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Licking County, Ohio
History & Genealogy



- continued.


THE events of this great war have passed into history.  The youthful student in our public schools, born since its close, is bewildered with the recital of its gigantic proportions.  The son listens with wonderment at the tale of bloody strife, from the lips of the surviving father.  The mother narrate the anguish and long years of anxiety suffered in those dark days.  All are familiar, through written records and word of mouth, with the causes which led to that strife, its fierce continuance, its glorious termination, and the fruits left for the enjoyment of coming generations.
     The causes of the war are briefly stated as follows by Ridpath, in his common school history:






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when it was detached to take part in the celebrated raid into Alabama, under Colonel Streight.  The command was mostly mounted, and penetrated into the heart of the confederacy.  It destroyed immense stores and munitions of war, but was so close pressed by overwhelming numbers that most of the command was finally captured near Rome, Georgia, but not until it had fought desperately with severe loss.  The men were taken to Bell Isle and Libby Prison near Richmond, where they suffered all the horrors of prison life until May, 1863.
     The men were paroled, but the officers, including the chaplain and surgeons, were retained and incarcerated in Libby Prison.  Here the daring Colonel Streight made his escape, and after many days and nights of wandering found his way into the Union lines.  After its exchange the Third Ohio perfored duty in Ohio in quelling disloyal uprising at home.  It also entered in the pursuit of John Morgan.
In August it was ordered to Nashville, and served in Tennessee and northern Georgia until the expiration of its term of service.  The officers of the Third Ohio being retained in prison, no effort was made to re-enlist the regiment as veterans, therefore at the end of its first three years' term, June 23, 1864, the men were mustered out.  However, many of its members re-enlisted in other regiments, and served gallantly to the close of the war.  Nineteen men of company H, during its term of service, laid down their lives in defence of the country.  Sixteen of the number now rest in Cedar Hill cemetery, who died during and since the war.



Captain Leonidas McDougal, June 13, 1861
First Lieutenant Leroy S. Bell, June 13, 1861


First Sergeant Frank P. Dale, June 13, 1861
Sergeant David L. Bush, June 13, 1861
Sergeant Lawrence Shields, June 13, 1861
Sergeant John W. Ulem, June 13, 1861
Sergeant John C. Roney, June 13, 1861
Corporal Henry Haughey, June 13, 1861
Corporal Thomas Haughey, June 13, 1861
Corporal William Freckleton, June 13, 1861
Corporal Rees E. Darlington, June 13, 1861
Corporal James Burns, June 13, 1861
Corporal Allen W. Ball, June 13, 1861
Corporal George A. Ball, June 13, 1861
Corporal John L. Morris, June 13, 1861
Musician James M., June 13, 1861
Musician John P. Laird, June 13, 1861
Wagoner, James Fleming, June 13, 1861


James Avery June 18, 1861
William Archer, June 13, 1861
Albert Asher June 13, 1861
William H. B. Armstrong, June 13, 1861
Edward Babbitt, June 13, 1861
Joseph Backus, June 13, 1861
Lewis Bedell, June 13, 1861
Albert A. Bowers, June 13, 1861
Patrick Brady, June 13, 1861
Daniel Bray, June 13, 1861
Henry F. Brown, June 13, 1861
William H. Burdick, June 13, 1861
Rufus V. Buskirk, June 13, 1861
George W. Caffee, June 13, 1861
William W. Caffee, June 13, 1861
George P. Clarke, June 13, 1861
David Clouse, June 13, 1861
William H. H. Cramer June 13, 1861
George W. Colville, June 13, 1861
George W. Darling, June 13, 1861
Jessee A. DeMuth, June 13, 1861
Thomas Dewar, June 13, 1861
James Drake, June 13, 1861
David Dunnavan, June 13, 1861
Israel Flannigan, June 13, 1861
Henry Gibson, June 13, 1861
John Gibson, June 13, 1861
Ernest Grasser, June 13, 1861
Daniel Harbaugh, June 13, 1861
Frank A. Haughey, June 13, 1861
Frederick J. Heeley, June 13, 1861
Richard Hughes, June 13, 1861
Andrew Hyatt, June 13, 1861
William Ingman, June 13, 1861
William Jackson, June 13, 1861
Nathan Jewett, June 13, 1861
William Jones, June 13, 1861
Albert K. Knight, June 13, 1861
James Lees June 13, 1861
Wesley H. Lemley, June 13, 1861
James Loveland, June 13, 1861
John I. Lunceford June 13, 1861
Henry McCarty, June 13, 1861
David R. McCracken, June 13, 1861
John McCreary, June 13, 1861
James McDonald, June 13, 1861
Samuel Martindale, June 13, 1861
Jacob F. Mills, June 13, 1861
Edward Mochler, June 13, 1861
John C. Morgan, June 13, 1861
Charles M. Moore, June 13, 1861
Albert Munson, June 13, 1861

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John M. Nichol June 13, 1861
Walter C. Nobel, June 13, 1861
John W. Orndorff, June 13, 1861
John A. Palmer, June 13, 1861
Henry Park, June 13, 1861
George Poncer, June 13, 1861
William Redhead, June 13, 1861
Isaac Rhoe, June 13, 1861
Franklin Richards, June 13, 1861
Reiland Spellman, June 13, 1861
Benjamin S. Smith, June 13, 1861
John Smith, June 13, 1861
Thomas F. Smith June 13, 1861
James P. Scroggs, June 13, 1861
James H. Sigler, June 13, 1861
Wilson Simmons, June 13, 1861
Thomas Stewart, June 13, 1861
James M. Stout, June 13, 1861
Nathaniel W. Tally, June 13, 1861
John B. Thompson, June 13, 1861
John F. Thompson, June 13, 1861
Owen Tierney, June 13, 1861
Byron W. Violet, June 13, 1861
George L. Wells, June 13, 1861
Charles Williams, June 13, 1861
Henry S. Woodruff, June 13, 1861
William S. Wyrick, June 13, 1861


