |
1909 |
1591 |
Easton, James D. |
1895 |
122 |
Eaton, Abel F. |
1874 |
100 |
Eaton, Elizabeth |
1868 |
83 |
Eaton, Mary J. |
1896 |
127 |
Eaton, Richardson |
1882 |
167 |
Eaton, Sylvia, July |
1888 |
116 |
Eaton, William |
1868 |
83 |
Eddy, Joseph |
1899 |
540 |
Eddy, Roswell |
1866 |
82 |
Edgar, Betsy E. |
1909 |
1591 |
Edwards, Abraham |
1902 |
930 |
Edwards, Arthur, Rev. |
1902 |
930 |
Edwards, Christopher, Mrs. |
1898 |
328 |
Edwards, Mary |
1907 |
1414 |
Edwards, Truman |
1900 |
1591 |
Eells, Abigail |
1884 |
111 |
Eggleston, John |
1895 |
146 |
Eldred, Clark |
1882 |
95 |
Eldridge, Mrs., July |
1888 |
117 |
Ells, Lydia |
1899 |
541 |
Englebry, Mary Ann |
1902 |
956 |
Ennes, Cyrus H. |
1895 |
146 |
Ernsberger, Jacob |
1896 |
127 |
Ewell, Austin |
1902 |
931 |
Falley, Frederick |
1860 |
28 |
Fancher, Daniel |
1886 |
126 |
Fancher, Thaddeus S. |
1909 |
1591 |
Fanning, Richard |
1900 |
759 |
Fanning, Sabra |
1906 |
1179 |
Farr, Elizabeth H. |
1894 |
138 |
Farr, Joseph M. |
1874 |
101 |
Farrar, Miranda C. |
1895 |
157 |
Fay, Aaron |
1874 |
20 |
Fay, Betsy |
1882 |
156 |
Fay, Lucius |
1874 |
20 |
Fay, Lucy, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Fay, Lyman, Dr. |
1874 |
20 |
Fay, Rebecca W. |
1874 |
20 |
Fay, Winslow |
1900 |
759 |
Feit, Jacob |
1896 |
128 |
Felden, Angeline |
1902 |
956 |
Felt, Amos |
1882 |
167 |
Fenn, Urania, Mrs. |
1865 |
123 |
Ferris, Abraham |
1864 |
52 |
Ferris, Anna |
1902 |
956 |
Filkins, Benjamin |
1907 |
1414 |
Finch, Mary Ann |
1909 |
1591 |
Finn, Anna M. |
1897 |
135 |
Fish, Orestes D. |
1909 |
1591 |
Fisher, Charles |
1902 |
931 |
Fisher, John |
1895 |
146 |
Fisher, John, Mrs., Jan. |
1888 |
123 |
Fisher, Kelurah, Mrs. |
1896 |
128 |
Fitch, Eliza, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Fitch, Harriet |
1907 |
1414 |
Fitch, Johnathan |
1882 |
167 |
Fitch, Orlando H. |
1896 |
128 |
Fleming, John, Capt. |
1896 |
129 |
Flemmond, John B. |
1867 |
21 |
Flenning, Addie R. |
1902 |
956 |
Fletcher, Esther |
1895 |
146 |
Fletcher, Smith |
1895 |
146 |
Follet, Eliza G. |
1876 |
121 |
Follett, Oran |
1895 |
157 |
Foot, Maria |
1868 |
83 |
Ford, Jame B., Dr. |
1896 |
129 |
Foster, Betsy |
1878 |
103 |
Foster, Carlott |
1902 |
956 |
Foter, Catherine |
1899 |
541 |
Foster, Frank B. |
1906 |
1179 |
Foster, Mary |
1874 |
118 |
Foster, Wm. D. |
1902 |
956 |
Fowler, Frederick W. |
1895 |
141 |
Fowler, Harvey |
1876 |
112 |
Fowler, Isaac, Jan. |
1888 |
116 |
Fowler, Mary E. |
1902 |
957 |
Fowler, Prudence |
1902 |
957 |
Fowler, Sarah |
1891 |
129 |
Fox, D. H., Judge |
1895 |
146 |
Fox, John |
1874 |
101 |
Fox, Peter |
1902 |
947 |
Fox, Reuben |
1864 |
51 |
Frayer, Isaac |
1874 |
102 |
Frazier, Thomas |
1902 |
931 |
French, Birdseye, Mrs. |
1906 |
1185 |
French, Daniel I. |
1865 |
120 |
French, Jennette S. |
1895 |
146 |
French, Joseph |
1878 |
103 |
French, Laura Ann |
1897 |
135 |
Frey, Benedict |
1896 |
130 |
Frey, Mary M. |
1902 |
952 |
Fuller, Lucy D. |
1897 |
134 |
Fuller, Oscar F. |
1898 |
328 |
Fuller, Stanley M. |
1895 |
130 |
Fuller, Stephen M. |
1899 |
542 |
Furlong, Betsy |
1898 |
328 |
Gager, Edwin |
1895 |
146 |
Galehouse, Lucy Jane |
1909 |
1591 |
Gallup, Carrol |
1909 |
1592 |
Gallup, Catharine |
1882 |
141 |
Gallup, Catharine |
1899 |
367 |
Gallup, Clarissa |
1878 |
103 |
Gallup, Hallet |
1878 |
104 |
Gallup, Samuel C. |
1905 |
1179 |
Gallup, William |
1898 |
331 |
Gardiner, John, Mrs. |
1909 |
1593 |
Gardner, Charles |
1894 |
150 |
Gardner, Maria |
1882 |
167 |
Garrison, John |
1865 |
33 |
Gaston, Louisa |
1902 |
957 |
Gatten, Nicholas |
1902 |
957 |
Gauff, George |
1874 |
118 |
Gauff, David K. |
1902 |
957 |
Geise, George |
1902 |
958 |
Gerow, Henry |
1897 |
135 |
Gerrish, Harriet |
1909 |
1594 |
Gessner, Louisa |
1902 |
958 |
Gibbs, Genealogy |
1899 |
546 |
Gibbs, Anna Judson |
1902 |
958 |
Gibbs, Charles Rev. |
1894 |
158 |
Gibbs, David |
1899 |
542 |
Gibbs, David, Capt. |
1899 |
550 |
Gibbs, David H. |
1896 |
130 |
Gibbs, E. H. |
1874 |
111 |
Gibbs, Elizabeth |
1874 |
83 |
Gibbs, Margaret |
1874 |
96 |
Gibbs, Mary |
1907 |
1417 |
Gibbs, Mary B. |
1907 |
1414 |
Gibbs, Wm. |
1868 |
100 |
Gibson, L. L. |
1882 |
167 |
Gibson, Sarah E. |
1909 |
1594 |
Gilchrist, Alex., Mrs. |
1902 |
958 |
Gillard, Belle |
1902 |
958 |
Gillett, I. M. |
1909 |
1594 |
Gillett, Oscar F. |
1898 |
329 |
Gilson, Nabby |
1876 |
117 |
Gilson, Nahum |
1855 |
78 |
Gilson, Sally O. |
1878 |
104 |
Goodrich, Calvin |
1902 |
931 |
Goodwin, Homer |
1896 |
131 |
Gordon, Elizabeth, Jan. |
1888 |
112 |
Graham, Francis |
1866 |
50 |
Graham, James, Col. |
1909 |
1594 |
Graham, John A. |
1898 |
331 |
Graham, Mary |
1900 |
759 |
Graves, Fred W. |
1896 |
130 |
Graves, Hannah |
1874 |
110 |
Graves, J. R. |
1874 |
110 |
Graves, Jeduthan |
1874 |
110 |
Gray, Anna C. |
1909 |
1595 |
Gray, Erastus |
1891 |
126 |
Gray, Hiram H. |
1906 |
1180 |
Gray, John |
1868 |
46 |
Gray, Mahala |
1900 |
759 |
Gray, Samuel D. |
1906 |
1180 |
Green, Ebenezer & wife |
1868 |
84 |
Green, Frank A. |
1902 |
958 |
Green, James |
1886 |
106 |
Green, Lewis |
1868 |
84 |
Green, Silas and wife |
1868 |
84 |
Green, Salmon & wife |
1874 |
99 |
Greene, Maria |
1896 |
131 |
Greene, Thomas |
1898 |
329 |
Greenfelder, Benj. |
1909 |
1596 |
Gregg, Harry |
1902 |
958 |
Gregg, Harriet |
1902 |
931 |
Gregory, Matthew |
1909 |
1596 |
Gregory, Peter L. |
1900 |
750 |
Gregory, Wm., Mrs. |
882 |
167 |
Gribben, Eliza P. |
1906 |
1181 |
Gridley, Addie |
1898 |
329 |
Gridley, Ephraim |
1899 |
552 |
Griffin, Ann M. |
1906 |
1181 |
Griffin, Orrin S. |
1907 |
1414 |
Griffin, Riley |
1906 |
1181 |
Griggs, Judith |
1895 |
157 |
Grubb, Sarah |
1898 |
332 |
Gunn, John |
1882 |
167 |
Gunn, John |
1909 |
1596 |
Gurley, Father |
1859 |
26 |
Gurley, L. B. |
1882 |
149 |
Gurley, Thomas H. |
1896 |
131 |
Guthrie, Rachel, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Haas, Henry |
1907 |
1415 |
Hackett, J. Wheeler |
1909 |
1596 |
Hackett, Lydia Bowley |
1895 |
147 |
Hadley, Edward B. |
1874 |
110 |
Hagaman, John |
1870 |
49 |
Hagaman, Lorina |
1900 |
760 |
Hagaman, Thomas |
1906 |
1181 |
Hakes, Norman S. |
1886 |
97 |
Hale, Frank |
1895 |
146 |
Hall, Alvan C., Jan. |
1888 |
104 |
Hall, F. P., Rev. |
1902 |
932 |
Halladay, Eli |
1858 |
16 |
Halladay, Henry C. |
1899 |
552 |
Hamilton, Mary |
1899 |
552 |
Hamilton, Mary W. R. |
1891 |
134 |
Hamilton, Thomas, Sr. |
1876 |
114 |
Hamlin, Almanza |
1900 |
760 |
Hamlin, Deborah |
1902 |
932 |
Hamlin, Noah B. |
1909 |
1596 |
Hand, Clarissa |
1899 |
