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Lake County, Ohio
History & Genealogy

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out of the service until September, 1861, on account of delays at the War Department.










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the one thousand and thirteen men who left Cleveland in 1862, only four hundred and twenty-seven were mustered out in 1865.


     This regiment contained one battalioni from both Lake and Geauga Counties.  They were mustered into the service on the 7th of May, 1864.  The regiment was ordered to Johnson’s Island, where it was engaged in guard and fatigue duty, and where it became noted for its drill and discipline, and for its tastefully ornamental camp.  On June the regiment was ordered to Covington, Kentucky, and had at Keller’s bridge lively fight with John Morgan’s command, and were captured.  They were paroled, and returned to Johnson’s Island, where they were mustered out Aug. 20, 1864.


     Battery of this regiment was mustered into the United States service Sept. 9, 1861, at Camp Dennison.  October it left that camp for Camp Dick Robinson, Kentucky, and on arrival joined an expedition of some ten thousand men under General Albin Schoepf, for the purpose of relieving East Tennessee.  This expedition resulted in the battle of Mill Spring and the defeat of the rebel General Zollicoffer.  Battery did some effective firing.  One of its discharges ——a James projectile—burst over column of rebels, killing seven and wounding thirteen.  On Oct. 30, 1862, the battery was assigned to the Fourteenth Army Corps under General Thomas, and sent to Gallatin, Tennessee.  On Mar. 1, 1864, this battery returned to the field at Chattanooga.  It was in the battles of Ralling Ford, Chickamauga, - where it lost thirteen men, thirty horses, and one gun dismounted, - Mission Ridge; and at the close of this campaign re-enlisted, and was assigned to the Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps; was in the battles of Resaca, Cassville, New Hope Church, Peachtree Creek, and the siege of Atlanta, Averyville, and Bentonville, which closed the active service of the battery.  It was mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio, June 15, 1865.







     In 1863 it became necessary to recruit class of troops whose duty it should be to fortify, garrison, and hold many important forts and strongholds that had been captured from the enemy.  For this purpose the Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, consisting of twenty-four hundred men, rank and file, was then authorized. Company M, commanded by Captain William H. H. Crowell, and other companies of the regiment were largely recruited from Ashtabula and Lake counties. Company was mustered into service September 9, 1863, at Covington Barracks, and on the 18th of the same month it moved to Fort Willich, Mumfordsville, Kentucky.  Jan. 10, 1864, it was transferred to Fort Taylor, at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, where it remained on duty until May 26, 1864.  From Camp Sedgwick, at Cleveland, Tennessee, it participated with the rest of the regiment in various expeditions, and was engaged in skirmish at Strawberry Plains, where the Union forces were in critical position.  Feb. 1, 1865, it was at Athens, Tennessee.  It was there mustered out of the service, Aug. 23, 1865, and on the 29th of the same month was paid and disbanded at Camp Chase, Ohio.






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     During the autumn of 1862, the Confederate General Kirby Smith advanced upon Cincinnati with large army.  Governor Tod issued proclamation calling upon all who would furnish themselves with rations and arms to turn out, organize under their own officers, and rendezvous at Cincinnati, transportation over the railroads to be provided by the government.  About three hundred and fifty citizens of Geauga and Lake Counties responded to the call of the governor.  These men, of course, saw no fighting, but their work was cheerfully performed because they thought their services were needed. Governor Tod caused lithograph discharges to be forwarded to those whose names could be obtained.  These discharges may be found in many homes in the county, where they are properly prized.