of the Twelfth Ohio infantry, was recruited at Newark, by Captain Andrew Legg.  It moved to Camp Dennison and was mustered into the service for three years, on the twenty-eighth of June, 1861.  The regiment left Camp Dennison July 6th, and reached the seat of war on the fourteenth.  The battle of Scary Creek was fought on the seventeenth of July, with a loss of five killed and thirty wounded in the regiment.  In a few days the regiment entered Charleston, West Virginia, and from that place it moved to Gauley bridge.
     On the thirteenth of August, eight companies marched to Camp Piatt, thence to Clarksburgh, West Virginia, and were assigned to General Benham's brigade.  They then proceeded south ward engaging in numerous skirmishes, but finally joining the other two companies on the sixteenth of October.  After several attempts to engage in battle, the Twelfth was transfered to General Cox's brigade, December 10th, and went into winter quarters at Charleston.
     On the third of May, 1862, the company left Charleston and joined Scammon's brigade.  It was ordered to the army of the Potomac August 15th, and arrived at Alexandria on the twenty-fourth.  In the meantime, Captain Legg had resigned, June 20, 1862.  The regiment met the enemy at Bull Run bridge, August 27th, and was defeated with a loss of nine killed and sixty-eight wounded.  On the seventh of September, the company advanced into Maryland, and on the fourteenth it engaged in the battle of South Mountain, taking part in three bayonet charges, and with the regiment captured three battles flags, a large number of small arms and over two hundred prisoners, with a loss of sixteen killed and ninety-one wounded.  On the seventeenth, the Twelfth was engaged in Antietam with a considerable loss.  After the battle it marched for West Virginia, via Hagerstown and Hancock, Maryland, but on arriving at Hancock, Maryland, but on arriving at Hancock it moved into Pennsylvania to work against Stewart's cavalry.  Stewart having retreated, the Twelfth returned to Hancock and arrived at Clarksburgh, West Virginia, October 16th.  On the fourth of December the company marched to Fayette Court House, West Virginia, and went into winter quarters.  Here it was assigned to the Second brigade, under Colonel White, repulsed the enemy's attack on Fayette Court House, May 19, 1863.  The Twelfth marched against the enemy at Piney creek on the thirteenth of July, but the rebels retreated and the regiment returned to Fayette Court House.  On the seventeenth, the brigade was ordered to Ohio to assist in capturing John Morgan, and after guarding fords for several days it returned to Fayette Court House.  On the fourth of November the Twelfth marched against Lewisburgh, but was unsuccessful.  On the ninth of December, however, it made another move on Lewisburgh, as a diversion for General Averill with a slight loss.
     The company left Fayette Court House on the third of May, 1864, and marched to Cloyd's mountain, where it engaged in battle.  The fight lasted over an hour, and the regiment lost eleven killed and sixty-eight wounded.  Surgeon Graham and nineteen men, who were on the field taking are of the wounded, fell into the enemy's hands.  The Twelfth marched northward, and on the nineteenth reached Blue Sulphur Springs.  Remaining there a few days, it moved on to Staunton and joined

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the forces under Hunter.  On the seventeenth of June the company went to Lynchburg, and met the enemy in force a few miles from the city.  The Twelfth and Ninety-first Ohio regiments charged the enemy and drove them back in disorder.  The regiment captured a number of prisoners and lost eight killed and eleven wounded.  On the nineteenth killed and eleven wounded.  On the nineteenth of Twelfth marched to Liberty, then proceeded northward and arrived at Camp Piatt, on the Kanawha river, June 2nd, and was mustered out of the service July 11, 1864.
     During its term of service, company E had marched over four thousand miles, and sustained a loss in killed of twenty-six men.  The veterans of this company were transferred to the Twenty-third regiment after three years' term of service.



Captain Andrew Legg, June 22, 1861
1st Lieutenant John C. Wallace, June 22, 1861


1st Sergeant Aaron N. Channel, June 22, 1861
Sergeant Thomas J. Farrill, June 22, 1861
Sergeant Michael Conley, June 22, 1861
Sergeant Parker Stinchfield, June 22, 1861
Sergeant William Sine, June 22, 1861
Corporal Moses W. Baker, June 22, 1861
Corporal James B. Dale, June 22, 1861
Corporal Nelson W. Lamb, June 22, 1861
Corporal Harrison Clem, June 22, 1861
Corporal James Haughey, June 22, 1861
Corporal John Harman, June 22, 1861
Corporal, James Van Allen, June 22, 1861
Corporal Edward Newkirk, June 22, 1861
Musician Squire J. Brooke, June 22, 1861
Musician George E. Butrick, June 22, 1861
Wagoner, James L. Palmer, June 22, 1861