552 |
Hand, John |
1902 |
932 |
Hand, John |
1906 |
1181 |
Hanford, J. E. |
1876 |
122 |
Harding, Electa |
1898 |
334 |
Hardt, Philip, Sr. |
1898 |
334 |
Hargraves, Duckworth, Mrs. |
1897 |
135 |
Harkness, Daniel M. |
1896 |
133 |
Harper, Rice |
1896 |
134 |
Harper, Rice, Mrs. |
1900 |
761 |
Harrington, Isaac |
1882 |
167 |
Harrington, M. S. |
1894 |
72 |
Harrington, Madison |
1900 |
761 |
Harris, Abia J. |
1882 |
158 |
Harris, Anna |
1876 |
123 |
Harris, Abram |
1898 |
332 |
Harris, Charles |
1906 |
1882 |
Harris, Eliza |
1906 |
1182 |
Harris, Harriet |
1909 |
1597 |
Harris, Larvin |
1902 |
959 |
Harris, Mary M. |
1898 |
333 |
Harris, Wm. H. |
1902 |
959 |
Harrison, Adaline |
1909 |
1597 |
Harrison, Thomas |
1894 |
140 |
William L. |
1895 |
147 |
Hart, Gottlieb |
1902 |
959 |
Haskell, Eliza |
1878 |
105 |
Haskell, Prince, Jr. |
1864 |
113 |
Haskell, Prince, Sr. |
1864 |
113 |
Haskins,,, Henrietta |
1899 |
552 |
Haskins, Joseph M. |
1895 |
146 |
Hasselbach, J. P. |
1895 |
132 |
Hastings, Sarah |
1902 |
959 |
Hatch, Samuel L. |
1874 |
118 |
Hatfield, Cynthia |
1909 |
1597 |
Hatfield, Nathan |
1909 |
1597 |
Hathaway, Betsy |
1902 |
959 |
Hathaway, Mary |
1874 |
11 |
Hathaway, Mary |
1898 |
333 |
Hathaway, Peter |
1882 |
167 |
Hathaway, Prudence |
1902 |
959 |
Hauxhurst, Phillip |
1906 |
1182 |
Hawley, Uriah |
1861 |
21 |
Hayes, F. Harvey |
1896 |
132 |
Hayes, Henry |
1902 |
932 |
Hayes, John |
1900 |
761 |
Hayes, Joseph |
1909 |
1597 |
Hayes, Mary |
1909 |
1597 |
Haynes, Nathaniel |
1858 |
16 |
Haynes, Paris, Mrs. |
1894 |
154 |
Haynes, Paris, Mrs. |
1894 |
154 |
Haynes, Thomas |
1900 |
761 |
Hazard, Thomas |
1900 |
761 |
Hazen, J. H., Dr. |
1891 |
146 |
Healy, John |
1902 |
960 |
Healy, John B. |
1891 |
141 |
Heath, Courtney K. |
1902 |
960 |
Heitzman, Geo. J. |
1907 |
1415 |
Heller, Edial C. |
1906 |
1182 |
Heller, Ephraim |
1909 |
1598 |
Heller, Leroy S. |
1909 |
1598 |
Hemenway, Daniel |
1874 |
97 |
Hemenway, Truman B. |
1900 |
761 |
Hendryx, Eunice |
1864 |
112 |
Hendryx, Harriet C. |
1898 |
334 |
Herrick, Electa |
1876 |
122 |
Herrick, Ephraim W. |
1884 |
105 |
Herrick, Ezra |
1865 |
53 |
Herrick, Ezra |
1909 |
1598 |
Hester, John S. |
1902 |
932 |
Hester, Louisa A. |
1882 |
167 |
Hester, Lucinda |
1899 |
553 |
Hester, Lucinda |
1900 |
762 |
Hester, Martin |
1870 |
39 |
Hester, Martin |
1864 |
102 |
Hester, Martin, Mrs. |
1865 |
118 |
Hester, Mary |
1907 |
1415 |
Hettle, John A. |
1899 |
552 |
Hickok, William S. |
1898 |
332 |
Higgins, David |
1895 |
131 |
Higgins, David, Judge |
1907 |
1416 |
Higgins, Myra |
1886 |
123 |
Hildreth, Eudolphia |
1900 |
762 |
Hildreth, Sidney P., Dr. |
1897 |
136 |
Hill, Benj. L. |
1874 |
95 |
Hill, Fanny P. |
1906 |
1182 |
Hill, Geo. S., Dr. |
1899 |
553 |
Hill, Horaced |
1902 |
960 |
Hill, Noah |
1865 |
119 |
Hill, Sukie, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Hindley, Richard |
1909 |
1598 |
Hine, Norman A. |
1899 |
554 |
Hine, Sally |
1882 |
157 |
Hinkley, B. H. |
1895 |
147 |
Hinkley, Benjamin H. |
1899 |
554 |
Hinkley, Maria P. |
1896 |
133 |
Hinman, Munson S. |
1907 |
1417 |
Hoffinger, Catherine |
1902 |
960 |
Hogg, Mary |
1902 |
960 |
Hohler, Peter |
1899 |
554 |
Holiday, Eno |
1895 |
157 |
Hollister, Ashley & wife |
1876 |
27 |
Hollister, Hubbard, Mrs. |
1864 |
123 |
Holten, Wm., Mrs. |
1898 |
334 |
Homegardner, Jane B. |
1902 |
961 |
Homegardner, Mary |
1902 |
961 |
Honsinger, Frederick |
1882 |
167 |
Hopkins, James |
1909 |
1598 |
Horner, Harriet |
1907 |
1417 |
Hosfeld, Anna |
1902 |
961 |
Hoskins, John D. |
1865 |
52 |
Hosmer, Daniel S. |
1902 |
934 |
Hosmer, J. T., Mrs. |
1902 |
932 |
Houghton, George B. |
1894 |
136 |
House, Julius |
1874 |
10 |
Howard, Wealthy |
1902 |
934 |
Howard, William |
1909 |
1599 |
Howard, William, Capt. |
1906 |
1182 |
Howe, Cornelia |
1906 |
1183 |
Howe, Francis |
1864 |
120 |
Howe, Hannah M. |
1899 |
554 |
Howe, Hannah l. |
1900 |
762 |
Howe, John |
1894 |
135 |
Howe, Lorenzo A. |
1906 |
1183 |
Howe, Milton |
1907 |
1417 |
Howe, Salem T. |
1906 |
1183 |
Hoyt, A. B. |
1882 |
144 |
Hoyt, Agur |
1882 |
144 |
Hoyt, Eli B. |
1909 |
1599 |
Hoyt, Elizabeth |
1902 |
935 |
Hoyt, Ichabod |
1902 |
935 |
Hoyt, W. B. |
1909 |
1599 |
Hoyt, W. R., Mrs. |
1882 |
149 |
Hubbard, B. S. |
1891 |
139 |
Hubbard, Holsy |
1884 |
96 |
Hubbard, Lester S., Jan. |
1888 |
96 |
Hubbell, Charles |
1868 |
95 |
Hudson, Jason Lester |
1899 |
554 |
Huestis, Jonathan W. |
1906 |
1183 |
Hughes, Elias |
1900 |
762 |
Hughes, Elisha |
1902 |
962 |
Hull, Angeline W. |
1898 |
336 |
Humphrey, William |
1874 |
110 |
Hunt, Hiel |
1882 |
167 |
Hunt, Jonathan |
1902 |
962 |
Hunter, Abigail |
1895 |
147 |
Hunter, Manoah |
1902 |
936 |
Hunter, Polly |
1902 |
962 |
Huntly, Mrs. |
1902 |
962 |
H. Legrand |
1895 |
147 |
Hurlbut, Robert W. |
1900 |
751 |
Huson, Wilbur |
1909 |
1599 |
Husted, Deborah |
1886 |
122 |
Husted, Edward E. |
1882 |
157 |
Husted, Edward E. |
1896 |
134 |
Husted, Edward L. |
1906 |
1184 |
Husted, Edwin G. |
1909 |
1599 |
Husted, Elmer E. |
1906 |
1184 |
Husted, Harley H. |
1907 |
1417 |
Husted, Henry E. |
1906 |
1184 |
Husted, Mary W. |
1902 |
937 |
Husted, Obadiah J. |
1900 |
762 |
Hutchison, Wm. & wife |
1909 |
1600 |
Huyck, William |
1882 |
167 |
Hyde, Julia M. |
1906 |
1184 |
Hyde, Wm. S. |
1895 |
147 |
Iler, Jerusha |
1902 |
962 |
Ingalls, Addison |
1874 |
111 |
Ingham, Rachel |
1895 |
147 |
Inscho, Evans H. |
1909 |
1600 |
Inscho, Robert |
1858 |
16 |
Jackson, Julia |
1897 |
138 |
Jacobs, Elizabeth A. |
1895 |
148 |
Jacobs, Lucinda |
1907 |
1418 |
Janes, John, Rev. |
1900 |
621 |
Jefferson, Ann D. |
1906 |
1185 |
Jefferson, Wilber F. |
1899 |
554 |
Jenkins, Lydia |
1902 |
962 |
Jenney, Abram D. |
1897 |
137 |
Jenney, Obadiah |
1884 |
103 |
Jenney, Perlina |
1896 |
135 |
Jenney, Sally Ann |
1896 |
135 |
Jennings, Emeline |
1891 |
128 |
Jennings, Ezra S. |
1909 |
1600 |
Jennings, Gershom S., July |
1888 |
116 |
Jennings, Gregory |
1906 |
1185 |
Johns, Henry |
1902 |
962 |
Johnson, Alfred S. |
1909 |
1600 |
Johnson, Allen |
1868 |
83 |
Johnson, Augusta M. |
1895 |
147 |
Johnson, Barnard |
1874 |
100 |
Johnson, David |
1891 |
132 |
Johnson, Jennie T. |
1895 |
148 |
Johnson, Julia |
1874 |
36, 110 |
Johnson, Leonard B. |
1898 |
336 |
Johnson, Lewis |
1909 |
1601 |
Johnson, Luther B. |
1906 |
1185 |
Johnson, Marcus |
1874 |
36 |
Johnson, Ralph C. |
1909 |
1600 |
Johnson, Sarah Ann |
1906 |
1185 |
Johnson, Seymour A. |
1895 |
147 |
Johnson, William |
1900 |
763 |
Johnson, William P. & wife |