     Of these we have but meagre showing, although every effort has been made to procure complete list. The indifference manifested in this matter is sur prising, to say the least of it. Captain Parker, of Mentor, raised company from Lake County, but of this we can learn nothing further.
     Revolutionary Soldiers-Nathan Ganson, Joseph Wilbur, James Moore, Abraham Morton, Isaac Moore (served seven years), Reuben Curtiss, Zachariah Hosmer, Seth Phelps, Jonas Carter.
     Soldiers of the War of 181".—Arad Way, Calvin Phelps, Bildad Bradley, Moses Bradley, Sherabiah Burnett, Jno. Randolph, Jno. Cutler, Welcome Bedlock, Saml. Canfield, Alvin St. John, Joseph Morton, Consider Hammond, Jas. Pease, Calvin Chase, Eleazar Patchin, Amos Andrews, Captain Vene Stone, Frederick Loveland, James McNutt, Captain Charles Parker, A. R. Baldwin, H. R. Baldwin, H. Bennett, Thomas Brown, Elisha Bundy, George Burdin, Jno. Day, James Donaldson, Samuel Donaldson, Alexander Dunn, David Kester, Larrea McCall, Martin McClintock, Isaac Mead, Nathaniel Moore, Joseph Melton, Alfred Phelps, Ransom Smith, Ira Waterman, Ira Webster, Ressell Williams, Walter Young, Abner H. Fairbanks, Lewis Smith, Harney Bills, Daniel G. Converse, Phineas Mixer.




- 1st sergeant D. W. Waters, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; disch. June 5, 1865.
- Sergeant L. D. Gates, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; discharged June 5, 1865.
- Corporal E. Burr, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; discharged June 5, 1865.
- M. Britton, enlisted June 7, 1861; discharged, no date.
- S. G. Cone, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; discharged, no date.
- S. G. Cone, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; discharged, no date.
- J. Korney, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862; discharged June 5, 1865.
- E. G. Meigs, enlisted, Aug. 11, 1862; discharged June 5, 1865.
- W. Orton, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; discharged June 5, 1865.
- George Ash.


- 1st sergeant John Baptiste, enlisted Sept. 3, 1862; disch. June 5, 1865.
- Sergeant E. O. Granger, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; disch. Dec. 1, 1864.
- Sergeant R. Stone, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- Sergeant W. Steckham, enlisted Sept. 3, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- James Reynolds, enlisted Mar. 25, 1864; transferred to Company F.

Seventh Regiment; mustered out with regiment.

- J. B. Auxer, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 29, 1865.
- D. Bennett, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- L. Butts, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged May 29, 1865.
- R. Baker, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- G. A. Brown, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- C. Buel, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- J. Babcock, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- F. Downing, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- A. Furrows, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged May 22, 1865.
- L. S. Frank, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- W. J. Grant, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- H. Huntoon, enlisted July 10, 1861; captured at Cross Lanes; discharged Dec. 2, 1864.
- W. O. Johnson, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- J. Melton, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- M. D. Otiss, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862, discharged June 21, 1865.
- C. A. Parks, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia; discharged June 12, 1865.
- A. Fern, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.



- Major John S. Casement joined for service May 28, 1861; resigned May 23, 1862.
- Adjutant William D. Shepherd joined for service Apr. 24, 1861; resigned Mar. 25, 1863.
- Sergeant-Major Newton K. Hubbard joined for service Apr. 24, 1861.
- Fife-Major Harry Wood joined for service June 20, 1861; made prisoner at Cross Lanes, Aug. 26, 1861.
- Drum-Major J. L. Woodward joined for service June 21, 1861; discharged Mar. 9, 1862.


- Henry H. Coe, leader, joined for service July 10, 1861.
- Edgar M. Bostwick joined for service July 10, 1861.
- Ely E. Gill joined for service July 10, 1861.
- John F. Hormiston joined for service July 10, 1861.
- S. J. Marshall joined for service July 10, 1861.
- Martin V. Clark joined for service Aug. 9, 1861.
- William Fairgraves joined for service July 10, 1861.
- Charles W. Rosseter joined for service July 10, 1861.


- L. Huson, enlisted Aug. 30, 1862; discharged Feb. 8, 1863.


- J. S. Fish, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Ringold, Nov. 27, 1863.