Thomas W. Acord, June 22, 1861
David L. Armstrong, June 22, 1861
Josiah Baily, June 22, 1861
Mivara Baird, June 22, 1861
Enos Beatty, June 22, 1861
David C. Brown, June 22, 1861
Frank Brown, June 22, 1861
James Bunker, June 22, 1861
Butterfield, George W. June 22, 1861
Magan Cannon, June 22, 1861
Peter Carey, June 22, 1861
John D. Channel June 22, 1861
Richard Conley, June 22, 1861
William Davis, June 22, 1861
William Debalt, June 22, 1861
Burton Donohue, June 22, 1861
Oren Dott, June 22, 1861
William Eddington, June 22, 1861
Thomas B. Evans, June 22, 1861
Edmond M. Duff, June 22, 1861
Van B. Garrison, June 22, 1861
Melvin Gates, June 22, 1861
Thomas Green, June 22, 1861
David Griffith, June 22, 1861
John Griffith, June 22, 1861
Jacob Hickey, June 22, 1861
Elias Hughes, June 22, 1861
Hezekiah Hughes, June 22, 1861
Joshua Hughes, June 22, 1861
Simon Hughes, June 22, 1861
William Hickey, June 22, 1861
William B. Hoagland, June 22, 1861
David H. Hollister, June 22, 1861
Charles Hotle, June 22, 1861
Jacob Houck, June 22, 1861
Wesley Houseman, June 22, 1861
Lot Hull, June 22, 1861
Elias Hughes, June 22, 1861
Hezekiah Hughes, June 22, 1861
Joshua Hughes, June 22, 1861
Simon Hughes, June 22, 1861
Leonidas H. Inscho, June 22, 1861
George W. Keeps, June 22, 1861
John Klein, June 22, 1861
John Latham, June 22, 1861
John Laughery, June 22, 1861
Charles H. Loveland, June 22, 1861
Ambrose, Lumbart, June 22, 1861
Robert McCrum, June 22, 1861
John McDanield, June 22, 1861
William McDanield, June 22, 1861
Jackson, McKinney, June 22, 1861
Daniel McNamarra, June 22, 1861
John C. McVicker, June 22, 1861
Benjamin D. Meredith, June 22, 1861
John Mertz, June 22, 1861
Henry J. Meyers, June 22, 1861
James Norton, June 22, 1861
Harvey Pence, June 22, 1861
George W. Phillips, June 22, 1861
Lafayette Pickard, June 22, 1861
Aaron Proctor, June 22, 1861
Clark Purdy, June 22, 1861
George F. Reif, June 22, 1861
Wesley Richards, June 22, 1861
Josephus Richardson, June 22, 1861q
Matthias Rigger, June 22, 1861
Charles A. Roberts, June 22, 1861
Aaron Sayre, June 22, 1861
Philip R. Setzer, June 22, 1861
Gaofrey Shaffner, June 22, 1861
Wesley V. Smith, June 22, 1861
William J. Smith, June 22, 1861
Martin Snitzer, June 22, 1861
Jones Swan, June 22, 1861
John Toft, June 22, 1861
William H. Turner, June 22, 1861
George C. Westbrook, June 22, 1861
Erasmus P. White June 22, 1861
Henry Wilson, June 22, 1861

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John Veach, June 22, 1861
Maurice Watkins, June 22, 1861
David Weaver, June 22, 1861


     Company D, of the Twenty-Second Ohio Infantry, was recruited in the western part of the county, by Captain Homer Thrall, and mustered into service Nov. 5, 1861.  It was assigned to a regiment raised for service in General Fremont's department in Missouri, adn was first designate as the Thirteenth Missouri infantry, although officered by Ohio men, and its ranks filled up mostly by enlistments from the Buckeye State.  However, on the seventh of July, 1862, the Secretary of War, recognizing the absurdity of designating the regiment by an erroneous title,  issued an order transferring the Thirteenth Missouri regiment to the State of Ohio, to be named the Twenty-second Ohio infantry.  On the twenty-sixth of January, 1862, the regiment was ordered to go to Cairo, Illinois, and report to Brigadier General Grant, then commanding that district.  At Cairo it was met by orders to proceed to Smithland, Kentucky, and report to Colonel Lanman, but on its arrival at Smithland orders came to make preparations to support a cavalry reconnoissance then in progress toward Fort Henry.  This was on the thirty-first of January.  After reaching Fort Henry it was found that General Grant was in possession of that fort, and was busily engaged in preparing for an attack on Fort Donelson.  The next move was to Clarksville, thence to Pittsburgh Landing, where the company arrived on the twentieth of March.  The battle of Shiloh was commenced on the sixth of April, 1862, and lasted two days, during which time the regiment lost in killed and wounded eighty-nine officers and men.  The battle of Shiloh was succeeded by the advance on Corinth, which ended about the twenty-sixth of May, 1862.
     On the third of October rebel generals Price and Van Dorn attempted to take Corinth, but were defeated by Major General Rosecrans, then commanding the national forces.  Nothing of importance occurred until the twenty-ninth of May, 1863, when the regiment was ordered to move to Memphis, and on arriving there found preparations being made to move towards Vicksburgh.
     On the first of June the regiment embarked on transports for Haines Bluff, on the Yazoo river.  In that place it was engaged in throwing up earthworks until July 16th, when orders were received to report at Helena, Arkansas.  General Steele was at this point organizing the army of the Arkansas.  The Twenty-second Ohio was made part of this organization, and left Helena for Little Rock on the thirteenth of August, 1863.  The company had remained in Little Rock a little over a month when orders were issued for the regiment to go to Brownsville, Arkansas, to assist in guarding the railroad between Little Rock and Duvall's Bluff.  Nearly one year was consumed in this duty, and  during this time nothing of importance took place, with the exception of occasional pursuits after guerillas.
     In February, 1864, one hundred and five officers and men of the regiment re-enlisted as veterans.
     On the twenty-sixth of October, 1864, the regiment received orders to go to Camp Dennison, Ohio, at which place, on the eighteenth of November, it was mustered out of service, completing its term of three months.
     The company had lost twenty men in battle and hospital during its term of service.


     This company was originally organized as Company D, Thirteenth Missouri regiment. - named Twenty-second Ohio by order of Secretary of War July 7, 1862.