1909 |
1601 |
Johnston, Maud |
1902 |
963 |
Jones, Antis, Mrs. |
1891 |
130 |
Jones, Ebenezer |
1874 |
99 |
Jones, Elizabeth |
1902 |
963 |
Jones, Franklin |
1891 |
129 |
Jones, Franklin |
1878 |
105 |
Jones, Julia |
1902 |
937 |
Jones, Lucien |
1902 |
938 |
Jones, Nathaniel |
1902 |
963 |
Judson, Albert W. |
1909 |
1601 |
Judson, James C. |
1899 |
554 |
June, David |
1907 |
1418 |
June, Reuben |
1899 |
555 |
Justice, Peter |
1902 |
938 |
Kafferly, John B. |
1902 |
963 |
Keeler, Burr |
1874 |
105 |
Keeler, Eri |
1895 |
148 |
Keeler, Isaac M. |
1909 |
1601 |
Keeler, Jemima, Nov. |
1859 |
48 |
Keeler, Lewis |
1882 |
158 |
Keeler, Luke, Nov. |
1859 |
48 |
Keeler, Orange |
1894 |
156 |
Keeler, Sally |
1878 |
106 |
Keeler, Sally |
1882 |
158 |
Keiser, Enos |
1896 |
136 |
Keiser, Sally V. |
1897 |
138 |
Keith, Charles |
1874 |
28 |
Keller Henry |
1898 |
340 |
Keller, Jacob |
1902 |
964 |
Keller, Mathew, Mrs. |
1874 |
108 |
Kelley, Addison |
1895 |
134 |
Kelley, Datus |
1866 |
77 |
Kelley, Datus, Mrs. |
1864 |
122 |
Kelley, Henry, Capt. |
1891 |
147 |
Kelley, Joseph |
1865 |
116 |
Kelley, Wm. |
1868 |
93 |
Kellogg, Charles |
1909 |
1602 |
Kellogg, Frances |
1909 |
1602 |
Kellogg, Lydia |
1874 |
29 |
Kellogg, Martin |
1886 |
77 |
Kellogg, Martin |
1894 |
145 |
Kellogg, Martin, Jan. |
1888 |
19 |
Kellogg, Polly M. |
1895 |
148 |
Kennan, Charlotte |
1909 |
1602 |
Kennan, Jairus |
1874 |
98 |
Kennan, John |
1896 |
137 |
Kennan, Mary A. |
1898 |
336 |
Kenton, Simon, Gen. |
1866 |
106 |
Ketchum, Ambrose |
1909 |
1602 |
Ketchum, Catherine |
1909 |
1602 |
Ketcham Lorinda, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Ketcham, Sears |
1906 |
1185 |
Kilbourne, Louisa, July |
1888 |
108 |
King, David C. |
1896 |
136 |
King, Gideon |
1882 |
167 |
King, John G. |
1906 |
1185 |
King, Susan, Mrs. |
1874 |
114 |
King, Theodore G. |
1898 |
340 |
Kingsbury, Jesse |
1898 |
339 |
Kingsbury, Lucy |
1874 |
102 |
Kinney, Edwin |
1895 |
148 |
Kinsley, Lydia |
1870 |
48 |
Kinsley, S. Charles |
1906 |
1186 |
Kittredge, Frederick |
1876 |
121 |
Kittredge, Wm. F., Dr. |
1882 |
131 |
Klein, Alvira |
1902 |
964 |
Knapp, Abijah, Mrs. |
1896 |
136 |
Knapp, Dennis |
1895 |
138 |
Knapp, Dina |
1897 |
138 |
Knapp, Dorcas, July |
1888 |
118 |
Knapp, Eliza L. |
1899 |
555 |
Knapp, George W. |
1906 |
1186 |
Knapp, Gilbert |
1895 |
148 |
Knapp, Harriet |
1896 |
135 |
Knapp, James D. |
1882 |
151 |
Knapp, Mary |
1902 |
938 |
Kniffin, Benj. |
1878 |
106 |
Knight, Louisa |
1906 |
1186 |
Knowlton, Sarah |
1900 |
763 |
Kohlman, Dora |
1902 |
964 |
Krock, Susan |
1902 |
964 |
Krohnthal, Joseph |
1902 |
964 |
Kuhl, John |
1896 |
136 |
Kunzmann, August |
1896 |
136 |
Kurtz, Henry |
1902 |
964 |
Laird, Jennie Todd |
1895 |
158 |
Lake, Peter |
1866 |
59 |
Lane, Ebenezer |
1867 |
40 |
Lane, Wm. G. |
1882 |
64 |
Laning, Caroline |
1906 |
1186 |
Latham, William V. |
1899 |
555 |
Latham, Fanny, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Latimer, John M. |
1899 |
555 |
Latimer, Pickett, Mrs. |
1897 |
138 |
Lawrence, Alonzo |
1907 |
1418 |
Lawrence, Calista |
1899 |
55 |
Lawrence, Ebenezer |
1884 |
99 |
Lawrence, George |
1899 |
555 |
Lawrence, John |
1882 |
167 |
Lawrence, Miner |
1876 |
116 |
Lawrence, Nancy |
1909 |
1602 |
Lawrence, Thomas |
1878 |
106 |
Lawrence, Timothy |
1882 |
167 |
Lawrence, Timothy |
1884 |
99 |
Lawton, George |
1900 |
767 |
Lawton, H. W., Gen. |
1900 |
763 |
Laylin, John * |
1878 |
107 |
Laylin, Sarah Ann |
1896 |
127 |
Lea, James D. |
1902 |
964 |
Learned, Mary |
1902 |
965 |
Lebensberger, Caroline |
1902 |
965 |
Lee, James M. |
1902 |
938 |
Lee, John C., Gen. |
1891 |
138 |
Lee, Joseph |
1898 |
342 |
Leggett, Fanny |
1899 |
532 |
Leonard, Dolly |
1909 |
1602 |
Leonard, John, Capt. |
1902 |
965 |
Leonard, Jonas |
1874 |
36 |
Leonard, Jonas |
1874 |
111 |
Leonard, Waldo M. |
1902 |
965 |
Lewis, Alexander |
1895 |
149 |
Lewis, Charles F. |
1874 |
108 |
Lewis, Clara |
1902 |
965 |
Lewis, M. A., Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Lewis, Philander |
1899 |
556 |
Lewis, Samuel |
1896 |
103 |
Lewis, Samuel B. and wife |
1894 |
80 |
Linder, Conrad |
1874 |
111 |
Lindsley, Allan |
1878 |
107 |
Little, Mary J. |
1906 |
1186 |
Little, W. R. |
1895 |
138 |
Lloyd, Susanah, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Lockwood, Electa M., Mrs. |
1909 |
1603 |
Lockwood, Francis G. |
1895 |
126 |
Lockwood, Henry |
1866 |
81 |
Lockwood, James C. |
1897 |
139 |
Lockwood, Stephen A. |
1898 |
341 |
Lockwood, Wm. E. |
1902 |
966 |
Lockwood, Wm. F. |
1902 |
965 |
Long, William & Jefferson |
1858 |
16 |
Loomis, Prentiss K. and wife, July |
1888 |
116 |
Loos, William |
1902 |
966 |
Lovell, David |
1858 |
16 |
Lovell, Ethan |
1898 |
340 |
Lowry, William, Mrs. |
1902 |
966 |
Lucal, William |
1902 |
966 |
Ludwig, Peter |
1895 |
148 |
Lutts, George W. |
1909 |
1640 |
Lyman, Cyrus |
1874 |
11 |
Lyman, Cyrus |
1874 |
99 |
Lyman, Darius |
1866 |
80 |
Lyman, Hiram |
1902 |
967 |
Lyon, Charles and wife |
1868 |
84 |
Lyon, Samuel |
1898 |
342 |
Lyttle, Ruth Ann |
1906 |
1187 |
Mackey, Catharine |
1876 |
119 |
Mackey, John |
1899 |
556 |
Macomber, Egbert and wife |
1900 |
767 |
Mahan, John |
1894 |
148 |
Mallette, Geo. W. |
1909 |
1604 |
Mallory, Daniel |
1882 |
148 |
Mallory, Fanny C. |
1886 |
108 |
Manahan, Almira |
1909 |
1604 |
Manahan, C. W., Mrs., January |
1888 |
113 |
Manahan, Geo. W. |
1891 |
144 |
Manahan, Henry H. |
1895 |
149 |
Manahan, Lewis |
1896 |
144 |
Manahan, Lucy M. |
1895 |
158 |
Manahan, Mary J. |
1909 |
1604 |
Manahan, Sarah |
1909 |
1604 |
Manahan, Violetta |
1874 |
36 |
Manley, Alpheus |
1895 |
149 |
Mann, Emily A. |
1896 |
145 |
Marks, Samuel, Rev. |
1882 |
137 |
Marseilles, Mary |
1906 |
1188 |
Marsh, Cyrus W. |
1858 |
15 |
Marshall, Amelia |
1902 |
967 |
Marshall, Benj. |
1902 |
967 |
Marshall, Wm. K. |
1902 |
967 |
Martin, Francis |
1882 |
167 |
Martin, Gilbert and family |
1868 |
83 |
Martin, N. E., Mrs. |
1906 |
1187 |
Martin, Phoebe W. |
1895 |
149 |
Mason, Alexander |
1862 |
30 |
Mason, Carnelia |
1898 |
343 |
Massey, Solon F., Lieut. |
1902 |
968 |
Masson, Margaret |
1902 |
968 |
Mather, Seba |
1874 |
109 |
Mathews, J. H., Dr. |
1865 |
120 |
Maynard, Angeline * See Note |
1886 |
104 |
Maynard, David T. |
1886 |
103 |
Maynard, G. F. |
1906 |
1188 |
Maynard, Ira M. |
1906 |
1188 |
Mayne, Mary Ann |
1898 |
345 |
McArdle, John P. |
1874 |
113 |
McCague, Samuel |
1895 |
159 |
McCartney, William |
1882 |
167 |
McClure, H. B., Mrs. |
1895 |