- Captain J. N. Dyer, killed at Cross Lanes, Aug. 26, 1861.
- 1st lieutenant Charles A. Weed, promoted to captain Co. E, Jan. 1, 1863
- 1st lieutenant Wm. D. Shepherd, promoted to adjutant Sept. 1, 1863
- 1st lieutenant Geo. D. Lockwood, promoted to 1st lieut. Nov. 2, 1862.
- 2d lieutenant A. J. Williams, resigned Sept. 1861.
- 1st sergeant W. Lawrence, wounded and sent to hospital, Nov. 27, 1862.
- 1st sergeant E. Hart, mustered out with regiment.
- 1st sergeant C. A. Dengler, mustered out with regiment.
- 1st sergeant Jas. M. Lapham, mustered out with regiment.
- 1st sergeant Wm. Cain, mustered out with regiment.
- Corporal L. Knight, mustered out with regiment.
- Corporal E. V. Nash, wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.
- Corporal W. G. Whiting, mustered out with regiment.
- Corporal S. S. Oliver, mustered out with regiment.
- Corporal S. E. Hendrickson, mustered out with regiment.
- Corporal M. N. Taft, mustered out with regiment.
- Jno. Allen, mustered out with regiment.
- M. Brick, mustered out with regiment.
- G. J. Buys, mustered out with regiment.
- Arthur Brown, mustered out with regiment.
- A. Colwell, mustered out with regiment.
- Frank Cone, mustered out with regiment.
- W. A. French, wounded; mustered out with regiment.
- J. D. Fenon, prisoner; mustered out with regiment.
- L. E. Gill, mustered out with regiment.
- S. Gill, mustered out with regiment.
- A. Hickok, mustered out with regiment.
- V. Hart, mustered out with regiment.
- A. Hungerford, missing with action near Dallas, Georgia.
- E. C. Miller, mustered out with regiment.
- D. F. Pomeroy, mustered out with regiment.
- C. C. Quinn, mustered out with regiment.
- H. H. Rhodes, mustered out with regiment.
- Chas. A. Shepherd, mustered out with regiment.
- Frank Stanley, mustered out with regiment.
- John Smith, mustered out with regiment.
- John Weaver, mustered out with regiment.


- 1st sergeant H. J. Whiting, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.
- Corporal Chas. Carroll, killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863.
- Corporal A. G. Griswold, killed at Winchester, Virginia, Mar. 23, 1862.
- Clark Barbour, died at Gallapolis, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1861.
- R. H. Bumbram, killed at Winchester, Mar. 23, 1862.
- L. C. Corroni, killed at Winchester, Mar. 23, 1862.
- A. Copeland, died of wounds, June 13, 1863.
- Alexander Dodge, died at Salisbury, N. C., prison, Apr. 24, 1862.
- C. G. Hittinger, died of wounds, Aug. 10, 1862.
- Lawson Hibbard, killed at Port Republic, June 9, 1862.
- C. H. Johnson, died Aug. 20, 1861.

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- Jno. Lee, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.
- W. W. Lapham, died of wounds, Aug. 13, 1862.
- W. D. Malone, died Aug. 21, 1861.
- Jno. Mulligan, killed at Port Republic, June 9, 1862.
- Stephen V. Russell, died Sept. 3, 1862.
- George Roof, died Jan. 6, 1862.
- Thomas Sayles, died Nov. 10, 1862.
- Jno. Shelby, died of wounds, Nov. 10, 1863.
- Almon Toner, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.
- Bingham Tuttle, killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864.
- Jacob Wagner, died Jan. 10, 1863.