Captain Homer Thrall, Sep. 3, 1861
1st Lieut. George W. Asher, Sep. 3, 1861
2nd Lieut. Albert G. Dinsmore, Sep. 3, 1861


1st Sergeant Edwin E. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1861
Sergeant Edward Wolcott, Sept. 3, 1861
Sergeant John Worrell, Sept. 3, 1861
Sergeant John Park, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal George F. Hughes, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal Reese W. Jones, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal David Davis, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal Albert Chadwick, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal George Spellman, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal Leroy S. Dibble, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal Edwin Wright, Sept. 3, 1861
Corporal Nathaniel F. Lemont, Sept. 3, 1861
Drummer Mirandu S. Dibble, Sept. 3, 1861

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Fifer, Charles V. Ward, Sept. 3, 1861
Wagoner, Benjamin F. Gardner, Sept. 3, 1861


William Browning, Sept. 3, 1861
John H. Baird, Sept. 3, 1861
Josiah Baird, Sept. 3, 1861
Elbridge Brown, Sept. 3, 1861
Joseph M. Brake, Sept. 3, 1861
Richard Briggs, Sept. 3, 1861
James S. Banner, Sept. 3, 1861
William Crane, Sept. 3, 1861
Andrew Cane, Sept. 3, 1861
George Coons, Sept. 3, 1861
Cornelius Carter, Sept. 3, 1861
Franklin Carrier, Sept. 3, 1861
John S. Davis, Sept. 3, 1861
Arthur Doughty, Sept. 3, 1861
Harvey Dewolf, Sept. 3, 1861
Joseph R. Dutton, Sept. 3, 1861
Henry Dague, Sept. 3, 1861
George W. Ephland, Sept. 3, 1861
Dwight Follett, Sept. 3, 1861
Jerome Flinn, Sept. 3, 1861
George W. Gardner, Sept. 3, 1861
Leonidas Gambol, Sept. 3, 1861
Ezra Glass, Sept. 3, 1861
George Holmes, Sept. 3, 1861
John Hewitt, Sept. 3, 1861
Reese Harris, Sept. 3, 1861
Ephraim H. Hancock, Sept. 3, 1861
James Hancock, Sept. 3, 1861
Jefferson Hanna, Sept. 3, 1861
Job Henthorn, Sept. 3, 1861
Enos Howell, Sept. 3, 1861
Adam Hissong, Sept. 3, 1861
John W. Johnston, Sept. 3, 1861
Charles E. Knapp, Sept. 3, 1861
Matthew Lyon, Sept. 3, 1861
Robert Morgan, Sept. 3, 1861
Perry A. Meyers, Sept. 3, 1861
Peter A. J. Moore, Sept. 3, 1861
Horace Monroe, Sept. 3, 1861
James Nechany, Sept. 3, 1861
Charles Nichols, Sept. 3, 1861
Abraham Osmun, Sept. 3, 1861
Hiram Partridge, Sept. 3, 1861
Theodore W. Pierce, Sept. 3, 1861
Joseph W. Pierson, Sept. 3, 1861
William P. Price, Sept. 3, 1861
Alonzo B. Palmer, Sept. 3, 1861
James H. Pritchard, Sept. 3, 1861
Edward Rose, Sept. 3, 1861
Richard Reese Sept. 3, 1861
George Remington, Sept. 3, 1861
Ebenezer Rice, Sept. 3, 1861
Lucius Robertson, Sept. 3, 1861
Elijah Ramey, Sept. 3, 1861
William H. Sandals, Sept. 3, 1861
William M. Sansford, Sept. 3, 1861
Reuben Sinnett, Sept. 3, 1861
Martin Slough, Sept. 3, 1861
Charles W. Smith, Sept. 3, 1861
William C. Smith, Sept. 3, 1861
Abraham Spellman, Sept. 3, 1861
George E. Spellman, Sept. 3, 1861
Lewis Spellman, Sept. 3, 1861
William Spellman, Sept. 3, 1861
Benjamin Strother, Sept. 3, 1861
James Struter, Sept. 3, 1861
John H. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1861
Daniel Ward, Sept. 3, 1861
Albert Wells, Sept. 3, 1861
Homer G. Wells, Sept. 3, 1861
George B. Whiting, Sept. 3, 1861
David H. Williams, Sept. 3, 1861
Robert Williams, Sept. 3, 1861
William Williams, Sept. 3, 1861
William H. Williams, Sept. 3, 1861
Samuel Youmans, Sept. 3, 1861
Dames Young, Sept. 3, 1861


     This company was recruited in the summer of 1861 by Captain Erwin Nichols, and was mustered into service in August.  George B. Upham, of Newark, was commissioned first lieutenant, and Jonathan Rees, of Newark, second lieutenant.  The first move was toward St. Louis, Missouri, near which city efforts were made to perfect the men in drill and discipline.
     In September the regiment moved, by steamer, to St. Charles, and thence to Mexico, Missouri.  Soon after this, orders were received to march to the relief of Colonel Mulligan, at Lexington.
     In October the company joined General Fremont, then moving on Springfield; but General Hunter appeared on the scene of action, so the regiment was ordered to Sedalia.
     In February, 1862, the regiment proceeded to St. Louis, where it arrived, after severe march on the twentieth, and the next day it moved down the river and landed at Commerce.
     In the organization of the army of the Mississippi, the Twenty-seventh was assigned to the First brigade, First division.
     In March the army moved upon New Madrid, the Twenty-seventh being in the advance.  After a successful battle, the regiment proceeded to Pittsburgh Landing, and moved on Corinth, forming the left of Halleck's army.  This was about the first of May 1862.
     Fuller's brigade, or as it was often called, the Ohio brigade, had occupied Iuka, but in Septem-