149 |
McConnell, Eliza |
1909 |
1605 |
McConnell, Elvira |
1899 |
556 |
McConnell, Lucy C. |
1895 |
149 |
McConnelly, Franklin |
1891 |
130 |
McConnelly, George |
1902 |
968 |
McConoughey, D. C., Dr. |
1874 |
111 |
McCord, Sarah |
1865 |
117 |
McCord, Ursula |
1906 |
1187 |
McCormick, B. F. |
1896 |
143 |
McCurdy, Julia Ann |
1882 |
150 |
McDonald, Amy |
1906 |
1187 |
McDonald, Roger |
1899 |
556 |
McFall, Clarissa, Jan. |
1888 |
100 |
McGee, Mary, Jan. |
1888 |
99 |
McGee, Rosamond, Jan. |
1888 |
79 |
McGookey, James |
1902 |
968 |
McGuckin, David |
1897 |
140 |
McGuckin, James |
1907 |
1418 |
McGuire, Owen |
1909 |
1605 |
McIlrath, Samuel |
1864 |
107 |
McKellogg, Eveline |
1909 |
1605 |
McKelvey, Nancy A. |
1900 |
767 |
McKelvey, Nancy A. |
1900 |
767 |
McKelvey, Matthew |
1900 |
770 |
McKelvey, Robert T. |
1891 |
142 |
McKelvey, Wm. |
1900 |
770 |
McKenney, Almeron |
1902 |
938 |
McKesson, James |
1896 |
139 |
McKim, Wm., Mrs. |
1896 |
141 |
McLaughlin, Wm., Maj. |
1865 |
118 |
McLouth, Amos and wife, January |
1888 |
97 |
McMeens, Robert R., Jan. |
1888 |
822 |
McMillen, Mary |
1874 |
11 |
McMillen, Philo |
1895 |
149 |
McPherson, Andrew |
1882 |
167 |
McPherson, G. L. |
1895 |
149 |
McPherson, G. L., Mrs. |
1898 |
342 |
Meacham, Marion |
1898 |
344 |
Mead, Abraham & wife |
1868 |
82, 111 |
Mead, Annis |
1886 |
105 |
Mead, Azel G. |
1874 |
111 |
Mead, Edmund W. |
1876 |
116 |
Mead, J. Madison |
1898 |
342 |
Mead, Joel E. |
1874 |
94 |
Mead, Marcus E. |
1909 |
1605 |
Mead, Paul B. |
1899 |
558 |
Mead, Peter |
1868 |
82 |
Mead, Rachel, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Mead, Wm. G. |
1894 |
135 |
Meade, Wm. G. |
1899 |
558 |
Meeker, Aaron W. |
1896 |
143 |
Meeker, Stephen and wife |
1876 |
26 |
Megginson, John |
1909 |
1606 |
Megginson, Richard and wife |
1909 |
1606 |
Mellin, Cornelius |
1902 |
969 |
Meredith, Thomas |
1902 |
969 |
Merrifield, James O. |
1874 |
109 |
Merriam, Joseph P. |
1902 |
969 |
Merrifield, Joseph |
1870 |
26 |
Merrifield, Joseph and wife |
1870 |
23 |
Merrifield, Joseph S. |
1864 |
111 |
Merry, Caroline S. |
1896 |
141 |
Merry, Charlotte |
1882 |
134 |
Merry, Charlotte |
1868 |
59 |
Merry, Ebenezer |
1866 |
58 |
Merry, Eliza |
1878 |
108 |
Merry, Henry F. |
1878 |
Merry, Hosmer |
1867 |
28 |
Mesnard, Eri * |
1896 |
145 |
Mesnard, L. B. |
1906 |
1188 |
Messenger, Harriet A. |
1886 |
96 |
Messinger, Forest |
1886 |
120 |
Metzger, Barbara |
1902 |
969 |
Miles, Daniel, Jr. |
1909 |
1607 |
Miles, Eliza |
1909 |
1607 |
Miller, Andrew |
1899 |
558 |
Miller, Anson H. |
1906 |
1188 |
Miller, Christian |
1902 |
696 |
Miller, Elizabeth |
1909 |
1607 |
Miller, Isaac |
1874 |
29 |
Miller, Mary Ann |
1898 |
345 |
Miller, Miranda, Miss |
1896 |
140 |
Miller, Rebecca |
1902 |
938 |
Miles, Rufus |
1909 |
1607 |
Miller, Stephen |
1900 |
772 |
Miller, William |
1876 |
121 |
Miller, William |
1902 |
969 |
Mills, Nathaniel |
1876 |
124 |
Milner, Huldah |
1902 |
969 |
Minard, Orlando T. |
1897 |
140 |
Miner, Catherine |
1909 |
1607 |
Miner, Daniel |
1878 |
108 |
Miner, Delia H |
1868 |
83 |
Miner, G. F. |
1886 |
121 |
Miner, Lydia J. |
1907 |
1418 |
Minges, John E. |
1886 |
109 |
Minges, Lydia F. |
1895 |
153 |
Minuse, Alfred |
1882 |
1__ |
Minuse, Horatio, Mrs. |
1876 |
123 |
Mitchell, Clarissa |
1896 |
141 |
Mitchell, Lydia |
1895 |
149 |
Mitchell, Wm. N. |
1909 |
1607 |
Moffatt, Philip |
1874 |
28 |
Monat, L. |
1896 |
140 |
Monnett, Susan |
1891 |
131 |
Montgomery, Adam |
1899 |
558 |
Mook, Anna M. |
1896 |
140 |
Moon, Judge |
1895 |
149 |
Moore, Benjamin |
1899 |
558 |
Moore, Joseph |
1878 |
108 |
Moore, Lewis |
1896 |
140 |
Moore, Luther |
1896 |
144 |
Moore, Mary A. |
1902 |
970 |
Morehouse, David E. |
1895 |
150 |
Morehouse, Eliza |
1876 |
119 |
Morehouse, Mary E. |
1895 |
150 |
Morehouse, Rosanna |
1899 |
558 |
Morehouse, Sarah |
1906 |
1189 |
Morey, Martin C. |
1895 |
149 |
Morgan, Henry |
1868 |
83 |
Morris, Myron N. |
1886 |
95 |
Morris, Wm. |
1900 |
772 |
Morse, ClarissaA. |
1874 |
99 |
Morse, John E., Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Morton, John |
1862 |
43 |
Morton, Phillip |
1895 |
149 |
Moses, Mark S. |
1898 |
344 |
Moshier, Wm. E. |
1895 |
149 |
Moss, H. O. |
1902 |
970 |
Mott, Burgur |
1874 |
108 |
Moulton, Horace L. |
1882 |
167 |
Mowry, Asahel J. |
1898 |
344 |
Mowry, Betsy
(Mrs. A. P.) |
1897 |
139 |
Mulford, Marion |
1909 |
1607 |
Mulford, Thomas |
1882 |
167 |
Mullowney, Edward |
1899 |
559 |
Munger, Jasper |
1909 |
1608 |
Munger, Sheldon |
1909 |
1608 |
Munsel, M., Mrs. |
1898 |
345 |
Nash, Lovina |
1906 |
1189 |
Nason, Emily M. |
1896 |
146 |
Needham, Elizabeth |
1900 |
772 |
Nelson, Alexander, Rev. Dr. |
1895 |
150 |
Nelson, H. P. |
1897 |
140 |
Neuschler, Gottleib |
1902 |
970 |
Newcomb, Mr. |
1858 |
15 |
Newcomb, Benj. |
1859 |
44 |
Newcomb, Elizabeth |
1882 |
167 |
Newcomb, S. S. |
1882 |
167 |
Newman, Augustine |
1907 |
1419 |
Newman, Chas. E., Jan. |
1888 |
126 |
Newman, Mary |
1895 |
150 |
Newman, Sarah K. |
1891 |
127 |
Newton, Alfred, Rev. |
1882 |
122 |
Nicholls, J. A. |
1902 |
940 |
Nicholls, Sarah |
1876 |
119 |
Nichols, C. Perry |
1895 |
150 |
Nichols, J. A. |
1902 |
940 |
Nickerson, E. B. |
1900 |
772 |
Niles, Henry, Dr. |
1865 |
122 |
Niles, John N. |
1878 |
74 |
Nims, Betsey, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Nims, Samuel |
1882 |
167 |
Nims, Worthington |
1895 |
150 |
Niver, John B. |
1900 |
773 |
Nobles, Lucien |
1899 |
1559 |
Nobles, Marcia |
1899 |
559 |
Norton, I. T., Mrs. |
1895 |
150 |
Norton, Isaiah W. |
1906 |
1189 |
Norton, Mary |
1895 |
150 |
Nye, Hannah
M. |
1902 |
940 |
Nyman, Mary E. |
1906 |
1189 |
Oaks, Jeremiah |
1902 |
971 |
Odell, Daniel and wife |
1891 |
140 |
Odell, Larinda |
1907 |
1419 |
Odell, Margaret |
1899 |
559 |
Odell, Sally, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Olcott, Margaret |
1899 |
559 |
Oldfield, Jonathan |
1876 |
99 |
Ordway, Martin |
1906 |
1189 |
Osborn, Ebenezer |
1867 |
26 |
Osborn, Ebenezer |
1870 |
49 |
Osborn, Elizabeth |
1886 |
92 |
Osborn, Harriet P. |
1897 |
141 |
Osborn, John R. |
1897 |
141 |
Osborne, Ann |
1868 |
82 |
Otis, Frederick |
1906 |
1190 |
Otis, James |
1895 |
159 |
Otis, James |
1906 |
1190 |
Otis, Joseph |
1906 |
1190 |
Otis, Lucius |
1906 |
1190 |
Owen, Henry W., Dr. |
1899 |
559 |
Owen, Louisa H. |
1899 |
599 |
Owen, Parvis |
1906 |
1193 |
Packard, Edna M. |
1902 |
971 |
Page, Ansel and wife, January |
1888 |
118 |
Page, Daniel |
1864 |
100 |
Page, Homer |
1898 |
345 |