- 1st sergeant W. D. Shepherd, for promotion, Nov. 25, 1861.
- 1st sergeant Geo. D. Lockwood, for promotion to lieutenant, Company E, Aug. 9, 1862.
- 1st sergeant Frank Paine, for promotion to lieut., Co. C, Nov. 25, 1861.
- 1st sergeant V. E. Smalley, for wounds, Feb. 5, 1863.
- Corporal Jerome Lott, for disability, Jan. 11, 1862.
- George L. Atkin, for disability, May 10, 1862.
- Geo. F. Balch, for disability, June 3, 1863.
- H. F. Button, for disability, Feb. 13, 1863.
- S. J. Baker, for disability, Mar. 23, 1863.
- T. F. Burrbank (G. O. No. 154), Oct. 24, 1862.
- Chas. L. Bentley, (G. O. No. 154), Oct. 24, 1862.
- Robert L. Custin, for disability, September 6, 1862.
- A. B. Colwell, for disability, July 8,1862.
- Wm. Gardner, for wounds, December 11, 1862.
- Chas. E. Griffith, for disability, April 26, 1863.
- N. B. Halcomb, for wounds, Jan. 9, 1863.
- Wm. A. Hoeg, for disability, Jan. 11,1862.
- B. F. Hawkins, for wounds, March 3, 1863.
- Jno. Harmon (G. O. No. 154), October 22. 1862.
- R. M. Jones, for disability, August 7, 1862.
- Charles Jones (G. O. No. 154), December 1, 1862.
- E. M. Johnson (G. O. No. 154), October 21, 1862.
- Jno. McAdams, for wounds, February 17, 1863.
- Thomas Roff, for wounds, March 9, 1863.
- Wm. P. Root, for wounds, Jan. 31, 1863.
- Van Ness Sherwood, for disability, February 20, 1862.
- Geo. Spear, for disability, March 13, 1863.
- Wm. P. Tisdel, for expiration of term of service, April 27, 1864.
- H. Weeland, for disability, February 12, 1863.
- R. M. Weeland, for disability, September 1, 1863.
- H. Woolsey, for disability, July 14, 1862.
- W. L. Wirts, for disability, July 9, 1862.
- Musician Harry Wood, for disability from prison life, Sept. 30, 1862.
- Jno. B. Wirts, for disability, February 19, 1863.
- Thomas R. Young, for disability, September 10, 1862.


- Sergeant N. K. Hubbard, promoted sergeant-major; to N. C. Staff January 1,1864.
- Corporal Jno. H. Ernest, by reason of S. O. No. 156, June 11, 1864.
- Corporal Edward Barr, by reason of S. O. No. 156, June 11, 1864.
- Corporal Sam. W. Vance, to Company 11, June 19, 1864.
- Gerry Brakeman, by reason of S. O. No. 156, June 11,1864.
- J. Babcock, by reason of S. O. No. 156, June 11,1864.
- M. T. Britton, by reason of S. O. No. 156, June 11, 1864.
- J. R. Breese, to Company F, June 19, 1861. - - - - Geo. W. Bower, to Company H, June 19, 1861. - S. G. Cone, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- I. Cone, to Veteran Reserve Corps, August 1, 1863.
- Jno. W. Dawes, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- J. L. Fish, to Company C, October 15, 1862.
- M. Fitzgerald, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- Chas. Glendenniug, to Company 11, June 19, 1861.
- S. R. Hopkins, to Company F, June 19, 1861.
- Edward Hobday, to Veteran Reserve Corps; no record; 1864.
- H. H. Huntoon, by special order, June 11, 1864. - E. J. Murray, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- Frank Morley, by special order, Jun. 11, 1864. - - G. E. Meigs, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- E. Maxfield, to Company F, June 19, 1861.
- W. A. Orton, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- R. K. Shepherd, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- I. S. Travis, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- Alex. Tenney, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- Jerome Tuttle, by special order, June 11, 1864.
- Augustus Webber, to Company F, June 19, 1861.
- B. W. Wilson, to Veteran Reserve Corps.


- Jas. Kearney, enlisted August 29,1862 last date, September 19, 1864.


- Captain D. B. Clayton, resigned August 18, 1861.
- 1st lieutenant Harlow N. Spencer, promoted to captain Company F, Nov. 25, 1861; resigned August 3, 1861.
- Orville Bachmell, died at Harper's Ferry, October 29, 1862.
- Monroe Halon, killed in battle at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864.
- S. R. Waltersteen, died in Washington, D. C., date not given.