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ber was brought together at Corinth.  But they had scarcely reached Corinth when General Price attacked the small force left at Iuka, and took possession of the place.  The Ohio brigade was a part of the force sent to re-capture the town, which it reached on the nineteenth of September.  In a short time it returned to Corinth, and encamped near the town.  Van Dorn made a vigorous attack on the Ohio brigade, but was repulsed.  In this engagement the regiment lost about sixty men.  After returning to Corinth the regiment received two hundred recruits - a very timely addition, as the Twenty-seventh was much reduced in number.
     On the first of November, the Ohio brigade marched toward Grand Junction to join Grant's army, and with that army marched to Oxford, Mississippi.  The brigade was afterward ordered to Jackson, Tennessee, to assist in driving back the rebels.  After considerable marching, the brigade encountered Forrest at Parker's cross-roads, and took an active part in the engagement at that place.  The regiment was attached to General Dodge's command and moved eastward with him through Iuka and Tuscumbia valley.  The Ohio brigade was ordered to Memphis, and remained some time in that place performing garrison duty.  In October, 1863, the brigade left Memphis and moved to Iuka.  In the march from Iuka the Twenty-seventh was in the advance brigade, and moved from eighteen to twenty miles per day, and encamped at night a short distance in advance of the main column.  General Dodge finally halted at Pulaski, but the Ohio brigade marched about fifteen miles south of that place.  Here the troops were employed in building bridges and fortifications.  When this work was about completed, the Twenty-seventy re-enlisted as veterans and were furloughed to their homes.  Soon after their return to the field, the Ohio brigade marched against Decatur and captured it.  While at Decatur the Ohio brigade was discontinued, and the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-ninth Ohio, Sixty-fourth Illinois, and Eighteenth Missouri constituted the First brigade of the Fourth division, Sixteenth army corps.
     On the first of May, 1864, the Fourth division moved from Decatur and joined the main army at Chattanooga.
     The regiment was engaged with Hood's corps on the twenty-eighth of May, and lost heavily, both officers and men.  On the twenty-second of July, before Atlanta, the regiment fought one of its most severe battles.  Two miles southeast of Atlanta, near where they fell, rest the heroes of the Twenty-seventh who were killed upon that field.  In August the regiment was sent to Marietta, where it remained until the fall of Atlanta.  The regiment pursued Hood northward, and, after returning, marched with Sherman to the sea, skirmishing near Savannah with slight loss.
     At Cheraw, South Carolina, the Twenty-seventh was the first regiment to enter the town, skirmishing with the rebel cavalry.  The regiment then moved toward Washington, and in July, 1865, was ordered to Camp Dennison, when the members received their final payment and discharge.  Company C had lost ten men in the service, and many more were disabled by wounds received in battle.  Lieutenant George B. Upham died in Missouri early in the war, and his loss was deeply deplored by his comrades in arms as well as by many warm friends at home.  Captain Nichols was promoted to major and lieutenant colonel before the close of the war, adn Lieutenant Rees was promoted to a captaincy.  William E. Ells, of Newark, was promoted to first lieutenant and quartermaster of the regiment.



Captain Edwin Nichols, July 18, 1861
First Lieut. George B. Upham, July 18, 1861
Second Lieut. Albert R. Austin, July 18, 1861
First Sergeant John H. Cooper, July 18, 1861


Sergeant George W. Bixler, July 18, 1861
Sergeant James B. Sawyer, July 18, 1861
Sergeant Jonathan Rees, July 18, 1861
Sergeant Charles Chadwick, July 18, 1861
First Corporal John Ormsby, July 18, 1861
Corporal Isaac Zellers, July 18, 1861
Corporal Dennis V. Speer, July 18, 1861
Corporal Franklin D. Ewing, July 18, 1861
Corporal William H. Hamilton, July 18, 1861
Corporal Charles Dalrymple, July 18, 1861
Corporal Edward Jones, July 18, 1861
Corporal David L. Safford, July 18, 1861
Wagoner, Jacob Hagar, July 18, 1861


Jacob Anderson, July 18, 1861
George Abbott, July 18, 1861
Kimble Abbott, July 18, 1861

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Charles Alexander, July 18, 1861
William Bowman, July 18, 1861
Peter Breomlick, July 18, 1861
Alden Besse, July 18, 1861
James Browne, jr. July 18, 1861
Philip Barr, July 18, 1861
Alfred Conine, July 18, 1861
* John Chippie, July 18, 1861
Samuel H. Conine, July 18, 1861
Timothy Crane, July 18, 1861
James D. Coon, July 18, 1861
Dennis Dunehue, July 18, 1861
Milton Davis, July 18, 1861
Joseph Dodson, July 18, 1861
Evans Davis, July 18, 1861
John Dayle, July 18, 1861
William Drumm, July 18, 1861
William E. Ells, July 18, 1861
Samuel Ewing, July 18, 1861
Thomas C. Fry, July 18, 1861
John Fenopty, July 18, 1861
Silas Gibbony, July 18, 1861
Hiram Gilbert, July 18, 1861
Jessie B. Gordon, July 18, 1861
John L. Grasser, July 18, 1861
Robert P. Green, July 18, 1861
Joshua W. Griffith, July 18, 1861
Luther Hays, July 18, 1861
Thomas Health, July 18, 1861
N. S. Heislop, July 18, 1861
Solomon Henderlick, July 18, 1861
Benjamin W. Hill, July 18, 1861
Alfred Holt, July 18, 1861
James G. Ingman, July 18, 1861
Eugene Jenkins, July 18, 1861
Daniel Jones, July 18, 1861
Lewis King, July 18, 1861
Edward Laughery, July 18, 1861
Thomas C. Lee, July 18, 1861
John Lott, July 18, 1861
John G. Loughman, July 18, 1861
James McDaniel, July 18, 1861
Hugh McNulty, July 18, 1861
William McVicar, July 18, 1861
Robert G. Manner, July 18, 1861
Samuel Mauger, July 18, 1861
John Miller, July 18, 1861
Vincent Miller, July 18, 1861
Daniel Minor, July 18, 1861
James R. Mitchell, July 18, 1861
Samuel Murphy, July 18, 1861
John Nelson, July 18, 1861
John O'Connor, July 18, 1861
Thomas I. Owens, July 18, 1861
Stephen S. Parr, July 18, 1861
Henry Rhodes, July 18, 1861
John Sawyer, July 18, 1861
Peter Sayre, July 18, 1861
Joseph B. Scureman, July 18, 1861
Malender B. Steadman, July 18, 1861
Oscar Sheppard, July 18, 1861
Thomas Spellman, July 18, 1861
James Staples, July 18, 1861
Alexander D. Teagarden, July 18, 1861
Franklin P. Tharp, July 18, 1861
Daniel G. Thrall, July 18, 1861
John S. White, July 18, 1861
Henry Whorten, July 18, 1861
John Williams, July 18, 1861
Thomas Wiyiarch, July 18, 1861

* On muster in roll spelt Chippie; on muster out roll Chiffey.
On muster roll spelt Fenopty; on muster out roll Ferohy.
On muster in roll spelt Scureman; on muster out roll Secureman.