Page, John T. |
1902 |
971 |
Paine, Frederick C., Rev. |
1894 |
157 |
Palmer, Abijah & wife |
1868 |
82 |
Palmer, Alva |
1868 |
83 |
Palmer, Ammi |
1868 |
94 |
Palmer, Charlotte |
1902 |
940 |
Palmer, Hannah |
1878 |
109 |
Palmer, Isaac |
1868 |
84 |
Palmer, John C. |
1906 |
1194 |
Palmer, Julia |
1868 |
84 |
Palmer, Levi |
1876 |
123 |
Palmer, Linus |
1868 |
83 |
Palmer, Marcus |
1868 |
84 |
Palmer, Mary |
1907 |
1419 |
Palmer, Marcus, Mrs., January |
1888 |
123 |
Palmer, Rundle |
1878 |
123 |
Palmer, Seeley |
1894 |
155 |
Palmerton, J. E. |
1895 |
146 |
Parish, Francis D., July |
1888 |
109 |
Parrish, William |
1882 |
167 |
Parrish, William, Mrs. |
1874 |
29 |
Park, Martha |
1899 |
559 |
Parker, C. S., Hon. |
1896 |
147 |
Parker, Dexter |
1895 |
150 |
Parker, Jane |
1898 |
347 |
Parker, Molancy |
1894 |
159 |
Parker, Rial |
1882 |
167 |
Parker, Seth C. |
1870 |
42 |
Parker, Thomas |
1909 |
1608 |
Parker, Welcome O. |
1899 |
560 |
Parker, Wm. W. & wife, July |
1888 |
114 |
Parsons, C. B., Mrs. |
1902 |
971 |
Parsons, Calvin C. |
1882 |
165 |
Parsons, Ira |
1874 |
29 |
Patch, Charles L. |
1900 |
773 |
Patch, Fred H. |
1899 |
560 |
Patch, Mary A. |
1897 |
143 |
Patrick, Chas. H. |
1897 |
142 |
Patrick, Deborah F. |
1876 |
119 |
Patrick, Jay |
1896 |
148 |
Patrick, Shepherd M. |
1882 |
141 |
Patrick, Sophia S., Jan. |
1888 |
101 |
Peak, Mary, Mrs. |
1898 |
347 |
Peak, Oliver |
1878 |
109 |
Pearl, Wm. |
1891 |
135 |
Peae, David H. |
1874 |
21 |
Pebbles, Theresa |
1909 |
1608 |
Peack, Polly, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Peck, Alvah M. |
1899 |
560 |
Peck, Ann Eliza |
1909 |
1609 |
Peck, Charles and wife |
1909 |
1608 |
Peck, Eliphalet B. and wife |
1909 |
1609 |
Peck, Erastus |
1902 |
940 |
Peck, Maria Reynolds |
1895 |
150 |
Peck, Martha Jay |
1902 |
971 |
Peck, Mirilda |
1898 |
348 |
Peebles, Susan |
1896 |
146 |
Pelton, Allen |
1882 |
167 |
Pelton, Betsy |
1898 |
348 |
Pelton, Josiah, Capt. |
1876 |
111 |
Pelton, Milton |
1902 |
971 |
Pelton, Thomas |
1902 |
972 |
Penfield, Catherine |
1866 |
79 |
Penfield, Ephraim B. |
1902 |
940 |
Penfield, Samuel |
1909 |
1609 |
Pennewell, C. E., Judge & wife |
1906 |
1194 |
Pennewell, Charles E., Mrs. |
1906 |
1194 |
Pennewell, Samuel |
1874 |
100 |
Percy, Lovina W. |
1898 |
346 |
Perkins, Caroline, Jan. |
1888 |
108 |
Perkins, George |
1891 |
142 |
Perkins, N. S. C. |
1895 |
148 |
Perrin, John F. |
1909 |
1609 |
Perrin, Raymond, Mrs., January |
1888 |
126 |
Perrin, Wesley C. |
1909 |
1609 |
Perrin, John F. |
1909 |
1609 |
Perry, C. O. H. |
1909 |
1610 |
Perry, Catherine B. |
1901 |
972 |
Perry, Horace |
1891 |
143 |
Perry, Joseph H. and wife |
1909 |
1609 |
Perry, Mary D. |
1894 |
154 |
Perry, Nathan |
1866 |
80 |
Perry, Sarah A. |
1897 |
143 |
Peters, Adaline H. |
1909 |
1610 |
Peters, Eli |
1896 |
149 |
Peters, J. J. |
1902 |
972 |
Pfeil, Henry |
1902 |
972 |
Phanner, Catherine |
1902 |
972 |
Phillips, Abraham |
1882 |
167 |
Phillips, Canarius N. |
1909 |
1610 |
Phillips, Eunice |
1898 |
348 |
Phillips, Irene |
1895 |
159 |
Phillips, Jane, July |
1888 |
118 |
Phillips, Lavina |
1909 |
1610 |
Phillips, Maria |
1878 |
110 |
Phillips, Rebecca |
1874 |
24 |
Phillips, Rebecca |
1899 |
560 |
Phillips, William |
1902 |
940 |
Phillips, Xenophon |
1874 |
102 |
Phillips, Zalumna |
1884 |
90 |
Phinney, Arthur |
1899 |
560 |
Phinney, Sarah E. B. |
1899 |
561 |
Pierce, Aldem |
1858 |
16 |
Pierce, John S. |
1909 |
1610 |
Pierce, Joseph |
1878 |
110 |
Pierce, Lemuel B. |
1874 |
106 |
Pierce, Minot |
1897 |
142 |
Pierce, Philo |
1900 |
773 |
Pierce, Polly |
1866 |
82 |
Pierce, Sophronia M. |
1909 |
1610 |
Pilgrim, Francis, July |
1888 |
117 |
Pinney, Hullibert, Jan. |
1888 |
110 |
Pinney, Jackson |
1899 |
561 |
Pitezel, Esther Ann |
1902 |
940 |
Place, Amelia |
1899 |
561 |
Platt, Levi, Jan. |
1888 |
109 |
Porter, Alexander |
1874 |
100 |
Porter, Henry N. |
1900 |
773 |
Porter, Horace B. |
1906 |
1194 |
Porter Philo * |
1899 |
561 |
Post, Ashbel G. |
1884 |
110 |
Post, Celemene |
1909 |
1610 |
Post, Stephen |
1878 |
110 |
Post, Tamia |
1868 |
82 |
Potter, George |
1902 |
941 |
Potter, Major B. |
1909 |
1611 |
Powell, Isaac |
1874 |
118 |
Powers, Sally |
1886 |
120 |
Poyer, Harriet, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Pray, Ethan A. |
1895 |
123 |
Prentiss, Grace, Mrs. |
1868 |
94 |
Prentiss, Jonathan |
1886 |
121 |
Prentiss, Manasseh |
1902 |
972 |
Prentiss, Obadiah, Dr. |
1894 |
143 |
Preston, Chas. A. |
1868 |
101 |
Price, James, Mrs. |
1896 |
146 |
Prosser, Daniel |
1899 |
561 |
Prosser, Edwin S. |
1906 |
1194 |
Prosser, Elizabeth |
1900 |
773 |
Prout, Andrew W. |
1882 |
167 |
Prout, Clara E. |
1902 |
973 |
Pruden, Naomi |
1907 |
1419 |
Puckrin, Thomas |
1874 |
93 |
Pulver, A. J. |
1902 |
973 |
Pulver, Catherine |
1902 |
973 |
Pulver, Martin |
1882 |
167 |
Pulver, Tamzon, Mrs. |
1895 |
150 |
Punderson, Ephraim |
1882 |
161 |
Purcell, Patrick |
1902 |
973 |
Purdy, Ransom |
1909 |
1611 |
Ramsdell, Horace |
1874 |
97 |
Randolph, Harriet F., Mrs. |
1909 |
1613 |
Randolph, John F., Mrs. |
1897 |
144 |
Randolph, J. F., Mrs. |
1898 |
352 |
Randolph, John F., Sr. |
1909 |
1611 |
Ransom, Caroline |
1902 |
974 |
Ransom, Charles H. |
1902 |
973 |
Ransom, Eunice |
1909 |
1614 |
Ransom, John C. |
1906 |
1195 |
Ransom, Judah w. |
1909 |
1614 |
Ransom, Mariette |
1895 |
151 |
Ransom, Mary W. |
1897 |
143 |
Ransom, Nancy |
1867 |
88 |
Ransom, Oliver |
1891 |
138 |
Ransom, Rachel |
1894 |
155 |
Ransom, Rebecca, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Rash, Livy |
1876 |
116 |
Ray, John, Sr. |
1897 |
144 |
Read, A. N., Dr. |
1896 |
150 |
Read, Hanson |
1858 |
15 |
Read, Hanson |
1909 |
1614 |
Redenbach, Daniel |
1902 |
974 |
Redfield, W. W. |
1906 |
1195 |
Reding, Pamelia |
1902 |
941 |
Reed, Dighton |
1902 |
941 |
Read, Franklin D. |
1897 |
145 |
Reed, Hannah |
1882 |
156 |
Reed, Henry, Sr. |
1865 |
116 |
Reed, Isaac N. |
1900 |
773 |
Reeds, Susan |
1902 |
941 |
Remington, Quintilla |
1902 |
974 |
Remlinger, Christina |
1902 |
941 |
Remlinger, Peter J. |
1897 |
143 |
Reyolds, Daniel |
1860 |
24 |
Reynolds, Daniel |
1878 |
110 |
Reynolds, I. T., Mrs. |
1878 |
110 |
Reynolds, Isaac T. |
1894 |
113 |
Reynolds, Isaac T. |
1902 |
941 |
Reynolds, Theodoer M. |
1909 |
1615 |
Reynolds, Warren |
1874 |
99 |
Rheinheimer, Elizabeth |
1902 |
974 |
Rhonehouse, Tamison W., Mrs. |
1902 |
975 |
Rice, Orrin |
1899 |
561 |
Richards, Mittie B. |
1895 |
144 |
Richards, Richard G. |
1909 |
1615 |
Riedy, John |