- Benjamin Babcock, for disability, February 10, 1863.
- Geo. S. Harpham, for disability, May 5, 1863.
- Wm. A. Kibber, for wounds, February 21, 1863.
- Eugene Maxfield, for re-enlistment, January 23, 1861.


- Chas. H. Melton, to Invalid Corps, date not given.
- Sergeant John Baptie, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Sergeant E. O. Granger, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Corporal L. B. Hill, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Corporal W. Stockham, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.

- Corporal H. Twing, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- J. B. Auxer, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- F. Basquin, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Daniel Bennett, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Lewis Butts, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- F. Downing, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- L. S. Faulk, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- James J. Melton, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- M. D. Otis, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- C. A. Parks, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Jas. Reynolds, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- M. L. Scoville, by reason of S. F. O. No. 156, June 8, 1864.
- Afred W. Morley, to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 31, 1864.


- 2d lieutenant Wm. D. Braden, promoted to captain, June 12, 1863, Co. G.
- Corporal Samuel M. Vance, promoted; discharged with regiment.
- Corporal C. Glendeniug, wounded at Ringold, Nov. 27, 1863, discharged with regiment.
- Corporal Jos. Kincaid, wounded, Nov. 27, 1863; discharged with regt.
- Corporal D. Wintersteen, discharged with regiment.
- Wagoner J. Washer, discharged with regiment.
- S. Burrows, discharged with regiment.
- R. W. Bower, discharged with regiment.
- S. J. Coon, discharged with regiment.
- Wm. Hunter, discharged with regiment.
- H. P. Bower, died January 31, 1863.


- 1st sergeant R. S. Bower, by order of War Department, Feb. 15, 1864. 1st sergeant
- Wm. D. Braden, to accept promotion as lieutenant.
- H. W. Crittenden, for disability, June 10,1863. W. W.
- Fowler, for wounds, November 20, 1863.
- M. L. Miller, for disability, September 36, 1863.
- H. Sporry, September 3, 1863.
- D. W. White, for disability, August 1, 1863.


- Corporal L. D. Gates, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156. Corp.
- D. W. Watters, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- G. W. Brown, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- Chas. L. Buell, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- Russell Baker, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 166.
- A. Forrow, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156. W. J. Grant, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 165.
- W. O. Johnson, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- C. H. Pelton, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- R. Stone, left in field at Ackworth, Ga., by S. F. O. No. 156.
- S. S. White, no record.
- H. L. Wright, no record.



- Charles Dalrymple, J. H. Smith, A. Gonsella.
- Sergeant H. H. Waldo, enlisted June 6, 1861; must. out with company.



- D. H. Hunt, enlisted December 28, 1861; no record.
- J. McDonnell, enlisted August 16, 1861 no record.
- Wm, Berber, enlisted August 15,1861 no record.
- James Rowe, enlisted August 15,1861; no record.


- John Smith, enlisted September 29, 1863; no record.


- H. H. Waite, enlisted September 30, 1862; no date of discharge.