     This company was recruited in the summer of 1861, by Captain John H. Putnam.  On the twenty-seventh of September, with the regiment, it received marching orders and reported to Brigadier General O. M. Mitchell, at Cincinnati.  The regiment moved on to Camp Dick Robinson, Kentucky, Oct. 2d, and there went through with a regular course of drill, which rendered it more efficient.  The company remained here until the twelfth of December, when it moved to Somerset, and on the nineteenth of January, 1862, it marched to the assistance of General Thomas at the battle of Mill Springs, but, on account of bad roads, it arrived too late to take part in the engagement.  Here the regiment was assigned to the First brigade, First division, Army of the Ohio.  Preparations were made to follow the retreating rebels, but the plans were changed, and the troops moved to Louisville.  The regiment embarked on the steamer Magnolia, and proceeded down the Ohio and up the Cumberland, landing at Nashville.  Owing to the inconveniences to which the men were subjected, much sickness ensued, so that on disembarking less than one-half were fit for duty.  After a short rest, however, the health of the men improved greatly, and the regiment moved southward with Buell's army.  The regiment advanced with the army toward Corinth, and during the march was engaged frequently in skirmishes with the rebels,  After the evacuation of the city it marched in pursuit of the rebels about forty miles, and then returned and went into camp near Corinth.  On the twenty-second of June the regiment marched toward Iuka, and on the twenty-sixth continued the march toward Tuscumbia.  Here the fourth of July was celebrated.  The Declaration of Independence was read, and

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speeches were made by several of the officers.  The regiment was divided into detachments, and two companies were sent to DEcatur, and one company was sent to Trinity.  On the nineteenth the brigade marched for Huntsville by way of Decatur, arriving at the latter place on the twenty-second.  After the brigade had crossed the Tennessee river a messenger arrived with the information that the detachment at Trinity had been attacked by a large force of mounted rebels.  The rebels were repulsed, but one-half of the detachment was killed or wounded.  The regiment moved with the army of Huntsville, and thence to Decherd, Tennessee.  At the battle of Perryville the regiment was under fire, but was not actively engaged.  After the battle the march was continued to Nashville, and from this point the army moved toward Murfreesborough.  In the battle of Stone River the Thirty-first acquitted itself nobly. On the twenty-third of June, 1863, the regiment started on the Tullahoma campaign.  On the twenty-sixth it was engaged at Hoover's Gap, where, in connection with the Seventeenth Ohio, it carried a position defended by two rebel brigades.  The regiment took part in the battle at Chickamauga, and suffered severely.  The next engagement was at Brown's Ferry.  About this time the regiment re-enlisted and received a furlough for thirty days.  After returning to the field, with an increase in number, the regiment marched on the Atlanta campaign.  On the fourteenth of May, 1864, it was engaged in an assault upon the enemy's line in front of Resaca, and lost heavily.  After the fall of Atlanta the regiment marched in pursuit of Hood, but the chase was soon abandoned.  The Thirty-first moved with Sherman's army toward the sea, leaving Atlanta on the sixteenth of November.  Nothing of importance occurred until the works around Savannah were reached.  After the surrender of the city the regiment remained in camp until the twentieth of February, 1865, when it moved on the campaign of the Carolinas.  After this the regiment moved to Washington city and participated in the grand review.  It was then transferred to Louisville, Kentucky, where it was mustered out on the twentieth of July, 1865.
     Captain Putnam resigned on the first of February, 1863.  John H. McCune and Eli Wilkins of Newark, were promoted to captains and commanded the company during its most brilliant career.  Captain McCune was on staff duty most of the time and was eminently qualified for that branch of the service.  Samuel S. Southard, of Newark, was promoted to first lieutenant and served to the close of the war.  Anson B. White and Charles Babbitt, two Newark boys, also held commissions as second lieutenants.
     The company lost, during its term of service, thirty-one men in battle and hospital.




Capt. John H. Putnam, Sept. 14, 1861.
First Lieut. John H. McCune, Sept. 14, 1861.
Second Lieut. Edward Ewing, Sept. 14, 1864.


First Sergeant George W. Hall, Sept. 14, 1861
Sergeant Thomas J. Spencer, Sept. 14, 1861
Sergeant Frank Frazer, Sept. 14, 1861
Sergeant Frank Evans, Sept. 14, 1861
Sergeant Wesley H. Bell, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal William Carlisle, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal Benjamin Ditter, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal Lawrence Barrick Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal Samuel S. Southard, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal Jacob H. Alspaugh, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal William Mitchell, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal James Hughes, Sept. 14, 1861
Corporal Thomas Sessor, Sept. 14, 1861
Musician Charles C. Marsh, Sept. 14, 1861
Wagoner Thomas Ricketts, Sept. 14, 1861


John Alexandria Sept. 14, 1861
James R. Atcherly, Sept. 14, 1861
Judson Barstow, Sept. 14, 1861
Henry Bishop, Sept. 14, 1861
David Barrick, Sept. 14, 1861
Samuel V. Bell, Sept. 14, 1861
Leonidas F. Burch, Sept. 14, 1861
William Buchanan, Sept. 14, 1861
Homer C. Burch, Sept. 14, 1861
Henry Balthis, Sept. 14, 1861
P. V. Buskirk, Sept. 14, 1861
David H. Barger, Sept. 14, 1861
H. W. Conrad, Sept. 14, 1861
Cornelius F. Coursen, Sept. 15, 1861
Lewis Cooley, Sept. 15, 1861
John R. Dow, Sept. 14, 1861
Charles Dean Sept. 23, 1861
Bazil Dove, Sept. 14, 1861
John Dunlap, Sept. 22, 1861
Charles Darlington, Sept. 14, 1861
Ennis Dean, Sept. 17, 1861
Chris Elibrand, Sept. 14, 1861
Lerienus Frienur, Sept. 14, 1861

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Martin Franks Sept. 22, 1861
John Gassett, Sept. 14, 1861
Nathan P. Gillian, Sept. 14, 1861
Solomon Gearing, Sept. 14, 1861
Almon Hough, Sept. 14, 1861
Isaac W. Hull, Sept. 14, 1861
James H. Hardin, Sept. 14, 1861
James Harbaugh, Sept. 14, 1861
George Haight, Sept. 14, 1861
Thomas Holtsberry, Sept. 14, 1861
Philander R. Hand, Sept. 14, 1861
Spencer Holtsberry, Sept. 14, 1861
Alfonso Ingle, Sept. 22, 1861
John Jones, Sept. 14, 1861
John C. Jacobs, Sept. 14, 1861
Wesley Kindal, Sept. 14, 1861
James R. Kelley, Sept. 14, 1861
Edward Kitzmiller, Sept. 14, 1861
Cyrus W. Leggett, Sept. 14, 1861
Benjamin McFarlan, Sept. 14, 1861
Philip Morgan, Sept. 14, 1861
Isaac V. Milburn, Sept. 14, 1861
Ira M. Marsh, Sept. 14, 1861
Leroy C.McCracken, Sept. 14, 1861
John R. McArthur, Sept. 14, 1861
Hiram Mitchell, Sept. 14, 1861
Amos Miner, Sept. 22, 1861
Daniel Myers, Sept. 23, 1861
Perry Moats, Sept. 23, 1861
William V. Parkerson, Sept. 18, 1861
Luelyn Proctor, Sept. 14, 1861
Albert Robinson, Sept. 14, 1861
Samuel F. Stewart, Sept. 14, 1861
William Spense, Sept. 14, 1861
David Still, Sept. 22, 1861
John Strader, Sept. 23, 1861
Alson Thayer, Sept. 14, 1861
John Tegarden, Sept. 14, 1861
William Tuttle, Sept. 14, 1861
Jonathan Taylor, Sept. 20, 1861
William B. Thrall, Sept. 20, 1861
James Uffner, Sept. 14, 1861
William Vanosdale, Sept. 14, 1861
John W. Vanallen, Sept. 14, 1861
James Watson, Sept. 14, 1861
Eli Wilkins, Sept. 14, 1861
George Wharton, Sept. 14, 1861
Anson B. White, Sept. 18, 1861
Theodore Worthen, Sept. 23, 1861


     This company was recruited in the western part of the county, by Captain Philip A. Crow, and was mustered in with the regiment on the sixteenth of October, 1861.  It left Camp Chase for the field Feb. 18, 1862, and was attached to General Shermans division at Paducah, Kentucky.  The Forty-sixth was one of the advance regiments up the Tennessee to the famous battleground of Shiloh, and on that memorable day was posted near the Shiloh church.
     On Saturday, Apr. 5th, companies B and K were on picket.  During the night the enemy was feeling the Federal lines, and at daylight his columns were seen deploying in the distance.
     At sunrise a rebel cavalry officer rode up within thirty years of the picket line; checking his horse with apparent composure, inquired:  "Are these Union pickets?"  He was told they were, and ordered to halt, but turning his horse rode for the woods, when the unerring rifle of Sergeant Glenn sped a ball through the officer's brain.  Before the sun had set on that day Sergeant Glenn also lay stark and stiff on the bloody field.
     The Forty-sixth Ohio stood the impetuous charge of the rebel hosts on that bright Sunday morning, and met with a loss of two hundred and eighty killed and wounded.  The regiment remained upon the battle-field until the twenty-seventh of April, when it moved with the army upon Corinth.
     In November the regiment started on a campaign through the interior of Mississippi, under General Grant.
     In June, 1863, and Forty-sixth participated in the siege of Vicksburgh.  On the fourth of July, after the surrender, the regiment moved toward Jackson, and in the evening halted in the vicinity of Big Black river.
     Companies E and K were ordered forward to the ford at Birdsong's ferry, but they had been there only a short time when it was discovered that the enemy was on the opposite bank.
     After several days fighting, the enemy was forced to evacuate the city, and the regiment returned to Big Black and went into camp.
     On the tenth of October, the regiment, with the Fifteenth corps, under General Sherman, embarked for Memphis, and from there it marched to the relief of Chattanooga.
     At the battle of Mission Ridge the regiment was engaged, with a heavy loss in killed and wounded.  Immediately after this battle the regiment moved on the Knoxville campaign, and then went into the winter quarters at Scottsborough, Alabama.
     On the first of May, 1864, the regiment moved in the direction of Chattnooga, and thence to

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Resaca, where it was actively engaged for three days, but with slight loss.  The regiment then moved on to Dallas.  On the twenty-seventy of May the rebels made an attack on our forces, but were repulsed.  In the battle of New Hope Church, which occurred about the first of June, the Forth-sixth formed a conspicuous part, the enemy being defeated.  On the ninth of June, the brigade accompanied General Garrard's cavalry to the vicinity of Kenesaw, at which place severe skirmishing was engaged in, with considerable loss on both sides.  The regiment arrived in the vicinity of Atlanta on the evening of the twentieth, and at that place was engaged in skirmishing until the twenty-second.  At Ezra church the regiment was again engaged.  On the third of August the brigade took up an advanced position, and the Forty-sixth, with details from other regiments, was ordered to drive in or to capture the enemy's outposts.  The contest was severe, but it resulted in the capture of about one hundred prisoners.  From this time the regiment was constantly engaged in fighting until the twenty-sixth, when it took part in Sherman's flank movement to Jonesborough.  On the second of September, the regiment was again engaged, and captured the enemy's fortified skirmish line.  The regiment followed Hardee's retreating army and halted near Lovejoy's station.  A hand-to-hand conflict followed, but finally the enemy was forced to retire, and the Forty-sixth captured about fifty prisoners.  The regiment participated in the campaign against Hood in Georgia and Alabama, and returned to Atlanta on the fifth of November.  It next proceeded to Savannah.  Nothing extraordinary occurred until in the vicinity of Griswoldsville, when the briade was ordered to move toward Macon.  The advance soon came upon General Kilpatrick, who was engaging Wheeler's cavalry.  An infantry skirmish line soon dispersed the cavalry and the brigade moved on.  On the tenth of January, 1865, the regiment embarked on a steamer for Beaufort, South Carolina.  On the twenty-seventh, it marched to Bentonville, thence to Raleigh, when the news of the surrender of Lee's army was received, and shortly after, at the same point, General Johnston surrendered to General Sherman.  The regiment then proceeded to Louisville, Kentucky, where it was paid off and mustered out on the twenty-second of July, 1865.
     This regiment was famous for its fighting qualities during the war, and under the leadership of the gallant Colonel Walcutt made a record, during its term of service, that will adorn the brightest pages of history.  Captain Crow resigned early in the war, and the company was commanded by other officers during its active service.
     The records show a loss of killed among the Licking volunteers in this company of four men, but the loss must have been greater, considering the many engagements in which it participated.



Captain Philip A. Crow, Sept. 28, 1861
First Lieut. Charles E. Taylor, Oct. 30, 1861
Second Lieut. Hiram B. Wilson, Oct. 12, 1861.


First Sergeant, David Stewart, Oct. 23, 1861.
Sergeant Harlow G. Johnston, Nov. 11, 1861
Sergeant John B. Phinney, Nov. 20, 1861
Sergeant Jasper Smith, Oct. 30, 1861
Sergeant James A. Newcomb, Oct. 21, 1861
Corporal Thomas Tansy, Oct. 12, 1861
Corporal William J. Gain, Oct. 12, 1861
Corporal John E. Evans, Dec. 18, 1861
Corporal William W. Miller, Dec. 11, 1861
Corporal Alexander Mullen, Dec. 3, 1861
Corporal Addison Blain, Nov. 1, 1861
Corporal Caleb Fish, Oct. 21, 1861
Corporal David Rodenbarger, Oct. 12, 1861
Musician Thomas Pugh, Oct. 12, 1861
Musician Jacob Kissel, Dec. 21, 1861.
Wagoner, Jefferson Learn, Oct. 12, 1861.


Lewis Bowman, Oct. 12, 1861
John W. Burton, Oct. 21, 1861
Edward Buckley, Nov. 17, 1861.
John Besse, Dec. 11, 1861
Josiah Betheord, Dec. 29, 1861
E. Van R. Colton, Oct. 7, 1861
Charles Chamberlain, Oct. 12, 1861
James Clawson, Oct. 28, 1861
David Cain, Nov. 8, 1861
Joseph Campbell, Oct. 12, 1861
Waldo F. Davis, Oct. 12, 1861
Milton Dixon, Nov. 1, 1861
Franklin Flinn, Oct. 12, 1861
HEenan Fish, Oct. 12, 1861
Henry Farnam, Oct. 12, 1861
Joshua Gain, Oct. 12, 1861
Isaac Golden, Oct. 12, 1861
William Hutson, Nov. 15, 1861
John Herrore, Dec. 27, 1861
Lamer B. Jones, Dec. 9, 1861
Thomas Jamieson, Nov. 1, 1861
Moses Johnson, Oct. 22, 1861
John King, Oct. 12, 1861
Rufus Ketner, Nov. 13, 1861
John Lepps, Oct. 2, 1861
Peter McKiever, Oct. 12, 1861
William Maloy Oct. 12, 1861
John A. Moore, Oct. 12, 1861
John Moore, Oct. 12, 1861
Asa McCammack, Oct. 12, 1861
Dallas Merchant, Oct. 18, 1861
Bruce Murry, Oct. 3o, 1861
Joseph Mullen, Oct. 21, 1861
Martin Van B. Mullen, Oct. 21, 1861
Oliver Mullen, Oct. 2, 1861
Levi Millington, Oct. 19, 1861
Otis Millington, Oct. 13, 1861
Samuel J. Miller, Oct. 17, 1861
Christian May, Oct. 15, 1861
Albert Pugh, Oct. 12, 1861
William H. Patterson, Oct. 12, 1861
John G. Paul, Oct. 30, 1861
William Perry, Dec. 27, 1861
Samuel Rees, Oct. 12, 1861
David Riley, Oct. 12, 1861
George W. Stiner, Oct. 12, 1861
Richard Spindler, Oct. 12, 1861
Joseph Smith, Oct. 12, 1861
Albert Smith, Nov. 19, 1861
Joseph R. Smith Dec. 13, 1861
Philip Sutton, Oct. 22, 1861
William Skates, Nov. 25, 1861
William Sherman, Oct. 2, 1861
Uray Thomas, Nov. 21, 1861
Daniel Van Tassel, Oct. 21, 1861
William Whaland, Oct. 23, 1861.
Theodore Woodruff, Dec. 5, 1861
Joseph Wright, Oct. 2, 1861
Levi Wagoner, Dec. 13, 1861

The following were transferred from this company to company K, January 3, 1862:

John S. Atwater, Oct. 2, 1861
John S. Bennett, Nov. 26, 1861
Chester Bethard, Dec. 9, 1861
Hezeriah Corbin, Dec. 18, 1861
Thomas Davis, Nov. 8, 1861
James H. Fairman, Oct. 2, 1861
David M. Pence, Oct. 14, 1861
Thomas J. Rice, Oct. 18, 1861



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