1902 |
975 |
Rippon, Mary Ann |
1898 |
350 |
Roadarmel, John |
1876 |
119 |
Roberts, Abijah, Mrs. |
1874 |
103 |
Roberts, James |
1898 |
351 |
Robertson, Anna, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Robinson, Aaron |
1896 |
151 |
Robinson, Emeline |
1876 |
105 |
Robinson, Emma O. |
1898 |
351 |
Robinson, Stephen |
1876 |
105 |
Robinson, Wm. |
1865 |
83 |
Rockwell, Betsy |
1895 |
128 |
Roe, Barnet |
1878 |
111 |
Roe, Sarah |
1909 |
1615 |
Rogers, Elizabeth |
1902 |
975 |
Rogers, Hiram |
1866 |
57 |
Robers, Joel |
1902 |
942 |
Rogers, Joel M. |
1906 |
1196 |
Rogers, Samuel |
1894 |
136 |
Roland, Wm. J. |
1902 |
975 |
Ronk, Zelma e. |
1909 |
1615 |
Roorback, Jacob |
1864 |
51 |
Roorback, John W. |
1899 |
562 |
Root, Eunice |
1898 |
351 |
Root, Joseph M. |
1882 |
64 |
Root, Joseph M. |
1882 |
129 |
Root, Martha |
1902 |
943 |
Roscoe, Boughton |
1902 |
943 |
Roscoe, Levi |
1876 |
123 |
Rose, Elanson |
1876 |
118 |
Rosekelly, Edward, Mrs. |
1898 |
351 |
Ross, Maria |
1895 |
132 |
Rounds, George N. |
1902 |
943 |
Rounds, Isaac |
1909 |
1615 |
Rowcliffe, Harriet |
1909 |
1616 |
Rowcliff, John |
1909 |
1615 |
Rowland, Aaron |
1868 |
99 |
Rowland, Asher F. |
1899 |
562 |
Rowland, Benj. S. |
190-2 |
943 |
Rowland, Catherine |
1896 |
150 |
Rowland, Cornelia |
1909 |
1617 |
Rowland, Eber |
1905 |
1195 |
Rowland, Luke |
1900 |
993 |
Rowland, Luke |
1900 |
773 |
Rowland, Luke |
1909 |
1616 |
Rowland, Luke |
1909 |
1617 |
Rowland, Levi |
1900 |
774 |
Rowland, Oran |
1882 |
143 |
Rowland, S. Wildman |
1898 |
349 |
Ruggles, Alonzo J. |
1909 |
1619 |
Ruggles, Comfort H. |
1909 |
1620 |
Ruggles, Daniel |
1909 |
1617 |
Ruggles, Daniel W. |
1909 |
1620 |
Ruggles, Henry |
1909 |
1620 |
Ruggles, James, Gen. |
1906 |
1196 |
Rule, Deborah |
1884 |
107 |
Rule, James H. |
1884 |
109 |
Rule, John H. |
1868 |
110 |
Rumsey, Clara |
1906 |
1198 |
Rumsey, George |
1874 |
112 |
Rumsey, Jacob B. |
1909 |
1621 |
Rumsey, Loren W. |
1899 |
562 |
Rundell, Abijah |
1909 |
1621 |
Rundell, Jared |
1896 |
150 |
Rundle, Betsey |
1874 |
36 |
Rush, Jacob |
1858 |
15 |
Russell, Charles |
1874 |
105 |
Russell, Hannah |
1886 |
96 |
Sacket, Alvah P. |
1902 |
975 |
Sackett, Harvey |
1878 |
111 |
Sammis, Almeda |
1886 |
107 |
Sample, Widow |
1858 |
17 |
Sampson, Polly |
1874 |
11 |
Sanders, Albina |
1895 |
132 |
Sanders, Edmund L. |
1906 |
1198 |
Sanders, Esther |
1899 |
562 |
Sanders, John C. |
1907 |
1419 |
Sanders, Mary Ann |
1909 |
1621 |
Sanders, Moses C. |
1886 |
45 |
Sanders, Stephen, Rev. |
1899 |
562 |
Sands, Alvina
(Sayles) |
1902 |
976 |
Sands, Julia |
1909 |
1621 |
Sanger, Washington |
1907 |
1419 |
Sattig, Martin |
1906 |
1198 |
Savage, Eliza |
1899 |
562 |
Sawyer, Charles |
1896 |
152 |
Sawyer, Franklin, Gen. |
1894 |
129 |
Sawyer, James |
1902 |
943 |
Sawyer, Steven |
1874 |
11 |
Schade, Susan |
1902 |
976 |
Schaecatech, Hannah |
1909 |
1621 |
Schaeffer, Fred |
1902 |
976 |
Schaub, Catherine |
1902 |
976 |
Schmidt, Mary |
1902 |
976 |
Schnell, Mary |
1902 |
976 |
Schumacher, Mary B. |
1902 |
976 |
Schuyler, Phillip N. |
1909 |
1622 |
Schwan, Anna |
1896 |
153 |
Schwann, Jacob |
1906 |
1199 |
Scott, Experience |
1899 |
563 |
Scott, Giles C. |
1897 |
149 |
Scott, Hiel |
1900 |
774 |
Scott, Levi B. |
1896 |
153 |
Scott, Lyman |
1886 |
113 |
Scott, Lyman, Mrs. |
1878 |
111 |
Searles, Alfred |
1896 |
152 |
Sears, Hannah |
1899 |
563 |
Seebach, Gottfried |
1902 |
976 |
Seed, Esther |
1906 |
1199 |
Segar, A. W. |
1882 |
167 |
Segur, Alfred, Dr. |
1876 |
123 |
Selover, Eliza |
1899 |
563 |
Sessler, Edward |
1902 |
977 |
Severance, Fannie B. |
1874 |
110 |
Seymour, Jonn & wife |
1882 |
127 |
Seymour, Silas D., Rev. |
1899 |
563 |
Shafer, James W. |
1909 |
1622 |
Shank, Adam |
1902 |
943 |
Shank, Sally |
1907 |
1420 |
Sharp, John V. |
1878 |
112 |
Sharp, John, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Shaw, Henry W. |
1896 |
156 |
Shedd, Daniel E. |
1896 |
154 |
Sheffield, Areta |
1909 |
1622 |
Sheffield, Geo. W. |
1906 |
1199 |
Sheldon, Harry O. |
1876 |
107 |
Sheldon, Jairus C. |
1906 |
1199 |
Sheldon, Pauline M. |
1909 |
1623 |
Sheldon, Rufus |
1876 |
123 |
Sheldon, Rufus |
1909 |
1622 |
Shelton, Chas. R. |
1900 |
774 |
Sherarts, George |
1863 |
79 |
Sherarts, Jacob |
1874 |
29 |
Sherman, Elizabeth O. |
1882 |
153 |
Sherman, Fannie |
1909 |
1623 |
Sherman, John G. |
1894 |
123 |
Sherman, Lampson |
1906 |
1201 |
Sherman, Lemuel |
1894 |
151 |
Sherman, Nathan Gould |
1897 |
147 |
Sherman, Neverson |
1874 |
20 |
Sherman, Peter |
1878 |
112 |
Sherman, Polly |
1906 |
1202 |
Sherman, Samuel and wife |
1897 |
149 |
Sherwood, Henry T. |
1896 |
160 |
Simmons, Eliphalet B. |
1858 |
17 |
Shipman, Elizabeth |
1909 |
1624 |
Shirley, Abiathar and wife |
1876 |
27 |
Sholes, Stanton, Capt. |
1865 |
115 |
Shourds, Mehetable |
1874 |
118 |
Simmons, Aura K. |
1897 |
146 |
Simmons, Alonzo L. |
1909 |
1624 |
Simmons, Chas. B. |
1896 |
144 |
Simmons, Eliphalet B. |
1909 |
1624 |
Simmons, Harlon E. |
1874 |
86 |
Simmons, Harlon E. |
1876 |
115 |
Simmons, Harlon E., Mrs. |
1878 |
112 |
Simmons, Lucius C. |
1895 |
139 |
Simmons, Sophronia |
1906 |
1203 |
Simmons, Volney |
1882 |
167 |
Sinclair, H. M. |
1895 |
151 |
Sisson, L. P. |
1902 |
943 |
Skaats, George |
1876 |
122 |
Skellenger,Anson D. |
1895 |
160 |
Skellenger, Sarah J. |
1886 |
96 |
Skilliter, Anna |
1902 |
977 |
Skilliter, Thomas |
1902 |
977 |
Skinner, Leonard, Col. |
1898 |
355 |
Slater, Milton |
1874 |
110 |
Sloane, John N. and wife, July |
1888 |
105 |
Sloane, Rush R. |
1909 |
1512 |
Slover, Cornelia |
1907 |
1420 |
Smith, Abraham V. |
1902 |
944 |
Smith, Abel |
1895 |
160 |
Smith, Ambrose |
1874 |
105 |
Smith, Amy |
1886 |
82 |
Smith, Amy G. |
1876 |
123 |
Smith, Ann |
1874 |
102 |
Smith, Anna |
1874 |
111 |
Smith, Anthony |
1902 |
977 |
Smith, Benjamin P. |
1874 |
21 |
C. Louise |
1906 |
1203 |
Smith, Charity J. |
1909 |
1624 |
Smith, Charles |
1902 |
944 |
Smith, Charles, Dr. |
1862 |
47 |
Smith, David |
1899 |
563 |
Smith, Edward F. |
1874 |
110 |
Smith, Eliza |
1906 |
1202 |
Smith, Enoch |
1864 |
123 |
Smith, Enos |
1902 |
943 |
Smith, Erastus |
15 |
1858 |
Smith, Erastus & wife |
1909 |
1625 |
Smith, Eugene |
1907 |
1420 |
Smith, Ezra |
1886 |
82 |
Smith, Fanny |
1897 |
149 |
Smith, Franklin |
1902 |
943 |
Smith, Fred |
1902 |
977 |
Smith, Frederick W. |
1909 |
1624 |
Smith, Geo. E., Dr. |
1906 |
1202 |
Smith, Hester, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Smith, Hiram |
1906 |
1202 |
Smith, James, Col. |
1867 |
40 |
Smith, James D. |
1902 |
944 |
Smith, Joseph S. |
1886 |
118 |
Smith, Lester |
1886 |
115 |
Smith, Lester |
1909 |
1625 |
Smith, Lydia K. |
1906 |
1203 |
Smith, Mary |
1896 |
154 |
Smith, Mary |
1906 |
1203 |
Smith, Matilda |
1868 |
83 |
Smith, Polly |
1906 |
1203 |
Smith, Sheldon |
1874 |
10 |
Smith, Theodia |
1874 |
21 |
Smith, Wesley |
1902 |
944 |
Smith, Wm. T. |
1899 |
564 |
Snavley, Aurelia |
1895 |
160 |
Sneathen, Mary |
1906 |
1203 |
Snook, Norman |
1906 |
1203 |
Snyder, Jesse |
1909 |
1625 |
Solon, Thomas |
1902 |
977 |
Sowers, Daniel |
1878 |
113 |
Sowers, Edgar |
1907 |
1420 |
Sowers, John |
1868 |
101 |
Smith, Mary |
1878 |
112 |
Smith, Moses |
1876 |
119 |
Snavley, Aurelia |
1895 |
160 |
Spencer, Hiram |
1858 |
17 |
Sperry, Philo |
1891 |
130 |
Sprague, Simeon H. |
1874 |
36 |
Sprague, Ezra |
1898 |
354 |
Sprague, Ezra |
1891 |
34 |
Sprague, Laura |
1898 |
354 |
Sprague, Mary |
1899 |
564 |
Sprague, Simon |
1898 |
354 |
Sprague, Solomon |
1898 |
354 |
Sprague, Thadeus |
1895 |
151 |
Springer, Lodema |
1902 |
977 |
Spurrier, John L. |
1899 |
564 |
Squire, Benjamin B. |
1909 |
1625 |
Squire, Martha |
1906 |
1203 |
Squire, Wesley C. |
1909 |
1625 |
Squires, Joab |
1867 |
87 |
Squires, Virgil |
1874 |
36 |
Squires, William |
1895 |
151 |
Stahl, Alice |
1902 |
977 |
Staley, Hattie V. |
1902 |
978 |
Standart, Charles |
1896 |
153 |
Standart, Needham N. |
1876 |
101 |
Standart, Wm. E. |
1884 |
111 |
Standish, Zechariah M. |
1891 |
145 |
Stanford, Gamaliel, Mrs. |
1874 |
108 |
Stapleton, Delia |
1899 |
5564 |
Starbird, Adeline |
1900 |
774 |
Starbird, Austin, Dr. |
1876 |
123 |
Starr, Edwin |
1906 |
1203 |
Starr, Epesutus |
1858 |
17 |
Starr, Hiram Perez |
1897 |
147 |
Starr, Hiram P. |
1899 |
564 |
Starr, James T. |
1902 |
944 |
Starr, John M. |
1902 |
978 |
Starr, Orelia
M. |
1902 |
978 |
Starr, Wm. K. |
1899 |
564 |
States, Geo. W. |
1900 |
7774 |
States, Hannah |
1906 |
1198 |
Stearns, Vespasian |
1864 |
121 |
Stebins, Eliza, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Steel, William |
1895 |
151 |
Stephens, Isaiah S. |
1909 |
1626 |
Stephens, William J. |
1909 |
1625 |
Sterling, Jonathan H. |
1899 |
565 |
Stevens, David |
1902 |
978 |
Stevens, Deborah, Mrs. |
1896 |
154 |
Stevens, Jacob |
1882 |
158 |
Stevens, Lucy |
1876 |
124 |
Stevens, Permelia B. |
1902 |
978 |
Stevens, Paulina |
1896 |
152 |
Stevens, R. W. |
1876 |
124 |
Stevens, Washington W. |
1902 |
978 |
Stevenson, Andrew M. |
1902 |
944 |
Stevenson, Philo |
1902 |
946 |
Stevenson, Robert W. |
1894 |
133 |
Stewart, Abbie N. S. |
1899 |
565 |
Stewart, Caroline M. |
1895 |
151 |
Stewart, Frank |
1902 |
979 |
Stewart, Gideon T. |
1909 |
1508 |
Stewart, Hiram |
1886 |
111 |
Stickney, Chas. B., Judge * |
1896 |
158 |
Stiles, David |
1868 |
62 |
Stiles, David |
1874 |
93 |
Stiles, Sarah D. |
1899 |
566 |
Stiles, Wm. W. |
1909 |
1626 |
St. John, Wm. |
1900 |
774 |
Stone,Demmon C. |
1909 |
1626 |
Stone, Elon A. |
1907 |
1420 |
Stone, Maria |
1907 |
1421 |
Stone, Mary J. |
1907 |
1420 |
Stone, Walter F. |
1882 |
64 |
Storrs, Jerusha |
1902 |
979 |
Stott, Martin K. |
1895 |
151 |
Stotts, Maryette |
1902 |
946 |
Stratton, Maria |
1897 |
149 |
Strayer, Joseph, Mrs. |
1897 |
147 |
Strickfaden, Theresa |
1902 |
979 |
Strickland, Maranda |
1899 |
566 |
Strimple, Christopher |
1897 |
150 |
Strong, Abner & wife, July |
1888 |
112 |
Strong, Ann Eliza |
1907 |
1421 |
Strong, Cyrus |
1891 |
141 |
Strong, Pelatiah, Jan. |
1888 |
99 |
Strong, Timothy R. |
1895 |
151 |
Strong, Wm. A. |
1898 |
355 |
Strutton, Eliza W. |
1897 |
146 |
Strutton, Louis D. |
1902 |
945 |
Stuart, Dr. Morgan |
1884 |
113 |
Stuckey, William |
1902 |
979 |
Sturges, Daniel B. |
1898 |
354 |
Sturges, Henry A. C. |
1884 |
126 |
Sturges, Sophia F. |
1874 |
100 |
Sturges, Wm. B., Jaj. |
1909 |
1626 |
Sturtevant, Isaac |
1878 |
113 |
Summerlin, Maria |
1896 |
152 |
Summers, Benj. |
1878 |
65 |
Summers, Benj. and wife |
1876 |
117 |
Summers, Mary A. |
1902 |
979 |
Sutcliffe, Ellen |
1897 |
146 |
Sutliff, David |
1909 |
1626 |
Sutliff, Samuel |
1907 |
1421 |
Sutton, A. G. |
1882 |
167 |
Sutton, Catharine |
1874 |
110 |
Sutton, Catherine |
1884 |
121 |
Sutton, Levi R. |
1874 |
25 |
Sweet, James |
1878 |
113 |
Sykes, W. H., Dr. |
1898 |
352 |
Tainter, Jerusha, Mrs. |
1876 |
123 |
Taliaferro, Dr. |
1874 |
41 |
Tanner, Lucy Kendall |
1906 |
1204 |
Taylor, Benj. B. |
1907 |
1421 |
Taylor, Cantace D. |
1902 |
980 |
Taylor, Charlotte |
1902 |
980 |
Taylor, Dennis |
1899 |
507 |
Taylor, Elory |
1898 |
355 |
Tanner, Lucy K. |
1906 |
1204 |
Taylor, Henry |
1864 |
121 |
Taylor, Joseph |
1866 |
77 |
Taylor, Julia |
1868 |
93 |
Taylor, Lyman |
1902 |
979 |
Taylor, Nelson |
1870 |
44 |
Taylor, Phoebe |
1899 |
567 |
Taylor, Sarah |
1909 |
1626 |
Taylor, Sebastian F. |
1884 |
97 |
Teller,Samuel |
1878 |
113 |
Templer, Valentine |
1896 |
159 |
Terry, Gilletty, Mrs. |
1895 |
152 |
Terry, Mary |
1896 |
160 |
Thatcher, Maria, Mrs. |
1874 |
108 |
Thomas, Edwin E. |
1896 |
160 |
Thomas Eli |
1902 |
946 |
Thomas, Geo. B. |
1902 |
946 |
Thomas, Levi |
1906 |
1204 |
Thompson, DeWitt C. |
1902 |
980 |
Thompson, Edward |
1882 |
150 |
Thompson, Jason K. |
1891 |
145 |
Thompson, Henry B. |
1902 |
980 |
Thompson, Milton |
1902 |
980 |
Thompson, Samuel |
1909 |
1627 |
Thorp, Dolly |
1898 |
356 |
Tifft, Jonn, Dr. * |
1882 |
131 |
Tilden, Daniel |
1870 |
12 |
Tilden, Otis H. |
1902 |
980 |
Tilden, William, Judge |
1874 |
113 |
Till, Levi |
1902 |
980 |
Tillinghast, Geo. |
1891 |
136 |
Tillinghast, H. B. |
1895 |
151 |
Tillinghast, O. C. |
1884 |
101 |
Tillson, Rufus, Mrs. |
1891 |
137 |
Titus, Justus |
1897 |
151 |
Todd, Betsy |
1895 |
151 |
Todd, Delight Upson |
1874 |
36 |
Todd, Edgar M. |
1909 |
1627 |
Todd, Kneeland |
1884 |
98 |
Todd, Woodward |
1882 |
155 |
Topping, Isabelle |
1902 |
946 |
Tooker, Hiram L. |
1899 |
567 |
Tower, Dolly |
1868 |
83 |
Town, Isaac E., July |
1888 |
105 |
Towne, Isabelle |
1907 |
1421 |
Towne, Sawyer P. |
1897 |
151 |
Townsend, Hosea |
1886 |
94 |
Townsend, Hosea, Judge |
1909 |
1627 |
Townsend, Ira S. |
1899 |
567 |
Townsend, John T. |
1909 |
1627 |
Townsend, Wm. K. D. |
1909 |
1628 |
Travis, Harriet, Mrs. |
1882 |
167 |
Travis, Joseph |
1874 |
105 |
Tremain, Joseph |
1902 |
946 |
Tremain, Dolly |
1902 |
946 |
Tremaine, Julia |
1909 |
1631 |
Trimmer, Elizabeth |
1876 |
110 |
Trowbridge, Emma C. |
1907 |
1421 |
Truell, Solomon |
1906 |
1204 |
Tucker, Lucy |
1865 |
22 |
Tucker, Susan |
1902 |
947 |
Turner, Laura, Mrs. |
1897 |
151 |
Tuttle, Joel M. |
1909 |
1631 |
Tuttle, Nathan |
1909 |
1631 |
Twaddlelll, Alexander |
1900 |
774 |
Twaddle, Wm. W. |
1906 |
1204 |
Tyler, David |
1900 |
775 |
Underhill, Caroline |
1895 |
152 |
Underhill, David |
1882 |
167 |
Underhill, David |
1898 |
297 |
Underhill, David, Maj. |
1860 |
37 |
Underhill, Harriet |
1867 |
65 |
Underhill, Isaac |
1886 |
89 |
Underhill, Isaac |
1898 |
300 |
Underhill, Laura |
1874 |
36 |
Upp, Philip |
1899 |
568 |
Upson, Frederick, July |
1888 |
115 |
Vail, David |
1909 |
1632 |
Vandercook, James F. |
1906 |
1204 |
Vincent, Hoxsie |
1900 |
775 |
Vrendenburgh, Mary A. |
1882 |
162 |
Waggoner, Lucretia |
1886 |
86 |
Wait, Ezra |
1882 |
167 |
Wait, Frederick |
1882 |
167 |
Wakeman, Esther |
1895 |
160 |
Wakeman, Sherwood |
1882 |
167 |
Waldo, Daniel |
1865 |
117 |
Waldron, E. J. |
1884 |
104 |
Waldron, Elnathan E. |
1909 |
1632 |
Waldron, Emily |
1886 |
121 |
Waldron, Joseph |
1909 |
1632 |
Walker, George R. |
1907 |
1421 |
Walker, Leicester and wife |
1876 |
120 |
Walsworth, David |
1874 |
99 |
Walter, Elizabeth |
1902 |
981 |
Walters, S. E. |
1898 |
356 |
Ward, Austin and wife |
1868 |
83 |
Ward, Daniel |
1868 |
84 |
Ward, Elan |
1891 |
128 |
Ward, Jane, E. M. |
1891 |
128 |
Ward, James M. and wife |
1909 |
1632 |
Ward, Julia |
1895 |
136 |
Ward, Marcus L. |
1900 |
775 |
Ward, Samuel |
1900 |
775 |
Ward, William |
1895 |
152 |
Warner, Calvert C. |
1897 |
154 |
Warner, Nathan |
1858 |
16 |
Washburn, Alfred F. |
1899 |
568 |
Washburn, Dustin, |
1895 |
152 |
Washburn, Henry G. |
1900 |
775 |
Washburn, Joseph |
1868 |
83 |
Washburn, O. S. |
1895 |
153 |
Washburn, Rachel H. |
1894 |
134 |
Washburn, Sally, July |
1888 |
118 |
Washburn, Sarah |
1874 |
109 |
Waterbury, Ellen |
1902 |
981 |
Watros, Benj. F. |
1907 |
1422 |
Watros, Nancy |
1886 |
101 |
Watros, W. W. |
1868 |
83 |
Watros, Wm. S., Jan. |
1888 |
124 |
Watson, Charlotte, Mrs. |
1897 |
151 |
Waugh, Gideon |
1870 |
40 |
Webb, Rev. Loren |
1882 |
167 |
Webb, Thomas D. |
1865 |
29 |
Webb, William S. |
1902 |
981 |
Webster, Harriet |
1899 |
568 |
Webster, S. B., Jan. |
1888 |
106 |
Weedon, John |
1862 |
78 |
Weeks, Benj. K. |
1909 |
1633 |
Weeks, Freelove |
1909 |
1632 |
Weeks, John F. |
1899 |
568 |
Weeks, Marietta |
1899 |
568 |
Weeks, Thomas T. |
1899 |
568 |
Wehrle, Andrew, Sr. |
1896 |
151 |
Weidel, Christian |
1902 |
982 |
Welch, Mordecai |
1906 |
1204 |
Welch, W. B. |
1896 |
161 |
Wells, Elizabeth |
1906 |
1205 |
West, Abel K., Jan. |
1888 |
93 |
West, Betsy P. |
1895 |
141 |
West, Alonzo |
1898 |
357 |
West, Maria Ann |
1902 |
982 |
West, Wm. T. |
1900 |
776 |
Weston, Ann F. |
1909 |
1653 |
Wheaton, Leonard A. |
1895 |
137 |
Wheeler, Anson, W. |
1906 |
1205 |
Wheeler, Calvin |
1896 |
162 |
Wheeler, John, Elder |
1858 |
17 |
Wheeler, John |
1909 |
1633 |
Wheeler, Johnson |
1874 |
10 |
Wheeler, Johnson |
1868 |
48 |
White, Caroline |
1902 |
947 |
White, Charity |
1886 |
96 |
White, James |
1882 |
145 |
White, James |
1902 |
947 |
White, Lucy H. |
1909 |
1633 |
White, Maria |
1868 |
83 |
White, Nancy T. |
1895 |
152 |
White, Orasanus A. |
1895 |
152 |
White, Roxanna |
1907 |
1422 |
White, Thankful Fannie |
1906 |
1205 |
White, Union |
1868 |
98 |
White, Wm. |
1886 |
124 |
Whitmore, Emily |
1907 |
1422 |
Whitney, Abel, Jan. |
1888 |
105 |
Whitney, Albert, Mrs. |
1898 |
356 |
Whitney, Calvin |
1909 |
1633 |
Whitney, Roxana |
1907 |
1422 |
Whiton, James F. |
1895 |
153 |
Whitten, Sarah |
1907 |
1422 |
Whittlesey, Elisha |
1864 |
10 |
Whittlesey, Elisha |
1899 |
569 |
Wickham, John W., Sr. |
1897 |
152 |
Wickham, Lucy B. |
1897 |
153 |
Wilbor, Philander |
1876 |
119 |
Wilbor, Susan A. |
1876 |
90 |
Wilbur, Esther |
1882 |
162 |
Wilcox, Edward H., Jan. |
1888 |
103 |
Wilcox, Elizabeth |
1909 |
1634 |
Wilcox, Emily |
1897 |
154 |
Wilcox, Emily |
1898 |
357 |
Wilcox, F. Eugene |
1909 |
1634 |
Wilcox, Sabra J. |
1882 |
157 |
Wilcoxson, Esther |
1882 |
157 |
Wildman, Charles |
1900 |
775 |
Wildman, Fanny |
1909 |
1634 |
Wildman, Fred A. |
1899 |
569 |
Wildman, Horatio, Jr. |
1902 |
983 |
Wildman, Marietta |
1894 |
156 |
Wildman, Wm. H. |
1898 |
357 |
Wilhelm, John |
1897 |
152 |
Williams, B. B. |
1909 |
134 |
Williams, Benjamin |
1876 |
124 |
Williams, Bennett, July |
1888 |
114 |
Williams, Caroline |
1898 |
358 |
Williams, Isabella |
1896 |
162 |
Williams, James |
1902 |
947 |
Williams, James and wife |
1874 |
114 |
Williams, Theodore |
1909 |
1634 |
Williamson, John A. * |
1899 |
572 |
Williamson, Phebe |
1882 |
143 |
Williamson, Susan |
1902 |
983 |
Wilson, Anson |
1874 |
29 |
Wilson, DeWitt C. |
1895 |
136 |
Wilson, Harriet E. |
1897 |
152 |
Wilson, Henry |
1902 |
984 |
Wilson, John |
1902 |
984 |
Wilson, Mary Ann |
1874 |
111 |
Wilson, Mary J. |
1899 |
573 |
Wilson, Pardon |
1882 |
162 |
Wilson, Thomas P., Dr. |
1909 |
1634 |
Wilt, Harrison |
1876 |
122 |
Winans, Clark |
1900 |
776 |
Windan, Mary E. |
1902 |
984 |
Wines, Thomas |
1902 |
947 |
Winkel, Frederick |
1902 |
984 |
Winslow, Joshua U., July |
1888 |
113 |
Witt, Christian |
1895 |
142 |
Wolverton, Phoebe |
1897 |
152 |
Wonser, Miranda |
1898 |
356 |
Wood Genealogy |
1865 |
58 |
Wood, Andrew |
1874 |
35 |
Wood, Bourdette |
1891 |
133 |
Wood, Gilbert |
1882 |
158 |
Wood, Harvey, Jan. |
1888 |
125 |
Wood, Ira |
1886 |
96 |
Wood, Jedediah |
1895 |
153 |
Wood, Joseph, Mrs. |
1895 |
152 |
Wood, Mary Ann |
1909 |
1635 |
Wood, Nathaniel E. |
1909 |
1635 |
Wood, Phoebe Ann |
1895 |
153 |
Woodford, J. E. |
1902 |
984 |
Woodruff, Chauncey |
1899 |
573 |
Woodruff, Edwin |
1874 |
101 |
Woodruff, Geo. H |
1870 |
35 |
Woodward, Amos |
1899 |
573 |
Woodward, Gurdon |
1876 |
118 |
Woodward, O. P. |
1874 |
110 |
Woodworth, Jonathan |
1909 |
1635 |
Woodworth, Sarah
Buckingham |
1897 |
155 |
Woolmer, Thomas |
1903 |
984 |
Wolverton, Wm. B. |
1895 |
152 |
Woolworth, Chester, January |
1888 |
85 |
Wooster, Almira F. |
1884 |
92 |
Worcester, Mary F. C. |
1874 |
106 |
Worcester, Samuel T. |
1884 |
84 |
Worthington, Betsy |
1886 |
120 |
Worthington, David |
1900 |
778 |
Wright, Abigail, July |
1888 |
116 |
Wright, Grizzle M. |
1895 |
131 |
Wright, Lydia M. |
1906 |
1205 |
Wright, John |
1909 |
1636 |
Wriker, John |
1906 |
1205 |
Wunderly, Elizabeth |
1902 |
984 |
Wyatt, Susan |
1874 |
99 |
Yale, Anna |
1894 |
154 |
Yarick, Lucy M. |
1895 |
153 |
Young, Gardiner |
1899 |
574 |
Young, M. L., Mrs. |
1902 |
984 |
Young, Orrilla |
1898 |
358 |
Youngs John, Capt., January |
1888 |
95 |
Zepley, Dorothy, Mrs. |
1898 |
359 |