- Captain W. L. Douglass, enlisted Dec. 19, 1861; resigned Sept. 21, 1862.
- 2d lieutenant J. M. Elliott, enlisted July 1, 1861 res. June 12, 1862.
- Sergeant J. M. Peck, enlisted August 28,1862 died October 3, 1863.
- Corporal S. W. Baswell, enlisted August 13, 1861; died June 7, 1862.
- S. Shideler, enlisted September 16, 1861; wounded December 13, 1863.
- Jas. Daa, enlisted August 13, 1861 discharged 1862.
- John Dyson, enlisted September 10, 1861 discharged October, 1863.
- Samuel Fast, enlisted December 4, 1861 discharged January 17, 1862.
- Sergeant S. Mansfield, enlisted Sept. 16, 1862; discharged Jan. 22, 1863.
- L. A. Stewart, enlisted August 13, 1861 discharged March 30, 1862.
- J. Bower, enlisted August 13, 1861 transferred-to Company A.
- Albert Berry, enlisted December3, 1861 transferred to Company D.
- H. D. Culbertson, enlisted August 13, 1861 transferred to Company H.
- M. Casey, enlisted December 16, 1861 transferred to Company D.
- J. Funk, enlisted August 18, 1861; transferred to Company H.
- W. Gasnell, enlisted August 13, 1861 transferred to Company H.
- D. Helpman, enlisted August 13, 1861; transferred to Company D.
- J. Houser, enlisted September 28, 1861 transferred to Company H.
- D. Hunt, enlisted December 13, 1861 transferred to Company K.
- J. H. Irwin, enlisted September 10, 1861 transferred to Company B.
- N. Keltner, enlisted August 13, 1861; transferred to Company D.
- W. Kelley. enlisted August 13, 1861; transferred to Company K.
- A. Kerr, enlisted September 17, 1861 transferred to Company A.
- C. Myers, enlisted August 13, 1861; transferred to Company A.
- J. McDonald, enlisted September 10, 1861 transferred to Company H.
- W. L. McFall, enlisted September 27, 1861; transferred to Company B.
- M. Noonan, enlisted September 16, 1861 transferred to Company C.
C. Neisley, enlisted November 18, 1861 transferred to Company H.
J. Pritchard, enlisted September 16, 186i transferred to Company G.
S. Penny, enlisted September 16, 1861 transferred to Company G.
- J. Rowe, enlisted August 13, 1861 transferred to Company A.
- W. Reiber, enlisted September 10, 1861; transferred to Company A.
- J. Rollins, enlisted September 23, 1861; transferred to Company A.
- J. Reese, enlisted September 27, 1861.; transferred to Company G.
- D. Regan, enlisted December 23, 1861; transferred to Company H.
- L. A. Thomas, enlisted September 10, 1861 transferred to Company H.
- J. Wick, enlisted September 10, 1861 transferred to Company F.
- J. Wise, enlisted August 13, 1861; transferred to Company B.
- N. Whittaker, enlisted October 15, 1861 transferred to Company A.
- J. Westfield, enlisted October 1, 1861; transferred to Company K.
- P. Bailey, enlisted August 9, 1862 promoted to sergeant. S.
- A. Collins, enlisted September 16, 1861; pro. to 2d lieut., Oct. 21, 1863.


- S. Purney, enlisted September 16, 1861 died December 15, 1863.
- H. C. McKnight, enlisted Sept. 9, 1861; died at Andersonville prison.
- A. Kerr, enlisted September 17, 1861 no record.
- M. Norman, enlisted September 16, 1861; prisoner; returned to regiment November 9, 1863.


- J. Bnrcholomen, enlisted August 29, 1862; died of wounds Dec. 9, 1863.
- J. H. Brone, enlisted September 1, 1862 died of wounds Dec. 9, 1863.
- W. Coffrique, enlisted Sept. 8, 1862; disch. for disability, May, 1864.
- M. Cleugh, enlisted January 26,1864; no date.
- C. Donahue, enlisted April 18, 1864; no date.
- J. Wilson, enlisted December 28, 1863; no date.


- J. Westfall, enlisted October 1, 1861 died November 36, 1862.
- D. Ragin, enlisted December 23, 1861 discharged December 19, 1863.
- J. P. Morris, enlisted August 14, 1862 re-enlisted.
- J. Travis, enlisted August 23, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- S. S. White, enlisted August 30, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- H. L. Wright, enlisted August 26, 1862; discharged June 21, 1865.
- Corporal H. Twing, enlisted August 36, 1862; discharged June 28, 1865.
- F. Basquin, enlisted August 28,1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 1, 1865.
- C. H. Pelton, enlisted August 18, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 1, 1865.
- Corporal L. B. Hill, enlisted August 30, 1862 transferred from 7th Regiment, Company F.


- Jacob Market.


Myron Parks.



- John Barrows, Cyrus Beals, E. Gardiner, A. Crosby, E. R. Aylsworth, G. H. Hubbard, J. C. Brewer.



Captain, George E. Paine,
H. J. Clark,
J. Crane,
F. Paris,
J. Barton,
O. N. McGonigal,
W. Witter,
P. H. Calkins,
D. W. Merrill,
S. F. Cooley,
P. M. Cowles,
M. V. B. Eggleston,
W. Garrett,
H. Granger,
J. C. Grugger,
G. E. Herriman,
E. H. Munsell,
A. M. Parker,
C. A. Parks,
T. C. Parsons,
H. H. Pulsifer,
C. L. Riddle,
R. W. Sanford,
C. Shattuck,
H. Throing,
O. G. Thayer,
A. H. Wheelock,
E. J. West,
A. Gould,
C. H. Gurmey,
S. Beckwith,
E. C.Chilson,
T. Garrite,
F. F. Keeny,
R. W. Keeny,
W. H. Kelley,
J. Ladow,
C. L. Lillie
J. C. Linderman,
R. P. Packard,
L. M. Palmer,
L. Prince,
D. G. Reed,
J. Roe,
F. F. Shaw,
F. D. Story,
A. B. Turner,
E. Morton, Jr.,
S. Hathaway,
W. A. Bagg,
N. Bonapart,
A. I. Brown,
A. Brown,
W. H. Hale,
L. A. Houseworth,
L. W.  Houseworth
H. B. Hunt,
H. F. Sheldon,
O. F. Stetson,
M. J. Whitney,
A. D. Barrett,
L. Barrett,
A. Bartlett,
D. J. Baur,
A. E. Billington,
E. Proctor,
H. R. Heath,
D. Sheldon
W. H. Wright,
M. H. Hamblin,
C. N. Dewey,
L. Fowler,
D. Grimes,
S. C. Hackney,
J. G. Hansard,
W. Hansard,
C. King,
P. Patchin
A. Green,
J. W. Mead,
D. Morton,
H. W. Osmond,
D. D. Tucker,
P. N. Dimock,
T. F. Hawley,
J. McKee,
T. C. Rea,
A. C. Spencer,
H. P. Kile,
B. D. Millard,
S. D. Tucker,
C. L. Vining,
H. M. Babcock,
L. A. Batchelder,
T. Hulbert,
William H. Plaisted,
J. H. Valentine,
S. Hathaway (2d lieutenant),
N. B. Manny,
A. I. Brown,
Amenzo Brown,
M. V. Eggleston,
H. B. Hunt,
H. F. Sheldon,
O. G. Thayer,
M. J. Whitney,
T. C. Parsons,
W. A. Bugg,
William Andrews,
John McKee.


- Ralph Chase, enlisted August 13, 1862.
- Luke Fox, enlisted September 15, 1862.
- John Hanry, enlisted August 15, 1862.
- A. S. Johnson, enlisted February 16, 1864.
- John Little, enlisted August 30, 1862.
- A. Seely, enlisted September 15, 1862.


- Captain R. B. Moore, appointed June 1, 1861 resigned March 23, 1862.
- Lieutenant Russell Hastings, appointed 2d lieut. June 1, 1861; pro. to - 1st lieut. March 23, 1862; and to capt. Aug. 8, 1863.
- Tyler Parish, veteran, discharged with company.
- Albert McEuin, veteran, discharged with company.
- D. B. Bartholomew, veteran, discharged with company.
- Nelson Leroy, veteran, discharged with company.
- George C. Jones, veteran, discharged with company.
- J. D. Jones, veteran, discharged with company.
- David Houliston, veteran, discharged with company.
- William Crump, veteran, discharged with company.
- M. H. Strong, veteran, discharged with company.
- George W. Atkinson, veteran, discharged with company.
- Thomas J. Smith, veteran, discharged with company.
- William Gray, veteran, discharged with company.
- Benjamin Jackson. veteran, discharged with company.
- George Morley, veteran, discharged with company.

NOTE: *Mustered out July 26, 1865.

SHARON WICK'S NOTICE:  The above records were added Dec. 1, 2017
More to be added Jan. 1, 2018












This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights